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How to make a citation. Correct citation in the thesis for anti-plagiarism

Citing text is a necessary condition for any scientific work. A quotation - an exact, literal excerpt from any text - must be inextricably linked with the text and must serve as evidence or confirmation of the author’s points put forward.

There are the following rules for formatting citations:

The quotation must be given in quotation marks, exactly according to the text, with the same punctuation marks and in the same grammatical form as in the original source;

Omission of words, sentences, paragraphs when quoting is indicated by an ellipsis; Punctuation marks preceding omitted text are not preserved, for example:

"I I despise myself..." Pechorin admits;

If a quotation in a source ends with an ellipsis, a question mark or an exclamation mark, then after the quotation a dash is placed before the quoting words:

"I sometimes despise myself - Pechorin admits, “isn’t that why I despise others?..”;

It is not allowed to combine several passages taken from different places in one quotation; each such passage should be formatted as a separate quotation;

A quotation as an independent sentence (after a period ending the preceding sentence) must begin with a capital letter, even if the first word in the source begins with a lowercase letter, for example:

I.S. said this clearly. Nikitin. “...Not reading means for me not living...” writes the poet N.I. Vtorov;

A quotation included in the text after a subordinating conjunction ( what, for, if, because etc.), is enclosed in quotation marks and written with a lowercase letter, even if in the cited source it begins with a capital letter, for example:

S.I. Vavilov believed that “it is necessary to rid humanity by all means from reading bad, unnecessary books”;

A quotation placed after a colon begins with a lowercase letter if in the source the first word of the quotation began with a lowercase letter (in this case, an ellipsis must be placed before the quoted text), for example:

and with a capital letter, if in the source the first word of the quotation began with a capital letter (in this case, an ellipsis is not placed before the quoted text), for example:

F. Engels wrote about the Renaissance: “It was the greatest progressive revolution of all that humanity had experienced up to that time.”. ;

When a sentence ends with a quotation, and at the end of the quotation there is an ellipsis, a question mark or an exclamation mark, then no sign is placed after the quotation marks if the quotation is an independent sentence:

Lermontov’s hero asks himself: “And why did fate throw me into the peaceful circle of honest smugglers?” ;

or put the necessary sign if the quotation is not an independent sentence (included in the text of the author’s sentence), for example:

A.N. Sokolov writes: “Misunderstanding is the absence of unification”.

Or: A.N. Sokolov writes: “Misunderstanding is the absence of unification,” thereby trying to explain...;

If a word or phrase is quoted, it is placed in quotation marks and inserted into the outline of the sentence, for example:

Calling his hero a “prominent man,” Gogol emphasizes...;

If you want to convey someone’s thought in your own words (indirect quotation), you need to do this quite accurately, not forgetting to refer to the author; such a quotation, framed as indirect speech, is not enclosed in quotation marks, for example: According to the theory of symbolism, when depicting reality in poetry, only subtle hints and halftones can be used; in it (poetry) there should not be, according to P. Verlaine, no colors, nothing but nuances ;

After the closing quotation marks, a dash is placed if the context does not require separating the subsequent text with a comma, for example:

(the quotation is preceded by a subject and followed by a predicate), or the quotation ends with an ellipsis, exclamation point or question mark, for example:

When an editorial employee signed the answer to a reader’s question: “Are benefits maintained upon retirement?” - He apparently wasn’t concerned...

The main requirements for a quotation are its relevance, i.e. necessity dictated by justified substantive goals, and accuracy - its literal coincidence with the source: the general idea of ​​the quoted author must be conveyed without any distortion, which happens in the following cases:

When a quote is arbitrarily cut off, artificially adapting it to one’s own purposes;

When quoted words are taken out of context;

When thoughts on one subject are quoted as referring to another;

When quoted words are interspersed with retelling, changing the meaning or shades of meaning of the source.

According to the law of the Russian Federation “On Copyright and Related Rights,” citation in the original and in translation is allowed without the consent of the author and without payment of royalties, but with the obligatory indication of the name of the author whose work is used and the source of borrowing. If the quotation is given for research, polemical, critical and informational purposes, excerpts are taken from lawfully published works to the extent justified by the purpose of the quotation, including the reproduction of excerpts from newspaper and magazine articles in the form of press reviews (Article 19, paragraph 1).

Thus, each quotation must be accompanied by a reference to

Basic rules for formatting quotations:

The quotation must match the text of the work.

