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Prayer when a child does not sleep well at night. Spell for a peaceful child's sleep

A common problem for young parents is insufficiently strong and healthy children's sleep. It is necessary for the full growth and development of the child. Easy plot to ensure that the baby sleeps well, will help the baby and the whole family get rid of anxiety, as well as insomnia.

You can save your baby from insomnia with the help of a conspiracy

Spell for sound sleep

Children often sleep restlessly due to health conditions, hunger, nervous system. They are more susceptible to the evil eye, slander, and envy than adults. Children carry bad information into the night and have trouble sleeping.

To ensure that the baby sleeps soundly, it is enough to perform a small ritual. To do this with your fingertips, light movements you need to run over your face, eyes and say:

“Angels, you are guardian angels, you are heavenly warriors. Stand at the head of the servant of God (name), stand on his right side, stand on his left, guard the servant of God (name). Protect him from evil spirits, from black tongues, from all evil. Let him fall asleep quickly and sleep a calm, good sleep. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

This plot is repeated once. If the next night the baby cannot sleep soundly, he dreamed something and he woke up and sleeps restlessly, you can repeat the ritual.

Another spell for a child's sleep

Second version of the conspiracy. If your baby has trouble falling asleep, tosses and turns, or sleeps restlessly at night, you should try this ritual. The hex is read every day before bed, throughout the week. If necessary, repeat longer than the recommended period.

“I plow, I plow from the servant of God (name) insomnia, from a white face and from clear eyes. And I smell the white face and clear eyes of sound sleep, both day and night, both morning and evening. And my key words are stronger than stone and damask steel. The key to them is in the blue sea, and the lock is in a green field. Amen".

The ritual will work faster if you lightly stroke the child while pronouncing the words. right hand, especially with closed eyes.

Effects on infant sleep

Babies are able to confuse day with night, experience painful sensations, and become anxious due to the absence of their mother. Modern medicine cannot always help him sleep peacefully and fall asleep. To see good dreams, you need to read the plot.

A conspiracy for a baby is positive energy. It does not harm, these readings are the purest and most powerful.

How to read correctly

In order for the child to sleep soundly, the mother or grandmother must speak. Positive thoughts and faith in success should prevail in your soul and head. The plot is read at sunset, at home. The baby's hands, feet and face are washed with holy water. You need to take him in your arms, go to the window and, looking at the sunset, chant:

“Don’t ruin my baby’s insomnia, don’t wake me up. Find the owl bird, walk with it, do not harm the child. Sleep is not a bad thing, fly away, I’ll drive you away.”

Repeat the ritual 3 times, several days in a row.

Before the ceremony, the child should be washed with holy water

To help your child fall asleep easily

The baby is dressed in a white shirt or vest. Mom or grandmother stands at the head of the crib. Use light and slow movements to stroke the head and closed eyes, sentence:

“Have a healthy dream, sweetie! Put my child (name) to sleep, take him to the sleepy mansion. So that the spirit rests, so that the child sleeps soundly.”

Repeat 5 times.

Restful sleep

The spell gives you a good night's sleep. His mother or grandmother reads it. Before this, you need to wash the baby with holy water. You should recite:

“Insomniac, sleepless, don’t touch the baby, don’t pull his hair, don’t pinch his heels, don’t tickle his sides. It’s better to swim out to the sea, play in the waves there, run into the dense forest, run across the field. My words are strong and indestructible. Amen".

Repeat 3 times.

Sleep spell with a candle

This ritual is performed before the child’s evening or afternoon bathing. You need to fill the container where the child will swim, light a church or white candle, bend over the water with it and chant:

“Sleepy sleepyheads, respond. Rise up and get ready for the water. You, mother water, quench my thirst. You deliver from weakness and illness. Wash away all the sighs and groans from the child (name). Night disturbances. Restless nights. I will wash the child (name) with water. I wish you a healthy sleep. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Wash the child well in the charmed water and put him to bed. Pour the water outside.

Prayer for sleep

Prayer is strong conspiracy for a restful sleep. She calms and protects. Why you need to read prayers:

  • create the correct energy field;
  • attract the attention of the Guardian Angel;
  • remove nightmares;
  • take away bad thoughts;
  • strengthen protection over a baptized child.

Prayers are a universal way to coax a child to sleep.

Our Father

The most popular and strong prayer for everyone - “Our Father”. She will calm and protect the baby from all evil. “Our Father” is read by the child’s mother, father or grandmother. A cross should hang on the reader's neck. Additionally, while saying the prayer, it is recommended to cross the child’s forehead. Read at least three times, twice a day.

