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Pleykast welcome back from vacation. Happy first working day after vacation

He is so... so desirable, mysterious, extraordinary, fabulous, necessary, unique, bright, irreplaceable, long-awaited...))) my VACATION

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What I want most now is to be at the airport and hear that my plane is taking off to the sea in a few minutes...

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Nothing pleases the eye more than a packed suitcase at sea...

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Most of all I want to go on vacation a month before and 10 months after it.

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Summer... sun... sea... beach... children... bags... husband... luggage... room... bed... shower... hubbub... was there a vacation - you'll understand...

Planning a vacation is very easy: the boss says when, the wife where...

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It's great to be on vacation! I want to clean, I want to wash, I want to iron. If I want to, I’ll freak out and leave. To the dacha. I will water, weed, dig...

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After a good vacation, you need to rest for another week.

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All good things come to an end sooner or later... The moral of this fable is - the Khan has come to leave ((

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On the last day before vacation, I had to walk in sideways to work - a satisfied smile couldn’t fit through the door.

The degree of tanning is determined by the whiteness of the butt relative to the rest of the body.

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There are two photographs on my passport. At the first I am sober, and the second - so that they can be released from Turkey and Egypt...

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My girlfriend always talks about a trip to the Canaries. But I don’t mind... Let him speak.

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For our tourists, everything in the hotel that is not nailed to the floor is a souvenir!

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Everyone who has returned from vacation definitely has a friend who will slap you on your burnt shoulder and ask: “So, how was your rest?”

For some people, the only difference between vacation and work is that they sit at a different computer.

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You need to get out of vacation, just like from a binge, gradually))

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Stop for a moment, you're on vacation!!!

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Vacations come and go, but you never want to work.

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A Russian person's vacation lasts 2 months, since he prepares for vacation for two weeks and gets out of it for two weeks..

Tears and hysterics - that's such a drama. I gained four kilograms during my vacation...

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Nothing tires you more than someone else's rest.

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Cheer yourself up on a dull, gray, winter Friday! Write your vacation application with colorful markers!

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Russian vacation - two weeks on the beach and 50 weeks aground.

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Vacation, sea, sun, beach - I miss it so much now...

Statuses about work with meaning

It's good to work two jobs! Lots of money! But not because they pay a lot - but because there is no time to spend.

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Never before has a person been so close to perfection as when writing a resume!

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Thursday is still better than Sunday! Because on Thursday tomorrow is Friday, and on Sunday tomorrow is Monday!

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If you don't know how to use your head, use a shovel.

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Work ennobles a person, but idleness makes him happy.

If your office is often entered without knocking, hang it with inside There's a dart target on the door.

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- What should a specialist do for a salary of ten thousand rubles? - Nothing... And even a little harm!

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Choose a job you like, and you will never have to work a single day in your life.

In our country, everything is PAID: To be born!, To study!, To be treated!, To die! - Is there anything for FREE??? - Yes... Work!!!

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Work hard and pay your taxes honestly. Thousands of workers in the state apparatus are counting on you.

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The specifics of life in a metropolis are such that some workers get tired before they even get to work.

O_ o o_O O_ o o_O O_ o Chief, remember! White (untanned) color indicates employees who still want to go on vacation!

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I still can’t figure it out: do I have a job, or does my job have me?..

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For many people the most favorite time year - vacation. IN this section collected the most funny jokes about vacation. short and long for different tastes, which will cheer you up in anticipation of the long-awaited vacation:

For the first time I'm not upset that tomorrow is Monday, vacation is a great thing!

You can only relax inexpensively on your own sofa!

One day I will go out for some bread and accidentally leave this country...

Türkiye shouted - come and sunbathe! Paris shouted - come take pictures at the tower! Egypt reminded me of the pyramids! And the wallet said: take beer with seeds and go to the dacha... you're a fucking dreamer!

Dear alarm clock, please don’t call me again. It's all over between us. I'm leaving... On vacation! Hooray!

When waking up feels more and more like intensive care, it’s time to go on vacation.

Vacation is the fifth time of the year, which can only be defined by the feeling of lasting happiness!

Family vacation - continuation of the war between spouses in another territory

Some people come back from vacation tanned, others blue.

I want to look at the man who called maternity leave a vacation!

An experienced man flirts on the beach with the palest skinned girl - after all, she still has her whole vacation ahead of her.

I went on vacation! Envy!

In summer, employee competence is of two types:
1) I don’t know, I’m going on vacation tomorrow.
2) I don’t know, I just got back from vacation.

Labor made a man out of a monkey... Vacation brought everything back to its place!

Judging by the size of the first aid kit with medicines that we take with us on a trip, we are not going to rest, but to die.

Sea. Vacation. The wife says to her husband: “Darling, look how the waves kiss me!” - "Aha! And they vomit on the shore!”

Chief, remember! White (untanned) color indicates employees who still want to go on vacation!

Boss uncles, if you want to see during the beach season beautiful girls– let them go on vacation!

Only a Russian person, after a sick leave, can go to work tanned and with a hangover!

I need a dose of the sea.

No matter how much you rest, from the first day of work you want to go on vacation again!

My brain is sending me telegrams asking me to go on vacation!

The first working days after vacation - you urgently need to remember how to do nothing if things are crazy...

The strength of the tan is determined by the whiteness of the butt relative to other parts of the body.

I want summer, the sea, the beach, a bottle of martini... and a sign that says “Do not disturb!”

For our tourists in a hotel, anything that is not nailed to the floor is a souvenir...

Take care of your homeland - relax abroad.

I want to go to Hawaii! Everything's there! Sand for the kids, sun for me, sharks for my husband...

Vacation is when you don’t work eight hours a day, and it doesn’t apply to the other sixteen hours a day.

I desperately need rest. I can complete a year’s worth of work only in nine months, but not in twelve!

You can't spend your vacation, damn it, it always ends on time.

The sun is shining but not warming, vacation is warming but not shining...

Husband and wife are going on vacation: - Dear, dear! What could I take with me so that everyone would look at me on the beach?! — Take your skis with you!

Somewhere is the most popular vacation spot...

