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A business game for teachers with training elements. Collection of business games for preschool teachers “speech development of preschool children”

Business game

Target: formation of a mechanism for interaction between all participants educational process aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of students and teachers,identify the level of creative potential of teachers, develop cohesion, the ability to work in a team, and defend their point of view with reason.


awareness of common goals by subjects of the educational process;

division of areas of responsibility and the formation of common approaches to achieving the goal;

development of communication skills of all participants in the game.

Equipment and materials: ball, brick cards,sheets of A4 paper of different colors; cards on which the roles of the participants are written, pens, felt-tip pens.

Game time: 30 minutes.

Progress of the game

Good afternoon, Dear colleagues!

A happy accident brought us together
Here in these walls, in this hall.
A ray of sunshine makes us laugh and teases,
We're having fun this morning,
winter gives us a ringing holiday,
And the main guest on it is the game.
She is our big and smart friend,
Will not let you get bored and discouraged,
A cheerful, noisy argument will start,
It will help to learn new things.
Let the game gather us
Today, tomorrow and always

Today's meeting will take place in the form of a business game“Unlocking the teacher’s potential” .

Exercise "Web"

Hold the free end of the thread tightly in your hand and pass the ball to the teacher opposite only after you finish the sentence.


I like people who...

The greatest joy for me is...

I like when…

I am proud that...

My strong point in professional activities...

School for me is...

The biggest achievement in my life...

I appreciate in people...

I feel confident when...

A person is considered successful if...

In this way, the ball is passed on further and further until all participants find themselves part of one gradually growing web.

Why do you think we made such a web?

(creating a friendly atmosphere of mutual assistance, trust, friendly and open communication with each other)

    One of the main tasks modern system education - improving the quality of educational work, creating conditions for creative self-realization of the personality of each student.

    Today, society needs a teacher who is competent, comprehensively prepared, who is an example of philanthropy, decency, and a teacher who possesses pedagogical skills.

The teacher deals with a developing personality - the most complex system of all systems known so far. In order to interfere with the process of personal development and regulate it, it is not enough for a teacher to be a good man. He still needs special knowledge and skills that make him competent, forming his pedagogical skill.

Building relationships in a team can be compared to building a house. What materials it will be built from, that’s how it will be - whether a hut on chicken legs, or a luxurious palace. The same thing happens with relationships. Think of the team as a building. Its foundation, its building materials are the character qualities of colleagues, mood, willingness to help, support and warmth. There is one important feature– the teaching staff is building this house together. This is the team. Fundamental difference commands from just a group - a team implies interdependence. It is more than the sum of its members. A team is people working together to accomplish more than they could do individually. That is, according to the formula: 1+1=5

Exercise “Every brick is important to us”

In the handout we offer you “building material” in the form of bricks. You have pieces of paper on which the main criteria for the success of the team are written:

1. Mutual assistance

2. High motivation of the entire team for success

3. Desire to learn something new

4. Creativity

5. Mobility – the ability to change, accept someone else’s point of view

6. Competence, professionalism

7. Organized

8. Self-realization of each team member

9. Sense of Humor

Choose one brick that is most important to you and tear it off. Let on at this stage this will be your contribution to building a new team.

Leading. Today, during a business game, we will try to analyze our work at school from the point of view of the stated topic and develop general actions to solve emerging problems.

1) And at the first stage of work, let's determine: what qualities, in your opinion, an ideal student should have.

Please discuss this issue and write on the first colored piece of paper the 5 most important qualities of an ideal student.

Leading .

2) Time passed, and our students grew up and became independent adults. Discuss what qualities you should have modern man and on the second colored sheet write 5 qualities that characterize a successful modern person.

Leading . Now compare the characteristics of a student and an adult. Do the qualities that we cultivate in students correspond to the qualities that we want to see in adults?

Leading. Each of us considers school problems from our own professional position: teacher, psychologist, head teacher, medical worker, etc. But sometimes it can be helpful to step outside your position and look at an issue from a different perspective.

Participants take one of the cards:



subject teacher;

classroom teacher;

specialists (social educators, psychologists, medical worker);


Leading. And now let each of you tell us from the designated position what he can do to preserve the health of schoolchildren?

Leading. So, we see that participants in the educational process care about preserving the health of each student and can interact with each other. And the more each of us cares about the health of students, the less room there is for accidents that can harm the child’s health.

Exercise “Drawing with hands”

Use your hands to draw an object in the air and pass it to the participants in the game. They have to guess what item you handed over.

Leading: The profession of a teacher makes serious demands on the emotional side of his personality.

This is “the work of the heart and nerves,” wrote Sukhomlinsky. Nevertheless, modern statistics are as follows: teachers, as a professional group, are characterized by extremely low indicators of physical and mental health.

I suggest you"Daily regime" , which should be followed if you want to preserve your psychological and physical health.

“Once upon a time, an old Indian revealed one vital truth to his grandson.

In every person there is a struggle, very similar to the fight between two wolves.

One wolf represents evil - envy, jealousy, rudeness, aggression. Another wolf represents goodness - peace, love, loyalty, compassion.

The little Indian, touched to the depths of his soul by his grandfather’s words, thought for a few moments, and then asked:

Which wolf wins in the end?

The old Indian smiled and replied:

The wolf you feed always wins.”

I really want that after our lesson, you have no doubt about which wolf in you you need to feed!

Leading. Otherwise, this thought can be expressed like this: nothing will teach you to live, nothing will change, no one will help you be happy, only I myself can change myself and my life.

No technique will establish harmony in the soul. Soul movements always go ahead, technicians only shape them.

Thanks for the meeting!

Mutual assistance

High motivation of the entire team for success

Desire to learn something new


Mobility – the ability to change, accept someone else’s point of view

Competence, professionalism


Self-realization of each team member

Sense of humor



subject teacher

classroom teacher

social teacher


medical worker


7.00 - Smile and sit in lotus position.

7.15 - Take a contrast shower.

7.30 - Eat oatmeal with honey and nuts.

12.00-18.00 - Hug an invisible tree and “breathe” with your lower back.

20.00 - Pump energy through the spine.

22.00 - Wash the negative information out of your hair, compose yourself a fairy tale and launch the “crisis” into the sky.

7.00 - Smile and sit in lotus position.

7.15 - Take a contrast shower.

7.30 - Eat oatmeal with honey and nuts.

12.00-18.00 - Hug an invisible tree and “breathe” with your lower back.

20.00 - Pump energy through the spine.

22.00 - Wash the negative information out of your hair, compose yourself a fairy tale and launch the “crisis” into the sky.

7.00 - Smile and sit in lotus position.

7.15 - Take a contrast shower.

7.30 - Eat oatmeal with honey and nuts.

