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The image of Matryona Timofeevna in the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'. The essay “Matryona Timofeevna Korchagina in the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” What happened to Matryona Timofeevna’s son

The poem by N. A. Nekrasov “Who Lives Well in Rus'” is quite rare and unique in artistically phenomenon. And if we recall the analogues, then it can only be compared with Pushkin's novel in verse. What they have in common will be monumentality and depth in the depiction of characters, combined with an unusually vivid poetic form.
The plot of the poem is simple: seven peasants set out to find out “who lives happily and freely in Rus'” and wander around trying to find this person. Having walked many roads and seen many people, they decided:

Not everything is between men
Find the happy one
Let's feel the women!

They point to Matryona Timofeevna Korchagina, nicknamed the Governor, as the lucky one. This is a peasant woman, considered happy among the people. Wanderers find her:

Matrena Timofeevna,
dignified woman,
Wide and tight
About thirty-eight years old.
Beautiful; gray streaked hair,
The eyes are large, strict,
The eyelashes are the richest.
Severe and dark.

She tells them about her life - the life of a simple Russian peasant woman, full of worries, grief and sadness. Matryona says that if she was happy, it was only before marriage. What is this happiness? Here's the thing: We had a good, non-drinking family.
The little girl turned into an adult girl - hard-working, beautiful in face and strict in character. She didn’t stay too long with the girls, she quickly found a groom, and “a stranger on the mountain”, Philip Korchagin. The difficult life of a daughter-in-law in her mother-in-law’s house began for the heroine:

The family was huge
Grumpy... went to hell from the maiden holiday!

Matryona lives in harmony with her husband. He raised his hand to her only once, and then only at the instruction of his mother and sisters.
Matryona's son Demushka was born - the only consolation in the absence of her husband. But she was not happy about him for long: her grumpy mother-in-law sent her to work, saying that grandfather Savely would look after her son. But he neglected his affairs, fell asleep, worn out by the sun, and Demushka was eaten by pigs.
But it didn’t end there; Matryona was not allowed to bury her son. They conducted an investigation, suspecting her of a shameful relationship with her grandfather Savely and the murder of Demushka, slashed the boy’s body and... Having found nothing, they gave it to their mother, distraught with grief. For a very long time Matryona could not move away from this nightmare.
She missed her parents very much, but they did not often spoil her with their visits. Three years flew by like one day. Every year, so are the children. ... There is no time to think, no time to be sad.
In the fourth year, a new grief befell the heroine: her parents died. She still has close people left - Philip and children. But even here fate did not calm down, punishing either her children or her husband. When his son Fedotushka turned eight years old, his father-in-law gave him as a shepherd. One day the shepherd left, and one of the sheep was dragged away by a she-wolf, who, judging by the bloody trail, had just given birth. Fedot took pity on her and gave her back the already dead sheep he had captured. For this, the people in the village decided to flog him. But Matryona stood up for her son, and the landowner passing by decided to let the boy go and punish the mother.
The following describes a difficult, hungry year. On top of that, Philip was taken into the army out of turn. Now Matryona, who has a few days left before giving birth again, along with her children, is not a full-fledged mistress of the house, but a hanger-on. One night she prays fervently in the field and, inspired by some unknown force, hurries to the city to bow to the governor. But he meets only his wife there. Almost another son, Matryona, is born in this woman’s arms. Elena Alexandrovna helped the heroine by returning Philip and becoming the godmother of the child, whom she herself named Liodorushka. This is how Matryona got her nickname - “lucky”.
Matryona Korchagina, who is considered among the people to be the most famous, told the wanderers about all this. happy woman:

I haven't trampled my feet.
Not tied with ropes,
No needles...

That's all happiness. But stronger than all this is the “spiritual storm” that passed through the heroine. You can’t turn a wounded soul inside out and you can’t show it to people, and therefore for everyone she is a lucky girl, but in reality:

For a mother scolded,
Like a trampled snake,
The blood of the firstborn has passed,
For me, grievances are mortal
Gone unpaid
And the whip passed over me!