The sea, girls and the beach are my best landscape!

On the first day of your vacation, I will specially get up early to watch you go to work.

Just starting to feel a free man, how about you - you still have vacation, but there’s no money anymore

The best thing about any vacation is not so much relaxing yourself, but watching others work.

A bad day on vacation is better than a good day at the office.

You need to come out of vacation, as well as from binge drinking, gradually...

Champagne, sea, men... Oh, what am I talking about? Work work work…

My soul has gone to sea, but my body has not yet.

The only downside to a holiday abroad is that I can’t afford it.

Work, work, go to Fedot: washing to Irinka, ironing to Anka, cooking to Vovka, And I have a trip to the sea!

My lovely, dear Work! Isn't it time for you to finally take a break from me?!

I'd rather be barefoot on the sand, and not wear stiletto heels to work

I want to go to the sea this summer... It’s my tradition to want to go to the sea every summer.

Life had just gotten better, suddenly bam! — the vacation is over.

Vacation is when you find a bottle of martini in the refrigerator in the morning and think: “Why not!”

Subordinates have two vacations, the first is their own, the second is the boss’s vacation!!!

A vacation means spending two weeks on the beach and then another six weeks being broke.

Vacation continues!!! We're going to where everything is inclusive - to our parents!

We must take a break so as not to take a break.

Eternity is the time from the beginning of the working day to its end. A moment is 23 calendar days of vacation.

Sometimes one person goes on vacation, but the whole team rests...)))

I absolutely love summer... But better than summer There can only be a vacation, and at any time of the year, and even better, at any time of the summer.

How can the whole team relax on one trip? Everyone chip in and buy a ticket for the boss.

Rest is a state of peace between nature and man. Work is an imbalance.
When you start to resemble your passport photo, this is a clear sign that it’s time to go on vacation.

A note “I’ll be there in 5 minutes” hung on your office door will help you go on vacation three days earlier.

I'm finally on vacation! Sea! Seagulls! Dolphins are nearby! What beautiful bed linen I have.
Hi, how are you? - Yes, I returned from vacation yesterday. - Lucky... - You're wrong! Lucky...

Returned from vacation. I don’t remember everything, but I remember that my wife called her son from the water and me from the bar with one phrase: “Come out, you’re already BLUE!”

A woman, returning from vacation, complains to her friend: “It rained all the time.” - “And yet you got tanned.” - “It’s not a tan, it’s rust!”

“It’s time for you to go on vacation” is also a kind of diagnosis. And in the fall, everyone runs to complain to psychotherapists that their vacation has been taken away from them.

Sick leave - leave according to a doctor's prescription.

Life is also a vacation. Only from the other world.

It would be nice to take a vacation for a hundred days. You can quit... but it’s not the same...

In the window of a cafe in one French city, which is very often visited by tourists, there is a notice: Here they even understand French which you studied at school.

In any resort town, the most decent people gather in line at the beach toilet.

Where will we go on vacation? - Well, judging by the money... we are not tired at all!

Summer... Sun... Watering can... Beds...
House... Repair... Stove... Sealing...
Evening... Bed... Shower... Noise...
Whether there was a vacation - you’ll understand!

The vacation was a success, but the vacation pay leaves much to be desired.

At the resorts Krasnodar region two troubles: fools and expensive.

On vacation it’s always like this: “last year was better.”

What ends even faster than a vacation?
- “Vacation pay!”

Relax, enjoy the amazing time called vacation! After all, people who rest have good health, more vital energy, stronger nervous system and more cheerful! This page contains jokes about vacation.

Oh, this cherished word is vacation. For a person tired of the daily workload, it evokes awe. With his head held high, the employee leaves the tired office and heads to warmer climes. But everything has its end, which means the time comes when you have to return to labor activity. To help a colleague cope with the first working day after vacation, the team often expresses personally or gives a postcard with pleasant, encouraging wishes. In this article you can find the words you need.

For the boss

“For some time, the life of our team changed: everyone was not working so actively, day after day passed gray and dull. This is due to the absence of a wise leader who always knows where to direct the energy of his subordinates. Now you are with us again! We hope that the strength accumulated during the rest period, they will be partially transferred to the team, and they will earn even more productively. Forward, with new ideas for better results!

Our team is a family, and you are its head. Like all children, we should not be left unattended for long periods of time. The team is glad that now we will work in full force. When a leader is inspired to new achievements, his subordinates adopt this feeling. Together with you we will achieve your goals!

The boss's vacation evokes different emotions. Joy from the opportunity to relax a little, envy (exclusively white) from the emotions experienced by another person, longing for the one who sets the tone for the entire working day from the first minutes. But the leader always returns, which means the atmosphere in the team returns to normal. We hope that during your vacation you have replenished your reserves of strength and patience to get back into action! Congratulations on your first working day after vacation!"

To fellow representatives of the fairer sex

"A woman is always beautiful, but to adorn herself the world- not an easy task. It requires a lot of strength that needs to be replenished. Then you left us, which greatly upset the entire team. Now we are together again, and a light tan and a sea of ​​photographs will remain the envy of all colleagues for a long time. Let the memories of a wonderful vacation brighten up the sometimes difficult working days!

Our postcard on the first working day after vacation is a way to show how much we missed your company. The male half of the team, with anticipation and bated breath, counted the days when they would see one of the most beautiful members of the team again, and the female half, in turn, suffered from a lack of information. We all breathed a sigh of relief because now the staff are in place and work life will be the same. Let weekdays joyful memories will not be overshadowed, and the smile does not leave your face! The next vacation is just around the corner!

Male colleagues

“Rest...How tiring it must be, day after day, torn between going to the beach and a serene sleep in a hotel room. But now you don’t have to experience this torment, and a loyal team and a sensitive boss will make sure that your work never ceases to bring pleasure, and the vacation seemed like just a waste of time! This is all, of course, irony! We are sure that a change of scenery and a break from the bustle of the city did you good. We are very glad that you have returned to our ranks again!

Please keep our congratulations on your first working day after vacation! We know that you are a very energetic and active person, and therefore a long absence from work is a burden for you. But the team suffered no less! We have lost the soul of the company and are very glad that you are back to work!

