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Vanga's predictions that came true by year. Vanga's predictions that came true are the best proof that she was right

Surely there is no person who has not heard about the gift of the Bulgarian clairvoyant - the gift of predicting the future. Her predictions were shocking and terrifying, but most of them still came true. Blinded at the age of 12, Vanga became a living legend, and the predictions that the clairvoyant left before her death leave the whole world guessing.

All the predictions that came true

Vanga's real name is Vangeliya Pandeva Surcheva. At the age of 12, Vangelia lost her sight after being caught in a tornado, after which her visions began. Vanga's gift gained worldwide fame after the end of World War II - it was then that the clairvoyant helped relatives search for the bodies of missing soldiers.

The seer has her visions written down in the form of allegorical quatrains, the meaning of which can only be understood after they have been committed.

  • For example, a clairvoyant predicted that Crimea will break away from one shore and grow to the other. In May 2014, Crimea really “broke away” from Ukraine and became part of the “other shore” - Russia.
  • Vangelia predicted death of perhaps the most famous Soviet leader - Stalin- six months before his death.
  • Vanga predicted the death of American President Kennedy four months before the ill-fated murder.
  • In 1989, the seer talks about steel birds that will attack America, causing a lot of innocent people's blood to be shed. In 2001, a tragic tragedy occurred in the United States terrorist attack with the Twin Towers, which resulted in many deaths.
  • She also predicted the sinking of the Kursk submarine. The clairvoyant said that in 2000 “Kursk will be under water and many people will mourn it”.
  • Vanga also predicted the conflict in - and the fall of Donetsk, and unrest in the country, and that “brother will go against brother, mothers will abandon their children.” Interestingly, the seer also mentioned that “what has stood for twenty-three years will be ground into powder.” 23 years - that’s exactly how many years Ukraine stood from separation from Russia to its civil war.
  • The seer also said that in 2015 Russia will help refugees from other countries. Confirmation is the mass exodus of Ukrainian citizens to Russian territory, which began after the outbreak of the revolution in the neighboring country.
  • Vanga also spoke about the economic crisis that will shake Russia in 2015-2016. But despite this, Russia will survive and even force other countries to starve. In this regard, it is worth recalling the sensational sanctions that backfired on many European countries, which lost a reliable buyer in Russia.
  • She also told about 2016 - about what this year time will pass great war between the US and Muslims. Now we clearly see that Muslims are the notorious ISIS group with which the whole world is at war. True, the prophecy said that Muslims would destroy America with chemical weapons, but this did not happen, probably because Russia intervened in the confrontation and, as usual, saved everyone.

Forecast about the end of the world

Like all great prophets, Vanga left prophecies about the end of the world. According to her, it will come in 5079 as a result global flood. The reason for this will be a collision of planet Earth with a large asteroid. Small cosmic particles resulting from the impact will cover the entire planet with an impenetrable wall and cover all life on Earth for three whole years. Without sunlight Neither animals, nor birds, nor people will be able to survive.

The Apocalypse will be preceded by other terrible events:

  • In 2060, the world's population will reach 10 billion people, and the problem of hunger will become the most pressing.
  • In 2070 - a period of fires and droughts, problems with drinking water. Now it is not food, but water that will become a pressing problem.
  • By 2080, many of the planet's coasts will be under water.. The earth will gradually fill with water. On the territory of permafrost, huge swamps will begin to spread, releasing harmful substances. Epidemics will begin that will affect billions of people. Refugees fleeing disasters will cause multiple conflicts, even wars and diseases such as smallpox, tuberculosis and others.
  • 7000 - the continents moved, the territory of England is completely under water, and so is the territory of Japan. The western part of Eurasia is in ruins, and in its eastern part bananas, mangoes, and avocados are sprouting. The continent of North America will split apart. South Africa will be covered in ice and snow.

