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In what stories was Dubrovsky. The history of the creation of the novel "Dubrovsky" by Pushkin. Central heroes of conflicts

At the beginning of the 19th century, adventure stories and novels became very popular in Russian literature. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, who wrote a novel about a noble robber, did not stand aside from fashion trends. In "Dubrovsky" the analysis of the work includes the disclosure of the theme, the description of the composition, genre and history of creation. It will be useful in preparing for a literature lesson in grade 6. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with a thorough analysis of the Dubrovsky plan.

Brief analysis

Year of writing- 1833.

History of creation- The work is based on the story of Pavel Nashchokin about a real nobleman Ostrovsky, who was left without a family estate during the court proceedings and was forced to take a criminal path.

Composition- Exposition - description of characters and setting; the plot is a quarrel between Troyekurov and Dubrovsky Sr., which led to tragic consequences; plot development - the arrival of Vladimir Dubrovsky, the arson of Kistenevka, the organization of a gang of robbers, love for Masha Troekurova; culmination - Masha's wedding with an old man; junction - departure of Dubrovsky abroad.

genre- Social romance.

Direction- Realism.

History of creation

When Alexander Sergeevich heard from his friend the poet Pavel Nashchokin a fascinating story about a ruined landowner named Ostrovsky, he realized that it could be taken as the basis for a future novel.

According to Nashchokin's recollections, he once met a young Belarusian nobleman in prison, who had become a victim of a bribed judge. For a long time he was in litigation with a neighbor over land, but as a result he was expelled from his own estate penniless. Gathering his serfs, the landowner organized a real robbery gang, and began to trade in robberies.

In the fall of 1832, Pushkin began work on a new novel, and in a short time he wrote two parts of the planned three. The second volume was completed in February 1833, and the third, for some reason, was never started.

The novel was published only in 1841, 4 years after the tragic death of Alexander Sergeevich in a duel. Since the writer did not manage to give a title to his work, the editorial staff titled it "Dubrovsky".

The meaning of the name simple enough - that was the name of the main character of the novel.


Alexander Sergeevich raised many important topics that have not lost their relevance at the present time. Central theme"Dubrovsky" - protection of human dignity. Thriving corruption in government bodies crippled many people. The old man Dubrovsky, who, due to his poverty, was unable to defend his honor and dignity in court, became a similar victim.

Vladimir saw the only way to protect the honor of his surname only in that, without relying on the letter of the law, with his own hand to administer revenge. In fact, he was forced to embark on a criminal path, he simply had no other choice. This greatly saddens the author, who understands that in Russia an honest but poor person is absolutely powerless.

The main idea of ​​the novel- the lack of equality between representatives of the same social stratum, the difference between which was only in the financial situation. The author comes to a disappointing conclusion: the law always stands on the side of wealth, while noble, honest and progressive people like Vladimir find themselves on the sidelines of life.

Also, the writer paid a lot of attention to the problem of family lawlessness - the crippled fate of children forced to submit to parental will. Troekurov, despite the tears of his 17-year-old daughter, married her to an unloved old man, whose main dignity was wealth and position in society.

Remaining a man of honor, being merciful and just - this is what the work teaches. It is very important to be able to find compromise solutions, to listen to each other in order to prevent the outcome of possible conflicts and tragedies. This is novel idea- strive for mutual understanding in society, forgetting about their own egoism.


The composition of the novel is distinguished by a clear chronology of plot lines. In the exposition, the author acquaints the reader with the characters and the setting in which events will unfold. Descriptions of two main characters are given - the landowner Kirill Petrovich Troekurov and his close neighbor Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky.

Drawstring works of a quarrel between landlord neighbors, which quickly develops into a serious conflict. Troekurov bribes the judge and takes away his estate Kistenevka from Dubrovsky. Having learned the judge's verdict, Dubrovsky goes mad and dies after a while.

Next comes plot development... Learning about what happened, the son of Dubrovsky, the guard cornet Vladimir, arrives from St. Petersburg. He gathers his serfs and sets fire to Kistenevka, and then becomes a robber who terrifies the local landowners.

Wanting to take revenge on his main offender, Troekurov, Dubrovsky, disguised as a teacher, enters his house. But his plans are ruined by the charming Masha Troekurova, with whom he passionately falls in love. However, the happiness of young people is impossible - Troekurov has already married Masha to the old rich man.

V climax In the novel, Dubrovsky is in a hurry to free his beloved from the hated marriage, but does not have time: Masha is already betrothed and, having taken an oath of marital fidelity, is forced to stay with her unloved husband.

Interchange the novel is the dissolution of the bandit gang and the departure of Dubrovsky abroad.

main characters


When analyzing the work, it should be noted that it belongs to the genre of the social novel, which reveals many acutely social themes of its time.

The direction characteristic of Pushkin's novel Dubrovsky is realism. However, the work also contains some features of romanticism.

Product test

Analysis rating

Average rating: 4.4. Total ratings received: 2941.