Funny congratulations

"To brighten up the first working day after vacation, cool congratulations from your favorite team - what you need! Now your life has meaning again, we have appeared (which, in principle, is the same thing). We wish you to greet Monday morning with confidence, cope with work and replenish the collection of magnets on the refrigerator!

It took us a long time to get used to your absence. Even the security guard noticed that someone had not greeted him for two weeks. We are happy to congratulate you on your first working day after your vacation and wish you new achievements, a high salary, delicious coffee and only pleasant troubles!”

Taking up your responsibilities is not always easy. To please your colleague, congratulate him on his first working day after vacation. The support and love of the team will brighten up difficult work days and allow you to tune in to the right wave.

How to spend the first day at work after vacation

Remember bearded joke, in which the birds sing, the flowers smell, the sea makes noise, the sand creaks and life has finally begun to get better, and then bam - and the vacation is over?

Many of us are faced with the so-called “post-vacation syndrome”, when all desire to return to a dull office, to routine work, to colleagues whom you know down to the slightest detail, to endless calls and piles of papers and to annoying clients disappears. And after a vacation, the body itself simply sabotages going back to work: the head hurts, insomnia gives way to apathy, and re-acclimatization is difficult. And more and more often treacherous thoughts about dismissal come to mind.

Stop! Let's not make hasty decisions in a crisis, but think about how to make returning from vacation as pleasant as possible.

Strange as it may sound, you need to prepare for your vacation even before it starts.

Getting ready to go back to work after vacation

To begin with, we will book return tickets two or three days before the official end of the vacation. There will be time to slowly unpack your suitcases and get used to the rhythm and energy again. hometown, its climate, and just lie on your favorite bed, which, I must admit, you already miss.

Then let's remember how many times we promised ourselves to start new life on Monday? And How? Monday, as you know, is a hard day and is completely unsuitable for something new. Therefore, you shouldn’t start your harsh workdays on this day of the week. It is optimal if you go to work on Thursday. You can somehow work for two days, and then rest as usual again!

On the last day before going to work, it is best to try to get enough sleep and spend the evening itself in a calm environment, for example, with your family. And you shouldn’t try to redo everything right off the train. homework, leave it for the weekend. Don't forget that you are officially still on vacation!

Work and 1 day after vacation

And then it came, the first working day after vacation. Let's get up a little earlier than usual in the morning to have time to drink an extra cup of coffee and mentally prepare for the work environment.

Have you put yours in order before your vacation? workplace? No? And in vain: nothing makes you more despondent after a vacation than a desktop littered with dusty papers. Towards them! We’ll sort it out after lunch, when we draw up a plan for upcoming events, so as not to forget anything important and urgent.

In the meantime, let's make ourselves our first working cup of tea. Let's throw a pinch of St. John's wort, hawthorn, rowan flowers or any other tonic herbs into it. Let's extend the holiday mood a little with a fragrant scent. No herbs? Don't worry, a thin slice of lemon will work too.

Taking our time and sipping some tonic tea, let’s look through the correspondence that has accumulated during our absence. Much no longer requires an answer, some information has lost its relevance, we will mark important and urgent letters with flags and return to them a little later.

The tea has been drunk, the mail has been looked through, it’s time to chat with the colleague who replaced you. He will certainly ask about how your vacation was and talk about important events that happened in your absence.

It's lunch time! Once again we plunge headlong into the holiday mood, telling our colleagues the most bright moments and showing off a kaleidoscope of enticing photographs. After lunch we begin to slowly get involved in the work environment. Let's sort out the accumulated papers that were pushed aside in the morning, and schedule the necessary meetings for the next week, and draw up a plan of affairs depending on their importance.

You are not Comrade Sailors, to throw yourself into the embrasure of work on the first day after vacation? This means that planning will help distribute the load evenly across all working days.

While you still feel rested and full of energy, you can and should finish those things that you didn’t get around to before your vacation. Do the work that you planned for a long time, but did not have time for some reason.

Time flies by while sorting out papers, and you can easily afford to drink another cup of tea. Only this time we’ll add a little mint, oregano or lemon balm to it. This will help you relax at the end of the working day. And be sure to praise yourself: you sorted out all the piles of papers, assigned important meetings, although in the morning it seemed completely impossible.

At the end of your first day at work, take a few minutes to daydream about the evening when you'll wear a suit that complements your well-rested appearance and see friends who haven't yet received their souvenirs. And you can end the evening by watching your favorite movie, which you didn’t have time to watch during your vacation. And no work from home! Otherwise, vivid vacation memories will be erased from memory even before the legal weekend arrives.

Oh yes! You should definitely put a bright greetings from vacation on your desktop! In the end, it doesn’t matter where the body is, what matters is where the soul lives!

The first working day after vacation has arrived

A couple of days ago you were basking on the seashore or leafing through your favorite book in the evening languor, inhaling the clean rural air, and today you are horrified to realize that the first working day is about to “break out”, for which you are completely unprepared. How to get back into work mode without compromising your physical and mental health?

“If you have a fountain, shut it up - let the fountain rest,” said the wise, albeit fictional, Kozma Prutkov. Well, now we’ve had a rest, it’s time to get into a working mood - and forward to new victories and achievements! But that was not the case. I’m in a whiny mood, my nerves are on edge, and in general, I want to come to work just to write a second application for another vacation. “Congratulations,” you have post-vacation depression.

During vacation, a person simply splashes with endorphins: hormones of happiness that are responsible for a good mood and good spirits. But the closer the first working day is, the fewer happy hormones enter our blood, heated by the summer heat. As a result, the frequency of heart contractions and breathing changes, and the brain works in a different “rhythm”. As a result, in order for the body to readjust to a working mode, at least a week of “rest from rest” is necessary. Moreover, suddenly putting “tons” of work tasks on your fragile shoulders is simply dangerous to your health. Experienced psychologists and psychotherapists have a saying about this: “No one needs a vacation more than the one who has just returned from it.” So, before throwing your chest into the working embrasure, you need to properly prepare for the intense workdays.

“Please eat our treat!”

