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Custard for Napoleon step by step. How to make custard using the best recipes

Napoleon is perhaps the most popular cake. The peculiarity of the cake is that not everyone custard suitable for Napoleon. Therefore, you should always know several recipes for suitable cream in order to diversify the delicacy or prepare it from what you have on hand.

Classic cream for Napoleon

To experiment with preparing original and varied creams, you must first learn how to prepare a standard cream, which is used in all recipes.

We will need:

  • Milk – 1 l;
  • Sugar – 350 g;
  • Butter – 300 g;
  • Chicken eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • Flour – 3.5 tbsp. l.;
  • Vanilla sugar - a bag.

Step-by-step cooking method:

We will need a thick-bottomed saucepan with a capacity of 1.5 - 2 liters.

  1. Sift the flour into the prepared container and add sugar, not forgetting the vanilla sugar.
  2. We drive in three chicken eggs and carefully stir the mixture with a fork or whisk, making sure that no lumps form.
  3. Pour the milk into the cream in a thin stream while continuing to whisk. We should get a liquid, homogeneous cream.
  4. Let the cream cook. Now comes the most difficult part, you need to continuously stir the cream so that it doesn’t burn.
  5. Thus, keep the cream on low heat until the first air bubbles appear.
  6. As soon as the cream begins to boil, remove it from the heat and leave to cool.

As soon as the cream reaches room temperature, add softened butter to it. Thanks to this, the cream will become more delicate and shiny.

A little trick. If you were unable to avoid lumps of flour during cooking, do not be discouraged, all is not lost. All you need to do is rub the mixture through a fine sieve and you will get a smooth, smooth cream.

Various types of cream for Napoleon

"Napoleon" appeared in the distant Soviet times, when they cooked deliciously, but without exotic products. However, this does not limit our freedom of action, and if the dough is essentially the same, then the cream for “Napoleon” can be revived to your taste. Here are several options for preparing an unusual cream.

Cream with pears

In this recipe we will use corn starch, which will make the cream even more delicate and incredibly tasty, and a light note of rum will bring back memories of distant countries and exciting adventures.

We take the following ingredients:

  • Milk – 1.5 cups;
  • Chicken yolks – 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar – 3 – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Starch – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Rum – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Lemon zest - from half a lemon;
  • Pears – 2 pcs.;
  • Vanillin – 10 g;
  • Vegetable oil - for lubrication.

Let's prepare the cream this way:

  1. We take our yolks, add half of the prepared sugar to them and thoroughly beat the mass into a fluffy light foam.
  2. Pour cornstarch into the resulting foam (it is advisable to sift it before to avoid lumps) and lemon zest.
  3. Dissolve the second half of the sugar in milk and vanilla. Place the saucepan on low heat and, stirring constantly, heat the milk.
  4. Add the egg mixture to the warm milk and, without ceasing to stir the cream, bring it to a boil.
  5. After the first bubbles appear, remove the mixture from the heat and let it cool slightly.
  6. Add rum to the warm cream and mix thoroughly.

Cream with boiled condensed milk

Condensed milk will saturate the cream with a dizzying milky taste. In general, you can add any ingredients to the cream, such as marshmallows, marmalade, and so on. The main thing is not to lose this indescribable caramel-milk taste.

We take the following products:

  • Milk – 0.5 l;
  • Condensed milk - can;
  • Sugar – 3 table. l.;
  • Butter – packaging;
  • Flour/starch – 5 tbsp. l.


  1. Using a blender, mix the milk and flour until the lumps disappear.
  2. Add sugar and stir the mixture as well.
  3. Place the cream on low heat and, without ceasing to stir, cook for five minutes.
  4. Cool the cream.
  5. Add oil to the cold mixture. Make sure that the butter does not melt, this will interfere with whipping the cream.
  6. Beat the mass. The output should be a snow-white cream.
  7. Now you need to pour in the condensed milk in a thin stream and thoroughly beat the cream.

Yogurt and honey cream

To make the cream more liquid, thereby soaking the cakes more thoroughly, and also to add a new flavor note to the cake, you can add yogurt.

Let's try!

We will need:

  • Yogurt – 200 g;
  • Milk – 250 ml;
  • Chicken yolk – 1 pc.;
  • Honey - a tablespoon;
  • Additives (raspberries, strawberries, coconut flakes) – to taste.

