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Yushka is a living person. Lesson-reflection on the story by A. Platonov “Yushka” “Without kindness and compassion there is no person...”. Literary direction and genre

Sections: Literature

Lesson objectives.

Educational: restore and deepen information about the writer’s biography;
develop the ability to characterize literary characters, the main character;
continue to develop the skill of working with a textbook; Help the children to better understand the content of the story.

Developmental: development of mental operations: analysis, generalization; speech development; developing the ability to formulate your thoughts.

Educational: cultivate a compassionate attitude towards people around you and an active civic position towards what is happening around you.

Equipment: portrait of A.P. Platonov, exhibition of Platonov’s books, presentation.

During the classes

One person's love can
bring to life talent in another
person or at least
awaken him to action.
I know this miracle...
A. Platonov

I. introduction teachers.

Guys! Today in class we will continue our acquaintance with the great Russian writer Andrei Platonovich Platonov. Let’s try to comprehend the content of the story “Yushka”, which you read for today’s lesson. Let's think about the nature of love for one's neighbor, about good and evil, and identify the philosophical problems that the author poses in his work.

And we will begin our conversation with reflection: why is a person born? How do you think? (Students’ answers.) Listen to the opinion of the modern poet Dmitry Golubkov, as he reflects on the purpose of man on Earth:

Man, like a star, is born
Among the vague, alarming milkiness
At infinity it begins
And it ends at infinity.
Created by generations
Century after century, the earth is imperishable.
Man, like a star, is born
So that the universe becomes brighter.

– In what lines did the poet express his opinion about the purpose of man? (Students' answers.)

This is how many years ago a man was born who was destined to become a writer. This is Andrei Platonovich Platonov (Klimentov). His name is a little familiar to us from the stories “Nikita”, “In a Beautiful and Furious World...”, “Cow”, “Flower on the Earth”. Reworked by Platonov folk tales, for example, “Magic Ring”, “Finist - Clear Falcon”, etc.

We learned that many things are important to Platonov: animals, plants, and nature. But the most important thing is a person who has a fatherly attitude towards everything that is nearby.

The life of A. Platonov (Klimentov A.P.) was short and difficult.

2. Student’s message about Platonov.
Andrei Platonovich Platonov was born on September 1, 1899. The surname Platonov is a pseudonym formed in 1920 on behalf of his father. His real name is Klimentov.
Platonov was born in Voronezh, in the family of a mechanic at railway workshops. From an early age I knew poverty and misery. Platonov’s father worked for about half a century as a locomotive driver, mechanic at railway. The mother was doing housework. The family was large, up to ten people, everyone lived on their father’s small salary. Andrey is the eldest child in the family. At the age of less than 14, he begins working, becomes the breadwinner, taking care of the family. “Besides the field, the village, his mother and the ringing of bells,” he also loved “steam locomotives, a car, a whining whistle and sweaty work.” Platonov worked “in many places, for many employers.” He was a laborer, a mechanic's assistant, a locomotive driver's assistant, a foundry worker, and an electrician. These “universities” shaped Platonov’s indifference to human needs. Hating suffering, in his youth he takes an oath to live in such a way as to leave no place for suffering on earth.
During the years of civil and Great Patriotic War he was at the front as a war correspondent. In November 1944, Platonov arrived from the front with a severe form of pulmonary tuberculosis. On January 5, 1951, he died from this disease. Buried in Moscow.

The works of A. Platonov were incomprehensible to many, so troubles befell him: criticism, misunderstanding, prohibitions, searches. And only after death came recognition. Wrote on different topics, but the main thing in Platonov’s works is the fate of man, the search for the meaning of life: “I am a man, I live on a beautiful living land... I just want to be a man. A person for me is a rarity and a holiday,” wrote A. Platonov.

Reading Platonov's works is not easy, since they require work of thought and heart. But we will try to live with his heroes for a very short time. It is to live in order to try to understand them, the author, and maybe even ourselves.

II. Work with text.

- And now we turn to Platonov's story “Yushka”, which you read at home.
Guys, tell me, who is the main character of the story? Let's try to look at Yushka through the eyes of those who live next to him.
– How do people see Yushka? What do they know about him? What do they think?

