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Crimean Tatar surnames starting with Khusnullin. Tatar surnames: list. Tatar writers: names and surnames. Tatar surnames. The meaning of Tatar surnames

Tatar surnames

A lot of interesting things can be told about the history of the origin of Tatar surnames, their origin and meaning, as well as the peculiarities of spelling. Initially, having a surname was an honorable prerogative of members of the nobility. Only in the twentieth century did all other Tatar clans receive this right. Until this moment, the Tatars placed clan-tribal relations at the forefront. The custom of knowing one’s family, one’s ancestors by name up to the seventh generation, was made a sacred duty and instilled from a young age.

The Tatars represent a very large ethnic group, distinguished by their rich and original culture. But historically conditioned assimilation with the Slavic people still left its mark. The result was the formation of a fairly large part of Tatar surnames, formed by adding Russian endings: “-ov”, “-ev”, “-in”. For example: Bashirov, Busaev, Yunusov, Yuldashev, Sharkhimullin, Abaidullin, Turgenev, Safin. According to statistics, Tatar surnames ending in “-ev”, “-ov” are three times larger than surnames ending in “-in”.

Traditionally, Tatar surnames are formed from the male names of paternal ancestors. The majority of Tatar surnames are formed on the basis of male personal names. Only a small proportion of surnames come from professions. For example, Urmancheev (forester), Arakcheev (vodka merchant) and others. This type of surname formation is common to many nationalities.

A distinctive national feature of the Tatars is the form of formation of Tatar names. Full version Tatar name, like many other nationalities, consists of a first name, patronymic and last name, but since ancient times it has been customary to add a gender prefix to the patronymic of Tatars: “uli” (son) or “kyzy” (daughter).

The peculiarities of Tatar surnames also include the custom of their writing. The Tatars have two variants of spelling surnames: official - with endings (Sayfutdinov, Sharifullin, Saitov) and “everyday”, most widely used without adding an ending, only the name is written (instead of the surname Tukaev, Tukai is written). This method, by the way, is characteristic of Tatar literature.

There are countless Tatar surnames
Each of them has a zest
If the last name makes sense, look for it
There are many nuances you can learn

This page of our website discusses Tatar surnames. We will learn about the history and origin of Tatar surnames, discuss their meanings and distribution.
Origin of Tatar surnames

Studying the ethnic composition of the population of Russia, one can notice that a significant part of the inhabitants of our country are Tatars. And this is no coincidence; the history of the Russian state has developed in such a way that at the moment representatives of many nations and nationalities live on its territory. And one of the most numerous ethnic groups are the Tatar peoples. And, despite the fact that for decades and centuries there has been a mixture of nations and nationalities, the Tatars were able to preserve their national language, their culture and traditions. Tatar surnames refer specifically to such national characteristics and traditions.

The origin of Tatar surnames goes back centuries, when, like other nations, the richest and most noble representatives of the Tatar family were the first to acquire surnames. And only by the 20th century the rest of the people Tatar origin got last names. Until this moment, that is, while there were no surnames, the kinship relations of the Tatars were determined by their tribal affiliation. WITH early years every representative of the Tatar people remembered the names of their paternal ancestors. At the same time, the generally accepted norm was to know your family up to seven generations.
Features of Tatar surnames

There is a significant difference between well-known Tatar surnames, given names and the complete formula for the formation of Tatar names. Turns out, complete formula Tatar naming consists of the first name, patronymic and surname. At the same time, patronymics among the ancient Tatars were formed from the naming of the father, to which “uly” (son) or “kyzy” (daughter) was added. Over time, these traditions in the formation of Tatar patronymics and surnames mixed with Russian traditions of word formation. As a result, at the moment it can be considered that the vast majority of Tatar surnames were formed as derivatives from the names of male ancestors. At the same time, to form a surname, Russian endings were added to the male name: “-ov”, “-ev”, “-in”. These are, for example, the following Tatar surnames: Bashirov, Busaev, Yunusov, Yuldashev, Sharkhimullin, Abaidullin, Turgenev, Safin. This list of Tatar surnames can be quite large, since it was male names that were the main source for the formation of Tatar surnames. If we talk about the meaning that these surnames have, then it is obvious that it will repeat the meaning of the naming from which a specific surname is derived.

According to statistical data, the number of Tatar surnames with endings “-ev”, “-ov” exceeds Tatar surnames with the ending “-in” by approximately three times.
Writing Tatar surnames

There are two spelling options for Tatar surnames. One of these options eliminates the added endings, using only the name itself (for example, instead of the surname Tukaev, Tukay is spelled). This option is widely used in Tatar literature, but is not official. In official documents and common practice in Russia, a variant of Tatar surnames with endings is used: Sayfutdinov, Sharifullin, Saitov, etc.
Other Tatar surnames

Also, the origin of some Tatar surnames was associated with professions. This type of surname exists among almost all nations, and Tatar surnames in this sense are no exception. Examples of surnames whose origin is associated with professions may include the following surnames: Urmancheev (forester), Arakcheev (vodka merchant) and others.

Elmara Mustafa, Crimean Tatar blogger and writer

They say the surname is living history people. It keeps its secrets and not only talks about the life of a certain family, but also reveals the path of an entire ethnic group. The Crimean Tatars' family names have long been famous for their originality. Nowadays, for some it is an unusual surname, for others it is the nickname of their grandfather.

About family surnames

Initially, the Crimean Tatars did not have surnames. Like most Turkic peoples, there was a division into large families and clans. This or that family was known by its ancestral affiliation. However, each of its representatives had to know the names of their paternal ancestors up to seven generations. The first surnames appeared among representatives of noble dynasties

The formation of clans on the peninsula took place at the end of the 13th century. - early 15th century It was they who determined the policy of the state during the Crimean Khanate. In subsequent centuries, the presence of a family name began to speak, first of all, about the nobility of the family, and only then about its position in society. For example, the Gerai clan was considered to rule. This dynasty dates back to Genghis Khan and his son Jochi. Its founder is considered to be a descendant of the branch of Tuka-Timur (13th son of Jochi), i.e. son of Gias-ed-Din - Hadji-Gerai. One of the side branches of this family was the Choban-Gerai.

The second in nobility was the Shirin clan, then Baryn and Argyn. The Kipchak clan, that is, Dert Karadzhi, played a significant role in determining Crimean politics and influencing the khan’s decision-making.

Another dynasty - Chelebi - traces its ancestry to famous and respected people who had the title of civil servant. These are, first of all, the descendants of spiritual persons - muftis, sheikhs, qadis, etc. From the Crimean Tatar “chelebi” is translated as “well-bred”, “lord”, “educated”. In addition, celebi is the title of the head of the Bektashi and Mevlevi dervishes.

The family name of the Cherekovs comes from the Kumyk prince Uzdesh Cheryk-bey. His descendants on the male side took the surname Uzdeshnikovs, and on the female side - Cherikovs. Nowadays they are known as the Chergeevs.

...and others

It is believed that many peoples who lived on the peninsula took part in the ethnogenesis of the Crimean Tatars. They played their role to one degree or another. For example: Tatar - Tatar, Ulanov - Alan, Gurji - Georgian, Urum - Greek, Cherkez - Circassian. The group of ethnonyms also includes the names of such clans as Dadoy, Chagan, Kangiev, Kataman, Kayko, Bedi, Churlu, Jetere, Kuba, Karamanov, Barash.

In the 20th century, surnames associated with the place of birth were very common. They are formed by adding the endings -ly, -li, -sky, -skaya to toponyms: Akchokrakly, Kermenchikli, Yashlavsky, Taiganskaya.

Surnames that denote old socio-political concepts are also unusual. Of these, the most popular are Murakhas - a member of the khan's divan (council), Kadyev - a Muslim judge, Ustabashi - a workshop foreman, Chaush - a bailiff, Sokhtaev - a madrasah student.

