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What does it mean to accept defeat arguments gracefully. Arguments for an Unified State Exam essay on the topic: Victory and defeat. Decent behavior of book characters

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Final essay.

Thematic direction

"Revenge and generosity."

Prepared by: Shevchuk A.P.,

teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU "Secondary School No. 1"

Bratsk, Irkutsk region.

Within the framework of this direction, one can talk about diametrically opposed manifestations of human nature associated with ideas about good and evil, mercy and cruelty, peacefulness and aggression. The concepts of “revenge” and “magnanimity” are often the focus of attention of writers who study human reactions to life’s challenges, to the actions of other people, and analyze the behavior of heroes in a situation moral choice both personally and socio-historically.

“Revenge and generosity” in literature: list of works

1. V.V. Bykov: “Sotnikov”, “Crane Cry”;

2. L.N. Tolstoy, “War and Peace”;

3. A.S. Pushkin, " Captain's daughter»;

4. B.L. Vasiliev, “And the dawns here are quiet...”;

5. V.P. Aksyonov, “Moscow Saga”;

6. F.M. Dostoevsky, “Crime and Punishment”;

7. M.A. Sholokhov: " Quiet Don", "The Fate of Man";

8. V.M. Garshin, “Coward”;

9. A.T. Tvardovsky, “Vasily Terkin”;

10. J. Rowling, “Harry Potter.”

An approximate list of topics for the final essay in the 2018/2019 academic year in the official direction from FIPI - “Revenge and generosity.”

We remind you that this sample topics! The exact list of topics will be known 15 minutes before the start of the final essay.

What is revenge?

How do you understand the phrase: “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”?

Why does a person need to remain generous to our smaller brothers?

What is generosity?

Is it possible to take revenge on the enemy?

Can revenge be justified?

What is "blood feud"?

How is generosity different from nobility?

How to convince a person to give up revenge?

How is generosity different from kindness?

How to teach the younger generation to be generous?

What does it mean to survive defeat with dignity?

Does a person's strength or weakness manifest itself in generosity?

  • How do you understand the quote from the poem by A.S. Pushkin
  • “Monument” - “called for mercy for the fallen”?

  • Why does a person sometimes have to choose between
  • revenge and generosity?

    Can a vengeful person be happy?

Arguments in the direction of "Revenge and generosity"

L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

The ability to forgive in time can help maintain friendly relationships. Not everyone can overcome feelings of aggression and anger; admit that they were wrong, they were wrong. Prince Andrei Bolkonsky still could not forgive Natasha Rostova. Her choice was a mistake; he could not cope with his selfishness. Having learned about Natasha's betrayal, Bolkonsky told Bezukhov that a falling woman cannot be forgiven. But after a while, although not immediately, he nevertheless forgave his beloved.

War and Peace

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Andrei Bolkonsky shows nobility and generosity not only externally, which was characteristic of representatives of his society, but also internally. When he sees his enemy Anatoly Kuragin without a leg, there is no longer hatred and malice in him. He was able to forgive him and forget past grievances

A. Dumas "The Count of Monte Cristo"

The problem of revenge is clearly reflected in the novel French writer Alexandre Dumas "The Count of Monte Cristo". The main character, sailor Edmond Dantes, as a result of a false denunciation, is imprisoned for life in the castle of Yves. There the young man meets Abbot Faria, a fellow prisoner. Everyone around is saying that the abbot is crazy, but he is a brilliant scientist who revealed to Dantes the reason for his imprisonment and who is to blame for it. From now on, Dantes gives his word to take revenge on his offenders and keeps his oath. He would later become a rich and influential man, the Count of Monte Cristo.

A. S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

One of the heroes of the story, Pugachev, shows generosity. He is noticeable in his interactions with Pyotr Grinev. Pugachev did not forget the good done to him. Thanks to this, the young man survived. Pugachev acted nobly when he released Masha Mironova, although he might not have saved the girl, she was the daughter of the commandant of the fortress. Grinev appreciated human qualities Pugachev, he even felt sorry that he would be executed.

(1) I don’t even remember what that book was called. (2) I only remember that on the brown cover there was a red pennant of some sailing ship in a long zigzag. (3) I didn’t particularly like to read, but I gladly gave books from our home library to my classmates. (4) Petka Solodkov pulled it out of his briefcase and put it on the table. (5) We stood at the window and looked at the gloomy October sky, from which rare snow fell like fluff.

(6) - Sanya, thanks for the book! (7) I read all night today: I couldn’t put it down! - Petka said smiling admiringly and shook my hand.

(8) At this time, my neighbor on the desk, Kolka Babushkin, entered the class. (9) Nosy, lanky, awkward... (10) He had no father. (11) He and his little sister were raised by their mother, a hysterical, loud woman who kept coming to school to deal with the offenders of her children. (12) But such intercession only strengthened our contemptuous and arrogant attitude towards her pitiful offspring.

(13) Seeing Babushkin, everyone fell sternly silent, and when he nodded his head, smiling, and greeted us, no one even looked at him. (14) He put the chewed leatherette briefcase on the table and suddenly saw a book. (15) She was lying on his half of the desk. (16) Grandma froze and reverently, like a shrine, took it in his hands.

(17) - Sanya, look! - Petka pushed me. (18) I opened my mouth in indignation. (19) Grandma leafed through the book, and a strange, enthusiastic smile appeared on his face.

(20) He looked at us and suddenly said: “Thank you for the gift!”

(21) - Put the book in its place and don’t touch someone else’s! - Coming out of my stupor, I growled. (22) Grandma shuddered in fear and dropped the book. (23) Everyone laughed. (24) And he, ready

out of shame to fall through the ground, he blushed deeply, hastily picked it up and, stroking the cover, moved it away from him, as if apologizing for daring to touch it.

(25) - It’s just my birthday today, and I thought that...

