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How to properly and quickly peel walnuts. How to peel walnuts at home

During the harvest season, many housewives make preparations so that later, during the winter cold, they can provide for themselves and their households. delicious dishes. Walnuts are no exception. But it’s not enough to just harvest the crop. You must be able to preserve it in order to long time the once excellent fruits have not deteriorated and have not lost their beneficial features. But that's not all. The hard shell does not always allow easy access to the grains. Therefore, it is important to know how to crack the toughest nut.

Features of walnuts as a food product

Growing on a spreading tree and caressed by the warm rays of the sun, walnut fruits reach their maturity in September - October. The green shell cracks in places and darkens, exposing the kernel in a hard brown shell. Fruits collected at this time have the best taste and big amount useful elements. External signs allow gardeners to accurately determine the start time of the walnut harvest

All parts of the plant, including bark, leaves and amniotic membrane, are rich in biologically active substances. If we talk about fruits, then green unripe nuts contain:

  • vitamins C, B1, B2 and PP;
  • carotene;
  • quinones.

The composition of ripe fruits is supplemented with the following elements:

  • sitosterols;
  • tannins;
  • cellulose;
  • fatty oils, including linoleic, oleic, linolenic and palmitic acids;
  • cobalt and iron salts.

Thanks to their beneficial components, walnuts are recommended for therapeutic, health and preventive purposes. They are useful for the following diseases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • high blood sugar and diabetes;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • avitaminosis;
  • lack of iron in the body;
  • problems with constipation.

Walnuts have strong antioxidant properties and anti-cancer effects, remove cholesterol and radionuclides from the body, improve radiation resistance, stimulate the production of melatonin and improve human sleep.

They have high nutritional value - more than 600 kcal per 100 grams of product. Depending on the variety they contain:

  • fats - 60–78%;
  • proteins - up to 21%;
  • carbohydrates - 7–14%.

Nut kernels are added to salads, soups, meat dishes and confectionery. The most beneficial consumption of walnuts is fresh. During heat treatment, the beneficial properties of the fruit are significantly reduced, but the excellent taste remains. In combination with honey (in approximately equal proportions), fresh walnut grains contribute to:

  • improving brain activity;
  • increasing male potency;
  • recovery after serious illnesses and operations.

This recipe is also very often used by athletes to recover after grueling workouts.

Video: benefits of walnuts

Proper storage

Nuts can be stored in country house, and in a city apartment. But in order to ensure that they do not deteriorate and lose their valuable properties over a long period of time, it is important to select high-quality fruits and provide suitable conditions for their storage.

Which walnuts are suitable for storage?

There is no point in putting aside fruits that are obviously spoiled or those that cannot retain their original properties for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to sort out the nuts. Fruits with defects are discarded.

Nuts good quality not difficult to recognize

What to pay attention to when preparing:

  • nuts should be thoroughly cleaned of the amniotic membrane (the green leathery-fibrous skin that turns black when dry), if this has not been done previously;
  • the shell should not contain cracks, breaks, dark spots or traces of mold;
  • the core should be well supported by the septum inside the fruit. Dried nuts can be recognized by the characteristic knock of the kernel against the walls of the shell when shaken;
  • You should also pay attention to the weight of the nut. Too light fruits are often empty inside. Depending on the variety, the weight of one nut ranges from 5 to 17 grams. Of these, the core accounts for about half.

The difference between good and bad walnuts is clear

When buying nuts in shell, it makes sense to crack one or two of them to see what they are like inside. The kernels should have a beautiful golden color and a pleasant smell. Black, moldy, and dark yellow kernels with a rancid odor are unsuitable for consumption, and therefore there is no need to store them. Peeled fruits should be purchased only in reliable sealed packaging in specialized stores or supermarkets.

Video: how to choose the right walnuts

How to store walnuts in shell

General rules and useful tips on preparation and storage:

  1. It is better to organize nut collection in dry weather. But if the fruits were collected after rain and turned out to be very dirty, they can be washed under running water and then dried. A short stay in water will not harm the fruit.
  2. After cleaning the amniotic membrane, the nuts should be thoroughly dried. The first 1–2 days in daylight hours nuts can be left for a day fresh air. Sun rays and a light breeze will contribute to quick drying. At night, the nuts must be brought into the house or barn; outside they will become damp.
  3. Over the next 7–12 days, it is recommended to dry the nuts indoors, for example, in the attic. To do this, the floor is covered with cloth or paper, and nuts are poured onto it, in as thin a layer as possible.
  4. It is best to use cardboard boxes or canvas bags as storage containers. These materials allow air to pass through well and the fruits do not smear. The storage place should be dry, cool and dark. The recommended air temperature should not exceed 20 °C. But it is better if its value is 10–15 °C.