The story tells the story of the life of two families - the Troekuovs and the Dubrovsky. Once Kirilla Petrovich Troekurov and Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky were colleagues, so Andrei Gavrilovich is the only one in the district who is not afraid of the imperious character of a rich neighbor. Dubrovsky has a son, Vladimir, who works in St. Petersburg, and Troekurov has a daughter, Masha, and Troekurov himself dreams of marrying children. But suddenly the neighbors quarrel and move away from each other. Moreover, Troyekurov really does not like Dubrovsky's independent behavior, and he decides by any means, even illegal, to take away his estate. Soon Dubrovsky was summoned to court and a court decision was read to him, according to which his Kistenevka now belongs to Troekurov.

After the trial, Dubrovsky falls seriously ill, and the peasant serf writes a letter to St. Petersburg to Vladimir, in which he reports what happened. Vladimir comes to Kistenevka and sees his father's grave condition. Troyekurov is tormented by his conscience, and he goes to Dubrovsky to make peace. But at the moment of meeting his former friends, Dubrovsky's hatred is so strong that he suffers from paralysis. Vladimir kicks Troyekurov out of the house, and his father dies.

Soon after the death of Andrei Gavrilovich, bailiffs arrive in Kistenevka, reporting that Troekurov wants to take possession of his property. The peasants want to kill the bailiffs, but Vladimir does not let them do it. At night, he stops the blacksmith Arkhip, who made his way into the house with the same intentions. As a result of all these events, Vladimir decides that it would be better if he left the estate. He orders to gather all the people, take them out of the house and set the house on fire. Blacksmith Arkhip does everything, as Vladimir says, with the exception of one thing - he locks the doors of the house, and all officials die in a fire. The escaped Vladimir is accused of the murder of the bailiffs.

And at this time, a gang of robbers is announced in the province, which plunders all the landowners, without touching only one - Troyekurov. There are rumors that the leader of the robbers is Vladimir Dubrovsky.

The Frenchman Deforge comes to the house of the Troekurovs, whom Troekurov invites as a teacher for his son Sasha. Deforge is captivated by Masha's beauty, but she does not pay attention to him. Troekurov decides to "check" the Frenchman in the same way that he usually has fun with guests - he takes the teacher into the room where the hungry bear is. Deforge kills the bear. Masha is impressed by such courage, and friendship is established between the young people, gradually turning into a more tender feeling.

Guests are at Troekurov's house. Sitting at the table, one of the landowners, Spitsyn, says that he lied at the trial against Dubrovsky. After dinner, Spitsyn, who had a lot of money with him, decides to spend the night in the Frenchman's room, since he had heard about his courage. At night, he wakes up from the fact that someone is trying to take his money, and sees Deforge with a pistol near his bed. Deforge tells him that he is Dubrovsky. In the morning Spitsyn leaves home without telling anyone. Masha secretly meets with Deforge, and he confesses to her that in fact he is Vladimir Dubrovsky. After that, the Frenchman disappears from the house. And just in time - the police chief arrives at the house, who says that he is the disappeared Dubrovsky.

Troekurov is going to marry Masha to Prince Vereisky. Masha asks her father not to do this, but he is relentless. Then Masha asks Dubrovsky for help, giving him and Sasha a ring, which the boy must hide in the hollow of an oak tree. But Dubrovsky does not come for Masha either to his father's house or to the church where the wedding took place. Only when the carriage with the newlyweds is leaving the church is it stopped by a group of people with Dubrovsky at the head, who tells Masha that she is free. The prince shoots and wounds him, Dubrovsky's people want to kill the prince, but he does not order them to do this. Masha tells Dubrovsky that he was late. Dubrovsky loses consciousness and is taken away. Soon the place where the robbers are located is surrounded by soldiers. During the battle, the robbers are victorious. But a few days after that, Dubrovsky announced to his associates that he was leaving. After that, no one sees him anymore - they say that he went abroad.

Work on the novel "Dubrovsky" was started by A.S. Pushkin on October 21, 1832. The plot was based on an episode reported to Pushkin by his friend P.V. Nashchokin, who told about one "poor Belarusian nobleman, by the name of Ostrovsky." So the novel was called at first. This nobleman had a process with a neighbor for land, was ousted from the estate and, remaining with some peasants, began to rob first clerks, then others. Nashchokin saw this Ostrovsky in prison.

At this time, Pushkin was pondering the plot of a historical novel about a daring man, a nobleman who entered the service of Pugachev, and he found in Nashchokin's story a plot about a hero of the same type, prompted by life itself.

N.G. Chernyshevsky wrote about this novel: "It is difficult to find in Russian literature a more accurate and vivid picture, like a description of the life and habits of the great master of old times at the beginning of the story" Dubrovsky "."

This lesson is about the Dubrovsky novel.

Today in the center of our attention is the novel by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Dubrovsky".

It has already been said that for his freedom-loving poetry, Pushkin was sent into exile, first to Chisinau, then to Odessa, and then to the village of Mikhailovskoye, Pskov province. In 1826, Alexander Sergeevich was summoned by Nicholas II to Moscow. During the conversation with the poet, the tsar said that he was talking with the smartest man in Russia. A.S. Pushkin was allowed to live in Moscow and even work in the archive.

In the early thirties, the poet begins to write prose works. He worked on the novel "Dubrovsky" from October 1832 to February 1833. But the novel was never finished, and during the life of the writer it was not published.

The novel is based on a message from a friend of A.S. P.V. Pushkina Nashchokin (Fig. 1) about a poor nobleman by the name of Ostrovsky, who had a lawsuit with a neighbor for land. Ostrovsky was pushed out of the estate and, left with only the peasants, began to plunder.

