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Class in the middle group reading the telephone. Comprehensive classes on speech development based on the fairy tales of children's writer K.I. Chukovsky (for children of the middle group). Greeting game “Our smart heads”

Details Literature

Program objectives: To consolidate children's familiarity and knowledge of the works of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

Develop interest in his fairy tales by Chukovsky using accessible means: artistic reading, competition, role-playing, dramatization of the fairy tale The Stolen Sun, use of music. Use of music.

Develop creative imagination, participate in “fairy-tale” situations proposed by the teacher. To cultivate love and interest in the work of the storyteller Chukovsky.

I. Preparation for reading fairy tales:

  • cockroach
  • Wayfarer
  • Moidodyr
  • Fly Tsokotukha
  • Stolen sun
  • Fedoreno grief
  • Miracle - Tree
  • Aibolit
  • Telephone
  • Barmaley

II. Dramatization of the fairy tale “The Stolen Sun”

III. Preparing attributes:

Pictures, illustrations, a portrait of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky, books by Chukovsky, drawings by children and parents on the theme of Chukovsky’s fairy tales.

IV. Preparing “task” suits.

Progress of the lesson:

(The hall is decorated: a portrait of Chukovsky, a shelf with books, a shelf with drawings, “Africa” in the foreground)

Vosfeeder: reads V. Berestov’s poem “Fairy Tale” (to K. Chukovsky)

No wonder children love fairy tales.
After all, the fairy tale is good there
That there is a happy ending in it
The soul already has a presentiment
And for any test
Brave hearts agree
Waiting impatiently
Have a happy ending.

Dear guys, today I invite you to the fairyland of a writer who was very fond of children and fairy tales. He also loved animals of all kinds, big and small, kind and not so kind, so he wrote fairy tales for small children.
And these fairy tales are about animals (excerpts from poems about animals are read out). And this is what distinguishes these fairy tales; they all have a very good ending. Have you guessed which storyteller I'm talking about?

Children: Yes! This is Korney Iv Chukovsky.

Educator: But to get to this wonderful country, we need to close our eyes and say the magic words: “Ap - ap, shari - var, shari - vari, ap - ap”

But just remember - you can’t open your eyes until we say all the words to the end, otherwise something irreparable may happen - we will end up not in a fairy-tale land, but in Africa, the very same one that Tanechka and Vanechka ended up in...... Ready, then we began....( All children, together with the teacher, go behind the “Africa” screen, and two children remain in front)

Polina and Dima: What didn't we see in that fairyland, Dima? Come on, let's run away to Africa!
Let's! One - two - open your eyes!
(musical effect and Barmaley’s voice is heard and he himself appears)

Barmaley:"I'm bloodthirsty
I'm merciless
I am the evil robber Barmaley!
And I don't need
No marmalade
No chocolate
But only the little ones
(Yes, very small) children!
Karabas! Karabas!
I’ll have lunch now!”
(Takes Polina and Dima by the hands and locks them in the hut)

(In the foreground are the teacher and children again)

Educator: Well, here we are in the fairy-tale kingdom of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. Everything is in place?

Educator: Wait, wait, Barmaley, can’t we agree that you let them go? After all, these are still very young children!

Barmaley: So be it. I agree to let them go if you play with me and solve all my riddles. There are 7 riddles, they are placed in envelopes throughout Africa, you need to find them and solve them. Do you agree?

Educator:(consults with children and agrees)
They walk through “Africa” and “find” 1 envelope.

1st task: Find the things Moidodyr needs and put them in the basket.
Various items are laid out on 2 tables: soap, notebook, toothbrush, towel, comb, ruler, box of matches, etc. (2 children complete the task)
(Portrait of Moidodyr, 2 baskets under it)

Task 2:“Who will remember what word Aibolit repeats when going to Africa?

(And Aibolit repeats only one word: Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo)

Task 3: They find a “black box” and an envelope with a task: In the box is the favorite treat of crocodiles from the fairy tale “Telephone”
What is this? (Galosh).

After each correct answer there is a musical effect.