    Walnuts contain a large amount of oil, which is why they quickly spoil at high temperatures.

Walnuts are stored well in a canvas bag

Video: harvesting and proper storage of walnuts

Proper storage of shelled nuts

To save time and effort, many housewives prefer to purchase already peeled fruits. In addition, this method allows you to get a good look at the quality of the nuts and not buy a “pig in a poke.” However, you should know that shelled nuts do not last long, and crushed kernels even less.
Shelled kernels must be whole

  • The basic rule of storage is to avoid contact with light and oxygen. This leads to the development of bactericidal microorganisms, rotting and spoilage quickly product.
  • For storage, use a dry glass or tin container. A paper bag will also work. But kernels in plastic bags deteriorate very quickly.
  • To increase shelf life, place the container of nuts in the refrigerator or freezer. The latter option allows the use of plastic bags.
  • For better preservation, bake the nuts in the oven.

Walnut kernels should be crushed immediately before preparing the dish.

How to dry nuts:

  1. Place the nut kernels on a baking sheet and place in the oven for 1–2 hours at 40–50 °C.
  2. Then transfer the nuts to parchment and leave for 30-40 minutes to cool and dry completely.

Video: how to dry and store shelled nuts

Table: shelf life of ripe walnut fruits

Is it possible to store green nuts?

Nuts picked ahead of time spoil very quickly and therefore cannot be stored. However, from unripe fruits you can prepare tasty and healthy infusions and decoctions or make jam. The fruits should be processed immediately after harvest.
Green walnuts cannot be stored

Cleaning nuts

Depending on the variety, walnuts have different shell thicknesses. Fruits in a thin woody shell are much easier to split. Sometimes this can even be done with your hands, squeezing two nuts in your fist. But most often you have to resort to using different tools and devices.

How to properly peel a nut from its green shell

If the nut shell is already cracked, removing it will not be difficult. It’s another matter if the shell is dense, without a hint of cracking. In this case, you can use a knife.

This should be done with rubber gloves, since the juice released from the pulp of the nut shell has strong pigment properties - your hands will acquire a dirty brown tint, which will not be easy to wash off.

The juice from the green peel of walnuts has coloring properties and greatly stains your hands.
  1. Cut the shell of the nut down to the shell so that a closed line is formed. It is more convenient to do this along the “equatorial line”.
  2. Make a second cut perpendicular to the first, this time going through the "poles" of the nut. It is important to cut through the entire thickness of the shell with a knife, touching the hard shell.
  3. At this stage, the shell should already be divided into four approximately equal parts. Use a knife to pry the edge of one of them and separate it from the shell.
  4. Do the same with the other three parts of the shell. It will be easier to do this.
  5. Scrape off any remaining peel on the shell with a stiff brush. You can also use a metal scraper.

For quick cleaning large quantity To remove nuts from the green peel, it is convenient to use a special machine for crushing corn cobs, if possible.

Video: how to remove green peel from nuts

How and with what to crack a nut

A few simple ways:

  • The easiest way is to use a special device - a nut cracker. Simply insert the nut into a special hole and press the levers. Under the pressure of the metal, the shell will quickly crack.
    Nut cracker - a professional tool for cracking nuts
  • Using a knife, the tip of which is inserted into the web of the fruit, you can split the nut into two parts. The method is not complicated, but requires caution when handling a sharp object.
    Cracking a nut with a knife requires caution
  • Pliers and pliers are improvised tools that act similarly to a nut cracker.
    You can use pliers to replace a nut cracker
  • A hammer will help you break the nut shell easily. The method is simple, but also requires caution. Hold the nut with your fingers and lightly tap it with a hammer to crack or crack the shell. Then remove the core.
    It's important to hit the nut with the hammer, not the fingers
  • You can use a cloth bag with the hammer. Place the nuts in it and lightly tap them with a hammer. The bag will hold the shell fragments and they will not fly apart in different directions.

    But don't overdo it by hitting the bag too hard with the hammer. Not only can the shell crack, but the kernels can also be damaged.

