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How to name a boy by month. Strong names for boys born in the year of the dog. Main modern trends
Rating of names of newborns in Moscow for 2017,or 10 principles - how to choose a name for your daughter and son.

Have you noticed that you subconsciously associate female and male names with specific people who met at different stages of life? When the husband, for example, insists on the name Andrei, the pregnant wife suddenly remembers the bully and poor student from a parallel class or the rowdy neighbor from the parental home (yes, everyone will forgive us Andrei!). Alas, beautiful name, of course, has nothing to do with it, but stumbling all your life over unpleasant memories is also not an option. And you know, this is right, because the name of the one who very soon will become the meaning of life, the most, most desired and beloved person in the world, for whom - to hell with both fame and career - his name should be the most pleasant, sonorous and, of course, the best.

At first glance, it seems like what’s so complicated about this, there are so many of them, whole lists of names – choose any one. The problem is that choosing a name among so many options is a difficult matter. This cat may have a second, third, fifth chance. She can become Vasilisa today, and Murka tomorrow. Parents do not have such a chance, so once they come to a common opinion, only this name is sent to the second line of the first official document in the child’s life. Think about whether he will thank you when he grows up, or when he meets new friends he will begin to present himself differently, because his name just doesn’t fit into modern chronicles. Let's think about this topic, and to help, let's take the popular names of boys and girls, which Moscow residents most often called newborns last year. At the same time, we’ll find out what criteria parents use most often. Perhaps for those who are planning to become parents in 2018, the names of boys and girls from our list will help them find a compromise and finally solve a serious family problem.


To begin with, we suggest looking for a solution from those who have already passed the thorny path to parenthood, for whom choosing a name is no longer a problem, but a small bundle of female happiness.

According to official statistics, the popular names of girls in 2017, included in the TOP 20 among Muscovites, are:

Sofia (Sofia), Maria, Anna, Polina, Alisa, Anastasia, Alexandra, Varvara, Victoria, Elizaveta, Ksenia, Veronica, Ekaterina, Daria, Arina, Eva, Vasilisa, Valeria, Milana, Ulyana

If we analyze the statistics over the last 2-3 years, it turns out that popular names for newborns from the top twenty have remained virtually unchanged. The statistics differ only in that some positions have changed places. Sophia, for example, in 2015, was in 8th place, and then Maria was in the lead. Behind her were the same Anastasia and Anna. In numerical terms, in the past year, Sofia in Moscow increased by 3,780 people, the number of Marias increased by 2,709, Ann by 2,595, Alice by 2,200, Victoria by 2,124, Anastasy by 2,082, Polin by 1,962, Alexander by 1,817 , Elizabeth at 1,806. The name Daria disappeared from the TOP - the royal Catherine appeared instead.


Male representatives who were registered in one of the Moscow registry offices were more often called:

Alexander, Mikhail, Artem, Maxim, Daniil, Ivan, Dmitry, Ilya, Egor, Kirill, Timofey, Roman, Nikita, Andrey, Fedor, Matvey, Mark, Vladimir, Lev, Yaroslav

Popular boy names in 2017 are the same as a year later. Alexander (+ 3,201) and Mikhail (+ 2,677) remained in the top position. There were 2,621 newborns with the name Artem. 2,568 babies were named Maxims. Daniils, Ivans, Dmitries - 2,405, 2,289 and 1,968, respectively, and 1,459 and 1,453 people each arrived in the Matveev and Andreev regiments.


While some focus on popularity or pedigree, other young people who are going to become parents in 2018 are looking for rare and beautiful names for boys and girls to name their children. And there are more such extroverts every year - this is confirmed by representatives of Moscow registry offices.

At the beginning of 2018, rare and beautiful names for boys are Forward, Nord, Franklin. Many Muscovites still follow the established tradition of naming newborns in the “old way.” The current list includes such rare Orthodox names for boys as Velesvet, Ladomir, Patrikei, Kharlampiy.

Of course, a similar picture is observed in the “women’s hall”. Among the rare and beautiful names for girls are Dorofea, Vassa. Isidora. Beautiful, is not it. I would like to believe that the surnames and patronymics are consonant with them. Well, rare Orthodox names for girls are Zlatozara, Ladislava, Agrafena. Several years will pass, and a boy named Orpheus will be brought into the group of one of the capital’s kindergartens, and a little girl will appear in another - bright and light, like her name Iskra.


Of course, there is no clear algorithm when choosing a name. Perfect option- when both spouses like it and they affectionately call it the baby who has not yet been born. There are families in which there is a tradition of giving newborns the names of representatives of previous generations. Psychologists have their own opinions on this matter, and not always positive ones. Although, in our opinion, this is everyone’s personal matter. Yes, and we cannot know what, for example, the name of our great-great-ancestor was, which means random coincidence very likely.

Having summarized the experience of several dozen families, we have drawn our conclusions. What criteria are most often used by future mothers and fathers? What is more often taken into account – the most popular names for newborns of previous seasons, or do they prefer that the son or daughter be the only bearers of the name?

Here are 10 criteria that will help you make your choice. We hope that if the issue is really urgent, we will help you find a solution:


Find rare and rare items in 2018 modern name It’s also difficult for a prince or princess because not everyone agrees with their middle and last names. The criterion is subjective, because people have different tastes. Some like the lyrical Bartholomew Alekseevich, others give phonetic rigidity, as in Spiridon Rostislavovich. Try to find a middle ground. Of course, when the baby grows up, he will have a chance to take a different name. Still, think how comfortable you would feel if the teacher called you by this name and surname every time he called you to the board.

2. IN HONOR...

Anyone - grandmothers, grandfathers, famous artists, favorite TV series characters, astronauts, teachers and doctors... we touched on this issue a little earlier. Why not look for a rare and modern name for a girl (boy) in your environment? Are you saying that we shouldn’t try on the script? But then, if we are to be principled to the end, then each of us should have our own unique name. There are two options: do not accept the public’s opinion or look for something exotic. You decide.


The trend was especially actively supported in the post-revolutionary years, when people tried in every possible way to demonstrate their true communist face. The names Oktyabrina and Vladlen (Vladimir Lenin) come from the USSR. One can only guess how much one had to love the CPSU in order to name his daughter Dazdraperma - “Long live the First of May.” Dear boys and girls, please be careful here. You shouldn’t give in to nostalgia and name your baby after your first love, especially if your other half is aware of those events. Show mercy, well, you don’t need pointless arguments now.


This is what believers do. It is believed that, having received the name of the patron, the child acquires an angel in heaven. And in the 2018 church calendar you can find a rare and modern name for a boy or girl. If no saint celebrates the baby’s name day, then look at the next date, but not the previous one.


Choosing a rare and beautiful name for a boy or girl in 2018 is still fashionable, taking into account the zodiac sign. A few examples are in front of you:

Aries: Alexander, Valery, Ruslan; Arina, Larisa, Svetlana;
Taurus: Anton, Artem, Maxim; Angela, Tatyana, Natalya;
Gemini: Evgeniy, Igor, Konstantin; Anastasia, Christina, Margarita;
Cancer: Andrey, Leo, Stanislav; Anita, Diana, Sophia;
Leo: Adam, Ilya, Roman; Varvara, Zhanna, Regina;
Virgo: Dmitry, Victor, Stepan; Anita, Elizaveta, Tamara;
Libra: Alexey, Boris, Nikita; Victoria, Lyubov, Yulia;
Scorpio: Makar, Savva, Yuri; Alevtina, Taisiya, Yaroslava;
Sagittarius: Afanasy, Vyacheslav, Semyon; Isabella, Maya, Martha;
Capricorn: Bronislav, Daniil, Leonid; Vera, Kira, Emma;
Aquarius: Albert, Vitaly, Pavel; Galina, Lolita, Snezhana;
Pisces: Vasily, Ivan, Philip; Valeria, Violetta, Polina.


