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The causes of death are always determined by doctors. It can occur as a result of exposure to external or internal factors. In forensic medicine you can find a classification of the reasons why a person died.

Accepted terminology

Death is understood as a complete cessation of vital activity, during which physiological and biological processes cease. There is a special direction in medicine that studies the body in the final stage of the dying process. This science is called thanatology.

For most people at all times, death has been fraught with mysticism and mystery. It is inevitable, often unpredictable and unexpected. But the concepts of death in law, medicine, philosophy, and religion differ markedly.

Doctors separately identify several thermal conditions that precede immediate death. This is pre-agony, agony and clinical death. At this time, resuscitation measures may still be successful. If they were not carried out or were ineffective, then doctors diagnose biological death. In this state, an irreversible cessation of all physiological processes occurs in tissues and cells.

Subsequently, the decomposition process begins. This is the name for the destruction of the body, during which all nerve connections are damaged. Recovery after this becomes absolutely impossible. Experts call this stage information death.

Until it occurs, there is a theoretical possibility of preserving the body in a state of suspended animation (using, for example, cryonics), which can prevent further destruction of the body. In this case, the theoretical possibility of its restoration in the future remains.

Classification of causes

Death can be violent or non-violent. In the first case, it occurs as a result of the influence of various external factors. Various diseases lead to non-violent death. It can also occur due to the appearance of profound age-related changes. Although at present it is impossible to say that a person died of old age, a specific reason is needed that led to this. Sometimes it happens that external and internal factors act simultaneously. In this case, it can be difficult to determine the cause of death. After all, forensic experts must identify which factor played a decisive role.

Nonviolent death can be:

Physiological: from senile decrepitude or prematurity of a newborn child;


The last type of death is caused not only by progressive diseases. It can also be sudden, it is also called sudden.

Violent death occurs as a result of:

  • suicide;
  • murders;
  • accident.

Forensic medicine studies and determines this.

Factors leading to natural non-violent death

Quite often people die from problems with various organs and systems. Sudden or pathological death can occur as a result of diseases:

  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • respiratory organs;
  • endocrine system;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • infectious lesions;
  • central nervous system;
  • genitourinary system;
  • other organs and systems of the body.

Malignant neoplasms also lead to non-violent death. Sometimes it occurs as a result of pregnancy and subsequent childbirth. The exact reasons can be found out only after a pathological autopsy. Based on its results, a death certificate is issued. It displays the reasons that led to the person dying.

Sudden death is a non-violent death that occurs in a healthy person, in the opinion of others. It occurs as a result of an acute form of the disease or a latent chronic disease.

Prevalence of causes of non-violent dying

By analyzing the factors that led to the cessation of people's lives, forensic experts can understand which causes of death are the most common.

More than 75% of people die from diseases of the circulatory system. However, most of them are diagnosed with chronic ischemic heart disease. They may have acute or repeated myocardial infarction or cardiomyopathy. Slightly less common are cerebral infarctions, subarachnoid hemorrhages, and arterial diseases.

Less common causes of nonviolent death are respiratory diseases. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease leads to death. With chronic bronchitis, the airways become swollen and the passages become narrow. Emphysema occurs when the lungs are damaged. With these diseases, breathing problems begin.

Stage 4 cancer also leads to death slightly less often. Men often suffer from the appearance of malignant tumors in the prostate, and women - in the breast. But the most common cause of death is lung cancer. It is difficult to detect on initial stages. They don't show themselves in any way. Problems begin only when metastases appear.

It is worth noting that smokers are 12 times more likely to develop lung problems than non-smokers. Also, giving up this bad habit reduces the likelihood of developing kidney cancer.

Also, almost a quarter of people die from infectious diseases, eating disorders, and neonatal diseases. In low-income and low-income countries, birth injuries, asphyxia, and problems caused by prematurity are the leading causes of death in newborns.

Causes of violent death

People often die due to exposure not to internal, but to external factors. The main types of violent death are:

  • mechanical damage;
  • asphyxia;
  • exposure to extreme temperatures;
  • toxic substances, this also includes gas poisoning;
  • exposure to electric current;
  • beam energy.

Mechanical damage includes falls from a height, traffic accidents, and injuries caused by sharp and blunt objects. Any gunshot wound that causes cessation of life activity may also be included in this category.

Poisoning occurs as a result of exposure to toxic substances in the body. They can be caused by low-quality or contaminated food, water, alcohol, and medicines. You can be poisoned by carbon monoxide in unventilated areas, in factories or in houses heated by stoves.

Death from suffocation can occur due to the development of oxygen starvation, which was caused by mechanical reasons. This can be strangulation, hanging, closing the airways with loose or liquid objects, closing the openings of the mouth and nose. Compression of the abdomen and chest can also lead to asphyxia.

We must understand that the type of violent death and the reasons that led to it are different concepts. They are determined by forensic experts. Even with the same exposures, a person can die from different causes.

The type of death is determined depending on the exact impact on the person. But the reasons are determined by what changes have occurred in the body as a result of certain influences on it. For example, it was determined that blunt trauma to the skull led to death. This means that a person could die from a contusion of the brain or its compression by the resulting hematoma.

Gas poisoning can also be voluntary, accidental or intentional. But the manner of death is determined by law enforcement agencies.

The need for a forensic medical examination

It is possible to determine what exactly caused a person to die during a special medical event. It's called forensic examination. IN mandatory it is carried out if it is obvious that the death was violent. It also needs to be done in cases where:

  • there was a sudden death, but there is a suspicion that it could have been violent;
  • the cause of death is unknown, the person died outside the walls of a medical institution;
  • death occurred in the hospital, but the patient was not diagnosed;
  • the person died in the hospital, but the investigative authorities accepted a complaint from relatives.

Also, regardless of the place and presumed cause of death, a forensic medical examination is carried out on all unidentified persons.

Examination of the corpse allows us to determine why the person died. Depending on this, the tactics of further actions are determined. If the forensic examination establishes that death occurred from poisoning, for example, methyl alcohol, then law enforcement agencies will have to establish why this happened. This could be suicide: a person could pour himself methyl alcohol and drink it, wanting to end his life. He could also have used it by mistake. In this case, the death will be classified as an accident. But if it was a set-up, and another person poured methyl alcohol into the glass, then we are talking about murder.


In order to determine whether a death occurred natural or violent, it is necessary to examine the corpse. The autopsy can be a conventional pathological or forensic one. The first type is carried out in cases where the death was non-violent. Such an autopsy can be carried out in several ways:

  • Abrikosov method;
  • Leshka incision;
  • Shore's method;
  • Fisher's method.

But according to the instructions of the investigating authorities, a forensic autopsy is carried out. During its implementation, the following is established:

  • time of death;
  • the presence and nature of the damage is determined whether it was inflicted during life or after death;
  • mechanisms and methods of causing damage, their sequence;
  • reasons that led to death.