First, plan your vacation so that the last day falls in the middle of the week. Then, realizing that there are a couple of days left until the weekend, new work responsibilities are easier to accept. Having fluttered into your office in flowing, loose clothes (it will liberate you internally), do not try to immediately, plopping down in a chair, dive headlong into matters in which you have not yet “laid your horse.” Look around, find out last news(“Lyudka from the personnel picked up a new boyfriend, and the secretary Verochka had a reason to lean on yoghurts and fruits”). Present souvenirs that you bought at the resort for the occasion and show photographs, they can also be framed and placed on the table as a reminder of a wonderful vacation.

And if you spent your vacation at the dacha, have a tea party with homemade jam during your lunch break and share with your colleagues a new diet for depressed vacationers. Yes, yes, there is one. Post-vacation “rehabilitation” includes bananas, dark chocolate, buckwheat and oatmeal, green onions. And also taking sun and salt baths, even if you have been “fried” and “salted” to your heart’s content on the seashore. But under no circumstances exhaust yourself with strict diets if you find a few extra centimeters at your waist. It’s better to devote a couple of hours to shopping - such walks will help take your mind off thoughts about food. Better yet, sign up for a swimming pool or fitness club. And cut out free time for outings into nature.

After a vacation, 80 percent of employees have an irresistible desire to put their resignation letter on the boss’s desk. Having rashly written “I ask you to fire me for at will", after a while they regret what they did. But the train has already left - who would want to take back such an unreliable employee? Don't exaggerate either. Be aware that after rest, people tend to exaggerate negative factors and falsely assess reality. Yes, it’s good to rest, but at work there are problems and rush jobs, but this is where we realize ourselves as specialists and receive rewards for our work. But a person whose vacation did not go well (this also happens) is not subject to such a momentary emotional outburst - he is subconsciously drawn to work, and he sets to work with double zeal.

Although the lack of pleasant memories of the holiday can also lead to depression. In order not to fall into her clutches, psychologists advise ladies, especially single ones... to have a holiday romance. At least to enjoy the “concentrated” feelings. A man and a woman, realizing that a week or two is “set” for all the love-carrots, will force events with enormous speed. This is a strong emotional shock that many people simply need in life. But when you return home, don’t expect far-reaching consequences: such relationships rarely develop into something more.

A week here, a week there

Have you noticed that the longer your vacation lasts, the more difficult it is to get into the rhythm of work? Therefore, now many employees themselves are asking to “split” the leave required by law into two parts - two weeks each. And scientists have already determined that minimum term vacation, during which a person can have a normal rest - two weeks, and for a full-fledged one, three whole weeks. One of them will be spent adapting to a new climate, time zone and doing nothing. The second is directly for relaxation, the third is for post-vacation rehabilitation.

When you enter the house after a tiring journey, do not rush to unpack your suitcases and put things in order in the refrigerator, sorting out spoiled food. Take a warm bath, drink mint tea and plunge into the bliss of your bed. And as you fall into a sweet sleep, start... planning your next vacation!

Psychologists have determined that your attitude towards vacation directly depends on how you feel about your work. Some of us can’t wait to go on vacation and count not only the days, but also the hours until the long-awaited vacation, while others perceive it (yes, there are those) as a useless break from what they love. So, who is who?

“Work is not a wolf, it won’t run away into the forest” - this is the motto of practical oxen. People with such an attitude towards work have long decided for themselves that it exists only to make money. They don’t stress too much and don’t shovel through piles of additional tasks, focusing only on their own. Oxen are distinguished by their rational approach to business and last days before a vacation, they definitely tighten their “tails” so as not to return to them after a vacation, but to start earning capital again.

“I’m already too lazy to be lazy,” the sloths sigh as they stretch and again shift the tasks that require urgent completion “to tomorrow.” For them, every working day is akin to punishment. They are not satisfied with either the boss or the team, and the volume of assigned work seems simply impossible. In the pre-vacation period, they can no longer think about anything other than vacation. Sometimes dissatisfied sloths need the help of a psychologist to get out of post-vacation depression.

Tigers are prone to competition and excitement and view their activities only as a rapid ascent through career ladder. And vacation - bye! - only a temporary break in achieving goals. And during it, you can conduct urgent negotiations from a sun lounger on the seashore. And the management will note, and competitors will not write off.

Every day a creative monkey discovers something new, learns, makes grandiose plans not only for tomorrow, but also for years to come (no matter that many of them will not be realized). Even on vacation, she will think about what she can do when she goes back to work. The monkey may not be affected by post-vacation syndrome, unless, of course, on vacation he thinks that due to his lack of concentration (happens to everyone) he forgot about a bunch of unfulfilled tasks.

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How to get back into work rhythm after vacation

Experts say: in the life of any person, vacation is not such a simple period as we used to think. Studies have shown that about 40% of “vacationers” return to work after vacation more stressed than they were before the vacation.

If you belong to the remaining 60% and you still managed to relax during a few weeks of vacation, another attack may be waiting for you - depression.

Often, returning to a work schedule causes a state that is familiar to many: it would seem that everything is fine, the vacation has turned out well, but something incomprehensible is gnawing at you from the inside, something does not suit you.

The most common manifestations: an incomprehensible reluctance to work, drowsiness, headache and joint pain, dizziness, low mood, depression and the search for any “excuses” that would allow one to postpone the start of work.

Psychologists insist: this is not laziness at all, but real depression associated with the need to adapt and move from a state of rest and relaxation to an active “work mode.” In order to make this adaptation period as quick and painless as possible, experts advise following simple rules.

painlessly join the work process

1. Return from vacation a few days before going to work.

Returning to work after a vacation inevitably entails a change in your daily routine, your diet, and your entire lifestyle. Your immune system is under additional stress throughout the adaptation period. To make it easier for the body to adapt, it is useful to take a complex of vitamins.

A tincture or decoction of motherwort, valerian, and chamomile tea will help you calm down and easily survive the increase in stress and tension levels that you have lost the habit of during your vacation.

In the last days of your vacation, rest more and get a good night's sleep, do not burden yourself with difficult and unpleasant tasks.