Before us is an old-looking man, weak, sick. “He was short and thin; on his wrinkled face, instead of a mustache and beard, sparse gray hairs grew separately; the eyes were white, like a blind man, and there was always moisture in them, like tears that never cooled down.” For many years he wears the same clothes, reminiscent of rags, without changing. And his table is modest: he did not drink tea and did not buy sugar. He is a handy assistant to the main blacksmith, performing work invisible to the prying eye, although necessary.
He is the first to go to the forge in the morning and the last to leave, so old men and women check the beginning and end of the day by him.
But in the eyes of adults, fathers and mothers, Yushka is a flawed person, unable to live, abnormal, which is why they remember him when scolding children: they say, you will be like Yushka.
In addition, every year Yushka goes somewhere for a month and then returns.

– What does no one know about him? How do they never see Yushka?

Having gone far from people, Yushka is transformed. It is open to the world: the fragrance of herbs, the voice of rivers, the singing of birds, the joy of dragonflies, beetles, grasshoppers - it lives in one breath, one living joy with this world. We see Yushka cheerful and happy (it seems that the illness has receded).

Express. reading descriptions of nature.

– How does this passage help you understand the image of Yushka?

(Yushka feels much better in nature than among people. He has no need to hide his “love for living beings” here.)

– Where does Yushka go every summer?

The secret is unknown to the inhabitants of the city, just as its true name is unknown. For them, he is just Yushka.

- Why do people make fun of Yushka? How does he answer the offenders? Who is right?

The class is divided into groups; Each of them is asked to focus on a specific episode and think about the questions raised. (For group work issues, seePresentations.)

1. Yushka’s meeting with the children (students provide quotes and comments).

– How do the children feel about him? What attracts children to Yushka?
- Why isn’t Yushka offended by them? Why do children, who are just beginning to live and, therefore, should not yet learn evil and hatred, torment Yushka? What do they expect from him?

(To torment, torment, mock, torment, torment, tyrannize.)

To torment – ​​1. To tear into pieces. 2. Torture morally.

(1. The children do not give Yushka a pass, pestering him with shouts, blows, throwing stones and rubbish at him. But it is not anger, not hatred of Yushka that drives the children. They are waiting for a natural, normal reaction - evil in response to evil. For them, evil - this is a manifestation of the norm. Moreover, evil for children is a source of joy and fun. Yushka joyfully responds to the joy of children, he is happy from the consciousness of his need. He understands that children are not to blame for the fact that there is no good in their lives.)

– How does Yushka himself explain the behavior of children? Do you agree with Yushka? What feelings does the episode of Yushka’s torture by children make you feel?

2. Yushka’s meeting with adults.
– How do adults, wiser people than children, treat Yushka? Why do adults sometimes offend him? Why do their hearts fill with fierce rage at the sight of Yushka? How does Yushka answer them?

(Adults also take out on Yushka “evil grief and resentment,” the fierce rage of their hearts. They cannot forgive Yushka for his dissimilarity, his silent meekness. “Be like everyone else,” that’s what they demand from Yushka.)

The children repeat the actions of their elders, whom Yushka annoys because he is different from them. They transferred their evil grief or insult with fierce rage to a defenseless person. Yushka's silence turned into his guilt, and his meekness led to even greater bitterness. And even Dasha, who felt sorry for Yushka, told him: “It would be better if you died!”

3. Yushka and girl Dasha.

– Is Yushka right when he tells Dasha that his people love him?
– How do you feel about Dasha’s words: “Their hearts are blind, but their eyes are sighted!” They love you after your heart, but they hit you according to their calculations”?
- Yushka responded to Dasha’s objections: “He loves me without a clue. People's hearts are blind" How do you understand this expression? (Opinions of the guys.)

A “blind heart” occurs in a person who is unable to understand another, sacrifice himself, do good, or even notice him, who loves only himself, and does not feel pity or compassion for others.

- How do you understand the word compassion?

“Compassion is pity, sympathy aroused by the misfortune of another person”

Synonyms: sympathy, mercy, regret, participation, pity...

4. Yushka and the cheerful passerby.

- How did Yushka disturb the cheerful passerby?

(The meeting with a cheerful passer-by, who reproached Yushka for walking on earth and wished him death, ends tragically. Unlike anyone, Yushka seems unnecessary to him, superfluous in this world. And for the first time, the meek, silent, humble Yushka is silent, objects to the offender.)