Last prophecies before death

It is believed that Vanga told the most terrible predictions about the future of humanity before her own death. The prophecies were recorded by loved ones who were with her, and some still remain under the veil of secrecy.

Here are the ones that finally became known to the general public:

  • Vanga said that Russia will become a great power, which, first of all, will be the seat of a great spirit. “There is no force that could break Russia,” these were the words of the clairvoyant.
  • She also predicted cooperation with aliens. People are waiting for incredible discoveries in space, which will lead, among other things, to the immortality of humanity.
  • The seer also said, that the Earth is visited by inhabitants from the mysterious planet Vafim. The Vafimians are preparing some great events for people, and the meeting with them will take place in two centuries.
  • The prophetess also spoke about that her spirit will continue to live in the body of a girl born in France. This girl will become a great seer, about whom the whole world will know. If you believe this, then the French clairvoyant should be about 20 years old.
  • Starting in 2016, global warming will begin, noticeable to everyone. The level of the world's seas will rise, flooding the coasts.
  • From 2015 to 2020, according to Vanga, strong solar flares will be noticeable. This will lead to a large number earthquakes and natural disasters.
  • Vanga said that a long-forgotten disease would return, as a result of which a person forgets what it means to be human.
  • The biggest problem facing humanity is the problem of the spirit is the struggle for universal human values, goodness, religion.
  • In 2016 or 2017 a cure for cancer will be invented.
  • Vanga spoke and about the global economic crisis and the fact that America and Europe will lose their former greatness and influence. The euro and dollar as currencies will disappear. But what currency will become global remains a secret.
  • and China, according to the seer, are creating a powerful alliance who will rule the world.

Before her death, the date of which she knew in advance, Vanga appealed to the people to remember what makes a person human, and not to lose hope even in the face of death and illness.

List by year

  • 2010 – the beginning or preconditions of the Third World War.
  • 2014 – chemical weapons were used against Europe. There are practically no people in Europe.
  • 2016 - a cure for many diseases has been found. One of the ingredients of the panacea will be animal hormones.
  • 2018 – China is becoming a powerful world power. Those who have been oppressed will finally gain power and freedom. India will join the Russia-China alliance.
  • 2023 – the Earth’s orbit will change. The event will go unnoticed.
  • 2024 – a time of prosperity and well-being will come in Russia.
  • 2028 – an alternative source has been found.
  • 2033 – the level of the world’s oceans will rise significantly due to global warming. Some areas of land may be flooded.
  • 2043 – world politics is harmonizing. In Europe, Muslims will become the ruling elite.
  • 2046 – a breakthrough in medicine: it is now possible to grow absolutely any internal organs.
  • 2050 spiritual development humanity. Ships have been invented that fly at the speed of light.
  • 2066 – wars between Muslim Europe and America. Chemical weapons will be used, causing Rome to freeze.
  • 2076 - classless society. There will be no more wars and crimes. All humanity will be busy restoring nature.
  • 2088 – a new disease will appear, as a result of which a person will age in a few days. The cure will be found in 12 years.
  • 22nd century- The artificial sun was invented.
  • 2111 – people become cyborgs. There are no more sick and disabled people.
  • 2125 – Hungarian scientists will establish contact with extraplanetary civilizations.
  • 2130 – with the help of alien friends, people will begin to settle on the bottom of the ocean.
  • 2164 – animals will become half-humans.
  • 2167 - the emergence of a new religion, the roots of which grow in the past of humanity. A new teaching will come from Russia, although it is already known.
  • 2170 - worldwide drought. There is a colony of earthlings on Mars.
  • 2187 - eruption of two large volcanoes which can be avoided through technical innovation.
  • 2195 – in underwater cities it will become completely autonomous.
  • 2196 – a new race will arise from former Asians and Europeans.
  • 23rd century- cold snap.
  • 2221 – an unknown virus was brought to the planet from outside.
  • 2256 - a terrible disease for which there will be no cure. The disease will be carried by one of the spaceships. Mars is threatened by a comet. The orbits of the planets shifted sharply.
  • 2271 – fundamental physical constants will turn out to be incorrect in a changed world. Recalculation of physical indicators.
  • 2273 - emergence of new races.
  • 2279 - extraction of energy from nowhere. There is a version that “from nowhere” are black holes.
  • 2288 – the first time travel. The first alien tourists.
  • Late 23rd century– cooling of the Sun.
  • 2299 - revolt against the Muslim religion in France.
  • 2304 – the secret of the “dark” side of the Moon has been revealed.
  • 2341 terrible disaster will come to Earth from the vastness of space.
  • 2354 - an accident on one of the artificial Suns created by mankind, which leads to drought.
  • 2371 - World hunger.
  • 2378 - the emergence of a new rapidly multiplying race.
  • 3005 - War on Mars.
  • 3010 - the comet will crash into the Earth and cut right through it.

