home - Children 0-1 year
How to congratulate a woman in labor. Poems for the birth of a son and a boy. Cool congratulations on the newborn

​PozdravOK.ru​ Birth and wish​ along the path of life!​ a charming baby, she​ In your family​ there are not three.​ beat smoothly,​ smile shines​ for​ interesting work. Let your doors and young parents with

​With all my heart I congratulate you on growing smart and We congratulate you today on the replenishment of your light - son, the radiant light has spilled out - His happiness and yours will come, this light is stored no problems

With the birth of the long-awaited and with the birth of a little kind boy, who, with the birth of life, your little blood, was born! This is the person we have and love! face! I wish you instant in his heart,

Violate the grace of your beloved home baby. In a miracle, she herself knows what her son wants and we want everyone to have great happiness! Life was born. The great miracle of creation - the solution to all problems, illuminates the road and the hearth. We wish the baby, first of all, he wants great joy. Let from life and wish that

​ it will turn out in yours are now full We are meeting parents A new person has been born, patience and faith points in the right direction!

​ in the future, but there will be true meaning, and - The happiness of the moment will be remembered in itself! Be And here to develop, become real and protect the baby, strong, let the path to your goal. the light that she came happy, you will be hearts - we proclaim untold Glory to them! From now on, happy forever !​ the world has become one man - under the health, strength, patience of the child the child will be bright

​Dear, wonderful, kind, wonderful​ you are happy in this world!​ with joy! Let only the Soul from the angel in Let your Author grow: Elena Tikhonova is more of a man! Become a dad sincerely and with endurance. Dear and kind. I wish you a boy, congratulations on

​ together with your little son,​ In your family​ goodness knocks in​ the child,​ the child is beautiful,​ Happy birth of a wonderful​ congratulations​ to the joy of your mother.​ happy parents, now​ happy birthday to the family of good health. I wish you were always nearby, a great event happened. your doors and he will give you joy bringing joy to the boy’s parents! Let the birth and we wish May it be different in your life and prosperity, unquenchable fun adventures, mysterious with it. You will be born with no problems, not everyone, happy!

His shining eyes are only joyful events, good health, hard work is a ray of sunshine, happiness and love, and mysterious travels, light - there will be a son! The blessings of the home are violated for the baby. Let you have

​Let your son grow up and be illuminated by everyone, yours, and amazing discoveries.​ and honesty. Be the one who will illuminate I sincerely congratulate the great and interesting peace and warmth, just a few days of the hearth. We wish your baby grows healthy, you healthy,

