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Why is the hero ready to go on any hunt? Essay based on the text by K. Akulinin. You ask: “Why do I need this? How does this relate to ordinary life?

Transferable test in Russian for the 8th grade course

Option 3

The answers to tasks 1–14 are a number, a sequence of numbers or a word (phrase), which should be written in the answer field in the text of the work.

(1) We were going hunting with my friends, Konstantin and Lev. (2) Suddenly Kostya noticed a narrow dark strip in the north. (3) After half an hour, it became clear that we had to get away, and the sooner the better. (4) The dark strip stretched out into a huge crocodile snout and clearly tried to swallow us along with the car. (5) The rain and snow were getting worse and worse. (6) The earth instantly became limp and turned into superglue. (7) It became sharply cold. (8) I started the car, but I only managed to drive a little: sticky mud clogged the wheels and the engine stalled. (9) Gusts of wind rocked the car, and it seemed that it would turn over and roll with us like a tumbleweed!

(10) I knew that such storms in the steppe could last up to two or three days. (11) Gasoline to heat the interior would have been enough for us for twenty hours,
and what next?.. (12) Freeze slowly?

(13) And then Kostya suggested that Lev leave me as the weakest,
in the car, and ourselves, two strong guys, go against the elements, look for a road and try to get out to people. (14) Neither Kostya nor I even had time to open our mouths before Lev declared that he had groceries and, of course, he would not leave the car anywhere! (15) So Kostya and I had no choice.

(16) The wind knocked down. (17) I recently had surgery, and, of course, it was difficult for me. (18) When I couldn’t get up, Kostya helped, and we, leaning on two guns, stood back to back and rested.

(19) Once again I fell and, floundering in the viscous mass, I did not notice that I had lost my boot. (20) Only when my leg began to go numb did I discover this. (21) There was no strength to return, but Kostya returned and with difficulty, crawling through the mud, found my boot. (22) Then we walked, taking turns pushing each other, or rested, leaning our backs.

(23) We had been walking for four hours, without stopping, and fired into the air, hoping for a miracle, but only fierce pieces of ice, like the teeth of predators, clacked against our weathered faces.

(24) You’re lying, you won’t get there!they seemed to hiss ominously.

(25) The wrong ones were attacked!from time to time we shouted to them.

(26) It is not known how long we had been walking, when suddenly we heard a powerful roar and saw a light. (27) We started shooting, sparing no ammunition, and a minute later several powerful military vehicles drove up to us.

(28) This is how we met our saviorbattalion commander Pugachev. (29) Following our tracks, he sent one of the cars with soldiers. (30) Kostya and I instantly fell asleep, even before they dragged us into the cars and pulled off our boots and wet clothes. (31) We slept until Leo appeared, cheerful and cheerful.

(32) And I had no doubt that Kostya would come up with something and would not leave me in this steppe,he said calmly.

(33) The soldiers found him following our footsteps, attached him with a cable to a powerful car and dragged him to a safe place.

(34) We parted the next morning with a whole battalion of the best friends in the worldprivates and officers of the Soviet Army.

(35) Even now I am ready for any hunt, even for lions in Africa: Konstantin will not abandon a friend in trouble. (36) And it would be nice if battalion commander Pugachev and the soldiers were nearby again.

(According to E. Rudakov)

1.Which answer option contains the information necessary forjustification answer to the question: “Why is the hero ready to go on any hunt with his friend Kostya?”: Kostya knows how to notice signs of bad weather in time.


The hero loves hunting very much and is ready to endure any difficulties for its sake.


The hero would like to meet battalion commander Pugachev again.


Konstantin will never leave a friend in trouble under any circumstances.

2. Replace the colloquial word “lying” in sentence 24 with a stylistically neutral synonym.


3.Indicate the meaning in which the word “turned out” is used in the text (sentence 36).

2) get there



4. Name the part of speech to which the word “floundering” belongs (sentence 19).


5.From sentence 23, write down the particles.


6. From sentences 1317 write down a word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the voicingdeafness of the subsequent consonant. Answer:_______________________________________________________

7. From sentence 22, write down a word with a vowel alternation in the root.


8. From 27 sentences30 write down a word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: “In an adverb with o“The same number of Ns is written as there were in the adjective from which it was formed.”


9. Replace the phrase “storms in the steppe” (sentence 10), built on the basis of the control connection, with a synonymous phrase with the coordination connection. Write the resulting phrase.


10. Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 7.


11. Among sentences 16-20, find sentences with a separate circumstance. Write the numbers of these sentences.


12. Among sentences 16-21, find a sentence with introductory words. Write his number.


13. In which of the listed text sentences are homogeneous members of the sentence used as a means of expression? Write down their numbers.


14. Among sentences 28-31, find a sentence that is related to the previous one using a personal pronoun. Write the number of this offer.


15. Write (3-5 sentences) about how important friendship was in the narrator’s life.


Read the statement and think over 1 argument in defense of the expressed position:

“Trouble is not so bad when you have friends”7 – leaning

8 – instantly

9 – snow storms

10 – colder

11 – 18,19

12 – 17

13 – 23,33
14 – 29

15 - Evaluation criteria:

2 points – justification is given, examples are given

1 point – justification is given, examples from the text are given

0 points – there is no justification, or there are no examples in the justification.

16 - Assessment:

Evaluation criteria


The answer is given in accordance with the rules for formulating an argument (form of statement): 1 argument is given in defense of the expressed position. The answer does not contain factual errors (the content of the statement)

The answer is given in accordance with the rules for formulating an argument (form of statement): 1 argument is given in defense of the expressed position. There was one factual error.

The given arguments do not correspond to the main idea of ​​the statement


more than 1 factual error was made

Maximum amount points

In less than a month, the main tournament of the year in Dota 2 starts - The International 2018. We talked to the drafter Virtus.pro Roman RAMZEs Kushnarev and discussed the team’s matches at the final championship of the Dota Pro Circuit 2017/2018 season - China Dota2 Supermajor.

Newbee. The first game

- Why did you take Warlock as your first pick, and not one of your signature heroes?

Because if we don’t take Warlock, then they will - with a double pick. And I think that Warlock is stronger on a double pick than on a first pick.

Your pair of supports turned out to be without stuns - Warlock and Skywrath Mage. Isn't it risky to play like this? What can they do at the beginning of the game? After all, their gank potential is limited.

We have a camp at Beastmaster. Skyrasmage is a good four to win in the lane, and Warlock is an easy defense, he heals me. Plus, thanks to him, we have a good fight with the golem.

- Newbee didn't succeed in this game. Players were unable to counter Slark with their last pick?

We outpicked. It was hard for them to play; they lost two out of three lines. We had Kunkka in the mid, Skyrasmage and Beastmaster were in the top - this line can no longer be won. We suffered from below, but we have Warlock.

- 14th minute. They killed poor Faceless Void. First I killed him solo 9pasha, Now RodjER. How can you explain such a feed?


It's hard to play as Void in this game. Against him are Kunkka, Beastmaster, Skyrasmage - three heroes destroy him. They only took Void because we took Slark. They needed a counterpick, that's all. But we were ready for this.

- By the 17th minute, we pinned the opponent under T3 and caught the heroes leaving the base. Did they even have a chance in this game?


Were. They have a good peak in terms of the concept of heroes, they have a lot of stuns, they have tavern damage, good lines. They took DK because they didn’t know what to say - that was their problem. You can’t pick DK like that now, the hero is too bad. I would never do that.

Newbee. Second game

- On the second map, Newbee opened through Naga Siren. Why don't you take this hero?

We have Lately I couldn't play with Naga. We had a bootcamp before ESL One Birmingham 2018, and we didn't train with her at all. Then, after Birmingham, we came for two days and didn’t even train. We rested and flew to Supermajor.

- What is the reason for the early peak of Doom? Is this the counter to Naga Siren?

No, there is a peak concept. You have a double pick, you have a first pick, you have a closing pick in the second stage. You have to think what is better to take, what is better to open later. The three of us are doing this with Lekha and Vanya.

- Do you agree that you won here based on the pick?

No. We always had problems against Naga. Especially against Newbee, they have this top hero. I didn't ban Lifestealer, but banned Luna instead. Also a mistake. We shouldn't have picked Razor and put him in the mid. Not bad, but not our peak.

- 10th minute Feed from Nun and Solo. What's happened?


I remember they said: “I just wanted to take the rune,” and Lech glimpsed Naga Siren, and it turned out that they died. All because of the rune.

- 12th minute. Finally used Doom. Why didn't he participate in the game before?


He stood alone the whole game, it was hard for him. He should have come back and stayed further on the line. The three of us stood below, and Doom had no help.

