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Hymns and addresses. Prayers and glorifications related to the Slavic-Russian pagan tradition

Appeal to the gods

One of the most ancient ways magical work is appeal to To the Higher Powers- to the gods. This is enough high level magic, and it was available only to priests who devoted their entire lives to this service. But ordinary people they also turned to the arbiters of destinies for help, bringing gifts to temples or temples; nevertheless, appealing to the gods was more effective precisely through priests, magicians, shamans, witches (among different nations different names, but the essence does not change). .

When addressing the gods in magic, like everywhere else, there are pros and cons. On the one hand, these are, of course, very powerful rituals, but the result here is given in exchange for elements of priesthood. That is, you will not be able to turn to God with your request, get it fulfilled, and then happily “forget” about it. For such rituals and appeals to really “work”, your interaction with the gods must be regular - and you will have to take on a number of “responsibilities” and carry out “assignments”. If you want to turn to one of the gods with a request for the first time, then first it is necessary to collect information about this deity in great detail and scrupulously, to find out what gifts are offered to him, how they are treated, and a bunch of other details.

The first ritual should not be a request, but an “acquaintance,” and then, having made your “desire,” we must not forget about God, who helped fulfill it. At a minimum there should be veneration, gifts, etc.

Let's give a couple of examples appeals to gods from the Scandinavian pantheon.

Example 1.

Turning to Loki for help in resolving a difficult situation at work involving gossip and intrigue. What do we know about Loki? Desperately brave, unusually cunning and perspicacious, the insidious handsome Loki is Odin’s brother and the god of fire. Loki is a Jotun, the son of the Jotun Farbauti and Lauveya. But, even though Loki comes from a family of Jotuns, the Aesir invited him to live in Asgard, since he had more than once rescued them in difficult situations with the help of his cunning and deceit. When Loki lived in Jotunheim with the giantess Angrboda, she gave birth to three children from him: the wolf Fenrir, the giant serpent Jormungandr and Hel, who later became the mistress of the underground kingdom of the dead. The goddess Sigyn gave birth to two more children - Narvi and Vali. Loki helped the gods more than once - as well as harmed them. His entire existence is built on the search for fun and adventure, creating difficult situations and unraveling them. Intrigue, courage, intelligence and humor are his essence. Loki is tall and thin in build, with fiery red hair and a mocking look.

He masters the art of magical transformation and knows how to create magical things.
His element is a raging flame.

As usual, on the altar we create a circle of elements: east - air, south - fire, west - water, north - earth.

The only nuance is that in the air position we place a bird’s feather, which is more in line with Loki’s lightness and his love of adventure and travel. In the center of the altar we place a red candle - the color of fire; on the altar you can place “objects” corresponding to this god, for example, bells and small toys. Let’s move on to gifts. In front of the sacrificial red candle, we place a glass or bowl into which we pour, for example, whiskey or very good beer or ale, and put the sweets that Loki “loves.” Now the text of the appeal. Here you can write a letter yourself, or you can look for a ready-made appeal, but in any case, you need to re-read the text very carefully several times so that everything is clearly and understandably stated.

Example of a request:

I address you, great Loki!
A master of shape-shifting and a most skilled sorcerer! A cunning and daring thief and giver of unexpected gifts.
Accept my gifts and share your cunning,
Help me break out of the tangle of intrigue,
Resolve difficulties at work and give advice on how to behave further. Glory and majesty forever, great Loki!
Let it be so!

After this, we leave the candle on the altar to burn out, and then we take the gifts outside.
Regarding gifts to the gods - if not special place, then it is better to leave them in places closest to their “fiefdoms”. For example, Hel - in cemeteries or under a withered tree, Odin and Loki - at a crossroads, etc. Most often, after the ritual, if the gods “heard” you, you receive some kind of sign. For example, after turning to Loki, you meet a red-haired man (or even a red dog!) or hear a phrase by which you understand that your request has been heard.

Example 2.

Appeal to Freya to attract new love relationships leading to the creation of a family.
Freya is the goddess of beauty, love and fertility. She belongs to the Vanir and is the daughter of Njord and Nerthus.

This is the most beautiful goddess in the Scandinavian divine pantheon, she is very kind, gentle and compassionate.

When Freya cries, her tears fall to the ground and turn into gold, and when they fall into the water they become drops of amber.

But for all her kindness, Freya is also the ruler of the Valkyries, she picks up fallen warriors on the battlefield.

In her magical falcon plumage, this beautiful goddess of the word swift bird glides in the clouds, wearing the wonderful necklace of Brisingamen. It was she who taught people the magic of “seidr” - female magic that combines shamanism and predictions.