In addition to physical health, pay attention to how informed you are. Take an interest in the changes that have occurred at your work, look at the documentation, remember what activities and projects you were busy with before you went on vacation.

Systematize and organize - this is an incredibly effective antidepressant. Any activity that requires thoroughness and accuracy has a positive effect: put light summer clothes in the closet, sort out travel suitcases and bags, put your documents and photographs in order.

2. Miss work

Set yourself up for the fact that you want to return to work, miss work the way elementary school students look forward to September 1, which will bring the opportunity to see their school friends and gain new interesting knowledge.

Consciously set your priorities. Remember why you love your job, why you work and why you go on vacation. Purposefully look for the positive.

In addition, a few days before the end of your vacation, you have the opportunity to understand yourself: if your job does not bring you joy at all, perhaps it’s time to look for a new one?

3. Prepare for your first day of work

Getting through the first day of work can be oh so difficult, especially if you had to return from vacation on Monday. Therefore, it is advisable to plan your vacation so that you return to work in the middle of the week, for example, Wednesday or Thursday.

Thursday - perfect option: work only two days, and it’s the weekend again!

4. Don't throw yourself into work

After a vacation, you are in a relaxed state, and therefore it will be difficult for you to think and complete tasks quickly and carefully. You shouldn’t immediately “grasp” large-scale projects. The best way the body will adapt if the transition to active work is gradual.

To slow down the bustle daily work, after a vacation, you should first take on the simplest, not the most difficult, things.

Don't worry! What you didn’t do in 2-3 weeks of vacation, you won’t do in one day anyway: it’s simply impossible! It’s better to make an action plan: write down on a piece of paper all the current tasks that are facing you, select your favorite and easiest things from the list, and start “getting involved in the work process” with them.

5. Psychologically extend your vacation.

For example, dedicate your first working day to memories of pleasant moments of relaxation. Capture your best vacation snaps from home, display them in your workspace, or use them as a screensaver on your PC monitor. Show your vacation photos to your colleagues, tell them about the positive emotions of your vacation, and exchange impressions about the most interesting pictures.

At the same time, you shouldn’t get too carried away with memories. This not only distracts attention from work tasks, but your irrepressible delight can irritate and provoke envy, because not all of your colleagues managed to relax. Yes, and you are faced with the task of smoothly and gradually, but still getting into a working mood, and not living in memories and nostalgia for happy moments of relaxation.

6. Avoid conflict situations

Watch your statements and behavior. The process of reconfiguration can cause increased irritability, which, in turn, can give rise to unnecessary, unconstructive conflicts.

Communicate with colleagues in a friendly tone. Your co-workers will help you get back to work and make you feel welcome back. In addition, this is a good opportunity to find out about all the news, rumors and changes that have occurred during your absence.

At the same time, try to avoid dry, unemotional communication and demonstrate to your colleagues a sincere and friendly attitude.

7. Work your muscles

After rest, pay attention to your physical activity. It is worth introducing additional physical activity, because, as a rule, during vacation we move a lot more.

The so-called “muscular joy”, that is, the pleasure that brings exercise stress– an excellent natural antidepressant. A morning jog in the park, a long walk after work, simple gymnastics will help, especially on fresh air.

8. Do something you've always dreamed of

On your first weekend back from vacation, allow yourself the luxury of not doing household chores. Instead of starting cleaning, repairing or other boring tasks, go to a beauty salon, shopping or do other pleasant things that will bring you new positive emotions.

In the end, enjoy what you missed on vacation: the Internet, chatting with friends, going to a concert or exhibition.

9. Get creative

Organize your photo album, make a collage or decorate favorite photo beautiful frame. If artistic “stuff” doesn’t appeal to you, treat your loved ones to some exotic dish, in the preparation of which the whole family can take part. Show your imagination!

10. Think about where and how you will relax next time

By the way, psychologists advise to rest at least once a season, that is, as many as 4 times a year. Such a vacation may last only a few days, but this time should be used for relaxation and “reboot.”

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Oh, how hard it is to return to everyday routine after a vacation. You really need to get ready before going to work. Thanks for the tips, they will come in handy after the holidays.

Very useful tips, I’ll definitely tell my wife about them, she’s been back to work for two days and just can’t get into a groove.

The photo is right about me - I want to go home and cry. True, there was no time to cry - I went to work on Monday - the whole week was a complete mess. I come home and relieve stress by talking to flowers and thinking about the second half of my vacation at the end of September. Then I’ll have a complete rest!

Irina, it’s good when you have motivation for the future and an activity that relieves stress. This really helps to adapt well after vacation both at home and at work.

And I often feel nostalgic for my job, which I loved very much! Right now, when there is no need to run anywhere, rush, and there is no need to prepare for anything, I remember with slight sadness the days when, after vacation, I returned to my hospital, to my department. Many people may not believe it, but my work gave me real pleasure!

And I haven’t taken a vacation for a long time (only compensation). And if you need to rest, then I can always take a week. A week is enough for me

I don't have such a problem. Why? Everything is very simple. I don't go on vacation.

Damn, the photo with a crying girl is right about me))) Yesterday I went back to work after a vacation... I started preparing for this event 4 days in advance and... I ruined the last days of my vacation with this))) everyone around asked, looking at my sad “mine”, what happened, who offended me?... and I responded: I need to go to work... whine-whine

You know, Olya, that’s what I did when I worked! I just realized that in order to survive the return to everyday work easier, I need to prepare for it in advance! So I was getting ready! And you know, I always began my duties in a good mood!

I, too, Larisa, believe that it is a positive attitude that helps you integrate painlessly into work.

I'm leaving in two days! I'm still in complete euphoria! I'm not thinking about work yet. But I have no doubt that your advice will be useful to me and will help me get back into the working rhythm.

It’s great that I no longer have to return to work from vacation! When I worked, it was usually with great difficulty that I forced myself to go to work after vacation. Although I always liked her.

Yes, Anna, the first day, no matter how you say it, is the most difficult...

Wonderful advice, because without following them you can harm not only your moral, but also your physical health. You should plunge into everyday work after a vacation, remembering the old truths: “take your time slowly” and “work makes horses die”!