- 14th minute. You wait and meet Newbee on the high ground. Why did they fight so badly? We lost two.


We didn't have Static Storm. It had a cooldown of a few seconds. We didn't want to fight here at all.

-Didn't you go to meet them?

We were going to place wards and maybe pick one hero, but we didn’t want to get stuck with five. If there had been a Static Storm, we would have killed everyone.

21st minute. You continue to be punished when you go alone or as a couple. Why does a team so rarely get together with five of them against Newbee, whose players have been running together for about seven minutes?


It's hard for us. We tried to farm BKB for Razor, but they didn’t let us do it. Plus, if we attack first, they will press Naga's sleep there. Our game didn't work out.

29th minute. Minus four. Why is the team on the enemy side of the map stretched so thin? As a result, the last two supports are killed in a second, the rest also scattered.


It's already hard to do anything here. We cannot move alone on the map - Lina is moving, Slardar is moving with Lifestealer, they are not shown on the map. It’s hard for me to get out, it’s hard for Vova to get out. We have no chance of getting anywhere in this game unless they make a big mistake.

Newbee. Third game

Tell us, what is the meaning of the last pick - Templar Assassin? Why didn’t they take some default carry and why wouldn’t DP go mid?

We often played with DP in easy games. DP, as you know, DK in the mid does nothing, and Templar destroys him. DP is good in easy mode against Doom and any hero. That is, we are already in a winning situation.

A beautiful fight, you won it thanks to a great positioning. How does this even work - do you automatically decide who will stand where? Or does everyone have instructions on what to do?


The information in the conference goes like this: “Get into position, now there will be a fight.” Everyone should roughly understand exactly where they should stand.

How was this forgotten? He just doesn't fit into the meta right now. There is Warlock, Bane - they are much stronger than him.

- How to explain the latest OpTic peak - Lifestealer? If you were in their place, which hero would you take?

I thought there would be another pick since they already have Omnic. Lifestealer with Omnic is not the best synergy. I thought they would have something like Júscar. But Lifestealer turned out to be quite good. It was difficult for our heroes to present anything to him until we had clothes. He is very strong in lane, especially with Ogre.

The first serious fight took place in the 16th minute. It seems that OpTic is worried, just like in the first game - he often makes rash actions and squanders his skills. You noticed?


Yes, this is their default game. We've never had any problems with them. But if they lose to us, they won't get to TI. Maybe that's why they were worried.

Team Secret. The first game

- Why did you decide to bet on Medusa?

Medusa - very good hero against Bloodseeker, Skyrasmage and Ember. And just a good lastpik hero. We needed someone who would carry the game. Medusa is one such character.

- Why did Secret respond with Mirana? Who did they need to take to win?

They generally make very strange beeps. How they draft, how they see Dota... They are very strange.

- 6th minute. Medusa dies for the second time. But in this game, is protecting her less important than killing Ember Spirit?


In general, Dota is not structured like that. I can endure on any line, no matter how bad things are for me, the main thing is that two lines out of three are won. And if everything is good with us from below and in the mid, then I will still come back.

- In the 19th minute you lost two and went to fight 3 vs 5. What did you expect? After all, Medusa has no damage.


This is a child's mistake. We thought that we could at least kill Amber. If I had not survived, it would have been very bad.

- 30:30. Four Team Secret heroes fall.


They no longer had a chance. Amber doesn't have any clothes. We have overfarm Lina and Medusa, we have good DPS for Slardar. They are in position. Wyvern TPs to save them, but doesn't kill anyone with his ult. Because of the position, everything turned out to be easy. Without this, it would have been more difficult for us to break the base, but we still won the game.

But after this moment they played for another 20 minutes, falling behind 30 thousand in gold. Do you think, purely theoretically, was it possible to make a comeback? What were they hoping for?

No, there was no chance. We sat so as not to write.

Team Secret. Second game

- Is Nyx in a dive a counter to Ember Spirit?

Nyx is the counter to Titan, Ember and Skymage.

- Why take WK when PL is not in the bath?

Yes, PL is not such a strong counter to VK. Of course, it’s unpleasant that it burns up mana. But VK has talent at level 20. And if you do everything correctly, start fights first, then the submarine will never burn up mana.

- There are a lot of illusions there, how were you supposed to destroy them with this peak?

There was radik, lightning. But this is definitely not the best peak. We should have taken Sven.

- At the 16th minute, during tower defense, you had an unsuccessful fight and lost RodjER and No[o]ne.


We weren't supposed to fight, but I forced it. Died because of this Vovan. Plus Roger acted badly.

- At the 35th minute you initiate a fight, but fall apart without a chance. Why?


Yes, we didn’t initiate the fight, ****** just happened [very bad moment - approx. ed. ]. We had to kill Skymage, we had Aegis. Vovan pressed BKB. We weren't supposed to do anything here - just kill him and survive.

- But nothing was lost in the game after the fight.

We could have won, but it was already difficult.

Team Secret. Third game

- Secret here, seems to have failed at the draft stage.

Yes, we outdrafted them again, just like in the first game. And although there are always chances, after the pick it was very difficult for them to play.

- 14:00 A very dangerous fight. You were one step away from death, but you were able to win 3 to 0.


Vova saved me twice. He saved me with an astral, force-stuffed me, and I survived. And it’s already hard for them to do anything.

19th minute. Another successful fight. Were you afraid of losing without the chronosphere? Baytili on Faceless Void without ultimate.


No. We knew that if they jumped on me, they would save me. They have no continuation after the astral plane. They jump out the window and can do nothing further.

PSG.LGD. The first game

- Did the LGD peak surprise you? Vengeful Spirit, Shadow Fiend and Arc Warden in one peak is a rare occurrence.

Not really. We just woke up here, although our peak was not bad. They outplayed us on all lanes. They destroyed us. We lost this game minutes before the seventh minute.

- Why didn’t you try to rebuild your lines?

How to rearrange the lines? No way. This is already a peak problem. If you lose a line like this, that’s it. The essence of rebuilding is that at the peak you have already done something wrong.

- Were there moments in this game that would have allowed you to turn it around?

No, it wasn't. There was almost none. We tried, but nothing worked.

PSG.LGD. Second game

- What can you tell from the peak here? Was everything better here?

I drafted very poorly. It could have been better. It was possible to play with this pick, but...

- The meeting started poorly, you defended the lines poorly. But a nice fight in the mid lane fixed everything.


Well, yes, I'm lucky here. They got up so badly. This fight fixed the game.

- A minute later, LGD crumbles again. Playing too hard?


They know that we have no skills. They pressed the buttons poorly and everyone died.

- 23:30. All your CDs have rolled back. You're ready to fight, but you don't do anything.


Because they are good at pushing out lanes with heroes with range. They are difficult to catch. To push the lines, we need to split up, and Duma is never visible on the map. It's hard for us to separate. And at this moment they are farming. This is, again, a peak problem.

- There were almost no fights for the next 15 minutes. But when it happened, you lost it.


We were already losing the game by this point. They were doing very well, but then they threw it at us on the high ground, Roger bought back and killed everyone. I was already a support on Void, I needed to put a good chronosphere, and Roger would kill everyone.

PSG.LGD. Third game

- The appearance of Invoker in the current picks is strange. Why do you think LGD took him in this game?

They have a good core Beastmaster to Invoker, and Venga gives good damage. The hero is like a hero, situational.

- 7:20. Why did you go fight at T1 instead of farming?


But everything was bad, I needed to come back. We wanted to kill Beastmaster again, but we were wrong.

18:40 You tank and kill the T1 tower, for which you are punished. The team decided to fight without you and won. Why risk it and fight without a carry?


I said: “They will attack me now, be ready to save and exchange.” I was very fat, they pressed all their skills on me, and we killed everyone. It was originally intended that way.

Team Liquid. The first game

- The last game with LGD showed that Invoker is not the best hero in the meta. What prompted you to take it?

He fit well with all our heroes. We have good pressure on the map, we have Sunstrike. This is the first map of the bo5 final. So we decided to take it.

17:20. We had an unsuccessful fight on our shrine. Why didn't the rest of the team catch up? After all, it’s obvious that Liquid is ready to immediately go after Roshan.


We didn't want to fight, we weren't allowed to. In this game we had to push lines, stretch heroes across the map. Plus they have a Nagi slip on Roshan, and we can’t do anything. They will hit the slip and kill us all.

- 18:30. Failed gift. Why couldn't you fight normally? And what kind of conveyor went next? Where is everyone going?


I don’t know, something is happening in the conference. It’s just some kind of confusion, something is going wrong, not according to our scenario, we are creating heresy. We try to calm down, but it still happens and continues to happen.