Rice. 1. K.P. Maser. P. V. Nashchokin. 1839 ()

It is also known that before starting work on the novel by A.S. Pushkin visited Pskov, Boldino, where similar cases of landowners Muratov, Dubrovsky, Kryukov were considered. Thus, the novel was based on real life circumstances, which were creatively reworked by A.S. Pushkin.

What is a novel?

ROMAN is a large narrative work, which is distinguished by the variety of characters and the branching of the plot. That is, a lot of events take place in the novel, in which a large number of heroes take part.

PLOT - the sequence and connection of events in a work of art.

In the nineteenth century, the genre became very popular adventurous novel, there were works where honesty was opposed to meanness, the generosity of greed, the love of hate.

Many writers used the “dress-up” technique to make it more entertaining, and also changed the chronology of events. The protagonist of such a work was invariably handsome, honest, noble, courageous, and the adventure novel ended with the victory of the protagonist.

A.S. Pushkin made an attempt to write a similar work, but the depth of the life problems revealed in his novel did not allow him to finish this work. A.S. Pushkin was unable to fit living heroes into the rigid schemes of this genre.

The action of the novel "Dubrovsky" takes place in the twenties of the nineteenth century and develops over a year and a half.

What was the society of those times?

Autocracy, serfdom. The king is at the head of the state. The main estates are nobles, officials, peasants, serfs and warriors. The nobleman owned an estate, which consisted of land and serfs. The nobility was heterogeneous. Some noblemen owned vast lands, estates and large numbers of peasants, while others were small. Nobles could marry and marry only people from their own class.

Most of the nobles considered serfdom normal and disposed of their peasants as property. Most people who did not belong to a noble family, they did not consider worthy of respect and attention.

The nobles lived on their estate, did the housework, went to visit each other. The peasants called their owner "master", the hostess - "lady", and children - "barchuk" or "barchats".

The main characters of the novel by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin are Kirila Petrovich Troekurov, his daughter Marya Kirillovna, his neighbor and friend Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky and his son Vladimir.

Let's talk about Troekurov.

What Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin says about him:

His wealth, noble family and connections gave him great weight in the provinces ...

That is, Troekurov had power over people and could act as he pleased:

The neighbors were glad to please his slightest whim; provincial officials trembled at his name; Kirila Petrovich accepted signs of servility as a proper tribute ...

The rudeness and willfulness of Kirila Petrovich Troekurov can be explained by great wealth and unlimited power over people. We can say that he treated his guests the same way he treated serfs, he believed that he could buy everything, and humiliated the dignity of people.

At about seven o'clock in the evening, some of the guests wanted to go, but the owner, amused by the punch, ordered the gate to be locked and announced that he would not let anyone out of the yard until the next morning. This is how he was "at home."

At home, Kirila Petrovich showed all the vices of an uneducated person. Spoiled by everything that only surrounded him, he was used to giving full vent to all the impulses of his ardent disposition and all the undertakings of a rather limited mind. ...

He suffered from gluttony twice a week ... (Fig. 2)

Rice. 2. Postcard-illustration for the story "Dubrovsky" by Alexander Pushkin. Artist D.A. Shmarinov ()

Troyekurov's usual occupations consisted of traveling around his extensive estates, in prolonged feasts and in pranks, moreover, invented every day

Troekurov, haughty in dealing with people of the highest rank, respected Dubrovsky, despite his humble state. They were once comrades in the service, and Troekurov knew from experience the impatience and decisiveness of his character.

Dubrovsky, the only one of the people around him, behaved proudly, was independent and refused the patronage of his former colleague.

Troekurov and Dubrovsky were partly similar in character and inclinations, this similarity was manifested in pride, but Troekurov maintained this feeling in himself with a consciousness of his wealth and power, and Dubrovsky - with an awareness of the antiquity of his family and noble honor. Both landowners had a hot, quick-tempered character, both loved hunting with dogs and kept dogs.

Their friendship was broken by an incident at Troekurov's kennel (Fig. 3):

Rice. 3. Postcard-illustration for the story "Dubrovsky" by Alexander Pushkin. Artist D.A. Shmarinov ()

An order has been given to the kennels and striders to be ready by five o'clock in the morning. The tent and kitchen were sent forward to the place where Kirila Petrovich was supposed to dine. The owner and guests went to the kennel yard, where more than five hundred hounds and greyhounds lived in contentment and warmth, glorifying the generosity of Kiril Petrovich in their dog's tongue. There was also an infirmary for sick dogs, under the supervision of the head physician Timoshka, and a department where noble bitches bred and fed their puppies. Kirila Petrovich was proud of this wonderful institution and never missed an opportunity to brag about it in front of his guests, of whom each had examined it at least for the twentieth time. He paced the kennel, surrounded by his guests and accompanied by Timoshka and the chief kennels; he stopped in front of some kennels, then inquiring about the health of the sick, then making remarks more or less strict and fair, then beckoning familiar dogs and talking to them affectionately. The guests considered it their duty to admire Kiril Petrovich's kennel. Dubrovsky alone was silent and frowned. He was an ardent hunter. His condition allowed him to keep only two hounds and one pack of greyhounds; he could not refrain from a certain envy at the sight of this magnificent establishment. "Why are you frowning, brother," Kirila Petrovich asked him, "or don't you like my kennel?" “No,” he answered sternly, “it's a wonderful kennel, your people’s life is unlikely to be the same as your dogs.” One of the hounds was offended. “We do not complain about our living,” he said, “thanks to God and the master, we do not complain, but what is true is true, it would not be bad for another and a nobleman to exchange the estate for any local kennel. He would have been better fed and warmer. " Kirila Petrovich laughed loudly at the insolent remark of his servant, and the guests followed him laughing, although they felt that the huntsman's joke could apply to them too. Dubrovsky turned pale and did not say a word. At this time, they brought newborn puppies to Kiril Petrovich in a basket; he took care of them, chose two for himself, ordered the others to be drowned (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Postcard-illustration for the story "Dubrovsky" by Alexander Pushkin. Artist D.A. Shmarinov ()

