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Business partnership and business communication. Abstract: Business communication, its role and functions

Business communication today penetrates into all areas public life. Enterprises of all forms of ownership and individuals enter into commercial and business relationships. Competence in the field of business communication is directly related to success or failure in any business: science, art, production, trade. As for managers, entrepreneurs, production organizers, people involved in management, communicative competence for representatives of these professions is the most important part of their professional appearance.

“Business is the ability to talk to people,” say enterprising Americans.

One of the outstanding managers of the United States, the president of the world's largest auto giant - Ford and Chrysler companies, Lee Iacocca, in his book "Manager's Career" writes: "Management is nothing more than setting people up to work. The only way to set people up to work energetic activity is to communicate with them." The specificity of business communication lies in the fact that the collision, interaction of economic interests and social regulation are carried out within a legal framework. Most often, people enter into business relationships in order to legally formalize interactions in a particular area. The ideal result of interaction and legal registration of relations is partnerships built on the foundations of mutual respect and trust.

Another specific feature of business communication is its regulation , i.e. Subordination to established rules and restrictions.

These rules are determined by the type of business communication, its form, the degree of formality and the specific goals and objectives facing those communicating. These rules are determined by national cultural traditions and social norms of behavior.

They are recorded and drawn up in the form protocol (business, diplomatic), exist in the form of generally accepted norms of social behavior, in the form of etiquette requirements, restrictions on the time frame of communication.

Depending on various characteristics, business communication is divided into:

1) oral - written (from the point of view of the form of speech);

2) dialogical - monological(from the point of view of unidirectionality / bidirectionality of speech between the speaker and the listener);

3) interpersonal - public (in terms of the number of participants);

4) direct - indirect (from the point of view of the absence / presence of a mediating apparatus);

5) contact - distant (from the point of view of the position of the communicants in space).

All of the listed factors of business communication form the characteristic features of business speech.

Oral and written business speech differ to a greater extent: both forms of speech represent systemically different varieties of the Russian literary language. If written business speech represents an official business style of speech, then oral business speech represents various forms of hybrid stylistic formations.

There are significant linguistic differences between dialogic and monologue business speech. If monologue speech gravitates more toward book speech, then dialogic speech tends toward conversational speech, which is reflected primarily in the textual organization and syntactic features of speech. Dialogical communication is primarily interpersonal communication, while public speech is monologue speech.

Remote , Always indirect communication (telephone conversation, mail and fax, paging, etc.) differs from contact , direct increased attention to the intonation pattern of speech (oral communication), brevity and regulation, the inability to use gestures and objects as information carriers.

Business communication represents a wide range of genre varieties of written and oral communication.

Written business speech, in which dialogic relationships are realized, is represented by all types of business letters, documents fixing social and legal relations - contracts (agreements), agreements and all types of related documents. Oral business speech, in which dialogical relationships are realized, is represented by the genres of business negotiations, meetings, consultations, etc.

Meetings and meetings are a special type of protocol communication, in which for the most part monologue business speech is presented, which not only has a written nature, but also exists in two forms at once - oral and written.

Today, the scope of business communication is expanding. Advertising and social communication are becoming an integral part of business communication. The success of an enterprise today largely depends on the ability to present one’s position in the most favorable light, to interest a potential partner, and to create a favorable impression. Therefore, in addition to the readable monologue speech, the practice of business communication is increasingly including prepared but unreadable monologue speech (presentation speech, ceremonial speech, opening remarks at various meetings), congratulatory letters and other etiquette texts.

Mastery of all the listed genres of business communication is included in the professional competence of a manager or leader. (See denotation graph on p. 26).

Whatever area the concept of “speech culture” refers to, it always includes three main aspects: orthological, communicative and ethical.

Orthology - the science of correct speech, language norms and their change. In the minds of the speaker and writer, a norm acts as a sample, a tracing paper, a diagram, a template according to which a word, sentence, or utterance is built. Norms are formed under the influence of the literary creativity and speech practice of a nation and are an indispensable condition for the unity of the language and the normal functioning of the language system. They are codified, i.e. described, fixed as a model in dictionaries, reference books, textbooks.

Codified norms of a literary language are those that all native speakers must follow, and the concept of normativity includes the scope of language use. The assignment of options to various spheres and forms of language use is determined by the principle of communicative expediency. What is normal for writing(complication of syntactic construction with participial and participial phrases), non-standard for oral speech.

Often a norm acts as a double standard - mandatory and permissible options. For example, in the practice of oral business communication, the colloquial form d O talk - agreement A supplants the book version Great Danes O r - dogs O ry.

The variability of the norm is the reason for its change, and the rate of change in the norm is different for different levels of language. Grammatical norms are considered the most conservative. The grammatical structure of the Russian literary language has remained virtually unchanged since Pushkin's times. Phonetic norms, on the contrary, are very flexible. The word “marketing”, which recently entered Russian speech, already has pronunciation options that have been established as acceptable: m A marketing and brand e ting.

Correct speech - This is a basic requirement of speech culture, its basis.

Is it important to master the norms of the Russian literary language for a person whose daily practice is business communication? This question can only be answered unequivocally in the affirmative. Because the person is low speech culture A person who cannot clearly express his thoughts, makes mistakes in his speech, is doomed to communication failures, and often finds himself in an awkward position. Literacy in the broad sense of the word is an indispensable condition for success in business communication.

It is especially important for a manager, executive, or municipal employee to imagine the normative aspect of the language of documents and oral business speech.

The normative aspect of speech culture is one of the most important, but not the only one. It is possible, without violating the norms of the Russian literary language, to make a repulsive impression on your interlocutor. You can cite a large number of different texts, including business texts, impeccable from the point of view of normativity, but not too intelligible.

Language has a huge arsenal of tools. They must be used taking into account the sphere, situation, tasks and genre of speech and be mobilized to achieve the communicative goal. The communicative aspect of speech culture examines these issues.

What in modern linguistics is called the communicative aspect of speech culture was known back in antiquity as one of the revered sciences - rhetoric. At first, rhetoric was the science of oratory, “the ability to captivate souls with words” (Plato). Then rhetoric began to be understood as the science of good speech, highlighting such qualities as accuracy, clarity, expressiveness, logic, purity, appropriateness. All these qualities are interconnected. Accuracy, achieved through the correct use of words and organization of speech, provides such qualities of speech as clarity, accessibility. Logic speech is closely related to accuracy, which is, as it were, a “precondition” for logic. This communicative quality of speech is associated not so much with word usage, but with the syntactic organization of the utterance, which should ensure consistency in the assimilation of the expressed thought, its consistency.

Purity And relevance speeches, in turn, are closely connected with each other. The selection of words in accordance with the goals and conditions of communication is determined by the requirement of purity and appropriateness of speech, which presupposes knowledge of the styles of the literary language. Thus, an abundance of terms and cliches, standard expressions are characteristic of written business speech, but are completely uncharacteristic of colloquial speech. All these communicative qualities of speech are characteristics of correct and skillful speech.

Nowadays, modern rhetoric, or neo-rhetoric, is primarily the science of effective speech, the ability to achieve a set goal by means of speech. This involves taking into account the psychological and ethical aspects of communication.

The ethical aspect of speech culture is represented by the linguistic discipline - speech etiquette. Speech etiquette studies special speech means regulation of social and interpersonal relations: speech etiquette formulas, etiquette texts and rules for their use, as well as rules of speech behavior in certain conditions.

Etiquette standards of behavior are national in nature. What is a sign of respect in European countries (when meeting, inquire about the health of your wife and loved ones), in Muslim countries can be perceived as an insult.

Business communication very often not only includes etiquette communication, but necessarily provides for it. There are special etiquette genres of business communication: expressions of condolences, gratitude, congratulations. Leaders, managers, and employees must know well and adequately use the means of speech etiquette, since the result of business communication largely depends on the successful use of these means.

“You are greeted by your clothes, but you are seen off by your mind,” says Russian folk wisdom. Moreover, the word “intelligence” means the ability to communicate and get along with people. Words spoken at the right time and at the right time were called “golden” by the people.

Thus, speech culture is the use of the means and capabilities of language that are adequate to the content, setting and purpose of the utterance while observing language norms.

The high speech culture of a manager or leader is manifested in knowledge of the requirements for the language of documents, and the ability to choose from the richest arsenal of speech means of business writing necessary for composing a text, conducting a business conversation, and being able to convince that one is right.

An indicator of a manager’s linguistic competence can be considered his ability to “translate” information from one type of speech to another (from the language of reference genres to the language of oral spontaneous speech), to collapse and expand it, i.e. perform the operations of nomination*, verbalization*, thesis*, paraphrasing*, summarizing*.

Proficiency in etiquette, tactical techniques for conducting business negotiations, meetings, and genres of public monologue speech are also among the necessary speech skills of a manager.

It is easy and pleasant to talk to a person of high speech culture. If this is a business person, he succeeds in various contacts and negotiations, he manages to convince people that he is right and influence his interlocutors, he can draw up or edit a document himself, write a letter of gratitude, a congratulatory letter or a presentation speech. And these are all the most important components of the professional appearance of a business person.

Today, the sphere of commercial and administrative-legal relations has attracted huge masses of people with different cultural, educational levels and social status. Naturally, they are carriers of various types of intranational speech cultures.

ABOUT. Sirotinin and V.E. Goldin in their works presented a typology of intranational speech cultures that coexist in business communication and are directly related to the general educational and general cultural level of speakers and writers.

The highest type is elitist type of speech culture. The speech of a representative of an elite speech culture is not only impeccable from the point of view of compliance with language norms, it is distinguished by richness, expressiveness, argumentation, logic, accessibility, clarity of presentation, etc.

No less important for an elite speech culture is strict adherence to all ethical standards of communication: adherence to the principle of politeness and cooperation in the process of dialogue, the absence of rude, especially obscene, expressions, the absence of “notes” of categoricalness and a raised tone of communication, especially with subordinates.

A representative of an elite speech culture must master all functional styles of the Russian literary language: official business, scientific, journalistic, colloquial. This means that a business person, for example, can with equal ease write a scientific report or article, speak at a press conference, give an interview, write a presentation speech, congratulations, address, not to mention professional speech activities - drafting documents, holding meetings, negotiations, business meetings, etc.

“We can say that elite speech culture is the art of using language, all the wealth of its capabilities with the strict appropriateness of this use,” they write in one of the works of O.B. Sirotinin and V.E. Goldin*.

*Goldin V.E., Sirotinina O.B. Intranational speech cultures and their interaction // Questions of stylistics. Issue 25. Problems of speech culture. Saratov, 1993. P.10.