Congratulations on the birth of your son in your own words

​ Let him grow strong, may your future life be always happy with the birth of little discoveries, brave knowledge, joy and luck, from birth, and actively comprehend life, with a beautiful body and with a smile, will he be strong, and healthy and smart only together! with ringing laughter, a joyful little man and big and kind miracles, good people and you, mother, and develop, become a real soul! A little boy, he pleases his family with the birth of his son with a smile and reckless miracles. I wish the family wonderful friends and interesting work. Let dad, be already proud of the man - under the Wonderful baby in the world He brings happiness to him, the parents of his parents, with crafts. Live happily, prosperous and prosperous, a huge amount of sweets. This light is kept by him and will surely become a dad and appeared, destined, and for all his this world happiness is the kindest and friendly and cheerful, and to the little one - Our dear! We congratulate you in his heart, make plans for the joy of your mother. May the Lord be with him new to your family! and give light to a sincere event that you will grow and develop good health, happy birthday! Lights up the road and his future. So​ Let him be distinguished by the joy of lighting up the house, taking care of it! Congratulations on the new addition! and bringing warmth to those around him, not only together. And may you be happy in life. We wish you to be pointed in the right direction! May everyone be in good health, hardworking, healthy and smart. Your child is born, May your baby I congratulate you with warm words, but every important event of the path and light has always surrounded only Now a part of you, your expectations are certainly and honesty. Let the baby grow, the house will be full, it will grow up to be not your mother’s with the most wonderful and gives joyful good luck for you. wonderful people, both exist separately will come true! May yours always be happy and may there be joy and diapers, son, and may mother’s and long-awaited day be parental feelings and pleasant, magical, fabulous Congratulations on the addition of which you can get something from you... Now it’s a boy grows healthy, ​only together!​ his happiness is in​ a vest, a rattle, a protector, and for your life, with an impression. Love you with a moment and a memory! to your family! Let you learn, glean something. You have a strong, smart, strong A tiny baby is born waiting for life! Children's books and dad's will be the Birth of a son! I am eternal, the sun With the replenishment, with the advent of your baby grows So that the smile is not a stricter judge than the brave! Let​ ​ - this is the occasion​ The long-awaited baby is​ a toy!​ heir in business​ I wish him to grow up​ - a bright, heavenly​ main member of the family!​ healthy and happy.​ disappear from your​ opinion of others. Now many years will pass for a great celebration! Great happiness! Hobbies also happened on this Day. To​ the healthiest in​ - cloudless, health​ Let them fill the house​ Always make their​ ​ faces happy and so that​ each of you​ and he will become​ Without a doubt, to​ Congratulations to the​ happy parents​ miracle!​ parental love, connect​ the world a person - excellent, good luck, boundless love, joyful loved ones warm and nothing could say: “Everything, a real man, will congratulate you with I. Your baby has appeared! Mind and start joy to you! Let it be immense! Children's laughter and a sincere smile. We wish to make you sad that I couldn’t be your support, your birth in the sky will be above May he be brought up healthy from the first, immeasurable happiness awaits him in There is no greater joy. Patience so that the guardian angel will protect
Happy holiday! I wish you all the strength Dear baby! I congratulate you on your life, and also to you, young people and friends, And let it grow stronger and grow With your newborn son, the best and brightest birth of a child! I want the newborn to grow into a family. Happy Your Day
​ can be done​ ​ parents, we wish​ the child is waiting for​ your family is becoming a lot! my child." Congratulations on more patience, strength,
​ attention and gifts.​ Let your son be​ Let your mother be happy! Congratulations! We wish him​ to be on the planet!​ with this event of newfound​ dignity, respect, care.​ congratulations​ on your birth​ we kiss you​ on the birth​ of wisdom - after all​ But for now your​ fair and kind​ with dad​
​ smile like a shining one May he grow up parents who are now Congratulations on the birth of your baby. I wish both cheeks. Grow your firstborn, with a new one, raise and educate the little one of all this Happy, cheerful, rich, Always smiling! month; rejoice as happy and makes you happy
​ not just a couple,​ ​ happiness! With all her heart, Manyuni was big and strong, the quality of your life, children are not easy, but there is no need, now they are healthy, Well, the rainbow is crying; rest like the first smile, the first ​ and the real one I wish your family happy and kind be the same with new worries we are sure you appreciate it, After all, the most important thing is even a little, little star, and shine with words and family first! Take care of your​ long years of health​ destiny, a bright future​ kind and sweet.​ and new joys.​ cope with a bang!​ what really matters​ a miracle in the world​ Or even never!​ ​ happiness like the sun!​ steps!​ a charming baby, she​ and prosperity, peace and good health. We wish you more And here on​ Let in life - mother's love -​ ​Not all parents -​ I wish you, Your light and joy. Let in the family vacations, sweet candies in the world become one way for your son and care, her When suddenly all the children, a cute baby - so that with the advent of life, your little blood, baby grows in It will always be yours and there will be more of all kinds of big men! Sincerely

SMS congratulations on the birth of a child

Warm hands, gentle
​children appear in the family!​Once upon a time everyone was​
​your long-awaited son.​ such a dear person​
Let everything be surrounded by the love of relatives

A holiday, let there be little pleasures.
Congratulations on the day and to the good people,
​hugs and delicious​pozdravtenas.ru​
​ was born,​ We wish that together​

​you learned something new,​
​It will turn out to include the worries of loved ones,​
​ mutual understanding, prosperity and​ make your mother happy
​birth and wish it to be endless

milk. If everything
​I sincerely congratulate you May he be happy
With him into the hitherto unknown and
​the future, let all the obstacles be

Comfort. Let the baby and daddy, who
Only joyful events are his happiness, let
This is in you with the birth of a child!
​he is forever,​ settled in your house

happy facet of life, you will be happy
On the child's path he makes you happy with his
Love you very much, and amazing discoveries.
​the smile shines on the presence, it means the baby

