home - Healthy eating
On Sunday, my sister and I left the yard. - I'll take you to the museum! On Sunday my sister and I

The sailor is running, the soldier is running...

On Sunday with my sister
We left the yard.
- I'll take you to the museum! -
My sister told me.

Here we go through the square
And we finally enter
To a big, beautiful red house,
Looks like a palace.

Moving from hall to hall,
People are moving here.
The whole life of a great leader
Stands in front of me.

I see the house where Lenin grew up,
And that certificate of merit
What did you bring from the gymnasium?
Ulyanov high school student.

Here the books are lined up -
He read them as a child,
Above them many years ago
He thought and dreamed.

Since childhood, he dreamed of
So that on our native land
A man lived by his own labor
And he was not in bondage.

Days behind days, years after years
They pass in succession,
Ulyanov is learning, growing,
Goes to a secret meeting
Ulyanov is young.

He was seventeen,
Seventeen years in total
But he is a fighter! And that's why
The king is afraid of him!

An order is sent to the police:
“Grab Ulyanov!”
And so he was expelled for the first time,
Must live in the village.

Time passes. And again
He is where life is in full swing:
Goes to speak to the workers,
He speaks at meetings.

Does he go to his relatives?
Is it going to the factory?
The police are everywhere behind him
He follows and doesn't lag behind...

Again a denunciation, again a prison
And deportation to Siberia...
Winter is long in the north,
Taiga both far and wide.

A light flickers in the hut,
The candle burns all night.
More than one sheet of paper has been written on
By the hand of Ilyich.

How could he speak?
How they believed him!
What space could he open?
Both heart and mind!

This speech is not a few brave ones
On the path of life
I was able to captivate, I was able to ignite,
Lift and lead.

And those who listened to the leader
They followed him forward
Sparing neither strength nor life
For the truth, for the people!..

We are moving to a new room,
And loudly, in silence:
- Look, Svetlana, -
I said, -
Picture on the wall!

And in the picture - that hut
Off the Finnish coast,
In which our beloved leader
Hidden from enemies.

Scythe, and rake, and ax,
And the old oar...
How many years have passed since then
How many winters have passed!

It’s impossible in this kettle,
Must be heating the water
But as we wish, friends,
Look at the teapot!

We see the city of Petrograd
In the seventeenth year:
The sailor is running, the soldier is running,
They shoot on the move.

A worker drags a machine gun.
Now he will enter the battle.
There is a poster: “Down with the gentlemen!
Down with the landowners!”

Carried by detachments and regiments
Kumach cloths,
And ahead are the Bolsheviks,
Ilyich's guards.

October! Forever overthrown
Bourgeois and nobles.
So in October the dream came true
Workers and peasants.

The victory was not easy,
But Lenin led the people
And Lenin saw far away,
For many years to come.

And the correctness of your ideas -
Great person -
He is all working people
United forever.

How dear any object is to us,
Stored under glass!
An object that has been warmed
His hands are warm!

A gift from my fellow countrymen,
Red Army gift -
Overcoat and helmet. He accepted them
As the first commissioner.

Feather. He took it in his hands
Sign the decree.
Watch. From them he recognized
When to go to the Council.

We see Ilyich's chair
And a lamp on the table.
With this lamp at night
He worked in the Kremlin.

I have seen more than one sunrise here,
I read, dreamed, created,
Answered letters from the front,
I talked to friends.

Peasants from distant villages
They came here for the truth,
We sat down with Lenin at the table,
We had a conversation with him.

And suddenly we meet the guys
And we get to know friends.
That's a squad of young Leninists
I came to the museum for a gathering.

Under the banner of Lenin they
They rise solemnly,
And they swore an oath to the Party
Solemnly give:

“We swear to live like this in the world,
How the great leader lived
And also serve the Motherland,
How Lenin served her!

We swear by Lenin's path -
There is no straighter way! -
For the wise and dear leader -
Follow the Party!”

The first thing that immediately stunned me at the ticket office was that photography is allowed in the museum. For free! This impressed me so much that in my joy I forgot to take a photo of the lobby, which was worthy of being included in the frame. Therefore, you and I will immediately go into the first hall.
The first few rooms are dedicated to sacred art - icon painting. Probably, there is no place for icons in a museum after all. But there are some icons that I want to look at in detail. IN existing churches this is almost impossible to do. Firstly, it is twilight, and secondly, I don’t want to offend the feelings of believers and plunge them into the temptation of condemnation.
In a museum you can look at the icons as much as you like, but here again the opposite feeling is mixed in. In general, this complex issue. Let's leave it aside and consider some icons as works of art.
An icon is an object of religious worship, TSB tells us. But I think that no one will deny the fact that religion has left a huge imprint on all aspects of our cultural life. And first of all - on art.