It is clear that elitist speech culture characterizes only a few representatives of our society. In the practice of studying business oral and written speech, the author of this book has not recorded this type of speech culture. But this does not mean that it is absent from business speech and, moreover, it does not mean that one should not strive to master it. It is this type of speech culture that constitutes the subject of training.

Average literary Speech culture is also a fairly high type of speech culture. It is characterized by less strict adherence to all norms, but errors in oral and written speech are not systematic.

Unlike the bearers of an elite speech culture, who actively master all styles, the bearers of an average literary speech culture usually actively master only one or two styles (for example, business and colloquial), while the rest are only passive.

Average literary speech culture is characterized in part by a mixture of norms of oral and written speech - when book cliches, participial or adverbial phrases are used in oral speech, and when colloquial constructions and jargon penetrate into written speech, in particular into the language of documents.

Unlike elitist, average literary speech culture is not a standard one, however, this type of speech culture is the most widespread in all spheres of our social life. This type of speech culture represents the speech of the majority of television and radio journalists. Hence the replication of errors such as " kv A rotal", "in A lovy", " uh expert", "provide e nie", "noting that", "conversation on economics", "calculation on slabs" and so on.

Average literary speech culture is characterized by lax compliance with etiquette requirements: a transition to You-communication at every opportunity, a low frequency of use of etiquette formulas and etiquette lexemes, the latter being represented by a very limited set ( "thank you", "hello", "goodbye", "sorry"). This type of speech culture cannot in any way be the subject of training.

Literary-colloquial speech culture and familiar colloquial Speech culture can be a type of elite and average literary speech culture if communication takes place in an informal setting, in the sphere of closely related, closely friendly communication.

These types of speech culture allow the use of reduced vocabulary: jargon, colloquial expressions, swear words, with general adherence to orthological norms.

These same types of speech culture can be independent, unique for a native speaker, if he does not take into account the factor of formality of communication, using, for example, words of farewell in formal conditions: bye, be instead of the commonly used ones: goodbye, all the best, all the best. The latter is typical for carriers of a familiarly colloquial culture. Even lower types of intranational speech cultures include vernacular And professionally limited speech culture.

Aware of the inferiority of their speech culture, speakers of vernacular often include foreign and book words in their speech without taking into account their lexical meaning: You can’t reach an agreement without consensus; we can manage without your contingent; specifically did and so on.

As a rule, speakers of vernacular culture are unaware of the existence of dictionaries and reference guides that could help them adequately use vocabulary and correctly construct phrases and sentences.

Errors in the speech of representatives of low types of speech cultures are systemic in nature. Moreover, in oral speech accentological and lexical errors predominate, and in written speech - grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.

In business communication, colloquialism in pure form is extremely rare, and professionally limited speech culture - quite often. It is characterized by everything that is characteristic of low types of speech cultures: systematic orthological violations, non-distinction between the spheres of You - and You - communication, non-distinction between stylistic layers of vocabulary (jargonisms are not recognized as such), lack of proficiency in monologue speech, lack of conscious use of speech means - in short speaking, linguistic limitations and inferiority of speech consciousness.

Do these types of intranational speech cultures interact? Undoubtedly, they experience mutual influence and form hybrid, marginal varieties: the average literary one interacts with lower types of speech cultures - familiar-colloquial, professional-limited, vernacular. And such marginal formations, according to our observations, prevail in business speech.

Does a future manager, executive, or municipal employee need to know these types of speech cultures? In our opinion, it is certainly necessary, because an accurate qualification of the interlocutor’s speech culture will help to choose the right strategy for speech behavior and avoid communicative shock when carriers of high and low types of speech cultures collide.

In this chapter, it is necessary to note the general process of reducing the level of speech culture of society, which has not yet been stopped. Linguists have been sounding the alarm for ten years about dangerous trends in the weakening of linguistic norms. The statements of many famous cultural and scientific figures in our society are permeated with anxiety about the state and fate of the Russian language. D.S. Likhachev, A.I. Solzhenitsyn, academician E.P. Chelyshev and many others spoke out about the need to preserve the purity of the national heritage - the Russian language, the existence and improvement of which is an indispensable condition for the existence of the nation.

The term “speech behavior” denotes the entire set of speech actions and their forms, considered primarily in the social and communicative aspect. For a manager and manager, these are speech actions that are necessarily performed by him in professional business communication. Outstanding linguist T.G. Vinokur wrote that “speech behavior appears as a person’s calling card in society.” Let us cite the formulation of J. Austin, one of the developers of the theory of speech acts - “word as action” - i.e. a word is an action under certain conditions in relation to a certain addressee.

The effectiveness of speech is felt to the greatest extent in business communication: in written form it represents the language of documents that guide people’s actions, in oral form it is dialogues in the process of which the opinions and interests of groups of people collide, general principles of interaction and specific plans for cooperation are developed, exits from conflict situations.

According to the traditional definition, a manager is a manager, agent, broker who ensures the intra-structural activities of an enterprise, establishes relationships with partners, clients (suppliers) or studies the sales market.

The social roles in which managers find themselves are determined by the types of their contacts with other people: “producer” - “consumer”; "seller buyer"; "client" - "customer"; "manager" - "subordinate".

Thus, intrastructural activity determines the distribution of social roles "manager" - "subordinate", foreign trade activity - "seller" - "buyer", "client" - "customer".

Each social role requires a special type of speech behavior. With the emergence of new economic relations, these types of speech behavior have changed dramatically. Ten years ago it was possible to manage only by directive methods, however, even then such a method was ineffective. Today this is impossible in principle. Directive speech acts remained in business communication in the genres of organizational and administrative documentation: orders, resolutions, instructions. Otherwise, business communication is based on the principles cooperation, consideration of mutual interests, parity And equality in hierarchical relationships. Not administration, but openness to contact and stimulation of subordinates, not opposition of interests of “buyer” and “seller”, “client” and “customer”, but the desire to identify common interests and search for a consensus solution - this is the basis of the speech behavior of a modern business person.

The central principle of speech behavior in business communication, therefore, is the principle of cooperation, implemented according to the theory of G.P. Grice's seven maxims (principles of conduct):

maxim of tact;

maxim of generosity;

maxim of relevance of statement;

maxim of completeness of information;

maxim of sympathy;

maxim of agreement;

maxim of modesty.

Not all of these maxims can be realized in one speech act: it is not always necessary to agree with the interlocutor, to show him sympathy, but a leader of any rank must be tactful, correct, and respect the interlocutor’s right to receive accurate and complete information and to express it.

The basic principle of modern business communication is that initially communication is based on the definition of the interlocutor as a partner, an equal participant in the dialogue, regardless of his social position and his communicative position.

Not " Bring me the documents" A " Please take the folder with documents" - a civilized leader will say when addressing a subordinate.

Formulating orders and requests in interrogative form formally gives the subordinate the right to choose and removes the emphasis of administration from hierarchical relationships. The willingness to admit a mistake, apologize, provide a favor, or settle minor misunderstandings is also natural for well-mannered person in business communication, as well as in everyday business.

Replacing direct speech acts with indirect ones (not " You need to solve the problem with paying for our services before November 13th," A " We would like to receive information from you about debt repayment by November 13th") is a sign of a fairly high speech culture, a conventional code of civilized communication not only in Russian, but also in other languages.

Compliance with the basic principle of cooperation is the most important postulate of the speech behavior of a business person and determines the choice of speech means depending on the communication situation.

The concept of “speech situation” is a basic concept of linguopragmatics - a science that studies how a person uses language to influence the addressee (perceiver of speech) and how he behaves in the process of verbal communication.

What determines the characteristics of a person’s speech and speech behavior? As it turned out, from many reasons and factors. The combination of these factors is called the speech situation. Its main components are the external and internal conditions of communication, the participants in communication, and their relationships.

The general scheme of a speech situation can be presented as follows.

In addition to the main factors identified in this diagram that influence the characteristics of business speech and the speech behavior of communicants, one can also identify factors such as the degree of familiarity, the degree of distance of the communicants from each other, the presence of observers, etc. However, these factors determine the quality of business speech not to the same extent as the main factors or components of the speech situation.

Let's look at them. The official setting implies a special legal significance of business communication. This is due to the fact that specific people - individuals- not only represent the interests of legal entities (firms, enterprises), but also act on behalf of legal entities in business negotiations and during business meetings.

Official communication takes place in the office space - office, reception area, conference room, etc.

Official communication can also be intracorporate, for example, protocol business communication, represented by the genres of meeting, conference, and board of directors.

An official setting requires compliance with appropriate etiquette norms of speech behavior:

Mandatory two-way communication in relation to the interlocutor of any age group and any social status;

Strict adherence to the etiquette framework of communication (words of greeting and farewell);

Using etiquette standard politeness formulas ( “Please be kind”, “Please be kind”, “Please allow me...” etc.).

The official situation places demands on the lexical composition of speech, which should not include swear words, slang, colloquial words and dialectisms.

There are requirements regarding the pronunciation of words. The official situation determines the choice of a literary type of pronunciation, rather than muttering, tongue twisters, or careless phonetic design of speech. Not [hello"], but [hello", not [when], but [when].

The main tone in strict official relations is calm, restrained; in less strict official relations, the main tone is calm, friendly, and welcoming.

In an informal setting, presentations, anniversaries, business meetings take place outside the walls of an institution or office, for example in a restaurant, at home, and everyday communication in the work team. In such an environment, interlocutors feel much freer in choosing speech means than in an official setting. This means that speakers are guided by the same rules and norms of speech behavior as in Everyday life:

You - or You-communication is selected depending on the degree of acquaintance, age and position of the interlocutor;

Words of greeting and farewell are used;

The use of etiquette formulas can be kept to a minimum.

Less strict requirements for lexical selection do not, however, exclude the undesirability of using the same lexical layers that are undesirable in official communication.

The same can be said regarding pronunciation norms.

The determining factor in an informal setting is the degree of familiarity. A conversation with a stranger or unfamiliar person imposes essentially the same etiquette requirements as official communication. Even the presence of a “stranger” person (visitor, client) requires people in the same room to switch to the rules of official communication.

The exception is municipal employees of all ranks, employees of ministries and departments. For workers in the listed specialties, official communication is the only type of business communication. The corporate culture of government officials, law enforcement agencies and ministries does not provide for an informal environment of business communication as a working environment. The strictness of hierarchical relationships does not provide for the possibility of using You-communication in work time.

