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Works on oral folk art. Folklore Dictionary. Russian folk proverbs


There is a huge number of works devoted to the forms of manifestation of folklore consciousness and folklore texts. The linguistic, stylistic, ethnographic features of folklore texts are studied; their compositional structure, including images and motifs; the moral aspect of folklore creativity and, accordingly, the importance of folklore in the education of the younger generation, as well as much more, are analyzed. In this huge stream of literature about folklore, its diversity is striking, ranging from folk wisdom and the art of memory and ending with a special form public consciousness and a means of reflecting and understanding reality.

Folklore includes works that convey the basic, most important ideas of the people about the main life values: work, family, love, social duty, homeland. Our children are still being brought up on these works. Knowledge of folklore can give a person knowledge about the Russian people, and ultimately about himself.

Folklore is a synthetic art form. His works often combine elements of various types of art - verbal, musical, choreographic and theatrical. But the basis of any folklore work is always the word. Folklore is very interesting to study as an art of words.

Oral folk art

The emergence of oral folk art

The history of oral folk art has general patterns that cover the development of all its types. The origins must be sought in the beliefs of the ancient Slavs. Folk art - historical background of the entire world culture, a source of national artistic traditions, an exponent of national self-consciousness. Verbal creativity in ancient times was closely connected with labor activity person. Reflected his religious, mythical, historical ideas, as well as the beginnings scientific knowledge. Man sought to influence his destiny, the forces of nature through various spells, requests or threats. That is, he tried to negotiate with " higher powers"and neutralize hostile forces. For this, a person needed strict adherence to a number of rules that showed their salvation in the times of their ancestors. However, if these rules are not followed, then turmoil will begin in nature, and life will become impossible. The set of rituals constitutes the only effective guarantee against all kinds of evil influences that inspire fear and fear.The rituals were reproductions of mythological stories and included dancing, singing, and dressing up.

At the heart of Russian artistic culture- ancient Slavic mythology. Many ancient peoples created their own mythological pictures of the structure of the Universe, which reflected their belief in numerous gods - the creators and rulers of the world. Explaining the origin of the world as the acts of the gods, ancient man studied co-creation. He himself could not create mountains, rivers, forests and earth, heavenly bodies, which means that such myths reflected the belief in supernatural powers who participated in the creation of the Universe. And the beginning of all things could only be the primary element, for example, the world egg or the will of the gods and their magic word. For example, the Slavic myth about the creation of the world tells:

That it all started with the god Rod. Before I was born White light, the world was shrouded in pitch darkness. In the darkness there was only Rod - the Progenitor of all things. At the beginning, Rod was imprisoned in an egg, but Rod gave birth to Love - Lada, and with the power of Love destroyed the prison. This is how the creation of the world began. The world was filled with Love. At the beginning of the creation of the world, He gave birth to the kingdom of heaven, and under it He created the heavenly things. With a rainbow he cut the umbilical cord, and with a rock he separated the Ocean from the heavenly waters. He erected three vaults in the heavens. Divided Light and Darkness. Then the god Rod gave birth to the Earth, and the Earth plunged into a dark abyss, into the Ocean. Then the Sun came out of His face, the Moon - from His chest, the stars of heaven - from His eyes. Clear dawns appeared from Rod's eyebrows, dark nights - from His thoughts, violent winds - from His breath, rain, snow and hail - from His tears. Rod's voice became thunder and lightning. The heavens and all under heaven were born for Love. Rod is the Father of the gods, He is born of himself and will be born again, He is what was and what is to be, what was born and what will be born.

It was inherent in the mythological consciousness of our ancestors to connect various gods, spirits and heroes with family relations.

The ancient cult of the gods is associated with certain rituals - conditionally symbolic actions, main meaning which is communication with the gods. The ancient Slavs performed rituals in temples and sanctuaries - specially equipped places for worshiping the gods. They were usually located on hills, in sacred groves, near sacred springs etc.

Ancient myths gave rise to and reflected various forms religious life people in whom were born different kinds artistic activities of people (singing, playing the musical instruments, dance, basics of fine and theatrical arts).

As noted earlier, folklore originates in ancient times. It originated and arose when the overwhelming majority of humanity did not yet have writing, and if they did, it was the lot of a few - educated shamans, scientists and other geniuses of their time. In a song, riddle, proverb, fairy tale, epic, and other forms of folklore, people first formed their feelings and emotions, captured them in oral work, then passed on their knowledge to others, and thereby preserved their thoughts, experiences, feelings in the minds and heads of their future descendants.