After this date, Vanga’s predictions vary greatly and more and more resemble fantastic story . According to one version, all life on Earth will die and humanity will move to another planet, according to another, humanity will completely retreat to underwater cities until the end of the world, according to the third, humanity ceased to exist and became one of the alien races, according to the fourth, humanity died from a collision with a comet.

In any case, it is not safe to look so far into the future.

Not all of Vanga’s predictions came true, but such is the future - it can be changed by human effort. Let's hope that all the terrible diseases and wars predicted by the Bulgarian clairvoyant can be avoided.

Vangu can perhaps be called the most famous person in the world who has superpowers. People who were familiar with the Bulgarian fortuneteller Vanga said that this woman could with incredible accuracy determine a person’s illnesses, predict his future fate, communicate with spirits, and foresee certain events in the world.

Vanga was believed by many. And at the time of the change of millennia, prophecies even began to be published in all printed publications in the world, along with the quatrains of the prophet Nostradamus. But what did Vanga predict? Some of Vanga’s real predictions have already come true, while others are yet to come true.

First of all, it’s worth looking at the predictions that have already come true:

What didn't come true

It is also worth noting that some of Vanga’s predictions did not come true. Such predictions include the following:

But as you can see, these predictions did not come true.

Predictions for the future

Sociologists carefully studied the predictions of the Bulgarian seer. They found that out of 99 predictions about Russia, 43 were adequate, 43 were ambiguous and 12 were inadequate. This suggests that the probability of telepathic prediction is about 68%. But still, this result is considered quite high.

Before moving on to predictions for the future, it is worth noting that Vanga was actively promoted by the Bulgarian special services. Bulgaria received a seer, to whom crowds of tourists and celebrities came from all over the world. Clients were never allowed to come to her right away; they were asked to wait a few days.

Skeptics claim that this was done so that the intelligence services could collect as much information as possible from tourists.

If we talk about this woman’s predictions regarding Russia, they are extremely dim. One of the latest predictions about Russia came down to just one gesture: Vanga, without uttering a single word, outlined a huge circle with her hands.

The future of Russia

The Bulgarian seer said the following about Russia: “Everything will melt like ice, only the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia, will remain untouched.” She also said in her predictions that no one and nothing can stop Russia, this country will sweep away everything in its path and become the ruler of the whole world. But all this will happen only in 2040. According to Vanga, by this time the three states should come closer:

  • Russia.
  • China.
  • India.

But if we talk about the near future, then the predictions of the Bulgarian clairvoyant are not very favorable. In her opinion, villages and cities will begin to collapse from floods and earthquakes. Various natural disasters will shake the planet, they will win bad people, the number of informers and thieves will increase.

But also during this period Russia will experience a huge spiritual upsurge. In the coming years, Russia will gain power when Prince Vladimir rules it.

Vanga’s close relatives and acquaintances said that she loved Russia very much. The clairvoyant really wanted to visit Moscow, but the opportunity never presented itself.