The incident at the kennel characterizes Dubrovsky as a proud man who does not want to turn into a jester, possessing a sense of his own dignity, and therefore Dubrovsky assessed the hunter's remark as an insult to the noble honor by a slave.

The quarrel between Dubrovsky and Troekurov cannot be called an accident, it was natural, because Troekurov treated everyone arrogantly. Dubrovsky was deeply offended and could not tolerate this humiliation.

Troekurov did not want to offend Dubrovsky and wanted to return the friendship of his proud neighbor, but when Dubrovsky punished the men of Troekurov who stole the forest from him, known robbers, then Troekurov " lost his temper and in the first minute of anger he wanted with all his courtyards to launch an attack on Kistenevka, ravage it to the ground and besiege the landowner himself in his estate. " Such feats were not unusual for him. .

In Troyekurov, a thirst for revenge arises, and he chooses the most vile way of revenge - to take away the estate from his former comrade.

This is the strength to take away property without any right.

And to do it under the guise of legality and the hands of others.

To carry out this dastardly plan, he chooses assessor Shabashkin, who for money is ready with great zeal to carry out Troyekurov's illegal plans, that is, to break the law, of which he is a representative.

Shabashkin fussed for him, acting on his behalf, frightening and bribing the judges and misinterpreting all kinds of decrees.

Dubrovsky was amazed. He did not allow the thought that someone might encroach on his legal property.

Shabashkin understands that Dubrovsky knows little about business and that it will not be difficult to put a person so hot and imprudent in the most disadvantageous position.

The first chapter ends disappointingly:

On February 9, Dubrovsky received an invitation through the city police to appear before the ** zemstvo judge to hear the decision on the disputed estate between him, Lieutenant Dubrovsky, and General-in-Chief Troekurov, and to sign his pleasure or displeasure. On the same day Dubrovsky set off for the city; Troyekurov overtook him on the road. They glanced proudly at each other, and Dubrovsky noticed a wicked smile on the face of his opponent.

Former comrades have become enemies.

The officials of the district court greeted Dubrovsky and Troekurov differently. On Dubrovsky “No one paid attention, when Kirill Petrovich arrived, the clerks got up and laid their feathers behind his ear, the members greeted him with an expression of deep servility and moved his chair out of respect for his rank, age and stoutness.”

The picture of the court evokes a feeling of annoyance and pity for Dubrovsky, indignation against the triumph of Troekurov and protest against the servility and servility of the judges.

A.S. Pushkin emphasizes the unnaturalness of this court with such details: the assessor addresses Troekurov with a low bow, and simply brings the paper to Dubrovsky. Troekurov sits in an armchair while Dubrovsky is leaning against the wall.

The judge counted on Troekurov's gratitude. Troekurov signed under the decision of the court "his perfect pleasure."

Dubrovsky became motionless, bowing his head.

The unjust criminal decision of the court led Dubrovsky to sudden insanity.

The judges did not receive the desired award from Troyekurov, since Dubrovsky's sudden madness strongly influenced his imagination and poisoned his triumph. Troekurov realized that he had gone too far, his conscience began to speak. The whole undertaking in court turned into a real disaster for Dubrovsky, and his mind became clouded.

Rice. 5. Postcard-illustration for the story "Dubrovsky" by Alexander Pushkin. Artist D.A. Shmarinov ()

Troekurov wanted to punish his rebellious neighbor. He did not need Kistenevka, he had enough of his own estates, his own wealth, he wanted to break Dubrovsky's pride and independence, trample on his dignity, but, of course, he did not want to drive his opponent to madness.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wanted to show that unlimited power cripples the soul of its owner, and also leads to the tragedy of many other people.


  1. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin performed by masters of the artistic word / Collection / MP3-CD. - M .: ARDIS-CONSULT, 2009.
  2. V. Voevodin. The Story of Pushkin. - M .: Children's literature, 1955.
  3. Pushkin A.S. Dubrovsky. - M .: Children's literature. 1983.
  4. Literature. 6th grade. At 2 pm / [V.P. Polukhina, V. Ya. Korovin, V.P. Zhuravlev and V.I. Korovin]; ed. V.Ya. Korovina. - M., 2013.
  1. Librusek. A lot of books. "Our everything." What to read about A.S. Pushkin [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: ().
  2. "Encyclopedia of Russian Painting" [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: ().
  3. Electronic publications of the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) RAS. Pushkin Cabinet [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: ().