Interesting story a friend said: “A couple of years ago the “bird of happiness” knocked on our house - we had beautiful girl Sasha. The name was chosen in advance, so when she arrived home at the age of five days, our princess already had a name. Our family members were divided into 2 camps: some unconditionally approved the choice of name, others extremely disliked our choice, because Sasha is a name “for a boy, not a girl.” In the end, the relatives reconciled after reading the meaning of the name Alexandra: “The name Alexandra means protector of people, courageous, help. The imperious sound of this name creates the image of a lady, strong and independent. She is full of dignity and significance, administrative authority and ideological integrity, based on the indestructibility of her potential.” The family came to the conclusion that the girl would be with strong character and will become a major leader in the future.”


All the names of boys and girls that are fashionable in 2018 can be distributed by season - on an intuitive level. You won’t deny that the name Snezhana is very suitable for those born in August, and Yulia for those born in January. Some information on this matter:

Winter names: Yakov, Efim, Maria, Svetlana;
Spring names: Savva, Samson, Eva, Sofia;
Summer names: Stepan, Julius, Anna, Margarita;
Autumn names: Semyon, Kondrat, Vasilisa, Zlata.


This is exactly the case when it’s time to open the ratings and see what rare and beautiful names of boys and girls have become fashionable in 2018.


I don’t know whether to consider this exotic or fanaticism, but, probably, there is no need to follow the example of one businessman and name his son after a company if it is called Mirax. The question is quite sensitive. Judging by the fact that in different cities There are children in Russia with the names Viagra, Eros, Meningitis, Google, BOC rVF 260602 - not everyone strives for balance. What do you think about this? We invite you to discuss it in the comments below the article.


A kind of lottery: if you have several names in mind, write everything down on paper, roll it into tubes and pull it out. The other half will have to accept the option or try to find compelling arguments to dissuade the spouse.


What meaning do the names from the first male and female five carry? We think it’s interesting:

Sophia: wise, reasonable. The name came to Rus' with the adoption of Orthodoxy, and at first it was given to babies born into aristocratic families;
Maria: serene. It has taken root among Russians, Catholics, Orthodox Christians, and Jews. It was worn by many royals;
Anna: strength, courage. Biblical name, sometimes translated as "God's mercy";
Polina: sunny, liberating;
Alice: In English it means “of noble birth.”

And now - men:
Alexander: protector, man, protector. Such people are destined to rule and rule;
Michael: like God, asked of God (translation from ancient Hebrew);
Artem: impeccable health, dedicated to Artemis;
Maxim: greatest;
Daniel: Literal translation: “God is my judge.”

Do you want to suggest your own ideas for beautiful names, or do you disagree with the author’s opinion on some issues? We invite you to express your position in the comments.

Will your family be replenished with a long-awaited son in 2018? Without wasting time, start choosing a name for your future baby. As practice shows, it is much easier to decide on the choice of a crib, stroller or wallpaper in a nursery than to reach a consensus on the issue of a name. It is quite understandable that when choosing a name for a boy, parents want to take into account several factors at once: it should be strong, harmonious and bring happiness to the child.

Each name is not just a set of sounds and letters. The name has a deep meaning inherent in its origin, and is quite capable of having a huge impact on the future fate of the child, his character and the formation of relationships with the outside world. Let's figure out what approach to take when choosing a name for a boy, and also find out which names will be the most fashionable for toddlers born in 2018!

Whatever you name the ship, that’s how it will sail! Choose your name wisely.

How to choose a name for your son in 2018?

Finding a name for your baby forces you to take into account many nuances that you simply would not have given importance to before. By estimating your child's possible birthday, you can roughly calculate his future zodiac sign. Based on this, you can immediately select names that will strengthen the positive dominants in the baby’s character, minimize the influence of negative traits and complement it with qualities that are necessary, but absent in this sign.

2018 will pass under the auspices of the Yellow Dog. The totem will give your baby a remarkable mind, make him honest, fair, friendly, loyal, open and unpretentious - all these qualities suit a real man! However, this Chinese horoscope sign is often grumpy, frivolous in words and actions, and is also characterized by a lack of tolerance. Knowing this and choosing the right name for the baby, you can somewhat level out these character traits.

Don’t forget about the time of year in which the baby was born. Winter boys are the toughest, and can even be a little tough; spring guys are dreamers who are not always ready to go ahead towards their goal; summer boys are very active, but are often prone to impulsiveness and even aggression; and babies who were born in the fall are prone to creativity and are talented, but they are often overly cautious and can be considered indecisive.

Our ancestors named the child by the name of the patron saint, checking his birthday with the calendar. Many mothers and fathers adhere to this tradition, rightly believing that in our difficult life It wouldn't hurt a boy to have an intercessor in heaven. But modern realities are as follows: a guy named Akakiy will most likely be teased by his peers. In this case, it is worth choosing for him not only a baptized name, but also a secular one, more familiar to the ear.

Attention: superstitious parents should remember that they should not give their son the same name as a deceased relative, so that the baby does not repeat his fate. Especially if the ancestor’s life was filled with unhappy events.

Remember: a fashionable foreign name will never get along with a Russian surname!

The harmonious sound of the child’s first, middle and last names plays an important role. For example, fashionable names Michael or Arnold sound pretty stupid when combined with a simple Slavic surname Ivanov and patronymic Vasilievich. In addition, your baby will one day become a father himself, that is, his current name will subsequently be the patronymic for a newborn boy or girl. Think about it: what will a middle name sound like from the name Georges? Don't make the guy and his wife give you an unkind word when solving this problem.

Remember also that your son will not be called loudly for a long time full name, and its diminutive variations. It is worth considering immediately whether they can be formulated. For example, calling Augustine affectionately is not at all easy. Having discussed everything important points in choosing a name for a boy, let's take a closer look at the list of fashionable names for 2018.

Fashionable male names in 2018

Every few years there is a change in fashion for male names. Until recently, you constantly came across little Platos or Davids on playgrounds, and in a few years you will hear the names Aristarchus, Matvey or Egor from all sides. It is worth noting that the trend for borrowed names is now a thing of the past. Popularity is gradually returning to simple but sonorous names from our childhood.

What do you name a boy born in winter?

Winter boys are strong and healthy kids who are distinguished by endurance, strong character and incredible perseverance. On the one hand, they rarely give in to difficulties, but on the other hand, they often remain lonely due to their unyielding disposition.

Names filled with harmony and constancy are suitable for winter boys.

