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Early pregnancy, or what happens when children play adult games. Teenage pregnancy: problems of a young primiparous Can a girl get pregnant at 13

Having a child is a great happiness for every person. No wonder the long-awaited babies are called the flowers of life. They are cherished, surrounded by care and love. But when these "flowers of life" surprise in the form of early, teenage pregnancy, parents simply fall into a stupor. What to do if your daughter becomes pregnant? Why is early motherhood dangerous? Will a schoolgirl be able to bear and give birth to a healthy child? You can find answers to all these and many other questions in our today's publication.

Teenage pregnancy: the relevance of the problem

Unfortunately, today the problem of early motherhood is at the peak of its relevance. One of the main causes of teenage pregnancy is the lack of sex education. It may not be present at all, or it may be incorrect. Parents do not always find time to devote it to their daughter and explain the dangers of sexual life in adolescence. In addition, sexual education in educational institutions is practically absent.

According to statistics, more than 40% of illegitimate children are born as teenagers. About 10 thousand cases of young pregnancy are recorded every year. Pregnant teenage girls represent 10-15% of the total number of expectant mothers. And it's not just children from disadvantaged families. To date, cases of early pregnancy are also relevant for quite prosperous, wealthy families. Psychologists attribute this to the fact that teenagers often experience a lack of attention from their parents or want to stand out from the crowd in this way, to prove something to others.

We emphasize that today the average age of teenage pregnancy is 15-16 years. At the same time, about 90% of young people by the age of 20 have sexual experience of extramarital relationships. This is facilitated by alcohol, erotic advertising, as well as the desire to stand out inherent in a young age.

Of course, the main reason for teenage pregnancy is the banal ignorance of the rules of contraception. Children are afraid and embarrassed to buy condoms in a pharmacy, and they don’t even think about contacting a doctor for recommendations on contraception.

It should be noted that in our society the problem of violence in adolescence is also relevant. As a result of such a horrifying situation, girls often become pregnant. This fact is often influenced by an unfavorable family atmosphere. Deprived teenagers often look for care and love on the side.

The socio-economic side of the problem should not be overlooked either. According to statistics, a large percentage of such situations occur in our country due to the possibility of receiving financial benefits after the birth of a child.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that teenage pregnancy and its consequences are an urgent problem for our country. Therefore, it is very important to pay due attention to your children and do not hesitate to tell them about the consequences and complications of conceiving a child in adolescence. We will discuss this topic in more detail later.

What is dangerous teenage pregnancy: complications

First of all, you should understand for yourself that adolescence begins at about 10 years old and lasts until 18 years old. Pregnancy that occurs between the ages of 13 and 16 is called teenage pregnancy. Unfortunately, expecting a child at such a young age poses a threat not only to the development of the fetus, but also to the young mother.

It is no secret that during the period of gestation, the mother's body undergoes multiple changes and restructuring. The physical immaturity of a young mother is fraught with the development of many complications in her health.

The main destructive actions for the health of a teenager are as follows:

  1. Unpreparedness of the body for the full bearing of the child. Being pregnant, a young mother is forced to "share" calcium with the child developing inside. Hence the lack of an element and, as a result, a violation in the structure of the girl's bones.
  2. Negative effect on internal organs. The growing fetus puts pressure on the organs near the uterus. Due to the fact that the body of a teenager is just being formed, such pressure can lead to deformation of some organs.
  3. Risk of miscarriage. Often this situation occurs when there is a lack of nutrients in the body of a young mother. There is a high probability of uterine rupture, toxicosis, placental insufficiency.
  4. Death during childbirth. Unfortunately, such an outcome is not excluded, since the body of a teenager cannot always cope with such a load, especially if the delivery is complicated.
  5. Infertility. Abortion is the decision often made by pregnant teenagers. And this leads to further infertility and a number of other diseases of the girl's reproductive system.

Teenage pregnancy: features

As we have already found out, the main feature of early motherhood is the physical immaturity of a teenage girl. In addition, a young mother needs to take calcium supplements, follow a complete diet, otherwise the risk of losing the fetus and becoming the owner of many "sores" is very high.