    The fabric bag will collect all the shell fragments

If the nut is split into two halves, you can remove the edible part using a knife, inserting it between the kernel and the shell and pressing lightly, pushing out the contents.

Using a knife, you can remove the kernel from the shell

Video: how to peel nuts, including those with green skins, using a knife

Methods for softening the shell

High temperature and hot water help soften the shell, making it more pliable.

Unusual ways to clean nuts

Folk methods are replete with imagination. Here are just some non-standard techniques for cleaning nuts:

  • using a champagne bottle. To do this, the nut is placed on a hard surface and covered with the concave bottom of the bottle. When you press on the bottle, the shell cracks;
    The concave bottom of the bottles can be used to crack nuts
  • to peel small nuts, you can use a garlic press and crush the shells in the same way as garlic;
    You can crack a small nut using a garlic clove
  • You can also crack the shell using a door. To do this, insert the fruit between the end of the slightly open door and the opening on the side where the hinges are attached. Holding the nut with your fingers, close the door a little so that the fruit is held by the door without your participation. Remove your fingers and close the door a little tighter. Proceed carefully to avoid injury or damage to the core. When you hear a crunch, release the door and remove the cracked nut.

    It should be borne in mind that the sharp edges of the cracked shell can scratch the varnish on the door and ruin its appearance.

    You can use a door to crack any nut.

By learning how to store and clean walnuts, you can enjoy the healthy product until the next harvest.

To peel a walnut or hazelnut, you need to spend a little time and effort. Because of this, many lovers of these products prefer to buy components that have already been shelled. Unfortunately, the conditions for processing, storage, packaging and transportation of such products are often violated. Their consumption can lead to digestive upset and even poisoning. It is better to choose nuts with a protective shell and peel them yourself.

What's the easiest way to peel hazelnuts?

Hazelnuts not only have a pleasant texture and a delicate taste. This is a very healthy nut that supplies the human body with a scattering of vital microelements and chemical compounds. For this reason and because of certain difficulties in growing it, the component should not be cheap. If you buy a product that is too cheap, it may be empty or damaged inside.

Well, the best way to peel such nuts is in the following ways:

  • Pliers. We clamp the nut with pliers and place this structure in the palm. This technique will protect against the spread of debris throughout the room. Gently squeeze the product until the dense shell cracks. All that remains is to clear the kernel from it and you can move on to another instance.

Tip: When choosing walnuts, be careful. It is highly not recommended to purchase wild tree fruits; all existing cleaning methods have practically no effect on them. Such nuts can be easily recognized by their small size and unusually elongated shape.

  • Hammer. If you need to clean several products at once, or the nut turns out to be too hard, it is better to use another method. Place the hazelnuts in a fabric bag and place them in one layer on a hard surface. We take a wooden or metal hammer and begin to lightly hit the nuts until all the shells on them crack. You don’t even have to peel the nuts, just pour the contents of the bag into a bowl and remove the kernels from the mass.
  • Oven. If the hazelnuts are very hard, you should first place them on a baking sheet and place them in the oven at medium temperature for no more than 10 minutes. During this time, the shell will become more pliable and it will be easier to clean the components.

Removing the shell does not complete the cleaning, because fresh hazelnuts are covered with a thin skin, which imparts bitterness to the kernels. It is not so easy to remove it manually; first you need to fry them in a hot frying pan without oil over low heat for 5 minutes. Now we place the nuts between two pieces of fabric and three palms. This will allow you to quickly bring all the elements to the desired state at once.

You should not try to crack hazelnuts with your teeth, as this can cause serious problems with the enamel. Even a garlic crusher is not always able to cope with hard shells.

How to quickly and efficiently peel walnuts?

Many people try to crack walnuts the old fashioned way using a knife or scissors. This is not entirely correct and, most importantly, unsafe. If you slightly miscalculate the pressing force, there is a risk of getting a cut or damage to the tool blade. It is better to try one of the following methods:

  • Using boiling water. Place the walnuts in a bowl, pour boiling water over them and wait 10 minutes. Drain the liquid and wait for the product to cool. Now the products can be quickly and effortlessly split with a knife or scissors. The halves will separate on their own under slight pressure.
  • Pliers. A walnut is not a hazelnut; cracking it with pliers is not so easy, but it is possible. The principle of performing the manipulation is the same. But this method is recommended to be used only when you need to clean a small volume of product.
  • Heating in the oven. Place the walnuts in a preheated oven and keep for 10 minutes at 200ºC. This time is enough to make the shell more fragile and pliable. But in this case it is better to work not with a knife, but with a hammer. We just take a nut, place it on a wooden board and lightly tap it with a hammer. The shell will fall apart into pieces; the kernels will only need to be cleaned of jumpers and dirt.