Guys born in December will delight their parents with an inquisitive mind, but may upset them with an unsociable attitude towards others; January babies are very persistent, but sometimes overly stubborn and cruel, while those born in February are overly pragmatic and calculating. For such guys, we can recommend one of the following fashionable names:

  • Arkady– a name interpreted as “living in a happy country” provides its owner with a huge supply of good luck. Little Arkasha may be too cautious and distrustful of strangers, but nowadays it's not bad at all. Such boys are very reasonable and know how to accept praise and blame, victories and defeats with dignity. They are sociable and know how to find an approach to almost any person, which provides them with a wide circle of contacts. Arkady is a person with an inexhaustible supply of optimism and an almost complete absence of complexes. At the same time, he is surprisingly pedantic, which makes it possible to build a successful career in almost any field.
  • Vadim is a sonorous and very beautiful ancient Slavic name, which is often interpreted as “beautiful.” Such boys never sit still and constantly come up with some original activities for themselves, so it will not be easy to keep track of this little fidget. He quickly and easily makes friends who stay with him for life, is an authority for those around him and can always give practical advice. He grasps new knowledge literally on the fly, but will not refuse the opportunity to play pranks in class, so get ready to be called to school due to behavior problems. In his chosen business, Vadim always strives to become a professional - with almost one hundred percent probability he will occupy a leadership position and achieve serious material heights.
  • Artemy– a soft name filled with inner strength and harmony. Since childhood, such kids have shown remarkable intelligence and intelligence, so they always prefer the company of adults to the company of their peers. The baby will have enviable prudence, responsibility and seriousness. You can always be sure that he will not allow himself to be drawn into an unseemly matter and will not get involved with bad company. These individuals simply radiate confidence in their superiority, which can cause negative emotions other's. You will have to try to teach your child to listen to other people's points of view and convey the idea that he can also make mistakes. Such boys always achieve high sports results, so immediately think about the section in which you can enroll your son.
  • Bogdan- a “God-given” child who immediately becomes the favorite of the whole family. The baby is very attached to his mother and is unlikely to exchange her company for the company of his peers in the yard. This can lead to isolation and unsociability - unobtrusively introduce the child to other children and often arrange joint walks with friends who have children of the appropriate age. Bogdan is unhurried, calm and self-confident. This boy knows his worth, clearly sets goals and knows how to communicate with others. The only reason why he might be stuck in some unenviable position at work or will flounder in the middle class at school is because of his laziness. However, with proper upbringing, this deficiency can be easily corrected in childhood.
  • Vitaly- an unfairly forgotten name that is becoming very popular again. Translated, it means “life-affirming,” so Vitaly has plenty of energy and strength. These boys are very affectionate, caring and attentive, so they are already early childhood they can be easily compared to real gentlemen. Having matured, Vitalik begins to demonstrate independence and responsibility, so he will become an excellent older brother. These children are quite indecisive, and it is the parents who must make sure that Vitalik learns to believe in himself. A subtle mind, technical abilities and an excellent analytical approach help Vitalik achieve success in the exact sciences.

What to name a boy born in spring?

On warm spring days, indecisive and sensual children come into the world, who are rarely leaders in the team and will not fail to calculate their every step ten times. They are scared to death by sudden changes in life, so parents are not recommended to change their place of residence or school, so that the child does not develop stress, which can provoke neuroses.

Soft and kind children of spring need a courageous, strong-willed name

Boys born in March have a great thirst for adventure, April children are reasonable and balanced, and boys born in March are very smart and grow up to conquer women's hearts. Spring children have an overly soft disposition, so the name should give the boy firmness and fortitude. Among the fashionable names we can mention:

  • Boris– a name that translates as “fighter.” This guy will never shy away from difficulties and will definitely finish the job he starts. Boris is always pedantic - even girls rarely have such order in their room as little Borenka. He will always hang around to help mom peel vegetables or tighten a couple of nuts with dad in the workshop. He prefers thoughtful quiet games, loves to read and often collects things. Boris is independent - don’t even hope that you will be able to argue with him when choosing clothes, a university or a girl. He will defend his decision to the bitter end. At the same time, Boris greatly honors his parents and will always provide them with all possible help.
  • Victor– a name that means “winner” gives its owner enormous willpower and self-confidence. Victor often becomes the leader and ringleader in the company. Such kids are very stubborn, so mom and dad will have to show extraordinary patience in matters of education. Ordinary punishments will definitely not help - from a young age Victor can only obey an authoritative and reasoned decision. These children are distinguished by developed intelligence, incredible intelligence and charm, so that at school they usually not only study well, but also become teachers' favorites. Victor often becomes a successful businessman, because his natural ingenuity and even cunning allow him to make very successful transactions.
  • Egor– a name translated as “plowman” gives its bearer pragmatism, perseverance and determination. This is a real pedant who accurately carries out any assignment and never deviates from instructions. Yegor is rarely lucky with creative talents, but in the exact sciences he has no equal. Such children early years are distrustful, so you can rest assured that he will never follow a stranger promising candy. Yegor cannot be deceived - mom and dad must learn to be as honest as possible with the baby so as not to lose his trust. Among the not-so-positive traits of such children is excessive temperament - they are easily irritated by little things, but their natural quick-wittedness almost immediately forces Yegorka to apologize for the outburst of anger.
  • Leonid- a Greek name that combines two words - “lion” and “appearance”, which gives its owner a truly regal bearing and proud look. Leonid is exceptionally lucky and will get out of even the most difficult situation. He has developed intuition and strong character, enjoys authority among people and is very diplomatic. You can be sure that he will resolve any conflicts with peers without involving his parents. These darlings of fate easily conquer both creative heights, as well as exact sciences, so you can rest assured about your studies at school and university. The only thing that can cause trouble for parents is Leonid’s excessive amorousness. Literally from kindergarten his first childhood sympathies for girls arise, and any quarrel with the object of his adoration plunges him into depression, from which the baby must be carefully brought out.
  • Igor– Scandinavian name meaning “warlike.” An active child who never sits still and loves to be the center of attention from adults. This is a born leader who easily makes new friends and is never alone. Of course, the role of the ringleader often leads to problems with teachers, but a sharp mind, excellent memory and quick wits help Igor overcome difficulties in his studies with ease. Any defeat will only force him to accumulate strength, think about the situation and rush into battle again. Igorki often become excellent athletes and successful businessmen. Difficulties in parenting can be created by your boy’s stubbornness. In addition, he is somewhat despotic, so you should think several times about whether you should have another child - there is a risk that Igorek will completely subjugate his brother.

What do you name a boy born in summer?

Babies who came into the world on one of the hottest days summer days, are distinguished by their love of life, cheerful and easy-going disposition and inexhaustible optimism. They are very hardworking, they know how to bring things to a logical conclusion, but most often they are led not by reason, but by emotions and impulses. Any desire of a summer child requires immediate satisfaction, and if this does not happen, he can instantly turn from an angel into a capricious and harmful creature.