“We had already become so accustomed to Yushka, we began to understand him better, when suddenly something happened to him that everyone had been waiting for so long,” Yushka got angry. Is this word a coincidence? Platonov could have used any word close in meaning - angry, angry, angry, indignant. Why exactly did he get angry? (The word better matches his image.)

- What happened to Yushka? Why did he become angry, perhaps for the first time in his life?

Yushka realizes her value in this world (“I was assigned to live by my parents, I was born by law, the whole world needs me too...”) Platonov speaks about the primordial value of any human life, the uniqueness of every person...

– Did the cheerful passer-by want Yushka’s death?

III. Working with illustrations.

The artist’s illustration for the story helps to feel the gravity of what is happening even more. What episode is depicted on it?

Conclusion: One person cannot put himself above others, no one has the right to judge other people for their dissimilarity, much less mock and kill.

- All the people came to say goodbye to Yushka. Perhaps someone's blind heart has seen the light, even if only for a short time. “ However, life became worse without Yushka" Why?

– What memory did Yushka leave about himself after his death?

Unfortunately, good does not always win in life. But goodness and love, according to Platonov, do not dry up, do not leave the world with the death of a person. Years have passed since Yushka's death. The city has long forgotten him. But Yushka raised with his small means, denying himself everything, an orphan who, having studied, became a doctor and helped people. The doctor's wife is called the daughter of the good Yushka.

- Yes, it is thanks to the girl doctor that the city will recognize the name of the man whom everyone habitually called Yushka - Efim Dmitrievich.
Guys, do you know what the names Efim and Dmitry mean? (Message from a prepared student.)

Yushka – it is blood, the life-giving fluid. A significant loss of which threatens the body with death.

Efim - pious, benevolent, sacred.
Name Dmitry goes back to the name of Demeter, the ancient Greek goddess of agriculture and fertility. Good grains grown in the unfertile soil of parental love bear generous fruits of goodness.

And Andrei Platonov’s fruit turned out to be an orphan girl, who later became a doctor.

- Thus, what important topic does he raise in his story? A.P. Platonov? ( The theme of mercy, compassion for people.)
– How do you understand the meaning of words? mercy, sympathy, compassion, evil, good.
Did you feel the author's attitude towards this hero? Does he blame anyone for Yushka's death? Does he judge people for their cruelty?

(Platonov, undoubtedly, loves his hero, pities him, but leaves us, the readers, the right to draw our own conclusions. With his own will, the writer could change a lot in the plot of the story. But even with this tragic ending, Platonov retains faith in the victory of humanity over inhumanity.)

How does the story make you feel?

However, the story evokes not only a feeling of pity, but also indignation at the cruel reality, people (children and adults) who are inaccessible to such elementary and necessary feelings as compassion and kindness.

What does A. Platonov teach us?

A. Platonov teaches us pity and compassion, teaches us to love and respect a person, to empathize with his grief and help him, to see everyone as an equal, to understand him.

IV. Working with statements famous people.

– Read the proposed statements of famous people and try to choose the one that most suits our topic. Prove it.

Respect the human personality in yourself and others.
DI. Pisarev

The smarter and kinder a person is, the more he notices goodness in people.
B. Pascal

Great souls endure suffering in silence.
F. Schiller

Do not be indifferent, for indifference is deadly to the human soul.
M Gorky

“The old wisdom says: do not cry for the dead - cry for the one who has lost his soul and conscience.”
V. Rasputin

“Love your neighbor as yourself.”

To summarize our conversation, I want you to understand that goodness sprouts and bears fruit. “So every good thing bears good fruit,” says the Gospel. Don’t be blind, have a seeing heart, don’t forget that there are people next to you who need your help, your participation, compassion and empathy...

V. Homework

Write a mini-essay on one of the topics:

  1. Is it easy to be a merciful person?
  2. What did the story “Yushka” make me think about?

The story by A.P. Platonov “Yushka” is small in volume, but quite deep in content. It makes the reader think about many pressing issues and take a fresh look at the topic of human mercy and compassion. In order to better understand the true meaning of the work, it is better to re-read it several times. At first it seems that we're talking about just about a person who grew old early and is not like others.

In fact, Yushka was not only different from the residents of the city in which he lived, but also had the most kind hearted. He was only forty, but he already looked like a real old man. Perhaps this physical defect became another reason for people to unreasonably offend him. He looked so unhappy because of a serious illness, namely consumption, which systematically destroyed him from year to year, taking away his last strength.