Task to choose from (1 or 2).

  1. Prepare a succinct retelling of one chapter according to your own outline.
  2. Prepare an oral story on one of the topics (A or B).

    A. Topic:"Why did Vladimir Dubrovsky become a robber?"


    1. A short history of the hero's life.
    2. Changes in the fate of the hero after the death of his father.
    3. Character traits of the hero: ambition, love for the father (chapter 3), nobility (chapter 4, stands up for Shabashkin); courage, courage, resourcefulness, determination, composure.
    4. Dubrovsky the robber.
    5. Love for Masha Troekurova.
    6. Author's sympathy for the main character.
    7. My attitude to Vladimir Dubrovsky.

    B. Topic:"Vladimir Dubrovsky and Masha Troekurova".


    1. The life story of heroes and their families (friendship of fathers, lost their mothers early, lonely and impressionable).
    2. Dubrovsky - Deforge (love for Masha).
    3. Masha's indifference to Dubrovsky.
    4. Meetings of Masha and Vladimir.
    5. Matchmaking of Prince Vereisky.
    6. Waiting for help from Dubrovsky.
    7. Masha's wedding.
    8. Honor and loyalty to this word are the main values ​​of the heroes.
    9. My attitude towards heroes.

Dubrovsky - the main character of the novel - the son of a poor landowner Andrei Dubrovsky. He is a very brave man, serious, his appearance is still quite attractive, although at first glance he did not stand out very much among the nobles. He had a rather pale face, a straight nose and light brown hair. His voice is especially worth noting. It is very sonorous and charming. All this makes him look very noble.

It is also worth noting his other equally important good qualities: kindness, honesty, generosity, mannerism, generosity, courage. But there were also some shortcomings in it, such as extravagance, gambling addiction. While in St. Petersburg, he lost a lot of money at cards. But the most important and good quality of it is humanity. He loved his father very much and was worried about his health; his undoubted kindness is also shown by the fact that he loved his serfs very much. The fact that Dubrovsky is really kind is also indicated by the fact that he fell in love with Maria, although her father, Kirill Petrovich Troekurov, was his sworn enemy. Vladimir was ready to forgive any insults associated with money, as long as Machine's heart belonged only to him.

For this man, there was practically no work in anything, he easily learned French, passed himself off as a teacher, and studied dancing and singing with Maria for a long time. He was also engaged in teaching Troekurov's son Sasha, he taught him geography and arithmetic.

The case when Dubrovsky was thrown into a room with a bear (Troyekurov loved to do this, he liked to feel the fear of people) also shows his courage, instead of shouting and calling for help, he kills the bear. But do not forget that he was still a vindictive man. After all, it was he who came up with this cunning plan of how to take revenge on Troekurov, from whose murder Vladimir's love for his daughter saves.

Dubrovsky was a man who was wise and clever beyond his years. After all, any business related to robbery and crime is very difficult to do so as not to leave traces. It is also worth noting that Vladimir knew human psychology well. He knew how to come to an agreement with a real teacher, how to get into the confidence of Troekurov so that he did not even understand that he was dealing with Dubrovsky. In many cases, he can overcome himself and this is very good for absolutely any person.

I believe that Vladimir Dubrovsky is a real man with invaluable qualities and skills, with a huge store of wisdom, kindness and knowledge.

Option 2

Vladimir Dubrovsky was the son of a poor landowner. A young man, twenty-three years old, of medium height, large brown eyes and light brown hair. Typically Slavic in appearance. There are many such men in Russia. A well-trained voice, knows how to give the appearance of majesty.

Behind this is a little boy who was left without a mother early. And his father, not knowing what to do with him, sent him to study military science in the Cadet Corps. It was located in Petersburg. Then he was released into the guard and served in the guards regiment. It seemed, at last, that fate smiled at the poor boy. And he will have a brilliant military career.

Balls, beauties, champagne until the morning. He loses and spends all the money that his father sends him. It seems to him that such a life will always be.

But it was not there! Fate decided to test Vladimir's strength. His father suddenly dies, and he was forced to leave military service and move to live in the family estate. But fate did not stop there. Due to a quarrel with his father, the old neighbor Troyekurov takes the estate through court. Dubrovsky sets fire to the house so that the offender does not get it, dismisses the servants and takes the path of robbery.

The surrounding estates were on fire. He robs everyone on the roads. But not in a state of blind rage. Here is the money that was intended for the guard officer, he returned back. But Troyekurov's estate is safe and sound. Vladimir is developing a plan. He decides to take cruel revenge on the offender. To do this, he pretends to be a French teacher and infiltrates Troyekurov's house. What is interesting, he wanted to do? But how could he think that he would fall in love with the daughter of his enemy - Masha.

The feeling was mutual. Young people decide to flee abroad. And again, fate is testing Vladimir's strength. His note, intended for his girlfriend, misses its destination. Mary is forcibly given in marriage to an unloved person - an old prince. For Troekurov, her future fate is not important. After all, the prince will pay a lot of money for Masha.

And what to take from Dubrovsky? He is poor and not a landowner, and not a military man. Yes, even if he was rich, Troekurov would not have married his daughter to him anyway.