Often there are surnames that go back to nicknames or epithets that characterize features appearance or human behavior. For example, Chalbash is gray-headed, Sokurov is blind, Aksakov or Cholah is lame, Chalyk is fast, Yuvashev is quiet. Particularly interesting are the surnames that indicate the type of professional occupation: Kurkchi - spear maker, Sarach - saddler, Dyulger - carpenter, Demirdzhi - blacksmith, Penirdzhi - cheese maker, Kuyumdzhi - jeweler, Berber - barber.

In the last century, surnames that go back to personal names became especially common. For example, the Persian type, formed using the word "zade" - descendant. Sometimes the first component contains not a personal name, but a nickname: Shemy-zade, Choban-zade, Emir-zade, Latif-zade. There are also surnames with the suffix -ich, which is typical for Belarus, Poland and the western regions of Russia: Khalic, Kasich, Balich, Komic, Kasich. Today it is fashionable to use the Crimean Tatar type, which is only a personal name or a personal name and the word “oglu” (son) or “kyzy” (daughter): Khayali, Mambet, Nedim, Ibrish, Kurt-oglu, Aider-kyzy.

However, the most common at present is the Russian type. It is formed by adding the formants -ov (-ova), -ev (-eva) to the personal name. For example, Asanov, Khalilov, Velieva, Mustafaeva.

It is worth noting that the surnames of the inhabitants of the steppe part of the peninsula are slightly different from those on the South Coast and in the mountainous Crimea. Most likely, this is due to the ethnogenesis of the Crimean Tatars. Among the "steppe dwellers" there are more often complex surnames (Sheikhaliev, Fetislyamov, Bariev, Bekmambetov, Adzhyasanov, Seitjelilov, Kurtseitov), ​​and among the natives of the South Coast and the mountainous part they are distinguished by their brevity, sonority and are formed mainly from nicknames (Dagdzhi, Yurdam, Kuku, Irikh , Gutu, Sarah).

Owners of surnames willingly share the stories of their appearance. Thus, the wife of national movement veteran Yuri Osmanov, Aishe Dobro, wears maiden name, which was formed from a nickname received by my grandfather. "My grandfather, like his brothers, lived in Yalta, was very famous musician, played the violin. Three brothers worked part-time at a sanatorium and were familiar with the then famous Uzbek singer Tamara Khanum, Soviet politician Vyacheslav Molotov, who vacationed there. Grandfather was a very good and generous person. For this his Slavic friends nicknamed him “good man”, “good”. So this nickname became attached to our family and became a surname,” says Aishe Khanum. One of Osman Sotsky’s ancestors was a centurion in Gurzuf. This is where the surname came from.

And the head of the museum named after. Amet-Khan Sultana in Alupka Tefida Mukhterem received her surname from her grandfather, whose name was Mukhterem. “Later his first name became a surname. It comes from the Arabic word mukhtaram - “respected,” she explains.

The ancestors of Nariman Kokkoz were natives of the village of Uskut - now Privetnoye near Alushta. At that time, there was a belief: noble families had children born only with blue eyes. They were called kokkoz - blue-eyed. This is how this surname came about.

Najie Fukala, speaking about his rare surname, notes that “fuca” is translated from Italian as the height (top) of a mountain. The ending of the surname -la means belonging, in this case - living in a certain area, that is, Fuka + la - living on a hill. “This is a purely Uskut surname,” Nadzhiye clarifies.

Ablyaz Umer is the owner of the usual surname with which he is associated interesting case. “My surname was formed from the name Umer (emphasis on the second syllable - ed.). My grandfather was very rich and was included in the list of those being dispossessed. He should have been deprived of his property, but this did not happen. The soldiers, looking through the list where his surname was listed, thought, that he died and the “deceased” was not touched,” Ablyaz says with humor.

“The surname of our family used to be Haytas. My great-grandfather Ibrahim made cradles for newborn children,” says Leviza Beshikci. “In the early 1920s, one of his cradle - a beshik - was included in the annual exhibition in Paris. I really liked the wooden household product he made. "both the jury and the participants of the event. Great-grandfather took a prize. Since then, the surname Besikci, i.e. cradle-maker, has come into being."

Shefika Consul, a participant in the national movement of the Crimean Tatars, was Islyamova as a girl. She doesn’t know the origin of her husband’s surname, but she always recalls with emotion the curious incident associated with him: “One of high ranks, having read “Consul Mustafa” in the list of activists who were subject to search, in fear he kept asking: “Where is the consul? Don’t take anything from the consul, and if you took it, return it.”

Laureate of international and republican competitions, golden saxophone of Uzbekistan and Crimea Ruslan Chir-Chir is also the owner unusual surname. His grandmother prepared very tasty chebureks and generously shared them with people. While frying them in large quantities oil usually produced a characteristic squealing sound. This is where the surname Ruslana came from.

In turn, Emil Zmorka says that his family has no namesakes in Crimea - all its bearers have family ties. His ancestors came to the peninsula from Bessarabia. Two brothers with this surname arrived at the invitation of the khan to Sudak. The Zmorkas were masters in the manufacture of carriages, carts and structures for transporting heavy small arms. However, the family does not know what nationality the brothers were and what their names were.

When choosing a name for a child, parents think about the beauty of its sound and its semantic meaning. A name is the most pleasant sound to the human ear. Often the choice is dictated by religious and national motives.

Russia is a great state with many nations. During the Soviet era, Tatarstan was part of the state.

Being citizens of one country, people moved to the outback and created families with other nationalities.

Today it is difficult to imagine how intertwined the roots of Russian and Tatar residents are.

No one is surprised when hearing their names and surnames - the Tatars remain a fraternal people, many of our citizens have Tatar roots, or are indigenous representatives of the nation.

The distinctive features of this nation are their speech and their names. The speech of the Tatars is similar to the chirping of birds, it is soft and melodic.

The pronunciation is slightly consonant with the Mari dialect. Tatar folk names and surnames are beautiful in their sound and carry a semantic load.

Every state has popular surnames. Somewhere they are given to every child in an orphanage. In Russia it is Ivanov.

Russian Ivan is an already established stereotype, the image of a guy with a broad soul, not burdened with a sharp mind, but certainly smart. The surname was formed from the given name.

Other common Russian surnames:

  • Kuznetsov.
  • Smirnov.
  • Petrov.

Among Americans, such a stereotype is the surname Smith. The Tatars highlight a whole list of surnames that are more common among their people.

  • Abdulov.
  • Norbekov.
  • Chigarev.
  • Enaleev.
  • Akmanov.
  • Abubekyarov.
  • Basmanov.
  • Abashev.
  • Aliev.
  • Shalimov.

The surname Abdulov has been at the top of the list for more than one year. This is the most common Tatar surname.

List of beautiful male and female surnames with origin history

Popular surnames and their origins:

Surname Origin story
Abashev Originated in 1600. Means in translation: “uncle.” The bearers of the surname are noble people - doctors, teachers, pilots, military men
Abdulov Popular, translated: “servant of God.” Noble surname, the carriers were people of high rank
Bulgakov "Proud Man" The surname of the famous writer, legendary classic, is of Tatar origin. Originated in 1500
Norbekov The first Norbekovs appeared in 1560. Today it is a common surname
Golitsyn She is mistakenly considered Russian. She is Tatar, descended from the famous prince Mikhail Golitsyn
Davydov Belonged to people from the Golden Horde
Muratov Surname of Kazan nobles. Very popular today
Almazov "Won't touch you." From the clerk of Tsar Alexei. A nice and beautiful surname, consonant with the name Almaz. Origin has nothing to do with the gemstone
Seliverstov Beautiful, occurred during the Great Horde

Beautiful female and male names, as well as their meanings

Let's look at the list of beautiful Tatar names.


  • Adeline.
  • Azalea.
  • Aziza.
  • Asia.
  • Dana.
  • Dilyara.
  • Take it away.
  • Indira.
  • Karima.
  • Kamalia.
  • Latifa.
  • Laysan.
  • Nadira.
  • Glad.
  • Rumia.
  • Sabira.
  • Tulip.
  • Faiza.
  • Firaya.
  • Chulpan.
  • Elvira.
  • Emilia.
  • Yasir.