Also, forensic medical examination can resolve other issues of a medical and biological nature. She can tell which non-life-threatening injuries were sustained in the first place, and how exactly the person died.

Conducting a forensic examination

To determine the causes of violent death, a special examination is carried out by doctors who have been trained in Forensic Medicine.

The investigation begins with an examination of clothing and items that arrived with the corpse. The expert must identify possible damage, marks, or overlaps on them. After this, the body of the deceased is examined directly. The corpse is carefully examined, all post-mortem changes are described. If damage was detected, then its nature, features, and location are determined. Soft tissues and internal organs must be examined.

If poisoning is suspected, the corpses are sent for a special forensic chemical study. But this is not the only possible additional examination. If necessary, bacteriological, physical-technical, and histological examinations are carried out. The list of additional examinations is determined by the expert depending on what tasks were assigned to the forensic medical examination and on what the suspected cause of death is.

Based on the results of the study, a certificate of death is not given, as in a conventional pathological autopsy, but a conclusion or report of a forensic medical examination. It describes all the procedures performed with the corpse, the results of examinations, establishes a diagnosis and gives a conclusion that contains answers to the questions posed to the forensic examination.

Stages of Dying

Regardless of whether death occurred from old age, violent or other non-violent causes, experts distinguish two types. Dying can be slow or fast. In the first case, a prolonged terminal state, agony, is observed. And with a quick death, which is also called acute, these stages are blurred.

The dying process begins in the preagonal state. In some cases it is completely absent. This is a protective reaction of the body. It can be observed in people who have stage 4 cancer. After all, they usually have severe and painful body injuries. In the last hours, inhibition processes develop in the central nervous system. This is accompanied by a corresponding psychological condition. There is indifference to what is happening around, sensitivity disappears. Some people lose consciousness completely or partially.

In a preagonal state, a person may fall into a coma or stoppage, his blood pressure decreases, and blood circulation centralizes. Breathing may become rapid but shallow. The lungs are not fully ventilated.

If the patient does not undergo therapeutic measures, or they are ineffective, then this condition is replaced by a thermal pause. After this the agony begins. This is the name given to the body’s attempt to use all remaining capabilities to preserve life. In this state, blood pressure rises, heart function is restored, and breathing becomes strong. But the lungs are not ventilated due to improper muscle function. It usually lasts about 5 minutes, in some cases it can last up to half an hour. Following the agony comes clinical death.

Necessary diagnostics

Before determining what exactly caused the cessation of a person’s life, doctors must make sure that the patient is really dead. Even if a gunshot wound is visible, an investigation is carried out. Perhaps it did not affect vital organs, and the person is alive.

They look at a set of signs, the so-called vital tripod: the preservation of the functions of the central nervous system, breathing and heart activity. But there are situations when doctors can make mistakes.

For example, the safety of breathing can be checked using a mirror, fluff, auscultation or the Winslow test. But they can all be wrong. Any gust of wind, high humidity in the room, or passing traffic can cause incorrect results.

More informative is checking cardiovascular activity. Auscultation of heart contractions, palpation of the pulse, and cardiac impulse are performed. But very weak manifestations of vital activity may go unnoticed.

The most important indicator is the preservation of central nervous system functions. One of the valuable signs is the absence or presence of the corneal reflex. The doctor checks how the pupils react to light. One of the first signs of death is the Beloglazov phenomenon, or “cat's pupil.” The tone of the muscles that constrict the pupil disappears. When the eyeball is compressed, it takes on an oval shape.

More than 55 million people die every year in the world. Among the main ones, the leading ones are endogenous factors associated with the aging of the body and its heredity. Therefore, death statistics largely depend on the economic and social situation.

Main reasons

The mortality rate reflects the level of well-being of society and the quality of healthcare. The leading causes of death account for 54% of the total. TOP 10 in 2015:

Causes Number (million people)
Cardiac ischemia 8,7
Stroke 6,3
Lower respiratory tract infections 3,2
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 3,2
Respiratory cancer 1,7
Sugar 1,6
Alzheimer's disease and other dementias 1,5
Diarrheal diseases 1,4
Road traffic accidents 1,3

The UAE and Qatar have the lowest mortality rates. Much higher in African countries. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the indicators are high even among the working population. Death statistics in Russia reflect the specificity of its situation. When compared with countries with similar levels of wealth, the mortality rate in Russia is higher:

  • men – 3–5 times;
  • women - 2 times.

About 2 million people die in the country every year. Main causes of death according to statistics (2016):

  • diseases circulatory system – 900 thousand people, of which more than 400 thousand died from coronary disease;
  • oncology– about 300 thousand;
  • accidents and– more than 150 thousand;
  • excessive alcohol consumption– about 55 thousand

Sudden death

The syndrome is increasingly observed in the world sudden death. WHO statistics range from 20 to 150 cases per 100 thousand population. Young and completely healthy people die without any visible reasons. There is still no unified theory of this phenomenon. In Russia, statistics on sudden death annually total more than 60 thousand cases.

Babies often die from sudden respiratory arrest. An autopsy cannot determine its cause. Statistics of deaths in sleep indicate a sufficient prevalence of this phenomenon. In people older than 1 year, it can occur due to atrial fibrillation or cardiac arrest due to mitral valve prolapse.

A separate problem in sports medicine is unexpected death during competitions or training.

Death on the roads

The statistics of deaths in car accidents increases every year. About 1.3 million people aged 15 to 29 years die from injuries each year. Half of them are among the most vulnerable road users:

  • motorcyclists – 23%.
  • cyclists – 4%;
  • pedestrians – 22%.

Drug addiction problems

In Russia, drug addiction increases every year. Data for 2016:

  • 8 million people regularly take drugs. Of these, 60% are citizens aged 16–39 years;
  • use drugs periodically – about 18 million;
  • Every year the number of drug addicts increases by 90 thousand people.

Statistics of deaths from drugs total 70 thousand people a year. However, other reasons are often officially recorded:

  • accidents caused by inadequate condition;
  • suicide;
  • cases of violent death;
  • pathologies of internal organs;
  • -infections.

Statistics of death from an overdose of drugs or psychotropic substances record 8 thousand cases annually. The most vulnerable category are teenagers who, at the age of 10, begin to try psychoactive drugs.

Consequences for the child's body

In recent years, there has been an increased mortality among adolescents from substance abuse. Main reasons:

  • rapid development of addiction;
  • availability of substances;
  • destructive effect on the child's body.

Possible consequences:

  • pulmonary hemorrhage;
  • liver damage;
  • tumors in the kidneys and lungs;
  • dysfunction of the brain.