28:30. In situations where the team understands that the opponent is 100% on Roshan, why is everyone so slow to get together and go? And why do they enter the fight one at a time?


Because they have a Nagi slip. We need to attack competently. We can't just jump in.

Team Liquid. Second game

- Liquid has Lich in its peak. What's good about this hero in the current meta?

I don't know. We didn't pick Lich. I don't know why he is strong. He wins one line 100%, which is probably why they took it. I don't understand this peak.

- Why Faceless Void? Almost no one gives anything to the dome.

Well why not? There is good damage - there are axes, a Beastmaster medal, powershot, Bloodseeker throws skills, throws bloodrage.

- 16:40 A very strange fight with crooked skills and MK buyback. What's happening?

Team Liquid. Third game

- Did the last peak of Drow Ranger break your strategy?

No, everything was fine, no one broke anything. This is the same game when we have Naga and nothing works out.

- 14:10. First serious fight. It was going well, but no one even tried to focus Drow Ranger. Why was she ignored?


Things are already bad here. And even here the focus is not the point. We have a difficult situation in the game - it’s hard for us to do anything, we don’t have levels on our supports, all our networks are bad. Even if you kill Drovka, nothing will change, the others will kill you.

Team Liquid. Game four

- This game was a blowout. Why?


At the expense of Chen and Slark. These are our best heroes. We haven't lost a single game with them.

Team Liquid. Fifth game

- Why do you need Tidehunter? Doesn't Naga Siren's ult counter him?

Some people perceive Tide as a one-ult hero. Tide is a good laning. He is a good hero against Visage due to his anchor smash. Tide is hard to kill. Whether you have an ult or not, it doesn't matter.

- If it has so many advantages, why is it so rarely taken?

It was in this game that he had a lot of advantages, in other games I don’t know.

I was 200 gold short of Skadi. I didn't kill Lanai, I was missing a couple of hits, plus she had double damage. They are already crushing us with fat - they have crimsons, medals. It's very difficult for us. They gave away the game themselves, or rather, mostly me. Should have won.

"I - knight of La Mancha, and my name is Don Quixote, and my modus operandi is that I travel around the world, straightening out wrongs and standing up for the offended . » T This is what the fearless and good-natured hero of the novel by Miguel de Cervantes says. This book is an ost R a clever and funny parody of chivalric novels. Strange thing: about walk centuries, and interest To « Don Quixote" doesn't go out , but on the contrary it becomes brighter. This novel has been translated into many languages, worldwide fame, and, in fact, became immortal.

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra was born in 1547 in a small town near Madrid. He was the son of an impoverished hidalgo , dreamed of becoming a poet, playwright or writer, but strong need forced him his think about service. When hostilities died down, he decided to return to his homeland, which, to tell the truth, greeted him oh not very welcoming. Parents led semi-beggarly existence, but Servatnes still looks like dragged on to literature. He overcame various life difficulties, But his financial situation cannot be improved elk . Poor guy pop A l to prison and after some time, having paid off the treasury, still not despondent, he wrote in 1605, his now world-famous novel. In it he is in front l All your thoughts, impressions and experiences.

B with howling work the author draws for us picturesque a picture of a folk life in Spain late XVI century. Just imagine those , He shows we all care single ! And artisans, and priests, and soldiers, and students, and shepherds, and even cunning robbers! This novel is written in living, real language , filled with proverbs and sayings. This is not surprising, because Cervantes I was there myself an ordinary person from the common people. He contributed a piece of your soul, your thoughts in the main characters , which gave the work emotionality . The author describes the Duchess and Duke quite Just , sales e unemotional . However How not saturated And vivid images appear before us in the form of rough serving Anki Moritornes, or the convict Gines de Pasamonte! This once again proves Cervantes' closeness to the common people.

The main character is Don Quixote, in other words, the Knight of the Sad Countenance or the Knight of Lions , only seems to us like a simple madman. In fact , under the guise of a crazy, indomitable hidalgo, the author gives us a deep, difficult to comprehend image of a person going against reality, wanting to restore justice. He is full of the best intentions. Don Quixote dreams of helping weak and the disadvantaged, stand up for offended , Truth , this often leads to dire consequences. To carry out his plan, he shows incredible courage, determination and fortitude. The hero is ready to make any sacrifices, perform any feats. Unfortunately, Don Quixote takes the wrong path to achieve his lofty goals. He attributes to reality something that does not exist, has completely false ideas about the world around him, and because of this us becomes his sting b . Such as, The impoverished, dirty inn for our hero is a magnificent, expensive castle, in which not poor people live, but rich nobles, and instead of meager treats there are luxurious dishes. Admired by the heroes of novels, dazzled by their exploits, Don Quixote lives in his own world, the basis of which is chivalry. Cervantes shows us how much we can e t bring such a break with reality - almost all of his attempts to help ends badly both for those he helps and for himself. But we cannot be angry with him, because the hero does this only out of good intentions.

Don Quixote He doesn't do crazy things alone. With him is his faithful squire, Sancho Panza. This naive, good peasant believes the stories of the Knight of the Sorrowful Countenance, although sometimes common sense tells him that all this pure nonsense . Sancho is very naive , gullible and simple-minded. On the other hand, it is simply beneficial for the squire to believe the crazy hidalgo. The benefit plays the same role in an important role in the life of Sancho, as well as the thirst for fame and exploits in the life of Don Quixote. The squire is seized with the thought that he may receive the governorship, as well as fame and fortune. TO It seems that it is in the image of the unfortunate Sancho that we It's clear maybe m at see the close connection between Cervantes and the people .

Despite the different e the flaws of heroes who are so skillfully Cervantes ridicules, there are also good qualities that are valuable in our time. Kindness, compassion and courage Don Quixote, as well as the loyalty and responsiveness of Sancho Panza.

How You you think those , why is Cervantes’s novel “Don Quijon” 400 years later? Haven't you lost interest in yourself? And p why people and why this day since inspiration read page after page? Probably , because of the originality and quirkiness of the plot. A Maybe, because even now we can meet people who Also live in their own world and do crazy things , or people who succumb to such madness. Quixote and Sancho Panza, his ridicule cannot be called hopeless and pessimistic, on the contrary, sometimes they seem very witty. The ending of the work is quite tragic and sad , which gives the work greater emotionality. those , V this year the book turns 400 years old, but it has not lost its popularity! G great heroes Ev Romana, Don Quixote and Sancho Panza, can rightfully be called immortal, and the novel itself is a great work of world literature.

Ekaterina Starovoit, gymnasium No. 1569 "Constellation", Moscow

1. Candidate of Deputy Sciences Vrakin-Dumsky - P. Vince
2. Businessman Korney Poponyatev - A. Deulin
3. Makeup artist Moses Golubchikov - A. Fedorov
4. Homeless Bruevich - V. Gasaev

1 Geese arrived from the south, like freebies for a banquet.
People reached for the ballot boxes, which means there is no choice.
Early in the morning it’s time for me to go hunting,
Maybe there, in the depths of the forest, you might meet an animal.

The mugs are waiting for me in the one-andra district,
Where ordinary wood grouse vote until they are stupefied.
I will take the naive younger brothers as bait,
I’ll arrange a loaf of bread for the ubiquitous wood grouse.

Every ant has an anthill,
Every squirrel has a hollow, every fly an elephant.
Vote for me! And there is no need to suffer.
This is my forest. And we will succeed.

The hunt is on!
Why not want to?
We all want to
Have your own prey.

2 I want to hunt in fishing spots
I take off my gold, 16 kilograms,
I take a Philips trap, a Moulinex Primus,
Matches from Sony, for a car - and into the forest.

There, at the edge of the wild boar, I scored an arrow,
I put a white eagle on the counter,
In pursuit of moose, I drove three jeeps,
The forester noticed me and answered for the goat.

Yes, I'm a tough hunter, no matter where I've been.
One day I was picking raspberries from an airplane.
He drowned a herd of hippos in champagne,
I smoked Marlboros at the brotherhood with gorillas.

The hunt is on!
Why not want to?
We all want to
Have your own prey.

3 I’m just a beast inside, I want to hunt.
I want to surrender to animal instincts.
In green leggings I will merge with nature,
And the four-legged dog won’t notice me.

I don't need a gun, I'm not one of those guys.
I will kill all animals with my beauty.
Even a woodpecker will fall from an aspen tree,
And the spider will hang itself from envy on its web.

Mosquitoes are pestering. Oh! Nasty, bastards.
And they stick their long nose where it doesn’t belong.
I will go like a hunter through the wild forests,
Maybe I’ll even meet wood pigeons.

The hunt is on!
Why not want to?
We all want to
Have your own prey.