We enter the first hall and immediately see a unique icon, about which I had read so much and a copy of which I purchased in a smaller version in the Crimea, in the St. George Monastery, located on Cape Fiolent.
Rare Byzantine icon"St. George with the Life" - polychrome relief on wood. One of three icons that have survived to this day. The icon dates back to the late 11th, early 12th centuries. It was preserved in the St. George's Monastery until 1799, until Suvorov evicted the Greeks from Crimea, who, leaving for Mariupol, took with them the most valuable relics.
Let's look at the icon, although it is very difficult to do, but believe me, it is really very interesting. St. George stands with his right hand resting on a pike, and in his left hand he has a shield on which the Gorgon Medusa is depicted. And around, there are small paintings (this is called stamps) depicting the life of St. George, i.e. scenes from his life.

According to legend, a small Greek merchant ship was caught in a severe storm off the rocky shores of Cape Fiolent. Seeing the inevitable death, the ship's crew rushed to their knees with a prayer to St. George the Victorious for salvation. And then a miracle happened. The sailors saw Saint George appear on the rock, and the storm immediately subsided. The rescued Greeks climbed the rock and found the icon there, which is now on display in the museum.
In gratitude for your miraculous salvation the Greeks founded on the shore in the rock cave temple, where they installed the wonderful icon. You can treat this legend as you like, but the rock and the St. George’s Monastery still exist to this day.
And on the rock, in the place where the icon was found, they installed a huge cross.
I'm really happy that I can show you this photo. The places and the sea there are amazing!

I leave my memories of Crimea and remind you that we are now in the halls ancient art, where one of the best collections of icon paintings in Ukraine is preserved.

Oh, I feel like these icons will bog me down and I won’t be able to fit into one post what I so want to show you.
Icon "The Passion of Christ". Late 16th century. Galicia.
Is it possible to quickly move away from this icon, where so consistently and carefully an unknown rural “gomaz” depicted for us all the stages of the earthly life of Jesus Christ from the Last Supper to the Crucifixion and the Lamentation of Christ. It is difficult to even overestimate the significance that such icons had in that distant time. After all, this was a real book that even the most illiterate parishioner could read.
I'm always interested in the portrayal of Judas in The Last Supper. It’s hard to see, but I think it’s Judas sitting second to the left of the Savior. Right hand he is dark and reaches for the Chalice, which soon, due to his betrayal, will be filled with the blood of Christ.

On the right is a large icon - the Savior in Power. Galicia, 15th century.
When we were in the Kremlin, I drew your attention to this image.

Ukrainian icon painting, it seems to me, until the 18th century was characterized by bright colors and an absolutely direct view of the icon painter on the current event. Left - Transfiguration. I remind you: (Gospel of Mark Ch.9:2)" And after six days Jesus took Peter, James and John, and led them alone up to a high mountain, and was transfigured before them."... The unknown painter very clearly showed us the white clothes into which the Savior was transformed, Moses and Elijah, who appeared and talked with the transfigured Jesus Christ. So that we could understand where Moses was, the icon painter depicted him with the Tablets in his hands. And how The fear that the Apostles experienced when they saw this event is wonderfully shown!

On the right is Thomas the Unbeliever. The New Testament (Gospel of John, Ch. 20:24-29) tells how one of Jesus’ disciples, the Apostle Thomas, did not believe the news of the Resurrection of the crucified Christ and said: “ Unless I see the marks of the nails in his hands, and put my finger into the marks of the nails, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe».
Then Jesus turned to Thomas and said: “ Place your finger here and see My hands; give me your hand and place it in my side; and don't be an unbeliever...»

This icon is generally very interesting. Late 17th century. Kiev region. It's called "Christ on the Grindstone". Based on an engraving by a Dutch artist (16th-17th century).
The icon painter is trying to interpret the mystery of Holy Communion to the common people. According to Holy Scripture It is believed that one of the symbols of grapes is the blood of Christ, which He shed for that. to save humanity from sin. We see how, under the weight of the Cross, which the Savior voluntarily took upon himself, He himself crushes the grapes, the juice (i.e. blood) from which is collected into the Chalice for communion by the angels. But the most interesting thing is the image of the Father, who puts pressure on this press. And above the Savior’s crown the Holy Spirit is depicted in the form of a dove.
Everything I write about is purely my conclusions. I will gladly accept any additions and clarifications from specialists.

