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Peculiarities of interaction between a speech therapist and educator in modern preschool conditions. Interaction between a speech therapist and a teacher in correctional work

Yaroshevich T.Ya.
Teacher-speech therapist MBDOU d/s No. 12, Belgorod;
Kukhtinova Zh.G.
Instructor physical culture MBDOU d/s No. 12, Belgorod

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Ensure the education of physically healthy and developed child is possible only if there is close interaction between the entire teaching staff of the preschool educational institution, medical staff and parents.

In order to increase the effectiveness of correctional and developmental work in preschool settings and to combine efforts in this direction, our institution has built a model of cooperation between a speech therapist and a physical education instructor.

Continuity and interrelation in the work of a speech therapist and physical education instructor contributes to the effectiveness and lasting consolidation of the results of speech therapy work.

Correction of speech and general development children preschool age OHP is dealt with not only by a speech therapist, but also by a physical education instructor. If a speech therapist teacher develops and improves children’s speech communication, then a physical education instructor solves general problems in special classes with children. physical development, health promotion, development of motor skills, which contributes to the formation of psychomotor functions. Special attention addresses the possibility of automating the sounds set by the speech therapist teacher, consolidating the lexical and grammatical means of the language through specially selected outdoor games and exercises developed taking into account the lexical topic being studied.

At first school year the speech therapist teacher introduces the physical education instructor to the children’s diagnoses (their speech characteristics), psychological characteristics and age characteristics.

Revealing the level of psycho speech development children, goals and objectives for the formation of speech-motor skills are jointly determined and plans for individual correctional classes are drawn up.

In the course of joint correctional and developmental activities, the physical education instructor carries out the following tasks:
- development of auditory, visual, spatial perception;
- coordination of movements;
- general and fine motor skills;
- consolidation of the sounds set by the speech therapist in free speech;
- speech and physiological breathing;
- formation of tempo, rhythm and intonation expressiveness of speech;
- work on facial expressions.

The joint activities of a speech therapist and a physical education instructor are presented in Diagram 1.

When planning lessons, the speech therapist teacher takes into account the thematic principle of selecting material, with the tasks constantly becoming more complex. It allows you to organize communicative situations in which the teacher manages the cognitive and speech development of children. The thematic approach provides a concentrated study of the material, repeated repetition of speech material every day, which is very important both for the perception of speech and for its actualization. Concentrated study of the topic contributes to the successful accumulation speech means and active use by children in communication purposes, it is fully consistent with the solution of both general problems of the comprehensive development of children and special correctional ones.

Concentrated study of the material also serves as a means of establishing closer connections between specialists, since all specialists work within the same lexical topic. As a result of concentrated study of one topic in the classes of a speech therapist and a physical education instructor, children firmly assimilate speech material and actively use it in the future.

A speech therapist teacher introduces a physical education instructor to thematic plan work for the academic year, according to it, a complex of speech material for the development of movements is jointly compiled.

In special correctional work in the process of physical education, the tasks of verbal regulation of actions and functions of active attention are solved by performing tasks, movements according to a model, visual demonstration, verbal instructions, and the development of spatio-temporal organization of movement.
The peculiarities of planning further activities with children in physical education classes are that the section, which includes tasks for the development of general motor skills, is supplemented with tasks for the correction and correction of motor disorders characteristic of children with disabilities. general underdevelopment speech.

Significant changes are being made to the section “ Outdoor games" It is planned in accordance with the lexical topics of speech therapy classes and the work of the teacher. For example. When a teacher-speech therapist is working on the lexical topic “Pets” in a physical education lesson, the outdoor game “Rabbits” is used, in which children consolidate the ability to jump on two legs, moving forward, as well as the skill of case agreement of nouns (with a ball: who is the dog? - the dog has a puppy; who has the cow? - the cow has a calf).

While studying the lexical topic “Professions,” the physical education lesson uses the outdoor game “Firemen in Training,” in which children practice the ability to climb gymnastic walls and reinforce the use of future tense verbs (I will be a fireman. I will be a builder. I will be a teacher. ). The purpose of such planning is to consolidate and expand the child’s vocabulary, form basic grammatical categories, and activate children’s speech. Often, due to the developmental characteristics of children with special needs, a physical education instructor has to change the rules of the game, that is, “push” the regulated boundaries. This can manifest itself in both complication and simplification of the rules.