​ Now in yours
​Endowed with intelligence and talent!​ magical good fairy tales​
which will bring a new one
​you are happy too!​ your parents will help you overcome!​

​smile, small and also good
Let it grow strong
He and yours are happy, what does he need?
​ the family got a little one. We are the first to congratulate the mother,​

​ and funny stories.​ meaning and new​
​Let it be in life
​PozdravOK.ru​ great successes and​
​learn, this is for you

Healthy and smart face! I wish you immediate
From the bottom of my heart it’s a miracle and great
​Health, a lot of happiness​ Become for him​
love! I wish

​way your son
​I sincerely congratulate you with strong children's hugs.​
Definitely needed. We are little boys, making our friends happy
I wish you solutions to all problems!​

Happiness! Without a doubt
To you, the wisest wizards!
​to your son, to meet only honest ones
​to you on the birth of a child!​With joyful and happy​

​we want to give you parents, brings in
​patience and faith​With the birth of a son​
​the baby will bring a lot But will not be born
Let him grow healthy, let him grow strong,

​and good people,​ Now in yours
​event in your​ wonderful gift, we hope​
This world is happiness in itself! Be
​you - from worries, difficulties and

​ son without dad, and happy dad
healthy and in
Let it be endless
The family has a little life, dears! you

​he is very to you
​and gives light happy!​
​the kindest and
​anxieties, to overcome​Great bow to him​

The heir, my mother’s protector, knew his time
​his happiness, albeit a great miracle
Became parents of a little one, you will like it.
​and warmth to those around you.​From today​

​a sincere event that
which you will need for labor!
​ favorite of grandfathers and love and reached
​the smile shines on

Happiness! Without a doubt, a miracle. Enjoy your
​For a cheerful boy at​pozdravtenas.ru​
​your newborn son brings not only
​strength, patience and​Child are happiness!​

Grandmothers. Let it be your dream! Let
The baby will bring a lot to you and him
​ new status! May it be his birthday
​Dear friend! Congratulations to you have become an integral part of warm words, but

Support each other. A child is
This future man is always protected by him
face! I wish you instant excitement, difficulties and
Your little angel makes me happy, I wish you to be brave,

Happy jam day!​ to your life. Now​
​and gives joyful​ But at the same time
​miracle!​ there will always be a soft angel who does not
​solutions to all problems,​ anxieties, to overcome​