And here is another icon on the same topic. Volyn, approximately 1740. From the wound of the Savior a vine grows, the berries of which turn into blood, which is collected by an angel. But not a single drop of blood should be wasted. The second angel collects the blood flowing from the wound.

I'll skip a little to another room. but here the same theme is Jesus Christ, the vine and the Cup. On the right is the Apostle Peter (always depicted with the keys to Paradise). On the left is the Apostle Paul.

Let's move on to the next room. First of all, the sculptures in the Baroque style attract attention.

The author of these amazing sculptural figures of the apostles is Sisoy Zotovich Shalmatov (1720-circa 1790). A completely new name for me that I want to introduce you to. These works reminded me very much of the wooden sculptures of Gregor Pinzel, a mysterious sculptor who worked in Western Ukraine around the same time. (I wrote a little about Pinzel).
I don’t know about you, but these sculptures make a very strong impression on me. There is so much movement in them, but how severe the second sculpture is. Maybe it was not in vain that our empress prohibited such things in churches...

Sisoy Shalmatov was born in Russia, near Tver. He graduated from the public school and moved to Tver, where he opened his sculpture workshop. In 1752, for an unknown reason, he moved to the Sumy region, i.e. to Ukraine. where he also opens a workshop. With his assistants, he carries out orders - making magnificent wooden carved iconostases for many churches in the area. In 1765, Catherine the Second issued a decree prohibiting artistic, secular decoration of churches and the inadmissibility of " wooden blockheads and other liberties".Nevertheless, in 1768-1773, by order of the Koshe Ataman P. Kalnishevsky, Sisoy Shalmatov creates a huge carved iconostasis and sculptures for the Church of the Intercession in Romny. It seems that this iconostasis, which contemporaries considered a miracle, has not survived to our day days I only found this amazing image of part of the iconostasis.

The wooden sculpture of the Archangel Gabriel, made by an unknown sculptor from the Ternopil region in the 18th century, reminded me even more of Pinzel’s work. (I plan to go to the Ternopil region, where Pinzel lived and where his works miraculously survived).

In the same room there are interesting icons of the Deesis row of the iconstasis from the Church of St. Paraskeva, Ivano-Frankivsk region. The church was built in 1735 with money allocated by the legendary Oleksa Dovbush.
The icons were taken from the Church of St. Paraskeva to the Dovzhenko film studio when they were filming “Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors.” After filming the film, the icons were transferred to the museum...

Perhaps not everyone knows who Oleksa Dovbush is. From 1738 to 1745, poor people considered Oleks Dovbush theirs.
savior and protector from all sorts of oppressors. Oleksa Dovbush led the national liberation movement in the Eastern Carpathians, organizing detachments of the so-called opryshki. Here's how Ivan Franko wrote about him: " Who was recently the prince and ruler of the mountains, the eagle of that air, the deer of those hogs, the lord of lords to the very waters of the Dniester? Dovbush! Before whom did the brave and strong tremble, did the proud obey?..."
Until now, the Dovbush rocks keep their secrets. They say that Oleksa Dovbush buried his treasures there - what he took from the rich. I once had to “jump” along these Dovbush rocks. Of course, I didn’t find the treasure. But the memories remain for the rest of my life...

And this is what I discovered when I found Oleksa Dovbush’s portrait on the Internet.
How similar! Judging by this icon, painted by an unknown Hutsul icon painter, we can talk about how great it was people's love to the "band of opryshkivs".

I want to show you another very interesting icon. "Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary" 1755. Kiev region. Around deceased Mother of God The 11 apostles mourn together with the people. Jesus Christ holds the soul of his Mother in his hands. Angels rejoice in heaven. But look - who is that in a black robe and a hat standing below?

