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Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence. Download the book Emotional Intelligence. Why it can matter more than IQ (Daniel Goleman) fb2 free


Book description: This book was created by one of the most famous American psychologists. He says that some people do not underestimate the role of emotions in life. But it is thanks to them that we are able to achieve success in many areas of our lives. This applies to family or even career. In this book, the author managed to explain what emotional intelligence is and what role it plays in our lives. Many people wonder about the differences between ordinary intelligence and emotional intelligence. And why do people who have emotional intelligence achieve great success. The answers are in this book.

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Emotional intellect. Why it may matter more than IQ Daniel Goleman

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Title: Emotional intelligence. Why it may matter more than IQ
Author: Daniel Goleman
Year: 2013
Genre: General psychology, Social Psychology, Foreign psychology

About the book “Emotional Intelligence. Why it may matter more than IQ" Daniel Goleman

Daniel Goleman is an internationally recognized expert in the field of psychology. It is he who is responsible for the development of such a concept as “emotional intelligence.” Having published the book “Emotional Intelligence. Why It Can Matter More Than IQ” back in 1995, it remains a bestseller as well as a guide for many. The author says that in addition to the intelligence that is commonly talked about in wide circles, there is another one - emotional. Few people know about him, few even want to figure it out, but he is the one who plays out decisive role in most life situations.

Emotional intelligence plays a significant role in all areas of life, including the most important ones: family and work. Daniel Goleman answers many questions that plague readers. What it is? How to detect and measure it? What is the difference between “regular” intelligence and “emotional” intelligence? Why is it so important to be able to control yourself and manage your emotions? How to use your emotional outbursts to your advantage? How to quickly cope with emotions that you don’t like and want to get rid of as quickly as possible?

Since the writing of the book “Emotional Intelligence. Why it can mean more than IQ" was translated into more than 40 languages, and the number of sales in the United States alone exceeded 5 million. It reveals various manifestations of emotional intelligence, which were written with real people, and also with personal life author. Analysis of this concept and its manifestations indicates that people with emotional intelligence are often much more successful than simply smart and intellectually developed individuals. Why is this so, and is this a pattern?

Daniel Goleman will tell the reader why a person needs emotions in general and why they occupy an important part of life. Will show examples when those in power smart people Those holding high positions commit acts that are absolutely reckless and even stupid. Is this really an accident? Or does emotional intelligence still take its toll? Thanks to the book “Emotional Intelligence. Why it can mean more than IQ,” the reader gets to know himself even better and deeper. He learns how to get rid of mental trauma, as well as how to independently manage his temperament without succumbing to its provocations. The book will be very useful both for personal development and for parents and the whole family.

On our website about books you can download the site for free or read online book"Emotional intellect. Why it can matter more than IQ" by Daniel Goleman in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. Buy full version you can from our partner. Also, here you will find last news from literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Quotes from the book “Emotional Intelligence. Why it may matter more than IQ" Daniel Goleman

People with high odds mental development turn out to be stunningly bad pilots of their private lives.

The earliest warning sign that a marriage is in trouble, Gottman found, is harsh criticism.

It is the combination of moderate talent and the ability to keep moving towards a goal in the face of failure that leads to success.

There is a theory that emotionally healthy babies learn to self-soothe by imitating the actions of their caregivers, making them less vulnerable to surges in emotional brain activity.

The reluctance of men to resolve family relationship problems is undoubtedly the result of their inability to guess the emotional state from their facial expressions.

If you were able to put into words what you felt, then it is yours.

Highest values human soul- faith, hope, devotion, love - are completely absent with a cold cognitive attitude. Emotions enrich, and without them the model of the mind becomes desalinated.

Rationality is guided by feeling, which can drown it.

The first years of the new millennium usher in an age of melancholy, just as the twentieth century became an age of anxiety.

Hiding behind a wall of silence, which has become a habitual reaction, has a destructive effect on relationships: it cuts off all possibilities for resolving differences.

Download the book “Emotional Intelligence” for free. Why it may matter more than IQ" Daniel Goleman


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Daniel Goleman's name is usually associated with criticism of the traditional view of IQ (intelligence quotient). He synthesized research on how the brain works and used it to promote and popularize the concept of emotional intelligence (EI).

In Emotional Intelligence at Work (1998), Daniel Goleman defined emotional intelligence as the ability to understand one's own and others' feelings, motivate oneself, and manage emotions in one's relationships with oneself and others.