This is the image of Matryona Timofeevna Korchagina, the governor’s wife, who is known among the people as a happy woman. But is she happy? In our opinion, no, but in the opinion of a simple peasant woman of the 19th century, yes. This elevates Matryona: she does not complain about life, does not complain about difficulties. Her fortitude and determination delight the reader.
The image of Matryona Timofeevna, undoubtedly one of the strongest, shows the true character of a Russian woman who

Stops a galloping horse
He will enter the burning hut.

The journey of seven wanderers in the poem "" leads them to one of the landowner's estates, which is completely ruined. The owner himself is away, abroad, and the manager of these territories is dying. The peasants, who have been servants all their lives, and now find themselves free, do not know at all what to do and where to go. Therefore, they slowly begin to disassemble and distribute the master's goods. And such a sad state of affairs was observed more than once by peasant men while touring Russian lands.

The whining and despair of the courtyard peasants is replaced by the sound of a song that comes from the lips of the reapers. It is here that the wanderers meet Matryona Timofeevna.

Before us beautiful woman Slavic appearance. With gorgeous hair, big eyes, lush eyelashes. She is dressed in a clean, white outfit and a short sundress.

The image of Matryona Timofeevna is not often found among the population. Fate “rewarded” her with many trials. Living in places where men very often went to the city, the woman was forced to take an unbearable burden on her shoulders. And she carried it with confidence! Such work raised her to be strong, proud and independent.

Part of the poem “The Peasant Woman” is told in the first person. Literary critics they notice that Matryona Timofeevna speaks not only about herself, but about the entire Russian people. Her speech flows in the form of a song. And this once again confirms the inseparability of people and folklore.

In the first chapter, Nekrasov introduces the reader to the matchmaking ritual, which uses authentic texts folk songs. Using the example of Matryona Timofeevna’s marriage, Nikolai Alekseevich tried to convey a description of the events that sooner or later happened in the life of any girl.

In the second chapter, the heroine very often uses and sings songs, the text of which was not invented by the author, but smoothly borrowed from the creator - from the people themselves. And, again, the fate of the heroine concerns not only her, but is national.

And with such constant comparison, Matryona Timofeevna does not cease to exist as a separate character, with her own morals and character. With all her efforts, the heroine finally achieved the release of her husband. However, further recruitment awaits him, which unusually upset the woman.

In the image of Matryona Timofeevna, Nikolai Nekrasov was able to combine all the conditions and situations that an ordinary Russian woman could find herself in, and bravely survive them.

Matryona Timofeevna Korchagina is a peasant woman. The third part of the poem is dedicated to this heroine.

M.T. - “A dignified woman, broad and dense, about 38 years old. Beautiful; hair streaked with gray, large, stern eyes, rich eyelashes, stern and dark.”

Among the people about M.T. goes the glory of the lucky one. She tells the wanderers who come to her about her life. Its narrative is told in the form of folk laments and songs. This emphasizes the typicality of M.T.’s fate. for all Russian peasant women: “It’s not a matter of looking for happiness among women.”

IN parental home M.T. Life was good: she had a friendly, non-drinking family. But, having married Philip Korchagin, she ended up “by her maiden will in hell.” The youngest in her husband's family, she worked for everyone like a slave. The husband loved M.T., but often went to work and could not protect his wife. The heroine had only one protector left - grandfather Savely, her husband’s grandfather. M.T. She has seen a lot of grief in her life: she endured the harassment of the manager, she survived the death of her first-born Demushka, who, due to Savely’s oversight, was killed by pigs. M.T. It was not possible to claim the son’s body and it was sent for an autopsy. Later, the heroine’s other son, 8-year-old Fedot, faced a terrible punishment for feeding someone else’s sheep to a hungry wolf. The mother, without hesitation, lay down under the rods instead of her son. But in a lean year, M.T., pregnant and with children, herself becomes like a hungry wolf. In addition, the last breadwinner is taken away from her family - her husband is chosen as a soldier out of turn. In despair, M.T. runs into the city and throws himself at the feet of the governor. She helps the heroine and even becomes the godmother of M.T.’s born son. - Liodora. But an evil fate continued to haunt the heroine: one of her sons was taken into the army, “they were burned twice... God visited with anthrax... three times.” In “The Woman's Parable” M.T. sums up his sad story: “The keys to women’s happiness, From our free will, Abandoned, lost from God himself!”