Ancient myths say that Freya, before the great Odin, learned the secrets of the runes.
In addition to magic, Freya patronizes love, beauty, helps in protection and gives the gift of foresight.

Her animals are hares, cats and a horse.

On the ground she moves on a carriage harnessed by her two cats, Bigul (“Gold of the Bees,” that is, Honey) and Tryegul (“Gold of the Tree,” that is, Amber), or riding on the war boar Hildisvini.

Her bird is a raven.
The day dedicated to Freya is Friday.

The best altar for the goddess is a large stone or an old tree stump, which should be decorated with flowers (daisies, violets, primrose). Ideally, the flowers should be fresh (for example, in pots).

In addition, the altar can be decorated with amber and cat figurines.

Freya's scents are mint, rose or sandalwood.
Symbols - full moon, boat or sword.

The ritual of turning to Freya can be performed both on the street and at home. We still create a circle of elements, place a red candle in the center, symbolizing love, decorate the altar with feathers of birds of prey, flowers, gold and amber jewelry.

Place a saucer with berries and cakes in front of the candle

Example of a request

Great Freya, goddess of love! I appeal to you and ask - help!
Grant me the languor of mutual love! Lead me to the creation of a family!
Accept the gifts that I brought you, And may that love have no end! Glory and magnify forever, great Freya!
Let it be so!

Leave the candle to burn out and take the gifts somewhere to a flowerbed or under the appropriate tree.

Appeal to Perun - find out all the nuances of receiving help from the Slavic thunder god. Below you will find the texts of glorifications, prayers and hymns, as well as the rules for offering treasures to Perun.

In the article:

Appeal to Perun - who practices it and who needs it

In the old days, only wise men, elders and heads of state, as well as warriors, by whom he was especially revered, turned to Perun. He was considered the patron saint of the prince and the princely squad. It was customary to give military oaths, as well as sealing oaths of agreements to end military conflicts.

Glorification of Perun

Peace treaties at the temple of the thunder god would seem to be meaningless. However, this god does not like people who break their oaths. He values ​​honor and valor. Therefore, in the old days they believed that if you break the oath taken at the temple of the god Perun, military success will turn away from the violator.

IN modern world Perun is revered by people who hold leadership positions or strive to occupy them, as well as military personnel and people who want victory in an important matter. Appeal to this god is required for protection, including for a soldier, as well as from the evil eye and damage. In addition, contact with this deity will help you reach the top of the career ladder and improve your health. But this god is ready to help only those people who are distinguished by courage and perseverance. He doesn't like whiners and weak-willed people.

Appeal to Perun for support and protection

God Perun

This appeal to Perun can be read at any time, anywhere, when the need for his help arises. If you need to win a difficult task or protect yourself from enemies, the help of the patron of warriors will not be superfluous. The same text can be read for protection after offering the required:

Perun! To those who call upon You, be Glorious and Trislavic! Give health and abundance to all the children of Svarozh, show mercy to the families, rule over all, from the Motherland! So be it, so be it, so be it!

It is best to memorize the text so that in the right situation you can read it immediately. Remember to show gratitude to the deity after receiving what you wanted.

Hymn to Perun for protection - useful for both soldiers and civilians

The ancient Slavic God Perun is one of the manifestations of the Most High Family

In the old days they believed that the hymn to Perun before battle could protect against death in battle. Modern soldiers are no strangers to such beliefs. The anthem can be read before the battle, as our ancestors did. According to modern legends, he does not allow one to fall in battle. The soldier who knows these words will return home safe and sound. The cult of Perun is strong to this day; do not underestimate the gifts of this deity.

In addition, this hymn is spoken over water to remove the evil eye and damage, as well as to protect against evil witchcraft and the machinations of enemies. If you suspect that you are being negatively influenced, try reading this hymn. This should be done in the morning, before breakfast and washing. The hymn is recited loudly over a cup of water; it must be read 33 times:

Perun, divine warrior of the Golden Vedas,
Perun, bestowing prophetic power, ringing, noble power,
Perun, you are the sacred fire,
You are a living fire, shining joyfully with the multicolored colors of primordial flowers.
Perun is the sparkling God, the heavenly knowledge, the God of the dispassionate truth of heaven.
You are always the first in honor of the struggle,
You hear those calling you.
My heart is honest in your prophetic heart.
And I preserve my honor and dignity, remembering your honest valor.
You put weapons into my body, the purity of my bright soul.
I will preserve that divine gift, prophetic and sacred fire.
I will give you my satisfying bread.
Appear in my life with a fiery eye so that I can see everything.
Show up in my life as a fiery word, a word of wisdom, and let it rule my life.
Great is your essence, given by birth,
You opened the way for me, and so be it,
And let it be so for all centuries.
Glory to you, relative Perun.
Glory to you, relative Perun.
Glory to you, relative Perun.
God of the purity of my life,
God of the glorious eternal fire,
God, who unites my strength into great, true grace,
Glory to you, goyim Perun.
God, night and day you are always with me,
You always shine with the colors of fire.