(26) Thirty years have passed since then. (27) When I look back and see how many misfortunes and troubles surround us, for some reason I think that everything is to blame not for some historical patterns, not for some higher power, and that incident with the book when I accidentally destroyed a huge house human faith when I hurt someone else and didn’t find the courage to correct the mistake. (28) And our life took a different road, where everyone is hurt and lonely, where there are no those who can raise the fallen.

(29) And this book... (30) Kolek, I would give you the entire library! (31) Yes, we would give everything to you...

(32) But he only burned down in a tank near Kandahar, in Afghanistan, when I was in my second year at university. (33) Pain has become my inseparable companion, it looks at me through the eyes of a lanky eighth-grader and patiently reminds me: human life is short, you may not have time, so never regret what you can give, and never take away what is asked of you.

(According to V. Droganov

The problem of generosity, kindness, respect for people

How often we turn out to be callous, tactless people and how often we later regret it, but we can’t fix anything! V. Droganov in his text describes a situation where people showed cruelty and rudeness towards their comrade, who did nothing to deserve it. The author raises the problem of generosity and respect for people.

The writer draws our attention to this problem by recalling an episode from his hero’s childhood. As often happens in school groups, in the described class there is a student who is offended by everyone: the awkward and quiet Kolya Babushkin. The narrator brought the book to his friend Petka and put it on Kolya’s desk. Kolya took the book in his hands, looking at it with joy and admiration. A rude shout made him drop the book. The author emphasizes the cruel attitude towards the boy: “Everyone laughed. And he, ready to fall through the ground in shame, blushed deeply, hastily picked it up and, stroking the cover, moved it away from him, as if apologizing for daring to touch it.” But it was Kolya’s birthday, and he thought that the book was a gift for him.

It seemed that this episode should have disappeared from the memory of the hero of the story, but conscience still appeared in him, however, many years later, when the narrator learned that Kolya died in Afghanistan, burned in a tank. Now he would be glad to give him any book, but Kolya is not there. This episode from childhood forces the author and us together with him to reflect on the relationships between people, on how often intolerance and cruelty are manifested, which are then so bitterly regretted!

I agree with the author of the story, because there are often situations when people could be more generous, responsive, and humane. And having committed an ugly act, a person subsequently realizes his guilt, but can no longer correct anything. And this should be a lesson for him for the future.

We can see a similar situation in V. Zheleznikov’s story “Scarecrow”. The whole class begins to harass Lena Bessoltseva. Children show unheard of cruelty towards her. As a result, the girl and her grandfather are forced to leave hometown. Probably, some of Lena's classmates will regret their actions in the future.

Crime and Punishment

Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Nobility, generosity is a quality that can be possessed not only by an absolutely decent person, but sometimes even by a real scoundrel. Svidrigailov has committed many nasty things, but is capable of sympathy and help for the orphans of Katerina Ivanovna and Raskolnikov.

Crime and Punishment

Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Some people twist the meaning of nobility in ways that benefit them. Luzhin considers it nobility and generosity to marry the dowryless Duna, but even before the wedding he knows that he will constantly remind her of his “charity.”

Crime and Punishment

Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

History knows many examples when the biggest villains at unexpected moments do noble deeds. Raskolnikov did not greatly respect the Marmeladov family, which, according to his theory, belonged to the category of slaves, but he sincerely sympathized with their poverty and performed at least insignificant but noble deeds for them.

Official comment:
The direction allows you to think about victory and defeat in different aspects: socio-historical, moral and philosophical,
psychological. Reasoning can be associated both with external conflict events in the life of a person, country, world, and with a person’s internal struggle with himself, its causes and results.

IN literary works the ambiguity and relativity of the concepts of “victory” and “defeat” are often shown in different historical conditions and life situations.

Aphorisms and sayings famous people:
Greatest Victory- victory over oneself.
The possibility that we may be defeated in battle should not stop us from fighting for a cause that we believe is just.
Man was not created to suffer defeat... Man can be destroyed, but he cannot be defeated.
E. Hemingway
Be proud only of the victories you have won over yourself.