12.00-18.00 - Hug an invisible tree and “breathe” with your lower back.

20.00 - Pump energy through the spine.

22.00 - Wash the negative information out of your hair, compose yourself a fairy tale and launch the “crisis” into the sky.

7.00 - Smile and sit in lotus position.

7.15 - Take a contrast shower.

7.30 - Eat oatmeal with honey and nuts.

12.00-18.00 - Hug an invisible tree and “breathe” with your lower back.

20.00 - Pump energy through the spine.

22.00 - Wash the negative information out of your hair, compose yourself a fairy tale and launch the “crisis” into the sky.

7.00 - Smile and sit in lotus position.

7.15 - Take a contrast shower.

7.30 - Eat oatmeal with honey and nuts.

12.00-18.00 - Hug an invisible tree and “breathe” with your lower back.

20.00 - Pump energy through the spine.

22.00 - Wash the negative information out of your hair, compose yourself a fairy tale and launch the “crisis” into the sky.

7.00 - Smile and sit in lotus position.

7.15 - Take a contrast shower.

7.30 - Eat oatmeal with honey and nuts.

12.00-18.00 - Hug an invisible tree and “breathe” with your lower back.

20.00 - Pump energy through the spine.

22.00 - Wash the negative information out of your hair, compose yourself a fairy tale and launch the “crisis” into the sky.

7.00 - Smile and sit in lotus position.

7.15 - Take a contrast shower.

7.30 - Eat oatmeal with honey and nuts.

12.00-18.00 - Hug an invisible tree and “breathe” with your lower back.

20.00 - Pump energy through the spine.

22.00 - Wash the negative information out of your hair, compose yourself a fairy tale and launch the “crisis” into the sky.

Target: to help increase the interest of teachers in the problem under consideration, creative search, manifestation of initiative, growth of pedagogical skills.

Game participants: physical education instructors, preschool teachers

Game scenario:

1 . Organizing time.

In the hall there are 3 tables and chairs in a semicircle for participants in the business game. The presenter addresses the participants:

Dear colleagues, our communication with you today will continue with a business game dedicated to the problem of developing interest in physical culture and sports for children preschool age. But before we begin, I suggest you pay attention to this table with objects and choose one of them for yourself. We will learn about why we need these items and whether they can really be used only this way and not otherwise at the end of our game today.

Next to the leader there is a table on which various objects are laid out: a ball, a hand expander, a cup, a kokoshnik for outdoor games, a ribbon, a medal, etc.

The presenter invites everyone present to choose one item from those laid out on the table and take a seat at any of the three tables - this results in three teams.

2. Presentation of the “Business Card” commands

After the participants of the game, having chosen objects, sit down at the tables, the presenter takes the floor. He draws the guests' attention to the fact that they are all seated at three tables, thereby forming three teams.

And since there are teams, it means it must have a name and a captain. I suggest you choose a captain, come up with a team name and introduce yourself to the opposing team.

Team members choose captains, come up with a greeting and a name. The teams are being introduced.

3 . Introduction to the topic of the game.

After the presentation of the teams has ended, the presenter takes the floor.

A business game, as you know, is to a certain extent a rehearsal of the teacher’s activities. It makes it possible to play out any pedagogical situation in person, taking the place of the child, his parents or colleague. Today, together we will try to play out those ways that contribute to the formation of children’s interest in physical education and sports.

The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that, in modern world Children bear a large psychological burden; the fast pace of life requires endurance and good physical fitness, while the share of human physical labor in everyday life and in production is increasingly decreasing. The task of all adults is to teach the child the culture of physical education, to accustom him to the fact that maintaining sports shape is a natural and constant process. Then the child in later life will perceive physical activity as part of a normal lifestyle.

Preschool teachers are known to use a variety of ways to develop children’s positive attitudes towards physical education and sports.

Let's all try to list them together. To do this, each of you, in turn, will have to complete the following phrase " I cultivate children’s interest in physical education and sports through...”(daily morning exercises; through joint sports activities; through joint outdoor games; walks in the park, hikes in the forest, to the stadium; joint reading of literature on sports; watching relevant feature and animated films; joint physical education holidays, entertainment, competitions; interaction with parents; purchase for a child sports equipment; creating a sports corner at home; meetings with famous athletes, etc.)

The presenter plays the game “Finish the sentence” with the help of a ball. Each participant, starting with the leader, picks up the ball, pronounces the beginning of a sentence, ends it with his own statement and passes the ball to the next player.

After the game, the presenter offers the participants original materials for a poster consultation on the topic “Cultivating children’s interest in physical education and sports”

The presenter continues:

As you know, interest is a conscious selective positive

a person’s attitude towards something that encourages him to be active in order to understand the object of interest. In this regard, there are emotional and cognitive components of interest. In preschool age, the emotional component of interest is more important.

That is why preschool teachers try to select or come up with forms of work with children that would be interesting to children, as effective as possible, and, what is important today, based on a comprehensive thematic principle of constructing the educational process.

Teams draw out pieces of paper indicating a specific living creature (“fish”, “bear”, “eagle”), come up with a set of exercises and demonstrate it under the guidance of the captain.

Because our game today is dedicated to nurturing children's interest in physical education and sports. We will consolidate and expand our knowledge on this topic. After all, in order to tell children about something, to develop their interest in something, teachers themselves need to sufficiently possess cognitive information.

The presenter distributes crossword puzzles to the teams, with different questions, but one keyword. Teams solve crossword puzzles, find and highlight the keyword “interest” in them.

The presenter continues, addressing the teams:

Children's interest in physical education can also be shaped by playing small sports-themed sketches. Such pantomimes will give children a lot of joyful emotions and educational information. For example, information about back side sports, as in our next task.

“A weightlifter who didn’t have time to jump off the barbell,” “A skier who didn’t have time to escape from an avalanche,” “A gymnast who unsuccessfully fell past the trampoline,” “A football player whose ball didn’t hit the goal,” etc.

Teams draw out pieces of paper indicating the name of the sculptural composition and the whole team creates it.

Various games-competitions, both for individual and team championships, contribute to children’s interest in physical education.

Each captain is asked to make 5 ring throws right hand from a distance of 2 meters.

The captains take turns making ring throws.

Dear team members, at the beginning of the game, each of you chose an item for yourself. Each of you knows what these items are needed for. But now you will try to think about how to use these items in order to arouse interest in a child and form a positive attitude towards physical exercise and sports and tell others.