Summer boys names that balance their impulsiveness are suitable

June boys are considered the most friendly, boys born in July are naturally artistic and know how to manipulate adults, and August children are very delicate and kind. When choosing a name, parents should find one that will help tame this unbalanced nature. Among the most fashionable names we can recall the following:

  • Konstantin– a name whose meaning can be expressed by the word “constant” promises its owner concentration and the ability to concentrate on the main thing. This boy has incredible sensitivity and always worries about his family. However, he can be quite harsh and stubborn if something goes against his wishes. Patient and attentive parents, but the adult Konstantin is completely resistant to the educational process. Kostya always gets along well in life thanks to his natural cunning, perseverance and prudence.
  • Maksim– a child whose name translates as “great” will certainly never be mediocre. From the first steps, the baby will show independence and will clearly know what he wants from life. Mothers are usually frightened by such zeal, so they try to constantly keep the little explorer under constant control. The main thing here is not to overdo it, because with your endless tugging and concern you can easily undermine your son’s faith in his own abilities. Maxim has a great understanding of people and will never get involved with bad company. He usually has few friends, as he is prone to self-confidence and can behave somewhat arrogantly.
  • Stanislav– a name translated as “glorious” provides the child with enormous inner strength. The character of such a baby cannot be called simple: outwardly he may seem very soft and flexible, but he is extremely proud and will not tolerate obstacles on the way to his goal. Stasik cannot tolerate failure and will blame anyone but himself for defeat. This is exactly what parents should pay attention to: it is important to convey to the child that sometimes we ourselves are to blame for failures. Such children are very responsive and kind, they will easily share toys on the playground and love to be in a big company. In their studies, intuition helps them more than intelligence. They study quite well, but too often get carried away with the solution global problems, not noticing small matters and momentary tasks that seem uninteresting to them.
  • Nikita– a name that means “winner”. Such boys are distinguished by purposefulness, perseverance and stubbornness. Nikita is unlikely to allow anyone to boss him around and may grow up to be a selfish child if his parents indulge his whims too often. These children learn without problems, grasping new knowledge literally “on the fly.” They are especially good at humanitarian sciences– Nikita amazes with her oratorical abilities and ability to express thoughts in a reasoned and coherent manner. Your child’s excessive activity should be directed in the right direction by enrolling him in a sports section, otherwise he will raise hell with the whole house. Nikita always achieves significant success in his chosen profession, as he is not afraid of difficulties.
  • Rodion– a name interpreted as “hero” gives the baby a tendency towards altruism. This child is slow and does not like empty talk. Rodion is an independent and responsible boy, so parents can trust him with homework and not have to resort to constant control. His character is spoiled only by pride and ambition, which often complicate Rodion’s life and relationships with others. Rodion has exceptional balance - it is very difficult to get him angry. Creative professions are unlikely to be the field in which he will achieve success, but technology or engineering can become his life’s work.

What to name a boy born in autumn?

In this fertile time, wise, honest and principled natures are born who have pronounced qualities of an orator and a diplomat. Such children will never be the instigators of conflicts and will always be able to resolve matters peacefully, without resorting to fists or the help of their parents.

Autumn children need names that will reward them with determination.

Boys born in September are children with a light character and a penchant for philosophical reflection; October babies are very fond of animals and have kind heart, and guys born in November are very patient and good-natured. Babies born at this time are often subject to mood swings and can become depressed, so we looked through the fashionable names of 2018 and compiled the following list for young parents:

  • Oleg– a Scandinavian name with the interpretation “sacred”. This child has incredible learning abilities, he is focused and never gets distracted by trifles. An analytical mind will provide him with a successful career and a decent life. However, all this will be possible only if Oleg does not veer off the beaten path. Such children are often driven and can easily fall under the influence of bad company. This is exactly what the parents of little Olezhka should jealously monitor. The baby is very attached to his mother and will always find the time and desire to be with her in the kitchen while she prepares lunch or dinner. Oleg is a child with a big heart. He will always take pity on the offended and provide protection to the weak, so he has no shortage of friends.
  • Philip- An ancient Greek name that provides the owner with excellent health and fortitude. Little Philip is an excellent psychologist who will carefully select strings that allow him to manipulate others. However, this trait is very easy to level out. It is enough just to show the little cunning man that his plans have failed - and he will immediately stop being capricious, having listened to your arguments. Philip is distinguished by a clear mind, developed imagination and excellent organizational skills - not a single event at school will be complete without your son. Such bright natures do not accept routine work, but they excel in creative professions, in the field of journalism or in senior positions in creative firms.
  • Ian is a laconic but very beautiful name that has been undeservedly forgotten for a long time. Such a child develops much earlier than his peers and often amazes those around him with his serious thinking and deep knowledge in various spheres of life and science. However, constant praise can ruin it. Ian very quickly develops arrogance and impatience towards people whom he considers inferior to himself. The main thing that parents should take into account when raising a child is the timely development of tolerance and respect for others. Such a child can grow into an excellent doctor or researcher, since natural willpower and the ability to solve complex problems give him the opportunity to achieve professional heights in this field.
  • Yuri– a name meaning “farmer”. Such boys are quite unpredictable and very extraordinary, so he definitely won’t stand on the sidelines if a funny prank is started somewhere. Little Yura's character is formed early, so parents need to begin the process of education literally from the first months of the child's life. Kids are very easy to communicate, extremely relaxed and are not shy about public speaking at matinees or concerts. Yura is a friendly boy, attentive to the needs of others, good-natured and cheerful, but he knows how to insist on his own if the issue is of fundamental importance to him.

The birth of a child in a family is always an extraordinary event. For the vast majority of incredibly joyful mothers and fathers, this is the quintessence of family life, procreation, the highest moment of happiness. Moreover, if a boy was born - such centuries-old traditions are accepted in our society. The obvious question that parents will face sooner or later is what to name their wonderful baby? Annual statistics will help you answer this question; the data was taken to compile a ranking of the 20 most popular male baby names in 2019.

Therefore, the advice is this: it is enough to find data from civil registry offices for cities or regions of the Russian Federation, for the entire country, and then make a choice based on big picture in the region of your residence.

This is a relatively good way to appropriately name your little one, like a “cheat sheet” for those who are not looking for something complicated or ancient, but want to follow trends, choose something “fashionable” that is in demand in society.

Moreover, the most prudent citizens think about this long before the birth of children. Some people consult with older relatives, relying on family traditions. Those who respect faith enjoy religious calendars. The majority do not pay any attention to the “rules” for choosing names, but are guided solely by personal sympathies.

Main modern trends

The first thing that catches your eye when analyzing the most popular names over the last decade is a craving for tradition: Alexandra, Maxim, Artem, Danila, Ivan, Dmitry take precedence among newborns from year to year.

The same picture is observed among girls - statistics claim that over the last quarter of a century, starting from the collapse of the USSR (1991), Anastasia was born most of all. Significantly inferior, but also in the lead: Polina, Victoria, Daria, Sofia.

The second feature is the renaissance of ancient (Greek, Slavic, Jewish) names. This list includes: Bogdan, Makar, Stepan, Savva, Demid, Eremey, Elisha and Rodion.


Globalism, which is winning all over the world, dictates its own laws. Communication via the Internet through social networks requires simplicity and versatility. It will be easiest in these conditions for children whose names are the same as their peers abroad. So, for example, Mikhail is easily replaced by Michael, Alexander becomes Alex, and Georgy becomes George.


Crazy speed modern life leaves no time for auditory enjoyment of such beautiful “music” as Maximilian, Benjamin or Constantine. The future obviously belongs to Max, Ben, Kostya.

You will probably find it strange that some parents are indifferent to the gender of their future child. There are even those who, on the contrary, fundamentally do not want to know about this until birth.

Universal options will come to the aid of these originals - Valery (Valeria), Evgeniy (Evgeniya), Renat (Renata), Kamil (Camilla), etc.


In an effort to make their child unique, to name him catchy, provocatively or generally unique, some of our fellow citizens often go too far.