According to the UN, the death toll statistics have increased several times. Every year the number of people using alcohol increases by 8%. different types drugs:

  • marijuana – 160 million people;
  • cocaine – 14 million;
  • heroin – 10.5 million

According to Wikipedia, marijuana has been legalized in some countries around the world. Marijuana death statistics recorded a surprising case in 2017. An 11-month-old baby has died in the United States. The cause of death was damage to the heart muscle caused by high levels of the main active ingredient of marijuana in the blood.

Alcoholism and smoking

Statistics of deaths from alcohol are regularly maintained by medical institutions. About 15–20% of all deaths are associated with a heart attack after drinking alcohol. Losses from are comparable to losses in. The number of alcoholics in the Russian Federation is more than 3% of the population. Although only 1.5% of dependent people are registered. Number of deaths caused by regular alcohol consumption:

  • women – 14%;
  • men – 30%.

The death statistics also raise serious concerns. According to WHO:

  • annually more than 5 million people. dies from smoking-related diseases. According to forecasts, by 2020 their number will increase to 10 million;
  • In Russia, the mortality rate annually ranges from 400 to 500 thousand people.

The statistics on deaths from cigarettes are amazing. The share of citizens who died from smoking is almost half of the total. There are already cases of death from electronic cigarettes, which have become popular among teenagers.

Infant mortality

More than 1.2 million children aged 10–19 die every year. Statistics of child deaths show that the largest share is due to road accidents - 115 thousand. The second reason is respiratory diseases and various infections. Death statistics for children under 5 years of age are usually associated with:

  • with pneumonia;
  • prematurity;
  • birth asphyxia;

The main risk group is children. The highest rates are in African countries, where access to quality medical care is limited.

Deadly games

In 2016, death groups became widespread among teenagers. children increased by 60%. The children's consciousness was manipulated remotely, encouraging them to commit suicide using game techniques. Online death statistics in 2016 recorded 720 cases.

The police blocked almost 5 thousand links leading to prohibited sites. Such groups usually include children from disadvantaged families who need psychological support.

Death statistics from Blue Whale show that the game is gaining popularity in Europe. Its victims are teenagers from 12 to 18 years old. The first attempts were recorded in the Baltic states.

Difficult birth

Statistics on deaths during childbirth also show high rates:

  • 2015 – more than 300 thousand cases. Almost 99% are in developing countries;
  • 2016 – more than 200 thousand.

In 75% of cases, death is caused by:

  • severe bleeding after;
  • postpartum infections;
  • high pressure.

Causing death by negligence is becoming increasingly common. The statistics of those registered are almost 15–20% of their total number. Every year, about 1.5 thousand deaths occur due to negligence, ignorance or side effects of medications.

Heart diseases

The statistics of deaths from heart disease and other pathologies increases every year. While mortality from dangerous infections has decreased significantly. Over 10 years (2006–2016):

  • mortality from infectious diseases and birth complications decreased by 24%;
  • death statistics decreased by 46%.

Today, cardiovascular diseases take first place. Every year they claim the lives of 17 million people. Indicators differ depending on the type of disease. The death rate from heart attacks is approximately 20–25%. Death from stroke occurs in 34% of citizens. About 40–42% die from ischemic disease.

The statistics of deaths from heart disease in Russia is about 55% of the total.

Oncological diseases

According to scientists, it will soon take the leading position in mortality. Cancer death statistics - 10 million people are diagnosed every year. More than 8 million patients die.

The most common area is malignant tumors of the female genital organs. Statistics of deaths from the uterus show that the disease is often detected at a late stage of development. Most cases are fatal.

IN last years The statistics of death from basal cell carcinoma has increased significantly. There is a chance of survival if treatment is started in a timely manner.

Dangerous infections

With the onset of spring in Russia, the danger of ticks increases. The statistics of deaths from encephalitis is 1–3% of the total number of cases in the middle zone. In the Far Eastern regions the figure reaches 20%. The number of registered cases annually is about 3 thousand.

The threat of other dangerous infections is also high. Statistics of rabies deaths in Asian and African countries record thousands of cases every year, despite the availability of effective vaccines.

In recent years, death from influenza has become a frequent occurrence. Statistics note that the cause is not the disease itself, but the complications it gives to the heart and lungs. Between the ages of 5 and 19 years, the mortality rate from influenza is 0.9 cases per 100 thousand people.

The death rate from chickenpox is 1 case per 60 thousand patients. In adults, the chances of dying if the disease increases by 30–40 times.

Chasing a dream

Another reason for leaving life is the pursuit of beauty. The statistics of deaths from plastic surgery are still low. Death under anesthesia occurs in 1 person per 250 thousand operations. However, every life has value.

Since the middle of the last century, the number of cases associated with eating disorders has doubled. The death rate from anorexia among girls 15–24 years old is 12 times higher than from other girls. Anorexia and bulimia often cause suicide.

The danger of surrogates

Rising prices for vodka lead to an increase in the consumption of cheap alcohol. Statistics of deaths from surrogates:

  • 2013 – 13.5 thousand
  • 2014 – 14.0 thousand;
  • 2015 – 14.2 thousand

Death statistics worldwide are higher than for women. On average, men live 5.5 years less. Main causes of male mortality:

Conquering the peaks

Climbing to the top of a mountain can be deadly. The main goal Everest is a destination for many climbers. The statistics of deaths during the history of its conquest reached 250 people.

Climbing the legendary peak of the Caucasus seems deceptively easy. Death statistics on Elbrus record 15–20 deaths every year.

Expeditions to the top of Mount Kazbek are popular. Death statistics in Kazbek are not officially published. However, several climber fatalities are reported each year.

Extreme sport

High probability of death in extreme sports. Parachute death statistics:

  1. USA– from 1991 to 2000, more than 30 fatal jumps were recorded annually.
  2. Russia– over the period from 1998 to 2005, more than 90 people died.

The death statistics for paragliders count 12–13 deaths annually. BASE jumping is becoming increasingly popular. Death statistics highlight the main causes of tragedies:

  • incorrect jumping technique;
  • poor quality equipment;
  • errors in trajectory calculations.

An equally popular trend is selfies among roofers. Death statistics are increasing every year. Selfie comes out on top in the ranking of causes of death.

Death rates from falling from height increase with age. Number of cases per 100 thousand people:

  • 15–19 years old – 0.6;
  • 55–64 years – 4.7;
  • over 65 years old – 38.5.

Statistics of deaths from accidents annually total 100 thousand deaths.

Situation in different countries

Death statistics in Belarus largely depend on the type of disease (2016):

  • circulatory arrest – 65.9 thousand people;
  • oncology – 17.9 thousand;
  • other diseases – about 12 thousand.

Death statistics in Ukraine place the country in 4th place in the world. Mortality rates are 14.4 cases per 100 thousand population.