Each participant, in turn, expresses thoughts about options for using this item in order to interest the child in sports and physical education. The presenter ends the competition by offering his options for using the selected item - pictures with the image different types sports

9. Summing up the game

The presenter thanks the participants for fruitful cooperation and reminds teachers of the words of Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky:

« Sport becomes a means of education when it - favorite hobby everyone"


Crossword No. 1


  1. Drill team
  2. Running, figure skating, hockey... What are we talking about?
  3. Sports team game
  4. Racing on academic ships
  5. A person who has temporarily changed his place of residence for educational or sporting purposes
  6. Specialist in a particular sport
  7. The opposite value of depth

Crossword No. 2


1. Water sports facility
2. Competition winner
3. Device for measuring physical strength
4. Flooring used in gyms, stadiums and sports complexes (plural)
5. Kettlebells for manual strength exercises

Crossword No. 3


1. Outstanding biologist, anatomist, anthropologist, doctor, teacher, creator
scientific system of physical education, progressive public figure Russia
2. One of the types of basic movement (throwing an object)
3. Religion of martial arts
4. Folk game(often used in preschools)
5. Synonym for “props”
6. Kettlebells for manual strength exercises
7. Entertainment, fun, amusement. Joyful pastime
8. A sedentary sport where they even walk exclusively while sitting
9. A child who is too early to engage in serious sports
10. Goalkeeper
11. Footrest that rests on wheels and has a steering wheel

Title: “Experts of the subject-spatial environment in preschool educational institutions”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Business game for preschool teachers, competitive events, Teachers

Position: teacher
Place of work: MKOU Secondary School No. 4 Preschool groups
Location: Kuibyshev, Novosibirsk region

Business game for preschool teachers“Experts of the subject-spatial environment in preschool educational institutions”

Target: Increasing professional competence teaching staff preschool education in mastering and implementing the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for a developing subject-spatial environment in preschool educational institutions.


  • Expand the ideas of preschool teachers about the developing subject-spatial environment, the features of its organization in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education.
  • To develop the creative activity of teachers in solving various problems and situations, and analytical skills.
  • To intensify the activities of preschool teachers in designing RPPS

Equipment: multimedia installation, presentation with game tasks, chips, tables for the game “Wizards”, sheets of paper for modeling RPPS in preschool groups, markers, pedagogical chest with a piece of equipment.

Time: 20 minutes.

Rules of the game

The presenter explains the rules of the game, which includes completing certain game tasks. All participants are divided into 2 teams and perform certain tasks during the game. For the speed of reaction and the correctness of the answer, teams receive chips (points). The results of the game are summed up by counting points.

Business game scenario

The presenter invites preschool teachers to take part in a business game. All participants are divided into 2 teams and choose captains. The presenter explains the rules of the game:

  1. The teams are offered various game tasks, which require attention and endurance from the participants: first listen carefully and only then answer!
  2. The one who raises his hand has the right to respond. If this rule is violated, answers will not be accepted and points will not be counted.
  3. If one team makes a mistake when answering a question, the other team gets the right to answer.
  4. For the speed of reaction and the correctness of the answer, teams receive chips (points). The results of the game are summed up by counting points.

Pedagogical warm-up.

  • Game task “Who is faster?” Complete the following statement with a quick and correct answer: “ In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard subject environment in kindergarten it’s called..."
  • Game task “Choose the correct answer”

For the 1st team: The creation of a subject-spatial development environment (DSDE) in preschool educational institutions is the result of the implementation of which group of requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard?

  • To the results of mastering the Program
  • To the structure of the Program
  • To the conditions of its implementation

For the 2nd team: What are the number of basic requirements for RPPS

in preschool educational institutions is defined in the Standard?

  1. Main part.
  • Game "Wizards" The table encodes the names of the main requirements imposed by the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education for a developing subject-spatial environment (RSES). It is necessary to quickly and correctly decipher these names and pronounce them according to the given sequence of numbers.
  • Captains competition.

Captains are invited to guess riddles about the RPPS equipment.

Riddle No. 1. The child makes a riddle:

I have a cucumber, a green cucumber.

Only this cucumber is not fresh, not salted,

He is called “wild” and “small” in stature.

I like to play with a cucumber, I can roll it

On the cheek and on the hand - he gives me health.


Riddle No. 2. (What is in the “pedagogical chest”?)

I'm convenient and simple - you won't get bored with me!

You will build and play, explore the world with me

And perform the movements: jump, run and walk,

You can just rest.

Exercise machine and balancer - I am known throughout the world!


Riddle No. 3.

What are the names of floor and tabletop layouts in the modern play space of preschool educational institutions?

  • Game “Fill in the blanks” (about the features of RPPS in preschool educational institutions).

The teams are offered a short text in the form of separate sentences about the features of the developing subject-spatial environment in kindergarten. It is necessary to insert the missing words or phrases into each sentence. The speed and correctness of completing the task are assessed.

  • The environment should be …………………….. for everyone: both adults and children.
  • The environment should provide a rich choice for………………………………………………………………. working with children.
  • For a child to be successful, the environment must give him the right to………………………..
  • To organize partnerships between an adult and children, the environment must be rich……………………………………
  • Game “RPPS Moderators in Preschool Education”

Teams are invited to model a developing subject-spatial environment in preschool groups according to ACTIVITY CENTERS. The variety of names and number of development centers, the originality of approaches and ideas are assessed.

3. Summing up.

At the end of the business game, the team that scores the most points wins. Awards for winners and participants may be different: winners receive diplomas, and other participants receive incentive prizes; winners and participants exchange smiles, hugs and handshakes; give poems, etc.; you can instruct fans (if any) to come up with ways to reward all participants, etc.

Right answers

  1. Pedagogical warm-up.
  • Game task “Who is faster?” ( Developmental subject-spatial environment)
  • Game task “Choose the correct answer” for the 1st team (To the conditions of its implementation)

For the 2nd team (6)

  1. Main part.
  • Game "Wizards"







  • Captains competition. Riddle No. 1. (Solution: Massager "Wild Cucumber"). Riddle No. 2. (Solution: Play set of soft modules. The “pedagogical chest” contains one of the elements of this play set). Riddle No. 3. (Solution: Game space markers)
  • Game "Fill in the blanks" (... interesting...; ...collective and individual work...; ...to a mistake...; ...situations...)