More in his native land, Dubrovsky does not keep anything, he disbands his gang and leaves his native place forever. The robberies and robberies have stopped. Left without a leader, the peasants scattered in all directions. If you believe the rumors, then he goes abroad. No one will pursue him there.

Dubrovsky is a contradictory nature. On the one hand, he is honest, kind, courageous, on the other hand, he embarked on the path of robbery, since legal methods of struggle do not help. Such are the Russian people. Therefore, foreigners cannot understand our man.

Essay about Vladimir Dubrovsky

Vladimir Dubrovsky is one of the main characters of the work, who, throughout the story, turns from a young rake into a noble and honest youth.

At the beginning of the story, Vladimir is described by the author as a young officer leading an idle lifestyle, not caring about the availability of financial resources, recklessly confident that his father will always give him money. He carelessly spends his days in entertainment, playing cards, not thinking about his future life and dreaming of a rich bride.

At one point, Vladimir learns that his father is dying and without hesitation, abandoning his friends and a reckless life, hastily travels to his native estate.

Returning to his father's house, Vladimir realizes that he is very fond of and worries about his sick father, terribly missed the tender nanny, the places in the district familiar from childhood are the most reverent and beautiful.

Dubrovsky learns about the reason for his father's painful condition and about the unseemly act of the neighbor's landowner Troekurov, who decided to take away their family estate. A young and fearless man decides to avenge his father's death and takes the path of robbery and robbery.

However, Vladimir does not become a robber in the literal sense of the word, since he persecutes and punishes exclusively those who are guilty, from his point of view, people who, due to their greed, self-interest and stupidity, are deprived of ordinary human qualities and principles. Taking money from rich and influential people, Dubrovsky does not appropriate it for himself, but distributes coins to needy peasants.

Dubrovsky also shows comradely feelings when he learns that the money taken away in one of the attacks is intended for a guard officer. Vladimir returns them to the military mother, admitting that he made a mistake and did not want to offend the officer's comrade.

Having experienced a pure and sublime feeling for Troyekurov's daughter Maria, Dubrovsky realizes that his love is much more important than the feeling of revenge and decides to stop his predatory activity, realizing that it is unreasonable and useless.

Sample 4

This magnificent work is included in a collection of stories that represent such a goal, thanks to which the reader will have the opportunity to understand how people lived at that time, and that even despite a certain generalization of concepts and images, there are still such cases, thanks to which one can say, that individualization is an integral part of literature. This also applies to the image of Dubrovsky, who originally belonged to the class of the nobility, however, due to the fact that he lost his estate, and ceased to be such, he managed to get together in time and make correct and rational decisions that only an adequate and honest person could make.

It is worth noting that the hero's childhood was good and he grew up as a very spoiled child, but despite all this, he was not an evil, selfish and insidious person. When he found out that his father was sick, he immediately rushes to his aid. Arriving at his home, he finds that the cause of his illness is a quarrel with a neighbor named Troekurov, who actually brings him to a nervous breakdown, from which his father suffers a heart attack, from which he eventually died. For Dubrovsky, this person is declared an enemy, and he considers the current goal of his life to begin to take revenge on him, and to do everything possible so that his father’s estate still remains with him. However, by a court decision, it passes into the hands of that very neighbor.

Then Vladimir becomes embittered by these life circumstances, and decides to become a robber, however, with his own philosophy in this matter. That is, he robbed only those whom, at his own discretion, he considered bad and corrupt people, who in fact did not have the right to possess such large financial savings. However, when he falls in love with Masha, he almost immediately abandons the idea of ​​revenge on someone, since the girl herself becomes the goal of his life. Then he decides to get a job at the same estate, even though he never ceases to hate Troekurov. He does this solely in order to be closer to his beloved. Also, it is worth noting that when he finds out that the girl decides to arrange her own marriage with a person she does not love, he accepts her decision and does not choose the idea of ​​revenge, leaving her alone. The piece is very realistic, vibrant and relevant, it shows the basics of what decisions need to be made, despite the fact that the choice can be extremely difficult.

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  • Among the unfinished works of the luminary of Russian poetry Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, the novel "Dubrovsky" has become extraordinary for modern Russian prose. It is original due to the combination of painful problems in society with a dynamic storyline. Work on the work lasted just over six months, but it was published only eight years later, in 1841, in a volume of Pushkin's posthumous works. Rumor has it that, according to the author's intention, the end could have been different, but many generations of readers who are fond of this book cannot imagine any other development of events.

    Perception of the novel

    The novel "Dubrovsky", the author of which is a genius in the representation of all the inhabitants of the country without exception, is perceived as completely finished, although it has not received a final artistic treatment; some plot episodes remained unworked, the motives for the behavior of the heroes are not completely clear, and the depiction of the main characters lacks the proper depth. In fact, they are very static, and the reader is forced to conjecture their human traits on their own. Only a detailed study of the drafts made it possible to understand the concept of the novel "Dubrovsky". The author gave food for thought to his followers. A number of hypotheses were put forward about the reasons for the incompleteness of the novel and its possible continuation.