It should be noted that in young girls the figure is not fully formed, so the pelvic bones are not sufficiently expanded. And this poses a serious threat to the birth of a child in a natural way. Underdevelopment of the uterus in adolescent girls often leads to spontaneous abortion.

Recall that the hormonal background in girls under 20 is still unstable. A lack of progesterone can lead to the development of hypoxia - oxygen starvation of the fetus. That is why teenage pregnancy is managed by several specialists. Usually, young mothers are observed in the hospital at least three times during the entire pregnancy, and by 36 weeks they are sent to the maternity hospital, since at this age births are premature.

And of course, the peculiarity of such a pregnancy lies in the psychological unpreparedness of a teenager to become a mother and raise a baby. Very often, schoolgirls refuse a child even in the hospital, after which they become depressed, become withdrawn and unsociable. Those girls who decide to keep the pregnancy and raise the baby after birth need serious psychological support not only from their parents, but also from professional psychotherapists.

Teenage pregnancy: what to do?

This question is asked not only by teenagers who are faced with early pregnancy, but also by their parents. Of course, the first step in this situation should be to seek help from a gynecologist. This specialist will help you make the right decision.

It is no secret that many parents consider artificial termination of pregnancy the only way out of this situation. For some indications, an abortion may also be prescribed by a doctor. As a rule, such an operation is carried out at an early stage of pregnancy in order to avoid complications. But abortion is always a risk to the health of the mother. Very often, after an artificial termination of pregnancy in girls, the menstrual cycle is disturbed, serious hormonal disruptions occur, which provoke the development of infertility.

Sometimes during an abortion, the mouths of the fallopian tubes are injured, adhesions occur. After such an operation, a teenage girl may face serious disorders in the endocrine, nervous, and immune systems. In addition, artificial termination of pregnancy is always accompanied by psychological trauma. If you do not want your child to suffer from psychosis, neurosis and other mental disorders, then try to avoid abortion.

As for childbirth in adolescence, it can also be accompanied by serious complications, for which a young mother should be prepared. Usually, during early pregnancy, expectant mothers suffer from severe toxicosis, anemia, and hypertension. During childbirth, there is a high risk of rupture of the perineum or cervix. A child can be born with low weight, problems in mental and physical development.

The consequences of early pregnancy are:

  1. Changes in lifestyle. Surrounding people with condemnation will look at a pregnant teenage girl. And these are superfluous and unnecessary experiences for the expectant mother. Communication with peers will no longer be the same as before. During this period, it is very important that the girl feels the support of people close to her.
  2. Psychological trauma. Unpreparedness for the birth of a child, fear of childbirth and condemnation from classmates often cause the development of psychosis and depression in young mothers. The participation of parents in this situation is simply necessary, otherwise mental problems in the child cannot be avoided.
  3. Boy betrayal. Not all young guys, having learned about the pregnancy of their girlfriend, behave decently. Often they pretend that it does not concern them at all. As a result, the young mother is left alone with the problem. The unstable psyche of a teenager is very unpredictable, so support from parents and psychologists must be present without fail.
  4. The problem of financial support. Often a young mother raises and raises a child alone, without the financial assistance of the father of the child. In such a situation, one has to rely only on the help of the state and relatives.
  5. Irresponsibility. Due to the fragile psyche and the lack of life experience in adolescents, the children of young mothers do not receive proper care, attention, affection. Often, a girl splashes out anger and resentment for her “wrong” life on a child.

Of course, not all teenage pregnancies are complicated and fraught with such consequences. Everything can end quite well. The main thing is to approach this issue responsibly. The support of relatives and proper management of pregnancy by a doctor will help to endure, give birth and raise a healthy child. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you do not scold the young mother, but try to find the right way out of this situation.

Take care and love your children, no matter the circumstances!

Especially for - Nadezhda Vitvitskaya

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Unfortunately, early adulthood is fraught with non-childish problems.

One of the most serious is an unplanned pregnancy.

Girls are often in a hurry to grow up. They try on their mother's shoes and dresses, paint their lips with their older sister's lipstick, have “lady's” conversations and stare at respectable men ... More than a million girls a year find themselves in an “interesting position” before their 18th birthday, and only 15% gives birth from them.