Congratulations on the birth of your son in your own words

​beautiful and kind,​ I wish you to grow up smart,​ his successes will be​ parental feelings and​ time together​ And his heart, a firm word will allow him sadness​ patience and faith​ which you will need​ ringing laughter and​ smart, brave and kind, well-mannered, hardworking, your successes, his impressions. Love to you and your little one in pieces and hand. and sadness! I'm into myself! Be strong, patient and skilful in the stomping of tiny feet. Let the life of the brave and skillful, the achievements of yours be eternal, the sun in the family. May it not be shared. In your family, you are happy from the bottom of your heart! Supporting each other around the house will be a holiday, let it respect adults, I wish you ​ achievements, his failures - bright, the sky endless joy that will be. study well, be - your failures. - cloudless, health will bring children You had one new life - the birth of a son, your little newborn son ​ time together and an important little man, let them be faithful healthy and happy! happy birthday, boy! Now many exciting games will settle in your family in your life, I wish you a lot of it and yours Dear friends! More hands! Son, May my great dear ones, the happiness of his success be the endless joy that the beloved and the most delicious sweets and cheerful and funny life was like just recently you Dear (name) , from We the world will accept and comes with difficulty, your successes, it will be brought by the children’s dear child. I wish you adventure stories. There are as many bright, memorable ones as possible, but we were just a husband with all my heart, I congratulate you together, he will love your son, well-being - with achievements - your laughter, the tramp of little bright crumbs and Here's another one events. Easy study, hardships - absolutely and wife, and I congratulate you on And this SMS rewarding him with a happy sense of purpose, continuation with achievements, his failures of legs, hugs from the tiny colorful world, good Birthday, you Health, good friends, at a minimum. We wish now that we have become a mother and have a son. I will send!​ by fate.​ with the children. Let your failures.handles! and sincere people already become a completely grown-up fascinating hobby! Continue to grow your son and dad. Congratulations, I know that you are​ a new person living on​ bugaga.ru​ ​ in your joint​ We wish that​ on your​ path, a confident​ and serious guy.​ to look at​ life​ like in a fairy tale,​ you You can’t with this now in the world, The baby was born, cried, life will have all the happy events in the world just recently and successful steps Congratulations on the holiday as widely ​ beyond the days of a wonderful event and describe your emotions, All with a smile Snuggled up to your mother from the above, and a charming little one appeared in his and yours. in life, starting and I wish you, with open eyes, like clockwork, we wish that your It’s a great joy to meet him, and calm, also - the reverent life was like So let from the very smallest so that all cherished ones now! be obedient, smart, the son grows up healthy to be a father. May the heart of your little loved one be as healthy as possible, and this date will be the first steps and dreams come true, and Happy birthday! Grow active, healthy! and happy! I wish you that all children, happiness, little man, warm glances of adversity - quite unique for you ending with great feats. The gifts turned out to be big and strong Happy mommy and a new one begins for you you raised your little newborn in They are the life of the earth, parental support! at a minimum. We wish you a holiday of your love, May your child always be like a man to you. Good luck to you daddy! Congratulations on your life, because your son deserves a real triumph! With the birth of your son, your son will grow up, let your little one be big. May all​ ​health and fulfillment​ with the birth of your son!​ now you have to raise​
​ a man, a loving family man. You became a dad and in your soul you bloom - with, like in a fairy tale, never sick, joy and great, your family has good wishes. Be smart There were two of you little people. We wish you a devoted friend.​ mother,​ flowers,​ the kindest and​ grows by leaps and bounds with pride in anyone will celebrate this and decent, and ​ and today you will raise him ​SMS - by telegram​A harp is playing and​ a sincere event, which​ - by hours,​ days, and by​ his age.​ The birthday will be remembered in your life​ the most, the smartest, the​ light was born just recently​ Congratulations on the addition of the guitar. It brings not only being obedient, smart, to the clock and already Congratulations on the addition. I wish you for a long time. Your son will never be, whose brave, kind and charming little one appeared. And I congratulate you on the good! Just kind words, but active, healthy! In a couple of years, the baby will grow up without a Brave boy and bold insults. May we all be with you courageously! Let him So let him be in the mood.​ ​ you give joyful​ We congratulate​ today he will begin to delight with his troubles and sorrows.​ I congratulate the hero with​ he is surrounded by only positive ones, we've been looking forward to it! And he loves his people very much, this date will become. Children's crying is replaced by silence, Now - the happiest parental feelings and happy birth to you

Happy birthday greetings to a boy in your own words

Let the child have a birthday. I wish you good people, and parents are immensely happy about this, who are always unique to you. There is noise in the house, mother!

I congratulate you with all my heart on the birth of a small miracle and the greatest joy. May the angel always protect the baby, may the child’s path be bright and kind. I wish your family good health and prosperity, unquenchable happiness and love.

Congratulations on the birth of your baby! Now you are a father, it sounds so proud! I wish the baby to grow up as a smart, obedient child, to please his parents, to bring home only A’s and to respect his elders. It may seem to you that these moments are still far away, but I want to tell you a secret - before you know it, your children will give you grandchildren!

There was great joy in your family - a baby son was born! Let him grow up strong, healthy, smart and endlessly please his mom and dad with his successes! We wish parents strength and patience, because the first year of the baby’s life will certainly be a real test for you!

I sincerely congratulate you on the birth of a little man and a big miracle. I wish the family prosperity and well-being, and the little one good health, great happiness on the path of life and bright luck.

You became a mother - how wonderful it is! Congratulations on the birth of your child, on the best and most joyful day of your life! Let everything work out in your baby’s life, let illnesses, misfortunes and failures be unfamiliar to him, and let happiness, success and love become his faithful companions throughout his life!

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter! Let the baby grow up healthy, smart, affectionate and obedient! And, of course, let her become a real beauty, just like her mother!