  • Alan.
  • Azamat.
  • Ainur.
  • Damir.
  • Dzhigan.
  • Zufar.
  • Ilgiz.
  • Ilshat.
  • Imar.
  • Marseilles.
  • Nazar.
  • Niyaz.
  • Ramil.
  • Rafail.
  • Rushan.
  • Said.
  • Talib.
  • Tahir.
  • Faiz.
  • Farid.
  • Chingiz.
  • Shakir.
  • Edgar.
  • Emil.
  • Justus.
  • Yamal.
  • Yakut.

By using these names you will give beauty to your children. A name is an important component of every person’s life.

Today, the state officially allows changing a name: a person just needs to write a corresponding application and choose a different name that will reflect his individuality.

If your name seems inappropriate, try changing it, check out the list above. Tatar names are very sonorous and pleasant to the ear.

List of Tatar composers and other famous people

The Tatars are an original and very strong-willed people. They are hard-working, stubborn, resourceful. They believe that this nation, akin to the Jews, knows how to make money. Tatars are rarely poor.

You are unlikely to meet Tatars among the homeless and beggars. The ability to make their own way is in their blood. There are many famous talented people among them.

List of famous Tatars:

  • Gabdulla Tukay is a great poet.
  • Marat Basharov - actor, presenter.
  • Musa Jalil - poet, politician of the USSR.
  • Actress, organizer of charity events, presenter - Chulpan Khamatova.
  • Mintimer Shaimiev is the first president of Tatarstan.
  • Rudolf Nureyev is a legend. The best dancer of all time, actor.
  • Renat Akchurin - academician, specialist in the field of vascular surgery.
  • Sergey Shakurov - popular Russian actor, more than eighty roles.
  • Finalist of "Star Factory" former soloist group "Factory" Sati Casanova.
  • Marat Safin is a legendary tennis player of our time.
  • Zemfira Ramazanova. People know her as Zemfira, a rock singer. She has been on the Russian stage since the early 2000s. Author and performer, musician. One of the best in Russian rock.
  • Dina Garipova is the winner of the “Voice” project, participant of the Eurovision contest. She has a unique voice, is hardworking and artistic.

There are many Tatars among cultural and political figures. In a multinational state there is no division into nations - Russia initially did not belong only to Russians.

Not all modern nationalists know about this. Each nation is a separate faction with its own mentality, its own morals and religion.

The mixing of nations produces the strongest offspring. Scientists have confirmed this more than once.

The Tatar nation has made its contribution to the history of the state; many of its representatives still live in Russia today, working for the good of the country.

Tatar names are heard everywhere. When choosing a name for your child, pay attention to the lists above.

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Tatar surnames. The meaning of Tatar surnames

DURASOVS. Nobles from the 17th century, estate in Arzamas district. From Kirinbey Ilyich Durasov, who switched to Russian service in 1545 from the Kazan Tatars. The name Kirinbey comes from the Tatar nickname kyryn bey “devious, outlying gentleman,” and Durasov, perhaps, from the Arab-Turkic durr, durr “pearl, pearl.”

DUNILOVS. A noble family from Dunila from the Tatars. In the middle of the 15th century, Peter Eremeev Dunilo - Bakhmetyev was noted, which - along with evidence of the relationship of the Dunilovs with the Bakhmetyevs - once again confirms their Turkic origin.

DULOV. From Murza Dulo, who came from the Horde to Prince Ivan Danilovich Shakhovsky in the middle of the 15th century. The surname may be from the Old Bulgarian "Dulo" - one of the two royal Bulgarian families.

DUVANOVS. Nobles in the Ryazan lands since the 16th century. From Duvan, who emerged from the Great Horde in the 15th century to the Ryazan princes. The surname is from the Turkic nickname duvan "Maidan" open place, a Cossack gathering to divide the spoils." Related to the Temiryazovs and Turmashevs (see).

DOLGOVO - SABUROVS. The OGDR reports: “The Dolgov-Saburov family comes from Atun Murza Andanovich, who went to the noble Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky from the Great Horde, who was named Boris at baptism and was a boyar under the Grand Duke. This Boris had a great-grandson Fyodor Matveevich Sabur, whose descendants are Dolgovo - Saburovs." The Turkic-Horde origin of the family is evidenced by the surnames and names coming from the nicknames: Atun - from the ancient Turkic aidun “light, radiance”; Andan - from the Turkic-Persian andamli "slender"; Sabur ~ Sabyr - from the Arabic-Muslim sabur “long-suffering”, one of the epithets of Allah. In 1538, the city clerk Dolgovo-Saburov Ivan Shemyaka was mentioned in Yaroslavl. Judging by the "" names and time of departure, the Dolgovo-Saburovs may have been refugees from the Bulgars during the Mongol invasion.

POWERS. From the State of Alexei, the son of Dmitry Narbek, the son of Murza Abrahim - Ibrahim, who came out of the Great Horde to serve the Grand Duke Vasily Vasilyevich, the relationship of the Derzhavins with the Narbekovs and Tyeglevs is also noted. The year 1481 marks the trading man Derzhavin Filya. The descendants include the great Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin, born in 1743 near Kazan.

GRANDFATHERS. From Kurbat Dedyulin, a service man noted in Kazan in 1566. Most likely, he is a native of Kazan with the same surname based on his grandfather’s nickname.

DEDENEVS. From. Duden, who with Thermos and relatives of Sergei of Radonezh moved in 1330 to the Moscow Principality. In the 15th century, Duden’s descendants had the princely title and in late XVI centuries already bore the surname Dedenev. The Turkic origin is confirmed by the prevalence of this name among the Horde - see: Duden - Horde ambassador to Moscow in 1292. The Dudenevs received nobility in 1624, the surname from the ancient Turkic grandfather "father".

DEVLEGAROVS. From Devlegarov Mamkey, a service Tatar, a village of service Tatars in the middle of the 16th century, ambassador to Nogai in 1560. Judging by the surname common among the Mishar Tatars, the Devlegarov family is of Mishar origin. The surname is from a nickname consisting of two parts: Persian-Muslim. devlet "happiness", "wealth" and the Persian-Turkic girey "strong", "mighty".

DASHKOVS. 2 families: 1) from Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Dashko of Smolensk at the beginning of the 15th century came the Dashkov princes, small landowners. In 1560, Prince Andrei Dmitrievich Dashkov described Kostroma; 2) - from Murza Dashek from the Horde and his son Mikhail Alekseevich, who left the Horde to Grand Duke Vasily Ivanovich at the turn of the 14th - 15th centuries. . Dashek, who took the name Daniel in baptism, died in Moscow in 1408, leaving a son, Mikhail, nicknamed Ziyalo. From this family came the Dashkov nobles. The nickname “Dashek,” according to N.A. Baskakov, is of Turkic-Oguz origin from dashyk “arrogant,” but it may also come from tashak, tashakly “courageous.” The nickname Ziyalo comes from the Persian-Turkic “radiance of Ali”. From both families, but mainly from the second, came nobles who actively participated in all the aggressive campaigns of Rus' against Kazan, the Baltic states in the 16th - 17th centuries, governors in many cities, ambassadors and diplomats, scientists, including the first and only female president Russian Academy Science Ekaterina Dashkova.

DAVIDOVS. The family of Davyd, the son of Murza Minchak Kasaevich, who came from the Golden Horde to Grand Duke Vasily Dmitrievich and took the name Simeon at baptism. Since 1500 they already had estates, including in the 17th - 20th centuries. in Nizhny Novgorod and Simbirsk provinces. Related to the Uvarovs, Zlobins, and Orinkins. Last name and first name Davyd -Davud ~ Daoud is an Arabized and Turkicized form of the Hebrew name David, which means “beloved, loving.” The descendants include warriors, Decembrists, diplomats, academics, etc.