Despite this, Yushka did not lose faith in a better future, in people, in the beauty of the surrounding nature and the benefits of physical labor. He worked from morning to evening for one successful blacksmith. He lived and ate with him, and put all the money he earned somewhere. It was rumored that Yushka had a daughter, to whom he went to the village from time to time. He gave this money to her so that she could pay for her education.

In fact, Platonov’s hero had such a broad soul that he helped an orphan girl. She was his “called daughter,” but he loved her no less than his own. Actually, Yushka loved all the children, even when they called them names and threw stones or sand. Adults also often offended him, which made him seem even more unhappy and unnecessary to anyone.

At the end of the story it turns out that he was much better than all of them. At least he knew how to show mercy and compassion towards all living things. While he was alive, it never occurred to anyone to feel sorry for the poor man, if only because he was seriously ill. And when he was gone, and there was no one to take out their anger on, people began to quarrel with each other more often. Unlike them, Yushka knew the value of life.

Report 7th grade.

Andrei Platonov in his works creates a special world that amazes us, fascinates or bewilders us, but always makes us think deeply. The writer reveals to us beauty and greatness, kindness and openness ordinary people who are able to endure the unbearable, to survive in conditions in which it would seem impossible to survive. Such people, according to the author, can transform the world. The hero of the story “Yushka” appears before us as such an extraordinary person.

Kind and warm-hearted Yushka has a rare gift of love. This love is truly holy and pure: “He bent down to the ground and kissed the flowers, trying not to breathe on them so that they would not be spoiled by his breath, he stroked the bark of the trees and picked up butterflies and beetles from the path that had fallen dead, and peered for a long time in their faces, feeling orphaned without them.” Immersing himself in the world of nature, inhaling the aroma of forests and herbs, he rests his soul and even stops feeling his illness (poor Yushka suffers from consumption). He sincerely loves people, especially one orphan whom he raised and educated in Moscow, denying himself everything: he never drank tea or ate sugar, “so that she would eat it.” Every year he goes to visit the girl, bringing money for the whole year so that she can live and study. He loves her more than anything in the world, and she is probably the only one of all people who answers him “with all the warmth and light of her heart.” Having become a doctor, she came to the town to cure Yushka of the illness that was tormenting him. But, unfortunately, it was already too late. Not having time to save her adoptive father, the girl still remains to spread to all people the feelings kindled in her soul by the unfortunate holy fool - her warmth and kindness. She remains to “treat and comfort sick people, without tiring of quenching suffering and delaying death from the weakened.”

Dostoevsky wrote: “Man is a mystery.” Yushka, in his “naked” simplicity, seems frankly understandable to people. But his dissimilarity from everyone irritates not only adults, but also children, and also attracts a person “with a blind heart” to him. All the life of the unfortunate Yushka, everyone beats, insults and offends him. Children and adults make fun of Yushka and reproach him “for his unrequited stupidity.” However, he never shows anger towards people, never responds to their insults. Children throw stones and dirt at him, push him, not understanding why he doesn’t scold them, doesn’t chase them with a twig, like other adults. On the contrary, when he was in real pain, this strange man would say: “What are you doing, my dears, what are you doing, little ones!.. You must love me?.. Why do you all need me?..” The naive Yushka sees in the continuous bullying of people, a perverted form of self-love: “People love me, Dasha!” - he says to the owner’s daughter.

Before us is an old-looking man, weak, sick. “He was short and thin; on his wrinkled face, instead of a mustache and beard, sparse gray hairs grew separately; the eyes were white, like a blind man’s, and there was always moisture in them, like never-cooling tears.” For many years he wears the same clothes, reminiscent of rags, without changing. And his table is modest: he did not drink tea and did not buy sugar. He is an assistant to the main blacksmith, performing work that is invisible to the prying eye, although necessary.

He is the first to go to the forge in the morning and the last to leave, so old men and women check the beginning and end of the day by him. But in the eyes of adults, fathers and mothers, Yushka is a flawed person, unable to live, abnormal, which is why they remember him when scolding children: they say, you will be like Yushka. In addition, every year Yushka goes somewhere for a month and then returns. Having gone far from people, Yushka is transformed. It is open to the world: the fragrance of herbs, the voice of rivers, the singing of birds, the joy of dragonflies, beetles, grasshoppers - it lives in one breath, one living joy with this world. We see Yushka cheerful and happy.