Punctuation marks in the quotation must be reproduced accurately. If you don’t have the text of the work at hand (university exam), then you should arrange the signs in accordance with the rules of punctuation.

If you do not quote all the words of a passage, then an ellipsis is placed where the words are missing. In this case, it is necessary to check whether the meaning of the quote is distorted.

Options for including a quote in the text of an essay can be different:

“I know only two real misfortunes in life: remorse and illness,” says Prince Andrei to Pierre.

“Prince Andrei tells Pierre that he knows in life “only two real misfortunes: remorse and illness.”

In this case, direct speech should be converted into indirect speech, and the quoted text should be written with a lowercase letter.

Punctuation in prose quotes coincides with punctuation in direct speech.

After a colon, a quotation that is not written from the beginning is preceded by an ellipsis, for example:

Raskolnikov himself tells Luzhin about his reasoning: “... bring to the consequences what you preached just now, and it will turn out that people can be slaughtered...”

Can't retell poetic text in his own words (Pushkin writes that he loves Peter’s creation).

Poetic text can be quoted in two ways:

1) Observing the graphic appearance of the stanza, for example:

“Wonderful picture...” A. Fet – winter landscape. This poem conveys the poet’s feelings caused by the contemplation of beautiful nature:

Wonderful picture
How dear you are to me:
White plain,
Full moon...

In this case, the text is given without quotation marks.

2) One or two lines can be quoted “in line”, for example:

“Wonderful painting” by A. Fet - winter landscape. This poem conveys the poet’s feelings caused by the contemplation of beautiful nature:

“Wonderful picture, // How dear you are to me...”

In this case, quotation marks are required.

If the work is about one author or one poetic work, after the quotation the name of the author and the title of the poem are not indicated. There is no need to indicate the name of the poet in the case when it precedes the quotation or is named after it, for example:

A. Fet writes:

Wonderful picture
How dear you are to me:
White plain,
Full moon...

If the works of different poets are quoted, the name of the author should be placed in parentheses after the quotation, for example:

Both poems depict a winter landscape:

Wonderful picture
How dear you are to me:
White plain,
Full moon...
(A. Fet)

The clouds are rushing
The clouds are swirling;
Invisible moon
The flying snow illuminates;
The sky is cloudy, the night is cloudy...
(A. Pushkin)

The same design rules apply if we're talking about about different poems by the same author. The titles of the verses are given below the quotation in parentheses and in quotation marks, for example:

Under blue skies
Magnificent carpets,
Glistening in the sun, the snow lies...
("Winter morning")

The clouds are rushing
the clouds are swirling;
Invisible moon
The flying snow illuminates;
The sky is cloudy, the night is cloudy...

The epigraph is written on the right side of the sheet without quotation marks. The author's surname and initials are not placed in brackets, and there is no period after them.

GOST R7.0.5 2008


Information standards system
library and publishing

Date of introduction – 2009–01–01

· quoting;

· borrowing provisions, formulas, tables, illustrations;

· the need to refer to another publication where the issue is more fully stated;

Section 6.1. Interlinear bibliographic reference - is drawn up as a note taken from the text of the document to the bottom of the page.

How to format notes

According to GOST 7.32-2001, notes are placed immediately after the text, figure or table to which they relate. If there is only one note, then after the word “Note” there is a dash and the text of the note appears. One note is not numbered. Several notes are numbered in order Arabic numerals without a dot.

Note – _____


1 ________________

2 ________________

3 ________________

Notes can be formatted as footnotes. The footnote sign is placed immediately after the word, number, symbol, sentence to which an explanation is given. The footnote sign is performed in superscript Arabic numerals with a parenthesis. It is allowed to use asterisks “*” instead of numbers. More than three stars are not allowed on a page. The footnote is placed at the end of the page with a paragraph indent, separated from the text by a short horizontal line to the left.

Rules for formatting references to literary sources

Depending on which method of constructing a bibliographic list is chosen, you should use one of two methods for formatting references in the text.
When using a numbered bibliography, the reference in the text is formatted as the source number in the list, enclosed in square brackets: .