Prepare the cream according to this recipe:

  1. Beat milk and yogurt with yolk and honey.
  2. Place the mixture on the fire, stirring thoroughly.
  3. Bring the cream until it thickens, then remove from heat and let cool.
  4. If you want to make the cream more delicate, add butter at your discretion.
  5. Add additives. We also decorate the finished cake with the selected addition.

Cream for Napoleon with nuts

A new version of a familiar recipe. Rest assured, you will be surprised by the results.

We take the following products:

  • Milk – 0.5 liters;
  • Sugar – 250 g;
  • Flour/starch – 160 g;
  • Cream – 250 ml;
  • Chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • Vanillin – 1 tsp;
  • Walnuts - to taste.

Prepare the cream like this:

  1. Take a bowl, pour 200 g of milk into it, add vanillin, sugar and starch.
  2. Beat in the eggs and thoroughly beat everything with a mixer until a fluffy mass is formed.
  3. Heat the remaining milk in a saucepan with a thick bottom.
  4. Pour the previously prepared mixture with starch into the warm milk in a thin stream, stirring constantly.
  5. Making sure that the mixture does not burn, bring it to the consistency of thick sour cream.
  6. When the cream is ready, remove it from the heat and let it cool completely.
  7. Add cream to the cold mixture and beat everything thoroughly with a mixer.
  8. Finally, add the chopped ones in a blender. walnuts.

Delicate curd-banana cream

In general, you need to make half a portion more of this cream, because it is unlikely to reach “Napoleon” in its original quantity.

We use the following products:

  • Milk – liter;
  • Sugar – 350 g;
  • Eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • Vanillin – teaspoon;
  • Flour – 5 tbsp. l.;
  • Butter – 200 g;
  • Cottage cheese – 400 g;
  • Banana – 1 pc (you can use more, depending on your taste).

Cooking steps:

  1. Break the eggs into a thick-bottomed saucepan, add sugar (leave 50 g for the cottage cheese), add vanillin and flour. Beat the resulting mixture with a mixer at medium speed.
  2. Pour in the milk in a thin stream, whisking the cream at the same time so that no lumps form.
  3. Place the mixture on low heat and continuously stir until the cream reaches the consistency of cream.
  4. When the mixture is ready, turn off the heat and let the cream cool.
  5. Add butter to the cream and beat the cream. As a result, we should get snow-white peaks.
  6. Grind the banana in a blender.
  7. Beat the cottage cheese and banana thoroughly with a blender.
  8. Apply the cream in this way: cake - custard - curd-banana mixture.

Sour cream

So tender and melting in the mouth, it will definitely not leave anyone indifferent. And the slight sourness will drive any gourmet crazy.

Ingredients for our cream:

  • Sour cream – 250 ml;
  • Sugar – 250 g;
  • Lemon – 1 pc.;
  • Milk – 800 ml;
  • Vanillin - sachet;
  • Flour – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Butter - a pack.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Take 250 g of milk and whisk thoroughly with flour and 100 grams of sugar.
  2. Heat the remaining milk on the stove with sugar and vanilla.
  3. As soon as the milk begins to gurgle, stirring vigorously, pour in the previously prepared mixture of milk and flour.
  4. Without stopping stirring, cook the cream for about five minutes.
  5. Let the cream cool.
  6. Meanwhile, beat the butter until fluffy and fluffy.
  7. Add butter to the cooled cream.
  8. AND final stage– slowly, spoon by spoon, add sour cream to the cream, while whisking everything with a mixer.

Classic Napoleon cake with custard has been a favorite treat since childhood. Many of us simply adore this cake. Therefore, we decided to tell you several recipes for making the most delicate custard (can also be used for biscuits, honey cake, and as a filling for eclairs). Let's prepare the highlight of the cake - custard for Napoleon.

Let's remember the recipe for making Napoleon cake

Classic Napoleon cake with custard

For puff pastry you need to take:

  • flour (700 grams)
  • butter or margarine (400 grams)
  • eggs (2pcs)
  • vinegar (1 tbsp)
  • water (cool) 150 ml
  • salt (pinch)

For the cream we take:

  • warm milk (500ml)
  • eggs (chilled yolks) 4 pcs
  • sifted flour (50 grams)
  • vanillin (pinch)
  • sugar (150 grams)

1. First you need to dissolve vinegar in water. Take a separate bowl and beat the eggs, adding salt (a pinch). Next, slowly pour the prepared vinegar water into the eggs. Mix well.