21 century

Speaking about predictions for the future, it is worth noting that Vanga almost never said anything directly. Therefore, interpreters could make a mistake in interpreting her words. For example, in 2016 Vanga prophesied a cold and empty Europe. This had to happen after the use of chemical and nuclear weapons, as well as after the war between the European people and the Muslim people. There was no war, so we didn’t see empty and cold Europe either. Some scientists believe that the Bulgarian clairvoyant had in mind some kind of spiritual desert, and not the destruction of states in the literal sense. But what else did the Bulgarian clairvoyant prophesy for the 21st century?

Various prophecies attributed to Vanga appear in the press with enviable regularity. Her niece Krasimira Stoyanova, as well as people who knew the healer personally, assure that Vanga never actually made many of these global forecasts that concern the future of the Earth and individual states.

It is beneficial for journalists to invent such “sensations” for the sake of circulation. Today you can put anything into Vanga’s mouth - it’s difficult to figure out whether she actually said it.
Many are completely sure that Vanga did not have any gift of foresight. Its popularity could have been promoted by the Bulgarian secret services. It was beneficial for the country to have a popular soothsayer, who attracts crowds of tourists every year. Vanga very rarely made any predictions since exact dates and numbers, its wording was often vague and ambiguous, so they can be interpreted in different ways.
However, there are several predictions that Vanga actually made, and they came true. This is confirmed by her relatives in their memories of her, and by the people whom these predictions concerned.
We figured out what Vanga said came true, what didn’t, and what else could happen.
Death of Stalin
Six months before the leader's death Soviet Union Joseph Stalin Vanga said: “The gates to another world, where Stalin will go, will be open for other rulers of Russia.” The seer named the date: March 1953. Stalin died on March 5, 1953 at his official residence in former city Kuntsevo (now the territory of Moscow - Author) from cerebral hemorrhage.
A few days later, Vanga was arrested and imprisoned in a Bulgarian prison for six months. Allegedly, after this incident, Vanga shared predictions about those in power only with a narrow circle of people.
Meeting Mikhalkov and Brezhnev
Vanga predicted events for writer Sergei Mikhalkov that came true exactly.
- “Upon your return to Moscow, you will personally meet with Leonid Brezhnev. Your eldest son will marry a foreigner and go to live and work abroad, where he will make films.” Returning from Bulgaria, I met with the head of state,” Mikhalkov recalled about Vanga’s words.
A year later, in 1980, Mikhalkov’s son Andrei Konchalovsky left for Hollywood. There he made several films, among which the most famous was the blockbuster “Tango and Cash” starring Sylvester Stallone and Kurt Russell.
But Vanga made a mistake with marrying a foreigner. At the time of the prediction, Konchalovsky was already married to a French woman, Vivian Gaudet, whom he divorced after moving to the United States. In America, he met with Hollywood star Shirley MacLaine, but things did not come to a wedding.
Assassination of Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi
15 years before the assassination of Indira Gandhi, Vanga said: “The dress, the dress will destroy her! I see an orange-yellow dress in the smoke and fire!” On October 31, 1984, the Prime Minister of India was scheduled to meet in New Delhi with English writer and actor Peter Ustinov. That day, she wore a saffron-colored sari and removed her bulletproof vest. Gandhi did not arrive at the meeting place. She was killed by her own bodyguards, who turned out to be Sikh extremists.
Perestroika and collapse of the USSR
This is one of Vanga’s most controversial predictions, because she never spoke directly about either perestroika or the collapse of the Soviet Union. In 1979, the seer said: “I see a garden... This is Russia... There is snow all around... A lot of snow. I hear voices: male and female... No, these are not voices - from the depths of the earth, sap feeds the trees... An unusual spring is coming to Russia...”
Vanga mentioned three mighty but withered trees, about a large and small ring trampled in a snowy garden, that it was already getting dark, and people stuck branches into the snow after a man and a woman made a circle around the small ring. After that, Vanga fell silent, saying that there was no point in talking about the garden, which would soon dry up. These words might have remained misunderstood if not for the memoirs of Mikhail Gorbachev’s wife Raisa.
- Garden... March 10, 1985... Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko died. At ten o'clock in the evening an emergency meeting of the Politburo took place. Mikhail Sergeevich returned home, and then we were at the dacha outside the city, very late,” recalled Raisa Gorbacheva. - We went out into the garden. There was something oppressive in the dead night, still untouched by spring. This is the third death in three years. Death of three general secretaries in a row. Mikhail Sergeevich was very tired. At first he was silent. Then he says: “Tomorrow is a plenum. There may be a question of me leading the party.” We wandered around the garden, there was still snow. The husband was silent again. Then, as if gradually, he began to think - out loud... “No,” I heard. “You can’t live like this any longer.”