Socio-historical aspect
Here we will talk about external conflict social groups, states, about military actions and political struggle.
Peru A. de Saint-Exupéry comes up with a paradoxical, at first glance, statement: “Victory weakens the people - defeat awakens new forces in them...”. We find confirmation of the correctness of this idea in Russian literature.
"The Tale of Igor's Campaign" - famous monument literature Ancient Rus'. The plot is based on the unsuccessful campaign of the Russian princes against the Polovtsians, organized by the Novgorod-Seversk prince Igor Svyatoslavich in 1185. main idea- the idea of ​​the unity of the Russian land. Princely civil strife, weakening the Russian land and leading to the ruin of its enemies, makes the author bitterly sadden and lament; victory over his enemies fills his soul with ardent delight. However, this work is about defeat, not victory. ancient Russian literature, because it is defeat that contributes to rethinking previous behavior and gaining a new view of the world and oneself. That is, defeat stimulates Russian soldiers to victories and exploits.
The author of the Lay addresses all the Russian princes in turn, as if calling them to account and demandingly reminding them of their duty to their homeland. He calls on them to defend the Russian land, to “block the gates of the field” with their sharp arrows. And therefore, although the author writes about defeat, there is not a shadow of despondency in the Lay. The “Word” is as laconic and terse as Igor’s addresses to his squad. This is the call before battle. The whole poem seems to be addressed to the future, permeated with concern for this future. A poem about victory would be a poem of triumph and joy. Victory is the end of the battle, but defeat for the author of the Lay is only the beginning of the battle. The battle with the steppe enemy is not over yet. Defeat should unite the Russians. The author of the Lay does not call for a feast of triumph, but for a feast of battle. D.S. writes about this in the article “The Tale of the Campaign of Igor Svyatoslavich.” Likhachev.
The “Lay” ends joyfully - with Igor’s return to the Russian land and the singing of his glory upon entering Kiev. So, despite the fact that the Lay is dedicated to the defeat of Igor, it is full of confidence in the power of the Russians, full of faith in the glorious future of the Russian land, in victory over the enemy.
The history of mankind consists of victories and defeats in wars. In the novel "War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy describes the participation of Russia and Austria in the war against Napoleon. Drawing the events of 1805-1807, Tolstoy shows that this war was imposed on the people. Russian soldiers, being far from their homeland, do not understand the purpose of this war and do not want to waste their lives senselessly. Kutuzov understands better than many that this campaign is unnecessary for Russia. He sees the indifference of the allies, the desire of Austria to fight with the wrong hands. Kutuzov protects his troops in every possible way and delays their advance to the borders of France. This is explained not by distrust of the military skill and heroism of the Russians, but by the desire to protect them from senseless slaughter. When the battle turned out to be inevitable, the Russian soldiers showed their always readiness to help the allies and take the main blow. For example, a detachment of four thousand under the command of Bagration near the village of Shengraben held back the onslaught of an enemy “eight times” outnumbered. This made it possible for the main forces to advance. The unit of officer Timokhin showed miracles of heroism. It not only did not retreat, but struck back, which saved the flanking units of the army. The real hero of the Battle of Shengraben turned out to be the courageous, decisive, but modest captain Tushin before his superiors. So, thanks in large part to Russian troops The battle of Schöngraben was won, and this gave strength and inspiration to the sovereigns of Russia and Austria. Blinded by victories, occupied mainly with narcissism, holding military parades and balls, these two men led their armies to defeat at Austerlitz. So it turned out that one of the reasons for the defeat of the Russian troops under the skies of Austerlitz was the victory at Schöngraben, which did not allow an objective assessment of the balance of forces.
The entire senselessness of the campaign is shown by the writer in the preparation of the top generals for the battle of Austerlitz. So, the military council before Battle of Austerlitz resembles not advice, but an exhibition of vanities, all disputes were conducted not with the goal of achieving a better and correct solution, but, as Tolstoy writes, “... it was obvious that the goal... of the objections was primarily the desire to make General Weyrother feel so self-confidently , as to schoolchildren who read his disposition, that he was dealing not only with fools, but with people who could teach him in military affairs.”
But still main reason we see the victories and defeats of the Russian troops in the confrontation with Napoleon when comparing Austerlitz and Borodin. Speaking with Pierre about the upcoming Battle of Borodino, Andrei Bolkonsky recalls the reason for the defeat at Austerlitz: “The battle is won by the one who firmly decided to win it. Why did we lose the battle at Austerlitz?.. We told ourselves very early that we lost the battle - and we lost ". And we said this because we had no need to fight: we wanted to leave the battlefield as quickly as possible. “We lost, so run!” So ​​we ran. If we had not said this before the evening, God knows what would have happened. And tomorrow We won't say that." L. Tolstoy shows a significant difference between the two campaigns: 1805-1807 and 1812. The fate of Russia was decided on the Borodino field. Here the Russian people had no desire to save themselves, no indifference to what was happening. Here, as Lermontov said, “we promised to die, and we kept the oath of allegiance in the Battle of Borodino.”
Another opportunity to speculate on how victory in one battle can turn into defeat in a war is provided by the outcome of the Battle of Borodino, in which Russian troops gain a moral victory over the French. The moral defeat of Napoleon's troops near Moscow was the beginning of the defeat of his army.
The Civil War turned out to be such a significant event in the history of Russia that it could not help but be reflected in fiction. The basis for graduates’ reasoning can be “Don Stories”, “Quiet Don” M.A. Sholokhov.
When one country goes to war with another, terrible events occur: hatred and the desire to defend themselves forces people to kill their own kind, women and the elderly are left alone, children grow up orphans, cultural and material values, cities are being destroyed. But the warring parties have a goal - to defeat the enemy at any cost. And any war has a result - victory or defeat. Victory is sweet and immediately justifies all losses, defeat is tragic and sad, but it is the starting point for some other life. But "in civil war every victory is defeat" (Lucian).
Life story central character epic novel by M. Sholokhov “Quiet Don” by Grigory Melekhov, which reflected the dramatic nature of destinies Don Cossacks, confirms this idea. War cripples from the inside and destroys all the most precious things that people have. It forces the heroes to take a fresh look at the problems of duty and justice, to look for the truth and not find it in any of the warring camps. Once among the Reds, Gregory sees the same cruelty, intransigence, and thirst for the blood of his enemies as the Whites. Melekhov rushes between the two warring sides. Everywhere he encounters violence and cruelty, which he cannot accept, and therefore cannot take one side. The result is logical: “Like a steppe scorched by fires, Gregory’s life became black...”.