Of course, such wonderful combinations as Dmitry-Amethyst, Sofia-Bettina, Arkhip-Ural are not fatal - their appearance can be attributed to the exaltation of the parents.

The desire to christen one’s offspring Lucifer, the abbreviation BOCH rVF 260602, or Nicholas II causes mass bewilderment, which fortunately has even reached the State Duma deputies. In April 2019, Russian legislators passed an act prohibiting from now on calling children by titles, curse words, as well as numbers and alphanumeric combinations.

TOP 20 male names, fashionable in 2019

Now - directly to the rating. Its main feature lies in the Slavic, Greek, and Jewish origin of the names. This is not surprising, because according to statistics as of January 1, 2017, more than 81% of the population of Russia are Russians. It is quite obvious that for a number of regions of the Russian Federation this list will be somewhat different. In the Caucasus, the Volga region, and some Ural and Siberian regions, Turkic, Caucasian, Persian, and Arabic are also in use. In general, statistics for individual regions have almost no effect on the overall picture.

The list of popular male names in 2019 is compiled in order of increasing “fashionability” in Russia from twentieth to first place.

20: Denis – Dionysus

Once upon a time it was only a common abbreviation for the full church Dionysius, which meant “belonging to Dionysus,” the god of Olympus, who was responsible for winemaking, natural fertility, and inspiration.

Denises (Dennises, Denises) are widespread in European countries. They can be conveniently shortened to Dena in modern times.


  • poet, hero of the War of 1812 Denis Davydov;
  • poet, writer D. Fonvizin;
  • Dutch footballer Dennis Bergkamp;
  • Minister of Trade Denis Manturov.

19: Timothy – a worshiper of God

The ancient Greek option, which our contemporaries readily choose for their sons. In Europe, it is also in demand in the following form: Timothy - for English-speaking countries, Timoteo (y) - for Romance-speaking countries. It can be easily shortened to a convenient one - Timo, Tima, Tim or Timi.

Famous people:

  • Timothy Leary – writer, psychologist, “guru” of the psychedelic era;
  • T. Mozgov is one of the strongest players in the Russian Federation, center for the Brooklyn Nets;
  • T. Bazhenov is a reporter, TV program presenter.

18: Yaroslav or Slava bright

The name was very common in Rus'. It was assigned to newborn boys as if in advance, clearly expecting them to grow up, and then heroic deeds cover themselves with unfading, bright glory.

Personalities who achieved fame:

  • Grand Duke of Kyiv Yaroslav the Wise;
  • author of the immortal “Schweik” J. Hasek;
  • world champion athletics Ya. Rybakov.

17: Venerable Sergei

Sergei also does not go out of fashion. Sergestus was the name of one of the friends of Aeneas, the hero of the Trojan War, the main character of Virgil's Aeneid.

In Rus', for a long time this name was “usurped” by the clergy. A number of famous martyrs and righteous people were called this way; just remember Sergius of Radonezh.

In the 19th century, Sergei was among the top 10, as representatives of the Romanov dynasty loved their children.


  • S. Rachmaninov, S. Prokofiev - brilliant composers;
  • Sergei Yesenin - the main peasant poet;
  • Sergei Korolev is the “father” of the Soviet space program.

16: Roman - Roman

Many nations have analogues of the name Roman. “Romanus” translated from Greek means “Roman”, “living in Rome” - quite simply, at the same time - noble.

In the 19th and 20th centuries, the prevalence of Roman began to decline, but over the past 25 years, children have been called this name again and again more and more often.

Outstanding Novels:

  • director R. Polanski;
  • humorist R. Kartsev;
  • billionaire R. Abramovich.

15: Alexey is ideal for football defenders

Another gift from generous Hellas. Alexey goes back to the ancient Greek words - “defend”, “reflect”.

For some time it was rare, until the second tsar from the Romanov dynasty, Alexei Mikhailovich, was baptized this way. Good shortcut - Alex.

Famous personalities:

  • A. Ridiger - Patriarch Alexy II;
  • A. Berezutsky - Russian football player, defender by role;
  • A. Panin - famous actor, brawler.

14: Ilya – my god

This is the Russian version of the very eloquent biblical concept "Eliyahu", which is a shortened form of the unpronounceable name of God. Its Arabic version, often found among us, is Ilya. The following forms are accepted in European languages: Elias or Eli.


  • valiant hero Ilya Muromets;
  • painter I. Repin;
  • Elijah Wood plays Frodo Baggins.

13: Brave Andrey

The name Andrey has always been popular, dating back to the times ancient Rus', ending with modernity. This is not surprising - who would voluntarily refuse to call their boy brave and courageous?

Its wide spread was also influenced by numerous saints and martyrs: the patron saint of Russia, Andrew the First-Called, A. Kritsky, A. Rublev.

This beautiful name was borne by many princes, as well as church leaders.

12: Vladimir – owner of the world

Everyone already knows everything about this name. It was, is, will be worn by the majority of the country’s rulers, starting from Prince Vladimir, who baptized Rus', continuing with the leader of the world revolution, Lenin, ending with the current President of the Russian Federation, V. Putin.

The meaning of the name Vladimir is famous throughout the world. Its European analogue is Voldemar.

11: Matvey is God's gift

An ancient Hebrew “relic” from biblical times, which has become extremely widespread in Russia in recent years in the wake of the “antique” fashion.

Matthews are “people of God.” Foreign analogues: Matteo, Matthew, Mateus.


  • the legendary Cossack ataman Matvey Platov;
  • author of “Katyusha”, “Football March”, composer Matvey Blanter.

10: Egor

The top ten names are revealed by Egor, one of many phonetic variants of the classical Greek George, meaning “a man who practices agriculture.”

Over time, they began to call Yegors without regard to their origin from George.

Famous personalities:

  • politician, economist E. Gaidar;
  • singer Egor Creed.

9: Michael, who is like God

One of the most common male names on Earth, highly revered among Russians. Comes from the Archangel of the same name, the leader of the angelic army.

Its English counterpart, Michael, firmly ranks second among Americans.

World history knows many famous Michaels: Byzantine emperors, Grand Dukes of the Romanovs, church leaders, kings of Poland and Bulgaria.

8: Victorious Nikita

This is one of the most popular boy names in 2019 from among the temporarily forgotten ones. Last years“Nikita” has been revived with renewed vigor - Russians are increasingly choosing the name, based on its euphony and meaning. Nikita is a winner.

Significant persons:

  • hero N. Kozhemyaka;
  • film director N. Mikhalkov;
  • statesman N. Khrushchev.

7: Lord Kirill

Traditional church name of Greek origin, which has become very fashionable among our fellow citizens over the past 25 years.

Kirill means “lord” or “sovereign” and is best suited for clergy. By the way, it is among them that you should look for its famous carriers.

6: Ivan

Ivan (God's grace) - widespread among Russians, as well as other Slavs. The fashion for Ivan has long penetrated both the states of Latin America and the Anglo-Saxons.

Among the famous Ivans: Russian princes, tsars, emperors.

Main features: contradictory character, good disposition and a keen sense of justice, knows how to forgive insults and will not let you down in a difficult situation.

TOP 5 leaders

The list of the most popular boys' names among Russians in 2019 is traditionally topped by:

  1. Alexander
  2. Artem
  3. Maksim
  4. Danila
  5. Dmitriy.

Their prevalence is so great that it somehow even becomes offensive for the great many other beautiful names.