Prayer "Our Father"

The text of the prayer for the Blessing of the mother serves as a cleansing from all that is bad. All sidelong glances and thoughts towards the baby will be canceled. It is aimed at awakening the Guardian Angel.

Faith in the power of the prayer word will give strength to the baby and his Angel, and will serve as a shield from black magic and conspiracies. You need to read the text when the child is sleeping, standing at the head of the crib. It wouldn’t hurt to hang a small cross near the baby.

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, hear me, Your sinful and unworthy servant. Lord, in the mercy of Your power my child, have mercy and save him for Your name’s sake. Lord, forgive him all the sins, voluntary and involuntary, that he committed before You. Lord, guide him on the true path of Your commandments and enlighten him and enlighten him with Your light of Christ, for the salvation of the soul and the healing of the body. Lord, bless him in the house, around the house, at school, in the field, at work and on the road, and in every place of Your possession. Lord, protect him under the shelter of Your Saints from a flying bullet, arrow, knife, sword, poison, fire, flood, from a deadly ulcer (atomic rays) and from vain death. Lord, protect him from visible and invisible enemies, from all troubles, evils and misfortunes. Lord, heal him from all diseases, cleanse him from all filth (wine, tobacco, drugs) and ease his mental suffering and sorrow. Lord, grant him the grace of Your Holy Spirit for many years of life, health and chastity. Lord, increase and strengthen his mental abilities and physical strength. Lord, give him Your blessing for pious family life and godly childbearing. Lord, grant me, Thy unworthy and sinful servant, a parental blessing on my child in the morning, day, evening and night for Thy name’s sake, for Your kingdom eternal, omnipotent and omnipotent. Amen".

Prayer for a child's peaceful sleep

How to avoid insomnia and restless nights

Insomnia is bad for general condition body. Children's poor sleep is the worst enemy of health. In addition to conspiracies, there are ancient beliefs and tips on how to attract good dream to the house:

  • the head of the sleeper should face south;
  • put a small mirror under the bed;
  • dishes must be washed;
  • all cutlery, especially knives, are put back in place;
  • every bad dream must go with the morning water;
  • Before going to bed, slippers should be left with the soles facing up.

There is also an opinion that golden topaz is the most powerful symbol of sound sleep. You can put it under your pillow after reading the plot.

Golden Topaz - a stone for restful sleep


A spell for children's sleep is a good ritual to facilitate sleep for all children. All rituals are carried out by mother in good mental state, without bad thoughts.


Prayer for the child to sleep well

An Orthodox children's prayer before bed will help rid the baby of nightmares, the child will sleep peacefully and will not cry in his sleep. With insomnia, the mother, having put the child to bed at night, reads at his head prayer of Kazan Mother of God for baby's sleep:

O Most Pure Lady Theotokos, Queen of heaven and earth, supreme angel and the Archangel and all creatures, the most honest, pure Virgin Mary, the Good Helper of the world, and affirmation for all people, and deliverance for all needs! You are our intercessor and representative, you are protection for the offended, joy for the grieving, refuge for the orphans, guardian for widows, glory for virgins, joy for those who cry, visitation for the sick, healing for the weak, salvation for sinners. Have mercy on us, Mother of God, and fulfill our request, for everything is possible through Your intercession: for glory befits You now and ever and unto ages of ages.


Prayer for a child to go to bed

How to treat insomnia in a child, if the child sleeps poorly at night, constantly wakes up and gets up cranky in the morning, in this case it will help prayer for baby to sleep well all night long. I know from myself how hard it is with a small child, and even harder for parents who have not gotten enough sleep after a sleepless night. All you need to do is rock your baby to sleep and put him to bed read the following bedtime prayer for a baby:

The cross is on me
The cross is in me
Fly angel to me
Sit on the right wing.
Save me, Lord,
From evening until dawn,
From now until forever.


After this, the child does not get up more than once (to eat), and sometimes sleeps until the morning, allowing the parents to rest. If this does not help, then your child has been jinxed and you need to read the prayer against the evil eye of a baby, which We published earlier.

Prayer for the child to sleep peacefully

If a child is able to speak and remember a simple children's bedtime prayer, he can pray independently before bed:

Thank you, Lord, for the past day! Forgive me for everything I have sinned, grant me, Lord, peaceful sleep. Most Holy Theotokos, save me! Holy Guardian Angel, pray to God for me! In Your hands, Lord Jesus Christ, my God, I commend my spirit: You bless me, You have mercy on me and grant me eternal life.