Moral, philosophical and psychological aspects
Victory is not only about success in battle. To win, according to the dictionary of synonyms, is to overcome, overcome, overcome. And often not so much the enemy as yourself. Let us consider a number of works from this point of view.
A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit". The conflict of the play represents the unity of two principles: public and personal. Being an honest, noble, progressive-minded, freedom-loving person, main character Chatsky opposes Famus society. He condemns the inhumanity of serfdom, recalling “Nestor of the noble scoundrels,” who exchanged his faithful servants for three greyhounds; he is disgusted by the lack of freedom of thought in noble society: “And who in Moscow was not silenced at lunches, dinners and dances?” He does not recognize veneration and sycophancy: “For those who need it, they are arrogant, they lie in the dust, and for those who are higher, they wove flattery like lace.” Chatsky is full of sincere patriotism: “Will we ever be resurrected from the foreign power of fashion? So that our smart, cheerful people, even by language, do not consider us to be Germans.” He strives to serve the “cause” and not individuals; he “would be glad to serve, but it’s sickening to be served.” Society is offended and, in defense, declares Chatsky crazy. His drama is aggravated by a feeling of ardent but unrequited love for Famusov’s daughter Sophia. Chatsky makes no attempt to understand Sophia; it is difficult for him to understand why Sophia does not love him, because his love for her speeds up “every beat of his heart,” although “to him the whole world seemed like dust and vanity.” Chatsky can be justified by his blindness by passion: his “mind and heart are not in harmony.” Psychological conflict turns into a social conflict. Society unanimously comes to the conclusion: “crazy in everything...”. Society is not afraid of a madman. Chatsky decides to “search the world where there is a corner for an offended feeling.”
I.A. Goncharov assessed the ending of the play this way: “Chatsky is broken by the amount of old power, inflicting it in turn death blow quality of new power." Chatsky does not give up his ideals, he only frees himself from illusions. Chatsky’s stay in Famusov’s house shook the inviolability of foundations Famusov society. Sophia says: “I’m ashamed of myself, the walls!”
Therefore, Chatsky’s defeat is only a temporary defeat and only his personal drama. On a social scale, “the victory of the Chatskys is inevitable.” The “past century” will be replaced by the “present century”, and the views of the hero of Griboyedov’s comedy will win.
A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm". Graduates may ponder the question of whether Katherine's death is a victory or a defeat. It is difficult to give a definite answer to this question. Too many reasons led to the terrible ending. The playwright sees the tragedy of Katerina’s situation in the fact that she comes into conflict not only with Kalinov’s family morals, but also with herself. The straightforwardness of Ostrovsky's heroine is one of the sources of her tragedy. Katerina is pure in soul - lies and debauchery are alien and disgusting to her. She understands that, having fallen in love with Boris, she violated moral law. “Oh, Varya,” she complains, “sin is on my mind! How much I, poor thing, cried, no matter what I did to myself! I can't escape this sin. Can't go anywhere. After all, this is not good, this is a terrible sin, Varenka, why do I love someone else?” Throughout the play there is a painful struggle in Katerina’s consciousness between the understanding of her wrongness, her sinfulness and the vague, but increasingly powerful feeling of her right to human life. But the play ends with Katerina’s moral victory over the dark forces that torment her. She atones for her guilt immensely, and escapes from captivity and humiliation through the only path that was revealed to her. Her decision to die, rather than remain a slave, expresses, according to Dobrolyubov, “the need of the emerging movement of Russian life.” And this decision comes to Katerina along with internal self-justification. She dies because she considers death the only worthy outcome, the only opportunity to preserve that highest thing that lived in her. The idea that Katerina’s death is in fact a moral victory, a triumph of the real Russian soul over the forces of the “dark kingdom” of the Dikikhs and Kabanovs, is also strengthened by the reaction to her death of the other characters in the play. For example, Tikhon, Katerina’s husband, for the first time in his life expressed his own opinion, for the first time decided to protest against the stifling foundations of his family, entering (even if only for a moment) into the fight against “ dark kingdom" “You ruined her, you, you...” he exclaims, turning to his mother, before whom he trembled all his life.
I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". The writer shows in his novel the struggle between the worldviews of two political directions. The plot of the novel is based on the contrast between the views of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and Evgeny Bazarov, who are prominent representatives two generations who cannot find mutual understanding. Disagreements on various issues have always existed between youth and elders. Same here, representative. younger generation Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov cannot, and does not want to understand the “fathers”, their life credo, principles. He is convinced that their views on the world, on life, on relationships between people are hopelessly outdated. “Yes, I will spoil them... After all, this is all pride, lionish habits, foppishness...” In his opinion, the main purpose of life is to work, to produce something material. That is why Bazarov disrespects art and sciences that do not have a practical basis. He believes that it is much more useful to deny what, from his point of view, deserves denial, than to watch indifferently from the outside, not daring to do anything. “At the present time, the most useful thing is denial - we deny,” says Bazarov. And Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov is sure that there are things that cannot be doubted (“Aristocracy... liberalism, progress, principles... art..."). He values ​​habits and traditions more and does not want to notice the changes taking place in society.
Bazarov is a tragic figure. It cannot be said that he defeats Kirsanov in an argument. Even when Pavel Petrovich is ready to admit defeat, Bazarov suddenly loses faith in his teaching and doubts his personal need for society. “Does Russia need me? No, apparently I don’t,” he reflects.
Of course, most of all a person manifests himself not in conversations, but in deeds and in his life. Therefore, Turgenev seems to lead his heroes through various trials. And the strongest of them is the test of love. After all, it is in love that a person’s soul reveals itself fully and sincerely.
And here it's hot and passionate nature Bazarova swept away all his theories. He fell in love with a woman whom he valued highly. “In conversations with Anna Sergeevna, he expressed his indifferent contempt for everything romantic even more than before, and when left alone, he was indignantly aware of the romanticism in himself.” The hero is experiencing severe mental discord. “... Something... took possession of him, which he never allowed, which he always mocked, which outraged all his pride.” Anna Sergeevna Odintsova rejected him. But Bazarov found the strength to accept defeat with honor, without losing his dignity.
So, did the nihilist Bazarov win or lose? It seems that Bazarov is defeated in the test of love. Firstly, his feelings and he himself are rejected. Secondly, he falls into the power of aspects of life that he himself denies, loses ground under his feet, and begins to doubt his views on life. His life position turns out to be a pose in which, however, he sincerely believed. Bazarov begins to lose the meaning of life, and soon loses life itself. But this is also a victory: love forced Bazarov to look at himself and the world differently, he begins to understand that in no way does life want to fit into a nihilistic scheme.
And Anna Sergeevna formally remains among the winners. She was able to cope with her feelings, which strengthened her self-confidence. In the future, she will find a good home for her sister, and she herself will marry successfully. But will she be happy?
F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". Crime and Punishment is an ideological novel in which inhuman theory collides with human feelings. Dostoevsky, a great expert on human psychology, a sensitive and attentive artist, tried to understand modern reality, to determine the extent of the influence of the ideas of revolutionary reorganization of life and individualistic theories that were popular at that time on a person. Entering into polemics with democrats and socialists, the writer sought to show in his novel how the delusion of fragile minds leads to murder, shedding of blood, maiming and breaking young lives.
Raskolnikov's ideas were generated by abnormal, humiliating living conditions. In addition, the post-reform disruption destroyed the centuries-old foundations of society, depriving human individuality of connection with the long-standing cultural traditions of society, historical memory. Raskolnikov sees a violation of universal human rights at every step. moral standards. It is impossible to feed a family with honest work, so the petty official Marmeladov finally becomes an alcoholic, and his daughter Sonechka is forced to sell herself, because otherwise her family will die of starvation. If unbearable living conditions push a person to violate moral principles, then these principles are nonsense, that is, they can be ignored. Raskolnikov comes to approximately this conclusion when a theory is born in his fevered brain, according to which he divides all of humanity into two unequal parts. On the one hand, this strong personalities, “super-humans” like Mohammed and Napoleon, and on the other hand, a gray, faceless and submissive crowd, which the hero rewards with contemptuous names - “trembling creature” and “anthill”.
The correctness of any theory must be confirmed by practice. And Rodion Raskolnikov conceives and carries out a murder, removing the moral prohibition from himself. His life after the murder turns into real hell. A painful suspicion develops in Rodion, which gradually turns into a feeling of loneliness and isolation from everyone. The writer finds a surprisingly accurate expression characterizing internal state Raskolnikov: it was “as if he had cut himself off from everyone and everything with scissors.” The hero is disappointed in himself, believing that he did not pass the test of being a ruler, which means, alas, he belongs to the “trembling creatures.”
Surprisingly, Raskolnikov himself would not want to be the winner now. After all, to win means to die morally, to remain with your spiritual chaos forever, to lose faith in people, yourself and life. Raskolnikov's defeat became his victory - a victory over himself, over his theory, over the Devil, who took possession of his soul, but failed to forever displace God in it.
M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita". This novel is too complex and multifaceted; the writer touched on many topics and problems in it. One of them is the problem of the struggle between good and evil. In The Master and Margarita, the two main forces of good and evil, which, according to Bulgakov, should be in balance on Earth, are embodied in the images of Yeshua Ha-Notsri from Yershalaim and Woland - Satan in human form. Apparently, Bulgakov, in order to show that good and evil exist outside of time and that people have lived according to their laws for thousands of years, placed Yeshua at the beginning of modern times, in the fictional masterpiece of the Master, and Woland, as the arbiter of cruel justice, in Moscow in the 30s. XX century. The latter came to Earth to restore harmony where it had been broken in favor of evil, which included lies, stupidity, hypocrisy and, finally, betrayal, which filled Moscow. Good and evil in this world are surprisingly closely intertwined, especially in human souls. When Woland, in a scene in a variety show, tests the audience for cruelty and deprives the entertainer of his head, and compassionate women demand to put her in her place, the great magician says: “Well... they are people like people... Well, frivolous... well, well... and mercy sometimes knocks on their hearts... ordinary people... - and loudly orders: “Put on your head.” And then we watch how people fight over the ducats that fell on their heads.
The novel “The Master and Margarita” is about man’s responsibility for the good and evil that happens on earth, for his own choice life paths leading to truth and freedom or to slavery, betrayal and inhumanity. It is about all-conquering love and creativity, elevating the soul to the heights of true humanity.
The author wanted to proclaim: the victory of evil over good cannot be the end result of social and moral confrontation. This, according to Bulgakov, is not accepted by human nature itself, and the entire course of civilization should not allow it.
Of course, the range of works that reveal thematic direction“Victory and Defeat” is much broader. The main thing is to see the principle, to understand that victory and defeat are relative concepts.
Wrote about this R. Bach in the book "Bridge Over Eternity": “The important thing is not whether we lose in the game, but what matters is how we lose and how we will change because of it, what new things we will learn for ourselves, how we can apply it in other games. In a strange way, defeat turns out to be victory.”