The fruits of the sexual revolution around the world taste bad - since the 60s, the number of teenage pregnancies in Europe and the United States has only grown. At the beginning of the 21st century, through the joint efforts of psychologists, doctors and teachers, it was possible to somewhat reduce the number of young mothers, but it is still too early to talk about victory in this “war”. In Russia, 30 out of 1,000 girls give birth before they turn 19, and every year 40,000 girls under the age of 17 terminate their pregnancy, 3,000 of them under the age of 14. According to the research institute. Semashko, at least 40% of high school students are sexually active at the age of 15.5, and only 18% of them use contraception.

In girls aged 14-17, early conception is often the result of ignorance and youthful carelessness. According to US sociologists, 22% of pregnancies occur in the first month after the onset of sexual activity.

In girls under 14, the most common cause of pregnancy is rape or seduction by an adult, more often a relative or neighbor. So, 9-year-old Ilda Trujillo from Peru gave birth to a cousin. The youngest mother in Russia, 11-year-old Valya Isaeva, was seduced by a 17-year-old boy to whom Valentina's grandmother rented a room. And 6-year-old Liza from Ukraine got pregnant... from her own grandfather!

All parents would like to think that their daughters have not matured yet, but, alas, since the beginning of puberty, no one is immune from unpleasant surprises.

To give birth or not to give birth?

Teenage pregnancy has its own characteristics and specific problems. Young girls are more fertile than adult women, their reproductive system is still intact, conception occurs quickly, sometimes eggs are released even before the first menstruation. A 17-18-year-old mother whose menarche began at 10-11 years old, and conception occurred in the first months of sexual activity, is likely to give birth to a healthy and strong baby. In particular, if he eats well, he will exclude alcohol, nicotine and dangerous entertainment.

But the teenager's body itself is not quite ready for pregnancy - the pelvic bones have not yet expanded enough, the hormonal background has not stabilized, body growth has not been completed. Underage mothers have a high risk of miscarriage, toxicosis, maternal and child mortality - girls under 15 are twice as likely to die during pregnancy or childbirth than adults. Of the less dangerous complications, anemia, insufficient weight gain, premature birth, low weight, hypoxia, and birth trauma in newborns are common.

Young mothers are often not very responsible about their health, do not take vitamins, do not undergo examinations, drink alcohol, smoke and eat improperly. For a schoolgirl, pregnancy means serious problems with her studies, home schooling or night school a few years later. Yes, and material problems should not be discounted.

Abortion in a nulliparous girl leads to serious consequences. Possible complications include bleeding, perforation of the uterus, adhesions in the ovaries and tubes, infertility, and blood poisoning. The psychological consequences of an early abortion, especially those carried out against the wishes of a young mother, remain for life. However, if conceived as a result of incest or rape, maintaining a pregnancy can lead to severe mental illness or suicide.

The decision - whether to keep an early pregnancy or terminate it, whether to leave the unborn child in the family or give it up for adoption, as is practiced in the United States, must be made taking into account all possible factors. Consultations with the gynecologist, the psychologist, the social pedagogue are necessary. The opinion of the future mother must also be taken into account - you should not inflict additional trauma on the girl's psyche, forcing her to give birth or terminate the pregnancy.


When a schoolgirl tells her parents that she is pregnant, it is always shocking. However, parents do not have time for emotions - the daughter needs help.

First of all, the girl should be taken to the antenatal clinic, have an ultrasound, take tests and be examined - teenage sex often leads to STDs, and the chance of an ectopic pregnancy in adolescence is quite high. A psychologist's consultation will also be useful, the young mother is most likely scared and excited. Then you should talk heart to heart with your daughter, in a calm atmosphere, without threats and reproaches. Specify whether the pregnancy is the result of violence or seduction, whether you need to contact the police. If the child's father is a teenager of the same age, talk to his parents too. And only then make a decision.

Termination of a teenager's pregnancy is best done as early as possible, in the best medical facility that the family can afford. Artificial childbirth in the later stages is extremely dangerous for both the health and the psyche of the girl. After the procedure, regular observation by a gynecologist, long rest and long work with a psychologist are necessary.