Daniel Goleman was born in 1946. He graduated from Harvard and received a doctorate in psychology there. His bestselling book Emotional Intelligence (ACT, 2008) was published in 1995, followed by Emotional Intelligence at Work in 1998. Goleman was also a longtime psychology writer for the New York Times.

He is currently president of Emotional Intelligence Services in Sudbury, Massachusetts, which in alliance with the Hay Group offers courses in the development and assessment of emotional intelligence. Daniel Goleman is co-chair of the Society for Research on Emotional Intelligence at Rutgers University. Goleman's interest in EI stemmed from the understanding that a high IQ is not required condition success in life.

Daniel Goleman points out the relationship between business acumen and EI. In his second work, he identified 25 EI competencies, or traits external behavior and analyzed how EI influences success and failure.

Daniel Goleman's Key Ideas

Emotional intelligence and the brain. In Emotional Intelligence, Goleman talks about the implications of brain evolution for our feelings and behaviors. He describes how, over millions of years of evolution, three main areas have developed in the human brain.

  • Brain stem- located at the base of the brain and is a continuation of the spinal cord. Regulates physiological functions and instinctive reactions. The most primitive part of the brain.
  • Hippocampus- developed later than the brain stem and is located slightly higher. Contains the amygdala, which was described in the 1980s by Joseph LeDoux. It is responsible for emotional reactions to visual and other information. Under some circumstances, the amygdala can literally “hijack” the brain, taking over a person’s reactions before they have time to think anything and forcing them to react immediately. Mammals or humans who have had their amygdala removed do not experience any feelings. It catalyzes impulsive actions that can override rational thinking and judgment.
  • New cortex (neocortex)- a large, well-developed upper region of the brain that covers the centers of thinking, memory and speech.

In the course of evolution, emotions and thinking abilities - the two main functions of the brain responsible for behavior - ended up in different zones. In addition, the emotional centers receive information earlier than the thinking centers and will provoke a very quick and, in some situations, strong reaction. Then the results for a person can be catastrophic.

Until we are aware of the situation and do not control our feelings, we may allow inappropriate emotional reactions that block the consideration of other possibilities. But emotions also have their own “wisdom” that we must learn to use; This is especially true for intuition.

When people encounter stimuli that evoke intense fear, anger, or despair, for example, the first impulse comes from the amygdala. Until the intellect is involved, the brain goes into survival mode, stimulating instinctive reactions that may turn out to be correct or completely wrong.

Today we have virtually no need to fight for survival or avoid the dangers that primitive man faced. But some instinctive reactions are useful in certain circumstances; therefore, we must understand that the primitive reaction in the emotional center precedes the rational assessment and reaction. Emotional intelligence presupposes that we understand it and know how to use it, and also control our reactions.

Structure of EI. To describe the functioning of EI, the scientist proposed a system of five elements: introspection, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills. Each of these elements has certain characteristics.

  • Introspection- understanding how your emotions influence behavior; focus on one's own values ​​when making decisions; grade own strength and weaknesses and the ability to learn from experience (self-esteem); Confidence in yourself and your abilities, values ​​and goals.
  • Self-regulation- mood management; stress control, positivity and determination; calmness and ability to reason rationally under pressure; mastery of emotions; reliability and self-control.
  • Motivation- the ability to enjoy solving problems; desire for achievement; responsibility; initiative; optimism; personal preferences when choosing goals.
  • Empathy- ability to accept a different point of view; openness and honesty; avoiding stereotypes about other people; knowledge of culture.
  • Social skills- influence skills, for example, the ability to persuade; ability to communicate, including with colleagues; ability to listen, cooperate, resolve conflicts; the ability to inspire and lead; ability to initiate and manage change; the ability to understand other people's feelings.

Daniel Goleman argues that people with these characteristics are more likely to succeed in leadership positions. As an example, he cites data from various sources that confirm that top managers with higher levels of EI perform better. And describes several funny situations that illustrate the manifestation of EI in the workplace.

Questionnaire on emotional competencies. Daniel Goleman believes that EI can be developed. To assess and develop it, in collaboration with the Hay Group, he developed a questionnaire on emotional competencies. It reduces the five original components of EI to four.

#1 Self-analysis:

  • understanding your own feelings and their meaning;
  • a realistic view of your advantages and disadvantages;
  • confidence in yourself and your abilities.

#2 Self-control:

  • control of emotions;
  • honesty and reliability;
  • flexibility and dedication.

#3 Social competencies:

  • empathy, the ability to perceive the thoughts and point of view of another;
  • understanding and feeling for group dynamics and interpersonal relationships;
  • focusing on the needs of others, especially if we're talking about about the client.