Next to him is Archangel Michael. But why did the man in black have his hands cut off? Surely Archangel Michael did this. But for what? Who can tell me this story? And what is in the Archangel's left hand?
This is surprising, but the museum curators only shrugged their shoulders in bewilderment in response to my question.
And here is the immediate answer that my faithful friend told me momak71
“The apostles performed the burial of the Mother of God in the tomb where Her parents Joachim and Anna and her husband Joseph the Betrothed were laid to rest. The most pure body of the Virgin Mary was carried in a solemn procession on a bed through Jerusalem, which was reported to the high priests. The guards sent by them were unable to disperse the procession thanks to the miracle: “cloudy a circle floating through the air descended to the ground and, as if with a wall, surrounded both the holy Apostles and the rest of the Christians." High Priest Athos, passing by the procession, tried to overturn the bed, but his hands were cut off by an invisible force. After repentance, he received healing and confessed himself to be a Christian."
Now we know that the hands of the high priest Athos were cut off. Why did he want to overturn the bed? Yes, because he was of the Jewish faith - that’s why he wore black and a hat. And the Archangel Michael was added by the icon painter.
And here is the answer about the ball in the hand of Archangel Michael, which was suggested by an inquisitive tsibirinka :
"The globe, or mirror, is depicted primarily among the archangels Michael and Gabriel. For the first time, a mirror (with an image of a cross) appeared in the hands of an angel on the coins of Emperor Leontius (484-488). Its meaning is interpreted in different ways: the celestial sphere, symbolizing the universe, a disk, a shield, “the seal of the King of Heaven.” On medieval icons, the globe is in most cases depicted as light and transparent, like a glass ball or sphere; it is inscribed with the Greek letter "Chi" or the Greek monogram IC XC. In Rus' there was a belief that through the mirror the archangels would know the will of God.
A mirror is a transparent sphere-sphere through which angels can contemplate the reflection of God without daring to look at Him.
This is what it means - help from the hall of FRIENDS! Thank you!!!

Let's move on to the beautiful Baroque icon painting. 17-18 centuries
“The aesthetic features of Ukrainian Baroque include multicolor, contrast, picturesqueness, enhanced decorativeness, dynamism and, most importantly, unprecedented whimsicality of forms.” And we see all this in the magnificent paired icons, which depict the Holy Great Martyrs Anastasia and Juliania. Early 18th century. Look how tenderly their figure is curved, how beautiful their secular clothes are and how tender the fingers gripping the sword.

Real pearls of the museum collection. And how magnificent the floral ornament is! The colors shimmer and shimmer. It seems that these are not flowers, but precious stones.

Such beautiful Holy Martyrs Varvara and Ekaterina. And on the shoulders are still the same - a cross and a palm branch.
The name of the artist from the Southern Left Bank is unknown.

Holy Great Martyr Paraskeva. People call it Paraskeva Friday. According to legend, she lived in the third century, during the reign of Emperor Diocletian. She was a Christian, for which she was beheaded. Depicted with a sword in his hand. Here the icon painter also added a palm branch.
We read on Wikipedia: " Saint Paraskeva - guardian family well-being and happiness, is considered an assistant in motherhood and women's health. Saint pray for a gift good husband and in marital infertility. In addition, they pray to Saint Paraskeva to preserve livestock from death. The holy martyr is a healer of people from the most severe mental and physical illnesses".
I am showing this icon because I was very touched by the light smile of the Saint, which is so rare in icon painting. And also the look of wide-open eyes, which, it seems to me, are studying us with great interest.

I couldn’t resist and copied the following picture from the museum’s website (all previous ones are the author’s). “Spies of the Land of Canaan.” Mid 18th century. Poltava region.
Who is familiar with Old Testament, he is well aware of this plot. During the Israelites' search for the Promised Land, they approached the land of Canaan. Moses sent 12 spies on reconnaissance to find out what kind of land it was. And although the spies saw how beautiful and abundant this land was, they hid this information, And only Joshua and Caleb told the truth and bore fruit from there.
What is interesting about this icon? It seems to us that this is a secular picture. Two handsome men in medieval outfits are walking and carrying an amazing fruit. The picture was very interesting. It turned out that the composition of the icon was taken from an engraving of the so-called “ Obverse Bible" (lat. Theatrum Biblicum, 1650), five hundred engravings for which were made according to drawings by Flemish and Dutch masters of the previous generation". This "Front Bible" was also called the Piscator Bible. Piscator is a famous publishing house of Dutch engravers and cartographers Visscher. It turns out that iconographic scenes from this Bible, which was reprinted several times, were widely used by icon painters throughout Europe.

Canonical subjects: "The Nativity of Christ" and "Entry into Jerusalem". 1729 Icons from the iconostasis of the Assumption Cathedral Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. The author is also unknown, but his talented brush is impressive. There are no longer flat faces, frozen figures, or lack of perspective. Everything is in motion. We see general rejoicing at the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. Can one really imagine that very little time will pass and those who so joyfully greeted the Savior will shout “Crucify Him, crucify Him!”...