Ilyas Yashlavsky (from the personal archive of Andrey Yashlavsky)


The notes “My Memories of Crimea” were written by a man who lived a long and difficult life. There is no doubt that they will be of some interest to the reader in matters of history, life and everyday life Crimean Tatars. The notes are written in any form. May the reader forgive me if there are some inaccuracies in the events described. The memoirs of I. Shirinsky were written at my request and I am sincerely grateful to him for his work.

Ilyas Yashlavsky, November 1990, Batumi.

Born on February 25, 1901 in the village of Ishun, Feodosia district, Crimea. The Shirinsky family is one of the seven feudal families of the Crimean Khanate, mentioned back in the 14th century. (See, for example: Yakobson A.L. “Crimea in the Middle Ages.” - M.: Nauka, 1973) Islyam Shirinsky, after the revolution he studied at a pedagogical college, then taught in Bakhchisarai and Simferopol. In the 30s he left Crimea, studied at the Pedagogical Institute in Stalingrad and at the University of Baku. For more than forty years he taught history, geography, Russian language, drawing and singing in Azerbaijani schools. For fruitful work he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, the Badge of Honor and medals. Currently, the pensioner lives in the city of Ganja, Republic of Azerbaijan.

Ilyas Yashlavsky, 1991

P.S. Several years ago, a message came from Ganja about the death of Islyam Kadyrovich.
Andrey Yashlavsky, 1999

In the book "Tavrida" (probably referring to the book: Medvedeva I. Russian Taurida. - M., 1946 - I.Ya.) it is said that after the annexation of Crimea to Russia in 1783, the population of Crimea was 4 million. Half were evacuated to Romania and Turkey.

At that time, Mengli-Girey Shirinsky was appointed governor of the Feodosia district. Mengli-Girey was already very rich; Catherine II gave him huge lands, even more than he had.

That is why in the Feodosia district only the Shirinskys were landowners.

For example:

1. Karasubazar (now Belogorsk)- Shirinsky Borbatyr Murza
2. Karasubazar city- Shirinsky Selyamet Murza
3. village Oruskoja- Shirinsky Abdulla Murza
4. Koktash- Shirinsky Suleiman Murza
5. Ortalan- Shirinsky Murtaza Murza
6. Murzaka- Shirinsky [??? - nrzb.] Murza
7. Tobensaray- Shirinsky Dzhemal Murza
8. New Yishun- Shirinsky Khdyr Murza
9. Akhchora- Shirinsky Ali Murza
10. Kelechi farm- Shirinsky Emin Murza
11. village Mullakoy- Shirinsky Abduraman
12. Mullakoy- Shirinsky Islam Girey Murza
13. Kelechi- Shirinsky Mustafa Murza
14. Aji Besher- Shirinsky Adzhi Murat Murza
15. Aji Besher- Shirinsky Alit Murza
16. Celebiler- Shirinsky Ablyaz Murza
17. Celebiler- Shirinsky Amet Murza
18. Gojanchu- Shirinsky Omer Murza
19. Antai- Shirinsky Omer Murza
20. Antai- Shirinsky Ismail Murza
21. Tatlydair- Shirinsky Murat Murza
22. Kerch- Shirinsky Osmai Murza
23. village Koktash- Shirinsky Selyamet Murza
24. village Koktash- Shirinsky Islam Murza

Surnames Crimean Murzas come mainly from the name of the village where they live, for example:

village name - Shiryn- Shirinly, "sky" added at the end - Shirinsky)
Argyn- Arginly
Yashlav- Yashlavly
Kipchak- Kipchakly
Mansour- Mansurly, etc.

After the annexation of Crimea to Russia (1783), the suffix began to be added to the surnames of the Murzas "sky"- this is already a phenomenon of the Russian state.

Clever English landlords did this: if a father has three sons, land holdings are transferred to the eldest son, and the father buys two sons: one a factory, and the other a ship - go across the seas and oceans - trade. This is what smart people do. A landlord's possessions are indivisible.


My paternal grandmother was very rich (also from the Shirinsky family), her brother Memet Murza was married to the daughter of some Polish general (he was a Polish Tatar).

For the first 2-3 years they lived very friendly, and then Memet began to play pranks. In the evening he ordered the coachman to harness the landau carriage to three horses, and went to the nearest town, where he played cards, messed with beautiful girls, and, of course, not without drinking.

This behavior of Memet Murza became unbearable for his wife, and she decided to end this music.

Memet always had the habit of drinking yazma (diluted in cold water yogurt) or good katyk (sour milk - yogurt).

Then they used copper utensils; Memet Murza's wife ordered the servants to ferment milk in rusty utensils.

In the morning, Memet demanded another portion of katyk, ate greedily and, having poisoned himself, died.

They had no children. Memet's wife sold her land to a German and left for Poland. So many of the land holdings of the Shirinskys disappeared, now the German Sarah (a special kind of German) ruled these lands.


Oak forests stretch from the city of Karasubazar to Old Crimea and Koktebel. Located at the very border of the forest beautiful house Murtaza Murza Shirinsky. This house was built by the craftsmen who built the Khansaray (Khans' Palace), only on a small scale. Back in tsarist times, Murtaza’s father and a Russian man minted money in this quiet corner far from the cities, and when their criminal case was discovered, they fled to Turkey through Feodosia.

The only son Murtaza remained at home; he was very handsome in appearance. Some time has passed since the disappearance of the criminal father, he meets with a very attractive, beautiful girl, and they start love story. The fire of love, the further, the more it flares up, when it comes to the union of lovers, the girl’s father turns out to be a priest, and he categorically forbids his daughter to marry a Muslim. Murtaza is eager to do anything. He even agrees to accept Orthodox faith. Having accepted faith, Murtaza becomes Mikhail Shirinsky. The priest receives many different values ​​for this and performs a good deed before God...

The lovers got married and began to live and live in a richly furnished palace.

The entire galaxy of Shirinskys and the Tatar villages surrounding this area saw in the person of Murtaza Murza the worst criminal who had desecrated the Muslim religion, and decided to destroy the lovers. I personally visited Murtaza’s house (before his marriage) and was amazed by the beauty of the 2-story building, the furniture that filled all the rooms - this was the second Khansaray.

Well, what can I say, father and son became criminals. DONME is a traitor.

Dialectics dictates: nothing is permanent in the world, everything moves - Earth- our planet revolves around the Sun in 23 minutes, and the Sun is several million times larger than our planet. The events I described took place in 1913-1915.

Death took away Mikhail's wife, and the whole society turned away from him, and he was left with only one option - to disappear. He disappeared. Some say that he went to Switzerland, others to England.

After the death of his wife, Mikhail built a mausoleum and placed his wife in a glass coffin.

The Shirinskys, who lived in Feodosia district, despite the fact that they lived richly, were all illiterate, did not read newspapers and magazines, did not leave the estate, did not travel to other countries, and even rarely visited nearby cities.

Such a patriarchal life is inherent in all Shirinskys; only 5% of them still strived for enlightenment.

One of the sons of Suleiman Murza, Abbas Shirinsky, was an active member of the SDLP, and the other son was a land surveyor, Islyam Shirinsky graduated from high school and worked as an official in Simferopol.

The daughters of Kerch Osman Murza studied in St. Petersburg and graduated from the Institute of Noble Maidens.

Ablyaz Shirinsky from the village of Chelyabiler studied at the gymnasium.

Among the Shirinskys, one group was purely religious, while the other led a riotous lifestyle: they played cards, drank, etc.

They dressed simply, in old-fashioned dresses, and had little knowledge of education and culture. In the fall, after the harvest, the Shirinskys went to visit each other for a week.

Departure on a phaeton, the head of the family, father, mother and two children are sitting, on the second cart there is one servant and the rest of the children, on the third cart there are several suitcases, servants and children's potties.

From the age of 14-15, everyone smoked and there was no talk that smoking was harmful.

Usually, a hearty meal is prepared for guests. Every day they slaughter a sheep, several chickens and turkeys, and drink a lot of coffee.