#4 Social Skills:

  • helping others in their self-development;
  • the ability to influence people;
  • excellent interpersonal communication skills;
  • ability to change management style;
  • skill in resolving disputes and disagreements;
  • ability to strengthen and build relationships;
  • group work skills.

Leadership styles. Daniel Goleman also studied leadership styles with Hay/McBer. He presented the results of his research in 2000 in the Harvard Business Review. Based on responses from 3,781 executives, the researcher concluded that leaders get the best results using a combination of six management styles, each of which has different character traits and addresses the various components of EI.

  • Coercive leaders demand constant obedience. They are motivated, initiate change and strive for success.
  • Authoritative leaders inspire people to strive for goals. They initiate change and have empathy skills.
  • Collaborative leaders build relationships. They have excellent empathy and communication skills.
  • Democratic leaders actively encourage the group to participate in decision making. Excellent communicators, listeners and negotiators.
  • Pace-setting leaders set high standards. Initiative, motivated, striving for success.
  • Learning leaders enhance and develop staff capabilities. Good listeners, effective communicators and motivators.

Researchers believe that the six leadership styles presented are good at different situations and directly affect the working atmosphere of the organization, which, in turn, determines its financial result.

The idea that success is largely dependent on communication skills is not new; Therefore, Daniel Goleman was often criticized for presenting well-known ideas with a new sauce. Goleman himself does not hide the origins of his ideas and admits them when he turns to the works of his colleagues. In 2001, Charles Woodruff analyzed Goleman's concept of EI and concluded:

  • Daniel Goleman contradicts himself when he writes that EI is inherent in everyone and is bestowed by nature, and at the same time argues that this ability can be developed;
  • measuring EI based on a questionnaire cannot be considered sufficient, especially in terms of reliability;
  • The manifestations of EI or competencies proposed by Goleman, such as self-confidence and leadership, are by no means new and are long-studied factors in high achievement.

Regardless of the validity of the criticism, Daniel Goleman has undoubtedly contributed significantly to management theory in the area of ​​EI. He used some rather complex ideas related to human behavior and biological evolution and translated them into a simpler and more understandable form.

As a result, many people have adopted his core principle: we can use intelligence to better manage our emotions and apply emotional intuition. Agree, a very useful theory for life and work.

It is no longer a secret that achieving success in work and life is possible not only with a special mindset, hard work and professional skills, but also with a set of specific character traits, internal superiority and the art of managing other people.

Change life in better side It will be possible without possession of secret knowledge, it is enough to show initiative, faith in the best, adaptability and leadership. These qualities will help a person to express himself as an individual and survive in modern society. American psychologist, journalist and writer Daniel Goleman came to this conclusion in his book “Emotional Intelligence in Business.”

Daniel Goleman was born in 1946 and is the author of more than 10 books on education, psychology and the art of management. Received awards and global recognition for research in the field of psychology and achievements in journalism. “Emotional Intelligence in Business” was released in 1995 and immediately gained popularity in many countries around the world. The reason for writing was two articles that described the connection between human intelligence and emotions.

Daniel Goleman by that time had experience as a journalist and a doctorate in psychology, which he received from Harvard. The knowledge he gained helped him write his life’s work, on the still popular topic of ways to achieve success at work. The book found a huge number of readers and fans, and it gained particular popularity in the business community.

After the book was published, Daniel Goleman began to receive feedback from people on the topic of personal achievements. Everyone who achieved success in their work without the proper level of education shared their impressions with him. The book helped to understand the reason for their victories, in contrast to other equally gifted, but not so lucky people.

The book consists of 5 parts, which are based on 25 elements of emotional intelligence, with the help of which you can achieve success at work.

  • Ability to communicate.

Friendly relationships with the team, maintaining close friendly relationships, demonstrated leadership in decision making. The ability to find an approach to people for the sake of further cooperation and achieving the intended goals.

  • Empathy.

The gift of attraction and the ability to demonstrate the art of managing and influencing people's opinions. Be able to read and respect the feelings of others, empathize with them.

  • Motive.

Self-development for solving assigned tasks at work, development in the character of aspiration and perseverance. The ability to push past failures and losses into the background.

  • Self-control.

The ability to manage emotions, the ability to self-control, even after experiencing emotional stress. Conscientiousness in work, respectful attitude towards others and work colleagues.

  • Self-awareness.

Analysis of experienced feelings and emotions, the ability to use them in solving problems and achieving goals. Assessing your knowledge, potential, and shortcomings.