Icon of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin. A favorite subject among Orthodox icon painters. According to legend, at the beginning of the 9th century, Byzantium was at war with the Muslims, and the capture of Constantinople was under threat. And suddenly, during all-night vigil in the church, walking on air appeared Holy Mother of God, illuminated by heavenly light and surrounded by angels and a host of saints. The vision meant that the inhabitants of the city were saved and the enemy would retreat.
This icon from the first half of the 18th century from a church in the Kiev region is especially interesting because in it you can see Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky in the crowd of parishioners.

A few more icons and I’m finishing our tour of the first halls of the museum dedicated to icon painting.
It is very rare to see an icon of the sleeping Savior in a church.
“Christ is the ever-watchful eye.” 1735. The icon is filled with symbols - a cross with a sign "INRI" - Jesus of Nazareth, King of Judea. Rooster - remember how Peter betrayed Him? Chalice - ("If possible, Abba Father, carry this Chalice past...") Crown of thorns. Instruments of Christ's Passion...
The origin of the icon has not been established.

And here is a generally interesting story. This is what my “investigation” showed.
During early Christianity, Jesus Christ was often depicted as a fish, lamb, pelican, etc. It turns out that in 692, by decree of the Ecumenical Council, allegorical images of Jesus Christ were prohibited. But some images remained, such as the pelican.
In the Bestiary of Leonardo da Vinci (the Bestiary is a handwritten collection of the great Leonardo, where he describes the morals, behavior of animals, legends about them) we read: " The pelican father passionately loves his chicks and, finding them killed by a snake in the nest, tears open his chest and, having washed them with his blood, brings them back to life."
Here's something else I found interesting. IN " Divine Comedy“Dante, where “Paradise” is, Jesus Christ is called by the great Italian “nostro Pelicano” - “Our Pelican” (lat.) - Pelican of humanity.
This is where the image of the pelican came from church symbols. That is, the pelican is an allegorical image of Jesus Christ, who saved humanity with his blood.
This is what we can see in this wonderful icon, which in 1897 was given to the museum by priest Savva Dotsenka from the village of Gradizk, Kremenchutsky district, Poltava region.
I would like to note that many interesting information gleaned from the tablets accompanying each icon. But you can’t read something like this in every museum.

And finally, one more biblical story about Samson. Remember the opera "Samson and Delilah"? This is the same Samson. I won’t retell all his most interesting exploits - you can read it on the Internet if you wish. And this sculpture interested me very much, because I remembered that I saw the same one here in Kyiv, on Kontraktova Square. It turned out that the museum has the original. Moreover, this is the first lion that appeared in Kyiv. Except for those, of course, who, according to legend, once wandered along the Dnieper steeps...

They write that the unknown author of the sculpture made an inaccuracy. According to the biblical text, Samson's tearing open the lion's mouth is not mentioned. The Book of Judges says this: " And the Spirit of the Lord came upon him, and he tore the lion to pieces like a kid; but he had nothing in his hand"...
But what a performance! I just want to throw something into this mouth...

I'm finishing the tour. Showed quite a bit. There are still so many halls ahead, and so much more to tell!

To a big, beautiful red house, like a palace. Moving from hall to hall, people are moving here.... (S. Mikhalkov)

No sooner said than done!! WITHEarly in the morning we went to the Weapons Museum. Honestly, we were going there for a long time, but we were waiting for the 4th floor with modern weapons to open, so that, like hell, we could look at all the floors! Our path lay through the Nikolo-Zaretsky Church.

(from Wikipedia) The founder of the temple is considered to be the son of Nikita Demidov - Akinfiy Demidov. Initially, the church was built according to the usual plan: the altar, the main volume, the refectory, and the bell tower were located along the east-west line. But on October 3, 1730, the newly built bell tower, probably located above the Demidov tomb, collapsed. Fifteen people were killed and nine were injured. Then the bell tower was rebuilt separately on the other side of Nikolsky (now Oruzheyny) Lane. The temple building is rectangular, greatly elongated, with a raised middle part.In 1734, a chapel-crypt for the burial of family members appeared on the first floor of the temple. Demidova.

In the 1770s and 1780s, the building underwent repairs and reconstruction. May 2, 1779 in Zarechye there was a big fire. The Nikolo-Zaretsky Church also suffered, most of all its roof, upper temple and gallery. The fire caused damage to almost all parishioners of the church, so its restoration took several years. By 1803, the entire church and porch were painted. In addition to the Demidovs, among the benefactors of the Nikolo-Zaretsky Church were representatives of other famous Tula families. In particular, Andrei and Ivan Rodionovich Batashev took part in finding funds to restore the church after the fire. The gunsmiths Lyalin, Korotkov, merchants Zverev, Belousov and others made their contributions to the temple.