The plot-based form of classes is also used, which also promotes speech development. All story-based lessons, themes for them, games are agreed upon with the speech therapist teacher, based on the stage of speech development at which the child is at a given period of time.

In these classes, the connection between the development of speech and the formation of movements can be traced. The higher physical activity child, the more intensively his speech develops. But the formation of movements also occurs with the participation of speech. This is one of the main elements of motor-spatial exercises. The rhythm of speech, especially poetry, sayings, and proverbs, used in plot lessons, contributes to the development of coordination of gross and fine voluntary motor skills. Movements become smoother, more expressive, and rhythmic. With the help of poetic speech, the correct tempo of speech and breathing rhythm are developed, speech hearing and speech memory are developed; The poetic form always attracts children with its liveliness and emotionality, setting children up for play without special settings. All sections of the lesson (introductory, main, final parts) are subordinated to this topic.

The material for pronunciation and for reciting the text is selected by the teacher-speech therapist, in accordance with the speech disorders of preschool children, taking into account their age and stages of speech therapy, and sets of exercises are compiled by a physical education instructor, taking into account the necessary speech-motor skills. IN Appendix 1 a plan for the relationship between a speech therapist and a physical education instructor is presented lexical topics.

Children, having learned to control individual movements, gain confidence in their abilities, and this confidence contributes to the success of work on the development of general and articulatory motor skills. Poetic texts normalize the rate of speech of children, which affects the formation of the syllabic structure of the word. Children listen to sounds and words, controlling their own speech. During such physical education activities, the child’s articulatory apparatus is strengthened and phonemic hearing develops. In turn, the correctional work of a speech therapist involves children’s motor activity, which contributes to the development of gross and fine motor skills.

Continuity and interrelation in the work of a speech therapist and physical education instructor contributes to the effective and lasting consolidation of the results of speech therapy work.

For example, when studying the lexical topic “Winter Fun,” the physical education instructor conducts a story-based physical education lesson “Winter Fun.”
During the warm-up, the instructor uses poetic form.
Let them fly to our room, Arms bent to shoulders.
All snowflakes are white. Tilts of the body to the right, left.
We're not cold now, hands up.
We are doing exercises. Squat, arms forward.
Walking and running are accompanied by poems about winter fun.
Snow, snow, white snow,
He puts us all to sleep!
The children are all up on skis,
And they ran through the snow.

When performing general developmental exercises, the instructor uses riddles about objects for winter fun, and the children imitate the movements of a hockey player.

I'm not an ordinary stick,
And a little curled.
Playing hockey without me
Not interesting for children (stick).

When explaining the basic types of movement, the instructor uses a poetic form (throwing with the right and left hands at the target).

We will now see with you,
Like throwing snowballs at a target.
You guys aim like this
To get a snowball into the cap.

The final part also uses poetic speech, which restores the rhythm of breathing.

One two three four five,
We went for a walk in the yard.
They sculpted a snow woman,
The birds were fed crumbs,
Then we rode down the hill,
And they were also lying in the snow.

During the classes, non-traditional equipment and aids are widely used, made from improvised means, waste material (plastic bottles, cans): “Health Track”, “Snake-Walking”, “Pigtails”, “Throwing Bags”, “Correction Traces”, “ Colored blocks" and much more. When selecting material for a lesson, it is necessary to know the level of development of motor qualities, the emotional state of the child, his motor and vocabulary, and state of health.

Thus, the relationship between a speech therapist and a physical education instructor in a compensatory group for children with SLD has great importance and is the key to the success of correctional and developmental work.

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Annex 1

Plan for the relationship between a speech therapist and a physical education instructor on lexical topics

Interaction between a speech therapist and a teacher in the correctional process for speech development in preschoolers

The methodological material is recommended for educators, speech therapists and other preschool specialists.
The joint work of the speech therapist and the teacher should be carried out in the following areas:
- timely examination of children in order to identify their level mental development, features of memory, thinking, attention, imagination, speech;
- ensuring flexibility of pedagogical influences on students, taking into account the changing capabilities of students based on correctional work;
- planning individual work with every child;
- development of cognitive interests, cognitive activity based on mastering the surrounding reality;
- mastery of children communication means communication.
The interaction between a speech therapist and a teacher is especially necessary when organizing personal approach to children, since when organizing it it is necessary to create the following pedagogical conditions:
- see each child as a unique personality;
- design situations of success for each child in the educational process;
- study the causes of children's ignorance and eliminate them.