Pregnancy in a teenage girl, sadly, is the responsibility of her parents. You will have to control everything, from nutrition and taking vitamins to visits to the doctor. The support of the mother and close relatives, heart-to-heart talks, joint walks and gatherings are needed. If the family decides to leave the child, the girl will need courses for young mothers, training in caring for a baby, breastfeeding, and housekeeping. The issue of education is solved individually. It is good if the expectant mother has time to master a profession with which she can support herself and the baby. Marriage between teenagers, especially if both love each other and are ready to work for the good of the family, is also not the worst way out. There are times when such unions last for life.

I want cucumbers!

And yet, teenage pregnancy is one of those problems that is much easier to prevent than to solve. Even the most strict upbringing may not keep little Juliet from fatal mistakes, therefore, with girls entering puberty, one must talk not only about chastity and reasonable behavior, but also about contraception (parents who stubbornly avoid talking about sex should know that it is unreasonable to hope that the daughter will patiently wait exclusively for the prince on a white horse, who will shower her with roses). By the time of menarche, the girl should know where babies come from and how to prevent unplanned conception. Develop her prejudices that allegedly “there are no children from the first time”, “interrupted act protects”, etc. Tell about methods of emergency contraception and protection from STDs. Look for a teenage gynecologist - they will tell the doctor what they will keep silent about to their parents. It is good if condoms, contraceptive paste and pregnancy tests will be available at home (for example, in the first-aid kit) from now on. It is very important that a girl in a critical situation can discuss the problem with her parents without fear, and not take advantage of the barbaric advice of her girlfriends and not go for a criminal abortion.

Teenage girl pregnancy signs

1. An unreasonable delay in menstruation or a sharp decrease in discharge.

2. Breast enlargement, pain in the chest or lower abdomen.

3. Frequent urination.

4. Drowsiness, lethargy, constant fatigue.

5. Morning sickness and vomiting, aversion to strong odors.

6. Severely increased or decreased appetite, unexplained change in eating habits.

7. Weight gain, belly enlargement.

8. Brown spots on the face.

9. Edema on the face, hands and feet.

10. Sudden mood swings, tearfulness, irritability.

Sometimes in a girl, such symptoms can speak not only about pregnancy, but also about certain diseases - anemia, gastritis, kidney disease. A suggestible, nervous adolescent who has had sexual intercourse may develop a false pregnancy - a psychosomatic condition in which a woman has outward signs of an “interesting position”, although conception has not occurred.

Be attentive to girls during puberty, be sure to consult with doctors if your daughter's condition is apprehensive. Children are the flowers of life, let them bloom in time!

Teenage pregnancy has been a major problem in recent decades. An unformed organism is often unable to bear a healthy full-fledged child, and childbirth is accompanied by many complications. To avoid serious consequences, girls need to remember about contraception. But the best solution is to delay the onset of sexual activity until the age of 18.

Is it possible to get pregnant at 13

Main phase puberty girls are aged 11-13. It is during this period, under the influence of hormonal changes, the growth of the mammary glands occurs, the figure acquires a feminine outline, menstruation begins. Around the same time, teenagers experience their first loves, and some of them begin to have an active sex life.

Often, inexperience and lack of basic knowledge about contraception can lead to undesirable consequences. One of the top search queries from teenage girls: “Can I get pregnant at 13?” Parents, educators and sex educators should do their best to change the question: “How not to get pregnant at an early age?”

When can you get pregnant?

According to the laws of biology, pregnancy is possible only at the reproductive age, which lasts from the moment of the first menstruation (menarche) to the onset of menopause (menopause).

The earliest pregnancy was recorded by doctors in a five-year-old girl with anomalies in the development of the reproductive system, the latest - in an elderly woman in the period of deep menopause. Despite the fact that these cases are rather exceptions to the rule, the vast majority of girls can become pregnant at the age of 12-15 years and earlier. Moreover, even the absence of monthly bleeding is not a complete guarantee of safety.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that during the formation of the body's physiological ability to conceive, adolescents are not ready for motherhood either physically or psychologically. That is why pregnancy before the age of 18 is considered early and highly undesirable.