Since the 2014-2015 academic year, the program of state final certification of schoolchildren has included a final graduation essay. This format differs significantly from the classic exam. The work is of a non-subject nature, relying on the graduate’s knowledge in the field of literature. The essay aims to reveal the examinee’s ability to reason on a given topic and argue his point of view. Mainly, the final essay allows you to assess the level speech culture graduate. For the examination paper, five topics from a closed list are proposed.

  1. Introduction
  2. Main part - thesis and arguments
  3. Conclusion - conclusion

The final essay 2016-2017 requires a volume of 350 words or more.

The time allotted for the examination work is 3 hours 55 minutes.

Topics for the final essay

The issues proposed for consideration are usually addressed to inner world person, personal relationships, psychological characteristics and the concepts of universal morality. Thus, the topics of the final essay for the 2016-2017 academic year include the following areas:

  1. "Victory and Defeat"

Here are concepts that the examinee will have to reveal in the process of reasoning, turning to examples from the world of literature. In the final essay 2016-2017, the graduate must identify the relationships between these categories based on analysis, construction of logical relationships and application of knowledge of literary works.

One such theme is “Victory and Losing.”

As a rule, works from the course school curriculum in literature - this is a large gallery different images and characters that can be used to write a final essay on the topic “Victory and Losing.”

  • Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace"
  • Roman I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"
  • Tale by N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba"
  • Story by M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man"
  • Story by A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"
  • Roman I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov"

Arguments for the theme “Victory and defeat” 2016-2017

  • “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy

The theme of victory and defeat itself is present in the war in its most obvious manifestation. War of 1812 - this is one of the largest and most significant events for Russia, during which the national spirit and patriotism of the population, as well as the skill of the Russian high command, were demonstrated. After the council in Fili, the Russian commander M.I. Kutuzov decided to leave Moscow. Thus, it was planned to save the troops and thereby Russia. This decision does not demonstrate defeat in military operations - but on the contrary: it proves the invincibility of the Russian people. After all, after the military, all its residents and representatives began to leave the city high society and nobility. The people demonstrated their disobedience to the French by leaving the city to the enemy rather than be under the rule of Bonaparte. Napoleon, who entered the city, did not meet resistance, but saw only burning Moscow, which people had abandoned, and realized not his seemingly victory, but defeat. Defeat from the Russian spirit.