I agree, Elena. Buildup is necessary!

oh where is this vacation.. just waiting for now

I’ve been on vacation for a year and a half now, and there’s still a lot more to come. I can’t even imagine how it will all be.

My vacation is yet to come, it’s already in a week. But returning from vacation never causes depression. And I don’t have time to miss work, because I work on the phone almost every day. They don't let you rest in peace!

Yes, Olya, a familiar situation! Thank God, she doesn’t haunt me now - I work and rest when I want and as much as I want.

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Returning to work after vacation or how to survive depression

Holiday depression, or “vacation syndrome,” affects almost all workers who begin work after a long weekend or vacation.

Problematic awakening early in the morning, lack of concentration, apathy, nervousness - these are the main signs of this illness. So, how to get into a working rhythm, or what to do when you don’t feel like working after a break.

Wherever you spend your vacation - in the Maldives, in Turkey or at the nearest Zorka boarding house - you will still need time to adapt to the rhythm Everyday life. Therefore, try to plan your vacation so that you have a few “bonus” days left for acclimatization. A rapid jump into work is extremely dangerous for “labor productivity” and Have a good mood. A person needs time to realize the fact of returning to his favorite (or, alas, not so favorite) job. Therefore, spend your remaining free days wisely: get enough sleep, sort out your things, take a walk in the fresh air, print photos, have a tea party with friends, think about what you will wear on your first day of work. But under no circumstances try to sleep for days on end! This will plunge you further into apathy and turn you into an unbalanced somnambulist.

Everyone knows that Monday is a hard day, so doctors and psychologists advise starting the work process in the middle of the week after a long vacation. This will allow you to easily and painlessly begin to accomplish your labor feats.

On the first day, you shouldn’t immediately rush into work. Give yourself time to tune in to the work wave: chat with colleagues and bosses, share your impressions, give some advice on choosing a resort/hotel/train/swimsuit to future vacationers, easily and naturally parade through all the offices, showing off a dazzling tan.

Basic cleaning of the workplace will help you smoothly get into the working rhythm. Dust off your computer, put your papers in order, check your email, make a to-do list for the coming days, or even better, write down your goals and objectives in your diary. This will further activate all your intellectual resources and support your business spirit. But don't try to take on complex tasks, since due to reduced performance there will be little benefit, and you will spend twice as much energy as usual.

If possible, divide all your work into stages and after each of them take a short break for 5-10 minutes: look at photos from your vacation, change the screensaver on your work computer, tell your colleagues again how great it was for you.

Don't ignore your lunch break either. Your body needs vitamins and calories more than ever. You can increase the energy wasted on vacation by adding seafood, vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, nuts, chocolate, broccoli, and low-fat cheese to your daily diet. Don't forget about flavored herbs like celery, basil, dill and cilantro. By the way, during the “coffee break” you can continue the story about your vacation.

After a hearty lunch, finish all your planned tasks and feel free to go home! Experts strongly recommend not to stay in the office and not take work home in the first “post-vacation” days. This way you will quickly become exhausted, and your work efficiency will be minimal.

In the first days it is very important and psychological attitude. Before you go back to work after your vacation, try to remember all the best and most fun moments that happened at work: that project for which your boss praised you, an unexpected bonus, an employee’s birthday at a karaoke club. According to statistics, 80% of applications for dismissal are written in the first days after returning from vacation. If you feel like giving up everything, don’t take hasty steps. Post-vacation depression lasts from two days to two weeks, but then goes away on its own.

During the adaptation period, it is especially important to lead a correct and active lifestyle. Therefore, when you return from work, do not lock yourself in four walls in front of the TV, hugging a cat, but go to a fitness club or swimming pool. Why not to a bar or disco? Because light physical activity in the evening, and even more so water procedures, will help you relieve the stress of the first working days and fall asleep quickly.

By the way, healthy sleep, according to psychologists, is the most constructive method of getting out of the post-vacation stupor. Go to bed before 12 am and sleep for at least 8 hours - and all apathy will disappear. Strength will increase, and a light blush will appear on your cheeks. One more important point is how you will spend your weekend. Do not, under any circumstances, engage in “sofa doing nothing” mode! Otherwise, you risk feeling worse on Monday than you did before the weekend. Remember: a boring weekend affects your work even worse than a lot of fun. Therefore, try to fill these days with pleasant impressions and meetings. Make a list of interesting things to do for yourself. Better yet, write it down. Then it will be more difficult for you to convince yourself to stay home. Meet with friends, go to a movie or concert, ride a bike, have a small picnic in some picturesque place. Just take a walk around the city. Make it a rule to arrange small holidays for yourself at least once a week, on weekends, and do something that truly pleases you. And then you won’t have to regret your vacation.

As you can see, the recipe for getting out of post-vacation apathy is a little paradoxical, but extremely simple: work less, follow a sleep schedule and spend your free time excitingly. However, according to experts, it is precisely this regime that will allow you to enter the usual rhythm of life within three to four days.

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It's hard for you today:
First day back to work
After your vacation you went out.
And you're a little lazy.

But my favorite job
It will quickly bring you to your senses.
Let the mood be working quickly
It will come to you on this day!

Here you are at work again -
All in business and all in care.
Congratulations on your exit, colleague,
Happy new creative run!

Congratulations on your return from vacation. May new strength and fresh ideas contribute to the achievement of great success and high results in business. I wish you unquenchable enthusiasm, eternal inspiration and good luck at work.

It was so nice to relax
You don't have to get up in the morning,
Make plans for vacation,
Now it's nice to remember.

But the hour has struck, it's time to work,
Even though I don’t feel like going to work,
And worries appear
And again you want something on vacation.

But don't be sad and don't be sad,
Enjoy the memories
Feel free to go to work
And don’t lose your optimism.

Tanned hands
New hairstyle!
Congratulations to you all
Welcome back from vacation.

Don't be sad and don't be sad,
The days have not passed in vain.
Get to work
Clear away the rubble.

Life flies at work
And in ardent labors
You won’t notice how again
Vacation is looming.