And Yushka dies because his fundamental feeling and conviction that each person “by necessity” is equal to another is insulted. Only after his death it turns out that he was still right in his beliefs: people really needed him.

Platonov affirms in his story the idea of ​​​​the importance of love and goodness coming from person to person. He strives to bring to life the principle taken from children's fairy tales: nothing is impossible, everything is possible. The author himself said: “We must love the Universe that can be, and not the one that is. The impossible is the bride of humanity, and our souls fly to the impossible...” Unfortunately, good does not always win in life. But goodness and love, according to Platonov, do not dry up and do not leave the world with the death of a person. Years have passed since Yushka's death. The city has long forgotten him. But Yushka raised with his small means, denying himself everything, an orphan who, having studied, became a doctor and helped people. The doctor's wife is called the daughter of the good Yushka.

I would like to finish the report by reading a poem by Alexander Yakovlevich Yashin: “Hurry to do good deeds”:

My life with my stepfather was not fun, but he raised me - And that’s why

Sometimes I regret that I didn’t have the opportunity to please him with at least something. When he fell ill and died quietly, his mother tells him, day by day

More and more often he remembered me and waited: “If only Shurka... He would have saved me!” I told a homeless grandmother in my native village that I loved her so much that when I grew up I would build her a house myself,

I’ll prepare firewood, I’ll buy a cartload of bread. I dreamed about a lot, I promised a lot...

In the siege of Leningrad, an old man

I would save you from death

Yes, I'm a day late

And centuries will not return that day.

Now I've walked a thousand roads -

I could buy a cart of bread, cut down a house...

No stepfather

And grandma died...

Hurry up to do good deeds!

Questions about the report:

1) Who is the main character of A.P.’s story? Platonov's "Yushka"?

2) How does Platonov portray Yushka?

3) Why do children and adults mock and laugh at Yushka?

4) What does A.P.’s story teach readers? Platonov's "Yushka"?

A defenseless, sick person endures the bullying of others all his life. After his death, people find out that he selflessly helped an orphan girl.

Efim, popularly nicknamed Yushka, works as a blacksmith’s assistant. This weak person, old in appearance, was only forty years old. He looks old because of consumption, which he has suffered from for a long time. Yushka has been working at the forge for so long that local residents set their watches by him: adults, seeing him go to work, wake up the young people, and when he returns home, they say that it is time for dinner and sleep.

Very often, children and adults offend Yushka, beat him, throw stones, sand and earth at him, but he endures everything, does not take offense and is not angry with them. Sometimes children try to anger Yushka, but nothing works out for them, and sometimes they don’t even believe that Yushka is alive. Yushka himself believes that those around him show “blind love” to him.

Yushka does not spend the money he earns, he only drinks empty water. Every summer he goes somewhere, but no one knows where exactly, and Yushka does not admit it, he names different places. People think that he goes to see his daughter, who is just like him, simple and useless to anyone.

Every year Yushka becomes weaker from consumption. One summer, instead of leaving, Yushka stays at home. That evening, as usual, he returns from the forge and meets a passerby who begins to make fun of him. For the first time, Yushka does not tolerate ridicule in silence, but answers a passerby that if he was born, then that means he is needed white light. These words are not to the taste of the passerby. He pushes Yushka in the sore chest, he falls and dies.

A master passing by finds Yushka and realizes that he is dead. All the neighbors from his street come to Yushkin’s funeral, even those who offended him. Now they had no one to take their anger out on, and people began to swear more often.

One day in the city appears unknown girl, frail and pale, and begins to look for Efim Dmitrievich. The blacksmith doesn’t immediately remember that that was Yushka’s name.

At first everyone thinks the girl is Yushka’s daughter, but she turns out to be an orphan. Yushka took care of her, placing her first in a Moscow family, then in a boarding school with training. Every summer he went to the girl and gave her all the money he earned. Knowing about Yushka’s illness, the girl studied to be a doctor and wanted to cure him. She did not know that Yushka had died - he simply did not come to her, and the girl went to look for him. The blacksmith takes her to the cemetery.

The girl remains to work in that city, selflessly helps people, and everyone calls her “Yushka’s daughter,” no longer remembering who Yushka is and that she is not his daughter.


