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They say that form determines content. Letters to young readers. Letter Nine: When to Offend

What role do simplicity and modesty play in a person’s life? Is it easy for shy people to socialize? These and other questions arise after reading the text by D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak.

In his text, the author raises the problem of the true beauty of a person. He believes that the dignity of a person is not in the ability to constantly joke and be cheerful, not in excessive attention to one’s appearance, but in the simplicity and “silence” of man. “There is no better “music in a person” than modesty and the ability to remain silent, not to come to the fore.”

The prose writer says that you don’t need to be ashamed of your shortcomings, for example, shyness or stuttering. He gives an example famous historian V.O. Klyuchevsky, who stuttered, but this did not stop him from becoming a professor and an excellent speaker. He also writes about a girl he knows who has a slightly hunchback. When the author meets her at museum openings, he admires her grace. The author concludes: “Simplicity and “silence” in a person, truthfulness, lack of pretensions in clothing and behavior - this is the most “attractive” form” in a person.”

I agree with the author. We value people for their spiritual qualities, which he talks about. They are the true dignity of a person. But, unfortunately, today modesty and shyness are often considered weakness and indecisiveness. But the ability to sprinkle witticisms, “importance and noisiness” is a virtue. I think it’s very difficult to be lenient even with shortcomings, especially in appearance. Those around them are not lenient towards them either. Children especially often laugh at those who are different from them. So, it seems to me that not everything is so simple in solving this problem. Very often today people are greeted by their clothes, and the candy wrapper is valued, not the “contents”. The fashion industry and show business dictate false stereotypes. Take, for example, the desire of girls to pump up their lips, breasts, and look like Barbie or a star from the cover of a fashion magazine. Of course, all this is a wrong concept of the true beauty of a person. But the essence remains exactly what the writer is talking about. We find examples of true and false beauty in fiction. I’ll try to give examples from Leo Tolstoy’s epic novel “War and Peace.”

Ellen Kuragina is the brilliant first beauty of Moscow, everyone considers her not only beautiful, but also smart. She managed to seduce Pierre, but he very quickly realized how empty and selfish this beauty was. Her beauty is vicious and obsessive. Helene shamelessly cheats on Pierre, without thinking about his honor. She spreads dirty rumors about him and portrays herself as a victim. When everyone is at war, Helen decides who to marry. She has two options and she would like to marry two people in order to enjoy the position and wealth of one and the youth and title of the other. However, she is still officially married. She easily changes her faith by bribing the priest. In general, importance and noisiness, excessive care about her toilet and hairstyle, calculated movements and phrases - all this is about our heroine. But there is no talk of modesty and simplicity here. Helen ends her days sadly. But she came to this ending with her false beauty herself.

Marya Bolkonskaya is the complete opposite of Helen Kuragina. Modest, truthful, kind. She considered herself ugly. Living in solitude, she saw few people who could convince her otherwise. But Nikolai Rostov, saving her from the rebellious men, saw a completely different Marya, beautiful, spiritual, in need of protection. He saw her amazing eyes, which in moments of emotional excitement made her a real beauty. And we are happy for Marya Bolkonskaya, who found family happiness and became a mother. She deserved it by caring for her father and raising Nikolenka, her brother’s son.

Thus, no matter what we are told, no matter what we see around us, true beauty- this is modesty and simplicity, truthfulness and kindness. These qualities will always be the most valuable and determine the “content” of a person. And small shortcomings, if they exist, should not prevent us from living. Be beautiful!

Updated: 2018-01-21

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D.S. Likhachev from "Letters about the Good and the Beautiful"
The text was on the real Unified State Exam in Russian in 2017.

They say that content determines form. This is true, but the opposite is also true: the content depends on the form. The famous American psychologist of the beginning of this century, D. James, wrote: “We cry because we are sad, but we are also sad because we cry.” Therefore, let's talk about the form of our behavior, about what should become our habit and what should also become our internal content.

Once upon a time it was considered indecent to show with all your appearance that a misfortune had happened to you, that you were in grief. A person should not have imposed his depressed state on others. It was necessary to maintain dignity even in grief, to be even with everyone, not to become self-absorbed and to remain as friendly and even cheerful as possible. The ability to maintain dignity, not to impose one’s sorrows on others, not to spoil others’ mood, to always be even in dealing with people, to be always friendly and cheerful - this is a great and real art that helps to live in society and society itself.

But how cheerful should you be? Noisy and intrusive fun is tiring for those around you. A young man who is always spitting out witticisms is no longer perceived as behaving with dignity. He becomes a buffoon. And this is the worst thing that can happen to a person in society, and it ultimately means a loss of humor.