In this case, too, not everything is finished yet, because the edible kernels are covered with a dense husk. If the nuts are young, then these formations will come off the surface without any problems, you just need to rub the elements a little. But with an older product everything will be more complicated.

Removing the husks from walnuts

To remove the husk quickly and without hassle, it is not necessary to process each nut, as some housewives do.
It is much easier to use one of the following approaches:

  • Place the ingredients in a fabric bag, lightly shake and pour into a bowl. Pour boiling water over the product and leave for 5 minutes. Drain the liquid, put the workpiece in the bag again and shake it again. After such manipulations, all unnecessary skin should come off the nucleoli. An additional advantage of this approach is that it returns the delicate milky taste to even slightly stale products.
  • You can also fry the kernels in a dry frying pan for 5 minutes. After this, they are very easy to clean; part of the husk will come off the nuts during the heat treatment process. The main thing is to ensure that the products do not burn. Problems will be indicated by a change in the color of the workpieces and the appearance of a specific pungent odor. By the way, some housewives still add a little vegetable oil, but not to the frying pan, but to the nuts themselves about a minute before the end of processing.

According to experts, the use of approaches involving heat treatment is more preferable. They not only simplify the process of cleaning nuts, but also establish the quality of the product. If during exposure the kernels begin to emit a specific smell of mold or rot, this indicates a violation of the rules for storing nuts. It is better not to eat them, even if they look very appetizing. But such pre-treatment, on the contrary, will fully reveal the taste and aroma of the fresh product.

As children, we absolutely did not think about how to peel walnuts or the same hazelnut correctly: we found a nut we liked, hit it with something heavy, and now a delicious kernel is already in the palm of our hand. Unfortunately, in modern city apartments this method of peeling nuts is unlikely to work. So we have to invent ways to make peeling walnuts at home not only easy, but also as safe as possible.

Answering the question of how to quickly peel walnuts, many prefer to do it the good old way: simply by cracking the shell, using kitchen knife or ordinary household scissors.

This method of peeling walnuts is not only not very correct, but also dangerous: by slightly increasing the pressure, you can injure your hands or damage the blade of the tool you are using. It is much better to play it safe and try one or more of the following cleaning methods:

That's all the simple, but certainly effective ways to properly remove shells from nut kernels. But that's not all: next you need to clean the kernels from the husk covering them - a thin skin that can be easily removed from a young fruit, but much more effort will be required to process those kernels that have already been sitting for a while.

Video “Quick cleaning method”

From the video you will learn how to quickly peel nuts.

Removing the husks from nuts

Many believe that there is no answer to the question of how to quickly peel a nut kernel from the husk: you need to monotonously process each kernel separately. In fact, this is not true at all. There are several ways that allow you to get rid of the skin without much hassle:

Culinary experts agree that using heating methods in the oven or in a frying pan is more preferable: such products last longer, are less likely to be affected by pests, and heat treatment has a positive effect on taste.

In addition, you can easily determine the quality of the kernels at the processing stage: nuts of low quality or with signs of spoilage will emit bad smell mustiness or rot. It is better to throw away such specimens immediately without regret - eating them is dangerous to health. But a high-quality, healthy nut will open up in a new way, and become even tastier, more nutritious and healthier!

Nuts are tasty and nutritious foods. They can be used in pure form or added to various dishes. On the modern market you can find a wide range of nuts. They are distinguished by their taste and beneficial properties. Thanks to this, everyone can choose the one that suits their taste.

Special attention It is worth paying attention to the walnut, since for the citizens of our country this nut is the most familiar. It grows well on the lands of Russia. Many people grow it in their summer cottages. The climatic conditions of our region favorably influence this process. The tree bears fruit well.

A special feature of this nut is its hard and strong shell. To get to the kernel you can eat, you need to get rid of it. This is not an easy task. It requires additional effort and time.

It is important to remove it thoroughly so that you do not have to eat nuts with shell particles. It is tough and unpleasant to the taste. Thus, you will not be able to truly enjoy the nut. Today there is different ways, which will help to remove the core intact and unharmed. If you love walnuts, you should definitely know about them.