In 1862, a new iconostasis was built in the upper church to replace the old one, which had fallen into disrepair. The rector of the church, Archpriest John Myasnovsky, donated 2,300 rubles for this purpose. In 1914, along Demidovskaya Street and Nikolsky Lane, which bordered the church site from the west and south, a forged fence on a white stone base appeared. At the temple there was a shelter in which four elderly women lived at the beginning of the 20th century. The almshouse at the Nikolo-Zaretsky Church was mentioned back in 1782. The parochial school has operated at the church since 1894.

Soviet period

In 1924, the temple was included in the list of churches and monasteries of the Tula province, registered with the department for museums and the protection of monuments of art and antiquities of the People's Commissariat of Education (Narkompros).

Modern period.

In 1995, a project for the restoration of the St. Nicholas Church was developed, which was worked on by Tula architect V. Klimenko, Vladimir architect V. Fomin, engineers and scientists from Tula State University, as well as specialists from Suzdal. The original drawings and design of the temple have not been preserved, so the developers of the restoration project used old photographs and materials available in the State Archive of the Tula Region. In 1996, the temple was hastily restored to celebrate the 850th anniversary of the first mention of Tula in the chronicle and the 340th anniversary of the birth of Nikita Demidov.

In 1999, on the eve of the Nativity of Christ, the temple was transferred to the Tula diocese. On March 29, 2004, seven bells made in Voronezh using the technology of ancient Russian craftsmen were raised to the belfry of the Nikolo-Zaretsky Church. The lower church with three altars was also restored. In 2006, the altar was consecrated in the name of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called, in 2007 - the altar in the name of the holy royal passion-bearers Nicholas, Alexandra, Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia and Alexy, in 2008 - the main altar in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.They operate at the temple Sunday School and a library. On Sundays, spiritual conversations are held with adults. In 1996, a historical memorial was opened Museum "Necropolis of the Demidovs" — branch of the TOIALM association. It is located in a single-storey former residential building built in the late 1920s on the grounds of a church garden. The museum includes an introductory hall with the exhibition “The Demidovs and the Tula Region” and the intra-church family tomb of the Demidovs in the Nikolo-Zaretsky Church. This is the only surviving intra-church burial of representatives of the first generations of the Demidovs in Russia.

The decoration of the temple is amazing!

What a wonderful experience I had there! Joyful, bright! I couldn't get enough of it!

The Christmas service was already over, it smelled of incense, my soul felt - WONDERFUL! It can be joyful, it can be fun, and it can be WONDERFUL. I felt WONDERFUL!)

Then we went to the Weapon Museum.

What immediately caught my eye and outraged me.

Entrance ticket price. 400 rubles on the nose - that's crazy! Guide services - 1250 rubles for 2 hours. Imagine a family with 2 children. An ordinary young family. In which either the older one should buy shoes for school, or the younger one (for example) should pay for a speech therapist - or go to the museum with sandals! And whaaaat?!! Such a trip can turn out to be an Event in the life of a family! So much to fuck off! I just shook my head! We got our bearings and found 6 more young people (3 couples) with whom we jointly paid for a guide for eight. Therefore, the trip cost us 1112 rubles 50 kopecks. The cafe on the first floor has a hefty price tag. Many people carry their own bottles of water, because they would be willing to pay 100 rubles for a glass of water! I didn’t take anything to drink with me and bravely endured it until the end - 2 hours of excursion and another hour we walked on our own - once again remembering what we saw.

What I liked.

There are a lot of people. A lot of young people! So many married couples with children, for example, one is in a stroller, the other is riding on daddy’s neck. Everyone is sitting, asking questions with interest, it’s clear that the kids are sincerely interested in the inspection! There are a lot of older couples - it’s just too crowded. The buses carry new and new batches of people, and it is clear that the exhibition is really captivating and interesting and it is simply impossible to imagine it any other way - it is incredibly executed!!

Everything in the museum is very modernly equipped. There is a TV guide near each display case. You can walk around and read about each individual specimen or this or that exhibit. There are a lot of audio slides, it’s nice to listen, it’s cleverly designed, by God!!