Death statistics in the Russian Federation are gradually decreasing:

  • 2001 – 2254.85 thousand;
  • 2006 – 2166.70 thousand;
  • 2010 – 2028.51 thousand;
  • 2015 – 1908.54 thousand;
  • 2017 – 1824.340 thousand.

Statistics of deaths in the Russian army:

  • 2012 – 630 people;
  • 2013 – 596 people;
  • 2014 – 790 people;
  • 2015 – 626 people.

Death statistics in the United States show that from 2001 to 2011, more than 11 thousand people died annually from firearms alone. While the terrorist attacks claimed the lives of 517 citizens. Later the figures dropped to 7 thousand.

Additional reasons

There is still ongoing debate about deaths from vaccinations. Statistics record only isolated facts around the world that require more thorough research.

Of the total number of deaths on the planet, a certain part is caused by injuries, negligence, natural phenomena. Let's look at a series of examples:

  • statistics of deaths in the bathroom - 1 case per 807 thousand people;
  • Every year about 30 thousand people die from electric shock;
  • in the United States, from 1998 to 2015, 663 children died after being left in cars;
  • statistics of deaths from lightning strikes - 1 case per 71 thousand people;
  • the risk of dying in a car accident is 1 in 20 thousand people;
  • mortality from tornadoes in America is 1 per 60 thousand people;
  • The statistics of deaths from carbon monoxide poisoning in a garage in Russia is more than 300 people per year.

Statistics violent deaths brought Russia to 3rd place. The indicators in 2015 were 10.2 people per 100 thousand population. Annually from domestic violence From 12 to 14 thousand women die.

Annual death statistics for dentists indicate that more than 30 patients have died as a result of the cardiotoxic effects of lidocaine.

Statistics of deaths of journalists for all time recorded the death of 850 media representatives. Distribution by country:

  1. Iraq – 146 people.
  2. Philippines - 71.
  3. Algeria – 60.
  4. Russia – 53.
  5. Colombia – 43 people.

Dangerous animals

The statistics of animal deaths in the world exceeds the number of deaths in wars:

  • Every year, about 100 thousand people die from a deadly infection carried by shellfish;
  • 10 thousand lives are claimed by “sleeping sickness” from the bite of the Tsetse fly;
  • thousands of people die from malaria mosquito bites;
  • shark death statistics are only 10–15 per year.

Injury sports

One of the most dangerous sports is boxing. However, severe head injuries in the ring account for a small percentage of all injuries. Death statistics are 1.3 per 100 thousand people. Most of the deaths occur in Asian countries, where fighters do not enjoy the necessary protection.

Military conflicts and terrorism

Terrorism has become one of the main problems of the 21st century. Statistics of deaths from terrorism in 2016 – 13.7 thousand killed and 16.6 thousand wounded. Most of the victims are in Iraq and Syria. As the scale of military conflicts expands, the statistics of deaths from hunger increases. Up to 10 million people die every year. Total number hungry – 850 million people. Of them:

  1. Asian region – 520 million
  2. Africa – 243 million
  3. Latin America and the Caribbean – 42 million

Why did the woman die from alcoholism? How do men die from alcoholism? What are the main causes of such deaths? It's worth knowing the answers to all these questions. Alcohol is a highly toxic substance; with its constant use, irreversible changes occur in the body, which has a detrimental effect on the human condition as a whole. Gradual poisoning of the body provokes the development of diseases, which can often result in death. Death after drinking alcohol-containing drinks is a consequence of the gradual toxic effect of alcohol on the body or is associated with its ability to quickly worsen a person’s health in chronic diseases and various hidden pathologies.

Main causes of death from alcohol dependence

Important! Death from alcohol is one of the main causes of sudden death for many healthy men, no obvious signs of intoxication are visible.

How can you die from alcoholism? Lethal outcome from alcohol abuse can be various reasons. In acute pancreatitis, a person's heart may suddenly stop. The cause of death will also be a blood clot that breaks off and blocks the blood supply while drinking alcohol. Often the cause of death is the consumption of a lethal dose of alcohol - in this case, death usually occurs the next day.


According to statistical information from the World Health Organization, about 4% of the world's population die annually from alcoholism and diseases of internal organs caused by alcoholic beverages, which now amounts to approximately 2.5 million people. Such cases include:

  • At least 1/5 of the deaths from alcohol are due to various oncological diseases, which were provoked by alcohol;
  • About 16% of people who drink die from liver disease, most of them die from cirrhosis;
  • Approximately 14% of deaths are due to alcohol-related cardiovascular disease;
  • 18% of deaths are associated with other chronic diseases and pathologies that are aggravated due to alcohol poisoning.

The harmful effects of alcohol are observed when taking ethanol in any volume, and regular alcohol intoxication causes diseases of many internal organs, of which the greatest danger is:

  • Heart diseases – myocardial dystrophy, arrhythmia;
  • Nervous system – polyneuropathy, myopathy, hepatic encephalopathy, epileptiform seizures;
  • Diseases of the digestive tract - pancreatitis, stomach ulcers, esophageal reflux, liver failure;
  • Genitourinary system – acute urinary retention, nephritis, sexual disorders;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Bone fractures.

Alcohol consumption leads to disturbances in purine and carbohydrate metabolism, contributes to the exacerbation of gout, diabetes, and destroys the immune system.


According to WHO statistics, about 30% of drunken deaths occur due to an accident. Here are just some examples of how people die from alcohol:

  • Getting hit by various vehicles (cars, trams, trains, etc.);
  • Falling from height;
  • Hypothermia or overheating;
  • Gassing;
  • Improper handling of all kinds of household appliances;
  • Death in fires;
  • Drowning.

When the dose of alcohol was large enough, intoxication had set in a long time ago, the person no longer felt a change in the conditions around him - temperature, altitude, obstacles. Reflexes are dulled and in this state any absurd accident can happen. Suicides among alcoholics occur a little less frequently. Psychoses caused by alcohol abuse can provoke alcoholics to many actions, including suicide.


Alcohol and drugs very often do not go together. Alcoholic drinks (including beer) can make medications either simply ineffective or change their effect in the most unpredictable way. For fatal poisoning in this case, it is enough to mix alcohol with drugs:

  • Sleeping pills – may cause drowsiness, coma or death;
  • Cardiovascular– seriously increases the risk of developing vascular insufficiency;
  • Antipyretic– provokes ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Diuretic – stimulates the development of pancreatitis and heart failure;
  • Analgesics – increases tachycardia;
  • Antibiotics – enhances the destructive effect of toxins on the body.

Eliminate use alcoholic drinks when undergoing any treatment with medications, it can often be vital. However, every year a certain number of people for some reason forget about this simple rule.