The interaction between a speech therapist and a teacher is also necessary because the elimination of speech defects requires an integrated approach, since speech disorders are associated with a number of reasons, both biological and social nature. An integrated approach to overcoming speech impairment involves a combination of correctional pedagogical and therapeutic work, and this requires the interaction of a speech therapist and a teacher.
Unfortunately, such interaction between a teacher and a speech therapist is not implemented in many kindergartens. It depends on many reasons, but first of all on the management kindergarten, from the personal characteristics of the speech therapist and teacher, from their desire to improve the process of speech development of preschool children.
Scientists have studied and investigated specific types of interaction between a speech therapist and a teacher.
So, together with a speech therapist, the teacher plans classes on speech development, familiarization with the outside world, preparation for literacy and preparing the hand for writing. Continuity in the work of a speech therapist and teacher involves not only joint planning, but also the exchange of information, discussion of children’s achievements, both in speech and in other classes. On the basis of such interaction, the teacher performs, in addition to general educational tasks, a number of correctional tasks, the essence of which is to eliminate deficiencies in the sensory, affective-volitional, and intellectual spheres caused by the characteristics of the speech defect. At the same time, the teacher turns his attention not only to correcting existing deficiencies in the child’s development, to enriching ideas about the environment, but also to further development and improving the performance of safe analyzers. This creates the basis for the favorable development of the child’s compensatory capabilities, which ultimately affects the effective acquisition of speech.
Compensation for a child’s speech underdevelopment, his social adaptation and preparation for further education at school dictate the need to master, under the guidance of a teacher, those types of activities that are provided for in the programs of a mass general developmental kindergarten. The teacher should pay special attention to the development of perception (visual, auditory, tactile), mnestic processes, accessible forms of visual-figurative and verbal-logical thinking, motivation.
Important aspect The work of a teacher develops cognitive activity and cognitive interests in children. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the peculiar lag in the formation of cognitive processes in general, which develops in children under the influence of speech underdevelopment, narrowing of contacts with others, incorrect methods of family education and other reasons.
Correct, pedagogically justified interaction between a teacher and a speech therapist, combining their efforts in the interests of speech correction in children, is based on the creation of a friendly, emotionally positive environment in kindergarten. Psychological atmosphere in children's team strengthens children's faith in own capabilities, allows you to smooth out negative experiences associated with speech inferiority and create interest in classes. To do this, the educator, like the speech therapist, must have knowledge in the field of developmental psychology and individual psychophysical differences in preschool children. They need to be able to understand various negative manifestations of children’s behavior, and notice in time signs of increased fatigue, exhaustion, passivity and lethargy. Properly organized psychological and pedagogical interaction between the teacher and children prevents the appearance of persistent unwanted deviations in their behavior and forms friendly relationships.
The work of a teacher on speech development in many cases precedes speech therapy classes, prepares children to perceive material in future speech therapy classes, providing the necessary cognitive and motivational basis for the formation of speech knowledge and skills. In other cases, the teacher focuses his attention on consolidating the results achieved by children in speech therapy classes.
The task of the speech therapy group teacher It also includes daily monitoring of the state of children’s speech activity in each period of the correction process, monitoring the correct use of sounds assigned or corrected by a speech therapist, learned grammatical forms, etc. Particular attention of the educator should be paid to children with a late onset of speech activity, with aggravated medical history, and characterized by psychophysiological immaturity.
The teacher should not focus children's attention on the occurrence of possible errors or hesitations in speech, repetitions of the first syllables and words. Such manifestations should be reported to a speech therapist. The teacher's responsibilities also include good knowledge individual characteristics of children with general speech underdevelopment, who react differently to their defect, to communication difficulties, to changes in communication conditions.