Danil (Danila) comes from the prophet Daniel (God is a judge). Artem means “perfectly healthy.” They call them Dmitry, recalling the goddess of fertility Demeter, and Maxim, in general, is “the greatest.”

The rating is headed by Alexander. The fashion for Alexander has never passed, and it is unlikely to pass, because he is a man, a protector, a patron. Hundreds of great kings, generals, popes, scientists, writers, starting with Alexander the Great himself, made it fashionable.

What to name a boy in 2020 - this question interests many expectant mothers and fathers who are planning a new addition to the family at this time.

And this is quite understandable, because choosing a name for a child often becomes a real problem: you need to take into account so many nuances so that your future son not only has a beautiful and sonorous name, but also one that matches his character and has a positive impact on his destiny and helps his future member of society in communication and life.

In our articles, we decided to help those who are expecting a new addition to the family in 2020 and talk in detail about how to name a boy in 2020, choosing the most fashionable, happiest and euphonious name by month, according to the recommendations of astrologers.

So, what will children born in 2020 be like?

This is the question future parents should ask themselves first when choosing a name for their child.

According to astrologers, boys born in the year of the Ratare born discoverers and explorers. The rat (mouse) is the first sign in the 12-year cycle of the eastern calendar. Belongs to the Yang sign, associated with the element of Water. Symbolizes success, activity, prudence. Rat boys are distinguished by their curiosity, they are driven by a tireless thirst for knowledge. They generously share their observations and discoveries with others, trying to be useful to their family and society.

Rat boys miraculously combine opposite qualities. They have excellent intuition, but are easily fooled by scammers. Trying to conquer universal recognition, while suffering painfully from the inattention of loved ones, they often withdraw into themselves. Knowing the character traits of a Rat child will help parents raise a harmonious personality.

What to name a boy in 2020

The choice of a name for a child should be approached responsibly, taking into account many factors, because the child’s personality and karma largely depend on the sound, meaning, history and associations associated with the name.

There is a widespread belief that with the help of a name you can have a noticeable influence on the character of the one who bears it. A name can enhance certain personality traits, reveal certain predispositions, or, conversely, hide and soften “undesirable” traits.

How to name a boy by month of birth

Names for boys born in January 2020

Born in January, boys have a strong will, strong character and enviable constancy. Also, the strengths of those born in January include: hard work and the ability to achieve set goals, an inquisitive, quick-thinking mind, a developed sense of responsibility and leadership talent.

Weaknesses of boys born in January: pride and self-esteem. If a person born in January feels that his authority and pride are at stake, then he is capable of unreasonable actions and risks a lot in defending them.

The name for a boy born in January 2020 should be sonorous and beautiful, emphasizing his character and enhancing his positive aspects:

  • Alexander,
  • Arthur,
  • Arkady,
  • Victor,
  • Vladimir,
  • Valentine;
  • Gregory,
  • Daniel,
  • Eugene,
  • Egor;
  • Maksim,
  • Michael,
  • Nahum;
  • Nikita,
  • Nikolai;
  • Clement;
  • Paul;
  • Peter,
  • Ivan,

Remember that future men born in January should not be given too “hard” and harsh names. They will strengthen your already strong character. It can reach those irreparable situations where firmness borders on cruelty and ruthlessness.

It is not advisable to name boys born in January 2020 with the following names:

    • Dmitriy,
    • Igor,
    • Anatoly.

Names for January boys according to the calendar, church calendar:

Afanasy, Gregory, Ilya, Daniel, Ivan, Ignat, Timofey, Kirill, Nikita, Anton, Maxim, Peter, Pavel, Mikhail, Sergey, Philip, Georgy, Yuri, Egor, Nikolay, Mark, Efim, Konstantin, Stepan, Fedor, Fadey, Vasily, Naum, Jacob, Nikanor, Prokop, Theoktist, Niphont, Theodosius, Seraphim, Artem, Valentin, Clement, Semyon, Trofim, Savva, Benjamin, Adam, Sevastyan, Emelyan, Prokhor, Proclus, Elizar, Sebastian.

Names for boys born in February 2020

Those born in February are also not deprived of talents and leadership qualities. February children do not back down from difficulties and know how to achieve their goals. Boys born in February are smart, confident and extraordinary.

Character weaknesses - excessive emotionality, a tendency to act rashly. Those born in February find it difficult to have long-term relationships because they are reluctant to compromise. Those born in February do not forgive insults inflicted on them and can take revenge.

What to name a boy in 2020 if he was born in February? Choose a soft and melodic name for him that will balance his impulsive and tough nature.

  • Vitaly,
  • Oleg,
  • Valentin,
  • Yuri;
  • Novel;
  • Timofey;
  • Arkady,
  • Kirill;
  • Arseny;
  • Hermann;
  • Victor;
  • Alexander;
  • Makar;
  • Luke;
  • Ephraim;
  • David;
  • Timofey.

These names can soften willfulness and direct the ambitions inherent in those born in February in the right direction.


Names for those born in February according to the calendar, the church calendar:

Anton, Veniamin, Fedor, Alexey, Nikolay, Kirill, Konstantin, Stepan, Gennady, Innokenty, Semyon, Ivan, Peter, Dmitry, Maxim, Grigory, Timofey, Alexander, Arseny, Victor, Leonty, Nikita, Vitaly, Felix, Philip, Ignat, Vasily, Ippolit, Zakhar, Pavel, Roman, Prokhor, Vsevolod, Efim, Evgeniy, Vlas, Valery, Georgy, Egor, Makar, Yuri, Gabriel, Clement, Arkady, Ephraim, Yakov, Ignatius, Julian, David, German, Nikifor, Akim, Valerian, Savva, Valentin.

Names for boys born in March 2020

March boys are hardworking, have good intuition, are suspicious, vulnerable and tend to deeply experience their own failures.

Those born in March are endowed sharp mind, a wonderful sense of humor and charm. Romantic and dreamy people are usually born in March. The very ones who abhor violence and forcing problems. The tendency to weigh the pros and cons, the fear of making mistakes can grow into self-doubt.

Boys born in March should choose a sonorous and strong name that will add firmness to his character.

  • Nikita;
  • Philip;
  • Paul;
  • Artem;
  • Egor;
  • Taras;
  • Leonid;
  • Anton;
  • Danil;
  • Matvey;
  • Yuri;
  • Yaroslav;
  • Basil;
  • Alexei;
  • Maksim;
  • Peter;
  • Kirill;
  • Novel;
  • Arkady;
  • Konstantin;
  • Denis.

March boys should not be called by the following names:


Names for those born in March according to the calendar, the church calendar:

Afanasy, Daniil, Ilya, Pavel, Fedor, Kuzma, Lev, Evgeny, Julian, Makar, Maxim, Fedot, Georgy, Vyacheslav, Philip, Alexander, Ivan, Vasily, Gerasim, Gregory, Roman, Taras, Yakov, Konstantin, Arkady, Kirill, Leonty, Leonid, Mark, Victor, Anton, Denis, Stepan, Semyon, Alexey, Trofim, Efim, Timofey, Egor, Valery, Yuri, Peter, Sevastyan, Arseny, David, Nikifor, Benedict, Rostislav, Savva, Mikhail, Nikander, Irakli.

Names for boys born in April 2020

Ambitious and strong-willed boys are born in April. They lack neither courage and firmness, nor practicality and rationality.