Task 4:"Sweet table"

There are rosettes with candies, jam, sugar, pretzels on it, and a samovar in the middle.
What did the Cluttering Fly treat the butterfly?
(Children answer, and two children (fly and butterfly) show

"The butterfly is a beauty,
Eat the jam!
Or you don't like it
Our treat?

Task 5:"Find out a fairy tale from an excerpt"

1. “And behind them are saucers, saucers -
They rush along the street
Ding-la-la! Ding-la-la!
On the glasses - ding! - bump into
And the glasses - ding! - they break!
(Fedorino grief)

2. "Wolves are scared
They ate each other.
Poor crocodile
Swallowed the toad.
And the elephant, trembling all over,
So she sat on the hedgehog" (Cockroach)

Task 6:"Read it by heart"

Children, if desired, read poems or excerpts from fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky.

Task 7:"Relive the Fairy Tale", "Stolen Sun"

“Portraits” of the participants in the fairy tale “The Stolen Sun” are laid out on two tables.
On the 1st table: sun, magpie, sparrow, ram, Aibolit.
On the 2nd table: ram crocodile bear hare Barmaley.
2 children select pictures for a fairy tale
And they dramatize a fairy tale. (watch Antipina " Musical holidays V kindergarten» page 62_63.

In conclusion - a short general dance.
Music is playing. Barmaley, who has become kinder, leads Polina and Dima by the hand to the children.

Barmaley: How nice and, most importantly, smart these little kids are!
What have you done to me?
I have become, yes, yes, yes - kinder!
Here are your Polina and Dima, and also a new, absolutely wonderful book by K.I. Chukovsky as a keepsake for you. And in memory of the trip to Africa - the most delicious African bananas, freshly picked from the palm tree.
(Treats the children bananas)
The children say goodbye to him and return to the group.

Development by Nadezhda Gussamova-Mokhova.

Topic: Reading the fairy tale “Telephone” to children.
Bolimi: Section: fiction.
Maksaty: Goal: to read expressively, so that children love the fairy tale, “want to play it”: to help them remember the author’s dialogues with an elephant, a crocodile, bunnies, monkeys, herons.
Preliminary work: 2-3 days before the lesson, you can show the children drawings for a fairy tale (preferably V. Konashevich): name and help them remember the animals that appear in the work. Tell him that Maidodyr has a telephone in his apartment and all the animals call him, asking for help.

Children remember the phone song:
Ding-di-lazy, Ding-di-lazy!
Ding-dee-lazy, Either the seal will call, or the deer!
Sozdik zhumys: Vocabulary work: Telephone, elephant, hare, bear, crocodile.
Bilingual component: Bilingual component: telephone-telephone, elephant-pil, hare-koyan, bear-ay, crocodile-kaltyrauyn.
Equipment and materials: Magic book, pictures, telephone.
Progress of the lesson: The teacher shows the children a magic book or 1-2 illustrations from it and asks them to remember the name. Reading a fairy tale.
"This is very good story. Both children and adults love to listen to her. “I’m glad that you also liked Grandfather Korney’s “Telephone,” says the teacher. -Who had a telephone in their apartment that rang all day? (“At Moidodyr”) So he calls again. Do you hear? Ding-di-lazy, ding-di-lazy.” (Children help imitate the bell).
The teacher picks up the toy phone and quotes the author’s dialogue with the elephant: -Who’s talking?
-From a camel.
-What do you need?
- Chocolate......
The conversation with the elephant is repeated. This time children answer the author's questions.
Physics minute: “The bear cubs lived in the thicket”
The cubs lived in the thicket, turning their heads.
Like this, like this, we turned our heads around (we turn our heads to the right and left).
The cubs were looking for honey and rocking the tree together.
Like this, like this, they rocked the tree together (torso tilted to the right and left).
And they went to the camp and drank water from the river.
Like this, like this, we drank water from the river (bending forward).
They also danced and raised their paws together.
Like this, like this, they raised the paws to the top (we raise the arms alternately).
There's a swamp on the way! How can we cross it?
Jump and jump! Jump and jump! Jump more cheerfully, my friend (jump up).
The phone rings again. “It was the crocodile who called,” explains the teacher. “He asked with tears: “My dear good one, ....” (children imitate the call). First the bunnies call, then the monkeys and herons.
In conclusion, the teacher reads the fairy tale again in its entirety.