We know this is not an easy day,
But everyone is very happy to see you.
We were looking forward to this from our vacation,
We were completely exhausted.

We wish you strength
Put it to work straight away.
Those nerves that have healed,
Try to save.

Returning from vacation
We congratulate you,
The team solemnly
He greets you joyfully.

Work has accumulated -
Unexpected land
You are in it like in the sea,
Dive in headfirst.

Welcome back, welcome back,
The carefree days are over.
The vacation has flown by. So what?
You go to work.

Congratulations! There is work!
Now the main concern is
Do everything, be in time everywhere,
To understand everything and be able to do everything.

Just hold out for a year,
And again - on vacation. Relax.
It’s a fact that he doesn’t go on vacation
Who lives without work?

Oh, how hard it is to go to work.
I want to rest a little more.
After all, your vacation is not long.
It's a name day at work again.

And, my friend, you will have to work.
Be like everyone else and not be at all lazy.
Happy vacation! You know,
Let everything be as you only dream!

Your vacation has flown by quickly,
It’s a pity, you can’t stay in warm countries!
So many things have accumulated,
And it's time to get to work!

I hope you have a wonderful holiday
Gave you a lot of strength!
And now I confess honestly:
I missed you at work!

It's over so quickly
All happy days.
They flew by in an instant,
Like crazy moths.

I wish you the strength to quit
Into our big cauldron of labor.
For excitement and inspiration
Suddenly a wave picked up.

Congratulations on your first working day

Congratulations on the first working day in the style of Vladimir Mayakovsky

Give me some work
Exclusive personality
Your working day is the best
Let it be joyful
With your work you
Benefit to society
Was able to create an atmosphere
And this is only day one!
You'll get up to speed
Maybe something for you
Amazing even
it seems
But then everything is in my head
"will settle down"!
Let in work today
and further
Only luck accompanies!
So that it doesn't happen
a team!
To work
on the positive!

For a celebration on the first working day

There's a first time for everything:
The aroma of lilac is intoxicating...
And the bouquet contains wildflowers...
And a working holiday!

This day is the very first in my career
It will become a starting point, you know
Everything in the salary will be repaid as...
No, let the salary be unlimited!

May this day foretell success,
To make working life happy,
The path to the top always illuminates,
Like a torch in the night!

On your first day of work
Let the matter argue
You're on top of everything
Approach skillfully!

On the work strip
We wish you feats,
We are all here with professional leadership

Happy first day of work
Today is your first day at work,
Let the laziness recede immediately,
After all, in our friendly team
Only a workaholic in the future,
And you are just what we need -
Noticeably with an unarmed look!
You will work hard for everyone,
Live according to a single charter.
And soon success
It will fall on all of us.
We wish you quick progress
And only joyful moments,
To always be lucky at work,
Fewer calls on Saturday
So that you love us like family,
Instantly I got into a rut,
Became an electric train driver -
And from a clean, colorful page
Off to new achievements
And the most correct decisions.

Congratulations on your first working day

Today is your first day at work -
So let the flame of excitement burn.
We know it's scary, because everyone was there,
You know: everyone will help always and everywhere.

We will easily accept you into our team,
Believe me, we won’t deprive you of your salary,
We’ll help you, we’ll tell you what the working time is, -
And instantly there’s already a dividend in your wallet.

Read also: Vacation compensation upon dismissal personal income tax

We wish you success in your hard work,
So that you see profit for the company everywhere.
Work is like a holiday, always there
And I never upset you.

Poem from the team
In the eyes there is fear, doubt, fears,
After all, it's your first day of work.
Throw away the heaviness of your thoughts,
Our team will open the door

With support, help, support,
He will always give you practical advice.
You will soon fall in love with “family” -
I've been working here for many years.

Well, today we accept
You are warm, even hot.
We wish you good luck in your career
And next to him is a strong shoulder.

Of course, so that the salary
Never let me down.
Colleague, happy, rich
And always be joyful!


A clear one gives the go-ahead

For thoughts, plans and ideas,

Congratulations on your first working day
We hope you like it
To you new team.
We want to handle everything.
The boss is fair

The work is interesting
And the work is not difficult for us.
A task that is clear to everyone is given in the morning.

Try not to be late
Do the work on time
And express your opinion
Correctly and not in the forehead,

Then you will be celebrated
Of course, respect.
Well, that's all the greeting -
Let's get started!

Let the work go smoothly in the new place.
For inspiration on weekdays and on Saturday.
To join the team very soon.
And so that the boss is only fair.

So that all colleagues - best friends,
Let work become like family.
Promotion would be upward,
May happiness and success be with you!

Congratulations for the new employee
On the first day of work
Let's congratulate you.
For president others -
Should know this.

Let the money be shoveled
You will begin to row.
For one salary
Find happiness.

The team is friendly
It was always like that.
Let the leadership's anger
Off a duck's back, like water!

Poem for the first day of work
The rules are simple to learn:
You need to start work on time
Don’t contradict your boss and love your colleagues
And be known as an expert in the field.

Congratulations on the first working day (employment, vacation, after the New Year)

Congratulations on the first working day after the New Year

The holidays are completely over
I was too lazy to go to work
But I still had to go
May we succeed with the salary!
And now we are friends,
And work friends
We're all drowning in business,
We are waiting for the New Year again! ©

New Year's and Christmas,
How good it was
Christmas trees, dancing, tinsel,
Our vacation was a blast!
But everything has an end
Well, let's meet without sadness,
Our first working day,
We'll even meet you without a tear.
After all, in essence - it’s good,
Let's earn some more!
To have something to spend,
To go on vacation, go to bed! ©

Santa Claus and Snow Maidens,
And the herrings that are under the skin,
Tangerines, tinsel,
It's all gone, that's it!
It was fun, beautiful,
It was sometimes playful
Glorious New Year holiday,
He came out, and now he’s gone!
What about the first working day?
I see you again with my own eyes,
Congratulations for you,
May the work be a success! ©

The new year has arrived,
The head is not very good yet
Let's remember everything again
That work is destined.
Where are the reports, where are the cases,
Your head will be spinning.
Well, what was the party,
We celebrated the holidays
Nice, friendly, good,
A year will pass and everything will happen again!
For now, just congratulations,
With a productive moment,
What will happen to us in the process,
Don't let the devil confuse us!
Let the year be fruitful
To make all your dreams come true,
At work, and in life,
And in general for the fatherland! ©

Congratulations on the first working day after vacation

How good it was
Rest, if only...
But you and I know everything
That we still live on earth.
Not in heaven yet
Maybe then let things go
The world will surround us,
Only we will not go to hell!