A high price, a beautiful bottle and label are not always signs of truly high-quality alcohol. Even reputable stores can sell products based on methyl alcohol (methanol), and it is much more dangerous than ordinary ethanol. These are just some of the harmful features of its effect on the human body:

  • Methanol severely affects vision, including blindness;
  • Methyl alcohol causes severe poisoning of the body;
  • Methanol leads to intoxication many times faster, and causes much more damage to health.

Methyl alcohol as a lethal substitute for ethyl alcohol is used in industry; it is prohibited in food production because it is extremely harmful to the human body. But even such qualities do not stop some alcoholics from drinking questionable drinks.

Important! Due to the fact that methanol-based alcohol is visually indistinguishable from high-quality alcohol, dangerous drinks are successfully sold, but for the most part this is observed on the market in the low-price segment.

The weakening of the immune system, which is inherent in all alcoholics, leads to their increased susceptibility to various infections. With alcoholism, a person often dies extremely ill, experiencing unimaginable pain. And for which of the above-mentioned reasons this happens - with the worsening of alcoholism it becomes less important, because the person eventually almost completely loses touch with reality. Therefore, it is necessary to solve problems with alcohol as soon as they appear, so as not to lead to irreversible consequences.

How to avoid dying from alcohol poisoning?

How to avoid dying from alcohol poisoning? Feeling unwell in the morning after drinking too much alcohol is an indicator of the onset of addiction to alcohol. Depending on the symptoms, the subsequent reaction of the body can be different, including death. Vomiting blood may well be a sign of a stomach ulcer, and a sign of a heart attack is pain in the heart. If the pain is severe, you should not try to cope with it by willpower and various folk remedies. Fainting, increased temperature or blood pressure, worsening headache - all these symptoms should force a person to immediately seek professional help. medical care. You cannot do nothing if there is a strong heartbeat, dizziness, confusion, or painful repeated vomiting.

These symptoms may not be signs of intoxication, but may be an acute reaction of the body to any disease. With renal colic, pain can be relieved only by intravenous administration of painkillers; other methods will not help, especially if it is bilateral pain, acute urinary retention, or repeated vomiting. Warming procedures such as warm baths and warm compresses at the site of pain will also have no effect. In case of acute urinary retention, all attempts to help the patient on their own will only lead to increased suffering. To provide first aid, it is necessary to perform catheterization of the bladder. If you have symptoms of heart failure or hepatic coma, you should immediately call an ambulance.

You shouldn’t joke with your health in the situation of alcohol poisoning and at the first signs of intoxication you need to start acting, and not wait until everything “goes away on its own.” An alcoholic may not feel the worsening of his condition, which is why fatal alcohol poisoning occurs so often among alcohol-dependent people. The probability of death from alcoholism can be called the first and one of the main reasons to give up drinking right now and start living healthy image life.

Everything in the Universe is finite. Each of us comes to this thought. And only man is given the ability to realize that one day he will be gone. Today, we'll talk about why people die. What is behind the phenomenon of death and is it possible to get rid of it? So:

Why are we dying

The death process is divided into several stages. Biological death is always preceded by clinical death. If during clinical death resuscitation actions do not lead either to saving the person or to stabilizing his current condition, then biological death occurs. This stage involves a complete disruption of the cells and tissues of the body. The connection between nerve cells disappears, which leads to the complete destruction of the personality, and subsequently to the destruction of the entire structure of the body. As a result of the decomposition of substances, all other systems also become unusable. Science, until now, has not given a clear answer to the question of the causes of death and why people die early. It is also unclear why people age. In addition to aging and the decline of vital functions of the body, death occurs as a result of injuries incompatible with life. In such situations, the human body receives an impact that it is not able to tolerate. This is why good people die.

It is difficult to overestimate the significance that death has had on the sociology of human society. At its core, all aggressive actions of peoples are caused by fear or admiration for death. Thanks to this phenomenon, a huge number of different rituals and traditions have formed in society. As a result of realizing the finitude of his existence, man acquired his own unique worldview. The struggle for survival in society is also based on the idea of ​​one’s fragility. A person understands that someday he will die, so he tries to live as well and efficiently as possible. Remember what power influences have on a person when he is threatened with death, both biological and social. It is difficult to imagine an individual who would be absolutely free from the fear of death. Human life is unique event, which should go very well and varied. It is this thought that pushes representatives of society to conquer resources and compete highly. Sometimes people die young, which has a strong impact Negative influence on society as a whole.

Death in religion is a very special case. The basic idea of ​​any religion is as follows. After death, a person awaits some other life, much superior in its characteristics to his current one. Some teachings can intimidate with death, while others talk about death as a great gift. Each religion has its own treatises about death and its purpose. Let's say Christianity says that after death a person can end up in Heaven (life is better than earthly life) or in Hell (life full of torment in the underworld). The rules for entering Heaven are simple - you need to live by adhering to a certain model of behavior. If you deviate from the rules, a person will definitely go to Hell. Despite the scientific lack of evidence of the existence of such places as Heaven and Hell, many willingly believe that this is reality. Thus, religion is a means of manipulation human consciousness based on intimidation and encouragement of a particular behavior of an individual. If you live by the rules, you will go to Heaven. Sinner - you will burn in Hell. But can anyone confirm this outcome of death? Probably not. At least the world doesn't know about it yet scientific evidence existence of Hell or Heaven. Thus, dear reader, death in religion is a weapon of power over people who live their lives under the yoke of low criticality of perception. Today, everyone is free to choose what to believe in, so there are more and more atheists. However, earlier, for dissent one could die in the fires of the Inquisition. Is it worth talking about a more striking example of the use of the power of religion over a person?

Every person is mortal, sad as it may be. People live different lengths of time. Some die when they reach a very, very old age. Some were given much less. And, unfortunately, there are people who manage to live very little, literally a couple of years or months.

The causes of death can be different: serious illness - or an accident, careless handling of fire - and fire. A person may drown or freeze. But, perhaps, you are interested in explanations of natural death, without any particular obvious cause?

Surprisingly, of course, even such a question can be answered in completely different ways. It depends from what point of view you look at this problem. The main explanation from the point of view of human evolution is a way to survive. It is for this humanity. Well, think for yourself what would happen if people did not die, but lived forever. After all, new ones would never stop being born. And as a result, there would be an overpopulation of the planet; there would simply be nowhere to live. People would have nowhere to physically fit. That is, from the point of view of evolution, this is a very justified process.

If you answer based on knowledge of anatomy and physiology, then the causes of death are the aging of the body. The body consists of cells united into certain systems: cardiovascular, digestive, excretory, nervous, circulatory, etc. They function constantly, sometimes faster and sometimes slower, and, of course, wear out over time. When one (or more) of the systems wears out completely, the body stops the life process, and the remaining systems automatically stop working. The man dies.