Pregnancy and childbirth at an early age

Unfortunately, teenage pregnancy is most often detected at a later date, because girls hide their position because of fear of relatives or are unaware of the changes taking place in the body for a long time.

Parents and girls should be alert for the following signs:

  • cessation of menstruation;
  • vomit;
  • mood swings;
  • appetite changes;
  • the appearance of puffiness, pigmentation of the skin;
  • swelling of the mammary glands;
  • weight gain for no apparent reason.

It has been established that early pregnancies are usually quite difficult. This is due to the fact that colossal physical and hormonal changes occur in the body of girls, requiring significant energy costs and the consumption of large amounts of nutrients. Conception becomes a shock for the reproductive system that has not fully formed and slows down the process of growing up of the expectant mother. As a result, not only all the systems of her body suffer, but also the growing fetus itself.

A significant proportion of these pregnancies end in miscarriage in the early stages or the birth of children with severe pathologies.

If a girl nevertheless decides to endure and give birth to a child, she needs to register with the antenatal clinic as early as possible for a complete examination and constant monitoring by gynecologists and narrow specialists. Ignoring their recommendations can end badly for both the woman in labor and the child.

According to statistics, almost half of adolescent pregnancies detected in the late stages lead to the birth of babies with deviations and malformations due to the lack of timely completion of all necessary studies. It is no longer possible to have an abortion in this case, and many mothers leave disabled children in maternity hospitals.

Pregnancy in adolescence is often accompanied by the following complications:

  1. Severe toxicity.
  2. Preeclampsia.
  3. placental insufficiency.
  4. Fetal hypoxia.
  5. Delayed fetal development.
  6. The birth of a small child with various developmental disabilities.
  7. Anemia.
  8. An incommensurable load on the kidneys, heart, lungs and spine, leading to the occurrence of their pathologies.
  9. Severe metabolic disorders.

The expectant mother will have to repeatedly go to the hospital for a complete examination and treatment. In most cases, giving birth naturally at the age of 12-15 will not work due to the narrow pelvis and the high risk of tissue ruptures. The birth canal is not ready for the passage of the child, so there is a high probability of injury to newborns. That is why two-thirds of early pregnancies are resolved by a planned caesarean section.

Natural childbirth often proceeds rapidly and is accompanied by an early outflow of water. One of the most dangerous complications is hypotonic bleeding. Unfortunately, the percentage of mortality and disability in young women in labor is twice as high as in adult women. Among newborns, the probability of death due to asphyxia is high.

Consequences of early onset of sexual activity

Most of the conceptions in minors are interrupted in the early stages. Abortions have an extremely negative effect on the teenage body, leading to chronic diseases and infertility. In addition, the early onset of sexual activity can contribute not only to unwanted pregnancy, but also to infection with dangerous sexually transmitted infections.

Do not forget about the psychological aspect of pregnancy at a young age. In the vast majority of cases, girls who find themselves in a difficult situation are left without support from their relatives, and young people leave them, afraid of responsibility, including criminal.

Teenagers who decide to give birth most often remain single mothers, unable to give their baby the necessary minimum of care and education. Too many tests fall on their fragile psyche, and motherhood does not bring happiness and becomes an unbearable burden.

The best contraception is abstinence

Very often, the pregnancy of a teenage daughter is the direct or indirect fault of her parents. Not only dysfunctional and incomplete families, where no one is engaged in raising children, are at risk, but also families that are overly strict, conservative, in which a strict taboo is imposed on the topic of sex.

The lack of trusting relationships with loved ones and knowledge about their own body often push girls on the wrong path. The task of parents is not only to teach their children how to protect themselves and take responsibility for their lives and health, but also to convey to them information about the dangers of early sexual relations.

The birth of a child is a responsible step, for which you need to be prepared not only physically, but also mentally. Psychologists and doctors recommend thinking about motherhood at the age of 20-27, when the expectant mother is in perfect health and has solid ground under her feet.

Teenagers should remember about contraception, so that later they don’t wonder if it is possible to get pregnant and give birth at 13 years old. You should not shift the responsibility for buying condoms to your partner, because you will have to be responsible for the consequences yourself.