This is a version of the anthem adapted for modern Russian-speaking people. There is also an ancient Vedic text, but it is quite difficult to pronounce and understand.

Prayer to Perun for protection - text and situations suitable for it

Perun - in Slavic mythology the thunder god, whose name is the main one in the pantheon of gods of Prince Vladimir

The prayer to Perun can be read in many situations. For example, it is quite popular among mothers, wives and sisters of military personnel who want their loved one to return home safe. Read this sacred text and people who strive to bypass all enemies and competitors - no matter career ladder or anywhere else.

But, first of all, prayer to Perun is necessary for the military. It will protect you from death and injury in battle, and will also help you accomplish a feat, receive a promotion, or achieve another goal that this god would approve. A prayer to Perun for protection can be read before battle.

Prayers to this Slavic god are usually read in full voice:

Perun, Our Father! Your Sword and Shield are thundering in Blue Svarga. We, Your faithful children, hear Your unspeakable Power, the Righteous Power given by the Family, in the Cola of the Living Appearance You protect the way, you always protect the Russian race and us Orthodox. Protect our souls with the Holy Perunitsa, and our bodies with the Fire Thunderstorms, let them not touch us, but drive away our enemies. The Fire of Svarozh, the Fire of the Righteous Faith, the Holy One of God, burns in our souls. Therefore, we are always united with You, united in Triglav the Great, come to us at our call! Glory to Perun!

Glorification of Perun - text and differences from prayers and other texts

The glorification of Perun is usually read during the offering requirements. This is a text to express your respect to the deity and gratitude for your help. Its difference from prayers and other texts of appeal to the gods lies in the fact that in prayer a request is usually expressed, and in glorification - respect and gratitude.

The glory of Perun can be expressed in these words:

Be blessed, Perune - our Leader, now and forever, and from century to century! And lead us to the Trisvetous Glory! So be it, so be it, so be it!

How to properly bring demands to Perun

Treba is a mandatory way for every pagan to express their faith, devotion, reverence and gratitude to the deity. In the old days, demands were brought on the holidays corresponding to each god, as well as “privately” before asking for and after receiving help from the deity.

Preparation of the Requirement for bringing it to Perun

Each deity has its own preferences, and if you turn to one of them, you should be aware of these preferences. Do not forget that any power that you turn to in conspiracies or prayers requires payment. When working with dark forces, this is a payoff in the form of strong alcoholic drinks, tobacco and coins, left at the crossroads. And when turning to Perun and other Slavic deities, the demand becomes such a ransom. The gods will not help you if you forget to express your faith and gratitude to them, especially if we're talking about about the holidays dedicated to them.

Requests to Perun are brought in the late afternoon, when it gets dark. The tree corresponding to this god - oak Moreover, they preferred to install temples dedicated to him in oak groves and forests. Therefore, Perun is supposed to bring gifts near the oak tree. What you decide to offer as a request can simply be placed on the ground under the oak tree.

If there is a temple or idol of Perun near your place of residence, you can bring the demand there. Before placing it in front of the idol, walk around it once clockwise, holding the prayer in your hand.

In the old days, iron was often taken as a requirement for the thunder god - horseshoes and weapons. Nowadays these items have become too difficult to obtain, so they usually bring drinks and food as gifts to the deity. The tradition of human sacrifice died out, as did the sacrifice of bulls and roosters in honor of this deity. However, roosters are sometimes still given as gifts on special occasions.

Slavic Gods- an embodied idea of ​​the World and world rules. Getting to know Slavic faith and traditions, of course, cannot be ignored by the Slavic Gods. A deep understanding of the faith of our Ancestors begins with knowledge of their characters.

Today there are various ideas about who the Slavic Gods are. Some sources list many Gods, and even those who are known to us from the myths of India or Egypt are classified as Slavic. In other sources, on the contrary, only a few Slavic Gods are named, believing that our ancestors did not develop a developed mythology. We will talk about mythology and Slavic Gods the way they talk about it in the Russian North. Many ancient traditions, tales, fairy tales, Slavic myths have been preserved here, from which we know this.

Division of Slavic Gods into light and dark

Northern legends say that Rod, the Creator God, created the Slavic world and divided it into three parts: Rule, Reality and Nav. The bright Slavic Gods live in Prav. In Reveal there are people and elemental Gods. In Navi there are dark gods.