The vacation is already over,
We are very glad to see you,
After all, we have a big blockage,
Moreover, it’s an emergency!
You came with strength,
You dial it into your hem,
Get all the work done quickly
Do it quickly!

To a colleague on his first day of work (employment)

Now you have washed ashore.
Today is the first time for you
How did you come into this world?
They will write it in the work book.

They will write and put a stamp,
That's how it is.
They'll give you a table and they'll get you a chair,
And they will say: “Your place is here.”

You are both happy and scared,
And he walks around with his head twisted.
But these feelings will evaporate -
Not in a day, but in two.

Workdays will begin.
Now - plow, plow, plow.
The boss will come across wise -
It won't strain you right away.

But it will become a dream very soon,
How the excitement of work subsides,
Once upon a time a disgusting school
Or even a kindergarten.

Cute landscape on the table!
Even though the work experience is short
Doesn't shy away from traditions
Our young colleague.

Read also: Restrictions on employment after dismissal from the civil service

Against such arguments
No objections -
No problem getting you drunk
To this glorious team

From now on and forever
You are our man now.
Can you wait until payday?
Borrow from your colleagues.

Melancholy will suck you in -
We can support you a little
He'll miss you in the evening
A bottle of beer.

Let's go to the forest for mushrooms
If you want, go to football,
For other events
We also have female gender.

Congratulations to your son on his first day of work

I wish you happiness and warmth,
Good and kind colleagues,
Great hopes, pleasant meetings.
I wish you success
And on this day - fun, laughter,
There is no feather or fluff in your affairs!

Tan and torn backpack -
All that's left from the vacation.
It would seem such a small thing
But there is no way to deal with it.
It's time to get to work
And give up on dreams
But the sweet captivity of memories
He doesn't want to let you go.
We will help you together
Gather your courage and cheer up
And join our friendly team.
You are part of the work chaos! ©

Happy first working day after vacation

We congratulate you on your first day,
You're back in your office,
You are rested and tanned,
And I managed a lot on vacation,
May your first working day
Relaxation and laziness will scare away,
It's time to forget about rest,
A mountain of work awaits you. ©

Everyone is glad to join our friendly team,
Such a replenishment has arrived.
And we all congratulate you to the best of our ability!
It’s not easy for us to contain our excitement.
May your first working day
Will be remembered with smiles and laughter.
You won't be too lazy to work here
Impactfully, and, naturally, with success. ©

Today is an unusual day,
Interesting, unusual -
Your first working day -
A new stage in life.

Congratulations on this date,
And I wish you good luck!
Let the work bring
Pleasure without worries. ©

Start on a good note
First day of my job.
Join the team easily
And don't be afraid of work.

I sincerely congratulate you!
I wish you fruitfulness!
Don't be lazy, don't languish,
Always strive for the best! ©

The very first! Working day -
How much will be ahead!
If only you want
Will you be able to move forward?
From the bottom of our hearts, now we wish,
So that there is an upsurge in your career.
Congratulations on your working day,
Happy main, most important day! ©

We congratulate you today
Happy start of a new working life!
And on the first day of work we wish
Good luck in your endeavor, with all my heart!
More success, promotion and growth
Along your career ladder!
It might not be easy at first,
But look at the difficulties more courageously! ©

Today is your first day at work,
Which is why I congratulate you now,
May your work only bring you joy,
So that you are not too lazy to do it!
So that there is money - a full dump truck!
So that there is a kind director at work,
Didn't force me to work on Saturdays
And so that he gives a salary every day! ©

Somehow your face is darkened by sadness,
The look became alien.
The team welcomes you very friendly!
We will forgive you.
Yes, the weekend goes by so quickly.
We are waiting for you!
Let congratulations spend the holidays.
The spirit lives by work. ©

So you went to work,
Well, join the team
Away with worries and worries!
Be ready to be positive!
With a new place, with a new business.
Don't be shy about your salary.
Take it, don't be shy.
Everything will be great now! ©

© — Congratulations on the first working day written specifically for holiday portal SuperTosty.ru by our authors. Copying is possible only if there is an active link to our website.

Didn't find the greeting you were looking for? We are offering to you congratulations in verses to order!
For any occasion, any length, any person PERSONALLY! Poems to order are the best gift!

Congratulations on your first working day,
Let it pass quickly and easily.
The boss always, as if by the way,
A clear one gives the go-ahead
For thoughts, plans and ideas,
Which will have to be implemented brilliantly.
Let the sea be knee-deep -
It’s probably more interesting to live this way.

Happy first day to you, colleague,
And create by the sweat of your brow,
After all, our director told us.
What a great guy you are!
Don't be lazy and don't doze off,
The goal is always on the way
So we wish you,
Find your way here, with us.

On the first day of work
Let's congratulate you.
For president others -
Should know this.

Let the money be shoveled
You will begin to row.
For one salary
Find happiness.

The team is friendly
It was always like that.
Let the leadership's anger
Off a duck's back, like water!

The first day of work - you begin your internship,
You decided to take your career on board.
Well, this is brave, but how else?
If you want to be successful, do just that.
Well, we will help if something suddenly happens,
In word or deed. You have joined our circle.
So congratulations - the shadow of doubt is gone.
Remember this first day often.

Hello our new employee,
Happy first day to you, our friend,
At the expense of our brigade,
We will enhance your leisure time.
We are your older friends
We will instruct you
Don't hesitate to ask,
We will enlighten you.
Forget what you taught
We'll tell you everything
Well, let's quickly go for a walk.
We're going to your place.
This is where you will work now,
Express thoughts into letters,
And when the time comes,
Then receive a salary.



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