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How to make a snowman out of snow. Ideas for funny snowmen, or a holiday in good company

Since ancient times, making a snowman has been a traditional winter activity that amuses not only children, but also adults, creating an atmosphere of celebration and fun. As an old legend says, the first snow figure was sculpted at the end of the 15th century by the Italian sculptor, architect and poet Michelangelo Buonarroti. And the first written mention of a snowman is found in a book of the 18th century, which talks about a “beautiful snowman” of gigantic proportions.

At first, snowmen were completely different from today. They often looked like large, evil monsters. People were even afraid of them.

Attitudes towards them have changed over time. Today the snowman has become a good symbol of the winter holidays. According to an ancient European parable, St. Francis of Assisi considered the creation of snowmen to be a unique method of fighting demons. According to another Christian legend, snowmen are angels, since snow is a gift from heaven. In Rus', snowmen have been sculpted since ancient pagan times. They were revered as the spirits of winter and they were asked to reduce the duration of frosts. It is interesting that in the minds of European peoples, a snowman is always a male creature.

Snow women and snow maidens are exclusively Russian heritage. Previously, in Rus' they believed that such winter natural phenomena as snow, blizzards and fog were controlled by female heavenly spirits. Therefore, various solemn rituals were organized in their honor, thus showing them their respect.

How to make a snowman out of snow


Ideal material- slightly melted snow after a light frost. Soft, loose snow is not suitable for sculpting.

Reminder: Bring extra mittens.

Clothes should be warm enough, but not restrict movement. It is better to give preference to a sports jacket or down jacket.

Snowman decoration: Instead of a headdress, you can use a bucket or dad’s old hat, which has long gone out of fashion. The role of the nose will be played perfectly by a carrot. An old, useless scarf can also be useful to our snowman. Instead of eyes, it is better to use coals or large round buttons.

Instructions - how to make a snowman out of snow :

First, it will be more convenient to build the base of the snowman. To do this, roll a big, big ball together with your child. The second ball should be slightly smaller than the first.

To put it on the first one, ask passers-by for help. I think they won't refuse you. Let your child roll the third ball. He will happily complete this “difficult” task.

When organizing the entire process, try to interfere as little as possible. Give your child a little freedom. It's okay if the balls turn out a little lopsided. Try to correct this deficiency yourself.

Instead of hands, you can use sticks or other small balls. Show your imagination: the items you took with you should not be left aside. You can give the snowman a broom, which you can always ask the janitor for a short time.

The snowman can also be painted with paints. This will only make him more fun.

Every child dreams of such winter fun. Making a snowman will help cheer up not only a child, but also an adult.

The main thing to remember is that creativity and imagination play an important role here.

The more non-standard the snowman turns out to be, the better.

One of the main attributes of winter and New Year's holidays, in particular, is a snowman. Having fun making a snowman can unite people of different views, ages and interests. And it will leave only positive memories and impressions of the time spent. It would seem like a piece of cake to build a snowman. But it turns out that in order for the result to meet all expectations, you need to know several rules. Of course, any resulting snowman will not diminish the emotions received and Have a good mood, but the positive result of the work carried out together with the children can become a real decoration of the yard.

Snowman design ideas

In order for the snowman not to turn out faceless, it must be decorated. And this is not an easy task. An ordinary snow woman with a bucket on her head and a carrot instead of a nose can no longer surprise anyone. There are several ideas that will help you dress up your learning snowman a little:

First of all, the snowman needs to make a face. An integral part of any snowman is a carrot nose. The carrot for the nose should be smooth, neat, and in no case limp. The eyes and mouth can be made from coals, buttons, pebbles or small twigs.
You can use branches that are inserted on the sides as hands. Only the branches need to be of the same length, thickness and similar shape.
The snowman also needs to be dressed. The traditional bucket on his head can be replaced with an old hat or cap. And decorate the two bottom balls with a row of cute buttons.
If there are things that are collecting dust on the shelves and at the same time it’s a pity to throw them away, they will perfectly complement appearance snowman. So, for example, a snowman will have legs if you place old boots or sandals at the base of the bottom ball.
To make the snowman's image look complete, you can add accessories to his image: a broom, a shovel or a broom.

Abundance of colors

In addition to a set of standard decorative items, you can also decorate the snowman. Even a child can cope with this task. For suitable for work ordinary gouache. Although the snowman will look brighter and cuter if you paint it with spray paints. There are a huge number of options for painting a snow friend. It all depends on the artist’s imagination. A Hollywood smile or blush may appear on the snowman's face. You can simply paint each ball a certain color or draw unique patterns on the fur coat.