We enjoyed seeing the development of modern weapons. The Smerch and Grad system, which destroyed terrorist bases in Syria. And I pouted like a toad from the realization that my Motherland, if anything, would stand up for itself in such a way that no one would care! It really blew me away! And more than once I remembered that I am Russian - and I am proud of it! Our land will not become scarce, as they say!

I was touched by the work of the masters, which can be seen on a grain of rice under a microscope!

Look how cool the exhibition looks:

In general, of course, I want to convey the story about the museum to a professional. Dmitry Krylov.

Here is his absolutely magical report from 4 minutes 30 seconds.

Anyone who takes the time to spend 10 minutes will enjoy it to the fullest - a delightful show!

That's how our day ended. We arrived tired and hungry. We had a festive lunch of herring under a fur coat, stewed potatoes And chicken breast with pickled tomatoes, we rested and went about our own business - my husband sanded the door in the hall for re-coating with stain, and I cleaned the kitchen, came back from my obligatory evening walk and wrote this report of mine

Happy Merry Christmas to everyone! Light, goodness, happiness, health to you, may Lady luck accompany you in all your affairs, may your children not get sick and make you happy, may your parents be alive and healthy, Christmas miracles to you, warmth and love! Always yours. Zhenya)

Our museum is in the top ten best museums countries!

Sergey Mikhalkov


On Sunday with my sister

We left the yard.

“I’ll take you to the museum!”

My sister told me.

Here we go through the square

And we finally enter

To a big, beautiful red house,

Looks like a palace.

Moving from hall to hall,

People are moving here.

The whole life of a great leader

Stands in front of me.

I see the house where Lenin grew up,

And that certificate of merit

What did you bring from the gymnasium?

Ulyanov high school student.

Here the books are lined up -

He read them as a child,

Above them many years ago

He thought and dreamed.

Since childhood, he dreamed of

So that on our native land

A man lived by his own labor

And he was not in bondage.

Days behind days, years after years

They pass in succession,

Ulyanov is learning, growing,

Going to a secret meeting

Ulyanov is young.

He was seventeen,

Seventeen years in total

But he is a fighter! And that's why

The king is afraid of him!

An order is sent to the police:

“Grab Ulyanov!”

And so he was expelled for the first time,

Must live in the village.

Time passes. And again

He is where life is in full swing:

Goes to speak to the workers,

He speaks at meetings.

Does he go to his relatives?

Is it going to the factory?

The police are everywhere behind him

He follows and doesn't lag behind...

Again - denunciation, again - prison

And deportation to Siberia...

Winter is long in the north,

Taiga both far and wide.

A light flickers in the hut,

The candle burns all night.

More than one sheet of paper has been written on

By the hand of Ilyich.

How could he speak?

How they believed him!

What space could he open?

Both heart and mind!

And the people listened to the leader,

And they followed him forward,

Sparing neither strength nor life

For the truth, for the people!..

At that time Stalin was young,

Persistent, straight and bold,

On hard way in front of

He looked like Lenin.

And now the desired moment has come,

The desired day has come

And the hand of a faithful student

Shook the teacher.

Their hearts beat in harmony,

And they have one goal,

And this goal to the end

All life is dedicated!

We are moving to a new room,

And loudly, in silence,

“Look, Svetlana,” I said: “

Picture on the wall!"

And in the picture - that hut

Off the Finnish coast,

In which our beloved leader

Hidden from enemies.

Scythe, and rake, and ax,

And the old oar...

How many years have passed since then

How many winters have passed!

It’s impossible in this kettle,

Must be heating the water

But as we wish, friends,

Look at the teapot!

We see the city of Petrograd

In the seventeenth year:

The sailor is running, the soldier is running,

They shoot on the move.

A worker drags a machine gun.

Now he will enter the battle.

There is a poster: “Down with the gentlemen!

Down with the landowners!”

Carried by detachments and regiments

Kumach cloths,

And ahead are the Bolsheviks,

Ilyich's guards.

So in October power fell

Bourgeois and nobles.

So in October the dream came true

Workers and peasants.

The victory was not easy,

But Lenin led the people

And Lenin saw far away,

For many years to come.

And the correctness of your ideas -

Great person -

He is all working people

United forever.

How dear any object is to us,

Stored under glass!

An object that has been warmed

His hands are warm!

A gift from my fellow countrymen,

Red Army gift -

Overcoat and helmet. He accepted them

As the first commissioner.

Feather. He took it in his hands

Sign the decree.

Watch. From them he recognized

When to go to the Council.

We see Ilyich's chair

And a lamp on the table.

With this lamp at night

He worked in the Kremlin.