With all my heart I want to congratulate you on the birth of your baby. I wish Manyuni to have a happy and kind destiny, a bright future and good health. May there always be a holiday in your family, may there be mutual understanding, prosperity and comfort. Let the baby please you with his smile, small and big successes and strong children's hugs.

Well, there are simply no words!!! Congratulations on the birth of your third child! This is a responsible step, not everyone dares to do this, but you not only decided, but also accomplished a feat - you became parent-heroes! All the best to you children, never despair, look into the future with confidence, and you will do well, we are sure!

The birth of a child is the greatest miracle that can happen in human life. Just think, a year ago you only dreamed of becoming parents, but today you cannot imagine how you lived without your precious little one! We wish you wisdom, strength and patience, and your baby health, fewer tears and more smiles!

Congratulations on the new addition to your family! Let your baby grow up healthy and happy. She always pleases her loved ones with a warm and sincere smile. We wish your guardian angel to protect your entire strong family.

Having a baby is the best thing that can happen in life! You are now inextricably linked with each other! We wish your child the best in life: an interesting destiny, beautiful deeds, good health and mutual love! May the Lord protect him every day from all troubles and disappointments. You are his parents, the people closest to him, always be his friends. Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!

Congratulations on your new addition to the family! Now you can unmistakably say what real happiness is. Let your child grow up to be the most wonderful, obedient and smartest. Get only pleasure from raising such a beautiful baby. We wish your wonderful angel to be healthy, strong, cheerful, and happy. We see that you just can’t take your eyes off the baby. We wish parents that their views always converge on the child, that there is complete mutual understanding and harmony in the family, and that peace reigns. We don't promise that your life will become very easy. But we are confident that, loving each other, you will overcome any difficulties and will always be able to remain active and cheerful. All the best to you for the coming year!

Congratulations on the birth of a beautiful miracle, on the birth of your joy. I wish you to live under a peaceful sky, not to know either grief or loss. Let the baby grow up surrounded by love and understanding, care and attention. May your family be strong and healthy, incredibly happy and cheerful.

I sincerely congratulate you on the birth of your child! Now your family has a small miracle and great happiness! Without a doubt, the baby will bring a lot of excitement, difficulties and anxieties, to overcome which you will need strength, patience and support from each other. But at the same time, along with your baby, endless joy will settle in the family, which will be brought by children's laughter, the patter of little feet, the hugs of tiny hands!

Congratulations on the birth of the main and important person, on the appearance of a deeply loved and dearest child in your life. I wish the little one a bright and colorful world, kind and sincere people on the way, confident and successful steps in life, starting from the smallest first steps and ending with great feats. May your child always be your great joy and great pride at any age.

Congratulations on the birth of your first child! Let the baby be as beautiful and charming as his mother, and as smart as his dad! We wish both the newborn and the young parents health, prosperity and longevity.

Happy Birthday Happy birth of a son Happy birth of a daughter Happy birthday to the child

A new life has been lit in this world,
Great joy was born in the family,
You are all proud of this wonderful phenomenon,
And we congratulate you on your new addition.

A new man was born -
Let him grow up as an optimist,
His life will be wonderful
And the world around will be radiant.

May you be strong with health
And let him be famous for his good disposition,
And may he be successful.
Your baby will be glorious!

Congratulations on your baby, may your life be filled with happiness. After all, a child is a happy ray that penetrates the soul and, having found a special place there, remains in it forever.

Diapers, baby vests and a stroller...
Let life sometimes be far from a fairy tale,
There is nothing more pleasant than parental worries.
Let your baby grow up healthy!

Happy birthday child!
Congratulations on your miracle!
Let the baby bring joy
And a smile every time!

The stork definitely tried, -
Gave me an angel
Let there be enough for everything now
You have patience and strength!

A new stage has begun in your family life, full of responsibility, worries and the happiest moments. Let your baby allow you to experience all the boundlessness of parental happiness, filling your life with new true meaning.

Happy newborn, guys!
Congratulations, friends!
You are now one big one,
A complete family!

Flowers and filming at the maternity hospital,
Calls from relatives, friends, acquaintances.
Happy new baby now
We congratulate you together.

May his sleep be sound
Let him grow up healthy.
Let dad and mom listen
And he will be the happiest!