Business game for teachers kindergarten on the topic “Features of games in preschool age”

Business game for educators "Features of games in preschool age"

Target: improve the professional level of teachers, intensify the use of new games in working with children; develop the communication skills of teachers, the ability to work in a team; disclose creative potential every teacher
Progress of the business game:
I would like to start today’s business game with the words of the famous teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky, who said: “The game is a huge bright window through which spiritual world the child receives a stream of ideas and concepts about the world around him.” For a child, this is a way of self-realization, in the game he can become what he dreams of being in real life: doctor, driver, pilot. The game is used to acquire new skills, ideas, develop useful skills, etc. Game is a form of life for a preschooler.
Now let's warm up a little:
1. How to jump from a ten-meter ladder without hurting yourself? (you have to jump off the bottom step)
2. Which month is the shortest? (May - three letters)
3. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (no, he can't talk)
4. How many months of the year have 28 days? (All)
5. What blooms in spring: trees, population, parties and unions?
6. Who saves the hares from the spring flood: Grandfather Mazai, Grandfather Frost, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia?
7. What did Little Red Riding Hood bring to grandma: Gazprom shares, pies, laxatives?
8. What did Cinderella lose at the ball: shame and conscience, orientation, a shoe?
Exercise 1
And let's start our business game with the task “Troubles from a Barrel”. (Teachers are asked to pull out a barrel with a number from the bag, according to which the question will be asked)
Questions for discussion:
What role-playing games are added in older preschool age? (in older preschool age games such as “Pharmacy”, “Polyclinic”, “Beauty Salon”, “McDonald’s”, “Cosmonauts”, “We are Builders”, “Library”, “School”, paramilitary games are added, it all depends on children's gaming preferences)
Name the conditions necessary for the development of the game. (appropriate subject-game environment, certain knowledge on the topic of the game and the ability to implement it in practical activities, joint play between an adult and children, where the adult demonstrates examples of role-playing interaction in the form of role-playing dialogue, creating a game situation)
Is regulation (setting rules) acceptable in the game and why? (regulation is unacceptable in the game, since it is a children’s initiative. It is characterized by freedom of action, self-regulation of the actions and actions of the participants based on the rules they created)
Task 2
Play is the main activity of a preschool child and contributes to comprehensive development child's personality. But we will try to understand the meaning and role of the game during our debate. I suggest choosing one of the cards and answering the question posed as you think about it.
1. What, in your opinion, is the role of play in a child’s development?
2. Do you think a child learns while playing?
3. What do you think it consists of? educational value games?
In the game, the child acquires new and refines his existing knowledge, activates his vocabulary, develops curiosity, inquisitiveness, and moral qualities: will, courage, endurance, ability to yield. The beginnings of collectivism are formed in him. The game develops an attitude towards people, towards life, positive attitude games help maintain a cheerful mood. The game develops imagination.
Children need time and play space. If he; attends kindergarten, then best case scenario will play in the evening if there are no other temptations from the TV or computer. The play space is a corner, a table with your favorite toys, a chair, and properly selected play material.
Task 3
Now we invite you to show your Creative skills. You are offered various items, and you must come up with options for using these items in the game.
Exercise “Funny assault”
Instructions: teachers are offered some available material, each team must come up with options for using it in the game.
Task 4
When organizing, leading and running games, many of you encountered certain problems that you needed to solve. We think you won’t have any difficulties completing our next task “pedagogical situations”
Situation 1: The children were given old, worn blocks to play with, and the teacher used new building material to build a high-altitude task. “This is for decorating a new room with a game, the children are still small, they don’t build well - let them learn!” - explains the teacher. ...There is a magnificent set for dolls on the shelf, but the children do not take it. “You can’t take these toys! They're for practice!" - the children explain. And so they take out old dishes and set the table for the dolls.
Questions: Is there a need for material that “teases children” in the group? What are the requirements for the selection of toys in
group? Did you have any favorite toys as a child, and why did you love them?
Situation 2: The teacher saw in a neighboring kindergarten that children were interestingly playing fishermen. In order to transfer this game to her group, she herself made fishing gear and suggested the theme of the game to the children.
The game didn’t work out; the teacher always had to tell the children what to do next.
Questions: Explain why the game didn’t work out? How can we ensure that all children are active in the game and can play both main and secondary roles?
Situation 3: While washing, the children became naughty and began to play with fountains and let bubble, and it was already time for breakfast.
Questions: What should the teacher do? What would you do?
Task 5
And now I offer you “exercise” for the mind - solving the crossword puzzle “And yet it’s a game”
Questions for the crossword:
1. Is the game flow different? (content)
2. Children's favorite independent activity? (a game)
3. View sports game using a ball? (football)
4. Antique board game? (lotto)
5. A necessary component of the game - what can’t you start the game without? (plan)
6. Baby's first toy? (beanbag)
7. Place of purchases in everyday life and in the game? (shop)
1. Games enriched life experience? (plot)
4. Modern lightweight children's construction set? (lego)
8. Attributes for both active and theatrical play? (masks)
9. Conversation between two persons? (dialogue)
10. What do the participants of the game distribute among themselves? (roles)
11. Benefits for the organization role-playing game? (attributes)
12. Children's life partner? (toy)
13. A set of requirements for someone or something? (rules)

Task 6 - homework
Our business game has come to an end, but we have not exhausted the topic. After all, the game is a whole world.

N. Pletenchuk, MBDOU No. 506 combined type “Sun”, Novosibirsk

Game, as we know, is a type of activity that allows a person to express himself and improve himself. This also applies to the business game. At a teacher's meeting, where only reports, reports, lectures are given, or at a theoretical seminar, as practice shows, listeners most likely will not perceive even 50% of the necessary information. It's a different matter if you include a business game in them. Work experience shows: adults enthusiastically play children's games and take part in business games with great pleasure.

Business games allow you to:

  • more effectively train teachers in new forms, methods and techniques of working with children;
  • determine psychological attitude teachers, their attitude towards work and children, the potential of their knowledge and skills;
  • correct certain shortcomings in the work of teachers;
  • create conditions for the exchange of teaching experience;
  • provide assistance to beginning educators in organizing the educational process.
  • bring teachers together by uniting them in a single rhythm and direction of work.

So, a business game brings teachers together, but at the same time it evokes in them a sense of competition, a desire to show their individual qualities, non-standard statements and solutions to problems. Therefore, the task of the senior educator is to use such business games that will direct the efforts of teachers in the right direction, unite them in the desire to acquire new knowledge and skills, and improve professional quality, use in practice the knowledge and skills acquired in the process of the business game.

Teachers, raising their professional level, turn to studying theoretical foundations, and modern methodological literature is sufficient for this. But during a business game, educators receive twice as much information, which directs them to study it more deeply. The activities of educators during business games can be classified as creative and exploratory, which can create a situation of success that stimulates a creative attitude to work. I would like to offer options for new games that I came up with myself based on familiar games.


Conducted with a group of teachers working with children 2-7 years old

The goal and objectives of the game. To become interested in new forms and methods of working with children in physical education; promote creative growth; teach educators, specialists, teachers additional education interact in the process of mastering new forms and methods of working with children, as well as the ability to select literature and material; introduce educators to how to diversify the work with parents on the physical education of children.