Factor addressee V business communication is no less important than the terms of communication. Destination - the person to whom the speech is addressed (addressed). The communicative tactics and choice of etiquette means will depend on what role and communicative relationship the speaker or writer (addressee) enters into with him.

The areas of management implementation involve the manager fulfilling various social roles, which are determined by:

External production relations of the company (organization);

Administrative activities;

Commercial relations.

Entering into relationships “manufacturer” - “consumer”, “manager” - “subordinate”, “partner” - “partner”, manager, leader determines for himself the principles on which the relationship is built, and, depending on them, develops a communication strategy .

Target settings are determined and grouped depending on the chosen leading principle of communication in a particular field (professional field of management). Currently, the priority is the principle consensus in partnerships, responsiveness in market relations and equality in corporate relations.

The general principle of politeness does not exclude the richness of specific situations in which it is necessary to differentiate speech means. When choosing a message, for example, the most important criterion is the social status of the addressee.

Dear Nikolai Stepanovich!

Dear Mr. Coutu!

Dear Alexander Sergeevich!

The designation of the social status of the addressee can be verbal and non-verbal (indicated using intonation).

Indices of social status are official position, social status, financial status, and merit. According to the Russian tradition, gender differences are not emphasized in business communication, i.e. a woman, with equal social status, has the same advantages as a man.

During the years of Soviet power, a tradition of reverent attitude towards the “boss” developed. High official position ensured ingratiation and even servility on the part of subordinates or people of lower position. Official position is still the main thing in determining social status, but the tone of attitude towards high-ranking officials is changing today. Of course, the personal merits of the addressee of the speech are also taken into account.

A person's social status and social role may not coincide. In the era of market relations, organizations in hierarchical relationships, for example, parent and subsidiary companies, often act as partners.

Social role largely determines the nature of the interlocutor’s communicative expectations, which cannot be ignored. If you are a boss, when communicating with you, your subordinate expects you to be correct, polite, caring, sometimes patronizing and always respectful. Aggression and the desire to attribute miscalculations and mistakes to a subordinate are a violation of the manager’s norms of verbal behavior. Such symptoms of lack of control social role leaders, unfortunately, have not yet been completely eliminated.

Communication "on an equal footing" with a subordinate - necessary condition to create a cohesive team that can survive in a competitive environment.

Communicative roles, unlike social ones, are changeable. The same person in the process of dialogue (polylogue) acts as an addresser, addressee and observer.

Addressee - initiator of dialogue, speaker, writer, active communicator. This is certainly a tactically advantageous role. The addressee sets the tone, pace and thematic program of communication. It is not for nothing that the verbal activity of managers, the ability to direct a conversation and regulate, which is especially important, its time frame, are valued all over the world.

The initiator of speech has the undeclared rights of the “director” of communication. As a rule, he finishes it. This does not mean, however, that the addressee's position is a passive position in the dialogue. Business communication requires not only increased attention to what is being communicated, but also a whole series of mandatory speech and mental operations in the process of speech perception:

1) control of the volume of information reported;

2) control of understanding;

3) summarizing;

4) definition;

5) adjustment of positions. All these operations are implemented using reactive replicas:- Yes; - So-so; - Of course; - If I understand you correctly...; - What do you have in mind?; - In other words, do you think that...? and so on.

With the help of these same reactive remarks that are mandatory in dialogue, the addressee can intercept the speech initiative, changing the communicative role to the role of the addresser. More details about this can be found in Chapter IV of the book.

The position of an observer is also the position of an active participant in communication. Even without participating in the dialogue, the observer influences its course.

Thus, the presence of a visitor in the office suggests that internal corporate issues are resolved quickly, without unnecessary detail.

Thus, passive participants in the communicative process in business communication simply do not exist. Listening, according to psycholinguists, is a more intellectually intense process than speaking. Therefore, lecture schedules include breaks, and an experienced lecturer knows that after fifteen minutes during the lecture itself, it is necessary to do “discharges” so as not to lose contact with the audience.

Speaking about communicative relationships, one cannot fail to note the importance of the personal-subjective factor. When communicating, we convey not only objective information, but also our attitude towards it and the interlocutor. This latter largely determines the interlocutor’s reaction to certain speech actions. The demand for sociable, pleasant managers and advertising agents is an economic strategy and policy in modern business.

Factor goals connects the positions of the speaker and the listener in a single communicative process.

In business communication, goals can be urgent and long-term, implemented in plans for long-term cooperation.

Maintaining business contacts, informing and influencing the addressee in order to make a specific decision - these are the main types of goals pursued by addressees in the fields of business and management.

Maintain business contacts, i.e. Constructive business relationships are possible only on the basis of positive mutual emotions - trust, sympathy, goodwill, respect, etc. For this purpose, congratulations, condolences, invitations to celebrations, letters of gratitude, etc. are sent.

Informative letters, calls, faxes, sending catalogues, price lists, product samples, reports realize the second type of goals - to inform the addressee about the state of affairs, about the possibilities and terms of the transaction, etc.

Instructions, rules, orders, instructions, demands, complaints, requests, both in written and oral form, realize the goal of influencing the addressee and inducing him to commit a particular act.

Often the listed goals are combined within one text, for example a letter of request, which begins with a description of the state of affairs, i.e. starts with information and ends with a request.

There can be an infinite number of specific speech situations, but there are their typical features, knowing which you can easily navigate in any of them and choose the necessary speech means to achieve the goal of communication.

Features of speech situations in the field of business relations are assigned to the genres of oral speech (business negotiations, work meeting, telephone messages, etc.) and to the genres of written speech (contract, business letter, license, rules, etc.). In each genre, the use of language has its own characteristics, but the fundamental differences are associated with a change in the form of linguistic expression, therefore we believe that information in written business speech needs to be “translated” into spoken language.

Linguistic terms:

Speech act- the basic unit of speech behavior that realizes the speaker’s single-speech intention (request, advice, proposal).

Nomination- naming, introducing a new concept into speech.

Verbalization- translation of information from the language of diagrams, numbers, symbols to the verbal level.

Testing - summary messages, text in video separate provisions.

Paraphrasing - conveying someone else's words in your own words for the purpose of explaining and clarifying information.

Summary - a brief summary of the essence of what was written or said; brief conclusion, final summary of a speech, report, etc.

Accentological - associated with the placement of stress in a word.

Control questions:

1. What are the specifics of business communication?

2. What are the components of speech culture?

3. What types of intranational speech cultures do you know? Which of them predominate in business communication?

4. Name the basic principle of verbal behavior in business communication.

5. Define the speech situation. What are the main components?

6. Consider the denotation graph and name the speech genres that a manager, sales manager, or marketing specialist should master.

Denotation graph 1.

(From the book: Lapinskaya I.P. Russian language for managers: Textbook. Voronezh: VSU Publishing House, 1994)


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Business communication": Materials for students for testing. Tutorial. 2011.

Comp. Shutaya N.K.

Reviewer - Ph.D. Kuzmicheva N.V.

IN textbook presents material that reveals the content of the discipline “Business Communication” in accordance with the State educational standard of the Russian Federation.

Consistently presented in a concise and accessible form, theoretical information on the structure, psychology and ethics of business relations, speech culture, conflict management and the basics of office work will help students of technical and management specialties to successfully prepare for the test in the relevant course.

This manual can be used by both those who want to master the skill of business communication and those who teach this skill; The manual can be used both for classroom teaching and for independent work.

1. Business communication and its features.

2. Personality in business communication.

3. Verbal and non-verbal communication.

4. Communication barriers in business communication.

5. Communication management methods.

6. Ethical standards and principles of business communication.

7. Basic forms of business communication.

8. Conflicts in business communication.

9. Documentation support for business communication.

Questions for testing.

Topics for abstracts, reports, discussions.
Used and recommended literature.

Topic 1. Business communication and its features.

Communication is the process of establishing and developing contacts between people. This process includes the exchange of information, the development of a unified interaction strategy, perception and understanding of the other person. By nature and content, communication can be formal (business) and informal (secular, everyday, everyday).

In a broad sense business conversation- this is communication between people connected by some cause, this is a process of interconnection and interaction based on socially significant activities, this is a process in which information and experience are exchanged (I.A. Sternin). But there is also a narrow understanding of business communication as a professional communicative (speech) form of activity (E.N. Zaretskaya).

In general, business communication differs from ordinary (informal) communication in that in its process goals and specific tasks are set that require a specific solution. In business communication, you cannot simply stop interacting with a partner (at least without losses for both parties). In ordinary friendly communication, specific tasks are most often not set, specific goals are not pursued. Such communication can be stopped (at the request of the participants) at any time.

Business communication today permeates all spheres of public life. Both enterprises of all forms of ownership and private individuals enter into business relations. Competence in the field of business communication is directly related to success or failure in any business: science, art, production, trade.

A specific feature of business communication is its regulation , i.e. Subordination to established rules and restrictions.

These rules are determined by the type of business communication, its form, the degree of formality and the specific goals and objectives facing those communicating. These rules are determined by national cultural traditions and social norms of behavior.

They are recorded and drawn up in the form protocol (business, diplomatic), exist in the form of generally accepted norms of social behavior, in the form of etiquette requirements, restrictions on the time frame of communication.

Depending on various characteristics, business communication is divided into:

1) oral - written (from the point of view of the form of speech);

2) dialogical - monologue (from the point of view of unidirectionality / bidirectionality of speech between the speaker and the listener);

3) interpersonal - public (in terms of the number of participants);

4) direct - indirect (from the point of view of the absence / presence of a mediating apparatus);

5) contact - distant (from the point of view of the position of the communicants in space).

All of the listed factors of business communication form the characteristic features of business speech and form certain genres of business communication.

Oral and written business speech differ to a greater extent: both forms of speech represent systemically different varieties of the Russian literary language. If written business speech represents an official business style of speech, then oral business speech represents various forms of hybrid stylistic formations.

Remote, Always indirect communication (telephone conversation, mail and fax, paging, etc.) differs from contact , direct increased attention to the intonation pattern of speech (oral communication), brevity and regulation, the inability to use gestures and objects as information carriers.

It should be noted that today the scope of business communication is expanding. Advertising and social communication are becoming an integral part of business communication. The success of an enterprise today largely depends on the ability to present one’s position in the most favorable light, to interest a potential partner, and to create a favorable impression. Therefore, new genres appear in business communication (for example, presentation speech). Managers and executives at various levels simply need to be proficient in various genres of business speech (both oral and written).

Purpose of business communication– organization and optimization of a certain type of joint substantive activity.