Peeling walnut kernels is not easy, since they are reliably protected from various influences environment to the inside. Removing it will take time or additional tools.

The second option allows you to solve the problem much faster, so it is often used. Its only drawback is the high probability of core damage. It is unlikely that it will be possible to maintain its integrity. Therefore, before you start cleaning, you need to determine in what form the nut is needed. Whole grains are mainly used for sale or to decorate various dishes.

How to quickly clean

You can quickly peel walnuts at home. An ordinary door will help with this. This method has been practiced for a long time and has proven its effectiveness in practice. It consists of placing the nut in the gap between the jamb and the door. After that, they slowly close it. As soon as a crunch is heard, the procedure can be stopped. It indicates that the nut is cracked. It can be removed from the doorway and then cleaned by hand. This will be easy and simple to do.

The main thing in this method is not to overdo it. If you close the door too much, the nut will be completely crushed. This will also negatively affect the condition of the door. She'll get scratched.

Another way to peel walnuts is to use a knife. Its sharp tip must be inserted between the halves of the fruit, and then rotated. This will cause the nut to split in two. Then you need to pry it with a knife and remove the kernel. This method is unsafe, as the knife can injure your hand.

A hammer, pliers, a special nut cracker and much more are perfect for this job. They effectively cope with the task. Allows you to peel the walnut kernel. But there is one drawback that is common to all these methods. During their use, it is difficult to maintain the integrity of the fetus. This must be taken into account.


Quite often, the housewife is faced with the task of keeping the walnut kernel intact. This is quite possible to do. You just need to use other methods for cleaning. One of them is to soften the shell and internal partition.

To complete it you will need to follow a simple procedure. First, put the nut in hot water and leave it in it for half an hour. Then use a knife to divide it into two parts and disconnect the partitions. This will be easy and simple to do, as they have become much softer.

If you can’t prepare boiling water, then don’t be upset. Brine is perfect for this job. It's easy to prepare. Take one liter of water and add two tablespoons of salt to it. Stir the resulting mixture and add nuts to it. Leave them for about 30 minutes. During this time, the shell and partitions will soften. Then remove the nuts and place them on a napkin to dry. Using a knife, do the same steps as in the previous method.

Exposure to high temperatures

Not everyone has a nut cracker at home. But it's not a problem. You can also peel walnut kernels using a conventional oven. But this method will take a little longer, but will keep the fruits intact.

For this procedure, you need to preheat the oven to 200 degrees. After this, place the nuts on a baking sheet and place them inside the oven for about fifteen minutes. In this case, it is necessary to stir them periodically, which will allow the fruits to dry well. Once the time is up, the nuts are removed from the oven and left to cool. Then lightly hit them with a hammer. The shell will be easily removed this way.

There are many recommendations that will help you easily peel walnut kernels. If you buy them in a store, then you need to choose the right product. Take two nuts in your hand and squeeze them tightly. It will be great if their shell cracks right away. This ensures that cleaning the product will not be difficult.

You can also ask the seller to personally peel the nut in front of you. You can see how this process goes for her. Check with the seller about the best methods for cracking nuts. They may be useful to you in the future.

Walnuts are a wonderful treat. They are nutritious, tasty and healthy. Doctors recommend using them to prevent various diseases. But peeling nuts from the shell becomes a real problem for many, so they rarely eat them.

If you know how to properly peel nuts, this process will be easy and simple. It will require a minimum of effort and time. You can eat the nut either in its pure form or add it to various dishes. It will make them tastier and more original.

When you bought fruits at the market or in a store, do not rush to start chopping, first disinfect them. Most often, nuts are sold on the market uncovered, right in bags, and dirt and bacteria quickly settle on them.

Therefore, before eating, nuts are prepared using any of the following methods:

  • wash with laundry soap. Apply soap to a soft foam sponge and rub the shells, then rinse the soap with water;
  • scalded with boiling water. Boil a pan of water and place the fruits in it for 1-2 minutes, then rinse with cold water;
  • processed in soda solution. Dilute tbsp in plain water. soda per liter of liquid. Soak the nuts for 1-2 minutes, then rinse under water.

After any processing method, the fruits need to be given time to dry. Place them on newspaper or paper napkins and leave for 1-2 days. When there is no water on the surface, you can start chopping.