4 I woke up early in the morning, I’m ready to hunt.
He belted his trousers with a watch strap.
I have a string bag - excellent gear.
My friend Gena and I are going to look for Cheburashek.

We will take them by the throat in the park by the bench.
Glass creatures will not escape from the trembling river!
As a seasoned hunter, I stand in ambush.
I’ll shoot the bulls and finish them off right away.

We hunt everywhere, we don’t care about the weather.
We'll spend the night wherever we have to, and we'll eat whatever we find.
It’s hot under the hatch of the heating main, like in Sochi,
But there’s something not very good on the heating main hatch.

The hunt is on!
Why not want to?
We all want to
Have your own prey.

Option No. 2941798

When completing tasks with a short answer, enter in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, a word, a sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. Separate the fractional part from the whole decimal point. There is no need to write units of measurement. When writing a grammatical basis (task 8), consisting of homogeneous members with a conjunction, give the answer without a conjunction, do not use spaces or commas. Do not enter the letter E instead of the letter E.

If the option is specified by the teacher, you can enter or upload answers to tasks with a detailed answer into the system. The teacher will see the results of completing tasks with a short answer and will be able to evaluate the downloaded answers to tasks with a long answer. The scores assigned by the teacher will appear in your statistics.

Exam options consist of a text and tasks for it, as well as text for presentation. This version could have included other language. Full list presentations can be seen in the Catalog of assignments.

Version for printing and copying in MS Word

Listen to the text and write a concise summary. Source text for concise presentation listened to 2 times.

Please note that you must convey the main content of both the micro-topic and the entire text as a whole.

The volume of presentation is at least 70 words.

Write your summary in neat, legible handwriting.

Use the player to listen to the recording.

Solutions to long-answer tasks are not automatically checked.
The next page will ask you to check them yourself.

Which answer option contains the information necessary to justify the answer to the question: “Why is the hero ready to go on any hunt with his friend Kostya?”

1) Kostya knows how to notice signs of bad weather in time.

2) The hero loves hunting very much and is ready to endure any difficulties for its sake.

3) The hero would like to meet battalion commander Pugachev again.

4) Konstantin will never leave a friend in trouble under any circumstances.

(According to E. Rudakov)


Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is comparison

1) And then Kostya suggested that Lev leave me, as the weakest, in the car, and ourselves, two strong guys, go against the elements, look for a road and try to get out to people.

2) It is not known how long we had been walking, when suddenly we heard a rumble and saw a light.

3) Gusts of wind rocked the car, and it seemed that it would turn over and roll with us like a tumbleweed!

4) The wind was knocking down.

(2) Suddenly Kostya noticed a narrow dark strip in the north. (3) After half an hour, it became clear that we had to get away, and the sooner the better. (4) The dark strip stretched out into a huge crocodile snout and clearly tried to swallow us along with the car. (5) The rain and snow were getting worse and worse. (6) The earth instantly became limp and turned into superglue. (7) It became sharply cold. (8) I started the car, but I only managed to drive a little: sticky mud clogged the wheels and the engine stalled. (9) Gusts of wind rocked the car, and it seemed that it would turn over and roll with us like a tumbleweed!

(10) I knew that such storms in the steppe could last up to two or three days. (11) Gasoline to heat the interior would have been enough for us for twenty hours,

(13) And then Kostya suggested that Lev leave me as the weakest,

in the car, and ourselves, two strong guys, go against the elements, look for a road and try to get out to people. (14) Neither Kostya nor I even had time to open our mouths before Lev declared that he had groceries and, of course, he would not leave the car anywhere! (15) So Kostya and I had no choice.

... (16) The wind knocked down. (17) I recently had surgery, and, of course, it was difficult for me. (18) When I couldn’t get up, Kostya helped, and we, leaning on two guns, stood back to back and rested.

(19) Once again I fell and, floundering in the viscous mass, I did not notice that I had lost my boot. (20) Only when my leg began to go numb did I discover this. (21) There was no strength to return, but Kostya returned and with difficulty, crawling through the mud, found my boot. (22) Then we walked, taking turns pushing each other, or rested, leaning our backs.

(23) We had been walking for four hours, stopped and shot in the air, hoping for a miracle, but only fierce pieces of ice, like the teeth of predators, clacked against our weathered faces.

– (24) You’re lying, you won’t get there! – they seemed to hiss ominously.

- (25) The wrong ones were attacked! – we shouted to them from time to time.

(26) It is not known how long we had been walking, when suddenly we heard a powerful roar and saw a light. (27) We started shooting, sparing no ammunition, and a minute later several powerful military vehicles drove up to us.

(28) This is how we met our savior - battalion commander Pugachev. (29) Following our tracks, he sent one of the cars with soldiers. (30) Kostya and I instantly fell asleep, even before they dragged us into the cars and pulled off our boots and wet clothes. (31) We slept until Leo appeared, cheerful and cheerful.

“(32) And I had no doubt that Kostya would come up with something and would not leave me in this steppe,” he said calmly.

(33) The soldiers found him following our footsteps, attached him with a cable to a powerful car and dragged him to a safe place.

(34) We parted the next morning with a whole battalion of the best friends in the world - privates and officers of the Soviet Army.

(35) Even now I am ready for any hunt, even for lions in Africa: Konstantin will not abandon a friend in trouble. (36) And it would be nice if battalion commander Pugachev and the soldiers were nearby again.

(According to E. Rudakov)


From sentences 13–17, write down a word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the voicelessness - the voicedness of the subsequent consonant

(1) We were going hunting with my friends, Konstantin and Lev. (2) Suddenly Kostya noticed a narrow dark strip in the north. (3) After half an hour, it became clear that we had to get away, and the sooner the better. (4) The dark strip stretched out into a huge crocodile snout and clearly tried to swallow us along with the car. (5) The rain and snow were getting worse and worse. (6) The earth instantly became limp and turned into superglue. (7) It became sharply cold. (8) I started the car, but I only managed to drive a little: sticky mud clogged the wheels and the engine stalled. (9) Gusts of wind rocked the car, and it seemed that it would turn over and roll with us like a tumbleweed!

(10) I knew that such storms in the steppe could last up to two or three days. (11) Gasoline to heat the interior would have been enough for us for twenty hours,

(13) And then Kostya suggested that Lev leave me as the weakest,

in the car, and ourselves, two strong guys, go against the elements, look for a road and try to get out to people. (14) Neither Kostya nor I even had time to open our mouths before Lev declared that he had groceries and, of course, he would not leave the car anywhere! (15) So Kostya and I had no choice.

... (16) The wind knocked down. (17) I recently had surgery, and, of course, it was difficult for me. (18) When I couldn’t get up, Kostya helped, and we, leaning on two guns, stood back to back and rested.

(19) Once again I fell and, floundering in the viscous mass, I did not notice that I had lost my boot. (20) Only when my leg began to go numb did I discover this. (21) There was no strength to return, but Kostya returned and with difficulty, crawling through the mud, found my boot. (22) Then we walked, taking turns pushing each other, or rested, leaning our backs.

(23) We had been walking for four hours, stopped and shot in the air, hoping for a miracle, but only fierce pieces of ice, like the teeth of predators, clacked against our weathered faces.

– (24) You’re lying, you won’t get there! – they seemed to hiss ominously.

- (25) The wrong ones were attacked! – we shouted to them from time to time.

(26) It is not known how long we had been walking, when suddenly we heard a powerful roar and saw a light. (27) We started shooting, sparing no ammunition, and a minute later several powerful military vehicles drove up to us.

(28) This is how we met our savior - battalion commander Pugachev. (29) Following our tracks, he sent one of the cars with soldiers. (30) Kostya and I instantly fell asleep, even before they dragged us into the cars and pulled off our boots and wet clothes. (31) We slept until Leo appeared, cheerful and cheerful.

“(32) And I had no doubt that Kostya would come up with something and would not leave me in this steppe,” he said calmly.

(33) The soldiers found him following our footsteps, attached him with a cable to a powerful car and dragged him to a safe place.

(34) We parted the next morning with a whole battalion of the best friends in the world - privates and officers of the Soviet Army.

(35) Even now I am ready for any hunt, even for lions in Africa: Konstantin will not abandon a friend in trouble. (36) And it would be nice if battalion commander Pugachev and the soldiers were nearby again.

(According to E. Rudakov)

(13) And then Kostya suggested that Lev leave me as the weakest,

in the car, and ourselves, two strong guys, go against the elements, look for a road and try to get out to people. (14) Neither Kostya nor I even had time to open our mouths before Lev declared that he had groceries and, of course, he would not leave the car anywhere! (15) So Kostya and I had no choice.

... (16) The wind knocked down. (17) I recently had surgery, and, of course, it was difficult for me.