In 1985 they began massive changes in ideology, economic and political life USSR, called perestroika.
Yeltsin's victory in the Russian presidential elections
Former Russian President Boris Yeltsin never went to see Vanga. However, this was done by his press secretary Sergei Medvedev. It was to him that people turned to close circle Vanga said that the healer wanted to make a prediction for Yeltsin.
- Boris Nikolaevich was skeptical: they say, do what you want. I went to Vanga, taking Yeltsin’s watch. I recorded the conversation on a tape recorder so that Boris Nikolaevich could play the recording later. Vanga predicted Yeltsin's victory in the elections and said something about his heart. It turned out that Boris Nikolaevich was hiding the fact that he had a heart attack, Medvedev said.
On July 10, 1991, Boris Yeltsin became the first president Russian Federation and ruled for two terms.
Kirkorov's success and marriage to Pugacheva
Bedros Kirkorov turned to Vanga in 1971, when his son Philip was four years old. The singer’s leg hurt a lot, and the healer advised him to massage it clockwise and also said that the pain would soon go away, which is what happened. Philip Vanga herself spoke about the future.
- “You have a son, and great fame awaits him. I see him at a height - grief, and in his hands he has a metal stick,” Bedros Kirokorov recounted Vanga’s words. He thought that his son would become a conductor, but it turned out that the mountain symbolized the musical Olympus, and the stick symbolized the microphone.
Vanga also predicted that Kirkorov, at the age of 27, would marry a woman with a name starting with the letter “A.” She became Alla Pugacheva. At the time of the wedding, she was 45 years old, and Philip was 27.
Accident on the Kursk submarine
In 1980, Vanga stated that “at the end of the century, in August 1999 or 2000, Kursk will be under water, and the whole world will mourn it.” Naturally, then they reacted to her words with surprise, because the city of Kursk is separated from the nearest Black Sea by more than a thousand kilometers. However, the essence of the prediction became clear on August 12, 2000, when the Kursk nuclear submarine missile-carrying cruiser crashed during an exercise. 118 crew members were killed. According to official version Russian authorities, a torpedo spontaneously exploded on the cruiser.
Terrorist attack in the USA
In 1989, Vanga said: “Fear, fear! Our American brothers will fall, pecked to death by iron birds. Wolves will howl from the bush, and innocent blood will flow like a river.” In September 2001, al-Qaeda terrorists flew planes into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York. 2977 people died.
A cure for cancer
Vanga said that in beginning of XXI century, humanity will be free from cancer. “The day will come when cancer will be shackled in iron chains.” She explained these words in such a way that “the medicine against oncological diseases must contain a lot of iron." However, a miracle drug that could cure a person from cancer, alas, has not yet been invented.
Genetic Engineering
Vanga predicted that already in the early 2000s, “people will neither sow nor reap, but will only grow everything. Animals will reproduce like plants, and plants like animals.” GMO plants do contain animal genes, but farmers and people in villages still use seeders and combines.
The outbreak of world war in 2010
Vanga predicted that the war would begin in November 2010 and end in October 2014. It involved the use first of nuclear and then of chemical weapons.
Disappearance of vegetation and animals in the Northern Hemisphere
Vanga predicted radioactive fallout in 2001 in the Northern Hemisphere. After the disappearance of animals and vegetation, the Muslims, according to her, had to start a chemical war against the surviving Europeans.
Deserted Europe
After chemical warfare most people will suffer from ulcers and skin cancer, and in 2016 Europe will become practically deserted.
Last US President - Obama
Vanga predicted that the 44th president of the United States would be black. And supposedly it will be the last for the country, because America will either freeze or disappear from the world map after the economic crisis. On December 20, Donald Trump became the 45th President of the United States.
Solar powered trains
Vanga predicted that in 2018 trains will fly on wires from the sun. Scientists have another year to make Vanga's prophecy come true. However, this prediction seems unlikely, because today no car can drive solely on solar energy.
China's dominance
According to the seer, already in 2018 China will become a world superpower, and developing countries will turn from exploited to exploiters.
Muslims rule Europe
Vanga said that by 2043, Europe will be ruled by Muslims. Considering the latest terrorist attacks in European countries ah, this forecast doesn’t seem so unrealistic, which is scary.
Organ growing
By 2046, scientists will be growing any human organ. Vanga predicted that the best method The cure for any disease is organ replacement. Today, growing organs is the most promising bioengineering technology.
Classless society
Vanga believed that by 2077 our society would become classless and all people would be equal. Modern world I am still very far from this model.