  • “Fathers and Sons” by I.S. Turgenev

In the work of I.S. Turgenev, the conflict of generations is manifested, in particular, in the confrontation between the young nihilist Evgeny Bazarov and the nobleman P.P. Kirsanov. Bazarov is a self-confident young man, he boldly judges everything, considering himself a man who made himself with his own work and mind. His opponent Kirsanov led a riotous lifestyle, experienced a lot, felt a lot, loved a secular beauty and thereby gained an experience that influenced him. He became more reasonable and mature. In the dispute between Bazarov and Kirsanov, external victory is manifested young man- he is harsh, but at the same time maintains decency, and the nobleman does not restrain himself, breaking into insults. However, during the duel between the two heroes, the seemingly won victory of the nihilist Bazarov turns into a defeat in the main confrontation.

He meets the love of his life and cannot resist his feelings, nor admit it, because he denied the existence of love. Yes, here Bazarov was defeated. Dying, he realizes that he lived his life denying everything and everyone, and at the same time lost the most important thing.

  • "Taras Bulba" N.V. Gogol

In the story by N.V. Gogol can be found as an example of how victory and defeat can be intertwined. Younger son Andriy, for the sake of love, betrayed his homeland and Cossack honor, going over to the enemy side. His personal victory is that he defended his love by boldly deciding to do this kind of act. However, his betrayal of his father and homeland is unforgivable - and this is his defeat. The story demonstrates one of the most difficult battles - the spiritual struggle of a person with himself. After all, here we cannot talk about victory and defeat, since it is impossible to win without losing on the other side.

Essay example

Accompanies a person in life a large number of situations in which he has to resist something or someone. Often, these are some circumstances, specific conditions and a struggle where there are winners and losers. And sometimes these are more complex situations where victory and defeat can be viewed from different points of view.

Let us turn to the treasury of arguments from Russian classical literature- the great work of Leo Tolstoy “War and Peace”. A significant part of the novel consists of military actions of the time Patriotic War 1812, when the entire Russian people stood up to defend the country from the French invaders. The theme of victory and defeat itself is present in the war in its most obvious manifestation. After the council in Fili, the Russian commander M.I. Kutuzov decided to leave Moscow. Thus, it was planned to save the troops and thereby Russia. This decision does not demonstrate defeat in military operations - but on the contrary: it proves the invincibility of the Russian people. After all, after the military, all its residents, representatives of high society and the nobility began to leave the city. The people demonstrated their disobedience to the French by leaving the city to the enemy rather than be under the rule of Bonaparte. Napoleon, who entered the city, did not meet resistance, but saw only burning Moscow, which people had abandoned, and realized not his seemingly victory, but defeat. Defeat from the Russian spirit.

In the story by N.V. Gogol can be found as an example of how victory and defeat can be intertwined. The youngest son Andriy betrayed his homeland and honor for the sake of love Cossack army, going over to the enemy side. His personal victory is that he defended his feelings by boldly deciding to do this kind of act. However, his betrayal of his father and homeland is unforgivable - and this is his defeat. The story demonstrates one of the most difficult battles - the spiritual struggle of a person with himself. After all, here we cannot talk about victory and defeat, since it is impossible to win without losing on the other side.

Thus, it is worth saying that victory does not always represent the superiority and confidence that we are accustomed to imagine. And, besides, often victory and defeat go side by side, complementing each other and shaping the characteristics of a person’s personality.

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Original taken from slobodin in How to survive defeat

In life and business, not everything goes smoothly. In general, everything never goes smoothly. But sometimes in life something happens that is, in general, a complete failure. Well, that's complete. This is when you want to fall underground. And it seems like you tried to do everything, tried as hard as you could, but it didn’t work out. You tried to fix everything and prevent failure, you strived for the goal - but it didn’t work out. And not only did it not work out, it failed miserably. What I hoped for and strived for turned out to be exactly the opposite - it was a defeat.

This is one of the most serious tests for a person - the test of defeat. It is at these moments that a person’s personality reveals itself most in a bright way. From shades of gray it becomes black and white. How to survive defeat and make the most of it while remaining on the bright side of life - some tips on what to do during this very difficult time for you.

Take a break so as not to mess things up
If a failure occurs and nothing can be fixed, you need to pause. Eat Twix. The train left, the cast was removed - the Client left. Everything happened. There is no point in twitching and fussing. Take a breath and calm down. One breath doesn't help, take several. The blood is still boiling, you are going through the events in your head last days, hours, minutes, trying to understand why. Who is to blame, why did this happen. At these moments, images of what will happen next arise in my head. What a shame and all that. It doesn't matter now. What happened is what happened. And you can't get this back. This doesn't mean you don't care. If you don't care, that's a big problem in the future. But now we need to calm down, otherwise we might get into trouble. People make the biggest mistakes right after they realize that everything is a failure.

Tomorrow will come tomorrow. And today's problems will no longer seem so terrible. There will be horror, horror. Not horror, horror, horror :)

So take a break. All the worst is in the past. And this is so - the very beauty of defeat, that it can’t get any worse. And this is good.

Show some dignity
Ooooh. How I love watching people in such situations. This is such a litmus test. In these moments yours worst traits character and nature are trying to break all shackles, break all restrictions. And if this happens, this is a real defeat. This is a total scam. Therefore, at such moments, simply crush it within yourself with an effort of will. Show your dignity. This also includes respect for the one whose fault you have problems with - an opponent, a competitor, a boss. This is also respect for those around you who were involved in this matter.

It is much easier to show dignity if you pause and calm down. It's just a lot easier. But even if you couldn’t calm down and everything is boiling, show dignity. Otherwise, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

Those who show dignity in such situations are remembered and then it is much easier for them to move on. And this is good.