From sentences 27–30, write down a word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: “In an adverb starting with -o - -e, as many N are written as there were in the adjective from which it is formed.”

(1) We were going hunting with my friends, Konstantin and Lev. (2) Suddenly Kostya noticed a narrow dark strip in the north. (3) After half an hour, it became clear that we had to get away, and the sooner the better. (4) The dark strip stretched out into a huge crocodile snout and clearly tried to swallow us along with the car. (5) The rain and snow were getting worse and worse. (6) The earth instantly became limp and turned into superglue. (7) It became sharply cold. (8) I started the car, but I only managed to drive a little: sticky mud clogged the wheels and the engine stalled. (9) Gusts of wind rocked the car, and it seemed that it would turn over and roll with us like a tumbleweed!

(10) I knew that such storms in the steppe could last up to two or three days. (11) Gasoline to heat the interior would have been enough for us for twenty hours,

(13) And then Kostya suggested that Lev leave me as the weakest,

in the car, and ourselves, two strong guys, go against the elements, look for a road and try to get out to people. (14) Neither Kostya nor I even had time to open our mouths before Lev declared that he had groceries and, of course, he would not leave the car anywhere! (15) So Kostya and I had no choice.

... (16) The wind knocked down. (17) I recently had surgery, and, of course, it was difficult for me. (18) When I couldn’t get up, Kostya helped, and we, leaning on two guns, stood back to back and rested.

(19) Once again I fell and, floundering in the viscous mass, I did not notice that I had lost my boot. (20) Only when my leg began to go numb did I discover this. (21) There was no strength to return, but Kostya returned and with difficulty, crawling through the mud, found my boot. (22) Then we walked, taking turns pushing each other, or rested, leaning our backs.

(23) We had been walking for four hours, stopped and shot in the air, hoping for a miracle, but only fierce pieces of ice, like the teeth of predators, clacked against our weathered faces.

– (24) You’re lying, you won’t get there! – they seemed to hiss ominously.

- (25) The wrong ones were attacked! – we shouted to them from time to time.

(26) It is not known how long we had been walking, when suddenly we heard a powerful roar and saw a light. (27) We started shooting, sparing no ammunition, and a minute later several powerful military vehicles drove up to us.

(28) This is how we met our savior - battalion commander Pugachev. (29) Following our tracks, he sent one of the cars with soldiers. (30) Kostya and I instantly fell asleep, even before they dragged us into the cars and pulled off our boots and wet clothes. (31) We slept until Leo appeared, cheerful and cheerful.

“(32) And I had no doubt that Kostya would come up with something and would not leave me in this steppe,” he said calmly.

(33) The soldiers found him following our footsteps, attached him with a cable to a powerful car and dragged him to a safe place.

(34) We parted the next morning with a whole battalion of the best friends in the world - privates and officers of the Soviet Army.

(35) Even now I am ready for any hunt, even for lions in Africa: Konstantin will not abandon a friend in trouble. (36) And it would be nice if battalion commander Pugachev and the soldiers were nearby again.

(According to E. Rudakov)

(27) We started shooting, sparing no ammunition, and a minute later several powerful military vehicles drove up to us.

(28) This is how we met our savior - battalion commander Pugachev. (29) Following our tracks, he sent one of the cars with soldiers. (30) Kostya and I instantly fell asleep, even before they dragged us into the cars and pulled off our boots and wet clothes.


Replace the colloquial word “lying” in sentence 24 with a stylistically neutral synonym.

(1) We were going hunting with my friends, Konstantin and Lev. (2) Suddenly Kostya noticed a narrow dark strip in the north. (3) After half an hour, it became clear that we had to get away, and the sooner the better. (4) The dark strip stretched out into a huge crocodile snout and clearly tried to swallow us along with the car. (5) The rain and snow were getting worse and worse. (6) The earth instantly became limp and turned into superglue. (7) It became sharply cold. (8) I started the car, but I only managed to drive a little: sticky mud clogged the wheels and the engine stalled. (9) Gusts of wind rocked the car, and it seemed that it would turn over and roll with us like a tumbleweed!

(10) I knew that such storms in the steppe could last up to two or three days. (11) Gasoline to heat the interior would have been enough for us for twenty hours,

(13) And then Kostya suggested that Lev leave me as the weakest,

in the car, and ourselves, two strong guys, go against the elements, look for a road and try to get out to people. (14) Neither Kostya nor I even had time to open our mouths before Lev declared that he had groceries and, of course, he would not leave the car anywhere! (15) So Kostya and I had no choice.

... (16) The wind knocked down. (17) I recently had surgery, and, of course, it was difficult for me. (18) When I couldn’t get up, Kostya helped, and we, leaning on two guns, stood back to back and rested.

(19) Once again I fell and, floundering in the viscous mass, I did not notice that I had lost my boot. (20) Only when my leg began to go numb did I discover this. (21) There was no strength to return, but Kostya returned and with difficulty, crawling through the mud, found my boot. (22) Then we walked, taking turns pushing each other, or rested, leaning our backs.

(23) We had been walking for four hours, stopped and shot in the air, hoping for a miracle, but only fierce pieces of ice, like the teeth of predators, clacked against our weathered faces.

– (24) You’re lying, you won’t get there! – they seemed to hiss ominously.

- (25) The wrong ones were attacked! – we shouted to them from time to time.

(26) It is not known how long we had been walking, when suddenly we heard a powerful roar and saw a light. (27) We started shooting, sparing no ammunition, and a minute later several powerful military vehicles drove up to us.

(28) This is how we met our savior - battalion commander Pugachev. (29) Following our tracks, he sent one of the cars with soldiers. (30) Kostya and I instantly fell asleep, even before they dragged us into the cars and pulled off our boots and wet clothes. (31) We slept until Leo appeared, cheerful and cheerful.

“(32) And I had no doubt that Kostya would come up with something and would not leave me in this steppe,” he said calmly.

(33) The soldiers found him following our footsteps, attached him with a cable to a powerful car and dragged him to a safe place.

(34) We parted the next morning with a whole battalion of the best friends in the world - privates and officers of the Soviet Army.

(35) Even now I am ready for any hunt, even for lions in Africa: Konstantin will not abandon a friend in trouble. (36) And it would be nice if battalion commander Pugachev and the soldiers were nearby again.

(According to E. Rudakov)

(2) Suddenly Kostya noticed a narrow dark strip in the north.


Replace the phrase “storms in the steppe” (sentence 10), built on the basis of the control connection, with a synonymous phrase with the coordination connection. Write the resulting phrase.

(1) We were going hunting with my friends, Konstantin and Lev. (2) Suddenly Kostya noticed a narrow dark strip in the north. (3) After half an hour, it became clear that we had to get away, and the sooner the better. (4) The dark strip stretched out into a huge crocodile snout and clearly tried to swallow us along with the car. (5) The rain and snow were getting worse and worse. (6) The earth instantly became limp and turned into superglue. (7) It became sharply cold. (8) I started the car, but I only managed to drive a little: sticky mud clogged the wheels and the engine stalled. (9) Gusts of wind rocked the car, and it seemed that it would turn over and roll with us like a tumbleweed!

(10) I knew that such storms in the steppe could last up to two or three days. (11) Gasoline to heat the interior would have been enough for us for twenty hours,

(13) And then Kostya suggested that Lev leave me as the weakest,

in the car, and ourselves, two strong guys, go against the elements, look for a road and try to get out to people. (14) Neither Kostya nor I even had time to open our mouths before Lev declared that he had groceries and, of course, he would not leave the car anywhere! (15) So Kostya and I had no choice.

... (16) The wind knocked down. (17) I recently had surgery, and, of course, it was difficult for me. (18) When I couldn’t get up, Kostya helped, and we, leaning on two guns, stood back to back and rested.

(19) Once again I fell and, floundering in the viscous mass, I did not notice that I had lost my boot. (20) Only when my leg began to go numb did I discover this. (21) There was no strength to return, but Kostya returned and with difficulty, crawling through the mud, found my boot. (22) Then we walked, taking turns pushing each other, or rested, leaning our backs.

(23) We had been walking for four hours, stopped and shot in the air, hoping for a miracle, but only fierce pieces of ice, like the teeth of predators, clacked against our weathered faces.

– (24) You’re lying, you won’t get there! – they seemed to hiss ominously.

- (25) The wrong ones were attacked! – we shouted to them from time to time.

(26) It is not known how long we had been walking, when suddenly we heard a powerful roar and saw a light. (27) We started shooting, sparing no ammunition, and a minute later several powerful military vehicles drove up to us.