Perhaps the most famous person in the world with superpowers is the Bulgarian seer Vanga. People who knew her assured that the woman could accurately determine a person’s illness, predict his future fate, communicate with spirits, and foresee the occurrence of this or that event. Many people believed in her. And on the threshold of the turn of the millennium, her prophecies were published in all printed publications on the planet. This is very interesting topic, so now it’s worth talking about Vanga’s predictions that came true.

Death of Stalin

Perhaps we should start with this prediction. At the end of 1952, Vanga said the following words about Stalin: “The gates to another world, where Joseph Vissarionovich will go, will open for other Russian rulers.” She did not provide any time or dates. No clarifications. But for this prediction she had to pay with her own freedom. Because she allowed herself to speak out in this way about the Leader himself, she was imprisoned in a Bulgarian prison and given a long sentence.

But six months later, a year later, Stalin died. And the seer was released. By the way, people associated her words that the death of the Leader would lead to other deaths with the death of Yuri Andropov in 1984. He, like Stalin, died in Kuntsevo. And from that moment on, no one else from Russia politicians did not use the complex located there as their residence.

USA Events

Listing Vanga's predictions that came true, one cannot fail to mention the fact that she foresaw the death of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. The woman said this in the middle of the summer of 1963, four months before the tragedy. She made a reservation - an assassination attempt would be made on the US President. And on November 22 of the same year, the head of America was killed with two shots in his own car.

The woman also foresaw the terrorist attack that occurred on September 11, 2001 in New York, which is still terrifying to this day. And back in 1989. Vanga said: “Fear, fear! American brothers will fall, pecked to death by iron birds. Wolves will howl from the bushes, and innocent blood will flow like a river.”

This is what happened. On the morning of September 11, four Boeing airliners were hijacked by al-Qaeda terrorists, who flew the planes to the World Trade Center towers, which people called “brothers” and “twins.” The blood of almost three thousand people was shed. What does this bush have to do with it? This is a reference to the then current US President, George W. Bush. This surname translates as “bush”. The seer's analogy boils down to the fact that the tragedy happened during his reign.

Perestroika and collapse of the USSR

When listing Vanga’s predictions that came true, it is worth mentioning this event. The Bulgarian seer foreshadowed perestroika back in 1979. That is, 6 years before the start of economic and political reforms in the USSR. Naturally, they tried their best to hide Vanga’s words, but some of the predictions were still made known to the public through the media.