Self-analysis on fiction in the middle group.
Educator: mini-center “Buldirshin” Pufel Maria Ivanovna.
The lesson was held in the middle group. There are 6 children in the group. The ability group is average, academic performance is 100%, quality is 60%, the cognitive abilities of children are differentiated according to the level of their abilities.
The lesson was conducted on the topic. Reading to children the fairy tale “Telephone” by K. Chukovsky in the 1st half of the year. Getting to know new topic.
In accordance with the program, it was chosen this topic, during the lesson the following tasks were observed.
Educational: read expressively so that children love the fairy tale and want to
"play it"
Developmental: help them remember the author’s dialogues with the elephant,
with a crocodile, hares, monkeys, herons.
Educational: to cultivate a caring attitude towards living nature.
I believe that the organization of children’s activities was adequate to the goals set, taking into account the preparation and preparedness of the children.
Lesson structure:
1.Preliminary work.
2.Surprise moment.
3.Equipment and material.
Operational stage:
Solution to an educational problem: 2-4 days before class, you can show the children drawings for a fairy tale (preferably V. Konashevich). Name and help remember the animals that appear in the work. Tell him that Moidodyr has a telephone in his apartment and all the animals call him and ask for help. Children remember the phone song:
Ding-di-lazy, Ding-di-lazy!
Ding-dee-lazy, Either the seal will call, or the deer!
During the lesson the following teaching principles were implemented:
-the principle of focusing training on complex solutions and problems,
assigned to the lesson.
-the principle of accessibility.
-the scientific principle was expressed in the careful selection of tasks for the topic.
-the principle of connection between theory and practice.
The educational process throughout the lesson was carried out under
the guidance of the teacher.
During the lesson we used: a surprise moment, a toy phone,
warm-up (children imitate a bell).
The lesson went according to the plan, the tasks were implemented, the lesson achieved its goal.

Summary of GCD on speech development for children middle group

Subject: " Reading the fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky “Telephone”

Target: Continue to introduce children to the works of K.I. Chukovsky (reading the fairy tale “Telephone”).



Teach children to listen and answer questions correctly.

Strengthen children's knowledge about literary works K. Chukovsky


Develop coordination of movements and the ability to move in accordance with the text.

Develop thinking, speech, imagination, memory.


Cultivate perseverance and communicative relationships between children.

Cultivate a love of fiction.

Bring joy from meeting your loved ones fairy-tale characters

GCD materials:

Illustrations of book covers for the works of Korney Chukovsky, a package with assignments, demonstration material based on the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky “Telephone”, a portrait of K. I. Chukovsky.

Preliminary work:

1. Reading the works of K.I. Chukovsky.

2. Examination of illustrations for these books.

3. Exhibition of books by Chukovsky

GCD move

Introductory conversation:

Educator: Guys, a package for our group has arrived at our kindergarten. Want to see what's in it?(children's answers...) Then let's see what's inside? Oh, what is this? (children's answers...these are book covers.)

Let's see which ones. (The teacher takes out the covers of K.I.’s books. Chukovsky and puts it on the board, the children name the names of these books)

Educator: Who is the author of all these books?(Children's answers)

Educator: Yes, this author is Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. (The teacher displays a portrait of Chukovsky)

Educator: Do you know his fairy tales well? Let's get a look. Then guess the riddles, find the covers for them and take them to the future book file.

1. He scolds those who are not washed,

Makes you rinse

The chimney sweep is clean, clean,

He washes himself cleanly (“Moidodyr”)

He's a great washbasin

Umyvalnikov chief

And the commander of the washcloths. (Moidodyr)

2. What kind of commotion is this that ran into the corners?

All plates, cups, spoons, pans, ladle.

They don’t want to be dirty, scary, terrible.

Grandmother did not love them, she only beat them and did not wash them.

But when the dishes left

That grandmother felt bad:

Neither drink nor cook cabbage soup,

All that's left is to shed tears. (“Fedorino’s grief”)

3. She walked across the field,

She found the money.