    Writing process

    The novel "Dubrovsky" Pushkin wrote with enthusiasm, and then suddenly cooled down to the process and then did not return to work. Interest in "The History of Pugachev" and the first drafts of the novel about the Pugachevshchina are cited as a possible reason for the chill. Among Pushkin's works, this work became both a stage on the path from "Belkin's Tales" to a modern socio-psychological novel and a step towards the historical novel "The Captain's Daughter". In the novel "Dubrovsky" Pushkin is guided by the key concepts of brevity, accuracy and simplicity for his work. The main narrative principle was the alternation of compressed author's characteristics of the characters with the depiction of specific scenes with their participation.

    The emergence of the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe novel

    In a very restrained and laconic manner, Pushkin's work "Dubrovsky" characterizes the life and customs of the local nobility. The author uses accurate analytical prose, trying to be as objective as possible, but remaining human and from time to time giving direct assessments of actions and making ironic remarks.

    With its freshness and originality, the novel evokes associations with the works of Western European and Russian writers of the 18th and first third of the 19th century. Many researchers of Pushkin's work think that the impetus for the creation of the novel was given by Schiller's drama The Robbers, Kapnist's comedy Yabeda, and many accusatory plays about the corrupt servants of Russian justice. But in fact, the writer was inspired by the story of the Belarusian nobleman Ostrovsky, which his Moscow friend P.V. Nashchokin told him. The essence of the story is that the landowner was illegally robbed of his estate, after which he became a robber and ended up in prison.

    This story, supplemented by the facts of the court proceedings, became the basis of the novel. Thus, the writer sought the maximum reliability and even documentary character of the novel. There is evidence of such veracity - in the second chapter, the text of the document of the court decision on the case of one of the landowners who lost his estate is presented practically unchanged. Only the names of the heroes of the lawsuit were replaced with fictitious ones - Troyekurov and Dubrovsky.

    But the author of the book "Dubrovsky" did not confine himself to judicial chronicles and oral stories about lawlessness, which have long become a typical everyday phenomenon. Many social and moral problems of the victims of the arbitrariness of the higher authorities are organically intertwined in the plot. According to the great V. Belinsky, Pushkin's novel "Dubrovsky" is one of the "poetic creations" reflecting Russian society.

    "Dubrovsky" - who wrote and what conflicts were the basis?

    Some time before the start of work on the novel, namely in February 1832, Alexander Sergeevich was awarded a special present from Emperor Nicholas I. It was a collection of the laws of the empire in 55 volumes. Such a sign of royal disposition was supposed to show the poet the full power of legislation. In the novel "Dubrovsky" (everyone knows who wrote it) there is no longer the romantic pathos inherent in the early works of the poet. Here the poet demonstrates the influence of laws on the daily life of the nobles, their dependence on power and complete submission. The main idea of ​​the work is that, in fact, in the novel, all laws are replaced by the law of power, wealth and nobility.

    The plot of the novel develops very dynamically, combining two conflicts of different nature. The first conflict, the main events of which take place in the first volume, is an intra-class conflict with a bright social connotation. In it, neighbors, former colleagues and even old friends collide. This is a rich landowner, retired general-in-chief Kirill Petrovich Troekurov and a petty nobleman, retired lieutenant Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky, who wrote a statement to the court about the insolent remark of the Troekurov kennel, who humiliated Dubrovsky's dignity. Here there was a conflict of pride between Dubrovsky and Troekurov, which grew into a property conflict with an emphasis on social inequality, which predetermined the outcome of the lawsuit. Troekurov was helped by corrupt judges and false witness neighbors.

    The second conflict of the novel is family and household. This is a typical everyday situation - bondage marriage. Masha Troekurova is forced to marry the old prince Vereisky. The problem of family lawlessness, the question of the right to love, regardless of public views and prejudices, is widely covered. The theme of the struggle between love passion and moral duty is also touched upon.

    Central heroes of conflicts

    In both conflicts, the main figure is Kirill Petrovich Troekurov, who oppresses both the Dubrovsky and his own daughter. The image of the Russian master becomes a true embodiment of tyranny and arbitrariness. This is a real despot who is indifferent to other people's opinions and other people's desires. He's like that not through his own fault, but because of his social status. He is rude, spoiled and voluptuous. It is worth adding to these features the lack of education, and you get a man of "ardent disposition" and "limited mind." Troyekurov's arbitrariness is vividly demonstrated in his treatment of his family, guests, and his daughter's teachers. The author, however, finds several noble features in the hero. For example, he experiences remorse, worried about the property taken from Dubrovsky, and even tries to make peace and return what was taken away.

    Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky has a reader sympathetic to his sad fate. But the author by no means idealizes his hero, noting the presence of irascibility and stubbornness in his character, as well as the susceptibility to momentary emotional changes. And envy is familiar to him, and as a manager he does not shine, because he cannot improve his condition. The main feature of Dubrovsky is noble pride, which does not allow him to accept Troekurov's patronage. Dubrovsky also turns out to be a kind of despot and excludes the very possibility of the wedding of his son and Masha Troekurova, considering this a mercy unworthy of a nobleman. In court, the hero shows carelessness and intransigence, relying on the justice of the judges. His destiny is a demonstration of the superiority of lawlessness over honesty.

    Vladimir Dubrovsky - righteous feeling or blood feud?