3. Build a mound of flour crumbs, make a small depression in the center and slowly begin pouring in the egg-vinegar mixture. And according to the usual scheme, we begin to knead the dough. Divide into 12 halves, roll into balls, cover with cling film (so as not to dry out) and refrigerate for several hours (1-2).

4. Cream:

  • boil the milk over low heat;
  • We take a bowl and begin to beat the yolks with sugar, vanillin and flour. Next, pour warm milk into this mixture, stirring constantly. Afterwards, place the prepared yolk-milk mixture on the stove (low heat) and bring to a boil;
  • To make the cream thicker, you can boil it for another 5-7 minutes until thickened. Leave to cool. All is ready!

5. Turn on the oven to warm up. The dough can be rolled out on a baking sheet or directly on parchment. The choice is yours. Sprinkle a baking sheet (parchment) with a little flour. We take each ball, roll it out as thinly as possible and cut out circles with a plate. Leave the trimmings on the baking sheet for decoration.

6. As soon as we have rolled out the dough, make several punctures with a fork (the more, the less the cake will swell) and place in the oven for 7-10 minutes until golden brown. We bake all the cakes using the same procedure. Grease all the cakes with cream, sprinkle the top and sides with the prepared crumbs. Place in the refrigerator overnight to soak. Classic Napoleon cake with custard is ready!

Custard for Napoleon(All recipes)

Recipe No. 1 (Vanilla custard)
  • flour (4 tbsp)
  • milk (250 ml)
  • butter (180 grams)
  • vanilla sugar (1/2 tsp)
  • powdered sugar (300 grams)

Beat the flour and milk (half and half) thoroughly - preferably with a mixer, so that there are no lumps. Mix the other half of the milk with sugar and place on low heat. As soon as you see that the milk is boiling, slowly begin to pour in the whipped milk-flour mixture, stirring constantly. Bring to a boil (the mass should thicken), remove from heat and cool.

Recipe No. 2 (Buttercream)
  • butter (200 grams)
  • flour (two tablespoons)
  • sugar (0.5 cup)
  • eggs (3 yolks)
  • milk (280 ml)

1. Grind the egg yolks and sugar thoroughly, add the sifted flour and mix everything again. Next, pour 170 ml of cold milk into this mixture (stir constantly) and bring until smooth.

2. Place the remaining milk on the fire. As soon as it starts to boil, pour in the prepared egg-milk mixture. Bring to a boil and remove from heat.

Recipe No. 3 (Custard with nuts)
  • sugar (1 cup)
  • walnuts (3 tbsp)
  • egg (1 piece)
  • milk (1 glass)
  • butter (300 grams)
  • flour (1.5 tbsp)
  • vanillin (pinch)

1. Beat eggs with sugar, mix with vanilla, milk and flour. Beat until a homogeneous consistency is formed and place on low heat (stir constantly). Afterwards, remove and cool.

2. Pass the nuts through a blender (you can fry them a little more if you wish). Then add softened butter, nuts and beat thoroughly. The cream will turn out very tender and tasty.

Recipe No. 4 ( Custard for Napoleon with condensed milk)

  • butter (100 grams)
  • milk (one glass)
  • flour (2 tsp)
  • condensed milk (250 grams)
  • sugar (2 tsp)
  • vanilla (pinch)

Add milk, sugar, flour to the bowl. Stir and place on low heat. Bring slightly to a boil and cool. After the cream has cooled, add butter (softened), condensed milk and whisk everything quickly. This is how delicious it turns out.

Recipe No. 5 (Chocolate custard) :
  • dark chocolate (50 grams). Instead of chocolate, you can add cocoa with sugar (3 tbsp)
  • warm milk (250 ml)
  • sifted flour (1 tbsp)
  • yolks (chilled) 2 pcs
  • butter (100 grams)
  • sugar (150 grams)
  • potato starch (1 tbsp)

1. Take a bowl, pour milk over the chocolate and put it on low heat until the chocolate melts.

2. Separately, beat the yolks and sugar until thick, add flour, starch and mix everything. Pour chocolate milk into the prepared mass, stirring constantly, and place on low heat. Bring to the required thickness and remove. Afterwards, cool and mix with whipped butter.