Men born in April often want to be called lucky, but in fact they achieve success through hard work. Fortunately, those born in April are not lacking in hard work.

Weaknesses: selfishness, unwillingness to tolerate and restrain one’s emotions, straightforwardness. They do not know how to analyze their mistakes and can constantly step on the same rake.

What to name a boy born in April in 2020? Choose from the following lucky names that will enhance the positive and neutralize the negative qualities of your baby’s personality:

  • Danil;
  • Nikita;
  • Zakhar;
  • Konstantin;
  • A lion;
  • Mark;
  • Victor;
  • Philip;
  • Ivan;
  • Nikolai;
  • Samson;
  • Antip;
  • Mstislav;
  • Plato;
  • Alexander;
  • Vyacheslav;
  • Maksim.

Names for those born in April according to the calendar, the church calendar:

Artem, Innokenty, Sergey, Ivan, Kirill, Thomas, Vasily, Zakhar, Peter, Stepan, Mark, Yakov, Veniamin, Efim, Makar, Nikita, Georgy, Semyon, Anton, Daniil, Leonid, Vadim, Alexander, Savva, Trofim, Gabriel, Yuri, Andrey, Egor, Mstislav, Plato, Maxim, Khariton, David, Nikon, Tikhon, Antip, Sophron, Martin, Hypaty, Polycarp, Rodion, Nifont, Artemon, Victor, Aristarchus, Terenty, Kondrat, Samson.

Names for boys born in May 2020

A distinctive character trait of May boys is authority and uncompromisingness, stubbornness bordering on perseverance and straightforwardness.

Persistent, resourceful and active, boys born in May have every chance of success in the path they choose for themselves.

Negative character traits include vindictiveness and resentment, the habit of giving in to emotions and the inability to forgive.

What to name a boy born in May in 2020? Balance the positive and negative sides The following names will help character:

  • Novel;
  • Modest;
  • Gleb;
  • Konstantin;
  • Anatoly,
  • Ivan,
  • Valentine;
  • Kirill,
  • Gregory,
  • Vitaly,
  • Georgy,
  • Maksim,
  • Afanasy,
  • Victor,
  • Paul,
  • Nikita.

Names for those born in May according to the calendar, the church calendar:

Anton, Victor, Ivan, Kuzma, Alexander, Grigory, Fedor, Denis, Georgy, Vsevolod, Vitaly, Gabriel, Alexey, Leonty, Savva, Mark, Anatoly, Vasily, Stepan, Semyon, Maxim, Nikita, Ignat, Boris, Kirill, Gleb, Roman, Peter, David, German, Makar, Dmitry, Andrey, Konstantin, Irakli, Pavel, Egor, Yuri, Fedot, Clement, Arseny, Nikolay, Artem, Valentin, Efim, Eremey, Timofey, Nicodemus, Joseph, Pakhom, Modest, Severin, Lavrenty, Kasyan.

Names for boys born in June 2020

A distinctive character trait of boys born in June is caution and foresight. Despite their vulnerability, June children know how to forgive, do not like conflicts, know how to understand another person and give in without compromising their interests.

Negative character traits of boys born in June include indecision, gullibility and the inability to experience strong and deep feelings.

What to name a boy born in June in 2020? The following lucky names will help balance the positive and negative aspects of your character:

  • Valery,
  • Oleg,
  • Novel,
  • Michael,
  • Konstantin,
  • Ignat,
  • Stanislav,
  • Vsevolod,
  • Sergey,
  • Kirill,
  • Ivan,
  • Egor,
  • Alexei,
  • Dmitriy,
  • Fedor,
  • Michael,
  • Gennady,
  • Vladimir,
  • Igor,
  • Andrey.

Names for those born in June according to the calendar, the church calendar:

Alexey, Ignatiy, Ivan, Sergey, Alexander, Fedor, Konstantin, Mikhail, Vladimir, Nikita, Semyon, Stepan, Georgy, Leonty, Egor, Yuri, Makar, Christian, Denis, Khariton, Pavel, Dmitry, Valery, Igor, Leonid, Fedot, Vasily, Timofey, Andrey, Gabriel, Peter, Ian, Arseny, Savva, Elisha, Gregory, Innokenty, Savely, Kirill, Julian, Mstislav, Gennady, Roman, Sylvester, Ignat, Anton, Karp.

Names for boys born in July 2020

Boys born in July are modest and shy. They love to analyze and get to the bottom of things; they are people of mood, prone to emotions.

Those born in July prefer safety and peace of mind to excitement and risk.

Sensitivity and suspiciousness, the habit of deeply and acutely experiencing grievances and troubles often throw them out of balance.

What to name a boy born in July in 2020? The following lucky names will help balance the positive and negative aspects of your character:

  • Ignat,
  • Stepan,
  • Nikita,
  • Eugene,
  • Vyacheslav,
  • Efim,
  • Georgy,
  • Arseny,
  • Anatoly,
  • Stanislav,
  • Artem,
  • Denis,
  • Andrey,
  • Anton,
  • Konstantin,
  • Philip,
  • Novel.

Names for those born in July according to the calendar, the church calendar:

Anton, Leonty, Ivan, Gleb, Julian, Peter, Artem, German, Svyatoslav, Alexey, Julius, Roman, Mikhail, Yakov, David, Pavel, Sergey, Andrey, Valentin, Denis, Vasily, Konstantin, Mark, Philip, Thomas, Kuzma, Tikhon, Anatoly, Matvey, Alexander, Kirill, Innokenty, Stepan, Arseny, Vladimir, Efim, Fedor, Daniil, Fedot, Leonid, Emelyan, Gury, Terenty, Galaktion, Evsey, Stanislav, Ipaty, Maxim, Samson, Demyan, Demid.

Names for boys born in August 2020

Born in the month of August, boys are endowed with decency, strong character, independence and dislike of pressure from others.

Despite their good nature and nobility of nature, those born in August are too adamant to easily admit their mistakes and listen to other people's opinions.

What to name a boy born in August in 2020? The following names will help balance the positive and negative aspects of character:

  • Gleb,
  • Rodion,
  • Boris,
  • August,
  • Anton,
  • Markel,
  • Maksim,
  • Clement,
  • Alexander,
  • Miron,
  • Leonid,
  • Nikolay,
  • Sergey,
  • Zakhar,
  • Prokhor,
  • Novel,
  • Stepan,
  • Denis.

Names for those born in August according to the calendar, the church calendar:

Alexander, Roman, Ilya, Semyon, Gleb, David, Makar, German, Boris, Nikolay, Konstantin, Mikhail, Maxim, Leonty, Vasily, Stepan, Kuzma, Anton, Denis, Grigory, Leonid, Alexey, Matvey, Ivan, Peter, Julian, Dmitry, Fedor, Pavel, Philip, Georgy, Yuri, Frol, Evdokim, Egor, Nikanor, Savva.

Names for boys born in September 2020

Stubborn and very emotional boys are born in the month of September. Despite their ability to ignite like a torch, September babies do not like chaos, risk and the unknown. They love order, security and comfort.

September boys can be overly pedantic and scrupulous, conservative and meticulous, captive to order in everything.