When using an unnumbered list of references, the reference in the text is formatted as the author’s surname and, separated by a comma, the year of publication, enclosed in square brackets: [Weber, 1918]. If the work being referenced has more than two authors, then the surname of only the first author is indicated in square brackets, and instead of the surnames of the others, “ and etc." - in the case of a Russian-language source, and " et al.» – in the case of a literary source on English language: [Almond et al., 1995], . In the case where the list contains works by different authors with the same surnames, the surname with initials is given: [Petrov V., 2000]. If several works by the same author were published in one year, then lowercase letters are added to the link, corresponding to the order of the works in the bibliographic list: [Bolotova, 2007b].
Literary sources must be referenced in the text different situations: direct quotation, presentation of original thoughts without citing, citing not from the original source, listing authors who worked on a similar problem, citing a figure, diagram, table from another literary source (examples of links for different situations see Example 2.1).

Direct Quote

When directly quoting, a phrase or part of a phrase from some other source is given in the text. The quotation must be enclosed in quotation marks. After the quotation in the text, the following is indicated in square brackets:

• the author's surname, the year of publication of the cited work and, separated by a comma, the page number on which the quoted text is located in this source.

• In the case of a numbered bibliography: number of the source in the list of references and, separated by commas, the number of the page on which the quoted text is located in this source.

General rules citations

The text of the quotation is enclosed in quotation marks and is given in the grammatical form in which it is given in the source, preserving the peculiarities of the author’s writing.

Quoting must be complete, without arbitrary abbreviation of the quoted fragment and without distortion of the meaning. The omission of minor words that do not affect the meaning is indicated by an ellipsis.

If, when citing a quotation, it is necessary to highlight some words in it, important For Your his text, then after For such selection, you must indicate the initial letters of your first and last name: (my italics - I.F.), (underlined by me - I.F.), etc.

You should not overuse quotes. The optimal number of citations in the text is no more than two per page.

• Each the quotation must be accompanied by a link to the source from which it was borrowed.

Presentation of original thoughts without citation

In the case of retelling someone’s ideas, thoughts, concepts, but without direct quotation, it is also necessary to refer to the source in which these ideas, thoughts, concepts are presented. Retelling/presentation of ideas, thoughts, concepts is not enclosed in brackets. After the retelling/statement, the following is indicated in square brackets:

• In the case of an unnumbered bibliography: the name of the author, the year of publication of the work in which these ideas, thoughts, and concepts are presented.

source number in the list of references.

Quoting not from the original source

In the case where the original source is not available, but there is another source available that provides the necessary quotation, then this quotation can be cited in the text, citing the available source. The quotation is formatted in the same way as in the case of direct quotations, but after the quotation in the text it is indicated in square brackets:

• In the case of an unnumbered bibliography: At the beginning they quote the words: “ Quote By:"(quoted from), then the author's surname, the year of publication of the work from which the quotation is given, and separated by a comma - the page number on which the quoted text is located in this source.

• In the case of a numbered bibliography: At the beginning they quote the words: “ Quote By:"(quoted from), then the number of the source in the list of references from which the quote is given, and separated by a comma - the page number on which the quoted text is located in this source.

• In the case of an unnumbered bibliography: the names of the authors and the year of publication of their works in which their ideas are presented, separated by a semicolon.

• In the case of a numbered bibliography: numbers of their works in the list of references, separated by semicolons.

Bringing a picture, diagram, table from another source

In the case when the text contains figures, diagrams, tables from other literary sources, it is necessary to indicate where they were taken from. In this case, after indicating the name of the figure, diagram, table, the following is indicated in square brackets:

• In the case of an unnumbered bibliography: At the beginning they quote the words: “ Drive unit. By:"(given by), then the author's surname, the year of publication of the work from which the drawing, diagram, table was taken, and separated by a comma - the page number on which this drawing, diagram, table is placed in this source.

• In the case of a numbered bibliography: At the beginning they quote the words: “ Drive unit. By:"(given according to), then the number of the source in the list of references from which the figure, diagram, table was taken, and separated by a comma - the page number on which this figure, diagram, table is placed in this source.