At that time, coffee took a lot of time among the Tatar population. Guests have arrived - serve coffee, a holiday - coffee, for joy - coffee, a headache - coffee, if you are angry - coffee. Tea was almost never consumed.


Usually, the girl and the groom do not know each other. The issue of marriage is decided by the parents of both parties.

The husband enjoyed great rights in the house. He had the right to beat his wife. They beat him with a whip, the wife, unable to bear her husband’s beating, ran away to her father’s house, but the next day the father offended daughter I took him home to my husband and said: “This is your husband, and this is your home, don’t come to me anymore.”

For this reason, there were probably few divorces between husband and wife.


In the village the mullah - right hand landowner. There is no village without a mullah, a mullah is needed:
1. At weddings and weddings.
2. Husband and wife got into a fight.
3. The guests have arrived - the mullah should sit in a place of honor.
4. Funeral and commemoration - again the mullah.
5. A child was born, etc.
Such a necessity was the mullah in all Tatar villages.

TOY (wedding)

Toy in the village is a major event. That lasts three days and three nights.

A ceremonial visit to the landowner's house is held with an invitation to the wedding. Three young women (young women) walk in a row, average woman on his head he carries a large tray (in Tatar - SINI) filled with sweets and fruits. The musicians follow them, the girls walking on the sides dance, and so they approach the landowner’s house and invite them to the wedding celebration.

The landowner and his wife reward those who come with an invitation to the wedding with money.

The bride sits behind a screen with her close friends, and the rest of the young girls, leaning closely against each other, sit on the floor, many of them smoke, musicians play and in this close company the girls still manage to dance.

The guests are divided into houses like this: middle-aged women in one house, old women in another, men also share, musicians take turns going to their houses to play.

After midnight, old people go to bed, after a hearty meal. Young people drink until the morning. It should be noted that not a single Tatar wedding takes place without a scandal and a fight - this is a big sign of lack of culture.

Now these vodka-drinking youth are having fun, but they are housed in a clean stable. Nobody wants these brawlers to break windows and doors in the house.

The musicians are entirely at the disposal of the drinkers until the morning. In this barn (aran) sits a kart-agasy (old uncle), an uncle with strong fists, in a place of honor, and on his sides sit on-bek ("he" - right) and on the other side sol-bek ("sol" - left), their duty is to maintain order.

The strong sound of the zurna and the blows of the big drum with the chokmar make the light of the light bulb on the ceiling “dance.”

In ordinary times in villages, Tatars do not drink vodka, even in holidays drinking vodka is a sin...

MENI AVAM CHAL! (in Tatar: “play my melody”). The fight starts with nothing. Two young guys, 20-21 years old, want to show miracles, order the musicians to play some melody for them on the zurna. The guys “under the influence” begin to make a fuss, telling the musicians: “Why don’t you fulfill my order and play not my melody, but another one?” This is the beginning of a squabble, but it ends in a fight. Then the leader of the feast, the cart-agas, and his two assistants take the fighters to another section of the barn and beat them as much as necessary, and then send them home to sleep.

This is how a wedding for young people ends with bloodshed.

And in the morning, the beaten people go out onto the street without any shame with their heads tied. Young people behave this way at all weddings, considering such behavior to be courage and heroism.

Shame and shame!


The mullah and two witnesses go to the room of the bride, who is sitting behind a screen with her friends. Mullah enters this room with witnesses, having read a short prayer, addresses the bride: “By the will of God, by order of Mugammed Aleysyalam, your parents are giving you in marriage to Asan’s son Ibrahim, do you want to be Ibrahim’s wife?

The mullah repeats these words three times, the third time the girl quietly says - raziman (I agree). The mullah then addresses the witnesses - did you hear? They heard, they heard the witnesses speak, and then they left.

All the girls sitting there are crying bitterly, as they say goodbye to their childhood friend.

And now it's history again. The names of the Murzas who received land holdings and nobility (after the annexation of Crimea to Russia, under Catherine II in 1783). The USA was also formed in 1783.

1. Cantacouseles- a native of the Caucasus;
2. Prisoners- a native of the Caucasus;
3. Kakshai- a native of the Caucasus;
4. Bulatukovs- a native of the Caucasus;
5. Bulgakovs- not known;
6. Dzhanklych- not known
7. Dzhaminsky- not known;
8. Moinaksky- not known;
9. Kuntugansky- not known;
10. Karamanov- from Turkey;
11. Taigansky- by the name of the village;
12. Krymtaev- not known;
13. Kaytazov- not known;
14. Konkalov- from the Caucasus;
15. Bosnyakovs- from Yugoslavia (Slavs);
16. Markitsky- not known;
17. Benarslanov- not known;
18. Divanov- not known;
19. Emirs- not known;
20. Edilersky- not known;
21. Gasprinsky- from Gaspra;
22. Edyge(Adigey) - from the Caucasus;
23. Idrisovs- from the Caucasus;
24. Ulanovs- not known;
25. Nogaev- not known;
26. Airchinsky- village Aircha;
27. Muftizadeh- not known;
28. Murzachinsky- not known.

Surnames known in Crimea before joining Russia (according to the book "Russian Taurida"):
1. Shirinsky- by the name of the village. Shyryn
2. Arginsky- village Argin;
3. Yashlavsky- village Yashlav;
4. Kipchak- village Kipchak;
5. Mansursky- not known;
6. Altuisadak- Shatsky.

How did some Murzas live? Here is an example, Karamanov Adil Omerovich, his possessions and village were called Kudyar. Adil Murza father has one son. A tall, broad-shouldered man with a large hooked nose has been spoiled since childhood.

His father is one of the rich landowners (Murz) in the Simferopol region. This surname is of Turkish origin. Adil did not know what labor meant; his farm was managed by Abbas Murza Dzhanklych.

In Adil Murza’s room there were 4 wardrobes filled with his clothes. He changed suits three or four times a day.

What was this man doing? Every day he went to Simferopol, his comrades, just like him, gathered in a hotel room and they, slackers, played cards all night, drank and messed with women. If it was raining or bad weather outside, Adil Murza would go to the chief of the railroad. dor. station, paid him money, and he attached one carriage to the locomotive, and he was not late for the hotel room, where the same slackers like him were waiting for him.

Adil once met the wife of a prosecutor in Simferopol. He seduced the prosecutor's wife not so much with her beauty or intelligence, but with precious gifts. The rapprochement with the prosecutor's wife deepened the further, and they met more and more often. The prosecutor called on Adil Murza to show decency, but to no avail. Adil started a scandal with the prosecutor and did not care about him; during the argument, he grabbed a pistol from his belt and wounded the prosecutor. After that, a big deal just started.

This case had to be sorted out in Kharkov; Adil Murza spent crazy amounts of money to save his skin.

After much trouble, the doctors prescribed him a diagnosis of a nervous person; of course, the court acquitted him of being “crazy.” But how much money and worry his stupid idea cost him.

But he didn’t live in Turkey for long either. He came to Sukhumi and became the director of a state farm, married his sister-in-law Zuleika (the middle daughter of Kerch Osman Murza). In short, he was escorted from Sukhumi to Solovki, where he stayed for about 10 years.

In 1930-31 there were many Tatars in Stalingrad, both my father and his family and me. I studied at a pedagogical college. Then I saw Adil Murza; for a year or two he had been selling rolls at the market. When certification was announced, and he did not have a certificate, he was asked to leave the city, and he was forced to move to Ganja (Az. SSR), here he got a job as an accountant at a cannery. He was dressed in a simple cotton shirt and paper pants and wore them for 2 months. When I went to the bathhouse, I bought new, same shirts and pants. After the bath, he left his old clothes and put on new ones. A couple of years later he disappeared, no one knows where he went.

While Adil was still working at a cannery, his daughter came to him from Grozny. She is a doctor, married to a Russian. Adil Murza my own daughter I met her very coldly and after 2 days sent my daughter back to Grozny. It is not known how to explain this attitude towards his own daughter.