I made some tea

Invited guests

She herself fell into the web. ("Fly Tsokotukha")

4. The sun walked across the sky and saw a crocodile

The villain swallowed him and offended all the animals:

And hares, and bear cubs and other forest animals.

The bear took away the sun and punished the crocodile.

Guess without a hint

The title of this fairy tale? ("Stolen Sun")

What kind of toothy thief is this?

Did you steal the red sun?

Oh, the bear will beat him,

It will be bad practice in the future. (Crocodile)

5. “Suddenly from the gateway -

Scary giant

Red-haired and mustachioed cockroach." (Cockroach)

6. He treats mice and rats,

Crocodiles, hares, foxes.

Bandages wounds

African monkey

And anyone will confirm to us

This is the doctor... (Aibolit)

7. The kittens meowed

"We're tired of meowing!

We want, like piglets,


And behind them are the ducklings:

"We don't want to quack anymore!

We want, like little frogs,

Croak!" (Confusion)

Educator: Now let's take a little rest.

Physical education minute(Children stand in a circle)

You don’t need to treat us, good Doctor Aibolit! (children walk in a circle one after another)

Our tummies don’t hurt like the poor hippos! (stroking bellies)

We will stretch out our hands to the sun, and then we will sit down in the grass (we stretch our arms up, squat down)

We fly like eagles - we soar, we look in all directions. (run in a circle, wave their arms, look around)

Where is Africa country? Maybe they need help there (they stop and look through binoculars)

With the monkey we will jump like a cheerful ringing ball. (jumping)

The guys are walking along the grass towards the poor ostrich chicks. (walk in a circle, raising their legs high)

We helped everyone, we ourselves became strong. (stopped and showed their muscles)

Educator: And now I’ll read you another fairy tale by K. Chukovsky, “Telephone.” (reading the work)

Questions after reading the work:

Guys, did you like the fairy tale?

What is it called?

Which of the characters did you like the most?


Which animal called first?

What did the elephant ask for?

What did the monkeys ask for?

Which animal asked to bring them drops?

Who was the last?

What did the rhinoceros ask for?

Do you think it is necessary to help a friend if he is in trouble? ( children's answers)

I think that the children of our group will never leave a friend in trouble, because friendship, kindness and mutual assistance make our lives brighter and more joyful.


Tell me, what did you and I do today?

What did you like most?

What new have you learned?

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Necessary equipment: chest; balloon (with ribbons according to the number of children); portrait of K.I. Chukovsky; drawing of Fedora; cards with pictures of dishes; cards with cut utensils; medical (white) coat; phonendoscope; Aibolit mask; vitamins (ascorbic acid, according to the number of children); telegram for Aibolit; books with fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky.

Target: continue to introduce children to the works of K.I. Chukovsky.



1) develop in children the ability to sympathize and empathize with the positive characters of works of art;

2) based on illustrations from children’s books, tell an excerpt from familiar fairy tales;

3) continue to teach how to classify objects using generalizing words.


1) develop children’s logical and mathematical skills in finding a part of a whole (game “Assemble the dishes”) and arranging the circles in a certain sequence according to color;

2) cultivate interest and love for fiction.


1) develop communication skills, learn to work in a subgroup;

2) activate children’s speech;

3) develop logical thinking and memory.

Health: 1) using works of fiction as an example, instill in children the habit of taking care of their appearance.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Guys, do you like to travel? What would you like to travel with now?

(Children list the types of transport they know).

Educator: You named so many things that I don’t even know which type of transport to choose. Look, we have a “magic” chest. Let's turn to him for help. Do you think he will help us? Dear chest, how should we go on our trip?

(Opens the chest, from which a “magic” ball flies out. Ribbons are tied to the ball according to the number of children).

Educator: Guys, where do you think we can fly on a balloon?

(Children offer their options).

Educator: Today we will make an unusual journey - we will meet the heroes of Korney Chukovsky’s fairy tales. And we will fly to a country called “Chuka”, where these wonderful fairy tales live.