Support others
The people around you, the people who were with you in this project, business, game - it’s very difficult for them now. They, your team members, are now more vulnerable than ever. It is at these moments that teams are truly formed or completely fall apart. In moments of experiencing defeat. Support your own people, support them with words, jokes and your behavior. It's incredibly difficult. But this is how real leaders emerge and this is how real teams are formed. It is very difficult. But as soon as you overcome this barrier and start doing it at this difficult moment, you will like it. I know it from myself. And you will like how many of those who are next to you - together with you and with your help - are experiencing this defeat. There will be those who cannot overcome themselves. They will be rude, fight in hysterics, and do things that they will greatly regret later. But this is a great litmus test for you. You will never know this in ordinary life. And this is good.

Learn the lessons
Drawing conclusions immediately after a defeat is a thankless task. Therefore, after time has passed, when everything has calmed down, emotions have subsided, everyone has spoken out - we need to start analyzing what actually happened. Be sure to spend internal analysis why did this happen. Without self-flagellation and all that. With myself. And learn the lessons. Believe me, you will learn the best lessons from defeats. Own defeats. And try not to forget them. Because if you make the same mistake twice, it's already like clinical case. And such cases are very difficult to treat.

So learn from this unique experience. They will make you wiser, much more protected from future defeats and mistakes.

And this is good.

In the end you have to understand. That defeat, so bitter at the moment of experiencing it, is one of the best moments in your life. The best in terms of your growth, the best in terms of how much it protects you from further even louder defeats. For one beaten, they give two unbeaten. And this is a medical fact. For example, I am always afraid to hire people who have not had any defeats and everything was smooth. They are either lying, or everything was fine with them before. This means it is a big risk. Because people who have experienced defeat acquire something that cannot be obtained otherwise. Some kind of immunity. So enjoy it all - you have been given a painful vaccination. It is painful or even very painful - but it will protect you from real illness. And this is good.

Move on
The sooner you start moving on, with lessons learned and positive mood, the faster you will experience the bitterness of defeat and the closer you will be to new successes. Therefore, do not delay the process of experiencing defeat. And move forward. And remember - for one beaten they give two unbeaten. Now you're beaten. And this is good.

As you already understand, defeat, if you do everything correctly at this moment, is the best thing that can happen to you and this is truly good.

Well last tip for today. When you realize that everything is a defeat, remember this post and move strictly according to the instructions outlined here. And all will be well.

So that everything goes well with you
Yours, Mikhail Slobodin

Everyone has faced personal and professional defeats and major failures in their lives. Those who are considered chronic losers do not get out of this state for years; for others, defeat is an extraordinary event. Some experience such situations extremely painfully, others quickly recover and move on. The ability to accept and competently use a failure, drawing experience and lessons from it for the future, is a very useful skill, psychologists say. But this also needs to be learned.

“And now - disco”

A fresh example of the collapse of hopes, illusions and expectations is the World Cup that ended in Russia. The winners are rejoicing, the losing Croats and their fans are trying to come to terms with the facts. However, the latter’s tears due to the loss quickly gave way to tears of happiness: the very next day after the championship, July 16, Zagreb welcomed silver medalists, as victors and heroes, and they themselves behaved exactly like that. Croatia even organized a new competition with France - on the topic of who rejoices more, and tried to at least outdo the enemy in this. The pages of Croatian fans are filled with photographs of celebrations from France and Croatia, designed to show how sadly the French are celebrating and how fun the Croats are.

But in the first minutes after the end of the final match, the Croats were overcome by very contradictory feelings, which they shared with the MIR 24 observer.

“We were unlucky with the first two goals, although it’s hard to say that our team played poorly. They played great, and, I think, better than the French. But we didn't have enough luck. A little more and we would have defeated them. But, in any case, I am very glad that I am in Russia. This is a great experience for me. We also visited Nizhny Novgorod, everything is fine,” said Marco (looking saddened, to say the least).

“We are very pleased with this spectacle and the results of our team. We think that we were better than the French and lost undeservedly (one penalty is worth it). But the French turned out to be more effective, they used their chance, but we did not. That's all. The French are younger, but our team is better. And for a small country like we are, this is in any case an excellent result. And we don’t look happy because we are tired - many flew in on the morning of July 15 specifically for the final match, didn’t sleep for 24 hours, and now we have to fly home. Some of our compatriots spent almost a month in Russia, but not everyone could afford it - some had to work. Therefore, in Russia we saw nothing except a bus, an airport and a stadium, which we really liked. I hope that on our next visit – which, no doubt, will take place soon – we will see more,” Damir hopes.

“It was the greatest match for Croatia. Our team played very emotionally, but we were really unlucky. I think there shouldn't have been a penalty. But I am very proud of my country, although I, like everyone else, expected our team to win. One way or another, we saw wonderful football, our team is the best, and the French simply used all their chances wisely,” Davor is sure.

“I don’t want to talk to anyone right now, but I want to cry. I want and I will, don’t take me off,” Jacob was upset. – Some played terribly, but don’t print that. And the weather was terrible, and when we lost, it started to rain. Heaven cried with us. This is true".

“You know what...We lost, yes. I can’t say that we won, no matter what – it didn’t happen. This is terrible, just a nightmare. But personally I am very happy! How is this why! Because I flew to Moscow, because the Croats danced today,” Kreshemin rejoiced with a huge (and obviously not the first) glass of beer in his hand.

Domagoj, the namesake of one of the Croatian national team players, was also both upset and happy at the same time. “But the game was good anyway! We lost - ok, it's over. Now I can’t hang myself on Red Square! Now we're going to have a drink. Where is your club with beer and punk rock?” - he asked.

Luka didn’t know what to say at all. “What can I say! I came for a group of friends, I’m not a fan at all. Well, ours lost, it’s sad, but not the end of the world,” the guest from Croatia noted gloomily.