Prayer for baby's sleep

Prayer before bedtime for children dedicated to the Guardian Angel

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls.

Now that, after reading a bedtime prayer for a child, the baby sleeps peacefully and sees colorful dreams, you have the opportunity to go about your business or also get a good night’s sleep.

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After the birth of a child, every mother worries very much about him, and her main desires are for the child to be healthy and happy. Even if the baby is fast asleep, you want his dreams to be pleasant and only cause positive emotions. Various prayers can be used to call for good dreams for a child.

Types of prayers for a child’s good sleep

What prayers will help so that a newborn baby sleeps well? It is worth noting that today there are ten appeals to the Almighty, which are truly considered the most effective for good night at the baby's. By good sleep we mean that it will be sound, and your dreams will be colorful and kind.

Such prayers include:

  1. Prayer addressed to the seven holy youths of Ephesus.
  2. Prayer of parents aimed at blessing their children.
  3. A prayer addressed directly to the child’s Guardian Angel.
  4. Prayer for raising children.
  5. A mother's prayer aimed at blessing her child.
  6. Prayer for children.
  7. Prayer-petition for healing of a child’s illness.
  8. Classic prayer "Our Father".
  9. A mother's prayer for her children.
  10. Prayer addressed to Matrona.

As a rule, small children are very sensitive to various noises, so even a dog barking in the yard can wake up the baby. To strengthen children's sleep, you can read one of these prayers. In addition to the above, there is one prayer aimed directly at helping the child sleep better.

Prayer for baby to sleep better

There are many reasons why Small child cannot sleep - noise, colic, teething, etc. Accordingly, if the child does not sleep, then the parents do not sleep either, because it is simply impossible for their own baby to suffer. As a rule, if a baby has insomnia, he is immediately taken to the doctor, but there are situations when the doctor claims that the child is absolutely healthy, it’s just that some kind of problem is interfering with his sleep. external factor. In such a situation, prayer is considered the only salvation from insomnia for a child.

A prayer for a child to sleep better is as follows:

  • “Jesus, Son of God, bless, sanctify, preserve my child with power Life-giving Cross Yours."

After pronouncing these words, you need to cross the child. It is worth noting that prayer becomes more effective if the child is already baptized.

Prayer for a good child's Guardian of the child

Some people believe that every person has their own Guardian Angel from birth. Therefore, if any problems occur with a child - illness, insomnia, it is best to turn to the Guardian Angel for help. Some people associate this with the fact that God is one for everyone and is simply not able to help everyone, but the Guardian Angel is responsible for only one person, so it is more likely that he will help.

For a child to sleep well sounds like this:

  • “Divine Angel, Guardian of my child (the baby’s name is indicated), protect him with your shield from demonic arrows, from the sugary seducer, keep his heart pure and bright. Amen".

The ideal option would be for the child to independently read a prayer to the Guardian Angel.

A prayer for a child to sleep better to his Guardian Angel from his own mouth should sound like this:

  • “My protector, my Guardian Angel. Don't throw me in difficult moments, save from the evil ones and envious people. Protect me from hating people. Save me from the evil eye and damage. Have mercy on me. Amen".

According to church ministers, the prayer sounding from the mouth of a child will have great strength, rather than from the mouth of the baby’s mother to his Guardian Angel.

Prayer for the child to sleep well at night, Matrona

According to the opinion of a large number of priests, if any problems arise with the child’s health (including the appearance of insomnia), one should immediately pray to Saint Matrona. It is she who is considered an ambulance a large number questions. To enhance the effect of prayer, it is recommended to buy at least a small icon with the face of this Saint. And to protect your child from evil eye, it is recommended to sew a piece of incense into his clothes, which will need to be changed periodically.

If a mother begins to observe sleep problems in her child, then she needs to turn to Saint Matrona with the following words:

  • “Holy Matrona! I beg you, I conjure you all motherly love, ask the Lord to give health to his servant (indicate the name of the child). I ask you, Holy Matrona, do not be angry with me, but help me. Ask the Lord to give my child (the child’s name is indicated) good health. He got rid of various ailments both in the body and in the soul. Take all diseases away from his body. Please forgive me for all my sins, both those committed by my will and those created not by my will. Say a prayer to the Lord for the health of my child (child’s name is indicated). Only you, Holy Matrona, can save my child from suffering. I trust in you. Amen".