/ Characteristics of heroes / Nekrasov N.A. / Who lives well in Rus' / Matrena Timofeevna

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The female image in the poem by N. A. Nekrasov “Who Lives Well in Rus'”

The image of a Russian woman and her fate occupy a special place in Nekrasov’s poetry. A woman is always the main bearer of life, the embodiment of its fullness and diversity. In the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'?” The largest of all chapters - “Peasant Woman” - is devoted to understanding the female lot. The image of Matryona Timofeevna embodied the features of all Russian women connected by the same fate. A woman’s lot is difficult and sometimes tragic, but, not bending under the blows of fate, the Russian woman remains the embodiment of wisdom, kindness and love.

Matryona Timofeevna Korchagina is not young, and, probably, it is no coincidence that the poet inscribed her image in the most mature, most fertile time of nature - the time of harvest. After all, maturity implies summing up life's results, rethinking the years lived - a kind of harvesting.

What does Matryona Timofeevna reap? Nekrasov shows the Russian peasant woman in all her greatness:

Beautiful; gray streaked hair,

The eyes are big and strict

It was to her, the sensible and strong one, that the poet entrusted the story about the difficult lot of women. This part of the poem, the only one of all, is written in the first person. But the voice of a peasant woman is the voice of the entire people, who are accustomed to expressing their feelings in song. That’s why Matryona Timofeevna often doesn’t talk, but sings. The entire chapter is based by the poet on folk poetic images and motifs. We see traditional rituals of peasant matchmaking, wedding cries and lamentations. We hear folk songs and the personal fate of the heroine seems to be the fate of the entire Russian people. Matryona Timofeevna lived a hard life. Happy in her maidenhood, she sipped “goryushka”, falling “from the maiden holiday to hell.” Like all her contemporaries in new family Offenses, humiliation, and backbreaking work awaited her. These women had one joy - their children. So Demushka - “my handsome man drove away all the anger from my soul with an angelic smile.” But Demushka died and Matryona was orphaned. Other relatives also died, and my husband was under threat of being recruited. Matrena Timofeevna defended him and did not become a soldier:

I'm so grateful to her

From the moment the peasant woman begged for her happiness, they nicknamed her “the governor”, ​​“and glorified her as a lucky woman.”

Raising children. Isn't it joy?

The men are perplexed: were they really looking for such happiness? But the courageous woman Matryona Timofeevna does not complain about her fate, adequately repelling all its blows. Isn't her happiness in her strength of character? After all weak person cannot be happy, he is always dissatisfied with his fate.

Nekrasov is one of the few writers who admires a woman who is not her “sweet9raquo; weakness, femininity, but the strength of character of a Russian woman, her vitality, ability to defend her rightness. The image of Matryona Timofeevna Korchagina is one of the most vivid and capacious images of the poem, personifying the fate of Russia itself.

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Matrena Timofeevna (part “Peasant Woman”), based on the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'”

"The Peasant Woman" picks up and continues the theme of noble impoverishment. The wanderers find themselves in a ruined estate: “the landowner is abroad, and the steward is dying.” A crowd of servants who have been released, but are completely unsuited to work, are slowly stealing away the master's property. Against the backdrop of blatant devastation, collapse and mismanagement, working peasant Rus' is perceived as a powerful creative and life-affirming element:

The wanderers sighed lightly:

They are after the whining yard

Seemed beautiful

Healthy, singing

A crowd of reapers and reapers...

In the center of this crowd, embodying best qualities Russian female character, Matryona Timofeevna appears before the wanderers:

dignified woman,

Wide and dense

About thirty-eight years old.

Beautiful; gray streaked hair,

The eyes are large, strict,

The richest eyelashes,

Severe and dark.

She's wearing a white shirt,

Yes, the sundress is short,

Yes, a sickle over your shoulder.

The type of “stately Slavic woman”, a peasant woman of the Central Russian strip, is being recreated, endowed with restrained and austere beauty, filled with self-esteem. This type of peasant woman was not ubiquitous. The life story of Matryona Timofeevna confirms that he was formed in the conditions of latrine farming, in a region where most of the male population went to the cities. On the shoulders of the peasant woman fell not only the entire burden of peasant labor, but also the entire measure of responsibility for the fate of the family, for raising children. Harsh conditions honed special female character, proud and independent, accustomed to relying on his own people everywhere and in everything own strength. Matryona Timofeevna's story about her life is based on common folk epic laws of epic storytelling. “The Peasant Woman,” notes N.N. Skatov, “is the only part written entirely in the first person. However, this story is by no means only about her private share. The voice of Matryona Timofeevna is the voice of the people themselves. That is why she sings more often than she talks, and sings songs that Nekrasov did not invent for her. “The Peasant Woman” is the most folklore part of the poem; it is almost entirely built on folk poetic images and motifs.