In addition to the general purpose of business communication, it is possible to highlight personal goals, implemented by communication participants:

The desire for personal safety in the process of social activity, which often manifests itself in avoidance of responsibility;

Striving to improve your standard of living;

The desire for power, i.e. the desire to expand the circle of one’s powers, move up the career ladder, and get rid of the burden of hierarchical control;

The desire to increase one’s prestige, which is often combined with the desire to strengthen the prestige of the position held and the organization itself.

When communicating with people, we first of all focus on the characteristics of their personal make-up.

Personality is a concept denoting the totality of a person’s psychological qualities that make up his individuality.
The scientific definition of personality differs from the non-scientific definition in clarity and completeness; it does not contain words or concepts that require additional definition. For example, a combination of words such as “a person is a person as a member of society” cannot be considered a clear scientific definition, because it does not reveal the specifics of a person as a person (every person is a member of society). Another definition: “personality is a person as a carrier of consciousness” is also not entirely satisfactory, since it contains at least two words that require additional definition (“carrier” and “consciousness”).
A scientific explanation must indicate the conditions for the emergence or change of one or another quality of a person, for example, his abilities, needs, character. Since personality determines every action of a person, and the personality itself has a complex composition, a scientific explanation of actions presupposes an accurate indication of which components of behavior depend on certain personality qualities, for example, to what extent a person’s actions are determined by temperament, character, needs, worldview, morality and other personal qualities. To scientifically understand personality also means to establish the type and laws of combination of individual components of personality with each other.
All these issues are considered and resolved in psychological theories of personality. They were created over several centuries by representatives different countries. The views of scientists on the structure of personality naturally differed from each other, since they reflected personal life experience, scientific interests, and the characteristics of the country, including its traditions, customs, history and culture.
Let's consider the personality structure. It usually includes abilities, temperament, character, volitional qualities, emotions, motivation, and social attitudes.
Abilities are understood as individually stable properties of a person that determine his success in various activities. Temperament includes qualities that influence a person's reactions to other people and social circumstances. Character contains qualities that determine a person’s actions towards other people. Volitional qualities cover several special personal properties that influence a person’s desire to achieve his goals. Emotions and motivation are experiences and motivations for activity, social attitudes are people’s beliefs and attitudes.
Only gradually does social man begin to regain his autonomous existence, but at a new, higher level, which has nothing in common with the autonomous existence of animals. A person does not break away from social experience and social mechanisms for regulating behavior, but absorbs them into himself, building his inner world on this basis. Possessing an inner world, a person becomes a bearer of socially developed forms of behavior and accumulated experience. It is no longer necessary for him to live constantly in a social environment; he carries his sociality within himself. This means that he acquired a personality or became a person, which in this case is the same thing.

Thus, personality from a philosophical point of view is the ability of a person (or a person capable of) to act as an autonomous bearer of universal human experience and forms of behavior and activity historically developed by humanity. Of course, we cannot talk here about the entire experience of humanity - each individual person masters only a small part of it, which he comes into contact with in the process of his development and which he is able to master. At the same time, firstly, each new content assimilated from the outside is refracted through the structures of the inner world that have already been formed by that moment, and secondly, having been assimilated, it does not remain unchanged throughout a person’s life, but changes according to the specific laws of the dynamics of the inner world, even very little studied. By learning from others the views of something as a value, a person acquires regulators of behavior. Then a personal value arises and takes root in the structure of the personality - an ideal idea of ​​what should be, setting the direction of life and acting as a source of meaning.

The peculiarity of the psychological approach to personality, in contrast to, for example, the traditional pedagogical approach, is its non-judgmental nature. This does not mean that there is no assessment at all, or different shapes behaviors are assessed equally. The point is that the assessment is formed after the person is perceived: first, the person and what he does are perceived objectively, and after that, separately, if necessary, an assessment is given. Traditional pedagogy, by definition, is based on the need to form certain ideal types and qualities and always looks at a specific person through the prism of this ideal, which makes it difficult to see him in himself.
Attributing a person to a certain type is not knowledge of a person; it can give answers to some specific practical questions. For example, in a situation of career guidance, where there is a very specific problem of comparing inclinations specific people and various types of professions, typology plays a specific practical role. In another situation (let’s take the same nosology in psychiatry), there is also a practical task to find forms of treatment, determine a regimen, etc., and here the typology works in accordance with a certain practical goal. This means that all typologies are effective within the framework of solving specific practical problems, but outside of these tasks, in themselves they do not have any independent cognitive value. If typologies and labels abstract a particular segment of personality, then more objective knowledge is associated with the study of personality in different aspects and manifestations, without reducing it to any one general designation.
Each person is not only a person, but also an individual, since in the set or degree of development of these properties he is always somehow different from other people. In the world, you probably won’t find two people who, as individuals, would be absolutely similar to each other. Individuality is what distinguishes one person from another.
Individual psychological differences people are explained by many reasons, they have many sources. The main one is what is inherited by a person, for example, the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the body and the properties of the nervous system (the latter, for example, determine a person’s temperament). The natural beauty or unattractiveness of a person, determined by anatomical and physiological factors, can affect the formation of his character, self-esteem, level of aspirations, attitude towards people and habits. Innate properties such as imbalance and excitability can influence human behavior. Chronic congenital or acquired serious illnesses can also be a source of individual personality characteristics. For example, there are known cases of abnormal personality changes in alcoholics and drug addicts that occur as a result of prolonged and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and drugs. A third possible source of individual personality differences may be family.
The behavior of an individual in situations that seem to be the same appears to be quite diverse, and this diversity is difficult to explain by appealing only to the situation. It has been established, for example, that even to the same questions a person answers differently, depending on where and how these questions are asked to him. In this regard, it makes sense to define the situation not physically, but psychologically, the way it appears to the subject in his perception and experiences, that is, the way a person understands and evaluates it.

The creative life and activity of people solving practical problems in the field of economic development, science, technology, culture and art require great activity and exertion of physical and spiritual strength from a person. That's why everyone who has specific goals in his life and makes quite significant efforts to achieve them, must have strong-willed qualities.

Will- this is a property (process, state) of a person, manifested in his ability to consciously control his psyche and actions. The will is manifested in overcoming obstacles that arise on the way to achieving a consciously set goal. To act in a volitional manner, people take into account the characteristics of their activities and the conditions in which they have to act. A person enters the world as an individual endowed with certain natural properties and inclinations, which can later develop into certain abilities. This process is influenced by temperament.

The concept of “will” in psychology is used to explain people’s actions in the following main cases.

1. When a person acts contrary to his obvious, momentary interests, benefits, prevailing circumstances and psychological pressure from other people.

2. When a person persistently and persistently achieves a goal once set and does not change it, despite unfavorable circumstances.

3. When a person makes considerable efforts to overcome difficulties or remove obstacles.

4. When a person is able to control himself, his emotions and has enviable patience and endurance.

5. When, under any circumstances, a person does not lose presence of mind, hope and self-confidence.

6. When a person carefully thinks through every action, weighs it, critically evaluates its results, that is, he acts consciously, based on reason, not emotions.

In all these cases, we say that a person’s actions are guided by his will, that he is a strong-willed person. Will is what, in the absence of direct motivation (from needs), determines a person’s persistence in achieving a goal.

Temperament– dynamic characteristic mental processes and human behavior, manifested in their speed, variability, intensity and other features. This is the biological foundation on which the personality is formed as a social being.
The word “temperament” (Latin tempera-mentum) means the proper relationship of parts, i.e. proportion. There are no better or worse temperaments, each of them has its own positive sides, therefore the main efforts should not be aimed at correcting it (which is impossible due to the innateness of temperament), but at the reasonable use of its advantages in specific activities and leveling out the negative aspects.

Currently, there are four main physiological types of the central nervous system. These are sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic.

Phlegmatic person- unhurried, unperturbed, has stable aspirations and mood, outwardly stingy in the manifestation of emotions and feelings. He shows perseverance and perseverance in his work, remaining calm and balanced. He is productive at work, compensating for his slowness with diligence.

Choleric - fast, impetuous, but completely unbalanced, with sharply changing moods with emotional outbursts, quickly exhausted. He does not have a balance of nervous processes, this sharply distinguishes him from a sanguine person. A choleric person, getting carried away, carelessly wastes his strength and quickly becomes exhausted.

Sanguine- a lively, hot, active person, with frequent changes of mood and impressions, with a quick reaction to all the events happening around him, quite easily coming to terms with his failures and troubles. Usually a sanguine person has expressive facial expressions. He is very productive at work when he is interested, becoming very excited about it; if the work is not interesting, he is indifferent to it, he becomes bored. Often trusting and gullible, he loves to build projects, but soon abandons them.

Melancholic- easily vulnerable, prone to constantly experiencing various events, he reacts sharply to external factors. He often cannot restrain his asthenic experiences by force of will; he is highly impressionable and easily emotionally vulnerable. He often feels that he is being neglected. His desires have a sad hue, his suffering seems unbearable to him and beyond all consolation.
Attention- this is the active focus of a person’s consciousness on certain objects and phenomena of reality or on certain of their properties, qualities, while simultaneously abstracting from everything else; This is such an organization of mental activity in which certain images, thoughts or feelings are recognized more clearly than others. In other words, attention is nothing more than a state of psychological concentration, concentration on some object.

A person cannot think about different things and perform different jobs at the same time. This limitation leads to the need to divide incoming information into parts. Trying to simultaneously follow one message and respond to another reduces both the accuracy of perception and the accuracy of the response. There are factors of internal origin that influence the selectivity of attention:
correspondence of incoming information to a person’s needs and emotional state;

The relevance of this information for him.

It has been found that words that have a special meaning for a person, for example, his name, the names of his loved ones, etc., are easier to extract from noise, since the central mechanisms of attention are always tuned to them.

There is a distinction between involuntary and voluntary attention. The first is characterized by the fact that it is directed, as it were, by itself, without the effort, desire and will of a person, to various objects. For example, if a new person appears in the company, we involuntarily pay increased attention to him. If suddenly the sound of a musical instrument is heard in the silence, then most likely it will also automatically attract our attention for a while. The appearance of a bright flash of light in our field of vision (for example, lightning during a thunderstorm) involuntarily forces us to pay attention to it.

Voluntary attention has a slightly different nature. It, firstly, does not arise apart from our desire and will, and secondly, it does not appear by itself only under the influence of an object or phenomenon on the senses. We pay attention to it of our own free will, at the request or direction of another person, by an effort of will keeping our attention on the object for some time. Voluntary attention is especially necessary where the object itself has insufficiently attractive, interesting and new qualities (for example, a trivial matter or a textbook on some uninteresting subject).