Andrei Platonov in his works creates a special world that amazes us, fascinates or bewilders us, but always makes us think deeply. The writer reveals to us the beauty and greatness, kindness and openness of ordinary people who are able to endure the unbearable, to survive in conditions in which it would seem impossible to survive. Such people, according to the author, can transform the world. The hero of the story “Yushka” appears before us as such an extraordinary person.

Kind and warm-hearted Yushka has a rare gift of love. This love is truly holy and pure: “He bent down to the ground and kissed the flowers, trying not to breathe on them so that they would not be spoiled by his breath, he stroked the bark of the trees and picked up butterflies and beetles from the path that had fallen dead, and peered for a long time in their faces, feeling orphaned without them.” Immersing himself in the world of nature, inhaling the aroma of forests and herbs, he rests his soul and even stops feeling his illness (poor Yushka suffers from consumption). He sincerely loves people, especially one orphan whom he raised and educated in Moscow, denying himself everything: he never drank tea or ate sugar, “so that she would eat it.” Every year he goes to visit the girl, bringing money for the whole year so that she can live and study. He loves her more than anything in the world, and she is probably the only one of all people who answers him “with all the warmth and light of her heart.” Having become a doctor, she came to the town to cure Yushka of the illness that was tormenting him. But, unfortunately, it was already too late. Not having time to save her adoptive father, the girl still remains to spread to all people the feelings kindled in her soul by the unfortunate holy fool - her warmth and kindness. She remains to “treat and comfort sick people, without tiring of quenching suffering and delaying death from the weakened.”

All the life of the unfortunate Yushka, everyone beats, insults and offends him. Children and adults make fun of Yushka and reproach him “for his unrequited stupidity.” However, he never shows anger towards people, never responds to their insults. Children throw stones and dirt at him, push him, not understanding why he doesn’t scold them, doesn’t chase them with a twig, like other adults. On the contrary, when he was in real pain, this strange man said: “What are you doing, my dears, what are you doing, little ones!.. You must

Maybe, love me?.. Why do you all need me?..” The naive Yushka sees in the continuous bullying of people a perverted form of self-love: “People love me, Dasha!” - he says to the owner’s daughter. And Yushka dies because his fundamental feeling and conviction that each person “by necessity” is equal to another is insulted. Only after his death it turns out that he was still right in his beliefs: people really needed him.

Platonov affirms in his story the idea of ​​​​the importance of love and goodness coming from person to person. He strives to bring to life the principle taken from children's fairy tales: nothing is impossible, everything is possible. The author himself said: “We must love the Universe that can be, and not the one that is. The impossible is the bride of humanity, and our souls fly to the impossible...”

I love reading - much more than watching TV. After all, it is books that give a person new friends and acquaintances, and help them, without leaving the room, participate in exciting travels and adventures. By making the destinies and life stories of other people close, books help us gain new experiences, learn and improve.

After reading some books, you realize that their characters become especially dear, you really begin to treat them as living people, friends. So is Yushka - main character the story of A.P. Platonov, whose fate is happy and tragic at the same time. Of course, at first glance, only the troubles and problems of this seem obvious. amazing person. Sick and lonely, Yushka worked in the forge from morning to evening. He gave all his money, earned during the year, to support an orphan girl that was alien to him, and he even denied himself the purchase of essential, necessary things - clothes, shoes, tea, sugar. But the main problem, as I believe, was that no one took the kind and naive Yushka seriously or understood him; everyone only laughed at his oddities, and often tortured and even beat him. And there was not a single soul nearby who could protect the weak Yushka, share his joys and anxieties.

And yet this strange, extraordinary man cannot be called unhappy, because his whole being was filled with love - for people and animals, trees and herbs. This love caused Yushka’s meekness and humility, his sacrifice and generosity. Constantly suffering insults and humiliation from those around him, Yushka was sure that they loved him too, they just didn’t know how to

To correctly express your feeling, “they don’t know what to do for love, and therefore they are tormented by it.” And better than any words, his rightness is confirmed by the fact that the memory of Yushka lived on for many, many years after his death thanks to that same orphan girl who, with his help, learned to be a doctor and came selflessly to work in his hometown. “And everyone in the city knows her, calling her the daughter of the good Yushka, having long forgotten Yushka himself and the fact that she was not his daughter.”



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