(28) This is how we met our savior - battalion commander Pugachev. (29) Following our tracks, he sent one of the cars with soldiers. (30) Kostya and I instantly fell asleep, even before they dragged us into the cars and pulled off our boots and wet clothes. (31) We slept until Leo appeared, cheerful and cheerful.

“(32) And I had no doubt that Kostya would come up with something and would not leave me in this steppe,” he said calmly.

(33) The soldiers found him following our footsteps, attached him with a cable to a powerful car and dragged him to a safe place.

(34) We parted the next morning with a whole battalion of the best friends in the world - privates and officers of the Soviet Army.

(35) Even now I am ready for any hunt, even for lions in Africa: Konstantin will not abandon a friend in trouble. (36) And it would be nice if battalion commander Pugachev and the soldiers were nearby again.

(According to E. Rudakov)

(1) We were going hunting with my friends, Konstantin and Lev.


Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 7.

(1) We were going hunting with my friends, Konstantin and Lev. (2) Suddenly Kostya noticed a narrow dark strip in the north. (3) After half an hour, it became clear that we had to get away, and the sooner the better. (4) The dark strip stretched out into a huge crocodile snout and clearly tried to swallow us along with the car. (5) The rain and snow were getting worse and worse. (6) The earth instantly became limp and turned into superglue. (7) It became sharply cold. (8) I started the car, but I only managed to drive a little: sticky mud clogged the wheels and the engine stalled. (9) Gusts of wind rocked the car, and it seemed that it would turn over and roll with us like a tumbleweed!

(10) I knew that such storms in the steppe could last up to two or three days. (11) Gasoline to heat the interior would have been enough for us for twenty hours,

(13) And then Kostya suggested that Lev leave me as the weakest,

in the car, and ourselves, two strong guys, go against the elements, look for a road and try to get out to people. (14) Neither Kostya nor I even had time to open our mouths before Lev declared that he had groceries and, of course, he would not leave the car anywhere! (15) So Kostya and I had no choice.

... (16) The wind knocked down. (17) I recently had surgery, and, of course, it was difficult for me. (18) When I couldn’t get up, Kostya helped, and we, leaning on two guns, stood back to back and rested.

(19) Once again I fell and, floundering in the viscous mass, I did not notice that I had lost my boot. (20) Only when my leg began to go numb did I discover this. (21) There was no strength to return, but Kostya returned and with difficulty, crawling through the mud, found my boot. (22) Then we walked, taking turns pushing each other, or rested, leaning our backs.

(23) We had been walking for four hours, stopped and shot in the air, hoping for a miracle, but only fierce pieces of ice, like the teeth of predators, clacked against our weathered faces.

– (24) You’re lying, you won’t get there! – they seemed to hiss ominously.

- (25) The wrong ones were attacked! – we shouted to them from time to time.

(26) It is not known how long we had been walking, when suddenly we heard a powerful roar and saw a light. (27) We started shooting, sparing no ammunition, and a minute later several powerful military vehicles drove up to us.

(28) This is how we met our savior - battalion commander Pugachev. (29) Following our tracks, he sent one of the cars with soldiers. (30) Kostya and I instantly fell asleep, even before they dragged us into the cars and pulled off our boots and wet clothes. (31) We slept until Leo appeared, cheerful and cheerful.

“(32) And I had no doubt that Kostya would come up with something and would not leave me in this steppe,” he said calmly.

(33) The soldiers found him following our footsteps, attached him with a cable to a powerful car and dragged him to a safe place.

(34) We parted the next morning with a whole battalion of the best friends in the world - privates and officers of the Soviet Army.

(35) Even now I am ready for any hunt, even for lions in Africa: Konstantin will not abandon a friend in trouble. (36) And it would be nice if battalion commander Pugachev and the soldiers were nearby again.

(According to E. Rudakov)

(7) It became sharply cold.


Among sentences 28–31, find a sentence with standalone application. Write the number of this offer.

(1) We were going hunting with my friends, Konstantin and Lev. (2) Suddenly Kostya noticed a narrow dark strip in the north. (3) After half an hour, it became clear that we had to get away, and the sooner the better. (4) The dark strip stretched out into a huge crocodile snout and clearly tried to swallow us along with the car. (5) The rain and snow were getting worse and worse. (6) The earth instantly became limp and turned into superglue. (7) It became sharply cold. (8) I started the car, but I only managed to drive a little: sticky mud clogged the wheels and the engine stalled. (9) Gusts of wind rocked the car, and it seemed that it would turn over and roll with us like a tumbleweed!

(10) I knew that such storms in the steppe could last up to two or three days. (11) Gasoline to heat the interior would have been enough for us for twenty hours,

(13) And then Kostya suggested that Lev leave me as the weakest,

in the car, and ourselves, two strong guys, go against the elements, look for a road and try to get out to people. (14) Neither Kostya nor I even had time to open our mouths before Lev declared that he had groceries and, of course, he would not leave the car anywhere! (15) So Kostya and I had no choice.

... (16) The wind knocked down. (17) I recently had surgery, and, of course, it was difficult for me. (18) When I couldn’t get up, Kostya helped, and we, leaning on two guns, stood back to back and rested.

(19) Once again I fell and, floundering in the viscous mass, I did not notice that I had lost my boot. (20) Only when my leg began to go numb did I discover this. (21) There was no strength to return, but Kostya returned and with difficulty, crawling through the mud, found my boot. (22) Then we walked, taking turns pushing each other, or rested, leaning our backs.

(23) We had been walking for four hours, stopped and shot in the air, hoping for a miracle, but only fierce pieces of ice, like the teeth of predators, clacked against our weathered faces.

– (24) You’re lying, you won’t get there! – they seemed to hiss ominously.

- (25) The wrong ones were attacked! – we shouted to them from time to time.

(26) It is not known how long we had been walking, when suddenly we heard a powerful roar and saw a light. (27) We started shooting, sparing no ammunition, and a minute later several powerful military vehicles drove up to us.

(28) This is how we met our savior - battalion commander Pugachev. (29) Following our tracks, he sent one of the cars with soldiers. (30) Kostya and I instantly fell asleep, even before they dragged us into the cars and pulled off our boots and wet clothes. (31) We slept until Leo appeared, cheerful and cheerful.

“(32) And I had no doubt that Kostya would come up with something and would not leave me in this steppe,” he said calmly.

(33) The soldiers found him following our footsteps, attached him with a cable to a powerful car and dragged him to a safe place.

(34) We parted the next morning with a whole battalion of the best friends in the world - privates and officers of the Soviet Army.

(35) Even now I am ready for any hunt, even for lions in Africa: Konstantin will not abandon a friend in trouble. (36) And it would be nice if battalion commander Pugachev and the soldiers were nearby again.

(According to E. Rudakov)

(28) This is how we met our savior - battalion commander Pugachev. (29) Following our tracks, he sent one of the cars with soldiers. (30) Kostya and I instantly fell asleep, even before they dragged us into the cars and pulled off our boots and wet clothes. (31) We slept until Leo appeared, cheerful and cheerful.


In the sentence below from the text read, all commas are numbered. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas in the introductory word.

Neither Kostya, (1) nor I even had time to open our mouths, (2) as Lev declared, (3) that he had food and he, (4) of course, (5) would not leave the car anywhere!

(1) We were going hunting with my friends, Konstantin and Lev. (2) Suddenly Kostya noticed a narrow dark strip in the north. (3) After half an hour, it became clear that we had to get away, and the sooner the better. (4) The dark strip stretched out into a huge crocodile snout and clearly tried to swallow us along with the car. (5) The rain and snow were getting worse and worse. (6) The earth instantly became limp and turned into superglue. (7) It became sharply cold. (8) I started the car, but I only managed to drive a little: sticky mud clogged the wheels and the engine stalled. (9) Gusts of wind rocked the car, and it seemed that it would turn over and roll with us like a tumbleweed!

(10) I knew that such storms in the steppe could last up to two or three days. (11) Gasoline to heat the interior would have been enough for us for twenty hours,

(13) And then Kostya suggested that Lev leave me as the weakest,

in the car, and ourselves, two strong guys, go against the elements, look for a road and try to get out to people. (14) Neither Kostya nor I even had time to open our mouths before Lev declared that he had groceries and, of course, he would not leave the car anywhere! (15) So Kostya and I had no choice.

... (16) The wind knocked down. (17) I recently had surgery, and, of course, it was difficult for me. (18) When I couldn’t get up, Kostya helped, and we, leaning on two guns, stood back to back and rested.

(19) Once again I fell and, floundering in the viscous mass, I did not notice that I had lost my boot. (20) Only when my leg began to go numb did I discover this. (21) There was no strength to return, but Kostya returned and with difficulty, crawling through the mud, found my boot. (22) Then we walked, taking turns pushing each other, or rested, leaning our backs.