The main “source” was the magazine “Friendship”, famous at that time. Vanga said the following words to his correspondent: “I see a garden - this is Russia. There is a lot of snow around. And from the depths of the earth there seemed to be voices - female and male. No... it's the sap that feeds the trees. An unusual spring is coming to the country. Three mighty trees are drying up, and two rings have been trampled in the snow-covered garden - a small one and a large one. A woman and a man walk in a small circle, and then... some people stick sticks into the snow.”

Vague words. But their meaning can be understood by paying attention to the memoirs of R. M. Gorbacheva. In them, she told how in 1985 she and her husband, Mikhail Sergeevich, went out into the snow-covered garden to walk along the walking ring. He said that perhaps he would be offered to lead the party. This brought up unpleasant thoughts, because in the last three years three people have died general secretaries. At one point, to distract herself, Raisa Maksimovna asked the guards how many laps they had completed. This is a test of attentiveness. The guards knew about this, and in order not to get confused, they stuck sticks into the snow. Here is the explanation for Vanga’s prophecy. By the way, in 1989, a woman predicted Gorbachev’s appointment to the presidency. 9 months later it came true.

Crimea and Ukraine

The events that take place in our lifetime also relate to Vanga’s predictions that have come true. A Bulgarian clairvoyant once said: “Crimea will break away from one shore and grow to the other.” Few people took these words seriously. But this is exactly what happened in the spring of 2014. Crimea “detached” from the shores of Ukraine and returned to Russia.

The woman also foresaw the conflict in the neighboring state. She warned about the fall of Donetsk, unrest in Ukraine, that mothers would begin to abandon their children, and brothers would fight among themselves. There was even the following wording in her words: “What has stood for 23 years will be ground into powder.” This is what happened. Exactly 23 years have passed since the separation of Ukraine from Russia until the start of the civil war on its territory.

Russian reality

One cannot help but pay attention to Vanga’s predictions about Russia. The clairvoyant stated that in 2015 the Federation will begin to help refugees from other countries. In fact, this is what is happening. After the start of the civil war in Ukraine, its residents began to actively move to the territory of the neighboring Russian state, in the hope of finding peace there.

Even in Vanga’s predictions about Russia there was a foresight of the global economic crisis of 2015/16. The woman said that the country would have a hard time, but it would survive, and even force other states to starve. This also came true. Apparently, the seer had in mind the sanctions that rained down on Russia in the hundreds. But in the end, many of them backfired on most European countries, who regretted their decision.

About the Immortal Regiment

Vanga once said this phrase: “When the dead stand next to the living, rising from their graves, then Russia will become a Great Power.” These words of hers, like many others, stunned people with their eccentricity.

But now they have become clear. This phrase found an explanation on the day of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the victory, when the action “ Immortal Regiment" People, holding portraits of war heroes in their hands, walked with them in a solemn demonstration parade. This action seemed to revive the spirit of unity.

At that moment it became clear that Vanga was right after all. When the dead “stood” next to the living, reborn in portraits, and as if walking through a parade along with everyone else, it was clear that this was another vague analogy of a clairvoyant.

What was not destined to come true?

Some of Vanga's prophecies were not reflected in reality. For 2010, for example, a woman predicted the beginning of a new World War. She even clarified the time - according to her, it was supposed to be November. The war would go on for four years and end in October 2014. The clairvoyant even clarified the details. According to them, the war would begin as usual, but then nuclear and chemical weapons would be used.

Another unfulfilled prophecy of Vanga dates back to 2011. She foresaw the fallout of radioactive fallout in the Northern Hemisphere, as a result of which there would be no plants or animals left.

In 2014, according to the woman, many people were expected to be exposed to skin diseases. She called this a consequence of a new World War. As a result, according to her, Europe would be almost deserted in 2016. Terrible predictions, and it’s good that they didn’t come true.