Involuntary attention is given to a person by nature; he is born with it and remains with it throughout his entire life. Voluntary attention must be trained and requires special training. When we say that we need to learn to be attentive, then by what we need to learn we mean voluntary attention, since involuntary attention is already given to us in an almost ready-made form from the very beginning of life.
Memory- this is a reflection of what was previously perceived, experienced, accomplished and comprehended by a person. Processes of imprinting, storing, reproducing and processing various information by a person occur in memory. These processes are always in unity, but in each specific case one of them is activated.

Memory can be defined as a psychophysiological process that performs the functions of remembering, preserving and reproducing material. The three subprocesses mentioned are the main ones for memory. They are distinguished not only on the basis of differences in their structures, initial data and results, but also for the reason that in different people each of these processes may be unequally developed. There are people who, for example, have difficulty remembering, but they reproduce well and retain in their memory for a long time what they remember. These are people with developed long-term memory. On the contrary, there are also individuals who quickly remember, but also quickly forget. They have stronger short-term and operational memory.

Speech is a system of sound signals, written signs and symbols used by humans to represent, process, store and transmit information. Speech is the main acquisition of humanity. It makes accessible to cognition those objects that a person perceives directly, i.e., with which real interaction is achievable. The language also allows you to operate with objects that a person has never encountered before. Fluency in speech is as important a prerequisite for mastering concepts as sensorimotor or visual intelligence.

There are active speech of the speaker, writer and passive speech of the listener, reader. Inner speech is very important for understanding the relationship of thought to word. Unlike external speech, it has a special syntax and is characterized by fragmentation, fragmentation, and abbreviation. The transformation of external speech into internal speech occurs according to a certain law: in it, first of all, the subject is reduced and the predicate remains with the parts of the sentence related to it.

The main syntactic form of inner speech is predicativity. Its examples are found in the dialogues of people who know each other well, who understand “without words” what is being said in their conversation. For such people, for example, there is no need to always name the subject of conversation, to indicate the subject in every sentence or phrase they utter: in most cases, it is already well known to them. A person, thinking, in an internal dialogue, which is probably carried out through inner speech, seems to communicate with himself.
A personality has individual traits and qualities - intellectual, moral, emotional, volitional, formed under the influence of society as a whole, as well as in the process of family, labor, social, and cultural life of a person. In communication, knowledge and consideration of the most typical traits of people’s behavior, their character traits and moral qualities become important. Business communication should be built on the basis of such moral qualities of the individual and categories of ethics as honesty, truthfulness, modesty, generosity, duty, conscience, dignity, honor, which give business relations a moral character.

Related information.

Business conversation is a form of communication interaction that is based on the basic principles, norms and rules of business etiquette and is characterized by a focus on relationships with subjects or a group of subjects to obtain mutually beneficial results. Subjects who take part in professional communication interaction adhere to the official style of communication and are aimed at obtaining results by solving assigned tasks and achieving established goals.

The skills of competently conducting a business conversation and a correct understanding of the personal characteristics of the interlocutor, his goals, objectives and interests can be considered the determining factors for conducting successful professional meetings and negotiations.

Ethics of business communication

Unlike other types of communication interactions, for example, personal or social, business communication has its own meaningful characteristics and features. The identification of such features allows us to give a more specific and complete definition of the concept of “business communication”.

The ethics of business communication is determined by how successfully the distinctive features of national psychological types preserved in group ideas about the state, nationality, and in phraseological turns that contain generalized characteristics of the image are taken into account.

Knowledge of national and understanding of the psychological types of different nationalities, their traditions, customs, uniqueness of cultural and historical heritage, their customs, language, peculiarities of expression of feelings, temperament, is urgently necessary for a business person, regardless of his field of activity, professional orientation, since it promotes effective communication , overcoming national egoism, fostering respect for the culture of other peoples.

The ethics of business communication is fundamentally based on many sciences, in particular on the psychology of management and communication, ethics, and the scientific organization of labor. The study of communication ethics is driven by the needs of the modern world. Psychology and ethics of business communication are unique pillars of successful interaction with various individuals.

A person, regardless of his role (a leader or middle manager, a simple entrepreneur or a civil servant), must certainly be able to clearly formulate his own thoughts, argue his point of view, analyze the judgments of a partner, and critically evaluate relevant statements and proposals. For this the most important condition is the ability to listen to the interlocutor, correctly conduct and direct the conversation, create a friendly atmosphere during communication, and make a positive impression. All these skills are impossible without appropriate preliminary training.

The central element of communication ethics is the direct personality of the leader or subordinate. In order to become a professional and an excellent specialist in any industry, it is not enough to have the necessary knowledge and skills, and interpersonal skills. In addition, you also need to have an appropriate level of speech culture and internal culture. Speech culture and business communication are closely interconnected.

Today, ethical argumentation is represented by the two most common principles of its construction: the principle of utilitarianism and the moral imperative. The principle of utilitarianism is based on an action that will be considered morally justified provided that it tends to benefit the maximum number of people. The amount of damage caused is compared with the total benefit of the action. If the harm outweighs, then the decision is considered unethical. In cases where any alternative actions will cause damage to some extent, the path of least damage is chosen. The principle of the moral imperative is based on the fact that moral decisions under no circumstances depend on a specific consequence (i.e., a bribe is bad, deceiving one consumer is the same immoral act as many).

Business communication etiquette is considered the most important aspect of people’s professional behavior. Knowledge of etiquette is an urgently needed professional quality that must be acquired and improved. The role of business communication in the success of any business is difficult to overestimate. It is a necessary component of the life of individuals, the most important type of interaction with other individuals. After all, it is in communication that a certain system of goals is developed, which is characterized to some extent by stability. To achieve success in conversations with business partners, you must understand and take into account their interests. No less important for people is the ability to competently formulate and express their thoughts, to achieve mutual understanding in solving problems in the direct interaction of individuals.

Psychology of business communication

In psychological terms, communication interaction is at the same time an exchange of actions, thoughts, emotional experiences, feelings and the orientation of the individual towards himself, his own soul, conscience, dreams.

Psychology and ethics of business communication are components of a complex of sciences that are based on the basic categories and principles of most sciences.

The effectiveness of business communication interaction is, first of all, determined by the activities of the subjects. Such activity has a socially significant equivalent, which can ultimately be measured by such a valuable and important indicator as monetary resources.

Business communication helps to establish connections and develop relationships aimed at cooperation and partnership between colleagues, superiors and subordinates, partners, rivals and competitors. A specialist, not to mention a manager, will never be successful in his activities if he does not master at least the basics of business communication. Communication interaction requires a high psychological culture from the individual.

Successful business communication also requires constant study and consideration of the emotional aspects of relationships. Often business people believe that feelings have no place in business, but they are very mistaken. After all, not paying attention to the feelings and emotional experiences of employees, you can lead the team to serious conflicts that will cost the enterprise dearly. Reason and emotions are inseparable components of the subject. During a communication interaction with a partner or colleague, many different signals are received by their senses.

There are certain techniques with which you can turn the interlocutor’s disposition in your direction. The “proper name” technique is based on the obligatory pronunciation of the interlocutor’s name out loud. “Mirror of attitude” means that a smile on the face will cause a reciprocal smile, and a gloomy grimace, on the contrary. A pleasant facial expression attracts the interlocutor's favor. Compliments are the “golden words” of any conversation. They contain a slight exaggeration of the merits that the interlocutor represents. However, it is necessary to distinguish compliments from rude flattery, which consists of greatly exaggerating the merits of the interlocutor.

In the psychology of business communication, it is important to use methods of influencing interlocutors through speech. Business communication and speech during it have certain specifics. During communication interactions speech characteristics 90% of the interlocutor’s attention is paid, when, for example, in interpersonal situations - 50%, or even less. Its main characteristics include:

  • vocabulary that makes the conversation more vivid, rich, reasoned, accessible, and persuasive;
  • composition of speech, which allows the use of professional terms instead of jargon;
  • literacy;
  • pronunciation and intonation.

It is necessary to understand that it matters not only what exactly the subject says, but also how he says it; non-verbal components, which include the speaker’s posture, facial expressions and gestures.

Business communication culture

The most important indicator of assessing the professionalism of an employee is the culture of business communication. Many bosses focus their attention on this when hiring an individual and in the process of fulfilling his official instructions and job responsibilities.

Business communication over the phone is one of the main types of business conversation. After all, this is the only type of conversation in which it is impossible to influence the interlocutor non-verbally. This is why it is so important to use business communication skills during a telephone conversation.

There are generally accepted rules for conducting any business conversation. These include interest in the topic of the conversation, favor and goodwill towards the conversation partner, and the absence of influence of your general mood on the nature of the conversation.

Communication is considered to be the communication interaction of two or more subjects. Its main purpose is the exchange of messages of a cognitive or emotional nature. In the process of communication, the interlocutor influences the behavior of the communication partner, his state, beliefs and worldview. Such influence will always be mutual, but quite rarely even. Most often, communication is discovered during joint activities individuals.

In the process of communication, individuals exchange facial expressions, gestures and phrases with each other. In addition, both communication partners have virtual images of what each of them looks like from the outside, located in their heads. Such images may be similar to the real ones, but not completely. The head also contains the image of your partner. Such an image may correspond to reality, but everyone makes adjustments to it every time. In addition to the two subjects directly involved in a business conversation, there are also social norms. Each individual believes that he is unique, extraordinary and has his own opinion on everything, however, the result of any communication comes down to the judgment of the social norm.

The culture of business communication implies several communication styles and their principles. The culture of business communication interaction also includes business communication etiquette, which implies adherence to certain frameworks, norms and rules of behavior, for example, punctuality, speech culture, appearance and so on.

Speech culture and business communication are indispensable in the modern world of business and entrepreneurship. After all, most of the work process is occupied by conversations, conversations, meetings, and negotiations. In some areas of activity, career growth directly depends on the culture of speech and perfect knowledge of business communication etiquette.

The business type of communication differs from others in that it will always pursue specific goals, have a time limit and are often divided into intervals. Communication will be successful only if there is mutual understanding and trust between the partners.

Features of business communication

Business communication is a rather complex, multifaceted process of forming contacts between individuals who are connected by professional interests, work or official activities. Participants in communication interactions act in an official capacity and are aimed at achieving results and solving specific problems. A characteristic feature of the process of communicative interaction is its regulation, which means subordination to established frameworks determined by national traditions and cultural customs, and professional ethical standards.