And here with Stalin more than once

He consulted...

His whole office is now

Moved to the museum.

Here are the photographs hanging,

We recognize the photograph -

It shows Comrade Lenin

Together with Stalin.

They stand shoulder to shoulder

They look calm

And Stalin said something to Ilyich

He says with a smile.

And suddenly we meet the guys

And we recognize friends:

That's a squad of young Leninists

I came to the museum for a gathering.

Under the banner of Lenin they

They rise solemnly,

And they swore an oath to Lenin

Solemnly give:

“We swear to live like this in the world,

How the great leader lived

And also serve the Motherland,

How Lenin served her!

We swear by Lenin's path -

There is no straighter way! -

For our friend and leader -

Follow Stalin!”

On Sunday with my sister
We left the yard.
- I'll take you to the museum! -
My sister told me.

Here we go through the square
And we finally enter
To a big, beautiful red house,
Looks like a palace.

Moving from hall to hall,
People are moving here.
The whole life of a great leader
Stands in front of me.

I see the house where Lenin grew up,
And that certificate of merit
What did you bring from the gymnasium?
Ulyanov high school student.

Here the books are lined up -
He read them as a child,
Above them many years ago
He thought and dreamed.

Since childhood, he dreamed of
So that on our native land
A man lived by his own labor
And he was not in bondage.

Days behind days, years after years
They pass in succession,
Ulyanov is learning, growing,
Goes to a secret meeting
Ulyanov is young.

He was seventeen,
Seventeen years in total
But he is a fighter! And that's why
The king is afraid of him!

An order is sent to the police:
“Grab Ulyanov!”
And so he was expelled for the first time,
Must live in the village.

Time passes. And again
He is where life is in full swing:
Goes to speak to the workers,
He speaks at meetings.

Does he go to his relatives?
Is he going to the factory?
The police are everywhere behind him
He follows and doesn’t lag behind...

Again a denunciation, again a prison
And deportation to Siberia...
Winter is long in the north,
Taiga both far and wide.

A light flickers in the hut,
The candle burns all night.
More than one sheet of paper has been written on
By the hand of Ilyich.

How could he speak?
How they believed him!
What space could he open?
Both heart and mind!

This speech is not a few brave ones
On the path of life
I was able to captivate, I was able to ignite,
Lift and lead.

And those who listened to the leader
They followed him forward
Sparing neither strength nor life
For the truth, for the people!..

We are moving to a new room,
And loudly, in silence:
- Look, Svetlana, -
I said, -
Picture on the wall!

And in the picture - that hut
Off the Finnish coast,
In which our beloved leader
Hidden from enemies.

Scythe, and rake, and ax,
And the old oar...
How many years have passed since then
How many winters have passed!

It’s impossible in this kettle,
Must be heating the water
But as we wish, friends,
Look at the teapot!

We see the city of Petrograd
In the seventeenth year:
The sailor is running, the soldier is running,
They shoot on the move.

A worker drags a machine gun.
Now he will enter the battle.
There is a poster: “Down with the gentlemen!
Down with the landowners!”

Carried by detachments and regiments
Kumach cloths,
And ahead are the Bolsheviks,
Ilyich's guards.

October! Forever overthrown
Bourgeois and nobles.
So in October the dream came true
Workers and peasants.

The victory was not easy,
But Lenin led the people
And Lenin saw far away,
For many years to come.

And the correctness of your ideas -
Great person -
He is all working people
United forever.

How dear any object is to us,
Stored under glass!
An object that has been warmed
His hands are warm!

A gift from my fellow countrymen,
Red Army gift -
Overcoat and helmet. He accepted them as the first commissioner.

Feather. He took it in his hands
Sign the decree.
Watch. From them he recognized
When to go to the Council.

We see Ilyich's chair
And a lamp on the table.
With this lamp at night
He worked in the Kremlin.

I have seen more than one sunrise here,
I read, dreamed, created,
Answered letters from the front,
I talked to friends.

Peasants from distant villages
They came here for the truth,
We sat down with Lenin at the table,
We had a conversation with him.

And suddenly we meet the guys
And we get to know friends.
That's a squad of young Leninists
I came to the museum for a gathering.

Under the banner of Lenin they
They rise solemnly,
And they swore an oath to the Party
Solemnly give:

“We swear to live like this in the world,
How the great leader lived
And also serve the Motherland,
How Lenin served her!

We swear by Lenin's path -
There is no straighter way! -
For the wise and dear leader -
Follow the Party!”



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