Equipment. Skittles and balls of red, green, of blue color(12 pieces each), task cards, a box of waste material, colored cardboard.

Progress of the game

The presenter introduces the rules of the game to teachers. They are divided into three teams at will, each choosing the color of balls and pins. Team members take turns knocking down pins with balls from a distance of 4-5 m. If they knock down pins of their own color, they get 1 point, if they knock down pins of a different color, 0 points. The number of pins of the same color knocked down determines the number of the card with theoretical and practical tasks.

Tasks and questions of the first card

  • List outdoor games with a ball.
  • Define outdoor game.
  • Prepare a consultation for parents on the topic “Hardening at home.”
  • Using scrap material, make an unconventional stepping machine.
  • Draw a diagram “Increasing the power load on the muscles of children in different age groups.”
  • How long does a physical education lesson last in the middle group?
  • What new forms of work in physical education do you know?
  • Make a rough plan for a physical education lesson in a mixed group (senior and pre-school age).

Tasks and questions of the second card

  • Name the types of walking used in kindergarten.
  • From the presented methodological literature, select the one that will help you compose long-term plan in physical culture.
  • Develop a complex of morning exercises for children of senior preschool age using dance movements.
  • From waste material (plastic bottle caps) make a trainer for the feet and palms.
  • What relaxation exercises can be used at the end of a physical education session?
  • Come up with a new one outdoor game using a morphological box.
  • Do I need insurance when doing exercises on a track?

Tasks and questions of the third card

  • On the topics “We are future athletes”, “I want to grow up healthy!” make a plan for excursions for the quarter.
  • List outdoor games with running.
  • Solve the crossword " Physical education preschoolers."
  • Define the word “hypodynamia”.
  • Show how to correctly perform the Hatha Yoga exercises “Lion”, “Lotus”, “Cat” (pay attention to breathing).

Note. Hatha yoga is an ancient Indian system of maintaining the body in optimal physical condition. Literal translation of the word hatha- power, fury, violence, necessity, effort. The goal of Hatha Yoga is to bring the body into a state of complete health so that the body is not a burden to the body. spiritual development. The practice of Hatha yoga consists mainly of performing asanas, static poses. Special attention focuses on flexibility and tone of the spine. Unique feature Hatha yoga is an exercise that stimulates the hormonal glands and massages the internal organs. Stimulating the hormonal system helps maintain balanced emotions and promotes a more optimistic outlook on life. In addition to physical exercises, Hatka Yoga includes methods of cleansing the internal organs and establishes principles proper nutrition. Hatha yoga is working with consciousness through the body. Hatha yoga classes prevent many diseases and help get rid of existing ones. Hatha yoga sharpens the mind and helps concentrate attention, allowing you to control your actions and manifestations, from the bodily to the control of consciousness. Hatha yoga is consciousness-oriented. It consists of three components: special physical exercise(asanas), breathing exercises(prana), working with consciousness in the form of concentration ( meditation techniques). From the point of view of modern medicine, Hatha Yoga can be called “psychophysical gymnastics.” Hatha Yoga Reviews physical body human as a tool for working with the mind in order to achieve harmony internal state and external health. Therefore, during classes, a person must definitely relax, discard all extraneous thoughts and focus only on his own body and the processes occurring inside it. In the Hatha Yoga system great attention is given to health, and therefore to the beauty of the body. Many exercises are aimed at cleansing and strengthening, increasing its flexibility with the help of specially selected asanas. When performing asanas, attention is focused inside the body. The main recommendation for practicing Hatha yoga is regularity and systematic practice. Moderation must be observed, especially at the initial stage, when it is difficult to adequately assess one’s strengths and capabilities. Most people are accustomed to consumer relations like buying things in a supermarket: if they wanted it, they bought it right away. This does not work with Hatha yoga, so many people, having started, quickly “cool down.” It is necessary from the very beginning, when learning Hatha Yoga, to listen to your body, to show interest in what is really happening in your life dimension, what and how and under the influence of what changes, i.e. You need to be sensitive to yourself and everything that surrounds you. This is very important due to the peculiarities of practicing Hatha yoga in our climate, since the body sometimes reacts very violently to seasonal changes (changes in daylight hours, etc.), and if you do not feel this in this moment, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. For example, it has been found that muscle stretching the best way occurs in the spring - early summer, and power asanas are better mastered and worked out in winter, etc. The question comes down, in the end, to awakening genuine interest in oneself and the world, the desire to understand one’s own essence during studies, in order to later come to the conviction of the need for change and changes, and urgent ones, because life, as we know, is short. On the other hand, you must clearly understand that the sincerity of your intentions in practicing Hatha yoga plays an important role. After all, on the path of yoga one must be prepared for both difficult trials and disappointments. It’s not for nothing that yoga, like love, is compared to fire; Indeed, it helps us rise, become stronger, and feel the joy of life.

  • Name the hardening methods.
  • How much weight should a sandbag be for throwing distances for older children?
  • Make a plan for morning exercises in senior group using symbols (sketchy man).

Tasks and questions of the fourth card

  • List the objects with which you can perform strength gymnastics in kindergarten.
  • Build a chain of words in in the right order(sleep, outdoor play, physical education, individual work in physical education, physical education holiday, hardening, morning exercises, competition, walk, etc.).
  • Make attributes for the outdoor game “Colored Lanterns”.
  • Come up with options for complicating the outdoor game “Sunshine and Rain”.
  • Choose exercises that can be used to develop flexibility (“Frog”, “Planes”, “Soldier”, “Clock”, “Bridge”, “Cat”, etc.).
  • List physical education exercises using jumping and demonstrate one of them.
  • List gaming methods and techniques for developing strength and endurance.
  • Make a card with a diagram of the sequence of analysis of physical education classes with children in the preparatory group for school.

The number of questions can be increased or decreased, it depends on how much time is allocated for the business game.

At the end of the game, the theoretical preparedness of the teams is summed up and teachers who have clearly demonstrated their creative abilities are rewarded with prizes.


The goal and objectives of the game. Expand and generalize knowledge on the topic “Game as the main activity of preschoolers”; clarify knowledge about types of games, forms, methods and techniques of working with children; through game modeling, create conditions for the manifestation of creative initiative; raise awareness of the need to get acquainted with the experience of colleagues in order to improve the quality of their professional work; introduce new methodological literature on the game.

Equipment. Wall alphabet with pockets for assignments, where instead of the letters Ъ, ь, ы, Ё, И there are faces-emotions, all other letters have a decoding (for example, A - gambling, B - fast, C - harmful, D - grandiose game, etc., and during the game, teachers will give definitions of what kind of games they are, as they understand it.)