Already the first chapter of “Before Marriage” is not just a narrative, but as if a traditional ritual of peasant matchmaking is taking place before our eyes. Wedding chants and laments “They are preparing for the huts”, “Thank you to the hot baenka”, “My dear father commanded” and others are based on truly folk ones. Thus, talking about her marriage, Matryona Timofeevna talks about the marriage of any peasant woman, about all the great variety of them.

The second chapter is directly entitled “Songs”. And the songs that are sung here are, again, songs of the entire people. The personal fate of Nekrasov’s heroine is constantly expanding to the limits of all-Russian ones, without ceasing to be hers at the same time. own destiny. Her character, growing out of the general people, is not completely destroyed in it; her personality, closely connected with the masses, does not dissolve in it.

Matryona Timofeevna, having achieved her husband’s release, did not turn out to be a soldier, but her bitter thoughts the night after the news of her husband’s upcoming recruitment allowed Nekrasov to “add on the situation of the soldier.”

Indeed, the image of Matryona Timofeevna was created in such a way that she seemed to have experienced everything and visited all the states that a Russian woman could experience.”

This is how Nekrasov achieves the consolidation of an epic character, ensuring that his all-Russian features shine through through the individual. In an epic, there are complex internal connections between individual parts and chapters: what is only outlined in one of them often unfolds in another. At the beginning of “The Peasant Woman,” the theme of noble impoverishment stated in “The Landowner” is revealed. The story outlined in the priest’s monologue about “at what price the priest buys the priesthood” is picked up in the description of children’s and teenage years Grigory Dobrosklonov in "A Feast for the Whole World."


To prepare this work, materials were used from the site http://www.bobych.spb.ru/

ON THE. Nekrasov, a famous Russian poet, in many of his works describes with great sympathy the difficult life of ordinary working women.

In the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” he tells about his fate to wanderers who are looking for happy people, Matryona Timofeevna Korchagina. Her life developed like that of many Russian peasant women. Since childhood, she has been involved in hard work. But still, the memories of life in childhood are only joyful, since she had, according to Matryona herself, “a good, non-drinking family.” Having got married, Matryona went through difficult trials: conflicts in the family (nagging from her husband’s relatives), hard work, the death of her first child, separation from her husband, who had gone to work, eternal need.

This is how her life turned out. And there was both good and bad in her, of course there was more bad, but this woman found the strength to live. With what pain she suffered the death of her son Demushka! And she is accused of the death of a child, and she still has to justify herself! Matryona Timofeevna. So she forgives grandfather Savely for his mistake, which led to the death of her first son. Instead of another son, Matryona bears the punishment and lies down under the rod, endures shame and humiliation for the sake of the child, and after punishment she goes to the river and cries. When it became known that Matryona’s husband was being recruited as a soldier, she went to the governor’s wife, threw herself at her feet, and her husband was saved. Matryona is considered “lucky” in the village. But new troubles come instead of happiness. Many people had a lot like Matryona. And there is no time to worry for a long time - you have to feed your family. They lived, accumulating grief and despair.

Nekrasov lovingly describes the portrait of this working woman and her beauty. She has big eyes, gray hair. Nekrasov sees the main advantage of a Russian woman in her ability to be a good mother and take care of children, despite all the difficulties.

The image of Matryona Timofeevna in Nekrasov’s poem turned out to be truly Russian thanks to songs, proverbs, sayings, and the use of expressive means language: epithets, synonyms, comparisons. She's wailing over dead son: “Fall, my little tears,... right into the heart of my villain!”

Matryona lived her life in constant work and struggle for her family. The author concludes: there is no happiness in Rus' for a peasant woman.