    The main character Dubrovsky continues the fate of his father. The arbitrariness and tyranny of Troyekurov literally pushed Vladimir out of his native environment into lawlessness. The hero is perceived as a noble robber and an honest avenger, since he does not seek to conquer someone else's, but wants to return what belongs to him by right. This is not a domestic Robin Hood, but a man who, by chance, found himself in similar circumstances and cannot do otherwise. The originality of Dubrovsky's fate is based on everyday circumstances. The author of the novel "Dubrovsky", who painted artistic portraits of romantic villains in "Eugene Onegin", abandoned the heroes with "world sorrow" in his soul and created his own noble robber, expressing an open protest against the state, which is taking away his future. The philosopher S.P.Shevyrev noted that the robber Dubrovsky is the fruit of social lawlessness, covered by the law.

    who is he really?

    It was not for nothing that Alexander Pushkin noted: Dubrovsky, thanks to the frequent change in appearance and behavior models, becomes similar to other impostor heroes - Otrepiev and Pugachev. In the novel, he appears first as a guard officer accustomed to a carefree life, then as a loving son, then as an avenger and chieftain of a gang of robbers. He is courageous and cold-blooded when he enters Troekurov's house under the guise of Deforge's teacher, but he is sentimental and indecisive in scenes of romantic dates.

    Dubrovsky's description is notable for its silence and understatement. The reader between the lines can understand what qualities characterize this person. Until the 11th chapter, it is not said about the true nature of the imperturbable and courageous teacher Desforges. The existence of Dubrovsky in a gang of robbers is also shrouded in a haze. There are mentions that the leader of the gang is famous for intelligence, courage and generosity. Rumors and rumors of frightened landowners make Dubrovsky the robber a truly legendary person. The second volume of the novel, despite the large number of omissions, provides more information about the robber's feelings. He is smart and calculating, and also well aware of all the events in the Troyekurov house, especially about the appearance of Prince Vereisky and his matchmaking to Masha. Under the guise of a French teacher, he goes to Troekurov for maintenance. Dubrovsky is an avenger, but he cannot take revenge on Troekurov, since he is in love with Masha and will not raise his hand against her family.

    The passion for love in the hero turns out to be higher than the thirst for revenge, and Dubrovsky forgives Troyekurov.

    The main thing in the second volume is the tragedy of the hero's unfulfilled love, the inaccessibility for him of simple family happiness, to which he strives with all his soul. Just before leaving the Troekurovs' house, he opens up to Masha and confesses his feelings. Masha is at a loss. She does not reciprocate with mutual recognition, but makes a promise to resort to Dubrovsky's help in case of need.

    The main character of the novel is Masha Troekurova and her experiences

    Seventeen-year-old Masha Troekurova is beautiful and fresh. She attracts not only Dubrovsky, but also the aged dandy Prince Vereisky, who is wooing her. Masha is too young to even think about marriage. She is drawn to Dubrovsky, who, under the guise of Deforge, amazes the girl with his courage, and under her real name interests her with his unusualness, but even marriage to him scares her, because moral norms about a possible marriage with a person of her circle are deeply rooted in her, but not a teacher or a robber. But marriage with Prince Vereisky horrifies the girl. She begs her father not to destroy her, not to take her life, and to listen to her. Realizing the futility of her requests, she writes a letter to Prince Vereisky, begging him to refuse the wedding, but the letter has the opposite effect, and the wedding is inevitably imminent. Despite her youth, Masha turns out to be a resolute girl and in a desperate situation she finds the strength to turn to the robber Dubrovsky for help. She waits for help until the last moment, but after she took the oath of eternal fidelity, she realizes that there is no way out, and when Dubrovsky attacks their carriage in the forest, she refuses to leave with him. This shows not only the honesty, but also the dedication of the girl, as well as the morality of the robber, who gave her the right to choose and resigned himself to her choice.

    Honest robber Dubrovsky

    Pushkin's story, despite its incompleteness, attracts with its sincerity and painful problems. The author seems to want to point out that being outside the law does not always mean natural hard-heartedness. But every evil entails inevitable retribution. The appearance of the people of Troyekurov on the estate of Dubrovsky becomes the cause of mass indignation of the peasants and the manifestation of cruelty on their part. And the night fire in Kistenyovka, which was organized by Vladimir Dubrovsky, who knew nothing about Troekurov's locked envoys, became a foreshadowing of a popular revolt.

    Why isn't the novel outdated?

    The novel "Dubrovsky" is Pushkin's story about the causes of mass unrest, the spontaneous discontent of the peasants, a full-scale war, which is fully depicted in subsequent works of the author.

    Of those who researched the novel "Dubrovsky", who wrote about the robbers of his gang? One can only assume that these are the former workers of Kistenevka, fugitive peasants and soldiers. It is only at the end of the novel that it becomes obvious that the interests of the gang leader and his accomplices do not coincide. There is no camaraderie within their group, there is the same lordly-humiliated relationship when the servants obey their master. The last chapter of the novel evokes associations with the novel "The Captain's Daughter", where the same songs are sung, and the end of the novel evokes thoughts about the continuation of a real people's war. After the hero has lost the thought of possible family happiness with Masha, he disbands his gang and hides abroad. In parting, he tells his accomplices that they are unlikely to return to an honest life, but nevertheless, after he leaves, the roads become free and the robberies stop. The last thought of the novel is very pessimistic, since the departure of the hero abroad is both his personal defeat and the defeat of the whole country in the struggle for freedom, honor and love.



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