The teacher’s speech is important in everyday communication with children. It should serve as a model for children with speech disorders: to be clear, extremely intelligible, well intonated, figuratively expressive and grammatically correct. Complex structures, turns, introductory words complicating speech understanding.
The specificity of the work of a teacher when interacting with a speech therapist is that the teacher organizes and conducts classes on the instructions of the speech therapist. The teacher plans individual or subgroup lessons with children in the second half. 5-7 children are invited to an evening speech therapy session. The following are recommended types of exercises:
- consolidation of well-placed sounds (pronunciation of syllables, words, sentences);
- repetition of poems, stories;
- exercises to develop attention, memory, logical thinking, phonemic hearing, sound analysis and synthesis skills;
- activation of coherent speech in a conversation on familiar lexical or everyday topics.
In the process of correctional work, the teacher pays great attention development of fine motor skills. So, during extracurricular time, you can invite children to put together mosaics, puzzles, figures from matches or counting sticks, practice untying and tying shoelaces, collect scattered buttons or small objects, and pencils of different sizes. Children can be offered work in notebooks to develop writing skills, recommended for children with speech disorders.
A special place in the work of the teacher is occupied by the organization of outdoor games for children with speech disorders, due to the fact that children in this category are often somatically weakened, physically intolerable, and quickly get tired. Planning the work of the organization play activity, the teacher must clearly understand the reality of the physical capabilities of each child and differentiated selection of outdoor games. Outdoor games, which usually form part of physical education, music lessons, can be spent on a walk, at holiday matinees, during entertainment hours.
Games with movement must be combined with other types of children's activities. Outdoor games simultaneously help the successful formation of speech. They often contain sayings and quatrains; they can be preceded by a counting rhyme for choosing a driver. Such games also contribute to the development of a sense of rhythm, harmony and coordination of movements, and have a positive effect on psychological condition children.
The work of a teacher in teaching children role-playing games is also a necessary element of his pedagogical activity. In role-playing games, the teacher activates and enriches the vocabulary, develops coherent speech, and teaches ritual interaction in social and everyday situations familiar to the child (doctor’s appointment, shopping in a store, traveling on public transport, etc.). Role-playing games contribute to the development of communication and speech skills, stimulate children's sociability, develop social skills and abilities.
Having studied the scientific literature on the interaction between a teacher and a speech therapist in kindergarten on the development of speech in children with speech disorders, I came to the following conclusions.
1. Together with the speech therapist, the teacher plans classes on speech development, familiarization with the outside world, preparation for literacy and preparing the hand for writing. Continuity in the work of a speech therapist and teacher involves not only joint planning, but also the exchange of information, discussion of children’s achievements, both in speech and in other classes.
2. In addition to general education, a teacher in specialized kindergartens also performs a number of correctional tasks, the essence of which is to eliminate deficiencies in the sensory, affective-volitional, and intellectual spheres caused by speech defects. The teacher should pay special attention to the development of perception, visual-figurative and verbal-logical thinking, and the development of interest in knowledge.
3. Pedagogically justified interaction between a teacher and a speech therapist, combining their efforts in the interests of speech correction in children, is based on the creation of a friendly environment in a specialized group of a kindergarten. The psychological atmosphere in the children's team strengthens children's faith in their own capabilities and allows them to smooth out negative experiences associated with speech impairment.
4. The work of a teacher on speech development in many cases precedes speech therapy classes, prepares children to perceive material in future speech therapy classes, thereby providing the basis for the formation of speech knowledge and skills. In other cases, the teacher focuses his attention on consolidating the results achieved by children in speech therapy classes.
5. The teacher’s task includes daily monitoring of the state of children’s speech activity. The teacher’s speech is important in everyday communication with children. She should serve as a model for children with speech disorders.
6. The interaction between a speech therapist and a teacher is necessary because eliminating speech defects requires an integrated approach, since speech disorders are associated with a number of reasons, both biological and psychological.