Nuts can be dried in the oven if you put them for 1-2 hours at temperatures up to 100 degrees.

How to peel a walnut from its shell

If we subdivide the methods of splitting fruits according to the principle of action, we get mechanical and thermal methods. Each method is considered effective and leads to a positive result: the nucleolus is extracted intact and unharmed. Choose the one that will be optimal for you.

Mechanical methods

Under the influence physical strength even the hard shell cannot withstand it and cracks. It is unlikely that you will be able to crack the nuts with your hands, but with improvised means it is possible:

  • nut cracker Most effective method– crack the nuts using a special device. It can be bought in household goods; the nut cracker is not expensive, about 100-200 rubles. Insert the nut inside the device and squeeze, the shell will crack;
  • pliers or pliers. If you don’t have a nut cracker, no problem. The device will completely replace tools. Hold the fruit between the claws and press;
  • with a hammer. Place the fruits in a plastic bag. You can use a cloth flap or towel. Place the bag on a hard, flat surface and tap the contents with a hammer. Do not hit too hard, otherwise the kernel will begin to crumble. It is enough to apply 2-3 blows to a ripe fruit, and the shell will crack. If you have a round ring at home where you can place a nut, then place the fruit in it so that the sharp part is on top. Hit the tip of the fruit and then break the skin with a screwdriver;
  • door. Try to get the kernels in the following way: place the fruit in the shell in the gap between the door and the jamb. Close the door and then open it again. Be careful: it is easy to get your fingers caught in the door.

Do not turn the fruit into flour; as soon as you see that the shell is cracked, carefully open it with a knife. The core will be intact and undamaged.

Thermal methods

At high temperatures, the shell loses its hardness and becomes more pliable. This factor can be used and nucleoli can be extracted in several ways:

  • soak in boiling water. Place the fruits in a pan of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. When time will pass, just insert a knife into the hole in the shell and try to turn it. Crack the shell and remove the kernels;
  • bake in the oven. First, preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Place the nuts on a dry baking sheet. Place the pan in the oven for 10 minutes. Fruits should not be exposed to high temperatures, as their taste will deteriorate. Remove the roasted nuts and allow them time to cool. Then tap a little with a hammer, the shell will open on its own without effort;
  • in a frying pan. Place the frying pan on the fire, do not add oil to it. Heat a frying pan, then add dry nuts. Fry for 10 minutes, stir. When the nuts have cooled, crack the shell with a knife.

Thermal methods are effective, but still require the use of physical force, albeit small. If you can’t crack already roasted nuts the first time, it’s better not to repeat it, but use mechanical methods.

How to peel green walnuts

If you have seen how walnuts grow, then you know that at first the fruit is covered with a green skin. It performs a protective function, but removing it will require strength. In addition to being durable, the skin contains a coloring pigment. As a result, the hands become Brown, and it’s very difficult to wash them afterwards. To remove color from leather, use the following:

  • laundry soap. Lather a hard whisk and rub the dirtiest places;
  • hydrogen peroxide. Buy a diluted peroxide solution at the pharmacy, apply to cotton wool and wipe the skin. The dye will remain on the swab. Take a clean disc and continue removing the color;
  • soda. Wet your hands in water and apply a little baking soda. Rub the powder onto your skin, then rinse.

On a note!

Instead of soda, you can use regular table salt or any cosmetic scrub.

When the skin on your hands brightens and the brown spots from the peel disappear, lubricate your hands generously with cream to prevent dryness. To avoid having to remove traces of peeling, wear thick rubber or textile gloves before the process. They will absorb the color and your hands will remain clean.

There are several methods for removing the green peel from a walnut:

  • using a nut peeler. You don’t often see such a device in stores, but in places where fruits are grown, the device is actively used. The fruit is inserted into the peeler between the grooves and squeezed, as a result the outer shell cracks;
  • with a knife. Take a small sharp knife so that it is convenient to work with. Make deep cuts in the skin and peel it off like peeling a potato. It will take a lot of time to clean, but each nut will be processed as it should;
  • fast way. When there is no nut sheller and no free time, place the unshelled nut on the ground. Step on it with your foot, but not with all your weight, but carefully. As soon as you feel that the shell is cracked, lift the fruit and peel it. Prepare your shoes: the soles should not be dirty.

Once you remove the green shell, dry the fruit at room temperature for 5-6 weeks. Just scatter them on a flat surface or put them in a box. This way the fruits will reach final maturity.