(Children take the ribbons from the ball with their hands.)

Educator: So we found ourselves in the country of “Chuka”. Look, we are met by Korney Ivanovich himself (points to the portrait of K.I. Chukovsky). Today I want to tell you about Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. His poems bring us joy and fun. Not only you, but also your mothers and fathers, and even grandparents also read his fairy tales “Telephone”, “Cockroach”, “Barmaley” and many, many others in childhood. These amazing tales are written in poetic form. Chukovsky became a children's poet and storyteller by accident. And it turned out like this. One day his little son fell ill and Korney Ivanovich took him to the hospital on the night train. The boy was capricious, moaning and crying. To somehow cheer him up, his father began to tell him a fairy tale: “Once upon a time there was a Crocodile, he walked the streets...” The boy quieted down and began to listen. The next day he asked his father to tell him yesterday's tale. It turned out that he remembered it all. This is how Chukovsky became a writer.

Do you know Chukovsky’s fairy tales? Look and tell me what fairy tale this book is about?

(Children approach the stand with illustrations and books).

Can you also remember lines from fairy tales?

(Look at the example of 3-4 illustrations)

Educator: Now let’s play and remember what words end such poetic lines:

People are having fun -
The fly is getting married
For the dashing daring
Young... (mosquito). ("Fly Tsokotukha")

And I don't need
Neither marmalade nor chocolate,
But only the little ones
Well, very small... (children). (“Barmaley”)

Only suddenly, from behind a bush,
Because of the blue forest,
From distant fields
Arrives... (sparrow). (“Cockroach”)

I'm for a candle, a candle for the stove,
I'm going to grab a book and run
And skipping under... (bed). (“Moidodyr”)

Long, long time crocodile
The blue sea was extinguished
Pies and pancakes
And dried... (mushrooms). ("Confusion")

The sun was walking across the sky
And it ran behind a cloud,
The bunny looked out the window -
It’s become a little bunny... (it’s dark). (“Stolen Sun”)

Ten nights Aibolit
Doesn't eat, doesn't drink and doesn't sleep.
Ten nights in a row
He treats the unfortunate... (animals). (“Aibolit”)

And behind her are forks,
Glasses and bottles
Cups and spoons
They are jumping along... (path). (“Fedorino grief”)

Educator: Well done, guys! And while we fly on, let's listen to an excerpt from the poem:

The sieve gallops across the fields,
And the trough in the meadows,
There's a broom behind the shovel
She walked along the street.

Who guessed which fairy tale I read the excerpt from? (“Fedorino grief”). Who is its author? (Korney Chukovsky).

Teacher (points to the picture of Fedora): And here Fedora is sitting.

1) Who remembers what happened to her? (the dishes ran away from her)

2) Why did you run away? (was dirty)

3) Look at Fedora. What is she like? (untidy, sloppy, dirty)

4) Who do we call dirty?

5) Why is it so important to wash your face and keep the house and the things in it clean?

6) What dishes did Fedora leave? Name it.

7) What does Fedora need to do to get the dishes back to her?

Let us help Fedora and find the dishes. Let's go to the window and see if Fedorina's dishes are visible anywhere.

Physical education lesson: “And they ran through the forest, galloped over stumps and over hummocks...”

Educator: And here are the dishes. Let's collect it and return it to Fedora. (Children collect cards with dishes hanging on the wall and name them).

Educator: Well done, guys! But here we have broken dishes. Listen to how Chukovsky talks about this:

And behind them are saucers, saucers,

They rush along the street -
Ting – bla – bla! Ting – bla – bla!
On the glasses - ding! - bump into
And the glasses - ding! - break.

Game: “Assemble the dishes” (cut pictures).

Educator: I give you the halves of the broken dishes, and you need to find the other half on the table. (Children pick up the second half of the dishes).

Educator: Fedora was glad that we helped her. And this is what she said:

“Oh, you, my poor orphans,
The irons and pans are mine!
Go home, unwashed,
I will wash you with spring water.”

Educator: Well, we helped Fedora. Let's move on.

(Music sounds. Doctor Aibolit comes out from behind the screen in a mask, in a medical gown, with a phonendoscope).