Prayer to improve children's sleep, addressed to the seven holy youths of Ephesus

Another effective prayer for the child to sleep better, addressed to the seven holy youths of Ephesus.

The words of the prayer are usually pronounced by the mother and sound as follows:

  • “Oh, holy youths of Ephesus, praise to you and the entire Universe! Look from the heights of heaven at us, people who stubbornly honor your memory, and especially look at our children. Save them from illnesses, heal their bodies and souls. Keep their souls pure. We worship your holy icon, and also sincerely love Holy Trinity- Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer for a peaceful child's sleep, addressed to the Mother of God and the Lord God

When a child has a disrupted schedule, namely, he sleeps during the day and not at night, then something definitely needs to be done. Going to doctors is expensive, and they are unlikely to help in this situation. The best option will cope on his own. In this case, saying a prayer at night before going to bed to the Mother of God and the Lord God will help. The prayer goes like this:

  • “Lord God, show your mercy on my child (name), protect the child under your banner, protect him from various temptations, drive away various enemies from him, close their evil eyes and ears, give them humility and kindness. Lord, we are all your creations, I ask you, save my child (name is indicated), make him repent if he has sins. Save my child, Lord, let him understand your word, guide him on the right path. Thank you, Lord."

This bedtime prayer for a child not only helps to cope with the problem of insomnia, but is also aimed at preserving the purity of the child’s soul in adulthood.

Features of reading a prayer to improve children's sleep

A bedtime prayer for a child must be read from memory; if you do not know the words, an appeal to the saints or to the Lord, then you can’t expect an ambulance from them ( quick help comes only to sincere believers). While pronouncing the address, you need to be in a calm emotional state and you need to constantly think about what you want to receive. If at the time of saying the prayer a person does not really believe in the result, then it is better to postpone saying it until a later time.

When asking for help in improving children's sleep, be sure to ask for forgiveness for all the sins you have committed. This is due to the fact that a thin thread stretches between mother and child, and therefore all the sins of the parent are reflected on the baby. If, while saying a prayer, the baby’s mother sincerely repents of all her sins and mistakes, then they will definitely respond to the request.

Before going to bed, it should be said in a whisper and in the child’s ear. Such words can save your baby from negative dreams.

Reading a prayer invented by yourself

It is important to note that when addressing the Lord or other saints, it is not words that are important, but sincerity. A prayer for a child to go to sleep can be said in your own words, most importantly, with faith and from the bottom of your heart. It doesn’t have to be pretentious words; it’s enough to state your request, repent of your own sins and thank the Lord for listening to you.

Children's prayer occupies a special place in life Orthodox Christian. For a child’s meeting with God to be effective, the example of parents is essential. They are the ones that little children look up to when they see mom and dad praying, visiting church, and taking communion. The child should gradually realize that after prayer, calmness and peace appear in your soul. It is useless to force a child to pray, while claiming that God sees everything and if he does not obey, He will punish him. But if parents pray and constantly talk about God, then the baby will follow their example. This means that from childhood he will be introduced to faith, learn to accept other people as they are, respect them and love them unselfishly.

What are children's prayers?

It is very important to teach a child to pray with early years. Therefore, if you visit the temple, you should definitely take your baby with you. It is imperative to explain the need for prayer to your child. To do this, at first it is better to just talk with him about God. There are the simplest prayers for babies, which consist of just one sentence.

For example, it could be a phrase like this:

“Great Lord Almighty, You love me (baby’s name) very much.”

Prayer for a child should be a joy. He should not be forced to memorize incomprehensible phrases; he can quite easily communicate with God in his own language. A mature child needs to be taught the most powerful and famous prayer, “Our Father.” But first, its meaning should be explained so that he understands the essence of each spoken phrase. But even if during prayer he interprets it in his own way, then it’s okay. The main thing is to make sure that the baby pronounces all the words sincerely. Morning prayer should also be mandatory for the child.

It might sound like this:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Lord, please be merciful to me, a sinner. Our Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, I pray, turning to the Most Pure Theotokos, Your Mother and all the saints, save and have mercy on us. Amen.

Glory to Thee, Lord Almighty. You, Lord of Heaven, Comforter and Truth, are everywhere and hear the requests of people calling to you. You fill people’s souls with treasures, cleanse them from filth and give them hope for eternal life.

Holy Lord Almighty God, have mercy on us. Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now, ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

You can teach your child to repeat the words of the same prayer before bedtime.