The etiquette of business communications contains two groups of rules - norms and instructions. Norms are horizontally directed rules that work in the course of communication between members of the same group of equal status. Instructions are vertically oriented rules that determine the nature of the interaction between a boss and a subordinate.

The peculiarities of business communication are expressed in submission to general requirements, which consist of a friendly and helpful attitude towards absolutely all work colleagues and service partners, regardless of personal preferences, mood, likes or dislikes.

The regulation of business communication is also expressed in the culture of speech.

Business communication and speech must comply with socially developed norms of linguistic behavior, grammar and style, standard ready-made “formulas” that allow the formation of etiquette situations of greeting, gratitude, etc., for example, “hello.” All sustainable label designs must be selected taking into account age and age.

Communication as an interaction implies that subjects establish relationships with each other, exchange the necessary information and information in order to build joint activities, i.e. cooperation. And for communication as a communicative interaction to occur without any problems, it must contain the following stages:

  • establishing contact, i.e. acquaintance, which involves understanding another individual, a kind of presentation (introduction) of oneself to another subject;
  • orientation in a situation of communicative interaction, comprehension of what is happening, maintaining pauses and intervals;
  • discussion of an issue or task of interest;
  • if necessary, solving the problem;
  • ending the contact.

The organization of business communication should be built on a partnership basis, based, first of all, on the principles of cooperation, based on mutual needs and requests, and on the interests of the business. Such cooperation will increase labor productivity and creative activity, which is the most important factor in the progress of production, commerce and business.

Language of business communication

The language of business communication is an official business style of speech, which is a functional type of syllable and is intended for communicative interaction in the field of business, entrepreneurship, commerce and other professional activities. The functional variety of a syllable represents a failure of the system of linguistic units, methods of their selection and use, which are determined by the social purposes of speech communication.

Speech communications in the field of professional activity have a number of specific characteristics, explained by the communication situation. An important significance in the context of business communication is that members of such communication can be legal entities (organizations, enterprises) and officials, ordinary employees. The peculiarity and essence of information relationships into which subjects of business communication can enter depend on the place of the institution or employee in the hierarchy of organizations or positions, respectively, competence, content of activity and a number of other factors. The relationship between institutions and specialists is stable and regulated by accepted norms of law, as a result of which the information flows of institutions have a so-called “programmed” nature that meets the needs of the organization or field of activity.

The fundamentals of business communication always include three main aspects: orthological, communicative and ethical.

Orthology is the science of correct speech, the norms of language and their changes. In the mind of a subject who expresses his thoughts either orally or in writing, a norm is a sample, a template, a scheme according to which a phrase or sentence is constructed. The formation of such norms is influenced by literary creativity and speech practices of an ethnic group, which are a mandatory criterion for the unity of language and the proper functioning of the speech system. Therefore, literacy is an indispensable condition for success in business communications. Important characteristic business communication lies in the mastery of the normative aspect of the language of oral and written business speech by managers, executives, employees, employees.

The language of business communication has a huge arsenal of means that must be used, taking into account the scope of application, situation, tasks, circumstances, genre of speech and mobilized to achieve the goal of communication. The communicative side of speech culture examines precisely these issues.

The choice of words in accordance with the goals and situation of communication is determined by the requirements of appropriateness and purity of speech. And for this you need to know the styles of the literary language. For example, an abundance of specific terms, standard phrases and cliches is typical for business writing, but is absolutely not suitable for colloquial speech.

The ethical side of speech culture is represented by speech etiquette, which studies special means of speech to regulate social connections and interpersonal relationships. These include: speech etiquette formulas, texts and norms for their application, as well as rules of behavior in different conditions.

Etiquette standards for business communication depend on the national character. So, for example, what would be a sign of respect in European countries can be considered an insult in Muslim countries.

Types of business communication

The business type of communications involves setting tasks and solving the most important problematic issues. There is a classification of types and forms of business communication. Each type of communication explains a process that is closely interconnected with the specified sphere.

The types, forms and means of business communication today are quite diverse. However, information is transmitted only through sign systems. From here, business communication can be divided into verbal communication, where the sign system is represented by language, and non-verbal business communication, in which non-verbal sign systems are used. This division is also used in other types of communicative interaction.

Verbal communications include conversation, i.e. This is oral verbal communication.

Nonverbal business communication contains everything that gives the subject of communication additional information about the subject of the conversation and about the speaker himself. This includes postures, facial expressions, gestures, and intonations.

Many experts are confident that interlocutors in the process of communication receive only a small percentage of information through words, and the rest through signals that they read and decipher subconsciously during nonverbal communication. Also, types of professional communication include direct and indirect (indirect).

The direct type of professional communications represents the interaction of individuals in the same space and at the same time. This includes negotiations, conversations, etc. In direct contact during a conversation, non-verbal communication and oral communication are of greatest importance.

Indirect communication includes the transmission of information through written language (for example, email or telephone communication). This type interactions are considered less effective compared to direct communications. Among indirect communications, business communication over the telephone is in greatest demand. It is distinguished by direct voice contact during a conversation and a wide variety of communication techniques. This makes it easy to combine the business (formal) interaction and the personal (informal) part of any message.

In any case, in business communication, just as in other types of interpersonal communicative interactions, it is important for people to be present simultaneously in the same space and at the same time, which allows you to establish eye contact, make a pleasant impression and influence the entire process of communicative interaction.

Forms of business communication

There are several forms of business communications that meet the specific requirements of professional situations. These include: business correspondence, conversation, meeting, negotiations, public speaking, press conference and dispute.

Business correspondence refers to an indirect type of communication, which is implemented through written speech (orders, letters, requests, resolutions, etc.). There are business correspondence within an institution (enterprise), for an organization and between organizations.

A business conversation includes discussions of all sorts of working nuances and processes to make an important decision or to discuss details.

For business meeting the working collective of a company, enterprise, organization or individual management team, some departments gather to solve pressing problems, plan future activities and set tasks.

Public speaking is a subtype of business meeting, during which one subject takes a leadership position and highlights an important issue and shares information with a certain circle of people. The main thing is that the speaker has a complete and detailed understanding of the topic and content of the conversation, and has the necessary personal qualities that would allow him to convey the topic of the speech to the audience.

During business negotiations, the mandatory outcome of communication should be finding a solution and its adoption. During the negotiation process, each party has its own position and direction of views, and the result is a concluded deal or a signed contract.

A press conference involves a meeting of officials (for example, managers, government officials, businessmen, politicians, etc.) with representatives of the media to inform society on current and exciting issues.

Not all issues in the course of business communications can be resolved without a dispute arising, but it can often only complicate the situation due to the fact that individuals do not always behave professionally and are too enthusiastic, emotionally defending their own position.

Forms of business communication cover all situations arising in the course of professional activities. The role of communication in professional activity is to streamline the processes of communicative interactions within the boundaries of the business environment.

Rules of business communication

The rules and norms of business communication are of great importance in the professional activities of individuals. One wrong word can lead to the loss of a multimillion-dollar deal or ruin all efforts towards career growth. So, there are several general rules of business communications.

The first rule is clear, intelligible speech. The listener must understand what the interlocutor is saying.

The second rule is to avoid monotony during the conversation. Monotonous speech can make anyone feel sad. Emotionally uncolored speech causes an irresistible desire to run away from the interlocutor.

The next rule assumes that the speaker's speech should be at an average pace. Very slow speech leads to disinterest in the interlocutor. It forces one to be distracted from the speaker's information. And speaking too quickly leads to the fact that the communication partner simply cannot keep up with the speaker’s train of thought. If the speech rate is excessively fast or slow, good communication will not work. You should try to alternate short and long sentences. Since long, overloaded sentences are difficult to understand. And a speech consisting only of short phrases will not make the right impression. You should ask questions wisely. Open and closed questions are equally important in a conversation. You need to learn to hear your interlocutor during a conversation. It is not recommended to start a conversation with business proposals. This can only cause rejection on the part of the interlocutor. You should try to avoid advice given directly. The point of view should be expressed softly and unobtrusively, while constantly emphasizing that this is just a subjective vision of the topic. Independent thinking about the problem should be encouraged. It is not recommended to communicate ready-made solutions. It is necessary to comply with accepted cultural norms and rules of etiquette. After all, the success of professional activity as a whole depends on their compliance.

Business communication differs from other types of interpersonal communications in its regulation. Such communication can be characterized as strict adherence by all participants in the process to their personal roles. This means that in different professional situations an individual can be both a leader and a subordinate, a partner and a colleague. The high responsibility of each participant in business interaction for its result is the main characteristic of business communication.

The success of business communications and communication is largely determined by the chosen communication strategies and tactics, which implies the ability to clearly formulate the goals of communication interactions and correctly determine the interests of partners.

Business communication styles

The sphere of business communication extends to the legal, managerial, and social aspects of the life of subjects. Therefore, the official business style of communication is determined by the practical requirements of professional activity and life in general. It can be implemented in written form (for example, business correspondence by e-mail, regulations, etc.) and orally (for example, meetings, negotiations).

In modern society, using the style of business communications correctly means ensuring sustainable advancement on the career ladder, increasing personal status and success in all areas of business activity.

Business style, in turn, is divided into several subtypes - legislative subtype, diplomatic and administrative-clerical subtype. Each of these subtypes has its own specifics, communicative forms and speech clichés. For example, in diplomatic communications a memorandum and a note are used. In the administrative-clerical style, a receipt, memorandum, certificate, power of attorney, characterization, order, etc. are used. In legislative style - law, paragraph, normative act, agenda, code, etc.

Extreme precision of speech is an essential component of business style. It is achieved, first of all, through the use of special terms, which can be both widespread and highly specialized. Today, the business style of communication is considered the most common in the everyday practice of formal interaction.

Business communication styles include manipulative, ritualistic, and humanistic.

The manipulative style implies the attitude of one conversation partner to another as a production tool and the use of it to complete tasks or obtain certain results. Typical examples of such communications are personal control over the implementation of assigned tasks.

The main task of partners in a ritual style of communication is to create the desired image in society. In such communications, the status of the interlocutors is important, and not their personal or business qualities.

The main direction of the humanistic style is the interlocutors’ support of each other and collective discussion of problems. Individual characteristics of partners are not analyzed and are not divided into positive or negative qualities. The personality is perceived completely. This approach highlights the personal qualities of the individual and his individual characteristics. However, in some circumstances this style of interaction is inappropriate. Knowledge of communication features and means of business communication ensures the success of professional activities.

Principles of business communication

The role of business communication in the everyday life of individuals is quite difficult to overestimate, because it affects almost all areas of life. Business communications, just like other types of interpersonal interactions, have their own general principles for regulating the flow of professional communication processes.