There lived three Kipchak brothers: Mustafa, Fazil and Selyamet, they were very rich. The villages of Tobankoy had beautiful houses.

Mustafa Kipchaksky married the daughter of Adil Karamanov, already under Soviet power, and worked as chairman of the Simferopol State Bank. Very solid and cultured person, his daughter Safiye now lives in Baku and holds a high position in the ministry. Safiye was a WWII participant, was a nurse at the front, her husband is Azerbaijani.


Muftizade Saida Khani was already an elderly and very courageous woman. All Crimean Tatars knew her. The husband is a retired general (from the Polish Tatars). Saide Hani had a direct relationship with the wife of Nicholas II.

During the first imperialist war, she carried trainloads of gifts and even pasties to the Crimean regiment at the front. Her son Selim, being an officer of the Crimean regiment, was married to the daughter of Mustafa Murza Kipchaksky. Mustafa Hatice's daughter was beautiful. At the beginning, the father did not want to marry his daughter to Salim the officer, but the powerful and rich wife of the general achieved her goal and they got married.

Saide Hani said: “Bir gul kopardyn, amma, tegeneklery kolumu kantshli” ( I cut one flower, but its thorns hurt my hands).

Saide Hani's son had a mistress, Tatyana. He spent more time with her than with his beautiful wife, Kipchaksky's daughter Hatice. Saide Hani warned her son Selim many times about the improper behavior of her married son, but the son did not pay attention to it.

There was a cafe for officers on Pushkinskaya Street in Simferopol. One fine day, the mother stocked up on a good whip, got into her car and ordered the driver to go to the officer’s cafe. In a cafe, Selim was sitting at the table with his mistress. Without any warning, the mother began to beat her son and his mistress Tatyana with a whip. Selim did not expect such an act from his mother and, out of shame, did not know where to go, but managed to run out into the street with his mistress. But still, Selim did not abandon Tatyana, and his wife Hatice returned to her father’s house. Afterwards, Selim went abroad, his father, the general, died, and his mother, after the advent of Soviet power, hid in the house of her devoted friend in the village of Bitak, and died there.

It is very characteristic that all the Tatar nobles living in the Alma Valley - in the villages of Azek, Bieli, Cherkezli, Khanyshkoy, Almatarkantak were not rich, were engaged in agriculture, lived in small huts as ordinary peasants. Nobles of the following families lived there: Dzhanklych, Kaytazov, Dzhaminsky, Yashlavsky.

As far as I know, none of the Yashlavskys had heirs, and therefore before their death they made the following will: “I have 1000 acres of fertile land, and I inherit like this: the one who is the eldest in the family, by age, will be the owner of this land.” . Of course, this was before Soviet power.

In the village of Bieli lived by the name of Yashlavsky Adzhi Memet Murza, the eldest in age, and so, old Yashlavsky, he was lucky enough to receive income from these lands for two years. Having received Adzhi Murza's inheritance, he immediately bought a phaeton, hired a coachman and bought good horses.

After the revolution, the heritage disappeared like fog. This heritage was called beylik.

Among these families, like Dzhanklych, Dzhaminsky, Kaitazov and other rich landowners, I don’t know, they were like ordinary peasants of the village and also worked like all the village residents. The Bulgakovs were richer. They had possessions in the Bakhchisarai region and in the village of Kok-koz. The children received an education.


In 1920-21, during the instability of the authorities, we moved from the Feodosia district to the Bakhchisaray district.

Our garden was located between the villages of Gulyumbey and Chotkara. On one side of the garden lived the Greek brothers Koleinikovs, on the other two Russian families. Among the Greeks there was a 90-year-old old man, Misha-akai, he spoke Tatar fluently, and he told me: “We won’t live in this house where we settled for more than five years, so it was with everyone who lived before you, they listed everyone who lived before us. "

They were all forced to sell their garden and house and move somewhere else.

This garden was famous for its fruits, the Kacha River flowed through the garden, it was a wonderful place. But, the words of the old Greek came true, the house of 12 rooms burned down at night in the fifth year of our life.

There was no one to call for help, by the morning the house burned down, not all the things were saved, and the part that was saved was wasted by the people who came to help to their homes. Misha-akai (uncle) tells me that this house we moved into used to be a mosque and one “kafir” - a general made a house out of this mosque, and leveled the cemetery and laid out a garden - that’s why such miracles happen here.

After the fire, we lived in the two remaining rooms until we urgently asked to vacate these rooms as well.

My parents moved to Simferopol, where they rented a small house, like a chicken coop. I went to teach, first in the village of Belbek, and then at a school at the Bakhchisarai station.


The population of Bakhchisarai was 90% Tatars, the religion was Muslim. In 33 mosques, three times a day the mullah pronounced EZAN - calls to prayer. The clergy was a strong support of the Khanate. There were 32 khans here. The palace of the khans consists of a two-story house, next to it is a harem, where young girls languished, guarded by eunuchs, and then a bathhouse and a falcon bath. Of the khans, Adil Gireikhan had a great grudge against the Shirinskys, so he began to execute them and, therefore, many of the Shirinskys left for Turkey and from there returned to Crimea only after his death.

Empress Catherine II invited the Crimean Khan Shani Giray to St. Petersburg. Shani Giray accepted the invitation. He really liked everything in St. Petersburg, especially the European-style buildings. Only the khan complained that the clergy would not allow Crimea to make any reform to the detriment of the Muslim religion.

Catherine II promised to help the khan in this matter in the event of an uprising of the clergy and people. She told the khan if anything happened, she would send Russian army, they will quickly suppress the rebels.

Catherine II married Shani Giray to the princess, the grandmother of the writer Lermontov, she had large land holdings, the place is called Tarkhan (in Tatar - “letter”). So there is Tatar blood in the poet’s blood.

Catherine II achieved her goal: with the help of troops, the uprising was suppressed, Russian troops occupied Crimea. This ended the existence of the Crimean Khanate. Shani Giray himself fled to St. Petersburg.

This is how Shani (“falcon”) Girey fell into the mousetrap. To atone for his sins before God, he decided to go to worship in Mecca, but when he was traveling through Romania, the Tatars who had moved there caught him and hanged him.


There are a lot of interpretations about the origin of the word “Crimea”. My own opinion on this issue: in Tatar “mountain” is “Bair”, or you can say: “KYR” or “DAG”.

In ancient times, there were desperate people who, with small armed detachments, waged wars of conquest (seizure of small territories). For example, a detachment occupied some mountainous terrain, and the detachment commander said: "We'll change Crimea!"(“This is my hill, the mountain”) (well, maybe there’s something in that. - I.Ya.)


Written after the annexation of Crimea to Russia.

Another old song.

In 1456, when Kazan was taken by the Russians, Tsar Ivan the Terrible invited the Tatars to accept Christianity; whoever refused, his head was cut off, and a pyramid was made from the heads, so among the Kazan Tatars baptized people appeared, they have a Tatar surname, and their first and patronymic names are Russian.

Word formation is also interesting. For example, Crimean Tatars say “OGLAN”, and Kazan Tatars say “ULYAN”. Is it not from this word that the surname Ulyanov came from?

Ural- in Tatar - belt, sash Baikal- "Bai Gel" Tsaritsyn- "saru su" (yellow water) Saratov- "saru tav" (yellow mountain) Chelyabinsk- from the word "Chelyabi" Horse- from the word lashe Money- from the word "tinke" Hooray- from the word "ur" ("strike") and much more...


Karaites - small people, they speak Tatar with minor modifications. The religion is Jewish-like, but they consider themselves far from the Jews. Basically, they are rich people, their surnames are: Chuin (cast iron), Turshu (pickling), Sariban, etc. Many rich Karaites do not marry; they die old bachelors. They live in their dachas in the summer, and in the winter they move to their houses in the city and engage in trade.

A large river flows through Karasubazar - the Chai Uzen River - with crystal clean water. Not far from the river there is a small village of Azamat. Not far from this village, in an area called Karagach, lived a rich Karaite with his wife and daughter. He owned a beautiful garden and house, and loved floriculture.