Recipe No. 6 (The simplest recipe for cream based cream)

Making this cream is very simple. Note: In order for the cream to whip well, it must be of a fairly thick consistency and chilled. Instead of sugar, use powdered sugar; it stabilizes the cream better. For additional smell and taste, you can add vanilla, citrus essence, etc.

  • heavy cream (0.5 l)
  • powdered sugar (1 cup)

Whip the cream until fluffy. In the process, slowly begin to add powdered sugar. Mix and the cream is ready!

Recipe No. 7 (Curd cream)
  • flour (3 tbsp)
  • milk (1 l.)
  • sugar (1 cup)
  • eggs (3pcs)
  • mascarpone or other cream cheese (300 grams)

1. Mix flour with sugar, beat in eggs and grind until smooth. Add milk and put on low heat (stir constantly). Cook until thickened. Afterwards, cool, add cream cheese and beat well. Custard for Napoleon is ready!

It's no secret that the taste of the cake depends not only on the quality of the cake layers, but also on the choice of cream.

Today we offer three cream options for everyone’s favorite “Napoleon”.

You already have 3 cream recipes for Napoleon. Now it's a matter of small things!

1. Classic cream for Napoleon cake


1. Butter - 1 pack.

2. Condensed milk - 250 ml.

4. Nuts (preferably walnuts) - 250 gr.

How to cook classic cream for Napoleon cake:

Beat soft butter with a mixer until smooth.

Gradually add condensed milk to the resulting soft mass, continuing to beat. This will allow the impregnation to turn out tender and airy.

Add chopped walnuts and vanilla sugar to the warm mixture to give the cream a delicious taste.

Be sure to whisk the contents of the pan again until smooth.

The nut cream for the Napoleon cake with condensed milk is ready, all that remains is to cool it to use it for soaking the cakes.

In the same way, you can prepare a sweet version - cream with boiled condensed milk for Napoleon, replacing the main product with boiled milk.

2. Custard for Napoleon cake


1. Whole milk - 500 ml.

2. Flour - 150 gr.

3. Vanilla sugar - 15-20 gr.

4. Butter - 1 pack.

5. Condensed milk - 250 ml.

How to prepare custard for Napoleon cake:

Mix milk with flour using a whisk or mixer. To avoid lumps, the bulk component must be added gradually.

Add sweetener and let the mixture simmer for five minutes. When the time is up, you need to turn off the gas and leave the mass to cool.

Place a piece of soft butter. At this stage, it is important not to allow the added product to become too soft, otherwise it will not be possible to beat the mixture until smooth.

The custard for Napoleon with condensed milk is almost ready, all that remains is to add the last element - condensed milk and beat the resulting mass again.

This will change not only the taste, but also the color and consistency of the finished product.

3. Cream with sour cream and condensed milk for Napoleon cake


1. Fat sour cream - 500 gr.

2. Condensed milk - 300 ml.

3. Lemon juice - 10-15 ml.

4. Vanilla - 15 gr.

5. Cognac or rum – 25 ml.

How to prepare cream with sour cream and condensed milk for Napoleon cake:

The first thing to do is beat the sour cream until fluffy using a whisk or mixer.

Without interrupting the whipping procedure, you need to carefully add lemon juice, condensed milk and vanillin to give the cream a unique taste and sweet aroma. The dessert impregnation is ready.

Bon appetit!

Not everyone knows how to bake the well-known and beloved Napoleon cake themselves. Some people are afraid to get involved with a difficult dessert and this is completely in vain, because there is nothing complicated in preparing this wonderful cake, the main thing is to follow the recipe exactly and not be nervous.

Homemade Napoleon cake with custard

The butter for preparing the dough should be well chilled, and for the cream – at room temperature.
You can add more sugar to the cream, especially if you prefer very sweet desserts.
Wheat flour for the cream can be replaced slightly big amount starch, corn or potato.

Required ingredients:

  • fresh egg – 1 pc.,
  • cold water – 250 ml,
  • salt - a pinch,
  • butter – 250 grams,
  • wheat flour – 700 grams.

  • milk – 1 liter,
  • fresh eggs – 6 pcs.,
  • vanillin - a pinch,
  • granulated sugar – 250 grams,
  • butter – 200 grams,
  • wheat flour – 120 grams.

Description of the cooking process:

Sift the flour into a large bowl and add the diced butter.