(23) We had been walking for four hours, stopped and shot in the air, hoping for a miracle, but only fierce pieces of ice, like the teeth of predators, clacked against our weathered faces.

– (24) You’re lying, you won’t get there! – they seemed to hiss ominously.

- (25) The wrong ones were attacked! – we shouted to them from time to time.

(26) It is not known how long we had been walking, when suddenly we heard a powerful roar and saw a light. (27) We started shooting, sparing no ammunition, and a minute later several powerful military vehicles drove up to us.

(28) This is how we met our savior - battalion commander Pugachev. (29) Following our tracks, he sent one of the cars with soldiers. (30) Kostya and I instantly fell asleep, even before they dragged us into the cars and pulled off our boots and wet clothes. (31) We slept until Leo appeared, cheerful and cheerful.

“(32) And I had no doubt that Kostya would come up with something and would not leave me in this steppe,” he said calmly.

(33) The soldiers found him following our footsteps, attached him with a cable to a powerful car and dragged him to a safe place.

(34) We parted the next morning with a whole battalion of the best friends in the world - privates and officers of the Soviet Army.

(35) Even now I am ready for any hunt, even for lions in Africa: Konstantin will not abandon a friend in trouble. (36) And it would be nice if battalion commander Pugachev and the soldiers were nearby again.

(According to E. Rudakov)


Specify quantity grammar basics in sentence 19. Write the answer in numbers.

(1) We were going hunting with my friends, Konstantin and Lev. (2) Suddenly Kostya noticed a narrow dark strip in the north. (3) After half an hour, it became clear that we had to get away, and the sooner the better. (4) The dark strip stretched out into a huge crocodile snout and clearly tried to swallow us along with the car. (5) The rain and snow were getting worse and worse. (6) The earth instantly became limp and turned into superglue. (7) It became sharply cold. (8) I started the car, but I only managed to drive a little: sticky mud clogged the wheels and the engine stalled. (9) Gusts of wind rocked the car, and it seemed that it would turn over and roll with us like a tumbleweed!

(10) I knew that such storms in the steppe could last up to two or three days. (11) Gasoline to heat the interior would have been enough for us for twenty hours,

(13) And then Kostya suggested that Lev leave me as the weakest,

in the car, and ourselves, two strong guys, go against the elements, look for a road and try to get out to people. (14) Neither Kostya nor I even had time to open our mouths before Lev declared that he had groceries and, of course, he would not leave the car anywhere! (15) So Kostya and I had no choice.

... (16) The wind knocked down. (17) I recently had surgery, and, of course, it was difficult for me. (18) When I couldn’t get up, Kostya helped, and we, leaning on two guns, stood back to back and rested.

(19) Once again I fell and, floundering in the viscous mass, I did not notice that I had lost my boot. (20) Only when my leg began to go numb did I discover this. (21) There was no strength to return, but Kostya returned and with difficulty, crawling through the mud, found my boot. (22) Then we walked, taking turns pushing each other, or rested, leaning our backs.

(23) We had been walking for four hours, stopped and shot in the air, hoping for a miracle, but only fierce pieces of ice, like the teeth of predators, clacked against our weathered faces.

– (24) You’re lying, you won’t get there! – they seemed to hiss ominously.

- (25) The wrong ones were attacked! – we shouted to them from time to time.

(26) It is not known how long we had been walking, when suddenly we heard a powerful roar and saw a light. (27) We started shooting, sparing no ammunition, and a minute later several powerful military vehicles drove up to us.

(28) This is how we met our savior - battalion commander Pugachev. (29) Following our tracks, he sent one of the cars with soldiers. (30) Kostya and I instantly fell asleep, even before they dragged us into the cars and pulled off our boots and wet clothes. (31) We slept until Leo appeared, cheerful and cheerful.

“(32) And I had no doubt that Kostya would come up with something and would not leave me in this steppe,” he said calmly.

(33) The soldiers found him following our footsteps, attached him with a cable to a powerful car and dragged him to a safe place.

(34) We parted the next morning with a whole battalion of the best friends in the world - privates and officers of the Soviet Army.

(35) Even now I am ready for any hunt, even for lions in Africa: Konstantin will not abandon a friend in trouble. (36) And it would be nice if battalion commander Pugachev and the soldiers were nearby again.

(According to E. Rudakov)

(1) We were going hunting with my friends, Konstantin and Lev.


In the sentence below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the number(s) indicating the comma(s) between the parts complex sentence connected by a subordinating connection.

When I couldn’t get up, (1) Kostya helped, (2) and we, (3) leaning on two guns, (4) stood back to back and rested.

(1) We were going hunting with my friends, Konstantin and Lev. (2) Suddenly Kostya noticed a narrow dark strip in the north. (3) After half an hour, it became clear that we had to get away, and the sooner the better. (4) The dark strip stretched out into a huge crocodile snout and clearly tried to swallow us along with the car. (5) The rain and snow were getting worse and worse. (6) The earth instantly became limp and turned into superglue. (7) It became sharply cold. (8) I started the car, but I only managed to drive a little: sticky mud clogged the wheels and the engine stalled. (9) Gusts of wind rocked the car, and it seemed that it would turn over and roll with us like a tumbleweed!

(10) I knew that such storms in the steppe could last up to two or three days. (11) Gasoline to heat the interior would have been enough for us for twenty hours,

(13) And then Kostya suggested that Lev leave me as the weakest,

in the car, and ourselves, two strong guys, go against the elements, look for a road and try to get out to people. (14) Neither Kostya nor I even had time to open our mouths before Lev declared that he had groceries and, of course, he would not leave the car anywhere! (15) So Kostya and I had no choice.

... (16) The wind knocked down. (17) I recently had surgery, and, of course, it was difficult for me. (18) When I couldn’t get up, Kostya helped, and we, leaning on two guns, stood back to back and rested.

(19) Once again I fell and, floundering in the viscous mass, I did not notice that I had lost my boot. (20) Only when my leg began to go numb did I discover this. (21) There was no strength to return, but Kostya returned and with difficulty, crawling through the mud, found my boot. (22) Then we walked, taking turns pushing each other, or rested, leaning our backs.

(23) We had been walking for four hours, stopped and shot in the air, hoping for a miracle, but only fierce pieces of ice, like the teeth of predators, clacked against our weathered faces.

– (24) You’re lying, you won’t get there! – they seemed to hiss ominously.

- (25) The wrong ones were attacked! – we shouted to them from time to time.

(26) It is not known how long we had been walking, when suddenly we heard a powerful roar and saw a light. (27) We started shooting, sparing no ammunition, and a minute later several powerful military vehicles drove up to us.

(28) This is how we met our savior - battalion commander Pugachev. (29) Following our tracks, he sent one of the cars with soldiers. (30) Kostya and I instantly fell asleep, even before they dragged us into the cars and pulled off our boots and wet clothes. (31) We slept until Leo appeared, cheerful and cheerful.

“(32) And I had no doubt that Kostya would come up with something and would not leave me in this steppe,” he said calmly.

(33) The soldiers found him following our footsteps, attached him with a cable to a powerful car and dragged him to a safe place.

(34) We parted the next morning with a whole battalion of the best friends in the world - privates and officers of the Soviet Army.

(35) Even now I am ready for any hunt, even for lions in Africa: Konstantin will not abandon a friend in trouble. (36) And it would be nice if battalion commander Pugachev and the soldiers were nearby again.

(According to E. Rudakov)


Among sentences 9–14, find complex sentence with consistent and uniform subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

(1) We were going hunting with my friends, Konstantin and Lev. (2) Suddenly Kostya noticed a narrow dark strip in the north. (3) After half an hour, it became clear that we had to get away, and the sooner the better. (4) The dark strip stretched out into a huge crocodile snout and clearly tried to swallow us along with the car. (5) The rain and snow were getting worse and worse. (6) The earth instantly became limp and turned into superglue. (7) It became sharply cold. (8) I started the car, but I only managed to drive a little: sticky mud clogged the wheels and the engine stalled. (9) Gusts of wind rocked the car, and it seemed that it would turn over and roll with us like a tumbleweed!

(10) I knew that such storms in the steppe could last up to two or three days. (11) Gasoline to heat the interior would have been enough for us for twenty hours,

(13) And then Kostya suggested that Lev leave me as the weakest,

in the car, and ourselves, two strong guys, go against the elements, look for a road and try to get out to people. (14) Neither Kostya nor I even had time to open our mouths before Lev declared that he had groceries and, of course, he would not leave the car anywhere! (15) So Kostya and I had no choice.