Life in those distant times was not easy for most living people, it remains so and will inevitably always be so. Many have to work hard and routinely, earning themselves only a small living, with difficulty providing a tolerable existence for themselves and their loved ones. And people have long realized that they need to distract themselves, those around them and their colleagues in misfortune from the work they do every day, with something fun that distracts attention from the pressing everyday life and the unbearable conditions of hard work.

The concept of folklore.
The difference between oral folk art and fiction.
U.N.T. and its role in the system of education and training.

Folk-lore is a special historically developed area folk culture.
The word "folklore", which often denotes the concept of "oral folk art", comes from the combination of two English words: folk - “people” and lore - “wisdom”.
The history of folklore goes back to ancient times. Its beginning is connected with the need of people to understand the natural world around them and their place in it. This awareness was expressed in inextricably fused words, dance and music, as well as in works of fine, especially applied, art (ornaments on dishes, tools, etc.), in jewelry, objects of religious worship...
From time immemorial, myths have come to us that explain the laws of nature, the mysteries of life and death in figurative and plot form. The rich soil of ancient myths still nourishes both folk art and literature. Unlike myths, folklore is already a form of art. Ancient folk art was characterized by syncretism, i.e. indivisibility different types creativity. IN folk song Not only could the words and melody be separated, but also the song could not be separated from the dance or ritual.
The mythological background of folklore explains why oral works did not have a first author.
Russian folklore is rich and diverse in terms of genres. Like literature, folklore works are divided into epic, lyrical and dramatic. TO epic genres include epics, legends, fairy tales, historical songs. Lyrical genres include love songs, wedding songs, lullabies, and funeral laments. Dramatic ones include folk dramas (with Petrushka, for example). The initial dramatic performances in Rus' were ritual games: seeing off Winter and welcoming Spring, elaborate wedding rituals, etc. At the same time, there are small genres of folklore - ditties, sayings, etc.
Over time, the content of the works underwent changes: after all, the life of folklore, like any other art, is closely connected with history.
A significant difference between folklore works and literary works is that they do not have a permanent, once and for all established form. Storytellers and singers have honed their mastery of performing works for centuries.
Folklore is characterized by natural folk speech, amazing with wealth expressive means, melodiousness. Well-developed laws of composition with stable forms of beginning, plot development, and ending are typical for a folklore work. His style tends toward hyperbole, parallelism, and constant epithets. Internal organization it has such a clear, stable character that even changing over the centuries, it retains its ancient roots.
Any piece of folklore is functional - it was closely connected with one or another circle of rituals, and was performed in a strictly defined situation.
The entire set of rules was reflected in oral folk art folk life. The folk calendar precisely determined the order of rural work. Rituals family life contributed to harmony in the family, including raising children. The laws of life of the rural community helped to overcome social contradictions. All this is captured in various types of folk art. An important part of life is holidays with their songs, dances, and games.
The best works of folk poetry are close and understandable to children, have a clearly expressed pedagogical orientation and are distinguished by artistic perfection. Thanks to folklore, a child can more easily enter into the world, feels the charm more fully native nature, assimilates the people’s ideas about beauty, morality, gets acquainted with customs, rituals - in a word, along with aesthetic pleasure, absorbs what is called the spiritual heritage of the people, without which the formation of a full-fledged personality is simply impossible.
Since ancient times, there have been many folklore works specifically intended for children. This type of folk pedagogy has played a huge role in the education of the younger generation for many centuries and right up to the present day. Collective moral wisdom and aesthetic intuition developed a national ideal of man. This ideal fits harmoniously into the global circle of humanistic views.

The concept of children's folklore

Genres of U.N.T. works accessible to preschool children.

Children's folklore- a phenomenon unique in its diversity: a huge variety of genres coexist in it, each of which is associated with almost all manifestations of a child’s life. Each genre has its own history and purpose. Some appeared in ancient times, others - quite recently, those are designed to entertain, and these are to teach something, others help little man get your bearings in the big world...
The system of genres of children's folklore is presented in Table 1.
Table 1

Non-fiction folklore

The poetry of nurturing:
Pestushki (from “to nurture” - “to nurse, raise, educate”) are short rhythmic sentences that accompany various activities with a baby in the first months of his life: waking up, washing, dressing, learning to walk. For pestles, both content and rhythm are equally important; they are associated with the physical and emotional development of the child, help him move, and create a special mood. For example, stretches:
Stretch, stretch,
Hurry, wake up quickly.
Lullabies are one of the ancient genres of children's non-fiction folklore, performed by women over the cradle of a child in order to calm him down and put him to sleep; often contains magical (spell) elements. We can say that lullabies are also pester songs, only associated with sleep.
Bye-bye, bye-bye,
You, little dog, don't bark,
Whitepaw, don't whine,
Don't wake up my Tanya.
Jokes are small poetic fairy tales in verse with a bright, dynamic plot. of a comic nature, representing a comic dialogue, appeal, a funny episode built on illogic. They are not associated with specific actions or games, but are intended to entertain the baby.
And-ta-ta, and-ta-ta,
A cat married a cat,
For the cat Kotovich,
For Ivan Petrovich.