Cards of red, blue, green (at least 10 pieces of each color) - they indicate letters and tasks for each team and guests. Task strips arranged in pockets (33 pieces). A wall tablet where statements by prominent personalities about the game will be attached. An easel, a pointer, two bells, two boxes of waste material. Poster information that will serve as a hint during the game. Thematic newspapers “It’s good when the game starts in the morning”, which were created by children, teachers and parents (poems, drawings, stories, fairy tales, collages, etc.). Projects of role-playing games on paper (cobwebs).

Progress of the game


It's good when in the morning

The game begins!

Laughter, fun, running around,

When the kids are playing.

You'll envy the kids:

Both girls and boys.

Adults want to play

Yes, you need to observe moderation.

But today is a special day,

We gathered for a reason.

Both in adults and in adults,

The game begins!

Hanging here in front of you

"Game Alphabet"!

Understand the rules of the game

Remember what for what!

Don't be bored, don't be lazy

And join our game.

Well, friends, it's time to meet

Teams "Bukvar" and "ABC"!

Music sounds, teams enter the hall and sit down at the tables.


To evaluate the teams,

The jury needs to be invited.

So as not to lose count of us

The counting commission must be chosen.

Well, let's begin!

Rules of the game. The jury evaluates teams on a three-point scale for all tasks performed. Teams take turns answering questions and presenting completed tasks. The time for completing tasks (depending on complexity) is from 1 to 5 minutes. Guests have the right to participate in the game. The choice of tasks for the guests is made by the host. Each team can include from 6 to 12 teachers.

Progress of the game

Brainstorming (warm-up). Teams need to look carefully at the game alphabet and combine the letters into pairs based on associations, opposite or similar. Name at least three pairs. The facilitator’s assistant arranges color cards with tasks for the pairs of letters determined by the teams. Team "Bukvar" - red cards, team "ABC" - green, guests and fans - blue cards. The team that is ready to answer first notifies the host with a bell, which gives the right to choose game task, i.e. another letter.

  1. First exercise: the "ABC" command - find the opposite meaning, the "ABC" command - find a similar meaning. The teams name the pairs, the assistant arranges the cards.
  2. Second task performed on the basis of homework. Each participant must find out what definitions the game was given famous people. Teams read out the definitions one by one, listening carefully to each other and not repeating themselves. The facilitator's assistant attaches statements to the tablet. Each team must come up with its own definition of the game and read it out. 1 minute is given for this. While the team is preparing, the guests select definition words: what games starting with the letter Ш can be (for example, scrupulous, sparing, generous) - and explain what kind of games they are.
  3. Reveal the stages of formation of a role-playing game, which prepare the child for a collective game: the “ABC” team according to E. Kravtsova, the “Bukvar” team according to D. Elkonin.
  4. Making figurative and noise toys. Presentation of a figurative toy

poem, song, dance, facial expressions, pantomime, image, etc. Sounding out a poem using homemade noise toys made from waste material. Time to make toys is 5 minutes.

The "Bukvar" team is offered the poem "Frogs."

On a green edge -

qua-qua-qua! -

The frogs have gathered, the frogs are sitting -


“Catching flies - yum-yum-yum! -

Very tasty for us, for us, for us!

And then jump through puddles -


Oh, cheerful little frogs,

you froggy people!

Team "ABC" is offered the poem "Rain".

The trees swayed, the grass rustled -

Sha-sha-sha, sha-sha-sha!

The trees sang, the foliage began to play -

La-la-la, la-la-la!

And a loud thunder rolled across the sky -


And drops dripped, they sang a soft song -


Here on the roof, on the glass -


On my porch -


More and more, more and more fun for the frogs!

Hee hee hee! Yes ha ha ha! What a beauty!

Game “Chamomile” with spectators “What does a child learn in the game?”(distribute daisy petals and markers to all interested guests, after completing the task, place the daisies on the carpet and read out what knowledge, skills and abilities the child receives during the game).

Presentation of toys by teams.

5. Fragment of a lesson using the conceptual position “The child’s right to play.”

The basis is homework. 8-10 minutes are allotted for showing fragments of classes. Assignment for guests and fans: “On the game alphabet you see faces-emotions. Which one do you like best? (Merry.) To make your mood just as cheerful, listen to the teachers’ anthem.”

Don't spin the colorful globe,

You won't find it there

That country, a huge country,

Which we sing about.

Every day is filled with laughter

Surprise, beauty,

With understanding and attention,

Amazing game.

And everyone is rushing to this country

And the kids are in a hurry.

Their moms and dads

They bring you here by the hand.

In this most cheerful country,

They are greeted with a new fairy tale.

This country is always in my heart

It's called "Kindergarten"!

6. Playing with pencils.

Leading. Attention! Here are the symbols you need to match as best as possible more games(board-printed, mobile, intellectual, role-playing, etc.), suitable for the selected symbols, for example, games for the “circle” symbol - “Circle Trap”, round dance games, board-printed game “Fractions”, etc. . 3 minutes are allotted for preparation.

Teams make a choice. While the teams are busy, the guests answer the question: how do role-playing games differ from theatrical games?

7. Presentation of projects of role-playing games “Steamboat”, “Hospital” (cobwebs, albums with photographs, children’s drawings, etc.).

8. Blitz survey.

Blitz survey for the Bukvar team

  • Actions of a child with a toy. (A game.)
  • What are the games called in which children make the most of their knowledge and thinking abilities? (Mind games.)
  • Name any environmental game. (Which tree is which leaf from?)
  • What role-playing game involves a sailor, captain, and cook? (Steamboat.)
  • Who is the author of this saying “Play is childhood, and childhood is play”? (V.A.Nedospasova.)
  • What two worlds did J. Piaget talk about in his discovery? (World children and the world of adults.)
  • What are the names of games in which a child makes a doll speak and perform various actions, while acting in two ways, that is, for himself and for the doll? (Director's games.)
  • What are the names of objects that replace a child's toy? (Substitute items.)
  • Does an older preschooler need more space or toys when playing? (In space.)

Blitz survey for the ABC team

  • What is the name of children's favorite activity with toys? (A game.)
  • Who is the author of the statement “We do not play because we are children. But childhood itself was given to us so that we could play”? (Karl Grosse is a German psychologist.)
  • Name any outdoor game with a ball. (Trap around the circle.)
  • Which role-playing game involves a makeup artist, a hairdresser, a client, and a cashier. (Salon.)
  • What are the names of games during which children can come up with game plots, assign roles, and change the playing environment without adult intervention? (Independent.)
  • Who believed that “play is the sphere of children’s suffering, which is on the other side of pleasure”? (Sigmund Freud.)
  • How many stages of development of role-playing play, according to Kravtsova, should a child go through in order to be ready for collective play? (Five stages.)
  • What is the "heart of the game"? (Role.)
  • In what games do children escape into a world where all their childhood dreams come true? (Creative.)