What is better for a child: a prayer in verse or a song?

In order to accustom a child to prayer, it is recommended to use song or poetic options. It is impossible to say unequivocally which is better, because everything depends on taste preferences parents and child.

We ask the Guardian Angel very much,
So that he doesn't sleep that night,
To guard my sleep by the crib,
So that the baby can sleep sweetly!
All the children will be calm all night,
After all, they are protecting their sleep God's Angels warriors,
The sun will rise, the guys will wake up
And Guardian Angels also stand by the cribs.”

Song versions of children's prayers need to be downloaded and listened to with your child. If the baby has a desire to sing along, then this should be encouraged.

How to teach a child to pray

There are not and cannot be specific rules for teaching a child to pray, because every child, even at a very early age, is already an individual. First, you need to explain to him the meaning of the prayer requests that he hears from the lips of his parents.

The first prayer words can be quite simple and sound like this:

“Lord Almighty, save and preserve my parents, grandfather, grandmother, sister and brother. And, God, help me, so that I do not quarrel with my relatives. Forgive me my whims. Amen".

Truly praying and learning the texts of your child’s prayers should begin as soon as the baby can consciously repeat the following phrases after his mother:

"Lord have mercy!" and “Glory to Thee, O God.”

It should be understood that the child’s soul is pure and sincere, so the first prayers always leave a deep mark. This means that in the future the child will become a kind and decent person.

For example, at any time a child can turn to the Lord with the following words:

“Lord Almighty and Lord of Heaven, make sure that all mothers in the world always smile, and fathers always find only good words. Make it so, Lord, that no one on earth goes hungry, that everyone has good health And good mood. Amen".

Daily bedtime prayer - read before bed

It is very important to teach your child to pray before bed as early as possible. Turning to God will calm the baby and give him sound and healthy sleep. For a small child, you can use a prayer that contains an appeal to the Guardian Angel. Of course, you first need to explain to the baby who the Guardian Angel is. It is necessary to convey to the child the idea that having received support Higher powers you can attract many positive events for tomorrow.

The words of the prayer may sound like this:

“I am turning to you, Guardian Angel. You are my patron and protector. Forgive me for everything that I did wrong on the past day. Let no one harm me tomorrow, and let me not do anything bad that could anger our Lord. I ask you, my Guardian Angel, to pray for me and not to leave me. Amen.

It is imperative to teach your child to pray. This will help children accept and understand what the word of God commands the world. WITH early age the child realizes that there are many reasons to offer prayer to God. You can ask for God's blessing, you can ask for the health of your loved ones, you can ask for help in your planned business. But in any case, communication with God through prayer should bring joy and peace of mind.

Every Orthodox believer understands how important prayer is, which should be said before and after meals. And a child needs to be taught this from childhood. Children need to be explained that such Christian prayer has great meaning. Believers, turning to God at this moment, simultaneously ask to sanctify the dishes they eat, thank the Lord for giving them their daily bread, and pray that the Almighty will be merciful to them in the future.

Prayer before and after eating food, which is said together with all household members, has a huge pedagogical impact on the child. Children begin to understand the value of human labor, they begin to treat bread and all other products with care. The text of the prayer that is read before eating is as follows.

“Our Father, Lord Most High and Almighty! You live in heaven. Let the name yours to the saints it will be for everyone, and you will reign over everything on earth, and only your will will be in everything. Give us our daily bread today and forgive us our sins, so we will forgive our enemies. Don't let us sin and don't let us give in to temptation. Amen"

“We thank the Lord Almighty, the Lord of Heaven, Jesus Christ for feeding us sinners living on earth today. Forgive us our sins and give us hope for eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven. Give us peace, save and preserve us. Amen".

Prayer when learning is hard

When a child is taught to pray with early childhood, then, of course, he may need to turn to God for help. And often in this way children try to eliminate problems with their studies. You should not associate prayer with the fact that you will not need to make any effort to study well. But such a prayer appeal will be very useful if studying for some reason is difficult.

A very effective prayer to the Guardian Angel is as follows:

“Holy Guardian Angel, my protector and helper, you are a faithful servant of God, I appeal to you in prayer, I sign myself with the cross. I ask you to pray for me from the Lord for heavenly grace, which will replenish my spiritual strength. Help me gain understanding so that I have the strength to teach Godly teaching. Help me to understand the teacher and all the knowledge that I am given to understand. This is what I pray to you, my Guardian Angel. Amen".