Natalia Boldova
Interaction between a speech therapist and a teacher in a preschool educational institution

In the conditions of a logopunkt in a preschool educational institution, it is very important interaction between a speech therapist and teachers, for the speedy elimination of speech disorders.

Joint activities of a speech therapist and teacher organized according to the following goals:

1. Increasing the efficiency of correctional and educational work.

2. Elimination of duplication teacher of speech therapy classes.

The speech therapist supports close relationship with teachers preparatory and senior groups whose children attend remedial classes. Constantly informs them about what sounds a particular child has, asks them to correct children in groups in order to automate the sounds in speech. Each group has a folder "Advice from a speech therapist", which the speech therapist supplements with didactic speech material, speech games on the development of phonemic hearing and perception, to educators Whenever possible, they used this material in their work.

Educator conducts classes on speech development, familiarization with the environment using a special system, taking into account lexical topics, replenishes, clarifies and activates children’s vocabulary, using routine moments for this, monitors the sound pronunciation and grammatical correctness of children’s speech during the entire time of communication with them.

In his classes, a speech therapist works with children on pronunciation and sound analysis, and at the same time introduces children to certain lexical and grammatical categories.

When correcting and shaping sound pronunciation, work teacher and the work of a speech therapist varies in organization, methodological techniques, and duration. Basics difference: a speech therapist corrects speech disorders, and teacher under the guidance of a speech therapist, actively participates in the correction process, helping to eliminate the speech defect. In their work they are guided by general didactic principles: principles of systematicity and consistency; principle individual approach.

The principle of systematicity and consistency involves adaptation of content, methods and techniques of work teacher to the requirements presented by the tasks of a specific stage of speech therapy work. The gradualism in the work of a speech therapist is due to the fact that the assimilation of elements of the speech system proceeds interconnected and in a certain sequence. Considering this sequence teacher selects for his classes speech material that is accessible to children, which contains sounds they have already mastered and, if possible, excludes those that have not yet been studied.

The principle of an individual approach involves taking into account the speech characteristics of children. This is explained by the fact that children have speech disorders of varying severity and structure, as well as the non-simultaneity of their correction in speech therapy classes. This principle requires teacher knowledge about the initial state of speech of each child and the level of his current speech development, and therefore the use of this knowledge in his work.

Educator plans his work taking into account the program requirements and speech abilities of children. Educator is obliged to know individual deviations in the formation of a child’s speech, hear its defects, pay attention to the purity of pronunciation, and also include components of correctional assistance in the general educational process of his group.

In its turn, teacher-The speech therapist during classes focuses on correcting sound pronunciation. But if a child’s grammatical structure, vocabulary, and coherent speech are not sufficiently developed, then improving these aspects of speech teacher also includes in its work plan.

Teacher– speech therapist recommends educators carry out complexes of articulatory and finger exercises and include in the work reading poetry, sayings and riddles, highlighting words with a given sound from the text. Speech therapist informs educators whose children are enrolled in a speech therapy center, about the results of correctional work at a certain stage. In its turn educators share with the speech therapist their observations of the child’s speech in the group (outside speech therapy classes).

To summarize, we can say that the work teacher and speech therapist coordinated by the following way:

1) Teacher-speech therapist speech therapist forms primary speech skills in children, selects material for their classes that is as close as possible to the topics studied by children in classes with educators;

2) Educator, during classes, takes into account stages of speech therapy work carried out with the child, levels of development of phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical aspects of speech, thus consolidating the formed speech skills.

Thus, only close contact in the work of the speech therapist and teacher, can help eliminate various speech problems in preschool age, and therefore further full-fledged education at school.

Publications on the topic:

Interaction between a speech therapist and preparatory group teachers. Evening work forms Methodological development "Interaction between teacher-speech therapist and educators preparatory group. Evening work forms" Date.

Interaction between speech therapist and music director I present to your attention a jointly developed article about our joint work with a speech therapist teacher. The article has already been published.

Interaction between a speech therapist and a music director in correctional and educational work If speaking is difficult for you, music will always help! In correctional work with children suffering from various speech defects, it is positive.

Interaction between a speech therapist and parents of children with speech disorders IN last years problems of speech correction are becoming particularly relevant. As a result of many unfavorable environmental factors.

Interaction between a speech therapist and educator in the correction of OHP in preschool children Corrective success - educational work in a speech therapy group is determined by a strictly thought-out system of close interaction between the speech therapist.

The success of correctional and developmental work in a speech therapy group is determined by a strict, well-thought-out system, the essence of which is the integration of speech therapy into the educational process of children’s life. The natural way to carry out successful correctional work is the relationship and interaction of the speech therapist and educators



Organization of correctional educational process in a speech therapy group.

Interaction in the work of a speech therapist and a teacher.

1 Principles and objectives of building a correctional educational process.

The success of correctional and developmental work in a speech therapy group is determined by a strict, well-thought-out system, the essence of which is the integration of speech therapy into the educational process of children’s life.

The natural way to implement speech therapy is the relationship, interaction of the speech therapist and educators (for different functional tasks and methods of correctional work, which we will talk about later).

The pedagogical process in a speech therapy group is organized in accordance with age needs, functional and individual characteristics, depending on the structure and severity of the defect.

The ultimate goal of the correctional group: education of a humane personality, a comprehensive and harmoniously happy child; social adaptation and integration of the child into the environment of normally developing peers.