The principles of business communication include interpersonal communication, its purposefulness, continuity of communications and multidimensionality.

Interpersonality is characterized by openness of interaction between individuals and diversity. It is based on the personal interest of individuals towards each other. The organization of business communication with this principle of construction is aimed primarily at the professional component of the process, but we should not forget that it will still have the nature of interpersonal interaction and contain a certain interpersonal radical. The implementation of communication under any circumstances is determined not only by the specific activity or problem being discussed, but also by the personal properties of the interlocutors and their relationships. It follows that any business communication interaction is inseparable from interpersonal relationships.

The purposefulness of communications is multi-purpose. During communication, the information load is carried by an unconscious goal along with a conscious one. So, for example, the speaker familiarizes those present with a problematic issue, while pursuing the goal of bringing to the attention of the participants in the process the essence of the issue. However, along with this, on an unconscious level, he may have a desire to show off or demonstrate to the participants his eloquence, etc.

Continuity is the initiation of continuous business and interpersonal interaction with a partner when it comes into his field of vision. Because communication contains both verbal and nonverbal business communication, people send behavioral messages all the time. The interlocutor attaches a specific meaning to such messages, as a result of which he draws appropriate conclusions.

Multidimensionality is based on the fact that individuals in various situations of business interaction not only exchange data, but in one way or another regulate relationships. Since the sphere of business communication is quite diverse, communication processes can involve at least two sides of the relationship. One is to maintain business interaction and transfer professional information. The other is in conveying the emotional attitude towards the partner that is present in any contact.

With myself. Apparently, business communication is another variety of it.

As already noted, the essence business communication is that it has a regulated (targeted) nature and is limited to a specific topic or range of issues. It is carried out, as a rule, during business interaction, in an official, work environment, both in the form of direct personal contact and through technical means.

We can name such forms of business communication as business conversation, meeting, meeting, meeting, negotiations, presentation, conferences and teleconferences, business correspondence (now, increasingly, by e-mail). Consultation with an expert (doctor, lawyer) on a specific issue, consultation, interview with a journalist, assignments to subordinates, their reports to management, student speech at a seminar, passing an exam, test, interview with a teacher - all these are examples of business communication.

Researchers have noted some modern trends in changing the role, content and quality of business communication.

Firstly, there is a significant increase in the role of communication, both business and interpersonal, in modern life both in our country and abroad. Currently, contacts between people have expanded, especially in the field of international relations. In Russia, the role of communication in the process of creating and providing various services has significantly increased.

Secondly, there is a noticeable weakening of the role of direct communication in connection with the development of electronic communication systems and virtual organization of work.

Thirdly, the nature of communication is significantly influenced by the socio-economic and political stratification of modern Russian society.

Principles of business communication

The general principles governing the flow of business communication processes include its interpersonal nature, purposefulness, continuity and multidimensionality.

Interpersonality. Interpersonal communication is characterized by openness and diversity of interaction between people, based on their personal interest in each other. Despite the predominantly business orientation, business communication inevitably has the character of interpersonal contact and contains a certain interpersonal radical. The implementation of business communication in any case is determined not only by the specific case or business issue being discussed, but also by the personal qualities of the partners and their attitude towards each other. Therefore, business communication is inseparable from interpersonal contact.

Focus. It is clear that any act of business communication is purposeful. At the same time, the focus of business communication is multi-purpose. In the process of communication, along with a conscious goal, an unconscious (latent) goal also carries the information load. Thus, the speaker, reporting statistical data to the audience, wants to outline the objective situation in the problem area. At the same time, perhaps on an unconscious level, he has a desire to demonstrate to those present his intelligence, erudition and eloquence. Other targets can be found in the same episode.

Continuity. Once we come to the attention of a business partner, we initiate continuous business and interpersonal contact with him. Since communication includes both verbal and nonverbal elements, we constantly send behavioral messages to which the interlocutor attaches a certain meaning and draws appropriate conclusions. Even the partner’s silence or his physical absence in this moment included in the act of communication if they are significant for another person. This happens because any of our behavior informs about something. It represents a reaction to a situation and to the people around you. Experienced communicators must be aware of the explicit and implicit messages that are constantly being conveyed.

Multidimensionality. In any situation of business interaction, people not only exchange information, but in one way or another regulate their relationships. For example, when, getting ready for a trip, Leonid tells Denis: “We need to take a map with us,” he is not only conveying information. It is important how Leonid speaks - depending on the tone, his message may imply: “I am more important than you - if not for me, we would have forgotten an important thing for our trip.”

During business communication, at least two aspects of the relationship can be realized. One aspect is maintaining business contact, transferring business information. Another is the transmission of an emotional attitude to a partner (positive or negative), present in any interaction. For example, someone says to someone: “I am glad to see you.” The facial expressions that accompany these words will show whether the speaker is truly happy to see his interlocutor. If he smiles, speaks sincerely, looks into the eyes and pats the interlocutor on the back or confidently shakes his hand, the latter regards this as signs of affection. And if the words of greeting are pronounced quickly, without soulful intonation, with an impassive expression on the face, the one to whom they are addressed will perceive them only as ritual signs of etiquette.

Contexts of business communication

The process of business communication is significantly influenced by physical, social-role and emotional-moral contexts, in which it occurs.

Physical context business communication consists of place, time, environmental conditions environment(temperature, lighting, noise level), physical distance between participants, etc. Each of these factors can positively or negatively impact communication. For example, when a manager sits at a table in an office and talks to his subordinates, this is one context; when he talks to the same people at a round table in a conference room, this is a different context.

Social-role context determined by the purpose of communication and the situation in which it occurs - in the office, at an official reception ceremony, at a business meeting, in a classroom, at a police station, in a restaurant, among members of a work team, or when visiting a competing organization. The flow of business communication is also influenced by interpersonal relationships and social positions of its participants.

All of this influences the content of communication and how different messages are formed, conveyed and understood. So, the secretary of the head of the company talks differently with his boss and with clients. A young employee recently hired into a company will behave differently when talking with his peer and with a much more experienced and titled specialist.

Emotional and moral context creates the moods and feelings that each of the interlocutors brings to communication. The connections formed between participants in previous communication episodes and influencing the understanding of what is happening in the current situation are also important.

The emotional and moral aspect is the main psychological content of business communication, its inner side. To give a psychological assessment of business communication is to say what the relationship between business partners looks like in the “human” dimension (respect-disrespect, arrogance-servility, etc.).

From a psychological point of view, it is important what emotions and feelings accompany the communication process: joy, elation, inspiration or fear, anger, anxiety, uncertainty. On what moral and ethical basis is the position taken in communication by the partner built, as well as what moral qualities he displays in business relationships: honesty, decency, commitment or the opposite.

Moral standards of business communication

Each participant in business communication is guided by certain moral standards: honesty and decency, justice, respect, responsibility and others.

Honesty forces people to refrain from deception and deceitful acts. But we must keep in mind that sometimes you have to lie even to those people who accept honesty as an immutable norm of business behavior. Most often, people resort to lying when they are caught in a moral dilemma and forced to choose between unsatisfactory alternatives.

The basic rule of morality is that “one should tell the truth whenever possible. The fundamental requirement of this rule means that one should not intentionally deceive or attempt to deceive others or oneself. Only if we are faced with a genuine moral dilemma and must make a choice justified by the circumstances (for example, not informing the enemy of a planned attack in order to preserve human lives), or choose the lesser of two evils (protecting confidentiality through lies), only then is lying possible.”

Decency a person is expressed in the unity of his beliefs and actions. Decent behavior is the opposite of hypocrisy and duplicity. A decent person always keeps his promises to someone. For example, an employee who promised to help a colleague in completing a work task will definitely help him, even if this involves serious difficulties for him.

Principle justice in business communication, it implies objectivity or the absence of bias in assessing other people and their actions. Showing consideration or consideration to a business partner and respecting his rights indicates respect to his personality. Respect is demonstrated by whether we listen and try to understand our business partner's point of view, even when it differs significantly from ours.

Responsibility manifests itself in the extent to which participants in business interaction are responsible for their words and fulfill their obligations, the extent to which they comply with moral standards, as well as responsibilities to each other.

Approaches to business communication

Depending on our self-esteem, as well as on the perception and assessment of our partner, we consciously or unconsciously choose different approaches to building business relationships. Relationships can be built on: partnership(equal participation in the case); rivalry(the desire to impose or defend one’s position at all costs); dominance(the desire to subjugate a partner).

Partnership means treating another person as your equal. In a partnership, the interlocutor is perceived as an equal subject who has the right to be who he is, who must be taken into account. The main ways of influencing each other are based on a public or tacit agreement, which serves both as a means of unification and as a means of mutual control.

At rivalry the other side appears dangerous and unpredictable. In relations with her, the desire to outplay her and achieve a one-sided advantage takes over. The interests of the other party are taken into account to the extent determined by the logic of competition.

Focused approach dominance, defines the attitude towards a partner as a means of achieving one’s goals, ignoring his interests and intentions. Those who are inclined to dominate have a prevailing desire to control, to gain a one-sided advantage.

Dominance in relationships is seen as complementary or symmetrical.

IN complementary relationships one partner allows the other to determine who will have more influence. Thus, one participant in communication plays a leading role, and the other voluntarily takes on the role of a follower. For example, the relationship between employer and employees is complimentary and the owner takes a controlling position. The relationship in a public lecture situation is also usually complimentary, since the audience gathers to listen to the lecturer and recognizes the information he presents as trustworthy.

IN symmetrical relationships people specifically do not “agree” in advance about who will control the situation. Let's say one person claims to be in control of the situation, but others perceive this as a challenge and encourage them to claim their own right to leadership. Or, conversely, someone gives up power, but others do not want to accept it. For example, a husband says to his wife: “I think we should cut back on our expenses for a couple of months.” The wife may object to this: “No way! I need a new suit, I need to buy new tires for my car. Besides, you promised me that we would change the sofa.” In this case, both spouses claim to be in control of the situation.

Complementary relationships are less likely to lead to open conflict, and in symmetrical relationships there is often an even division of power.

The advantages and disadvantages of some of these options for business and interpersonal communication can be characterized as follows.

On the positive side partnerships is that both sides usually gain significant benefits. The disadvantage is that it can take a very long time to achieve it if the partner, for example, is competitive.

Rivalry takes a little time, leads to victory, but only if you have obvious advantages. If your partner does not recognize your advantages and, like you, is prone to competition, then the matter may end in conflict or a complete break in the relationship.