Don't be funny. Not being funny is not only the ability to behave, but also a sign of intelligence.

You can be funny in everything, even in the way you dress. If a man carefully matches his tie to his shirt, or his shirt to his suit, he is ridiculous. Excessive concern for one's appearance is immediately visible. We must take care to dress decently, but this concern for men should not go beyond certain limits. A man who cares excessively about his appearance is unpleasant. A woman is a different matter. Men's clothes should have only a hint of fashion. A perfectly clean shirt, clean shoes and a fresh, but not very bright tie - that's enough. The suit may be old, it should not just be unkempt.

When talking with others, know how to listen, know how to be silent, know how to joke, but rarely and at the right time. Take up as little space as possible. Therefore, at dinner, do not put your elbows on the table, embarrassing your neighbor, but also do not try too hard to be the “life of the party.” Observe moderation in everything, do not be intrusive even with your friendly feelings.

Don't be tormented by your shortcomings if you have them. If you stutter, don't think it's too bad. Stutterers can be excellent speakers, meaning every word they say. The best lecturer at Moscow University, famous for its eloquent professors, historian V. O. Klyuchevsky stuttered. A slight squint can add significance to the face, while lameness can add significance to movements. But if you're shy, don't be afraid of it either. Don't be ashamed of your shyness: Shyness is very cute and not at all funny. She only becomes funny if you try too hard to overcome her and are embarrassed by her. Be simple and forgiving of your shortcomings. Don't suffer from them. There is nothing worse when an “inferiority complex” develops in a person, and with it bitterness, hostility towards other people, and envy. A person loses what is best in him - kindness.

No best music than silence, silence in the mountains, silence in the forest. There is no better “music in a person” than modesty and the ability to remain silent, not to come to the forefront. There is nothing more unpleasant and stupid in a person’s appearance and behavior than being important or noisy; There is nothing funnier in a man than excessive care for his suit and hairstyle, calculated movements and a “fountain of witticisms” and anecdotes, especially if they are repeated.

In your behavior, be afraid to be funny and try to be modest and quiet.

Never let yourself go, always be even with people, respect the people who surround you.

Here are some tips about seemingly minor things - about your behavior, about your appearance, but also about your inner world: Don't be afraid of your physical limitations. Treat them with dignity and you will look elegant.

I have a girl friend who has a slightly hunchback. Honestly, I never tire of admiring her grace on those rare occasions when I meet her at museum openings (everyone meets there - that’s why they are cultural holidays).

"Letter Eight"


Range of problems:

What qualities help a person live in society?
What does it mean to be funny?
How do the concepts “form” and “content” relate?
Why is it important to observe moderation in everything?
Do you need to fight your shortcomings?
Why does modesty adorn a person?
Why is it necessary to be truthful?

Content determines form. The opposite is also true: the content depends on the form. The famous American psychologist D. James wrote: “We cry because we are sad, but we are also sad because we cry.” It was once considered rude to show that you were grieving. The ability to maintain dignity, not to impose one’s grief on others, to always be friendly and cheerful is a great and real art that helps to live in society and society itself.

Don't be funny.

Not being funny is not only an ability to behave, but also a sign of intelligence.
You can be funny in everything, even in the way you dress. Excessive concern for one's appearance is immediately visible.

When talking with others, know how to listen, know how to be silent, know how to joke, but rarely and at the right time. Observe moderation in everything, do not be intrusive even with your friendly feelings.

Don't be tormented by your shortcomings, even if you have them. If you stutter, don't think it's too bad. The best lecturer at Moscow University, historian V.O. Klyuchevsky stuttered. If you're shy, don't be afraid of it either. Be simple and forgiving of your shortcomings. There is nothing worse when an “inferiority complex” develops in a person, and with it bitterness, ill will, and envy. The person loses his kindness.

There is no better music than silence. There is no better “music in a person” than modesty and the ability to remain silent. There is nothing more stupid than being important and noisy.

In your behavior, be afraid to be funny and try to be modest and quiet.
Don't let yourself go, be even with people, respect the people who surround you.

And one more thing: be truthful. A lie always gives itself away, a lie is always “felt”, and you not only become disgusting, worse - you become ridiculous. Truthfulness is beautiful. You will be respected and you will show your intelligence.

Simplicity and “silence” in a person, truthfulness, lack of pretensions in clothing and behavior - this is the most attractive “form” in a person, which becomes his most elegant content.”

Russian language

12 out of 24

They say that content determines form. This is true, but the opposite is also true: the content depends on the form. The famous American psychologist of the beginning of this century, D. James, wrote: “We cry because we are sad, but we are also sad because we cry.” Therefore, let's talk about the form of our behavior, about what should become our habit and what should also become our internal content.