Religion also explains the process and causes of death, but from its own, special point of view. According to the Bible and Gospels, God created people for eternal and happy life. The first man, as we know, was Adam. And, having breathed life into him, God gave him one main commandment: not to pick or eat apples from the tree of knowledge. At the same time, he warned that after eating this fruit, a person dies. But the man turned out to be weak in spirit. And not even himself, but the first woman on earth, Eve, picked this apple and invited Adam to try it. And then their eternal life ended. People began to get sick, grow old, their bodies became decrepit, and their souls began to get tired. And, as a result, Adam and Eve died. And since all their descendants came from this particular couple, they also adopted all the characteristics of their parents, which means they would ever die. That is, religion explains the reason for human mortality is that they disobeyed God. But he immediately reassures believers, asserting that righteous people who did not sin during life, fulfilled all universal and divine commandments, enter the Kingdom of God, which means they live forever. Well, at least their soul. It is difficult to verify or refute this explanation. And death, whatever its causes, is always sad and difficult. Especially if someone very close to you dies. But this is one of the main laws of life, and we all obey them.

Features of human dying

Death has technical and biological sides. The technical side is associated with the termination of the human life program, the separation of the soul from the body and its capture by certain subtle devices with further direction to the separator, i.e., the place of its processing and storage. Biological death is associated with the inclusion of decay processes for the material body and the separation of temporary energy bodies from the soul.

Death occurs when an individual reaches the last point of his program, which includes the situation of death itself and all the events associated with it.

Each person dies in his own way. Death is individual. But let's think about it why do some people die easily and othersdo they suffer for a long time? Why do some die in a hospital bed, while othersin any disaster? Does anything affect the form of death?

How a person dies is influenced by his past life and the choices he makes in life. real life. That is, how correctly he carried out the program given to him from Above.

There are many reasons for death and the characteristics of its course. Let's name just a few.

1) If a person accurately fulfilled his program, then his death will be easy and painless. For example, some people fall asleep and do not wake up, or a person walked, walked, fell - and died immediately, that is, he fell from instant cardiac arrest. This is how people die who have completed their program and have not incurred energy debts.

It is very important for a person not to leave energy debts.

2) Those souls that are destroyed as a marriage, as those who have not succeeded in development, can also die instantly, but in a different way. For example, it could be instant death in a car accident, from an accident: a person was walking down the street and a brick fell on his head. Instant death from a bullet is also considered not painful. A quick death does not bring pain for a person. That is, we still see the difference between death in the first and second cases.

Both people die instantly, without feeling pain and suffering, but for defective souls the very nature of death is different, not the same as for people who lived correctly and fulfilled their program.

In the second case, there is fear, stress, and surprise. This allows the soul to quickly free itself from the body and provides starting energy for rising Up. After all, defective souls accumulate negative energies within themselves and cannot rise on their own, so through fear and shock they are given additional energy to rise to the upper layers.

3) The soul suffers before the death who made some mistakes, did not include certain types of energies into the matrix, i.e. in some way they underfulfilled their life program in the present or past. The program contains options to choose from. Therefore often By his actions in the present, a person chooses for himself the form of his death in the future.

Some people die from diseases of certain organs, mainly those that did not produce enough and did not deliver the required type of energy to the corresponding planets during the person’s life in the past or present incarnation. Through illness, as we already said in the first part, the body produces the necessary energy and compensates for a person’s energy debts.

Let’s say a person has been eating poorly all his life and hasn’t followed diets that cleanse the body. As a result, his digestive organs produced waste - energy of much poorer quality than if he had eaten properly. And any program requires the right actions from a person. If a person did not produce the energies required by his program, then he developed an energy debt. In order to cancel it already in this life, human organs are built in such a way that if they work incorrectly, diseases develop in them. And any disease is constructed in such a way (and this is specifically laid down by the Higher Ones in the design of the human body) that the diseased organ begins to produce clean energy, exactly the one required by the human program. Therefore, any disease cleanses and eliminates some debts of the individual.

It is very important for a person to complete his life program. Failure to do so affects both diseases during life and the form of his death.

4) Karma also influences the form of death. If a person killed someone in the past, then in the present life he himself will be killed. This is planned on the basis of the law of cause and effect and the laws of morality. A person is raised morally, so they force him to experience for himself what he does to others. This increases his consciousness.

5) Some patients suffer before death not only because of failure to complete their program, but also to test their relatives in order to reveal their true attitude towards the patient, to check them human qualities. After all, while a person is healthy, there is one attitude towards him, but when he gets sick, the attitude can change and relatives can become heartless and indifferent. And for this they usually combine karma the patient and the karma of relatives.

6) Or take the death of babies. For what reason can such a short life and incomprehensible death be given?

When a baby dies, in this case the karma of the parents and the soul that is born and immediately dies is also combined. Birth is accompanied by a large outburst of energy, which the soul has not worked enough for the hierarchical System in past life. And even one birth and death is enough to cover past debts. After all, a person has responsibilities not only to himself, but also to those who launch him into this life. He is obliged to produce energy for the Higher Personalities who are in the subtle world and monitor humanity.

Therefore, if the Higher Ones have not received enough of some type of energy, They will force the person to work off these debts.

The truth of life is harsh. Sometimes such truths are revealed that they shock our consciousness. But the cause of all unpleasant deaths or short lives is always the person himself.

7) Or let's take another example. If a person leads a dissolute, riotous life, then he misuses the funds allocated by the Higher Ones for organizing his life on Earth, Therefore, he accumulates energy debts through his incorrect behavior.

But a person must understand that when he commits correct actions, corresponding to the highest morality of society, his personal program and the requirements of the Highest - he produces through his actions those types of energies that the program of his life plans. If he acts meanly, incorrectly, makes many mistakes, adheres to low morality, then through wrong actions he produces defective energies. And they settle as dirt in his subtle bodies - because the Higher Ones do not need an energetic marriage.

Energy was given by the Highest for his life and the implementation of his personal program. But if an individual behaves incorrectly, it turns out that he used this energy to produce a marriage. Hence, he has energy debts: he is obliged in the next or present life to work out what is assigned to him, and to produce exactly those energies for himself and for the Higher Ones that are assigned to him according to the program. And until he pays off these debts, he will not move further in his development.

And in order for the development to happen quickly, so that he does not lag behind in evolution, the Highest have to send such a soul even more difficult situations in life. Sometimes energy debts are so large that it becomes possible to compensate for them only through very short lives, when a person is given the opportunity to live only a few years or even months, and not a full life.

Therefore, when a person dies in infancy or at 5 or 11 years old, these are debtor souls. They are working off their past energy debts. The debtors lived short lives, that is, they came to Earth only to work off their debts.

Through the functions of their life, they produce for the Higher Ones the amount of energy that they owed in the previous incarnation due to the failure to fulfill their personal program. A life expectancy of 11 or 16 years speaks only of one thing - how wrong a person lived and how different his concepts of life were from the concepts of the Supreme Teachers.