Domination eliminates the waste of time on discussions and clashes of opinions. However, it paralyzes the will of the subordinate partner, thereby impoverishing the common intellectual resource.

Communication has styles and rules of conduct that are based on the relationships and benefits that partners want to receive. Culture and principles shape the etiquette that is acceptable in business. The psychology of business communication is slightly different from ordinary conversation on everyday topics.

All features and forms of business communication will be discussed in this article. This will help many people connect with those they encounter in the work environment.

What is business communication?

A feature of business communication is that people consciously adhere to all its rules to achieve the best result. What is business communication? This is communication between people in the professional field, where all parties solve a common problem, wanting to achieve a set goal. At the same time, they comply with all norms, rules and etiquette that are established in business communication.

This type of communication is applicable exclusively in the work environment. Here tasks and goals are set that should be achieved. Contact is established between the parties in order to achieve all set goals. Taking into account the goals, objectives and wishes of the opponent, observing ethics and rules of negotiation, you can achieve the desired results.

Business communication needs to be learned. This is not everyday communication where you can demonstrate your “I” and show off. In business communication, your personal qualities remain unimportant, although they are also taken into account. The main ones are your desires and goals, as well as the aspirations of your opponent, which should be combined in such a way that your joint activities lead both parties to what they want.

Ethics of business communication

Ethics is a set of rules that help any person to show himself cultured and educated in a certain environment. Business ethics differs from other ethical directions that are applied in social or everyday communication. It is based mainly on the following pillars:

  • Psychology of communication and management.
  • Labour Organization.
  • Ethics.

In business communication, the cultural and national side of the opponent becomes important. Since business people interact with opponents of different nationalities, you should be aware of their traditions and customs. This allows you to show respect for their differences and win them over.

For successful business negotiations, it is important to be able to win over, listen to your interlocutor, conduct and direct a conversation, leave a positive impression, and create a favorable atmosphere. The following skills contribute to this:

  1. Formulate your thoughts clearly.
  2. Analyze your opponent's words.
  3. Argue your own point of view.
  4. Critically evaluate proposals and statements.

It is not enough to hold a certain position. You also need to be able to communicate with different people to strengthen your own skills and abilities. Ethical business communication is when all parties benefit. If someone loses or some damage is done, such a decision is unethical and unpromising for further interaction.

Psychology of business communication

If we turn to the psychological side of business communication, we can note that the development of specific conversation skills forces a person to improve himself and develop exclusively the best personality qualities. If you pay attention to how opponents communicate with each other, they show only positive qualities, avoiding the manifestation of rude forms and manifestations. The psychology of business communication is the improvement of the person himself.

It doesn't matter what position a person holds. If he masters business communication skills, then it becomes easier for him to negotiate, communicate with competitors, and achieve his goals. Nobody says that there will be no losses and failures. They will simply be reasonable and clear for the person himself, who will be able to see his own mistakes or understand the wrongness of his choice of people as partners.

The psychology of business communication is based on recognizing the opponent’s feelings and taking them into account. There are also techniques that help in conversation:

  • “Proper name” - when you pronounce the name of the interlocutor.
  • “Golden words” are when you give compliments. Flattery should be avoided here.
  • “Mirror of attitude” - when you smile and they smile back at you, and vice versa.

The quality of good speech is based on the following components:

  1. Literacy.
  2. Composition of speech using professional jargons.
  3. Lexicon.
  4. Intonation and pronunciation.

You should also pay attention to the nonverbal part of communication, which also affects the flow of the conversation.

Business communication culture

The employer always pays attention to the culture of business communication that the employee uses when hiring. After all, this shows his ability to establish contacts and win people over. The culture of business communication becomes especially important when hiring employees who will conduct conversations on the phone, where there is absolutely no non-verbal influence on the interlocutor.

Here are the rules of communication:

  • Interest in the topic.
  • Goodwill and favor towards the interlocutor.
  • No influence of your mood on your conversation style.

The purpose of business communication is to influence the emotional mood, beliefs, opinions and decisions of the interlocutor, which will affect future actions. Partners exchange messages, influence the emotional mood, create images of themselves and their opponents in their heads.

Since in the work environment people often negotiate, talk, talk, debate, knowledge and skills of business communication culture are simply necessary. Sometimes these skills play a decisive role in achieving goals.

Features of business communication

In the work sphere, people communicate with each other at the level of their own professional interests, work activities and work. A feature of business communication is clear regulation - subordination to established norms, which are determined by national traditions, professional frameworks and cultural customs.

Business communication includes two types of rules:

  1. Norms are rules that work between opponents occupying the same status.
  2. Instructions are rules that arise between a subordinate and a leader.

The peculiarity of business communication is the observance of certain rules and expression of respect for people, regardless of personal attitude towards them, mood and other factors.

The parties begin to contact each other with the aim of organizing joint activities (cooperation), where their goals will be achieved. This happens in the following steps:

  1. Dating, where people introduce themselves and get to know each other.
  2. Orientation to the topic of conversation.
  3. Discussion of a task or issue.
  4. The solution of the problem.
  5. Ending the conversation.

The success of business communication depends on an approach to business based on cooperation, taking into account mutual interests and requests. Only then can a creative solution to the problem be found where all parties benefit.

Language of business communication

The language of business communication refers to the use of established syllables that are accepted in a specific work situation. At different levels, their own vocabulary of terms is used, which is assumed in a certain situation. For example, business communication between representatives of the legal field will involve the use of legal terms, and contact between an employee and a manager will involve a different vocabulary.

The language of business communication includes:

  • Orthology – language norms, its changes, correctness of speech. When expressing your thoughts, you use templates, examples, and accepted phrases that are established in a particular ethnic society.
  • Communication is the appropriateness and purity of speech, which is subject to the scope of application, situation, tasks, circumstances, and goals of the conversation.
  • Ethics are the norms and rules adopted in a particular society. To be successful at this level of communication, you should be familiar with all the customs and traditions of the culture to which the partner belongs.

Types of business communication

The process of business communication determines its types:

  1. Verbal is a type of communication that uses spoken words.
  2. A nonverbal type of communication that involves taking into account the opponent’s facial expressions, posture and gestures.
  3. Direct type of communication, when interlocutors interact at the same time and in one place, that is, direct oral communication occurs using non-verbal signals.
  4. An indirect type of communication that often occurs in writing. People transmit information at different times and in different places. This type of business communication is less successful because it wastes time during which you can change your mind about everything.
  5. Written type of communication, when communication occurs through written messages.
  6. Telephone type of communication, when oral speech is used, but it is impossible to influence the course of the conversation using non-verbal signs.

As in any type of communication, direct contact remains the most effective, when you can establish a visual connection, hear another person, feel his emotional mood, influence his decisions with external attributes, etc.

Forms of business communication

Forms of business communication – requirements of professional situations, which include:

  • Conversation – discussion at the level of oral expression of thoughts and ideas. Discussion of pressing problems, tasks, clarification of nuances, etc.
  • Public speaking is the notification of certain information by one subject to a whole group of people. There is no discussion of the topic here, but rather information on some topic.
  • Business correspondence is the written transmission of information. Carried out within the organization, for the organization and between enterprises.
  • Negotiations are joining forces with partners who occupy the same position as the person. Here problems are solved and decisions are made, agreements on mutually beneficial cooperation are signed.
  • A press conference is a meeting between a company representative and media workers to communicate current and important information.
  • A meeting is the selection of a certain group of people (from the team, management) to solve problems, set new tasks, change strategy, etc., etc.

Each form of business communication requires its own set of etiquette, rules, norms, and other things. Often disagreements arise during a business conversation. If people deviate from the rules of business communication, then their meeting does not lead to the desired results.

Rules of business communication

Sometimes we can talk about a multimillion-dollar deal or promotion, or the development of one’s company. Therefore, following the rules of business communication helps eliminate embarrassing and controversial situations:

  • Legible and clear speech, when the interlocutor understands what is being said to him.
  • Avoiding monotony of speech. It must be emotionally charged.
  • The pace of speech should be average (moderate). Slow speech can cause boredom, and fast speech can not keep up with the speaker’s train of thought.
  • Alternate long and short phrases.
  • To ask questions. Both open and closed questions are important. It is appropriate to alternate them.
  • You need to hear and listen to your interlocutor.
  • Don't give advice, but make gentle suggestions.
  • Encourage the interlocutor to solve the problem independently.

A person can occupy any position, but with high business communication skills, he is able to follow the rules and bring the conversation to the desired result. Here the interests of opponents are taken into account, according to which the tactics and strategy of negotiations are selected.

Business communication styles

Depending on the sphere of business communication (social, legal, managerial) and the type of interaction (oral, written), a style is determined that helps you move up the career ladder and improve your status. Here are the subtypes of business communication style:

  • Administrative and clerical - a memorandum, receipt, power of attorney, order, certificate, characteristic are used.
  • Diplomatic - a note or memorandum is used.
  • Legislative – a normative act, law, agenda, paragraph, code, etc. are used.

Precision of speech allows you to establish business contacts. This is where terms that are narrowly focused or widely used become important.

Business communication styles include:

  1. Manipulation – using a partner as a tool to achieve personal goals. For example, monitoring the completion of tasks.
  2. Rituals are the creation of the desired image. What matters is status, not qualities and personality.
  3. Humanism – support and joint discussion of the problem. The personality is perceived completely with all its qualities and individual characteristics.

Principles of business communication

The importance of business communication has already been established. Here are the principles of such communication, which are:

  • Purposefulness – achieving a given task. Often, during business communication, a person achieves several tasks at once, some of which are conscious (solving a work issue), while others are unconscious (showing one’s qualities, showing off, for example).
  • Interpersonal communication – partners are interested in each other. Although their communication is aimed at solving work problems, interpersonal connections are still established between them, where the qualities and personal claims towards each other are assessed.
  • Multidimensionality is not only the exchange of data, but also the establishment of interpersonal connections.
  • Continuity of communications – maintaining contacts at all levels of communication.

During business communication, people not only exchange work information, but also create an emotional mood that depends on their attitude towards each other.

Bottom line

The role of business communication is great, since it was formed specifically to establish business contacts and achieve set work goals. In every sphere, people interact. They follow rules, etiquette, principles, styles. All this is necessary in the business sphere, where the correct use of all principles and rules leads to a positive result.

If a person has problems, then he can use the help of a psychologist on the website. After all, we are often talking about personal barriers that interfere with the assimilation and application of all the principles of business communication. If you eliminate internal barriers and complexes, you can achieve good results.



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