Themed snowmen

Children will enjoy sculpting not an ordinary snow woman, but some kind of themed snowman. Moreover, children can come up with the image of a snowman themselves. If you equip yourself with all the necessary accessories and paints, you can turn a standard snow woman into a princess, ballerina or pirate. The main thing is a little effort, imagination, as well as the necessary decorative items. For example, a princess snowman needs a crown, a ballerina needs a tutu.

Other snow figures

In addition to snowmen, there are many more ideas for creating various animal figures from snow that even a child can make.

The little ones will be happy to help make the caterpillar. To do this, you need to make several snowballs, put them in a row, and design one of the outer snowballs in the form of a head. To make the eyes, nose and mouth of the caterpillar, small twigs or berries are suitable. You can also make horns from twigs.

A slightly more complex snow figurine is a turtle. First of all, you should make a round shell; for this purpose you can use a round metal or plastic basin. Make a head and legs from small snowballs. All that remains is to decorate the head with pebbles and the turtle is ready.

Since ancient times, our ancestors sculpted snow women in honor of the heavenly air maidens. According to legends, these spirits controlled the winds, clouds and snow. The Slavs brought them gifts and asked for warmth and sunshine. And the snowman was called upon to protect the house and sweep away evil spirits with his broom.

Nowadays, snow statues, traditionally called snowmen, appear in the most unusual and creative forms. The only limit is the flight of fancy. And since the longest journey begins with the first step, first, let's learn to walk. Or, more precisely, sculpt.

And we will create classic snowman made of snow. By the way, a snowman is made from exactly the same principle - you can practice with your children at home.
A snowman consists of three balls, each subsequent one being smaller than the previous one. Everything is very simple. Now let's look at it step by step.

Step-by-step instructions: how to make a snowman out of snow

In order to no longer have the question of how to make a snowman, I suggest following step by step instructions. However, you can only familiarize yourself with it and sculpt it the way you like best.

1. Preparation
To start, choose comfortable clothes. Keep in mind that you will have to move a lot, which means you will sweat. Mittens or gloves must be replaceable or waterproof. It is better to wear a hat with ears. There will be no mercy not only from the wind, but also from relatives! After all, throw a snowball at loving person no less important than sculpting a masterpiece.

2. Choosing a location
Try to choose a place where neither your snowman nor the noisy (believe me, sometimes even very noisy!) process of his birth will disturb anyone. For example, leaving a garage or parking lot is completely unsuitable. And a platform under the windows of neighbors who don’t really like living people is not the best the best place. We also remember the danger of a snowball hitting someone’s window.

3. Distribution of roles
So, the “sculptors” have put on their costumes, a place with snow-white untouched snow has been chosen, and so let’s get started! After an approving wave of the hand, everyone starts running around randomly, feeding each other snow and trampling down building material... Things won’t work that way. Therefore, we quickly and very organizedly divide into groups. Depending on the number of personnel and their age categories We divide responsibilities into the following:
large ball rollers;
medium ball rollers;
small ball rollers;
those who distract everyone.

Or we sculpt everything together. But then be prepared for some chaos while working.

4. Modeling a large ball
We always start sculpting a snowman with the lowest, largest ball. To do this, we create a small snowball and roll it on the snow, “winding” more and more “building material” onto it. As it increases, slam the ball with your palms. Gently, but strongly. Otherwise the ball will fall apart. But this is the basis of our snowman. It will support the weight of the entire snow sculpture. Therefore, we try to make the team as tight as possible, and we entrust this process only to the most conscientious (preferably adult) members of the personnel.

5. Modeling a medium and small ball
We sculpt the second and third balls in the same way as the big one. But there is no longer any need to compact them too much. Here it is much more important to ensure that the sizes of the second and third balls are proportionally reduced. Otherwise, in the heat of modeling, you can “wrap” excess snow around someone.

6. Build the structure
Now comes the most difficult and responsible task. After all, we have to assemble a snowman. To do this, drag the middle ball onto the large one, and the small one onto the middle one. It turns out to be a “cone” of three snow globes. Be extremely careful. Otherwise, you’ll drop a lump of snow and you’ll have to start creating it again.

7. Decorate the snowman
This stage is the final one, but the most interesting. You should decorate the newly made snowman with any available items. The hat can be made from a bucket, half a pumpkin, or a regular old hat. It’s easier to make eyes and lips from seeds, coals, pebbles or viburnum. The nose is a carrot, a pine cone, a twig, an ear of corn...

If desired, you can also roll two balls of equal size and attach them to the central part of the snowman. These will be the hands. Well, what should be handed to him in these hands? That's right, a broom! And may it protect your sleep from evil spirits! Now you only have one thing left to do - capture the finished snowman in a photo and go home to dry and clean your clothes from snow. Good luck!

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