Emotional intelligence helps to understand a person's ability to learn and use skills consisting of the listed criteria. It refers to how people transform capabilities in practice at work and at home. Goleman also highlighted the idea of ​​​​creating companies with an emotional-intellectual basis.

Once upon a time, a job could be obtained in accordance with the education and professional skills acquired. Now this is not enough; they are considered only the primary requirements when applying for a job.

The employer takes into account the personal qualities of the candidate, which will be decisive in the selection. Attention is paid to the character, emotional maturity, desire for improvement, and communication skills of the potential candidate.

Emotional intelligence is necessary for the optimal functioning of a company or organization, employers believe so, so they try to increase its level in every possible way. Goleman believes that the popularity of such intelligence is limiting the development of a company due to large quantity competitors when creating new products and services. Therefore, in the world of competitive products, only emotional intelligence can lift a company.

The book presents the results of tests conducted among 120 organizations. Workers described their professional abilities and character traits that they believed helped them succeed at work. The study found that 65% of people believe their leadership and people management skills are at the core of their career advancement. The level of intelligence and professional knowledge are on a par with the behavioral skills of the employee, which are taken into account by the employer when promoting the employee.

Criteria that employers want to see in their subordinates:

  • listening skills and the art of dialogue;
  • ability to adapt to current circumstances;
  • the ability to not dwell on failures;
  • be a confident, motivated person;
  • be able to achieve a goal, desire to get promoted;
  • be able to work in a team, find a language with people;
  • show leadership and contribute to the development of the company.

Goleman is confident that emotional intelligence, when used correctly and appropriately, will help take a person or company to a new level, achieve unprecedented heights. People of different positions should bring benefits to others and contribute to the development of the company.

Scientists do work for people and dream of gaining popularity due to their discoveries. Large corporations maintain a separate staff to maintain contact with consumers or potential clients to help resolve issues. These employees in addition to professional knowledge know how to listen to people, guide, motivate and influence them to achieve their goals. This is the meaning of their work.

Emotional intelligence is not just pleasant communication and expression of feelings, but the ability to express them correctly and appropriately, worrying about failures, supporting in successes, collaborating, in every sense of the word with other people.

High level intelligence and cognitive skills will always be valued in many areas of human activity. But, despite this, it has been established that obtaining the desired result depends on them only by 25%, and the remaining 75% goes to other factors. Therefore leaders public opinion in addition to knowledge and intelligence, they are also endowed with emotional and social competence, which distinguishes them from others.

Daniel Goleman noted the dependence of the position held on the level of emotional intelligence. High positions, according to Goleman, over time they lose the need to possess technical skills. Great importance To achieve the goal they have the following criteria:

  • Ability to think big.
  • The ability to demonstrate leadership in a team, the art of influencing the opinions of others.
  • Developed intuition. People who occupy top positions in companies, according to research, are guided by their intuition in matters related to work. They are able to use facts to prove that they are right and, on a subconscious level, convince their interlocutor to accept the conditions they need.
  • Confidence in yourself and your actions. It will help convince others that the decision is correct.

In his book, Goleman recounts stories of company executives who were fired or demoted. The author explained this by the lack of competence of people who have reached the maximum and cannot continue to develop further due to a set of shortcomings, even despite a high IQ. Conducted research in the field of personnel selection has shown that such failures are based on stubbornness, intolerance of changes and change, unwillingness to communicate on equal terms with the team, and arrogance.

On the contrary, successful leadership is calm, adequate people, in whom leadership is manifested in everything, capable of listening and listening to other people’s opinions, spontaneous, friendly, responsive, able to save “face” in an unpleasant situation. The author considers emotional intelligence to be an acquired factor, not an innate one. People themselves are responsible for the emotional and social development, you can always improve and train your ability to express feelings and emotions.

Who is the book written for?

The book is easy to read, it is useful for self-development, increasing personal knowledge and enriching professional communication. Useful for psychologists, company executives, and businessmen. It will also appeal to students, teachers and those interested in psychology. Reading the book is useful for those who want to learn how to manage emotions, learn self-control, understand the feelings and emotions of other people, learn to find mutual language with others.

Although the book contains a lot of terms, it is not difficult to read. The given examples are from the life of the author and instructive stories from corporate life is interesting and entertaining to read. For those who do not like to read or do not have time for this, there is an audiobook “Emotional Intelligence”.

An audiobook has the same content as a paper book. You can listen to it while traveling or while doing everyday activities. The book will help change your idea of ​​work and your capabilities, teach corporate culture and correct behavior in a team.

If you want to manage others, learn to manage yourself.

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