Educator: Guys, who is this? (children's answers)

Who can say from which fairy tale the fairy-tale character came to us? (“Aibolit”)

Why does he have so many animals? How do you think?

Let us portray hippos who “... grabbed their tummies, their tummies hurt...”. How painful did they feel? (Children show)

Doctor Aibolit needs help to sort out the medicines; they fell and got mixed up. Shall we help? (Yes)

Game: “Arrange in a certain sequence”

(Children stand at tables and lay out circles and medicines of red and of blue color in a certain sequence).

Aibolit: Thank you guys! You helped me. Here are some vitamins from me to keep you healthy. (Hands out ascorbic acid to the children).

Educator: Doctor Aibolit, what are you reading?

Aibolit: A telegram arrived saying that they were waiting for me in Lim-po-po. I'm flying away! (Goes behind the screen).

Educator: Well, Aibolit flew away and our journey ended. It's time to go back to kindergarten. (Sums up).

Guys, where have we been today?

Who did we help today? And How?

Chukovsky's works are funny, mischievous, amazing, interesting fairy tales in verse that can be listened to many, many times.

With fiction middle group children

Made up


Semina O.O.

2018, Sarov

Summary of an open lesson on familiarization with fiction in the middle group

“Through the pages of K. I. Chukovsky’s fairy tales”

Goal: To develop children's interest in fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky.

Tasks :

  1. Recall with children the name and content of the works of K. I. Chukovsky, which we met earlier, awaken in children the joy of meeting their favorite fairy-tale characters, and teach them to understand the humor of his works.
  2. Encourage you to remember the names of works based on excerpts from books and illustrations.
  3. Foster a desire to participate in “fairy-tale” situations offered by the teacher.
  4. Cultivate interest in Chukovsky’s fairy tales, a sense of empathy for the characters.
  5. Make children want to do good deeds, help others.

Activation and enrichment of the dictionary: writer, kind, cheerful, funny, interesting, respect, love, neat, clean, tidy, brave, cowardly, red-haired, scary, angry, mustachioed.

Preliminary work: Reading the works of K. I. Chukovsky - “Telephone”, “Cockroach”, “Fedorino’s Mountain”, “Moidodyr”, “Confusion”, “The Stolen Sun”, “Aibolit”; design of a book exhibition of books by K. I. Chukovsky; memorization excerpts from works; viewing films based on the works of K. I. Chukovsky.

Equipment: Book exhibition " Fairytale world books by K. I. Chukovsky", portrait of K. I. Chukovsky, children's drawings based on the works of K. I. Chukovsky, telephone, large book - homemade based on fairy tales by K. I. Chukovsky, Puzzles "Moidodyr"; Fedora costume - headscarf, apron, slippers, ladle, bagels.

Musical arrangement: phone call, fabulous music.

Progress of the lesson:

Children go to the center of the group and stand in a semicircle.

Good morning, children! I am very glad to see your kind faces and radiant eyes! Now let's say hello to the guests and wish them the same good morning! (children say hello).

Now let's smile together to the right. Let's smile to the left, let's smile at our guests. And the guests will smile at us in return too. Amazing!


Dear guys, today I invite you to the land of fairy tales. A fairytale melody sounds.

1,2,3 turn around and find yourself in a fairy tale.

Here we are in the “Land of Fairy Tales”

Main part:

There is a telephone on the table.

The phone rings:

Guys, someone is calling us.

Children and their teacher answer the phone.

The teacher picks up the phone.

Who's speaking? Elephant.

Where? From a camel.

What do you need? Chocolate.

Guys, what fairy tale did they call us from? ("Telephone").

What happened in this fairy tale? (various animals called, bear, pig, gazelles...).

Do you remember what happened to the hippopotamus? (the hippopotamus fell into the swamp).

How can you help a hippopotamus? (you can call a crane; you can tie a rope to the hippopotamus and pull it out)

Children approach the easel with an illustration of the fairy tale “The Cockroach.”

Guys, what fairy tale is this hero from? (“Cockroach”)

What was the cockroach like? (angry, scary, red-haired, mustachioed, etc.).