Children's prayer to the Guardian Angel

A prayer to the Guardian Angel is always the most understandable for a child. From an early age, you need to teach your child to turn to his heavenly protector for any reason.

A common prayer for an adult child is as follows:

“Angel of Christ, appointed to me by the Almighty Lord, you are my guardian, the patron of my soul and body. I apologize for everything that was done wrong. Beg for forgiveness of my misdeeds and sins, my Guardian Angel, from the Lord of Heaven, who governs everything on earth. In the future, protect me from deceit and mistakes. Help me to be worthy so that I may find myself in the goodness and mercy of our Almighty God, as well as Holy Mother of God and all saints. Amen".

How to choose a prayer for a child

By the name of the child (given by the parents in the world or at baptism)

The Guardian Angel is appointed by God immediately after the birth of a child, and goes with him throughout life all the time. In the Orthodox world, it was previously customary to name children in honor of one of the saints, whose name is closest to the child’s date of birth in church calendar. But the Guardian Angel, whose name coincided with the name of the saint, Orthodox tradition by date of birth it was assigned on the eighth day after the birth of the child and it has no relation to the person’s name.

It's important to know your saint heavenly patron to contact a specific Guardian Angel daily. That is why parents should introduce the child to his heavenly protector and explain what role he plays in his life.

By date of birth

There is a prayer to the Guardian Angel, which should be read by believers once on their birthday.

It sounds like this:

“Guardian Angel of my birth. I ask for your blessings. I ask you to save me from troubles and sorrows. Protect me from enemies and enemies, from slander and unkind slander, from life-threatening diseases, from fear in the dark, from terrible ignorance and from an evil beast. Save me from the temptations of the devil, from the wrath of God for all my known and unknown sins, from the torn apart of people, from cold and misunderstanding, from dark days and hunger. Save me and save me. And when my last hour comes, my Guardian Angel, be with me and support me. Stand at my head and make my departure easier and give me hope for my calling into the Kingdom of God. Amen".

Video of children's prayer

Children are the most important thing in our lives. What could be dearer and dearer than these little creatures? Nothing, they are the meaning of our life, joy and sadness, confidence in the future and hope. Good parents will strive with all their might to give their child good spiritual education, education and love. God sees and hears kind and decent parents, their appeals to him never go unanswered. Parents who are worried about their children often turn their gaze to God and pray to him for help and support. When some problems and difficulties arise, one of the most common problems is poor and disturbing sleep. By saying an Orthodox prayer so that the child sleeps well at night, parents will help the baby sleep soundly and get up in the morning cheerful and joyful.

What Christian prayers exist for a child to sleep well

Basic prayers so that the child sleeps well at night will help parents at any moment and, of course, so that their own baby sleeps soundly and restful sleep:

  1. — Prayer to the Holy Seven Youths of Ephesus;
  2. — Prayer of parents for the blessing of children;
  3. — Prayer to the child’s Guardian Angel;
  4. — Prayer for raising children;
  5. — Mother’s prayer for the blessing of children;
  6. — Prayer for children;
  7. — Prayer for the healing of a sick child;
  8. — Prayer “Our Father”;
  9. - Mother's prayer for children.

Reasons bad sleep there can be many children. The baby’s psyche and defenses are very weak; children are very susceptible to the negativity and negative energy around us. A simple dog barking or an unkind look from a passerby can deprive a child and his parents of proper sleep for a long time.

What to do and how to read prayers so that your child sleeps well during the day

It is necessary to perform the rite of baptism of the baby in the church. It can be done at any age of the child, but the sooner the better, because in this way your baby will be constantly under the protection of the Lord. Try to go to church with him more often and receive blessings from the priest. Orthodox m olives so that the child sleeps well, you need to read every evening before your child goes to bed near his bed. In order for a prayer to be heard by the Lord, you need to discard extraneous vain thoughts and pronounce it in sincere words, thinking through every word. Force christian prayers very powerful. The Lord will help you get rid of insomnia forever, and sleep soundly and peacefully all night long. Teach your child to say an independent prayer before bed, even in your own words. This will further unite you as a family and develop love and faith in God in your baby. But you can't just read church prayer for the child's sleep and wait for your calls for help to be fulfilled. We must try not to commit sinful acts, try to be merciful, lead healthy image life and teach the child to do it. Then God will definitely hear, forgive and help.

Text of prayer for the child to sleep well

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, bless, sanctify, preserve my child with the power of Your Life-giving Cross. (and apply the sign of the cross).



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