Direct Quote

[Ryabinin, 2008, P. 175]

Presentation of original thoughts without citation

[Weber, 1918]

Quoting not from the original source

[Cit. from: 14, p. 236]

[Cit. from: Andreeva, 2008, P. 236]

[Kadirbaev, 1993; Krivushin, Ryabinin, 1998; Damier, 2000; Shcherbakov, 2001]

Citation of a drawing, diagram, table from another literary source

[Reference: 14, p. 236]

[According to: Andreeva, 2005, P. 236]

At everyone When mentioning the names of the authors of the works under discussion, their initials must be indicated. In this case, it is necessary to make a non-breaking space between the initials and the surname so that the initials and surname are always located on the same line. When referring to a work that has not yet been published in Russian, the first time the author’s surname is mentioned in the text after the Russian transcription, its original spelling is indicated in brackets. For example: J. Levine .
2. This section compiled in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008. System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Bibliographic link. General requirements and drafting rules. [Effective from 01/01/2009].

March 4, 2015

Quotes can decorate the text, confirming or revealing more widely the idea expressed by the author, therefore, they are probably willingly used both in journalism and in scientific works. But sometimes introducing a quotation into a text can cause difficulties in terms of punctuation.

In this article we will try to remember the rules for formatting quotes when in different ways including them in the text. Let us remember what punctuation marks need to be used in this case, as well as ways to highlight some words in the quoted passage.

What is a quotation: example

A quotation is a literal reproduction of what was said, while being inextricably linked in meaning with the text, where this passage turns on.

Old age is, first of all, experience accumulated throughout life. As the great Faina Ranevskaya once said: “Memories are the wealth of old age.”

Combining several passages from different parts of the work in one quotation is not allowed. They should be formatted as different quotations. An obligatory requirement is the presence of an indication of its source.

If the passage you quote does not begin at the beginning of the original sentence, then an ellipsis is placed there in the quotation. This sign is also placed in place of all missing words in the passage.

«… Clever man knows how to get out of a difficult situation, but a wise man never gets into it,” Ranevskaya emphasized.

As the author or source of the quoted passage is indicated

In this article we will not talk about how a bibliographic footnote is formatted, but we will discuss the ways in which the author or source of what is cited is indicated. Good manners require you to do this every time you use someone else's thoughts.

"U incompetent people there is a tendency to draw unambiguous and categorical conclusions” (David Dunning).

Please note that in this version there is no period after the quotation; it is placed only after the link! By the way, if the first word in brackets indicating the source is not a proper name, then it is written with a small letter.

“Incompetent people have a tendency to draw unambiguous and categorical conclusions” (from an article by psychologist David Dunning).

If the formatting of quotations in the text requires the name of the author or their source to be placed on another line, then they are written without parentheses or other punctuation marks. And after the quote itself there is a period or any necessary sign.

Incompetent people have a tendency to draw unambiguous and categorical conclusions.

David Dunning

The same rule applies to epigraphs.

Video on the topic

Highlights within quotes

If the passage cited as a quotation contains author’s emphases, they are preserved in the same form as in the original source. The design of citations does not require special emphasis on the fact that these marks belong to the author. In cases where the citing person wants to highlight something, he must make an appropriate footnote. To do this, indicate in brackets: “my italics” or “emphasized by me” - and put initials.

A. Startsev spoke about the writer O. Henry: “Endowed by nature with the rare gift of seeing the funny..., he encountered the tragic in life..., but in most cases I preferred to remain silent about it(my italics - I.I.).”

“The literary tradition that unites their names (Gogol and Ostrovsky - I.I.) is significant. After all, Ostrovsky was initially perceived as a direct successor of Gogol’s work...”

Ways in which quotations are put into context

Quotations can be introduced into a sentence as direct speech. In these cases, punctuation marks in Russian are placed in the same way as when highlighting direct speech.

I. Zakharov emphasizes: “Ranevskaya handed down cruel rulings to others that looked like court decisions. But she didn’t spare herself either.”

In cases where the quote must be separated by the words of the author, it looks like this:

“His Majesty remains completely confident,” wrote A.S. Pushkin A.Kh. Benkendorf, - that you will use your excellent abilities to pass on to posterity the glory of our Fatherland ... "

If the quotation is an addition, or it is part of a subordinate clause complex sentence, then no characters except quotation marks are placed, and the quote itself begins with a small letter, even if in the source it was written with a capital letter:

At one time, the philosopher J. Locke said that “there is nothing in the intellect that is not in feeling.”

Punctuation at the end of a quote

Separately, you need to consider the design of a quotation in a letter in situations where it is necessary to decide on the punctuation marks at the end of it - before and after the quotation marks.

  • If the quoted phrase ends with an ellipsis, question mark or exclamation mark, then they are placed before the quotation marks:

Katharine Hepburn exclaimed: “By obeying all the rules, you deprive yourself of many pleasures!”