The best solution and the only guarantee against unwanted pregnancy will be a complete renunciation of sex until the age of 18. Life is beautiful even without sex in adolescence, because there are so many interesting things in it: study, friends, creativity, travel. You should not give up all this for the sake of questionable relationships and the risk to your own health and future.

"Mom, I'm pregnant ..." - rubbing snot and swallowing tears, your schoolgirl says in a trembling voice. Your beloved and affectionate child. She was playing with dolls yesterday, and today adult life has played a cruel joke on her. Even in a nightmare, mothers would not want to see their daughters in such a situation. But this happens all the time. Why is this happening? How to protect your child from such a problem as early pregnancy? Let's try to figure it out.

As you know, everything is good that happens on time. (it is also called teenage) is considered to be the state of pregnancy in teenage girls 13-19 years old. It is at this age that the girl undergoes a hormonal restructuring of the body, when she is “no longer a girl, but not yet a woman,” as Britney Spears, the idol of all teenage girls, recently sang.

Of course, in the underdeveloped countries of Africa or Asia, by our standards, early pregnancy can be perceived by society as quite normal, but who in these countries attaches importance to shocking rates of infant mortality, including during childbirth? In the end, in our European latitudes, there is no urgent need to give birth early to many helper children in agricultural work, for example, to cultivate rice plantations, as was the case in ancient China. And the early pregnancy of a teenage girl will not be considered a blessing from heaven, as is the case in some African villages.

In developed countries, most teenage pregnancies are unplanned and, as a result, 70% of cases end in abortions, and at a later date, 15% in miscarriages, and only 15% occur in childbirth. Why now, in our information age, there is a problem of early pregnancy? The main reason is the lack or insufficient sexual education of adolescents. Few people seriously think about the consequences of pregnancy of an immature organism, but there are many of them.

Health problem in early pregnancy

The main problem is that the body of a young woman is not ready to physically bear a child at such a young age.

The teenager is confused, does not know whether to terminate the pregnancy or continue. If a girl decides to have an abortion, she must understand that later gynecological problems may arise, up to infertility. If she decides to give birth, she will subject herself to a serious test, because in the fragile body of a young woman, numerous complex changes will begin to occur that contribute to the intrauterine development of the fetus, prepare the body for childbirth and breastfeeding.

The body of a pregnant woman begins to accumulate building material for a growing body: nitrogen (for protein synthesis), fats (for the formation of fetal tissues), iron (for blood formation), potassium (for the heart muscle), magnesium, cobalt, copper. And all this is an additional burden on the body of the expectant mother. Also, during pregnancy, the work of the cardiovascular system is significantly enhanced, which, in turn, makes the liver and kidneys work in an enhanced mode.

An unprepared body simply may not be able to cope with such a difficult task as carrying and giving birth to a healthy child. Underweight babies or babies with birth defects are a common unfortunate outcome of teen pregnancy.

Psychological problem of early pregnancy

No less important is the psychological problem of early pregnancy. Upon learning of their situation, young girls are shocked and in a panic. Psychologists say that the usual reaction is guilt, anger and unwillingness to admit what happened. This leads to dangerous consequences, because the girl may be left without the necessary and timely medical care.

This is not surprising, because there is a sharp transition from childhood to adulthood, the girl is faced with the first major decision in her life. Moreover, she needs to make an important decision herself, young fathers, as a rule, immediately cease to be "tough guys" and prefer to step aside.

The social problem of early pregnancy

Even in the most progressive society, pregnant teenagers often face stigma at the very least. The girl is often left alone with her problem, she is afraid to admit even to her parents. In addition, more often early pregnancy occurs in children from dysfunctional families, when there is no normal relationship between parents and children, not to mention some kind of upbringing. In addition, becoming pregnant, the girl is forced to leave school or combine motherhood with education, which in most cases is unrealistic. The lack of education puts an end to the girl's further self-realization, she has practically no chance of getting a good job, making a career. If there is no good job, then there is not enough money, which, in turn, pushes the young mother into crime. Helplessness often leads to domestic violence, hopelessness pushes to alcoholism and drug use. Such women often become pregnant again before reaching the age of 20. And their children, in turn, turn out to be useless and replenish the baby's houses.