Work in a speech therapy group is structured taking into account age, the profile of the group and individual manifestations of a speech defect (from the Regulations - the principle of age and differential by diagnosis)

When working with children with speech impairment, the main tasks are:

Arranging and consolidating sounds in speech, and, if necessary, differentiation based on similar characteristics.

Development of phonemic processes and skills of full sound-letter analysis and synthesis.

When working with children with special needs, tasks:

Development of lexical and grammatical means of speech.

Formation of correct sound pronunciation.

Development of phonemic processes and sound-letter analysis skills.

Development of coherent speech in accordance with age standards.

Preparing for literacy.

2. Functions of a speech therapist and educator in the process of work.

What are the functions of a speech therapist and educators in the process of working on lexical topics:

The work of a teacher and speech therapist when correcting sound pronunciation

3\ development of fine motor skills (lacing, mosaic, weaving, etc.)

4\ development of graphic skills (outlining, shading)

5\ formation of spatial representations (right, left, narrow - wide.....)

6\ work on correcting lexical and grammatical categories.

At the end of the school year, the speech therapist conducts a final lesson. Educator – final comprehensive lesson with the invitation of parents, administration, colleagues of teachers of speech therapy groups or the head of the Moscow Region.

Memorizing a poem


1\ preliminary vocabulary work (as in a mass group);

2\ the teacher reads by heart with clarity;

3\ conversation;

4\ reading a poem;

5\ memorization by quatrain and by line;

For the holidays, they work on all speech material together with a speech therapist. There should be no wrong speech!

In the preparatory speech therapy group, classes are held to prepare children for writing, one lesson per week (from October to April inclusive, 30 lessons)

Each lesson includes:

Writing of certain elements;

Visual or auditory dictation;

Sketching borders, alternating with sketching or tracing followed by shading of patterns included in the auditory or visual dictation.

In 30 lessons, 6 elements are mastered, 20 visual and 5 auditory dictations are conducted.

Olesya Chepornyuk
Consultation “Interaction between a teacher and a speech therapist”

Interaction between teacher and speech therapist

Target: building a unified system interaction between speech therapist and preschool teachers


1. Develop unified (variable) approaches to interaction between a speech therapist and a preschool teacher.

2. Select new effective ones and exchange existing forms interaction in the conditions of a specialized group or preschool educational institution and in the conditions logopunkt(technology interaction) .

3. Delineate areas of responsibility speech therapist and educators Preschool educational institutions in correctional and developmental work.

4. Select software By interaction between speech therapist and teacher using ICT.

Work plan:

1. Interaction between speech therapist and teachers during diagnosis, determination of volumes and spheres of influence, forms of cooperation.

2. Interaction between speech therapist and teachers when carrying out correctional and developmental activities, forms of cooperation.

3. Functionality speech therapist and educators.

4. Alignment interaction using information and computer technologies.

Planned result: selection and development of uniform (variable) approaches to interaction between speech therapist and preschool teachers.

We have made an attempt to differentiate the work teacher and speech therapist in main areas, identify points of contact interaction: diagnosis, correction, prevention.

Diagnostic work

Speech therapist teacher

Conducts diagnostics of general development.

Reports speech therapist the results of his observations of the child in various types activities; the history of his early speech development and family conditions education.

Based on diagnostic data speech therapist, plans classes with children based on the main correctional tasks. Conducts an annual comprehensive speech therapists-technical examination of all children of middle and senior preschool age, the results of which are reflected for each group children:

IN "Sound Pronunciation Screens", which clearly indicate sounds that are disturbed

In the pronunciation of each child, as well as the stages of work on them,

- "tables interaction» , which reflects the level of development of the structural components of speech;

IN “Sheets for recording the results of examination of children”, in which each child is assigned to one of the following groups: with normal speech development, sound pronunciation defects (simple dyslalia, complex dyslalia, erased dysarthria, lexico-grammatical disorders, underdevelopment of phonemic perception, violations syllable structure experiencing difficulties in mastering language analysis and synthesis.

Corrective work

Teacher Speech therapist

Monitors children's speech in classes and during routine moments.

Deals with the development of fine and articulatory motor skills.

Provides assistance in automating delivered sounds.

Helps improve the grammatical structure of speech, develop phonemic perception and syllable structure.

Conducts the necessary work with parents to optimize the correction process. Renders teacher assistance in organizing individual and group work on speech development.