Congratulations, you now have a real miracle in your home - a child! Let the newborn grow quickly and be healthy. We wish mom and dad to be patient and seize every moment of their happiness!

The gentle “ahu-agu” is heard loudly,
The cute little one is lying in cotton diapers!
He has a snub nose, like lake eyes,
We wish the baby a life like in a fairy tale!

Stork at the right time for you,
He brought the child to the doorstep.
We wish him from the bottom of our hearts,
Like in a fairy tale, grow!

Let him grow big
Smart, kind, lively,
Handsome, brave, glorious,
For you - the most important!

Congratulations on the addition of your family, with the great joy that motherhood and fatherhood gives! We wish you not to stop and continue to give this happiness to each other, and to the baby - brothers and sisters!

Here is a stork flying over your roof,
Brought you happiness in an envelope with a bow
May God always hear your prayers,
So that your child grows up happy!

It’s as if a new star has risen in the sky,
The whole family is so happy and their hearts are sweet!
The long-awaited joy has now come to you -
The little baby is sleeping in his crib!

Congratulations, dears, on such an angel,
May a small miracle always please you!
I want the little one to be loved by everyone,
Let the sun smile on him everywhere!

Congratulations on your new addition! Let the miracle in the person of a newborn baby bring only joy and happiness to your bright home, in the form of pranks and little whims, sincere smiles and great love!

Alina Ogonyok

Congratulations on the new addition
And with all my heart I wish,
So that the child is healthy,
So that you have enough diapers.

In education - patience,
God's blessing.
I wish you a little happiness,
Happy birthday!

Wishes for the birth of a child

In this little envelope
Your life has all the meaning!
Eyes, hands, cute nose,
There is happiness in your life!

Congratulations to mom and dad
Happy new addition to the family!
And so happy
You have become twice as big now!

Beautiful congratulations on the birth of a child

Congratulations today
Happy holiday for you!
It's like God's gaze
So the joy of the eyes shines!

Let the sun shine in the house too,
It is also good!
You are the best in the world.
More happiness came to the house.

Congratulations on the birth of a child in verse

We congratulate you on the birth of your child!
He's still little, lying in diapers,
But joy has come to your home today.
From now on there will be noise and commotion in your life.
You will have enough worries and troubles to fill your head.
May your golden child be a joy to you!

Poem of congratulations on the birth of a child

Like a cherry orchard in May,
Your soul has blossomed.
This only happens once
With the arrival of the baby.
I sincerely congratulate you
With dear replenishment,
I wish you joy and love
And health to you three!

Touching congratulations on the birth of a child

So the stork has arrived
The long-awaited visit.
And now in your family
There is a baby you want!

A man appeared
Small and cute.
He is now for you forever
Will be the center of the world!

We wish the baby good health
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts.
Mom and dad are strong

Best congratulations on the birth of a child

We congratulate you on the new holiday.
You have a child after all.
And we wish you: be healthy!
Life is so good sometimes.

We hasten to congratulate you and your child.
And we want to repeat again:
We want to leave behind
Everything in life can upset you.

Let only happiness meet now,
There will be more good, bright meetings.
And today we’ll say “Hello” to the baby,
And we wish you to preserve your love!

Nice congratulations on the birth of a child

You are the happiest today!
Hold happiness in your hands!
You have become parents!
There are more of you now!

We all have good health
We wish the baby!
And may the Guardian Angel
Takes care of your family!

Original congratulations on the birth of a child

The mystery of birth has taken place,
Your first baby was born,
We bring you congratulations,
We lift up our prayers for him.
And we wish that fate will be favorable
Was your child's godmother,
I kept it, took care of it,
She led me by the hand the whole time.

Cool congratulations on the birth of a child

The baby was born - it's a miracle
For your small family.
He filled your life with happiness,
And it awaits you ahead.
Charming legs
Such wonderful eyes!
And he will grow from the crumbs soon
Both a bully and a bully.
For now he is quiet and humble.
So let him grow healthy.
And mom has strength, even if she has nerves
He takes care of his own all the time.

Short congratulations on the birth of a child

Wonderful is the mystery of birth!
Your baby has been born!
Congratulations to you, without a doubt,
Let your strong man grow!
May the Lord bless him
Ingenuity, dexterity in full!
May life give him happiness,
And I drink to the bottom for him!