Assignment to both teams

Compose words from the letters marked on the “Game Alphabet” with color cards; the letters can be repeated. Try to create words related to the topic “Game”.


The goal and objectives of the game. To become interested in new forms and methods of working with children in the development of emotions and aesthetic taste; include in creative work beginning educators; raise awareness of the need to get acquainted with the experience of other kindergartens in order to improve the quality of their professional work; learn how to structure your speech using the “Speech Guide”; become more active in solving pedagogical situations.

Equipment. One lotto cards for each team with numbers from 1 to 12. A bag of barrels (you can use plastic packaging from chocolate eggs, and put a task or question inside each one), chips. Two flat magpie models with inserted tail feathers.

Progress of the game

The presenter (senior teacher) introduces the rules of the game. Teachers are divided into two teams (optional) or four (each age characteristics children). The teams are given lotto cards. Game centers are selected:

  • Game center(teams “Veselushka” and “Smeshinka”, which participate in the game).
  • Center "Handmade"(design of material invented by team members).
  • Center "Jury"(assess the work of the teams, sums up).
  • Music Center (musical director).

The presenter takes out the barrels and names the task numbers. Teams designate them with chips on their lotto cards. The team that completes all the numbers on its card faster and gets more points wins.

6 1 4 9
2 3 5 7
4 12 10
1 12 3 8
5 7 11
4 2 6 9

Mom came for Katya early. The girl ran up to her mother with admiring eyes: “Mommy! Come get me later! We make gifts for kids! These make such beautiful gifts! I have not finished yet". “What nonsense! Which presents! Aunt Tanya is waiting for us. Get ready immediately! - Mom snapped. The young teacher Anna Sergeevna cautiously suggested: “Maybe you should wait for Katyusha a little, because she tried so hard. She does it best, neatly and beautifully.” To which my mother sharply replied: “I don’t have time, but you’d better persuade her to get ready to go home quickly.” Exercise. Assess the mother’s position and offer your own solution to the situation. Assess the teacher’s position and offer your own solution to the situation.

Tasks for the game


The goal and objectives of the game. Learn to be free in judgments and arguments and specify your answers; teach beginning educators to express their opinions, defend their point of view, be able to listen to colleagues and treat their opinions correctly; call on business discussion Topics; provide conditions for the manifestation of creative initiative.

Equipment. Masks white and black on sticks. A ball of thread is white and black.

Progress of the game

The presenter invites everyone to stand in a circle, while he himself remains in the center. He hands the balls over to the teachers, and they decide which one to take. By passing a black or white ball of thread to each other, teachers determine their mood and feelings and keep either a white or black thread. When the last players have the balls, it turns out to be a cobweb. It is laid flat on the floor. At the end of the business game, this procedure is repeated again and the webs are compared, determining which threads have increased. As a rule, at the end of the game there are always more white threads. A topic for discussion is given.

First option. It is better for educators to sit in a semicircle, as the mask is passed from one to another, and it is easier for the presenter to follow the progress of the discussion. First, only the white mask is handed over, and the positive sides declared topic. Then a black mask is passed around and each participant finds something negative in it. At the end of the discussion, the presenter summarizes the statements and draws a conclusion.

Second option. All participants are divided into two teams and play only for a white or black mask. At the end of the discussion, the presenter summarizes the statements and draws a conclusion.


The purpose and objectives of the games. These games are best used at the Council of Teachers, when they report on what work they have done for summer period or how you prepared for the start of the school year.


Teachers are invited to choose one colored circle with a diameter of 8-10 cm (primary colors are used, as well as contrasting ones - black and white). In this way, you can determine the mood of teachers and see what colors they like (this is also necessary in order to take into account color shades when decorating halls, etc.). On each bead circle, invite everyone to write briefly about their achievements. Then all the “beads” are strung on a braid and decorated with this garland on the wall in the teacher’s office, where everyone can familiarize themselves with free time with the achievements of colleagues. This form of mini-reports allows you to save time on the council of teachers and disseminate best practices.


Similar to the game "Beads", only at the end you get a huge bouquet. On each flower, educators write down methods, techniques, techniques, methods and technologies that they successfully use.


It is carried out in the form of an oral journal, when educators, one after another, share interesting techniques, methods or forms of working with children. You can also conduct mini-reports that begin with one phrase: “And in our group...” or “We do this...”.


Held at the Council of Teachers “Environmental Education of Preschool Children”

The goal and objectives of the game. Help novice educators in organizing the educational process aimed at familiarizing themselves with new methods, forms and techniques of working with children in environmental education; maintain a businesslike atmosphere throughout the game; clarify and consolidate teachers’ knowledge on this topic; teach the use of tests, questionnaires, test conversations, block sections when diagnosing children’s knowledge of ecology.

Equipment. Phones cut out of colored cardboard with questions written on them. Five toy phones. A musical toy with various children's melodies. Samples of tests, test conversations, block sections with children on environmental education. Questionnaires to determine skills and knowledge on this topic for educators.

Progress of the game

The presenter announces the start of the game and invites the head of the preschool educational institution to telephone No. 1; to phone number 2 of the senior teacher; to telephone number 3 of the ecologist; to phone number 4, the senior nurse; to phone number 5 of the educational psychologist. To save time and direct the game in the right direction, telephones with ready-made questions are distributed. You can offer to ask questions on behalf of parents, grandparents, teachers primary school, children, teachers, etc.

Questions for phone number 1

  • Are children in kindergarten taught about ecology? From what age? What environmental programs are implemented in your preschool institution? (Elementary school teacher.)
  • Is there a “Young Ecologist” club in kindergarten? And how to sign up there? (Child.)
  • Nowadays, the design method is widely used in kindergartens. Do you use this method in environmental education of children? (Colleague from a neighboring kindergarten.)

Questions for phone number 2

  • Is there a special lesson in kindergarten where they teach to love nature? Who is conducting it? From what age? (Parent.)
  • Which diagnostic cards help determine children's knowledge of ecology? (Educator.)
  • Do you think that conducting experiments with plants develops callousness in children? Will this lead to children breaking trees, picking off leaves, etc.? (Grandfather.)
  • What methods and techniques are used in kindergarten to educate the principles of environmental culture? ? (Teacher.)
  • Which new one? methodological literature Would you recommend using it in environmental education for young and middle-aged children? (Educator.)

Questions for phone number 3

  • What is ecology and environmental education of children? (Dad.)
  • There is a “Bird Pillar” on the territory of the kindergarten. What is it used for? (Beginner teacher.)
  • What new forms of work with parents can be used on environmental education? What experiments with sand, magnet, air can be carried out with older children? (Educator.)