He needed a person to take care of the flowers. Such a person turned out to be a young, slender and handsome Tatar from the village of Azamat-Alim. Alim diligently carried out his duties in caring for the flowers. The owner had a young and beautiful daughter, Sarah. Every day in the evening she went out to the garden and watched the work of the gardener Alim. At first, the modest guy Alim was even embarrassed by the owner’s daughter. But Sarah tried more and more to start a conversation with the village boy. Day by day, imperceptibly the young people are getting closer. Seeing the girl’s sympathy, Alim also began to gain courage and entered into conversations with the owner’s daughter. The Karaite father was satisfied with the work of the gardener and did not notice what was happening between the young people. Meanwhile, the flame of love flared up more and more. Despite the fact that Sarah’s father would never give his daughter to a poor Tatar, their relationship did not change.

Karaite woman (from the book E. Markov. Sketches of Crimea: Pictures of Crimean life, history and nature. -Simferopol; Moscow: Tavria: Culture, 1994. - 544 p., p. 39)

One day Alym said: “Sara, if your parents find out about our love, they will kick me out right away, maybe even punish me.

What shall we do then? Sarah answered without hesitation, “if you are kicked out, then you will come to me at night, after 12 o’clock at night, my parents are sleeping, and if they don’t sleep, then there will be light in my room, and if there is no light, then my parents are sleeping.” "

The dogs know you and won’t touch you, put the ladder to the window and enter my room. Once Sarah’s mother saw Alim and Alim kissing in the garden. What a disgrace! Horror! The Karaite's wife told her husband, Aron, everything she saw. The next day, Alim was kicked out of work and was forbidden to appear in the Karaite’s courtyard.

Alim just said: “Mr. Master, love is to blame for everything.” He entered his closet, took a small bundle and went to his village. Sarah locked herself in her room and cried. She told her mother that Alim was absolutely not to blame for my love, it was my fault, he didn’t say anything bad to me and always treated me with respect...

The mother began to calm her daughter down, saying that people would say that the daughter of a rich Karaite married a poor Tatar. This is very embarrassing!

Alim left. Sarah's father and mother calmed down, thanks to God everything seemed to have turned out well. Is not it?

Everyone except Alim and Sara calmed down, but their relationship was not interrupted and they met secretly at night. Alim often visited Karasubazar with the hope of meeting Sara. Heartbroken and insulted, he innocently did not sleep at night and could not find a place for himself. Time is running out. The sun is several million times larger than our planet, the earth, to make one revolution a year requires 365 days and 6 hours, to cover a distance of 23 thousand kilometers per minute. You can't return yesterday. Alim and Sara used all channels to regularly visit Sara’s room after 12. The two of them received such incredible pleasure, such a state cannot be bought for any money. They thought about tomorrow.

Sarah's father did not suspect anything. But! everything has the end. Alim had been visiting Sara's room for more than three months. Deformations began to be noticed in Sarah's graceful figure. Today or tomorrow this circumstance will become a reality. And, trouble will fall on the heads of the young again! Sarah tried to wear loose dresses and rarely leave her room. When the mother found out about the trouble, she cried, sobbed, but could not help in any way.

In the evening Aron came from the city, then his mother told him the news. The husband was horrified and decided to make a raid at night, catch this swindler and hand him over to the police.

Aron gathered the coachman, one worker and the cook, and gave them a short instruction on how to catch Alim in his daughter’s room after midnight. The time came when everyone went to their daughter’s room in a crowd. The daughter did not immediately open the door to allow Alim to escape through the window. When they entered Sarah's room, she was alone. The father asked his daughter if Alim was here? The daughter said: “He was here, I myself allowed him to come to me at night.”

The father wanted to hit his daughter, but the mother restrained the father.

In the morning, the “witnesses” went to the police, and a new case began.

They told the police that Alim came at night with the aim of robbing our owner, but we made a noise and he jumped from the window and disappeared into the garden.

The police chief issued an order to all authorities, upon seeing Alim, to immediately arrest him. Alim was not a robber or a robber at all. Sarah's love and affection for Alim ruined his future in Crimea. The police are diligently looking for him, he needs to hide somewhere or go to Turkey, and for this he needs money.

Alim decided to rob one rich Karaite, and the rich Tatars helped him with money. Alim hid in the attic of my paternal grandmother’s brother’s house for six months, after which he moved through Feodosia to Istanbul, opened a coffee shop there and lived his whole life in Turkey. Crimean Tatars who came to Turkey always came to Alim’s coffee shop and he willingly received guests.

And Aron, Sarah’s father, sold the house and garden and moved somewhere.

Many years have passed since the events I described, but any Tatar respectfully calls the name Alim, honoring him as an honest, smart and handsome guy. Some swindlers on the highways, posing as Alim, robbed people. Alim was still in Crimea at that time, and Alim caught one such swindler - a bandit and cut off one of his ears and said: “Now you will be Alim Bezukhim.”

It's a pity for this noble guy who became unbearable only for Sarah's stupid dad - stupid Aron.


This film was released sometime in 1922-23. The main roles were played by Alima-Khairi Emirzade, and Sary - Asiye, granddaughter of Saide Khani Muftizade, daughter of Ismail Murza Karashaysky, Asni was then Khairi's wife. She was known as a beauty, but she was not so much beautiful as she knew how to create beauty with paints. Khair is a resident of the village of Derekoya, a former driver with little education. At first he danced in regional clubs, and then became a famous dancer in the city of Simferopol, performing at the State Drama Theater and at dervizes (folk festivities).

At these derviz, Khairy danced and met and married the daughter of Murza. For this there were several attempts to kill Khairi on the road from Derekoy to Simferopol. At that time, in the Central Committee of Crimea there was a former “chaichi” (teahouse owner), an illiterate person; his bodyguard was Kayser, a tall man, broad-shouldered, with a terrible face - a resident of the Yalta region, he wore yellow leggings with laces, blue riding breeches, a brown tunic, belted with a Caucasian belt, with a Mauser with a silver handle, and a brown kubanka on his head. These two people killed many innocent people. One fine evening, these unfortunate leaders gathered with friends like them, among them there was a representative from above. The friends sniffed out that the newcomer was sitting here for a reason, and they killed him with a blow to the head with a piece of iron, and, wrapping the dead man in felt, they took him out of town and buried him.

The Chairman of the Central Committee, Veli Ibragimov, was detained, and Kayser, the bodyguard, tried to escape by sea, but he was also caught.

This is how the leadership of Crimea by these dirty people ended.

The movie "Alim" quickly left the screen; people quickly turned away from the film because it did not reflect reality real life, national customs, aesthetics, and historical facts are not shown. In the film, people only saw Khairy dancing (in the role of Alim), beating and insulting rich people, taking money from them and giving it to the poor. But only! What vulgarity! Superficially, Alim is shown in the Karaite’s house as a gardener and their meeting with Sarah.

About 10 years ago, while in Baku, I spent the night with my relative. One day I saw an overweight man without a headdress, on crutches, enter their apartment. I asked a relative and asked in surprise who he was, was he Greek? She smiled and said: “Didn’t you recognize him? It’s Khairi!”

While dancing Choban Awasi (shepherd's melody "shepherd's dance"), he jumped so high, he probably injured his legs then. Lives alone, no wife.

CHOBAN ZADE (Professor Bekir)

The population of the city of Karasubazar was more than 50% Tatars, besides them lived the Krymchaks, a special type of Jews, their language is Tatar, clothing and customs are also similar to the Tatar... Mostly the Krymchaks were artisans: tailors, hat makers, tinsmiths, shoemakers.

Some percentage were Russians and Karaites.

For some reason, this city stood out for its flexible character among other cities in Crimea. The population surrounding the city loved to visit this city and make the purchases they needed.

The famous Tatar scientist Bekir Choban-zade came from this city; his father drove sheep bought in different places, bought by Kassab butchers for sale in butcher shops in other cities.