What to name a boy born in September 2020? The following lucky names will help balance the positive and negative aspects of your character:

  • Paul,
  • Denis,
  • Gennady,
  • Eugene,
  • Anatoly,
  • Zakhar,
  • Novel,
  • Arkhip,
  • Ivan,
  • Andrey,
  • Yakov,
  • Kirill,
  • Timofey,
  • Georgy,
  • Arseny,
  • Gregory,
  • Fedor,
  • Afanasy.

Names for those born in September according to the calendar, the church calendar:

Andrey, Timofey, Fadey, Gregory, Peter, Nikandr, Ivan, Arseny, Afanasy, Savva, Alexander, Daniel, Makar, Christopher, Yakov, Gennady, Semyon, Pavel, Anton, Fedor, Julian, Maxim, David, Zakhar, Kirill, Mikhail, Gleb, Foma, Akim, Nikita, Khariton, Dmitry, German, Sergey, Fedot, Clement, Efim, Valery, Ilya, Leonty, Stepan, Victor, Kondrat, Andriyan, Nikolay, Pimen, Veniamin, Georgy, Arkhip, Lukyan, Porfiry, Arkady.

Names for boys born in October 2020

Boys born in October tend to be very intelligent high level. Practicality and rationality, coupled with talents, make them successful in adulthood, especially on the path of entrepreneurship.

They have a keen sense of justice, but are not inclined to be offended by trifles. They are stubborn and tenacious enough to defend their interests.

What to name a boy born in October in 2020? The following good names will help balance the positive and negative sides of your character:

  • Oleg,
  • Nazar,
  • Vladislav,
  • Martin,
  • Igor,
  • Fedor,
  • Dmitriy,
  • Andrey,
  • Paul,
  • Innocent,
  • Sergey,
  • Alexander,
  • Basil,
  • Ilya,
  • Vladimir,
  • Konstantin,
  • Philip.

Names for those born in October according to the calendar, the church calendar:

Andrey, Konstantin, David, Trofim, Fedor, Oleg, Dmitry, Peter, Anton, Ivan, Mikhail, Makar, Vladislav, Alexander, Stepan, Sergey, Mark, Vyacheslav, Khariton, Ignatius, Gregory, Roman, Denis, Vladimir, Pavel, Alexey, Matvey, Philip, Erofey, Thomas, Julian, Maxim, Nikita, Aristarchus, Ignat, Rodion, Igor, Demyan, Valerian.

Names for boys born in November 2020

November gives boys born this month a difficult character. Those born in November are usually distrustful, cunning and stubborn.

They know how to manipulate people, but are difficult to get along with in groups and tend to rely only on themselves. They can be emotional and hot-tempered.

What to name a boy born in November 2020? The following lucky names will help balance the positive and negative aspects of your character:

  • Maksim,
  • Timofey,
  • Philip,
  • Orestes,
  • Artem,
  • Maximilian,
  • Gregory,
  • Victor,
  • Sergey,
  • Konstantin,
  • Yakov,
  • Michael,
  • Ivan,
  • Stepan.
  • Dmitriy,
  • Nikolai.

Names for those born in November according to the calendar, the church calendar:

Anton, Ivan, Artem, Yakov, Alexander, Irakli, Denis, Konstantin, Ignat, Andrey, Mark, Maxim, Stepan, Dmitry, Zinovy, Georgy, Egor, Yuri, Grigory, Arseny, German, Pavel, Nikandr, Valery, Evgeny, Kirill, Fedor, Mikhail, Vincent, Victor, Nikifor, Fedot, Matvey, Illarion, Osip, Taras, Rodion, Evgeniy, Julian, Philip, Vsevolod, Paramon.

Names for boys born in December 2020

Emotionality and temper - distinctive features boys born in December. However, among the expressed traits of their personality one can also name persistence in achieving goals, ambition and independence. Often the last trait will reach the passion for independence and love of freedom.

Despite their temper, boys and men born in December very quickly stop being angry and are not vindictive. They do not like routine and monotonous, scrupulous work. They also don’t like to count and save money.

What to name a boy born in December 2020? The following lucky names will help smooth out the negative aspects of your character and enhance the positive ones:

  • Artem;
  • Kirill;
  • Mark;
  • Andrey;
  • Nikolai;
  • Tryphon;
  • Moses;
  • Semyon;
  • Sevostyan;
  • Valerian;
  • Spiridon;
  • Zakhar;
  • Yaroslav;
  • Paul;
  • Paramon;
  • Clement.
  • Sergey,
  • Anatoly,
  • Dmitriy,
  • Nikolai.

Names for those born in December according to the calendar, the church calendar:

Alexey, Roman, Anatoly, Grigory, Ivan, Mikhail, Maxim, Alexander, Makar, Fedor, Peter, Georgy, Valery, Egor, Yuri, Innokenty, Vsevolod, Vasily, Stepan, Andrey, Gennady, Gabriel, Zakhar, Nikolay, Anton, Leo, Cyril, Thomas, Daniel, Arkady, Pavel, Arseny, Orestes, Mark, Adrian, Yaroslav, Mitrofan, Clement, Arkhip.

Birth little man- this is a huge responsibility, interspersed with true happiness, which everyone strives for. Preparation for this event usually takes a lot of time. But do not forget that even before the birth of the child, you can already start choosing a name for him, suggesting the day when the baby will be born. It's not as simple as it might seem. There are a number of rules that can help young parents choose a name for a child born in May 2018, including according to the calendar.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the consonance of the selected names with the surname and patronymic. Try it different ways tilt the name and its other components to make sure that they do not form any unpleasant consonances. - this is not just a set of sounds, it is the beginning of his journey, which can seriously affect the future of a growing person. Choose names with meaning that you especially enjoy saying. Remember that over time a person becomes like his name, so imagine what you want your child to look like in a few years and choose wisely.

A book that was used by our ancestors - the Saints - can help in choosing a name. It is kept for every church, and every priest will be very happy to help you choose suitable name for a newborn according to everyone church rules (according to the church calendar). The list of names in the holy book is dominated by men. If you cannot find a suitable name for a girl according to the calendar, then you can simply transform male names into a feminine one. This is how such names as Alexandra, Yulia, Evgenia, etc. came about.

Church calendar of names for May 2018

What to name your baby in May 2018

Names for boys
Anton ("enemy"), Vasily ("king"), Victor ("winner"), Vissarion ("forest"), Efim ("compassionate"), Ivan ("mercy of God"), Kuzma ("space"), George ("farmer"), Nikephoros ("conquering"), Tryphon ("luxurious"), Christopher ("bearer of Christ"), Alexander ("courageous defender"), Gabriel ("believer"), Leontius ("lion") , Peter (“rock”), Semyon (“hearing God”), Sergei (“highly revered”), Denis (“dedicated to Dionysus”), Stepan (“wreath”), Julian (“light”), Mikhail (“equal to God "), Rostislav ("increasing strength"), Herman ("only begotten"), Lavrenty ("laurel tree"), Roman ("Roman"), Artem ("healthy"), Maxim ("great"), Boris (" fighter for glory"), Nikita ("winner").

Names for girls born in May 2018 (meaning of names):
Anastasia (“resurrected”), Theodora (“God’s gift”), Elizabeth (“God’s oath”), Anna (“grace”), Maria (“sad”), Taisiya (“dedicated to Isis”), Evdokia (“favor” ), Julia (“light”), Muse (“goddess of the arts”), Zoya (“life”), Nina (“educator”).



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