Preventative work

Teacher Speech therapist

Organizes such subject environment, which contributes to the fullest possible disclosure of potential speech capabilities pupils, preventing their difficulties in speech development.

Pays special attention to children with high degree the risk of developing speech defects. Monitors the compliance of the development environment with the age needs of children.

Forms of work according to interaction with teachers, used in practice

1. Individual work for one month according to the following sections: work on automation of sounds and control over them; work on fine motor skills; overcoming lexical and grammatical underdevelopment of speech on a certain lexical topic; development of coherent speech. Based on this table - a diagram of individual work teacher can build his classes taking into account the speech problems of each child. During the lesson on sound culture speech, you can ask each child to parse words with the sounds that they correct in speech therapist.

2. Observations on the dynamics of sound production in children. Monitoring dynamics allows teacher visually track the dynamics of sound pronunciation of all speech children in a group or a specific child. Based on conventions, the teacher offers the child only the speech material that he can handle. To the teacher it becomes easier to choose poems for the holiday (in case of difficulties it helps speech therapist) . Arises less problems V classes: the teacher knows, what answers he can expect from the child and not strive to demand impossible efforts from the latter. Thus, the child has no fear of answering in class, and there is no reinforcement of incorrect pronunciation of those sounds that he cannot yet master. Sometimes educators persistently ask to repeat a word with a sound that the child does not have, and begin to get angry if the child does something wrong.

4. Speech therapy memos and booklets, released once every 2 months,

to help teachers and parents overcome speech problems. Issue of thematic speech therapy booklets« Speech therapy path» and reminders that would help educators and parents without special education to master skills speech therapy correctional assistance for their children. Colorfully designed booklets attract the attention of not only adults, but also children who want to take part in playing with them.

5. Selection of speech material: pure sayings, rhymes, poems, tasks and exercises for correcting various components of speech activity. Educator when selecting speech material, he must remember the speech problems of each child. Therefore, we help select speech material that corresponds to the normal sound pronunciation of children with speech disorders. We recommend educators work with ready-made printed publications, we recommend using the correct speech therapy positions literature and speech material.

Functional separation speech therapist and teacher in a speech group and speech kindergarten

Problems that make collaboration difficult speech therapist and teacher: combination of the “Correctional” program education and teaching children with general speech underdevelopment (5-6 years)» T. B. Filicheva, G. V. Chirkina with the main general education program of the MDOU;

No requirements for the organization joint activities speech therapist and educators V regulatory documents And methodological literature available today;

Difficulty in distributing planned correctional work within working hours and SaNPiN requirements;

Lack of a clear division of functions between teacher and speech therapist;

Impossibility mutual visits to classes between a speech therapist and a teacher in different age groups.

Speech therapists joint activities are organized in accordance with the following goals:

Increasing the efficiency of correctional and educational work

Elimination of duplication teacher of speech therapy classes

Optimization of organizational and content aspects of correctional pedagogical activities speech therapist and educators, both for the entire group of children and for each child.

Joint correctional work in a speech group involves solving the following tasks:

speech therapist forms primary speech skills in children - logopathists

teacher consolidates formed speech skills

Main types of organization of joint activities speech therapist and teacher

1. Joint study of the content of the training program and education in a special preschool institution and drawing up a joint work plan.

2. Joint lesson planning teacher, providing the necessary fixation of the material in different types children's activities.

3. Discussion of the results of joint study of children, which was conducted in the classroom and in everyday life.

4. Joint preparation for all children's holidays ( speech therapist selects speech material, and the teacher reinforces it).

Teacher Speech therapist

Plans and organizes classes taking into account the next topic, and their tasks are correlated with the tasks speech therapy session. Plans and organizes classes taking into account the age and individual speech development disorders of children.

Forms in children the necessary level of knowledge on a vocabulary topic during walks, in drawing, modeling and design. Conducts basic vocabulary work

Educator teaches children to clearly express their requests, desires, and answer questions in beautiful, complete sentences.

When observing objects of reality brought up-tel introduces children to new words, clarifies their meaning, promotes their repetition in different situations, activating them in children’s own speech. Based on the knowledge gained during observations, he conducts correctional and developmental speech exercises and improves children's speech skills.

Be sure to encourage the child to take the initiative to speak out.

It does not stop children, suppressing their desire to speak out, but, on the contrary, supports initiative, expands the content of the conversation with questions, and creates interest in the topic of conversation among other children. Works to familiarize children with new words, clarify their meanings and activate them, and selects lexical material on the topic.