The professor's mother, blind in one eye, went from house to house to tell fortunes. Bekir studied in Turkey, and then in Hungary, and was a highly educated person.

In 1922, not far from Simferopol, on the estate of the German Kessler, teacher training courses for Tatar schools in Crimea were opened. This school was called "Totai-Koi". I also studied there, but then I was fired as a person of non-proletarian origin.

The director of the school was Amet Ozenbashly, the teachers were Bekir Choban-zade, Osman Akchokrakli, Mikhailov, Svishchev and others.

The students' food was very poor - 0.5 kg of black bread, in the morning a pot of boiling water and a piece of sawn sugar, and in the evening, at lunch, thin borscht with sunflower oil. They fed us this way every day. Of the six days of the week, two days they worked in the garden, then grazed livestock, went to the forest for firewood, and cleaned up after the livestock.

They lived in different places: in a warehouse, in a mill, in private apartments.

The consequences of the terrible famine of 1921 were still ongoing. We were not paid a stipend. After 1923, the school director was arrested, and the rest of the teachers were dispersed, recognizing their nationalist bias.

Professor Choban-zadeh worked at institutes in Baku, and then he was isolated. Later he was rehabilitated. His wife was Dilyara, who was previously the wife of Kipchak Ismail. This is how the great Tatar scientist, the son of a postukha from Crimea, died.


Feodosia district - the most beautiful corner Crimea. On the western side, from the city of Karasubazar to the city of Old Crimea and to Koktebel, there is a forest strip, densely covered with trees. Near the old Crimea there is a treeless mountain "Agarmysh", reminiscent of a huge whale. Behind this mountain, as if in a hole, is located ancient city Old Crimea. The population of the city is mixed - Tatars, Armenians, Russians live here and in the west in a large village - Bulgarians. An old mosque has been preserved here from the khan's times.

From the city of Agarmysh there is a mountain strip stretching to Koktebel, and then the endless expanses of the Black Sea. In the 11th century, Batumi belonged to Turkey. When Turkish ships sailed to Batumi, it was always shrouded in fog, which is why the Turks called the sea “black”.

Let's return to Crimea. Our village Ishun is located 20 km from Karasubazar in the northwest (not to be confused with the village of Ishun in the Sivash region).

The village was founded by my father Khdyr Murza Shirinsky.

The village is lined with peasant houses, the street is wide, and on the opposite side of the street is the house and outbuildings of the landowner. The entire village is surrounded by orchards and is located 5-6 km from the forest belt, and on the opposite side - the steppe. In the center of the village there is a beautiful fountain with crystal clear water.

Behind the village is a lake, 3-4 meters deep, rich in fish. Such beautiful village in Feodosia district no longer exists.

Several years ago, my son Bakhtiyar was in Crimea and visited our village of Ishun, which I described above.

All that was left of the village were horns and legs. A son from our village brought me a handful of earth, and I poured this earth into a bag and wrote poems about my grief and experience.

Here they are, the words are Tatar, and the letters are Russian. READ!

handful of earth

CRIMEA - ISHUN - ANA KOYUMIZDEN BIR AVVUCH KHARELI TOPRAK AZIZ SEVIMLI UNUTILMAZ ANA VATANYM UPURUM SENI AI GUZEL CRIMEA SENIN GOINUNDA ZSHDADIM NESLIM IUREGIMDEN HASRETLI RAW SHIMDI ESE TALIM KADI BU BIR AVVUCH TOPRAKDA MENIM ICH HATRIDEN CHIKMAZ SENIN KUCHAGYNDA KECHIRDIGIM BAKHLI KUNLERIM. ANDY KRIMDA KALMADI NE BIR SOI, NE BIR DOST NEDE BIR SEVIMLI JAN, UMIDSIZDEN BIZE GURBETLIK DUSHDI OLDY VETANIMIZ, AZERBAIJAN. Crimea - Ishun - my mother, How dear is a handful of land from my village to me, How beautiful is the Motherland, Crimea Now I only have a handful of priceless land left. Happy days of memories will never disappear from my soul. Now there are no relatives, no friends, no loved ones in Crimea. Djan Only, you are the consolation of my pain; Hospitable, second homeland Azerbaijan

(Translation by I. Yashlavsky)


Young people face big turns and unexpected cliffs ahead. From 15 to 25, youth can easily turn in the wrong and dangerous direction. As Ostrovsky said: “Young people’s energy bulges.” So you have to keep your eyes open... there are a lot of applied qualities to the human mind. A person’s character is determined as follows: if the applied qualities of the good sides occupy a large part and we must not forget that there are no absolutes.

The Tatars say: "Bir minsiz Allah- holes."

In youth there are such pleasant moments that will never be repeated in life. I recently received a letter from an 84-year-old old woman, written in Arabic letters, from Uzbekistan.

She, when she was 17 years old and I was 21 or 22 years old, my mother and I lived in our 12-room house. They occupied one room, and I slept two rooms away from them alone.

The girl was very beautiful, but I didn’t even give her a hint of love. One fine winter night, this girl, wearing only a nightgown, shared a bed with me and we lay with her almost until the morning.

Of course, I didn’t expect her to come, but I’m also very pleased.

So she writes to me: “She is 84 years old, has children, and cannot forget this pleasant and warm night. But, unfortunately, this pleasant night never happened again.” I was drafted into the army, and some widower shopkeeper wooed her and took her to his home.

Modesty is often mistaken for weakness and indecision, but when experience shows people that they are mistaken, then modesty gives new charm, strength and respect for character...

Tatar girl at the well (from the book. Cheglok. Beauty of Taurida: issue II. Mountain Crimea, -Moscow: Edition of K.I. Tikhomirov, 1910. - 117 pp., p. 43)


To our surprise, there were a lot of music lovers among the Shirinskys. Alisha Murza had two sons who played the violin, one the clarinet, a daughter the harmonica and tambourine, and another son the drum. My father and his sister played the harmonica, and from the age of 19 on the violin and mandolin, beat the tambourine well and danced Haitarma beautifully. As a teacher, I organized a drama club and for 10 years spent evenings with young people preparing them to perform roles in popular plays at that time, and earned great gratitude from the public, with 7 summer age became interested in art. I now have over 300 well-framed paintings hanging on my veranda. I gave the same amount to my friends and relatives.

As was noted in one article in the local press about me. "Restless character."

WORDS OF WISDOM (Money and power spoil a person)

I decently criticized the Shirinskys, but among them there were smart people and good specialists in conducting Agriculture. The trouble was that, for purely religious reasons, they were afraid to send their children to study at secondary and higher educational institutions.

Yes such educational institutions, where it was taught in the Tatar language, and there was none. My son graduated from the Kazan Aviation Institute, my daughter is a teacher, but that’s now.



GCHALY PARMAK Your finger painted with henna

Translation by I. Yashlavsky


The human desire for creativity is indomitable. created by his labor spaceships, giant turbines, parts of the finest instruments and apparatus. But no matter what heights human thought flies to, no matter how grandiose the scale of creation, the school, the painstaking work of the teacher, stands at its origins.

After all, it was he who taught me to read and write, who planted the first seeds of curiosity in my soul, and made me look around in surprise. "What kind of world is this?" It was he, the teacher, who awakened in man the desire for creativity. For this, humanity should be forever GRATEFUL to the TEACHER.


Life is like a stormy mountain river, in eternal rapid motion, and like a river polishes and smoothes out the sharp corners of stones, life has dulled and smoothed out heartache lonely person.

He came to terms with the loss of his beloved, got used to weakly submitting to fate, consoled by the faint hope that in time everything would be fine. What will it be like?

A man without a dream is wingless. He is not attracted by heights, open spaces are not attracted, distances do not call, he is afraid of struggle, afraid of unbeaten paths, sharp turns and obstacles. He can only go with the flow... maybe he'll take him somewhere...

August-October 1990
mountains Ganja, Azerbaijan


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