... (16) The wind knocked down. (17) I recently had surgery, and, of course, it was difficult for me. (18) When I couldn’t get up, Kostya helped, and we, leaning on two guns, stood back to back and rested.

(19) Once again I fell and, floundering in the viscous mass, I did not notice that I had lost my boot. (20) Only when my leg began to go numb did I discover this. (21) There was no strength to return, but Kostya returned and with difficulty, crawling through the mud, found my boot. (22) Then we walked, taking turns pushing each other, or rested, leaning our backs.

(23) We had been walking for four hours, stopped and shot in the air, hoping for a miracle, but only fierce pieces of ice, like the teeth of predators, clacked against our weathered faces.

– (24) You’re lying, you won’t get there! – they seemed to hiss ominously.

- (25) The wrong ones were attacked! – we shouted to them from time to time.

(26) It is not known how long we had been walking, when suddenly we heard a powerful roar and saw a light. (27) We started shooting, sparing no ammunition, and a minute later several powerful military vehicles drove up to us.

(28) This is how we met our savior - battalion commander Pugachev. (29) Following our tracks, he sent one of the cars with soldiers. (30) Kostya and I instantly fell asleep, even before they dragged us into the cars and pulled off our boots and wet clothes. (31) We slept until Leo appeared, cheerful and cheerful.

“(32) And I had no doubt that Kostya would come up with something and would not leave me in this steppe,” he said calmly.

(33) The soldiers found him following our footsteps, attached him with a cable to a powerful car and dragged him to a safe place.

(34) We parted the next morning with a whole battalion of the best friends in the world - privates and officers of the Soviet Army.

(35) Even now I am ready for any hunt, even for lions in Africa: Konstantin will not abandon a friend in trouble. (36) And it would be nice if battalion commander Pugachev and the soldiers were nearby again.

(According to E. Rudakov)

(9) Gusts of wind rocked the car, and it seemed that it would turn over and roll with us like a tumbleweed!

(1) We were going hunting with my friends, Konstantin and Lev. (2) Suddenly Kostya noticed a narrow dark strip in the north. (3) After half an hour, it became clear that we had to get away, and the sooner the better. (4) The dark strip stretched out into a huge crocodile snout and clearly tried to swallow us along with the car. (5) The rain and snow were getting worse and worse. (6) The earth instantly became limp and turned into superglue. (7) It became sharply cold. (8) I started the car, but I only managed to drive a little: sticky mud clogged the wheels and the engine stalled. (9) Gusts of wind rocked the car, and it seemed that it would turn over and roll with us like a tumbleweed!

(10) I knew that such storms in the steppe could last up to two or three days. (11) Gasoline to heat the interior would have been enough for us for twenty hours,

(13) And then Kostya suggested that Lev leave me as the weakest,

in the car, and ourselves, two strong guys, go against the elements, look for a road and try to get out to people. (14) Neither Kostya nor I even had time to open our mouths before Lev declared that he had groceries and, of course, he would not leave the car anywhere! (15) So Kostya and I had no choice.

... (16) The wind knocked down. (17) I recently had surgery, and, of course, it was difficult for me. (18) When I couldn’t get up, Kostya helped, and we, leaning on two guns, stood back to back and rested.

(19) Once again I fell and, floundering in the viscous mass, I did not notice that I had lost my boot. (20) Only when my leg began to go numb did I discover this. (21) There was no strength to return, but Kostya returned and with difficulty, crawling through the mud, found my boot. (22) Then we walked, taking turns pushing each other, or rested, leaning our backs.

(23) We had been walking for four hours, stopped and shot in the air, hoping for a miracle, but only fierce pieces of ice, like the teeth of predators, clacked against our weathered faces.

– (24) You’re lying, you won’t get there! – they seemed to hiss ominously.

- (25) The wrong ones were attacked! – we shouted to them from time to time.

(26) It is not known how long we had been walking, when suddenly we heard a powerful roar and saw a light. (27) We started shooting, sparing no ammunition, and a minute later several powerful military vehicles drove up to us.

(28) This is how we met our savior - battalion commander Pugachev. (29) Following our tracks, he sent one of the cars with soldiers. (30) Kostya and I instantly fell asleep, even before they dragged us into the cars and pulled off our boots and wet clothes. (31) We slept until Leo appeared, cheerful and cheerful.

“(32) And I had no doubt that Kostya would come up with something and would not leave me in this steppe,” he said calmly.

(33) The soldiers found him following our footsteps, attached him with a cable to a powerful car and dragged him to a safe place.

(34) We parted the next morning with a whole battalion of the best friends in the world - privates and officers of the Soviet Army.

(35) Even now I am ready for any hunt, even for lions in Africa: Konstantin will not abandon a friend in trouble. (36) And it would be nice if battalion commander Pugachev and the soldiers were nearby again.

(According to E. Rudakov)

(3) After half an hour, it became clear that we had to get away, and the sooner the better. (4) The dark strip stretched out into a huge crocodile snout and clearly tried to swallow us along with the car. (5) The rain and snow were getting worse and worse. (6) The earth instantly became limp and turned into superglue. (7) It became sharply cold. (8) I started the car, but I only managed to drive a little: sticky mud clogged the wheels and the engine stalled. (9) Gusts of wind rocked the car, and it seemed that it would turn over and roll with us like a tumbleweed!


Using the text you read, complete ONLY ONE of the tasks on a separate sheet: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3. Before writing your essay, write down the number of the selected task: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3.

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the author’s statement teaching aid in Russian language V.N. Aleksandrova: “Adverbial participles allow you to clarify and describe the action being performed, making it tangible and convex.”

To justify your answer, give 2 examples from the text you read. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

You can write a paper in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic using linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of V.N. Alexandrov

A work written without relying on the text read (not based on this text), Not Evaluated.

15.2 Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the ending

of this text: “Even now I am ready for any hunt, even for lions in Africa: Konstantin will not abandon a friend in trouble. And it would be nice if battalion commander Pugachev and the soldiers were nearby again.”

In your essay, provide 2 arguments from the text you read that support your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word FRIENDSHIP? Formulate and comment on this

Your definition. Write an essay-argument on the topic “What is friendship”, taking into account

the definition you gave as a thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) We were going hunting with my friends, Konstantin and Lev. (2) Suddenly Kostya noticed a narrow dark strip in the north. (3) After half an hour, it became clear that we had to get away, and the sooner the better. (4) The dark strip stretched out into a huge crocodile snout and clearly tried to swallow us along with the car. (5) The rain and snow were getting worse and worse. (6) The earth instantly became limp and turned into superglue. (7) It became sharply cold. (8) I started the car, but I only managed to drive a little: sticky mud clogged the wheels and the engine stalled. (9) Gusts of wind rocked the car, and it seemed that it would turn over and roll with us like a tumbleweed!

(10) I knew that such storms in the steppe could last up to two or three days. (11) Gasoline to heat the interior would have been enough for us for twenty hours,

(13) And then Kostya suggested that Lev leave me as the weakest,

in the car, and ourselves, two strong guys, go against the elements, look for a road and try to get out to people. (14) Neither Kostya nor I even had time to open our mouths before Lev declared that he had groceries and, of course, he would not leave the car anywhere! (15) So Kostya and I had no choice.

... (16) The wind knocked down. (17) I recently had surgery, and, of course, it was difficult for me. (18) When I couldn’t get up, Kostya helped, and we, leaning on two guns, stood back to back and rested.

(19) Once again I fell and, floundering in the viscous mass, I did not notice that I had lost my boot. (20) Only when my leg began to go numb did I discover this. (21) There was no strength to return, but Kostya returned and with difficulty, crawling through the mud, found my boot. (22) Then we walked, taking turns pushing each other, or rested, leaning our backs.

(23) We had been walking for four hours, stopped and shot in the air, hoping for a miracle, but only fierce pieces of ice, like the teeth of predators, clacked against our weathered faces.

– (24) You’re lying, you won’t get there! – they seemed to hiss ominously.

- (25) The wrong ones were attacked! – we shouted to them from time to time.

(26) It is not known how long we had been walking, when suddenly we heard a powerful roar and saw a light. (27) We started shooting, sparing no ammunition, and a minute later several powerful military vehicles drove up to us.

(28) This is how we met our savior - battalion commander Pugachev. (29) Following our tracks, he sent one of the cars with soldiers. (30) Kostya and I instantly fell asleep, even before they dragged us into the cars and pulled off our boots and wet clothes. (31) We slept until Leo appeared, cheerful and cheerful.

“(32) And I had no doubt that Kostya would come up with something and would not leave me in this steppe,” he said calmly.

(33) The soldiers found him following our footsteps, attached him with a cable to a powerful car and dragged him to a safe place.



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