Do I need to wash it?

When you take out the nut kernels, there may be small debris left on them from the splitting, or bacteria that were accidentally introduced during cleaning. It is necessary to process nuts; this is the only way they will be stored for a long time and retain their beneficial qualities. The simplest option is to pour boiling water over the kernels; the pathogenic microflora instantly dies at elevated temperatures, and the peel particles are washed off.

Some housewives advise soaking the kernels briefly in cool, salted water. Take a saucepan and prepare a salt solution in it at the rate of tsp. salt per liter of water. Place nuts in water and leave for 10-20 minutes. Disinfection occurs, in addition, the fruits acquire a richer taste after the saline solution. When time has passed, place the kernels in a colander and rinse off the remaining salt with plain water.

How to dry

Moisture is detrimental to walnuts. If water gets in or the kernels are poorly dried, mold will form on the surface over time and the kernel will begin to rot. Under no circumstances should it be eaten as food, as it is dangerous to health; you can immediately throw the moldy fruits in the trash. Therefore, when you have disinfected the kernels, be sure to dry them thoroughly.

Use the oven to dry. On a baking sheet, without oil, place the kernels in one row and place in an oven already preheated to 150 degrees. Open the door slightly if yours gets too hot. Soak the nuts for at least 5-10 minutes, then take one, cool and taste. It should be pleasant, not burnt, but with a baked taste and aroma.

On a note!

Be careful, a hot nut has a completely different taste, not the same as a cooled one. Always cool the kernels after roasting to avoid overcooking.

Walnuts can be roasted in a frying pan. Take a cast iron skillet and heat it. Sprinkle the nuts onto the hot surface without stirring. When the nuts are hot, turn them over with a wooden or silicone spatula. Don't put too many nuts in the pan; it will be difficult to mix them. Leave the heat on medium. The total time it takes to calcinate is 7-10 minutes. Do not let the nuts burn.

Do you have a microwave at home? Use it to dry walnuts. Place the fruit in a heatproof bowl and microwave for a couple of minutes. Cover the cup with a plate to prevent the nuts from scattering. Then cool the nuts and taste. They acquire a pleasant aroma and an interesting aftertaste.

How to peel nut kernels

There is a thin film on the nucleoli, which gives the bitter taste. The film can be removed; it is easily removed from fried fruits. Just put the nuts in a bag and rustle them a little. The dry skin will fall off on its own, and the kernel will become clean.

If the nuts are young and slightly unripe, then the film is not so easy to peel off. Soak the fruits in warm salted water for 20 minutes and then rinse clean water. After washing, place the nuts on paper to dry. The film will disappear, and there will be no more bitterness in the taste.

How to store shelled walnuts and how much

For storage, select only those fruits that look healthy. It is desirable that the size of the kernels be the same; there should be no damage or signs of mold on the surface. If you store walnuts in shells, make sure that there are no cracks in the shells. If there is a small amount of nuts, shake each fruit: you should hear the characteristic sound of the nucleolus rolling, this means that it is normal.

Store peeled and unshelled nuts in a dark, dry place with a cool temperature. This could be a storage room, a glassed-in balcony, a kitchen drawer, or a veranda. The main condition is the absence of water and elevated temperature. When stored in a warm place, nuts quickly lose their taste and become moldy. Pour the nuts into glass jar, a tin box.

Peeled nuts can be stored in plastic bag or under vacuum.

The shelf life of peeled nuts at room temperature is no more than 2-3 weeks; if the temperature is kept in the range from 10 to 20 degrees, then the shelf life will be longer by 2 weeks.

Some housewives advise freezing peeled nuts, which can be preserved for up to 3 months. The taste and beneficial properties do not deteriorate. When you want to enjoy fresh fruits, take the bag with the preparation out of the freezer in advance and enjoy the nuts in a couple of hours. Unshelled nuts are stored much longer than peeled ones - up to 3 months. You can put them in a glass container, but just close the lid tightly so that moisture from the air does not get into the jar.

When eating nuts every day, do not forget that it is better not to eat more than 10 of them, as they are high in calories. Then you will be able to feel the benefits of the fruits for yourself: after just a couple of weeks of regular use, the body’s functioning will improve and your health will return to normal. Take a couple of nuts for a snack at work or before training, they will instantly satisfy your hunger, and the feeling of fullness will remain for a long time.

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