The “independent referee” – Russian football fan Vladimir – was objective. “The game was interesting, I feel sorry for the Croats, although the French won with dignity. The goals were scored beautifully and very competently, the fight was fair. The French are a serious team, and the Croats are young, let them train further,” he advises.

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"

It all depends on the person’s personal perception of loss, a psychotherapist and coach is sure Alexander Polishchuk: the attitude towards what happened will determine both feelings and further actions. “Either the attitude “I’m bad, I’m a loser, I’ll never succeed, this is not mine” will be reinforced, psychotrauma, or the person will realize: yes, it’s unpleasant, sad, offensive, but this is experience, and experience makes us stronger . Therefore, it is important to learn how to turn any loss into experience. Defeat is not a collapse, not a crime, it is a mistake, and a mistake is equivalent to experience. Therefore, it is already possible to take some positives out of the experience,” he says.

Hence the first rule: find the positives even in defeat, without diminishing the negatives. Defeat must be recognized as a fact, but further analyzed: what useful things can be learned from this situation in terms of further self-improvement.

The second point: a person hopes for the best, strives for the ideal, but in a specific situation he does only what he can. Therefore, there is no point in reproaching yourself after the fact for not being up to the mark: you did exactly what was “best” in this situation. More effectively, having analyzed mistakes, it will be possible to act tomorrow, but not “yesterday”. “Yesterday a person could jump a meter, today or tomorrow – ten. This means that yesterday the limit of his capabilities was exactly this, and no other - he simply could not jump ten meters,” says the expert. So, you shouldn’t blame yourself for this.

The third point is reconciliation with loss. “To be reconciled means to be at peace. Don’t resist, don’t be angry at your loss and yourself, but come to terms with it. Let the couple get out, scream, get angry, and then just accept the fact. It happened, period. But you shouldn’t leave it in limbo - then you need to go out and work on your mistakes, think about how to act in such a situation next time, play it out in your head perfect option to do better next time,” says Alexander Polishchuk.

But the most important thing is the understanding that life always consists of a series of victories and losses. “Winning is good, but so is losing, in terms of experience and lessons learned. You need to develop stress resistance, the right attitude to the situation, which will help and support, and not kill. The more experienced a person is, the easier it is for him to accept defeat. If a person loses in the first game, it is, of course, difficult for him. If he has hundreds of games and hasn’t always won, then losing should be easier to accept,” the expert believes.

This begs the question: when should you stop? For example, if a person loses 3 times out of a conditional 200 games, this is one situation. If 100 – different. But does it make sense to fight if he has never won?

“Let’s imagine two boxers, one of whom won 20 out of 20 fights, and the second - 20 out of 50. But the second has much more more experience, his body is trained to various surprises, and, accordingly, he also has more chances to win. In terms of experience, quantity is more important than quality. If out of 10 fights all 10 are lost, either it is not yours, or, on the contrary, it is a signal to continue, but only if the person himself likes it. The world knows stories of success that came to a person only after many years of hard work, this happens - although this is, rather, an exception to the rule. But these people did what they liked, they did not force themselves. Such people, even if they lose 10 times out of 10, perceive everything differently because they are playing their favorite game. It helps a lot to love what you do. In this case, the loss is interpreted not as a reason to give up everything, but as an incentive to develop further,” emphasizes the MIR 24 interlocutor.

One way or another, you need to learn to lose from childhood.

“Some people are not used to losing, and it really bothers them. They do not know how to accept loss, they give up every time, they avoid difficulties, look for easy ways, and crave constant approval. Such people will be neither successful nor happy. Or, on the contrary, if a person is a perfectionist, he will demand the maximum from himself and from others, which is also too much. And the reason is common: in childhood they were not taught to lose, to shake hands with an opponent, to go deal with their emotions so that they come out, “dissipate”, and, finally, start working on mistakes,” says the expert.

Athletes in this sense are the standard: they constantly play, experience both victories and defeats, because they enjoy the process itself. “Good athletes often go into business and management - discipline helps, the ability to take yourself “by the scruff of the neck” and move towards the goal, through defeats, through “I don’t want to.” They see the meaning in this - it is necessary, therefore it is necessary. Therefore it is important to early years to accustom children to sports, so that, falling and rising, they learn to achieve their goals,” says Alexander Polishchuk.

"I didn't have enough luck"

As for the notorious luck, you shouldn’t rely heavily on this ephemeral phenomenon - nor should you attribute all the events of your life to it.

“Luck or chance may exist, but they are dictated by some cause-and-effect relationships. A person can say that he was unlucky - he didn’t have time for one minute, went the wrong way, turned the wrong way, and so on. But, in fact, the person himself made the decision to delay, to choose a different path, his brain calculated this action based on experience. It happens that a player - a true professional in his field - gets nervous, or his emotional state is lost, and instead of concentrating, he becomes emotionally involved in some other process. I missed, I didn’t do something, I couldn’t. From the outside it seems that, being a professional, he should have managed it - he was just unlucky, but the reason is that his emotional mood was knocked down. That's why professionals train to win in any situation. Even if they are shooting around, they must do their job clearly and evenly. The essence of training is to calculate possible force majeure, to be prepared for endless surprises and options. If a person has played, including training, not 20 times, but a hundred thousand times, his body is more experienced, his brain has a more extensive repertoire of options. So, behind what is commonly called luck and fortune, in fact, hides a colossal amount of work,” the expert noted.

In this sense, in sports, business and personal life the principles are the same. “It doesn’t matter where the loss happened - on the football field, in a career or in personal relationships, you need to recognize the fact and not resist it. Yes, it happened, but it doesn’t mean that I’m bad, worthless and weak. You cannot automatically attribute all these qualities to yourself in case of loss. You need to let yourself cool down, as they say, spend the night with these thoughts, and then mobilize and analyze your mistakes. Understand what advantages there were in this situation, thank yourself for these advantages, for trying, and then, having understood what is necessary for victory, tune in specifically to it,” summed up Alexander Polishchuk.



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