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Life and death is the most important issue. It was in vain that we did not try to think and remember about death.

Death is the end of life. But death is also the beginning of something...

Why did the person die now, and not a year earlier or later? Are accidents and mistakes possible?

Is the fear of death natural?

We will try to find answers to these questions in this section.

Archpriest Igor Gagarin.

The Apostle Paul says that death is victory over the last enemy, because in this life a person constantly encounters enemies. It's about not about people, but about life circumstances that are hostile to man. These include accidents, illness, meanness, betrayal - we encounter such “enemies” throughout our lives. And a person can overcome all of them. He can overcome illness, he can overcome loss, he can overcome betrayal. But the last enemy that no one could defeat was death. And it is precisely our main holiday - Easter, the Resurrection of Christ - that is the victory over the last enemy.

What is death? Few of us seriously think about the nature of this phenomenon. Most often, we superstitiously avoid not only conversations, but also thoughts about death, because this topic seems very bleak and scary to us. After all, every child knows from an early age: “Life is good, but death... death is I don’t know what, but it’s definitely something bad. It’s so bad that it’s better not to even think about it.” We grow up, learn, gain knowledge and experience in various fields, but our judgments about death remain at the same level - the level of a small child who is afraid of the dark.

Following grief, his companions always follow. These companions knock on our door, do not let us go and do not give us peace of mind. Day and night they take away our strength, occupy our thoughts, distract us, demanding answers... Who are these satellites? These eternal questions “Why live?”, “What to do next and where to go?”, “What is the meaning of life?”

Hegumen Vladimir (Maslov), Khasminsky Mikhail Igorevich, crisis psychologist.

People who have lost loved ones often ask the question: “Why do people die unjustly? Is there any justice at all? Is God fair? We see a contrast - children die, but the rich old criminal lives. A woman with many children dies, whose children are doomed to an orphanage life, but drunkards are not going to die. The conclusion is formed in the mind that good people they die, but the bad ones live. How many times have you heard: “If God exists, then how does He allow injustice in the world?!”

Khasminsky Mikhail Igorevich, crisis psychologist.

There is probably no person in the world who has not experienced loss. And almost always, people mourning their loved ones have questions: “Why did this happen to me?”, “Why?”

Leo Tolstoy, writer.

Why do I need this pain? Why is suffering necessary at all? Why do some die earlier and others later? The great Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy is trying to answer these questions.

Deacon Andrey Kuraev, professor of theology, publicist.

What do people take out of the cemetery? What could the deceased himself gain from the experience of his dying? Will a person be able to see meaning in the last event of his earthly life - death? Or is death “not for future use”? If a person crosses the border of time in irritation and anger, in an attempt to settle scores with Fate, this is exactly his face that will be imprinted in Eternity... That’s why it’s scary that, according to Merab Mamardashvili, “millions of people not only died, but died not of their own.” death, i.e. one from which no meaning for life can be derived and nothing can be learned.” After all, what gives meaning to life gives meaning to death...

Kallistos, Metropolitan of Diocleia (Timothy Ware).

Human existence can be compared to a book. Most people look at their earthly life, as the “main text”, the main story, and for the future life - if only they really believe in the future life - as an “appendix”, and nothing more. A truly Christian attitude is completely different. Our present life is actually nothing more than a preface, an introduction, because it is the future life that is “ main story" The moment of death is not the end of the book, but the beginning of the first chapter.

Priest Alexy Darashevich.

Conversation with Father Alexy Darashevich, rector of the church Life-Giving Trinity in Polenov with listeners of the Radonezh radio station took place in August 2006, a week after two of his children died in a car accident, and two more were in intensive care.

Osipov Alexey Ilyich, professor of theology.

Objectively, there is a law, the violation of which entails corresponding disasters, suffering or death. Moreover, if in the physical, material, rough world, the causes and consequences are obvious: a person drinks and the consequences are some diseases, a person injects drugs - and the consequences are other diseases, etc., then when we move to the spiritual world, such a direct dependence not directly traceable. But if we were more attentive to our spiritual world, in our thoughts, feelings, moods, experiences it would never even occur to us: “Why are you, Lord, punishing me?”

Leo Tolstoy, writer.

Why are we afraid of death? According to Leo Tolstoy, the fear of death is born as a result of an incorrect understanding of life. “Understand what your Self represents, and you will see that death is the door to eternal life", says the great Russian writer.

Archpriest Mikhail Shpolyansky.

The meaning of life is a question that is as vague as it is acutely pressing for every person, for every soul. Who are we, why are we here, where we are going and what should this path be like, why are we dying? Ultimately, only everyone can answer this question for themselves – in their own hearts. But there are also general patterns, rooted in existence itself, the objectivity of which cannot be canceled by our subjectivity.

Archpriest Valentin Ulyakhin.

In its spiritual essence, in its depth and meaning, in its consequences, death is undoubtedly a sacrament. A person prepares for it all his life, from the cradle, going through the arduous way of the cross, for whom God has measured out how much. When we perform a funeral service for a person, serve a memorial service or a litany, we perform a funeral service for the body, not the soul. The soul is immortal!

Strizhov Nikolay.

Man's desire for God is a natural process. Just as a turtle hatched from an egg, under the influence of unknown forces, strives for water, so a person, having been born, begins his path to God. There are no people who do not strive for God. It doesn’t matter whether a person does it consciously or not, this desire is inherent in each of us from birth. This can be confirmed by the fact that when you ask any person, including yourself, about their attitude towards Faith and God, you will receive a completely reasoned, thoughtful answer about why a person believes in God or does not accept Him. This suggests that every person, to one degree or another, thought about this and came to certain conclusions...

Bishop Hermogenes (Dobronravin).

There is no joy without sorrow, no happiness without troubles. And this is because the earth is not hell, where only cries of despair and gnashing of teeth are heard, but also not heaven, where only faces of joy and bliss are heard. What is our life on earth?

Unknown author.

Many people try to brush off death. They don't like to think about her. Because the thought of death gives rise to fear and many other questions that are either difficult or impossible to answer. But most people, even non-believers, understand that life on earth does not end with death. And this is what gives rise to fear. Most of life has been lived, and often not in the best possible way. How can a person get rid of this horror? Is there any remedy to cure the animal fear of death? What is the teaching of the Church on this very important issue?

Archpriest Viktor Kulygin.

In our fallen world, joy and sorrow, creation and destruction, life and death, Good and Evil are mixed. The best minds of humanity have always puzzled over this, trying to comprehend the mystery of meaning. human life in this world. No ultimate goal on earth, in this life. No matter how attractive she was, there was always a veil of decay and finitude over her, the fear of death. But God is immortal and the soul is eternal. Having encountered the mystery of death, it is from God that we seek protection and mercy.