Once upon a time it was considered indecent to show with all your appearance that a misfortune had happened to you, that you were in grief. A person should not have imposed his depressed state on others. It was necessary to maintain dignity even in grief, to be even with everyone, not to become self-absorbed and to remain as friendly and even cheerful as possible. The ability to maintain dignity, not to impose one’s sorrows on others, not to spoil others’ mood, to always be even in dealing with people, to be always friendly and cheerful - this is a great and real art that helps to live in society and society itself.

But how cheerful should you be? Noisy and intrusive fun is tiring for those around you. A young man who is always spitting out witticisms is no longer perceived as behaving with dignity. He becomes a buffoon. And this is the worst thing that can happen to a person in society, and it ultimately means a loss of humor.

Don't be funny.
Not being funny is not only the ability to behave, but also a sign of intelligence.

You can be funny in everything, even in the way you dress. If a man carefully matches his tie to his shirt, or his shirt to his suit, he is ridiculous. Excessive concern for one's appearance is immediately visible. We must take care to dress decently, but this concern for men should not go beyond certain limits. A man who cares excessively about his appearance is unpleasant. A woman is a different matter. Men's clothes should have only a hint of fashion. A perfectly clean shirt, clean shoes and a fresh, but not very bright tie - that's enough. The suit may be old, it should not just be unkempt.

When talking with others, know how to listen, know how to be silent, know how to joke, but rarely and at the right time. Take up as little space as possible. Therefore, at dinner, do not put your elbows on the table, embarrassing your neighbor, but also do not try too hard to be the “life of the party.” Observe moderation in everything, do not be intrusive even with your friendly feelings.

Don't be tormented by your shortcomings if you have them. If you stutter, don't think it's too bad. Stutterers can be excellent speakers, meaning every word they say. The best lecturer at Moscow University, famous for its eloquent professors, historian V. O. Klyuchevsky stuttered. A slight squint can add significance to the face, while lameness can add significance to movements. But if you're shy, don't be afraid of it either. Don't be ashamed of your shyness: Shyness is very cute and not at all funny. She only becomes funny if you try too hard to overcome her and are embarrassed by her. Be simple and forgiving of your shortcomings. Don't suffer from them. There is nothing worse when an “inferiority complex” develops in a person, and with it bitterness, hostility towards other people, and envy. A person loses what is best in him - kindness.

There is no better music than silence, silence in the mountains, silence in the forest. There is no better “music in a person” than modesty and the ability to remain silent, not to come to the forefront. There is nothing more unpleasant and stupid in a person’s appearance and behavior than being important or noisy; There is nothing funnier in a man than excessive care for his suit and hairstyle, calculated movements and a “fountain of witticisms” and anecdotes, especially if they are repeated.

In your behavior, be afraid to be funny and try to be modest and quiet.

Never let yourself go, always be even with people, respect the people who surround you.

Here are some tips, seemingly about minor things - about your behavior, about your appearance, but also about your inner world: do not be afraid of your physical shortcomings. Treat them with dignity and you will look elegant.

I have a girl friend who has a slightly hunchback. Honestly, I never tire of admiring her grace on those rare occasions when I meet her at museum openings (everyone meets there - that’s why they are cultural holidays).

And one more thing, and perhaps the most important: be truthful. He who seeks to deceive others first of all deceives himself. He naively thinks that they believed him, and those around him were actually just polite. But a lie always reveals itself, a lie is always “felt”, and you not only become disgusting, worse - you become ridiculous.

Don't be funny! Truthfulness is beautiful, even if you admit that you deceived before on some occasion, and explain why you did it. This will correct the situation. You will be respected and you will show your intelligence.

Simplicity and “silence” in a person, truthfulness, lack of pretensions in clothing and behavior - this is the most attractive “form” in a person, which also becomes his most elegant “content”.

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In the text, Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev talks about the problem of funny behavior of men.

When discussing the problem, the author draws attention to the fact that, first of all, excess can be called funny in anything. For example, when a man cares too much about his appearance and great attention pays attention to details in clothing: “If a man carefully selects a tie to his shirt, a shirt to his suit, he is ridiculous.” Continuing to develop the idea D.S. Likhachev writes that there is no need to constantly and inappropriately joke, try to attract a lot of attention, or deliberately show a friendly attitude towards someone. All this makes a man funny and talks about him not with the best side: “There is nothing funnier in a man than... calculated movements and a “fountain of witticisms” and anecdotes, especially if they are repeated. "; " Observe moderation in everything, do not be intrusive even with your friends. feelings"

I completely agree with D.S. Likhachev. Men


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