  • And in a situation where there are no signs before the quotation marks in the quotation, a period is placed at the end of the sentence, but only after them:

Ranevskaya lamented: “85 years with diabetes is not sugar.”

  • If the quote is part subordinate clause, then a period should be placed after the quotation marks, even if there is already either an exclamation point or question mark or ellipsis:

Marlene Dietrich rightly believed that “tenderness is the best proof love than the most passionate vows..."

Is it lower case or capital letter at the beginning of a quotation?

If a quotation is placed after a colon, then you need to pay attention to what letter it began with in the original source. If it is with a lowercase letter, then the quote is written with a small letter, only an ellipsis is placed before the text:

Describing A.S. Pushkina, I.A. Goncharov emphasized: “...in the gestures accompanying his speech there was the restraint of a secular, well-bred man.”

If the quoted passage begins with a capital letter, then the quotations are formatted in the same way as in direct speech - with a capital letter after the colon.

V. Lakshin wrote about A.N. Ostrovsky: “Many things continue to sound in these plays with living joy and pain, echoing in our soul.”

Some more nuances of noting quotes

How to indicate a quotation if you only need to quote one word or phrase? In such cases, the given word is enclosed in quotation marks and introduced into the sentence with a small letter:

V. Lakshin emphasized that the faces in Ostrovsky’s comedies are historically accurate and “ethnographically vivid.”

In situations where the original source of the quotation is not freely available (there is no translation into Russian or this is a rare publication), then when quoting you should indicate: “cit. By".

Is it possible to change anything in the quoted passage?

Formatting quotations requires not only compliance with the rules of punctuation, but also a correct attitude towards the quoted text. On the part of the author of the article in which these passages are given, only a few deviations from their original state are allowed:

  • the use of modern spelling and punctuation, if the manner of writing and placement of characters is not a sign of the author’s individual style;
  • restoration of abbreviated words, but with mandatory conclusion the added part in square brackets, for example, sv-vo - property;
  • the design of quotations also allows for the omission of individual words in them, with the location of the omission indicated by an ellipsis, if this does not distort the general meaning of the quoted passage;
  • When including individual phrases or words, you can change their case so as not to disrupt the syntactic structure of the phrase in which they are included.

If the author needs to further express his attitude to the quoted passage or to some of its words, he, as a rule, places a question mark or exclamation mark enclosed in parentheses after them.

Not only punctuation marks in Russian should serve to convey a quote

For the writer of scientific or literary work author, a quotation is a convincing and economical technique that allows you to present facts to the reader, generalize them and, of course, confirm your idea with reference to authoritative sources.

In non-scientific texts, quotation is often a means emotional impact. But we must not forget that the passage quoted must be conveyed accurately. Indeed, even in the definition of the concept “quote” it is emphasized that this is a verbatim excerpt from a text. And from this it follows that not only the text itself, but also the punctuation marks that the author has, as well as the emphasis that he has, must be reproduced without distortion.

And this can equally be attributed to both official documents and emotional excerpts from fiction. Only by remembering this can you fully understand what a quote is. An example of respect for the quoted material is, first of all, respect for the author who wrote the lines you quote.

Using direct quotations in an essay is a great way to support your ideas with concrete evidence and bring your argument to life. However, if you want your essay to look professional, then you must know how to properly cite, regardless of whether you use MLA or APA style. And remember: if you use a quotation but do not credit the original author, it is considered plagiarism. In addition to the citations provided in the essay, you will have to provide a reference page at the end of your essay. If you want to learn how to insert citations into your essay, go to step 1 to get started.


Part 1

cite quotations using MLA style

According to the style of the MLA (Association modern languages), when using quotations in an essay, you must include the author's name and page number. If you are quoting verses, then you will have to reference the lines of the verses instead of page numbers. Unlike APA style, you will not have to indicate the year in which the citation was written in the body of your essay, although you will have to indicate it on the detailed reference page at the very end of the essay.

    Provide short quotes. According to MLA style, a short quotation is anything less than four printed lines of prose or three lines of poetry. If your citation meets these length requirements, then all you need to do is 1) enclose the citation in double quotes, 2) include the author's last name, and 3) include the page number. You can insert the author's name before the quotation or place it in parentheses after the quotation. You can just write the page number at the end without using "page" etc. to indicate the page.