Forms technical and visual skills In subgroup classes, consolidates technical and visual skills, with the goal of further developing such complex shapes speech as planning speech. Thanks to this, children’s speech in class becomes a regulator of their behavior and activities.

Conduct classes to clarify the movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus every day using a set of articulatory exercises. Learns a set of necessary articulation exercises and provides them teacher for reinforcement.

Provides assistance speech therapist in the introduction speech therapist sounds into a child's speech. This work is carried out with the help of nursery rhymes and tongue twisters. Places and introduces sounds into speech, prepares speech material for automating sounds educator.

Strengthens skills in coherent speech with the help of poems, etc. Conducts classes on the development of coherent speech, prepares material for consolidation teacher.

Provides complete practical familiarity with objects and their intended use in everyday life. Deepens vocabulary work, forms lexical and grammatical categories in children, and in the course of special exercises ensures their conscious use in verbal communication.

Conducts classes on speech development, familiarization with the environment (cognitive development) according to a special system taking into account lexical topics;

Replenishes, clarifies and activates children’s vocabulary, using routine moments for this;

Monitors the sound pronunciation and grammatical correctness of children’s speech throughout the entire time of communication with them;

When planning lessons on writing and developing graphic skills, it is guided by: methodological instructions speech therapist. In frontal classes, he formulates topics;

Works with children on pronunciation, sound analysis,

Teaches the elements of literacy,

At the same time, it introduces children to certain lexical and grammatical categories.

Supervises the work Extension teacher, clarification and activation of vocabulary, mastery of grammatical categories, development of coherent speech.

Functional speech therapist:

Studying the level of speech, cognitive and individual typological characteristics of children, determining the main directions and content of work with each of them.

Formation of correct speech breathing, sense of rhythm and expressiveness of speech, work on the prosodic side of speech.

Work on correcting sound pronunciation.

Improving phonemic perception and skills in sound analysis and synthesis.

Corrective work syllabic structure of the word.

Formation syllable reading.

Acquaintance and assimilation of new lexical and grammatical categories.

Teaching coherent speech: a detailed semantic statement consisting of logically combined grammatically correct sentences.

Prevention of writing and reading disorders.

Development of mental functions closely related to speech: verbal-logical thinking, memory, attention, imagination.

Functional teacher:

Taking into account the lexical topic during all group lessons during the week.

Replenishment, clarification and activation vocabulary children on the current lexical topic during all routine moments.

Continuous improvement of articulation, fine and gross motor skills.

Systematic control over delivered sounds and grammatical correctness children's speech during all routine moments.

Incorporating practiced grammar designs in a situation of natural communication among children.

Formation of coherent speech (memorization of poems, nursery rhymes, texts, familiarity with fiction, work on retelling and compilation of all types of storytelling).

Strengthening reading and writing skills.

Consolidating children's speech skills by individual lessons on assignment speech therapist.

Development of understanding, attention, memory, logical thinking, imagination in game exercises on defect-free speech material.

Forms interaction

Integrated classes - as a form of joint activity of specialists, educators and parents. Increase professional competence. They solve preventive problems in a comprehensive manner.

Integrated classes with a music director Integrated classes with a physical education instructor Integrated classes with a teacher psychologist Final lesson

Logorhythmics second with children junior group Health and speech gymnastics Prevention and correction of speech development and emotional sphere of children Specialists, teachers and parents

Interaction between a speech therapist and a teacher using ICT

Carrying out speech therapy teacher groups at special times and on speech therapy hour in the afternoon as recommended speech therapist finger games with children, breathing exercises using a computer

Using specific footage (for example, picture material on lexical topics) for demonstration on comprehensive classes conducted jointly teacher and speech therapist of the speech therapy group, and also for securing teacher educational material in his classes and during special moments in the afternoon

Using various speech therapy games , exercises in individual lessons teacher on instructions from a speech therapist.

Speech therapy classes using computer programs and technologies are conducted in compliance with standards SanPiNov:

Using new computer models

Working with a computer in one lesson for a short time (5-10 minutes) and no more than twice a week (individually, depending on the age of the child, his nervous system)

Carrying out hygienic exercises for the eyes; while working, we periodically move the child’s gaze from the monitor every 1.5-2 minutes for a few seconds

Inclusion in speech therapy classes games aimed at preventing visual impairment and developing visual-spatial relationships



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