Prevention of early pregnancy

"Informed means armed" - said the brave scouts. You can’t argue with this: it’s better to prevent a problem than to deal with the consequences later.

So what do teens and their parents need to know about early pregnancy?

First of all, you need to be in a trusting relationship, talk with your child, not bypassing the so-called "forbidden" topics. This, of course, concerns not only the parents of girls. Boys also need similar communication, especially from the father. You can give your child the necessary literature to read if you feel that you are not ready for such conversations. Giving teenagers "pills for parental headaches" - condoms - is a good option, but this, of course, is not enough. After all, only by combining the knowledge gained about sex education and methods of protection, teenage girls will be able to protect themselves from unwanted early pregnancy. Of course, here we are not talking about criminal cases, such as rape, from which, unfortunately, no one is insured. However, children should also be made aware of this danger.

Sex education at school, lectures and films about human physiology and safe sexual relations are also of great importance.

The goal of sex education should in no case be to conduct boring edifying conversations that adolescents in adolescence perceive "with hostility." Grown up children should be aware that, entering adulthood, they will have to learn to make decisions on a completely different level. By doing something, the child must be responsible for the consequences. Early pregnancy can also be a choice of a teenager, but it must be conscious.

So, a girl who has begun sexual activity should clearly understand that she may have a pregnancy. How ready is she for this? Do you want to bear and give birth to a child? Naturally, all these issues must be resolved before the onset of intimacy. If a girl is not ready for an early pregnancy, she needs to take care of contraception. Here, parents should come to the rescue, providing their child with diverse and complete information on this serious issue. Visiting a doctor is also very important; a child needs to be instilled in a caring attitude towards his health from childhood.

Every girl should know that with the advent of the first menstruation, she can already become pregnant, even with a single sexual contact. Physiologically, early pregnancy is possible even with seemingly harmless petting.

Of course, it cannot be said that early pregnancy has only negative consequences. There are, of course, happy exceptions, such as, for example, young Katya Tikhomirova, purposeful and not broken by life's difficulties, from the beloved by many movie "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" performed by Vera Alentova. But are there many such Katyas among us?

Still, it's better to be exceptional in something else.

Marina Oma

Article provided by the site "My children"


Why, well, why just contraception?
Why does no one write about abstinence?
Why is it necessary to push a child to the fact that he needs sex in adolescence?
Which films? What talk about safe sex? - children must remain children and their needs must be appropriate until they fully grow up physically and acquire full legal rights and obligations, in order to also be full-fledged parents to their children.
If children are a danger, then they will never be conceived in love and joy, because where there is fear, there is no love!
Parents should protect their children from molestation and intrusive pseudo-pedagogical talks/films, etc. To tell a child about his body and the changes associated with growing up, yes, but just do not form sexual interest - this is by no means!
It is easier for believers - they know that the human body is the Temple of God, and the temple cannot be defiled, period. Secular education can be built with an emphasis on the fact that you rush to become a mother (girls are in greater danger), you will be left out of success and prospects, you can play on the desire to live well and succeed, setting also on abstinence.
The main thing to remember is that safe sex is a myth, because you can get sick with anything (it’s necessary to tell about this and that after having syphilis, for example, they give birth to freaks later), and you can also get pregnant, and you can upset the hormonal system, and get against this background, infertility from drugs. This is all dosed, but a teenager should know what he risks.

05/21/2016 02:16:22, Zetta8

Well compared pregnancy at 13 and 19! Really no difference.
My husband and I had a very coveted planned pregnancy at 18 and my mother knew about our plans because we talked about them with pride.
Somehow, nothing terrible happened to my health and psyche, and it didn’t stop me from getting an education and wanting and planning more children.

Oops... Turns out I had an early pregnancy. At 19 years old. But quite planned, oh horror! I occasionally discuss the result here - in general, a good boy grew up ...
I, according to the author, should have been thinking about an abortion, afraid to tell my parents, what else is there? *-)))

Katya Tikhomirova's "happy example" is unsuccessful. She was far from a teenager.