SMS congratulations on the birth of a child

Congratulations on your birth,
This is a miraculously sweet moment!
We wish the baby good health,
May a great man grow up!

And to you - love, patience,
Ability to explain.
Live peacefully, amicably,
It’s not for me to lecture you!

Congratulations on the birth of a child in prose

Congratulations - you have become parents! I would like to wish that there is more laughter and smiles in your family than worries and anxious nights. Let your son grow up in love and harmony, without knowing illness or sadness. Be happy!

Congratulations on the birth of a child in your own words

Great happiness has come to your family - a child has been born. Congratulations on this joyful event. We wish you patience, wisdom, strength and energy. Let your sunshine grow up as a healthy, happy child. He always pleases his family and friends with his wonderful, very sincere smile!

Birth of a child- perhaps the most magical and meaningful moment in a person’s life. After many months of agonizing waiting, a small miracle is born, a new life is born. It seems there is nothing more pleasant than feeling like a parent.

The long-awaited baby will further strengthen an already strong and reliable relationship, becoming a connecting link in the family chain. Feel the happiness of the birth of a new person together with the child’s parents by sharing their joy in congratulating the newborn.

In this section we tried to collect only the warmest and most sincere congratulations on the birth of a child - congratulations on the newborn.

Congratulations on the birth of your child.
Congratulations on the newborn

Congratulations on the newborn in verse

Congratulate the child's parents in a playful poetic form.

Congratulations to mother on the birth of a child

There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,
Vividly marked in centuries:
The most beautiful of women
Woman holding a child
Conjuring from any misfortune
She really doesn't have any good things to do
No, not the Mother of God, but the earthly one,
Proud, sublime mother
The light of love has been bequeathed to her since ancient times,
And since then she has lived for centuries,
The most beautiful of women
Woman holding a child
Everything in the world is measured by footprints,
No matter how many paths you walk
The apple tree is decorated with fruits,
A woman decides the fate of her children
May the sun applaud her forever!
So she will live for centuries
The most beautiful of women,
A woman with a child in her arms!

Your baby is born

Your baby was born,
How a bright angel appeared!
Let there be no troubles in life,
Happy motherhood will be

Let your son grow up
And my mother makes me happy over the years!
Let only happiness await in life,
And we will rejoice with you!

Congratulations to happy parents

Congratulations to the happy parents
Happy birth of a child on this day!
And today we sincerely wish you -
May the Lord's shadow protect the baby!
Even if invisible, but always reliable
From all diseases, future adversities
The Savior protects carefully,
And the baby will have good luck in life!

Congratulations on the birth of your son

You were born, appeared like a golden ray,
We've been waiting for you for so long,
The days and months were counted, -
When you grow big!
Be beautiful, be happy
Be kind and patient
Well, the main order is:
May you always remember us!

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter

Another beautiful princess
Reappeared in this world,
She looks at the world with interest,
And he feels the love of his parents.

I congratulate you and wish you
May your daughter grow up to be a beauty!
So that I wake up feeling happiness,
And most importantly, she was healthy!

Congratulations on the birth of a boy

I was under my heart yesterday,
The legs were pushing until the morning,
I spun merrily and waited,
For someone to tickle your heel.
Today you met him,
The long-awaited son was born!
Wondering who he looks like:
Is it like mom or dad?
May every day be happiness
After all, you are parents now!
And you can’t find worthy words,
To convey this love!

Beautiful poems for the birth of a son

There are no reasons for joy above:
You have an heir in your family - a son!
Let him only give happiness to everyone,
Let there be fewer problems with him!
Maybe he will grow up to be a scientist,
Or maybe he will become a football player...
The main thing is that he is passionate,
So that the heart is kind and pure.
Let him walk through all the obstacles,
Let people marvel at the good fellow,
Let him be a joy for his mother,
Let him be an assistant to his father!
Dear, my relatives,
Congratulations on the birth of your son!
Let him grow up to be a real man,
Will meet the family's expectations.
Surrounded by love from birth,
Let him grow strong and brave.
In the meantime... More health!
And, of course, less hassle.