    Give long quotations from prose. According to the MLA format, long quotations are anything longer than four printed lines of prose or three lines of poetry. If you come across one of them, you will have to write it out as a separate piece of text, without using quotation marks. You can insert a quotation into a text line by preceding it with a colon, indenting the quotation 2.5 cm to the left, while maintaining double spacing. You can end a quote by adding punctuation and then indicate the author's name and page number in parentheses after the quotation.

    • Here's an example of a paragraph containing a long block quote:
      • The novella "The Things They Carried" describes the things that the soldiers who fought in Vietnam carried in order to reveal their character and make the reader feel the weight of the burden they carried: Basically they carried things determined by necessity. Among the essential and almost essential items were P-38 can openers, pocket knives, solid fuel bombs, wrist watch, "dog tags", mosquito repellent, chewing gum, sweet cigarettes, salt tablets, packets of instant powder, lighters, matches, kits for repairing uniforms, cash allowance certificates, "C rations", and two or three flasks of water .(O'Brien, 2)
    • If you are quoting two or more paragraphs in length, you will have to use block quotations, even if each paragraph passage is less than four lines in length. You should add an extra half-centimeter of indentation on the first line of each paragraph. Use an ellipsis (...) at the end of each paragraph to link it to the next one.
  1. Give quotes from the poem. If you want to quote a poem or part of it, then you should stick to the original line format to convey the original meaning. Here's how you can do it:

    • Howard Nemerov describes his suffering from lost love in his poem "Shutters": A day full of lonely memories And dreams washed away by winter rain (An indescribable abyss that has settled in the mind!) He walks away through the open windows. (14-18)
  2. Add or skip words when quoting. This is also useful if you need to change the meaning of a quotation slightly to fit the context of the essay or when you want to leave out information that is not relevant to what you want to emphasize. Here are examples of how to insert citations into your essay in both cases:

    • Use square brackets ([ and ]) to “insert” your information - this will help readers when familiarizing themselves with the quotation:
      • Mary Hodge, twentieth-century realist writer, author short stories, once wrote, “Many women [who write stories] think they are inferior to novelists, but don’t think so” (88).
    • Use an ellipsis (...) to omit part of a quotation that is not relevant to the topic of your essay. Here's an example:
      • Smith believes that many students at Ivy League universities "think that being a teacher is not as prestigious...as being a banker" (90).
    • Many studies have found that MFA programs “are the single biggest force in helping aspiring writers get their work published” (Clark, Owen, and Camus 56).
  3. Give quotes from the Internet. Pasting quotes from the web is unreliable as you will not be able to find the page numbers. However, you should try to find as much information as possible: the author, year, or title of the essay or article. Here are two examples:

    • One film critic wrote on the Internet that Faith was one of the most disgraceful films made in Canada in the last decade" (Jenkins, "Shame on Canada!").
    • Wedding guru Rachel Seaton said in her famous blog that “Every woman is a capricious bride at heart” (2012, “Godzilla in a Tuxedo”).

    Part 2

    provide citations using APA style

    According to APA style(American Philological Association) When citing, you must include the author's name and page number just as you would in MLA format, but you will also have to include the year. In APA format you will also have to use "page." before page numbers when quoting.

    1. Provide short quotes. To give a short citation (less than 40 words) in APA format, you just have to make sure you include the author's last name, year, and page number (and "page" to indicate them). Here you will find a couple of examples in various ways do this:

      • According to McKinney (2012), “Yoga is best method stress relief for Americans over twenty” (p. 54).
      • McKinney found that “100 adults who did yoga at least three times a week had lower blood pressure, better sleep, and less dissatisfaction.”(2012, p.55).
      • She also said, “Yoga helps relieve stress much better than running or cycling” (McKinney, 2012, p.60).
    2. Give long quotes. In order to lead long quote in APA format, you will have to insert it into a separate piece of text. You should start the quotation on a new line, indenting 1.2 cm from the left edge, and then write the entire quotation, with the same indentation. If the quotation consists of several paragraphs, then you can insert the first line of another paragraph with an additional 1.2 cm of indentation from the new margin. When quoting, use double line spacing, writing the quote in parentheses after the last punctuation mark. The same rule applies to more short quotes– you will need to indicate the author, year and page somewhere at the beginning or in the body of the quotation. Here's an example:



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