What happened in the fairy tale? (big animals were scared of the cockroach, and little sparrow wasn’t scared “pecked a cockroach...”).

What does this fairy tale teach? (be brave, not cowardly).

Guys, who do you think wrote these fairy tales? (Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky).

The teacher puts a portrait of the writer on the board.

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky was very fond of children and fairy tales. He also loved various animals, big and small, kind and not so kind, and he wrote fairy tales, of course, for small children.

Do you like the fairy tales of Korney Chukovsky? Why? (because they are kind, funny, interesting).

Fairytale music sounds.

Do you hear? Did something happen in our book corner? Let's come and have a look.

A teacher with children approaches an exhibition of books by K. I. Chukovsky.

Guys, what has changed here? (we have a new book on our shelf).

The book is called "The Book of Fairy Tales".

Guys, let's see what's in it.

Children open a book and wind chimes sound.

Once upon a time there was a storm in a book of fairy tales, there was a strong wind and everything was mixed up, and now the heroes of fairy tales have mixed up their pages, can we help them figure it out?

The teacher shows the children an illustration depicting a “mosquito with a flashlight.”

Where do you think this page comes from, from what fairy tale? ("Fly Tsokotukha").

How did you guess? (in this fairy tale, a mosquito saved a fly from an evil spider).

Let's open another page from this fairy tale.

The teacher finds a page with a picture of the Fly - Tsokotukha.

Let's remember the lines from this fairy tale:

“Fly, Fly - Tskotukha

Gilded belly.

A fly walked across the field,

The fly found the money...

Mucha went to the market

And I bought a samovar..."

Well done boys.

Let's open the next fairy tale.

The teacher shows the children an illustration depicting Aibolit.

What fairy tale do you think this page is from? ("Dr. Aibolit").

Doctor Aibolit lost all his things. Oh, yes, here they are.

On the typesetting canvas there are several pictures with different things.

Guys, help me choose the items that Aibolit needs.

Two children select pictures with things that Aibolit needs.

Did they choose the right pictures?

Let's remember this fairy tale:

“Good Doctor Aibolit!

He is sitting under a tree.

Come to him for treatment

And the cow and the she-wolf,

And the bug and the worm,

And a bear!”

Well done. Let's look at the book again.

The teacher opens the book, and there is a blank page.

Guys, the pillow, blanket, and sheet have disappeared from this page.

Listen here.

“The blanket ran away.

The sheet flew away

And the pillow is like a frog,

Jumped away from me...

Guys, but when main character ran from this page, it crumbled into puzzles, I suggest you put it together (children are divided into two teams and collect two puzzles).

Children collect puzzles on the table. (you get the picture “Moidodyr”).

Well done, you completed the task.

Children sit on chairs.

Guys, someone came to visit us.

Fedora comes out with a ladle and cries:

-"Oh oh oh! Oh oh oh!

Come home!

Hey you stupid plates,

Why are you jumping like squirrels?

Guys, do you know who this is? (Fedora Egorovna).

Didn't you see that my dishes didn't run through here? (we saw her run to another page)

Why did she run away from me? (the dishes were dirty, Fedora beat them and never washed them).

What should I do, what should I do, how should I turn around the dishes? (you need to take care of the dishes, wash them and not break them).

Oh, thanks for the advice, here's bagels for lunch. I won’t, I won’t hurt the dishes. I will, I will do the dishes and love and respect! Goodbye guys, I ran to clean the dishes.

Goodbye, Fedora Egorovna.

Final part.

Guys, we have closed the last page of our book. It's time for us to go to kindergarten.

1,2,3. Turn around and you'll find yourself in kindergarten.

Did you enjoy our journey through fairy tales? (yes, I liked it).

What was interesting in the “Land of Fairy Tales”? (games, puzzles, magical “Book of Fairy Tales”).

What heroes of Chukovsky's fairy tales came to visit us? (Cockroach, Doctor Aibolit, “Fly - Tsokotukha”, “Fedora Egorovna”...).

When we wash our hands, we will drink tea with Fedora Egorovna’s bagels.



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