Using a sharp knife, chop the combined ingredients into homogeneous crumbs.

IN cold water add a raw egg and a pinch of salt, and then carefully beat everything with a fork into a homogeneous mass.

Pour the resulting mixture into the flour crumbs and quickly knead the dough, and it is better to do this not with a spoon, but with your hands.

Finish kneading the dough on a floured surface. The finished dough should come together and not stick to your hands at all. Wrap it in cling film and place it in the refrigerator for a while.

For the cream, combine eggs and granulated sugar into a fluffy mass.

Heat the milk on the stove in a large saucepan. Pour about 1 glass of it into the eggs, and then add vanillin and flour in several stages, working intensively with a whisk all this time.

Very carefully add the egg mass into the hot milk and, stirring continuously, continue to cook over low heat for about 20 minutes after boiling. The cream should become so thick that a spoon leaves a mark on its surface. Once this happens, place the custard in a cool place to cool completely.

Meanwhile, divide the chilled dough into 8-9 parts, and roll each of them one by one into a thin crust and prick with a fork. This can be done either on a baking sheet or on parchment paper - depending on what shape you have in mind for the cake. It is important that while one piece of dough is being rolled out, the rest are in the refrigerator.

Bake the cakes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees, which will take about 10 minutes for each cake.

Allow the finished cakes to cool, and while this is happening, beat the cold custard with soft butter into a homogeneous fluffy mass. In principle, if you like lighter desserts, then you don’t need to add butter to the cream at all.

Place the first cake on a dish and very carefully coat it with cream.

Carefully place the second cake on top and continue the process as many times as necessary.

Trim each of the cakes a little so that their shape is perfect, and use the resulting crumbs as a sprinkle for the top of the cake.

You can cut and enjoy the Napoleon cake no earlier than 6 hours after assembly, otherwise the cakes will not have time to soak properly. However, for the sake of such a perfect taste, you can endure a little, because then the pleasure will be unforgettable.

Another recipe for Napoleon cake

Recipe by Ekaterina Marutova

I would like to immediately note that the size of the cake was quite impressive, so if you do not need such a large cake, you can reduce the amount of ingredients in the recipe for this homemade Napoleon cake by at least 2 times. The cake in the photo turned out to be the size of a large square baking tray from the oven.


For the test:

  • flour - approximately 1 kg - from the refrigerator.
  • margarine – 4 packs (200 grams each) – should be kept in the freezer before cooking.
  • eggs - 2 pcs. also chilled in the refrigerator.
  • salt -1 tsp.
  • vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • cold water – approximately 400 ml (I’ll write about why during preparation).

Custard for Napoleon cake:

  • milk - 4 glasses.
  • sugar - 1.5 cups.
  • eggs - 4 pcs.
  • flour - 4 tbsp. l.
  • butter – 300 g.
  • vanillin – 1 pack.
  • powdered sugar – 2 tbsp. l.

How to make Napoleon cake with custard

First let's make the dough.

Sift about half the flour onto the table, and coarse grater three all the margarine (which should be in the freezer before use). When you add margarine, you need to sprinkle it with flour at the same time. Having grated all the margarine, add the rest of the flour and mix quickly.

Mix eggs, vinegar and salt in a deep bowl or large measuring mug (with milliliter marks) and add water so that the entire volume is 500 ml. That is why in the recipe for the Napoleon cake dough, which I gave above, the approximate amount of water is indicated. We do everything quickly.

Pour this mixture into the margarine-flour mixture and try to knead the dough as quickly as possible. Divide the finished dough into 4 equal parts, place each in a separate bag and place in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

While our dough is in the refrigerator, let's prepare custard with milk and butter to soak the Napoleon cake.

Pour the milk into a deep saucepan, bring to a boil, adding sugar.

Separately, you need to combine the eggs with flour and gradually add half the hot milk with sugar, stir until smooth.

Then quickly pour the remaining milk and sugar into the mixture.

While stirring well, you need to bring the custard with milk to a boil and immediately turn it off. NO NEED to boil!

The custard base for the cream is ready; it needs to be cooled before combining with butter. Separately, you need to beat the softened butter, gradually add the cooled custard and vanilla to it.

When the time the dough has been in the refrigerator is up, take out one part and roll it out (sprinkling the table with flour) to a thickness of 4 mm.