No matter how and for what we live, each and every one in due time will reach that “moment between the past and the future,” which, contrary to the popular song, is usually called death. This event consists of the separation of soul and body. At the same time, the body expects disintegration, which is quite obvious, and the soul - a certain “ afterlife" At this moment the limit of experience comes scientific knowledge and the realm of the mysterious, the field of religion, opens up. The process in which we all find ourselves and which we call “life,” despite the impressive successes of science, remains inaccessible to “objective” knowledge, since its beginning and end are hidden in obscurity, unattainable for scientific methodology. And only religion, as a connection between the heavenly and the earthly, can offer a complete picture here.

Absolutely everyone is afraid of death, even the bravest and most desperate. But why can't we live forever? Why do children and absolutely healthy young people die? Here are some of the main reasons why people die.

From old age. Yes, this is the simplest and most understandable reason. Old age occurs for everyone at a different age: some are allowed to live to 100 years, and others only to 60. Much in this case depends on the person’s lifestyle, on the “wear and tear” of his body and heart. From illnesses. Most common among the population of different ages diseases that lead to death: cancer, diabetes, chronic lung and cardiovascular diseases. No less terrible are diseases of the circulatory system, the presence of blood clots, hepatitis B, C, cirrhosis and others. Compared to them, even AIDS is not so dangerous, although it should not be written off.

From an incorrect lifestyle. Drug overdose, excessive alcohol consumption, or low-quality alcohol can cause early death. And thanks to promiscuous sex life and frequent stays in basements, you can develop a whole bunch of diseases, which together will lead to death.

From chronic fatigue accompanied by a weakening of the body's defenses. Lack of sleep, heavy consumption of coffee or energy drinks combined with poor diet (low useful substances), serious ones create enormous stress for the body, weaken its immune system, and put a huge strain on the heart. As a result, a person can die even from seemingly insignificant reasons precisely because of a weakened body that cannot resist.

Because of earthly path person is finished. This is how religious people look at death. They believe that a person will die only when he has fulfilled his destiny.

From accidents. This includes road accidents, plane crashes, ship sinkings, and railroad accidents. The cause of the accident could even be an ordinary icicle that falls on your head from the fifth floor.

From sudden and unexplained death syndrome. This happens when someone dies absolutely suddenly in their sleep. Even doctors cannot explain the cause of death. A religious explanation is more suitable here.

Suicide. How a person does this is up to him to decide. In any case, it will be his loved ones who will suffer the most. In addition, it is forbidden to bury suicides in a common cemetery and have a funeral service, since the church does not accept such an act, regardless of the reasons that could provoke it.

Separately, it is worth talking about childhood causes of death. These include: congenital pathologies, prematurity, pneumonia, diarrhea, asphyxia, birth trauma.

Whatever the reasons for the death of a loved one, it is still worth remembering: we are not all eternal. Enjoy every day and communication with each other, with your parents, do not be upset over trifles and take care of your body!

Soviet fighter pilot Valentin Bondarenko could become the first man in space. In any case, he had a chance of this... But he simply did not live to see his first flight: he died by a stupid accident during testing.

First squad

Valentin Vasilyevich Bondarenko was born on February 16, 1937 in Kharkov. His father, the head of a workshop at the Kharkov fur factory, went to the front in the first days of the war. Together with his mother and older brother, Valentin survived the German occupation. As a high school student, he began studying at the Kharkov flying club. In 1954, after graduating from school, he entered the Voroshilovgrad Military Aviation School, after its disbandment he transferred to Grozny, and then to the Armavir School, from which he graduated with honors in 1957. Military service Bondarenko served in the aviation units of the Air Force of the Baltic Military District.

On April 28, 1960, Valentin’s cherished dream came true: after careful selection, he was enrolled in the first detachment Soviet cosmonauts. Out of several thousand applicants, only 29 people were selected.

Initially, Valentin was not one of the six candidates for space flight on the Vostok spacecraft. But for various reasons, several selected future cosmonauts dropped out of action, and Bondarenko was brought in for training.

Ridiculous death

The tests included a ten-day stay in a pressure chamber, the purpose of which was to test the reaction to the absence of external stimuli. It was believed that the conditions in the chamber were close to the conditions inside the spacecraft. It was located at the Air Force Research Institute-7 (now the Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine).

At the end of the experiment, Valentin was informed that he could remove the medical sensors attached to his body. There were red marks left at the attachment points, which Bondarenko wiped with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol. After that, the young man, without looking, threw the cotton wool towards the trash can. But by an unfortunate accident, it landed on the spiral of a hot electric stove and immediately burst into flames... Since the chamber was filled with almost pure oxygen, the flame quickly spread. Bondarenko's woolen training suit caught fire.

It was not possible to open the chamber quickly due to the large pressure drop. When it was finally opened, the cadet was still alive. Doctors at the Botkin Hospital fought for his life for 8 hours. He died on March 23, 1961, just 19 days before Gagarin’s flight, who, together with his squad comrades, spent several hours in his hospital... The cause of death was burn shock.

Secret Hero

The death of Senior Lieutenant Valentin Bondarenko was not reported anywhere: in those days, everything related to space was strictly classified. However, on June 17, 1961, by decree of the Presidium Supreme Council USSR Bondarenko “for the successful completion of the government’s assignment” was posthumously awarded the Order of the Red Star.

At Bondarenko’s grave, located in Kharkov at the Filippovsky cemetery, an obelisk was erected with the inscription: “ In loving memory from fellow pilots." Only in the 80s did the postscript appear: “-cosmonauts of the USSR.”

Bondarenko left behind his wife Anna and son Alexander. For some time they continued to live in Star City, where Anna worked at the Cosmonaut Training Center, then they left for Kharkov, where they had relatives. Until Sasha’s 16th birthday, he was paid a pension of 100 rubles for his father - quite decent money at that time. Subsequently, Alexander Bondarenko followed in his father’s footsteps and became a military pilot.

Only in 1980 did the Western press begin to write about the death of Valentin Bondarenko. In the USSR, an article about him was first published in 1986 in Izvestia. In 1991, one of the lunar craters was named after Bondarenko, and in July 2013, the name of the cosmonaut was given to school No. 93 in the city of Kharkov, where he once studied.

It would seem that the death of Valentin Bondarenko has nothing to do with the space flights themselves - it is simply a tragic accident. However, without such mistakes and tragedies, astronautics could not develop. By the way, this story forced engineers and scientists to reconsider the design of the test pressure chamber, in particular, changing the composition and pressure of the atmosphere, which was taken into account in the further development of manned spacecraft.

Today in the Museum of the First Flight, located in the city of Gagarin, Smolensk region, on small homeland the first person in the world to go into space, you can see the deaf chamber, which is an exact copy of the one in which Valentin Bondarenko died.



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