A boring fairy tale is a fairy tale in which the same piece of text is repeated many times.
Boring tales are jokes that combine fairy-tale poetics with mocking or mocking content. The main thing in a boring fairy tale is that it is “not real, it is a parody of the established norms of fairy tale technique: beginnings, sayings and endings. A boring fairy tale is a cheerful excuse, a proven technique that helps a tired storyteller fight off the annoying “fairy tale hunters.”
For the first time, several texts of boring fairy tales were published by V.I. Dahlem in 1862 in the collection “Proverbs of the Russian People” (sections “Dokuka” and “Sentences and jokes”). In parentheses after the texts their genre was indicated - “annoying fairy tale”:
“Once upon a time there was a crane and a sheep, they mowed a haystack - should I say it again from the end?”
“There was Yashka, he was wearing a gray shirt, a hat on his head, a rag under his feet: is my fairy tale good?”

Amusing folklore

Nursery rhymes are small rhyming sentences that aim not only to amuse children, but also to involve them in the game.
Among the jokes we must also include fables-reversals - a special type of song-rhymes that came into children's folklore from buffoon and fair folklore and cause laughter because they are deliberately displaced and the real connections of objects and phenomena are broken.
In folklore, fables exist both as independent works and as part of fairy tales. At the center of the fable is a obviously impossible situation, behind which, however, the correct state of affairs is easily guessed, because the shapeshifter plays out the simplest, well-known phenomena.
Techniques of folk fables can be found in abundance in original children's literature - in the fairy tales of K. Chukovsky and P. P. Ershov, in the poems of S. Marshak. And here are examples of folk tales-shifters:
Tongue twisters are folk poetic works built on a combination of words with the same root or similar sound, which makes them difficult to pronounce and makes it an indispensable exercise for speech development. Those. tongue twisters - verbal exercises for quickly pronouncing phonetically complex phrases.

There are genres in children's folklore that reflect relationships between children and child psychology. These are the so-called satirical genres: teasers and teases.

Teasers - short mocking poems that ridicule this or that quality, and sometimes simply attached to a name - are a type of creativity almost entirely developed by children. It is believed that teasing passed on to children from an adult environment and grew out of nicknames and nicknames - rhyming lines were added to the nicknames, and a tease was formed. Now a tease may not be associated with a name, but make fun of some negative character traits: cowardice, laziness, greed, arrogance.

However, for every tease there is an excuse: “Whoever calls you names is called that!”
A teaser is a type of teaser containing a question containing a sly trick. Suspenders are a kind of word games. They are based on dialogue, and dialogue is designed to take a person at his word. Most often it begins with a question or request:
- Say: onion.
- Onion.
- A knock on the forehead!
Mirilki - in case of a quarrel, peaceful sentences were invented.
Don't fight, don't fight
Come on, make up quickly!

Game folklore

Counting books are short, often humorous poems with a clear rhyme-rhythmic structure that begin children's games (hide and seek, tag, lapta, etc.). The main thing in a counting rhyme is the rhythm; often the counting rhyme is a mixture of meaningful and meaningless phrases.