Lay out the dough homemade(very similar to puff pastry) onto a baking sheet (which needs to be slightly moistened at the edges), press the edges a little and use a fork to make punctures in several places across the entire surface of the cake. This is necessary so that the cake does not swell.

Place the baking sheet in the oven preheated to 200 degrees. The beautiful ruddy color that you will see will hint to you that the cake is ready. Take out the prepared Napoleon cake layer and place it on a wooden board.

We bake the remaining cakes according to the same principle.

When all the layers for the Napoleon cake are ready, you can assemble our cake: if you baked a small cake with only 2 layers, then you need to cut each layer in half. If the cakes are not quite even, they need to be shaped by cutting them with a sharp knife. We will need the scraps for sprinkling the cake.

Place the first cake on a board or baking sheet and pour over the custard, distributing it evenly over the entire surface. Place the second cake layer, press lightly and coat with cream again. We do this with all the cakes.

When the assembly is completed, carefully cover the top and sides with the remaining custard, grind the trimmings from the cakes in a mortar or using a blender and sprinkle the entire cake with crumbs.

Sprinkle powdered sugar on top and decorate as desired. It is advisable to let the cake soak in the refrigerator for several hours.

We cut the delicious homemade Napoleon cake with custard into portioned pieces, put the kettle on and serve our sweet dessert to the table.

The most delicious Napoleon cake with custard

(old proven recipe)

Homemade Napoleon cake is perhaps the most delicious for me. The recipe for this Napoleon cake with custard, which was inherited from my grandmother, was sent to us by Olga Tulupova (unfortunately, without a photo). But when I started preparing it for release, it turned out that this old recipe I know Napoleon cake; I have been baking it for my family on major holidays for many years.


On the Internet I came across countless recipes for the deservedly beloved Napoleon. I prepared it often, but the result was somehow not pleasing. And there was a reason for that. In our family, the recipe itself “lives” delicious cake Napoleon, who is already more than 60 years old. The recipe came from Grandma Anya. Due to numerous moves, the recipe was safely lost in the depths of numerous things. Granny is already 87 years old and she doesn’t remember the recipe exactly. But then I found it by chance - joy knew no bounds. As a child, it seemed fabulously delicious to me. And even now my opinion has not changed.

What modern culinary specialists layer with what they call Napoleon: condensed milk with butter, boiled condensed milk; custard, sour cream, cottage cheese and even cream with Mascarpone cheese! But he offers and insists on traditional creamy custard prepared with milk. I will demonstrate how to make a delicious custard for Napoleon in my recipe with step-by-step photos taken. This is the real old one classic recipe taken from my grandmother's Soviet-era notebook.

The composition of this cream is noblely simple:

  • milk – 3 glasses;
  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • flour – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • butter – 200-250 g;
  • We use the same flavoring as for the dough - vanillin.

The amount of oil is determined by its fat content: with a fat content of 72.5% you need more of it, with a fat content of 82.5%, respectively, 200 grams is enough. In the old days, when you had to use sandwich butter instead of butter, you took one and a half weights of it, and then beat it with a wooden paddle for quite a long time so that the excess whey would come off and the fat content of the product would increase.

How to make custard for Napoleon

We start cooking by bringing 0.5 liters of milk almost to a boil over low heat.

In a separate bowl, beat sugar, egg and flour until white. Add vanillin.

Add a glass of cold milk and continue whisking so that the flour does not settle to the bottom.

When the milk approaches the boiling point, pour in the sugar-egg-flour mixture in a thin stream with constant stirring. Continuing to whisk, bring the cream to a boil. The finished custard should be tender, silky, homogeneous, without the slightest hint of lumps or foam. Cool it to room temperature (or a little warmer).

We weigh out 200 grams of butter (82.5% fat) and leave it warm: while the custard cools, the butter should warm up slightly and soften. The butter-custard cream for the Napoleon cake that we will be making is an emulsion, and the main requirement for successful emulsification is that the temperature of all mixed components be the same.

To properly make custard for Napoleon, first beat the butter until fluffy. First beat at low and then at medium speed.

Continuing to beat, add the custard into the butter in small portions.

The well-deserved reward for our labors will be a full bowl of the most delicate, light and airy creamy mass.

Try cooking it yourself and see that it is the most delicious for Napoleon! It is neither greasy nor cloying. This classic creamy custard is useful not only for Napoleon cake, but also for layering other homemade ones.



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