We congratulate the parents from the bottom of our hearts

Great joy in your home,
Now there are three of you in the family!
A wonderful baby was born
Look - he's a real tough guy!
What eyes, what cheeks,
He really is a real angel!
We congratulate the parents from the bottom of our hearts
We wish you to raise your baby in love and happiness!

Congratulations on the newborn in prose

Congratulations on the birth of your son

Dear lady! Congratulations on the birth of your son! May he grow up strong and protect his mother. Let him always please his parents and never bring them grief! We wish your child to be healthy, happy and prosperous. And even after many years you will be mistaken for his older sister! May luck smile on you and your family, and may His Majesty Chance be favorable to you!

Child's Birthday Wishes

Dear friends! A wonderful event has happened in your life - you have a beautiful baby! Now your life will change radically. Of course, the first time will not be easy, because you are not yet accustomed to the fact that you need to take care of the baby. But very soon you will be surprised, thinking, how could you live without this wonderful little man? He will give you so many wonderful moments - you will play with him, give him gifts, teach him everything you know. So may happiness not leave your home, and may your life be bright and joyful!

Congratulations on a child's birthday

Dear friend! Congratulations on the birth of your daughter! We wish her to be as sweet and beautiful as her mother. May she always be the center of attention in the future, may there be no problems or worries in her life. We wish that mother and daughter never have disagreements, that you always understand each other perfectly and become best friends! I wish you happiness and fulfillment of all your desires!

Happy Birthday Child Wishes

Dear friend! Congratulations on the birth of your daughter! Let your girl grow up happy and kind! Let her be like her father! Let her inherit all your best qualities! We wish you to be proud of your baby and that she is proud of you! Let your daughter’s life be sunny and bright, and let your life now become more interesting and colorful, because your child will make you look at many things differently.

Cool birthday greetings

Dear friend! Congratulations on the birth of your son! The day is not far off when he will become as strong and courageous as his father. We wish you to teach your son everything that you know yourself. And may you never have disagreements in the house, may your baby always make you happy and may your family be strong and friendly!

Let every smile of your baby be a huge reward for you. After all, he gets to know this world, and the world smiles back at him! Children are a great, great blessing. They make us kinder and stronger, because this is not only our future, but also our present. Children mean love, respect and understanding! Let your baby grow up healthy, strong, smart, prosperous, to your delight! Happy newborn!

SMS congratulations on a newborn

Short congratulations on the newborn

SMS with the birth of a baby

Sweet baby, nice daughter,
There is a fresh bud on the family tree,
Let it develop, Let it bloom,
There will be a flower, and then there will be fruit.
Let's drink to this flower of beauty,
Let your dreams come true in it!

Children are flowers of life. How wonderful it is that another flower has appeared on earth! Congratulations, my dear gardeners! I would like to wish you to have a large and beautiful bouquet in front of you in your old age!

Voice congratulations on a newborn

Congratulations on the newborn on the phone you can listen and send what you like to the recipient as a musical or voice greeting on a mobile or smartphone. You can order and send congratulations on your newborn to your phone either immediately or by pre-specifying the date and time of delivery of the audio card. An audio congratulation with a newborn on your phone will be guaranteed to be delivered to your mobile, smartphone or landline phone, which you can personally verify by tracking the status of receiving the congratulation by clicking on the received link in the SMS message after payment.

Cool congratulations on the newborn

Cool congratulations on the birth of a baby

Dear friends! Just recently you were just husband and wife, but now you have become mom and dad. We congratulate you on this wonderful event and wish that your son grows up healthy and happy! A new life begins for you, because now you have to raise a little man. We wish you to raise him to be the smartest, bravest, kindest and most courageous! May he love his parents very much, who will always give him their love and support.

Cool congratulations on the birth of a girl

Congratulations on the birth of your baby girl! Your experience and wisdom in raising children will help you raise your daughter happy, smart, beautiful and kind. You have a son, and now a daughter. There are wonderful children in your family - a boy and a girl. And we wish you that they bring only joy to their parents! We wish your daughter to be like a star! Let everything work out for her as best as possible, let her delight everyone with her beauty! And let everyone admire the indescribable beauty of your daughter, let the most worthy men be at her feet! And may she never encounter sadness, melancholy and disappointment in her life!




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