Questions for phone number 4

  • Will my grandson get poisoned? poisonous plants or mushrooms while walking on the territory of the kindergarten? (Grandmother.)
  • I've heard about such a method as herbal medicine. Tell us more about it. Is it used in kindergarten? ? (Colleague from another kindergarten.)
  • My son is allergic to some houseplants. Will the plants in the group harm my baby? (Mother.)

Questions for phone number 5

  • My daughter is afraid of bugs, spiders, frogs and worms. Please advise how to overcome fear? (Mother.)
  • Which animal is better to buy to instill in a child feelings of empathy, love and care? (Grandmother.)
  • I want to have a kitten, but my mother doesn’t allow me. How can you persuade her? (Child.)

A similar business game can be played at the final council of teachers on graduating children to school. In this case, teachers of graduating classes and specialized specialists will answer the questions.


Conducted at the Council of Teachers “Development of speech in preschool children through play”

The goal and objectives of the game. Ensure a creative and business-like attitude throughout the business game; support the initiative of advanced teachers; clarify and consolidate knowledge on this topic; improve the level by introducing and teaching a new method of speech development; introduce educators to new game, which can be played with children using different options.

Equipment. A circle with a diameter of 60-80 cm, divided by seven axes. On each axis there is a chip of its own color (the color of the rainbow). Each axis is divided into four levels. Chips (you can use large, colored buttons) move freely on axes, determining the level of play.

--- location

--- season

--- number of participants

--- children's age

——— material

——— type of game

——— the basis of the plot

substitute items, homemade toys, store-bought toys, intellectual and educational games.

theatrical, role-playing, didactic, moving.

fairy tale, story, song, poem.

Progress of the game

The presenter introduces teachers to the topic and rules of the game. He suggests dividing into three or four teams. Each team includes an additional player from narrow specialists (teachers-speech therapists, educational psychologist, music director, etc.). Each team selects a player who, blindfolded, moves the pieces across the playing field, thereby selecting the axle levels for the upcoming game.

Tasks can be like this

  • Make a rough summary of a lesson on speech development.
  • Come up with a new speech game.
  • Plan a rough entertainment plan.

Teams, having chosen a task within 5-8 minutes, come up with their own version and present it in turn. For example, an option for creating a new speech game:

street (sports ground)

winter (first walk)

number of participants (7-11 children)

  • Practice clear pronunciation of the sound “Z”.
  • Learn to come up with simple quatrains based on the rhymes “bunny - arrogant, bunny - know-it-all.”
  • Teach children to improvise by changing the plot of the game (hares hiding from the wolf, hare competitions, hare school, etc.).
  • Involve inactive children with low speech activity in speech play.
  • Activate lexicon children.

Approximate course of the game

Invite the children to make a hare out of snow and put ice on their eyes, nose and mouth. Come up with a name for him and an improvised costume (pieces of fabric, old glasses, any waste material). Ask the children how they can play with the snow hare, where he lives, what his favorite dish is, what his character is, what could happen to him, etc. (try to interview every player, and especially children with low speech activity). After listening to all the options, choose a plot for the game (for example, the hare became arrogant). Together with the children, come up with a teaser about a hare, based on the rhyme “bunny - arrogant, bunny - know-it-all.”

The bunny thought he was a know-it-all

And the stupid bunny became arrogant.

Bunny, bunny, you are arrogant!

You're not a know-it-all!

Choose adjectives (what the hare was like), verbs (what he did, where he went, who he was friends with, etc.). Let the children participate in the distribution of the roles of the hare's friends (Katya has an orange fur coat, which means she will be a fox or a squirrel; Alyosha is very kind, which means she will be a kind bear, etc.). Encourage children to explain their choices. Try putting on an impromptu performance with a snow hare. And then offer to call the kids and show them an impromptu theatrical performance “Once upon a time there was a hare.”

Interesting options are drawn up and placed in pedagogical piggy bank kindergarten, which can be used by both young professionals and experienced teachers.

Another version of the game "Seven"

The same playing field with rainbow chips. Each color of the chip represents a question or task. Each axis has four different questions or tasks. The game will need to start from the “Start” sector.


Conducted at the medical-pedagogical meeting “The influence of play techniques and the developmental environment on the adaptation of children 2-3 years old.”

The goal and objectives of the game. Introduce new games and gaming techniques; clarify what part of the day is best to use them; teach to diversify the developmental environment of the group for better adaptation of children.

Equipment. Five squares (5x5 cm) blue and red (to use large quantity teachers in the game, it is most effective to use two to four such sets). On each square there is a game corresponding to the regime segment. On the reverse side of each blue square are recommendations for organizing a developmental environment in a group, and each red square - recommendations for working with parents during the adaptation period. Samples of development environment options (sketches on paper, photographs).

Progress of the game

Lay out the squares on the table and offer to lay out the games and gaming techniques in the following order:

  • games, gaming techniques used during reception children(“Vertical laces”, “Tyopa has come”, “Let’s go to the house”, “Funny swing”, “Roly-poly Bim and Bom are going to build a house”, “Clap and slap”, “Fingers are playing”, “Hurry up, my friend, join us in circle”, “We’ll go for mushrooms”, etc.);
  • games, game techniques used when washing(“Fish in the water”, “Let’s blow soap bubbles”, “Flow, flow, trickle!”, “Hands clap, clap, flip flops on the water”, “Catch some water in your palm!”, “Come on, little nose, wash yourself!” ", "Hello, droplet!", "Vodichka-sister", "Visiting the blue droplet", etc. .:
  • games, play techniques used while feeding children(“Kashka, porridge, you’re delicious for us”, “Yum-yum, it’s very tasty for us”, “Come on, take a spoon!”, “ Drink compote, but don’t spill it on your shirt,” etc.);
  • games, play techniques used during nap time

(“Listen to the song”, “Bai-bai, sleep, I’ll rock you”, “Katya is sleeping”, “Vanka-vstanka, you need to sleep”, “The nose is sleeping, and the eyes are sleeping, the hands want to sleep too””, “The music will sound , and our baby will sleep”, etc.);

  • games, play techniques used while dressing and while walking

(“Our legs ran”, “Stop and watch!”, “The cat wants to play”, “Lelya was getting ready”, “Bear, let’s go for a walk!”, “Hat and fur coat”, “Masha the Confused”, “Let’s go to the horse”, “Let’s release the ball”, “Ribbons on a branch”, etc.).

It is very valuable for novice educators that, by turning over the blue squares, they can read recommendations for creating a developmental environment in the group, and the red ones - recommendations for working with parents.



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