Near future

Finally, it is worth listing short list Vanga's predictions, which were dated by her in the recent years. So here's what you can expect soon:

  • In 2018, China will become the new world power.
  • In 2023, the Earth's orbit will change slightly.
  • In 2028, a new energy source will be produced and launched spaceship to Venus.
  • In 2033, polar ice will begin to melt, which will lead to rising sea levels.
  • In 2046, any organs are grown.
  • Communism will come in 2076.
  • Will open in 2088 new disease- aging in a few seconds. In 2097, the phenomenon will be eradicated.
  • In 2100, the dark side of our planet will be illuminated by an artificial sun.

Well, these are predictions until the next century. In fact, Vanga saw further. For the year 5078, for example, she predicted humanity's decision to leave the boundaries of the Universe, despite people's ignorance of what lies beyond it. However, Vanga’s further prophecies are another topic.

The blind woman Vanga made one of the most terrible predictions in 1980. She then said the following: “At the end of the century, in August 1999 or 2000, ...

“Fear, fear! Our American brothers will fall, pecked to death by iron birds. Wolves will howl from the bush, and innocent blood will flow like a river” (1989).
It came true. In September 2001, the World Trade Center skyscrapers collapsed following a terrorist air attack on the United States.
The collapsed skyscrapers were called “twins” or “brothers.” They were hit by planes - “iron birds” - of terrorists. But what does the bush have to do with it? And despite the fact that in English he sounds like Bush. That is, the trouble dates back to his presidency.

“The world will go through many cataclysms and strong shocks. The very consciousness of people will change. Hard times will come. People will be divided on the basis of faith...” (date unknown).
It came true. Hard times have arrived after all. And something is happening to people’s consciousness.
There are more than enough cataclysms - tsunamis alone, which have claimed hundreds of thousands of lives, are worth it. What about the numerous recent terrorist attacks? Or religious riots?

“We are witnessing fateful events. The two largest leaders in the world shook hands (the grandmother was obviously hinting at Gorbachev and Reagan). But a lot of time will pass, a lot of water will flow away, until the Eighth comes - he will sign the final peace on the planet” (January 1988).
It's starting to come true. At least in relation to the Eighth. By the way, even at the time when Boris Yeltsin was President of Russia, Vanga already hinted at the next one, although she did not mention the name: “This will be a completely unexpected figure. Definitely not Zyuganov or Lebed.”
The “eighth” has already arrived: after all, Russia has joined the “Big Seven”. It recently became the G8. It's now a matter of world peace.

“Russia will again become a great empire, first of all an empire of the spirit” (date unknown).
It hasn't come true yet. Before great empire We are still far away. And the spirit is rather weak. But the search for a national idea is ongoing.
This was one of Vanga's last prophecies. While making it, the grandmother drew a large circle with her hands.

“Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia... She will sweep away everything from her path and will not only survive, but will also become the ruler of the world” (1979).
It hasn't come true yet. Although... Russia has survived. And note, this was said during the times of the USSR, when few people uttered the word “Russia”.
It is unknown which Vladimir they were talking about. But certainly not about Zhirinovsky. There are only three real contenders for the role of the fateful Vladimir: Prince Vladimir, Lenin and our current president - aka “The Eighth”.

“In 2018, trains will fly on wires from the sun. Oil production will stop, the Earth will rest” (1960).
It's starting to come true. By 2018, Earth scientists intend to organize the extraction of helium-3 on the Moon; similar plans were announced just the other day.
Helium-3 is both a product of solar activity and fuel for a thermonuclear reactor, which, in fact, is itself a small Sun. The reactor will supply electricity “to the wires” and the trains will fly.

“Life will be found in space, and it will become clear how life appeared on Earth.”
It hasn't come true yet. The mystery of the origin of life has not been solved. It was not possible to find it even on Mars. But the search continues. Especially in terms of catching intelligent signals from aliens.
Vanga believed in aliens. In 1979, she predicted a meeting between people and brothers in mind from other stars, which would take place in 200 years.



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