Heartbreaking start. Went and read. Two questions arose: in what year was the article written and is the body of a 19-year-old girl really not ready to bear a child?

Comment on the article "Early pregnancy, or what happens when children play adult games"

My son's girlfriend is pregnant.. Sports, hobbies. Teenagers. Education and relationships with children of adolescence: transitional age, problems at school, career guidance My son's girlfriend is pregnant. The son is 18, the girl is 15. He went to live with her, they are going to get married.

Pregnancy of a minor in an orphanage. Orphanages. Adoption. Discussion of adoption issues, forms of placement of children in families, foster care. Pregnancy of a minor in an orphanage. I communicate with a girl from an orphanage, 16 years old.

Early pregnancy, or what happens when children play adult games. "Mom, I'm pregnant ..." - rubbing snot and swallowing tears, your schoolgirl says in a trembling voice. Your beloved and affectionate child.

Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, caesarean section, giving. It’s just that the genitals of girls and boys are very similar, the clitoris can be confused with the penis, and vice versa .. in general, if you believe any pregnancy calendars, then the external genitalia ...

With great surprise, I discovered that there are children who do not know how to play at all. Some children still simply prefer the company of older or even adults. Favorite games of my parents. These games were played in the yards of my parents in the late 70s...

Early pregnancy.. Problem. Teenagers. Parenting and relationships with adolescent children: transitional age Today, a 15-year-old girl told her about her pregnancy (2 weeks late, positive rapid pregnancy test).

In teenage girls, for the same reason (sex hormones begin to be produced), acne also climbs. Girls, did you go to school? Pregnancy and childbirth. signs: boy or girl? I wonder if you can always determine who you will have by signs?

Fetal development. Pregnancy and childbirth. How to play with a 6 month old baby. He can already independently roll over from his back to his stomach and back, lean on one hand, grabbing the other, hold on to Dad's games. Mom and dad play with the child in different ways.

Section: ... I find it difficult to choose a section (the second marriage is pregnant, how to tell my daughter to a teenager about it). How to inform a teenager about the imminent appearance of a baby in the family? Share your experience - how did you communicate to the first child that the second was expected?

Girls, how are teenage girls now protected from unwanted pregnancies? How do you deal with this issue in your families? Those who have daughters? I want to help my niece not do something stupid. She does not have a mother, there is no one to take her to a gynecologist.

Early pregnancy, or what happens when children play adult games. In developed countries, most teenage pregnancies are unplanned and, as a result, in 70% of cases end in abortions, and in late terms, 15 ...

Early pregnancy, or what happens when children play adult games. So, a girl who has begun sexual activity should clearly understand that she may have a pregnancy. Children's survey in the form of a game, I invite boys and girls 5-6 years old .. children ...

Pregnancy and the nature of the child. Mother's condition. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness Pregnancy and the nature of the child. Girls (especially those who have not the first child .. have something to compare with ..), but what do you think, is there ...

Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, caesarean section, giving. I also heard the same. We are also expecting a girl, and we also do not want anything. At the beginning of pregnancy, I wanted to, but it was impossible because of the tone and low placentation.

And the early pregnancy of a teenage girl will not be considered a blessing from heaven, as happens in some African villages. In addition, becoming pregnant, the girl is forced to leave school or combine motherhood with education, which in most cases is unrealistic.

Communication with the child before conception?. Personal impressions. Pregnancy and childbirth. What is it, a fantasy, a strong desire to have a child, or something more? It happens that already in the early stages, colostrum begins to stand out from the breast.

Early pregnancy, or what happens when children play adult games. home > Pregnancy and childbirth > Stories about pregnancy > Expecting a third child (stories). Or maybe the fact is that my youngest daughter is too independent.

Early pregnancy, or what happens when children play adult games. Well compared pregnancy at 13 and 19! Really no difference. My husband and I had a very coveted planned pregnancy at 18 and my mom knew about our plans because...

Early pregnancy, or what happens when children play adult games. Prevention of early pregnancy. "Mom, I'm pregnant ..." - rubbing snot and swallowing If she decides to give birth, she will subject herself to a serious test, because in a fragile When a child ...



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