Tsintsy-bryntsy, balalaika,
Tsyntsy-bryntsy, start playing.
Tsyntsy-bryntsy, I don’t want to
Tsyntsy-bryntsy, I want to sleep.
Tsintsy-Brintsy, where are you going?
Tsintsy-Bryntsy, to the town.
Tsintsy-Brintsy, what will you buy?
Tsyntsy-bryntsy, hammer!
The month has emerged from the fog,
He took the knife out of his pocket,
I will cut, I will beat,
You still have to drive.
Game songs, choruses, sentences - rhymes that accompany children's games, commenting on their stages and the distribution of roles of the participants. They either start the game or connect parts of the game action. They can also serve as endings in the game. Game verdicts may also contain the “conditions” of the game and determine the consequences for violating these conditions.
Silent poems are poems that are recited for relaxation after noisy games; After the poem, everyone should fall silent, restraining the desire to laugh or speak. When playing the game of silence, you had to remain silent for as long as possible, and the first person to laugh or let it slip would carry out a pre-agreed task: eat coals, roll in the snow, douse yourself with water...
And here is an example of modern silent games that have become completely independent games:
Hush hush,
Cat on the roof
And the kittens are even taller!
The cat went for milk
And the kittens are head over heels!
The cat came without milk,
And the kittens: “Ha-ha-ha!”
Another group of genres - calendar children's folklore - is no longer associated with play: these works are a unique way of communicating with the outside world, with nature.
Calls - short rhyming sentences, appeals to poetic form to various natural phenomena that have an incantatory meaning and are rooted in ancient ritual folklore adults. Each such call contains a specific request; it is an attempt, with the help of a song, to influence the forces of nature, on which the well-being of both children and adults in peasant families largely depended:
Bucket sun,
Look out the window!
Sunny, dress up!
Red, show yourself!
Sentences are poetic appeals to animals, birds, plants, which have an incantatory meaning and are rooted in the ancient ritual folklore of adults.
Fly to the sky
Your kids are there
Eating cutlets
But they don’t give it to dogs,
They just get it themselves.
Horror stories are oral horror stories.
Children's folklore is a living, constantly renewed phenomenon, and in it, along with the most ancient genres, there are relatively new forms, the age of which is estimated at only a few decades. As a rule, these are genres of children's urban folklore, for example, horror stories - short stories with an intense plot and a frightening ending. As a rule, horror stories are characterized by stable motives: " black hand", "bloody stain", "green eyes", "coffin on wheels", etc. Such a story consists of several sentences, as the action develops, the tension increases, and in the final phrase it reaches its peak.
"Red Spot"
One family received new apartment, but there was a red spot on the wall. They wanted to erase it, but nothing happened. Then the stain was covered with wallpaper, but it showed through the wallpaper. And every night someone died. And the spot became even brighter after each death.

This is oral folk art. Its genres are very diverse and specific. These works were invented by representatives of the people and passed on to each other orally. There were singers and storytellers, and anyone could become a co-creator.

What are the features of folklore works?

The peculiarity of oral is its ancient origin, because such works were created at a time when there was no writing yet. Often many people took part in the creation of one work, each adding something of their own when retelling it. This is another feature - variability, because even one narrator or singer could not repeat the works many times without changes.

Every person knows what genres are; almost all of them have survived to this day. Each of them reflects the thoughts and aspirations of the people, their attitude to current events. Great place Ritual folklore occupies a place in oral folk art. Although this layer of folk culture is almost unknown now.

What genres is folklore divided into?

How is folklore used in raising children?

What genres of oral folk art have long been used by parents in raising a child? In addition to fairy tales and epics, nursery rhymes, jokes and songs accompanied babies from birth. They were used not only to calm and attract the child's attention. These works are The best way early development thinking of kids.

Until now, all mothers sing folk lullabies to their children, most of them use nursery rhymes and sayings when dressing, bathing and the first games of their babies. Counting rhymes, riddles and tongue twisters are very important for the development of a child’s thinking. Teases, sayings and ditties are common among children.

Currently, many young people do not know what oral folk art is. Its genres, even the most common ones, began to be forgotten. And the task of parents, educators and teachers is to instill in children a love of folklore as an integral component of folk culture.

Oral folk art is represented by works of various genres and represents a large literary complex.

Genres of folklore

Folk art is usually divided into works of large and small genres, depending on the volume of writing. Children's and adult folklore, epic and lyrical works, etc. are also distinguished. The most famous genres include:

  • Epics;
  • Fairy tales;
  • Songs;
  • Nursery rhymes and nursery rhymes;
  • Ditties;
  • Legends;
  • Myths.

Despite the fact that the listed works are very heterogeneous and not at all similar to each other, they are united by certain features. The main one is the lack of one text option. Since folklore works were not written down, but were told orally, each storyteller could add something of his own to them, although the original moral (i.e., a useful lesson to the listeners) usually remained unchanged.

Books for the exhibition "Oral Folk Art"

When preparing an exhibition on such a topic, it would be possible to use both individual publications and collections and anthologies. Let's list the most suitable books according to the genres we talked about above.

Epics are stories about heroic defenders of the Russian land, heroes. From them, one could choose the following books: “Ilya-Muromets and Nightingale the Robber”, “Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent”, “Volga Mstislavovich and Mikula Selyaninovich”, “Svyatogor the Hero”, etc.

Fairy tales are the most numerous group of works of oral folk art. Therefore, it would be easier to display collections rather than individual books at the exhibition. For example, a meeting folk tales A. Afanasyev, where the most outstanding works of this genre are present.

Songs, nursery rhymes, pestushki and ditties are supposed to be performed to music, so it would be possible to send to the exhibition not only collections with texts (for example, the famous edition "Rainbow-Duga", which contains samples of children's folklore), but also the notes on which the works are performed singers

In addition, the exhibition could be supplemented with various encyclopedias and anthologies about Slavic culture, mythology, way of life, traditions, etc.



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