For the first time in literature, Nekrasov depicted a Russian woman so deeply and truthfully, showing the features national character Russian women. Living in inhuman, slave conditions, oppressed and humiliated, they preserved pure soul, strong will, tenderness, love, loyalty. These qualities help them live and believe.

Option 2

The people are the entire population of the country. For N.A. Nekrasov, this is, first of all, the peasantry. The writer had compassion for the people, found in them the best human virtues, and considered himself obliged to them for all their difficult life circumstances.

The image of a peasant woman, Korchagina Matryona Timofeevna, in Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov’s poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” plays an important role; he appears in one of the parts of the work called “Peasant Woman”.

Matryona Timofeevna felt truly happy only when she was in her parents’ house, in a wonderful peasant family, where the father and mother took care of their daughter and affectionately addressed her as “kasatushka.” Being a member of a working-class family, Matryona had to early years fulfill hard work, allocate little time for children's fun. Despite this, the peasant woman treasured the time she spent in her home and often recalled it with sadness.

Many guys looked at the hardworking Matryona. The girl was given to a man from another village. The house Matryona ends up in is incomparable to her parents'. The unwelcoming family does not respect the new family member and calls the girl “sleepy, dormant, unruly,” despite her great efforts. The husband was cruel to Matryona, beating her: “the whip whistled, blood sprayed.”

The only joy in a troubled family life there was a birth of a child. This event serves as a consolation for the peasant woman. The need to work does not make it possible for Matryona to raise her first-born child on her own; she has to leave him in the care of an old man who once neglected to look after his child. The death of a child becomes a tragedy for a poor peasant woman.

The death of her firstborn did not break Matryona; she continues to live, protect her children and family. So she takes upon herself the punishment of her son, Fedot, who lost a sheep while grazing, stands up for her husband, whom they want to take as a soldier, asking the governor’s wife for help.

The image of Matryona cannot be called happy. Not everyone is able to withstand the difficulties that the peasant woman had to endure, to sacrifice herself for the sake of others, so the heroine is admired.

The writer endowed Matryona with all the features of peasant women in order to show the life of the people as a whole. And now the reader is presented with a strong woman, an honest wife, hard-working, purposeful, gentle and simple.

Essay about Matryona

The Russian peasant woman is a character in different works Nekrasova. All of them are imbued with sympathy for her fate. However, the peasant woman appears before us not only tortured by hard work, but also in the image of a “stately Slavic woman” with high moral qualities, who steadfastly endured life’s troubles and loved her family. This is Matryona Timofeevna Korchagina.

Kindness, pleasant appearance, ingenuity, and the fame of a lucky woman are inherent in this woman. We see how Nekrasov shows Matryona’s life from childhood until her meeting with the seekers happy fate. It is interesting how the author portrays her thoughts and feelings, as well as the emotional turmoil that left a big mark on her life. It was especially difficult for her after the death of her first son, Demushka.

At the beginning of the poem, which talks about the tragic death of a child, the image of a bird is described, which cries inconsolably for its chicks that died during a thunderstorm. He helps the reader understand the tragedy of the peasant mother. However, when Demushka’s corpse is opened, Matryona Timofeevna finds herself in the grip of hopelessness and rage. In her curses against the villains and executioners, she conceived a plan for revenge. And therefore, anticipating such a situation, the police officer orders the mother to be tied up.

Saving the youngest Fedotoshka from undeserved punishment, she herself lay down under the rods, without even begging for forgiveness from the headman. She endured the shameful punishment with her head held high. Only in the evening by the river was the woman able to cry out all the pain of her suffering. Matryona is worried when she finds out that her husband is being sent to serve as a soldier. Seeing her wife being beaten with sticks on the orders of Colonel Shalashnikov, and her children begging for alms, she goes to seek intercession.

At night she goes to the city, turning with prayer to the heavenly intercessor. Unlike other heroines of the poet’s works, she was lucky, as she asked for help from the governor’s wife, who helped her. And so, the peasant woman returns home with her husband, who was released from military service, and with the baby Liodorushka. Her heart was filled with joy, gratitude and love. In this state and the world she looks better. Matryona walks and admires the natural beauty present at the beginning of spring. But, for all her luck and natural talent, Matryona did not become happy. Saying goodbye to the seekers of happiness, she says that the keys to women's happiness are lost and are unlikely to be found.

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