This division is simple, however, modern man often misunderstands it. We are accustomed to correlating “light” with “good” and “darkness” with “evil”. Therefore, many mistakenly believe that only the Slavic Gods of the world of Rule deserve veneration. The ancient Slavs treated the Gods of Navi with no less respect than the Gods of the world of Rule, although they were afraid of them. However, in the Slavic picture of the world, Navnye, Dark Gods are needed; one cannot do without them.

Slavic Gods of the world Rule

Among the Slavic Gods of Rule we include, first of all, Svarog, Heavenly Father, and Lada, Heavenly Mother. Their children, Svarozhichi- one of the main characters of Slavic mythology. However, not all of their children live in the world of Prav. For example, Stribog and Semargl appear more often in the world of Reveal, among people.

Of course, one of the significant Slavic Gods of the world is Rule - Belobog, God of White Light, God of Creation. Twin brothers Belobog and Chernobog symbolize the forces of creation and destruction, the balance of which is necessary for the development of the Slavic world, moving forward.

Sign of God Svarog “Konegon”

Sign of the Goddess Lada “Star of Lada”

Slavic Goddess Lada- Mother of the Gods, wife of God Svarog. For the Slavs, this Goddess became the embodiment of all the brightest, kindest that can be in a family - harmony between spouses, good children, harmony and well-being of the whole home life. The sweetest, most merciful and understandable Slavic Goddess. When we think about a Slavic woman - a wife, mother, sister - the most appropriate image will be the face of the Divine Mother Lada. Do you want to know more about the Goddess Lada, about her symbols, signs, holidays and rituals of glorification? Then please welcome here to big article « Goddess Lada - Slavic Goddess of love and beauty»

Sign of God Belobog "Light"

Slavic God Belobog- twin brother of God Chernobog. Our world stands on this love and struggle of two brothers, as our ancestors believed. This idea is similar to the global idea of ​​the unity and struggle of opposites. Belobog is the one on whom the entire white light rests (this can be seen even from his name). Not the Sun, not the Moon, but a comprehensive idea of ​​life, growth, development, movement. God Belobog, thus, is the personification of everything that forms the basis of obvious life. Do you want to know more about God Belobog, about his symbols, signs, holidays and rites of glorification? Then welcome here to the big article “ Belobog - Patron God of the Slavs»

Sign of God Chura “Watchman amulet”

Slavic God Chur familiar to everyone, even those not interested in Slavic mythology. Famous expression- amulet: “Keep away from me!” calls upon our ancient Guardian God, God Chur. It is believed that this God preserves what belongs to a person by right, draws the line between “mine, ours” and “someone else’s”. Turning to this God helped to preserve one’s possessions, protected one from wrong actions, and protected one from troubles and enemies. “To come to your senses” in our language still means “to come to your senses from something incorrect and not useful.” God Chur is sometimes considered the First Ancestor, from whom all Slavic clans descended - in the pantheon he is not revered as the son of God Dazhdbog, but is a common unifying symbol. Do you want to know more about God Chura, about his symbols, signs, holidays and rituals of glorification? Then welcome here to the big article “ Chur - Guardian God of Slavic clans»

Sign of the Goddess Alive “Summer Oblique Cross”

Slavic Goddess Alive- wonderful daughter of the Goddess Lada. The wife of God Dazhdbog, from her children descended Slavic generations. The Goddess is Alive for the Slavs - like a sip of living water, pouring into a person the opportunity to live, love, and give birth to their own kind. This is the personification of flow vitality, which allow a baby to grow up, a boy and a girl to become a father and mother. By turning to the Goddess Alive, wounds heal, health returns, and the joy of life infuses. In a word, this is the Goddess who brings Life. Do you want to know more about the Goddess Alive, about her symbols, signs, holidays and rites of glorification? Then welcome here to the big article “ Alive - the great Goddess of Life, Goddess of Summer»

Sign of the Goddess Lyolya “Lelnik”

Young and beautiful Slavic Goddess Lelya- the one who embodies for the Slavs all the charm of a young smile, a ringing voice and a light tread. Goddess Lelya is the spring that descends to earth along with the Yarilo-Sun. The embodiment of these blossoming natural forces that restore man after a long and dark winter has been preserved in our culture in the form of the Guardian Goddess. The sign of the Goddess Lelya is often found in traditional embroidery and is called “bereginya”. All spring chants, round dances and sonorous songs are dedicated to her - the smiling and affectionate Goddess Lelya. Do you want to know more about the Goddess Lela, about her symbols, signs, holidays and rites of glorification? Then welcome here to the big article “ Slavic Goddess Lelya - Goddess of Spring»

Sign of God Lel and God Polel “Palm Amulet”

Many people know the Slavic God Lelya based on the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden”, where he, in the form of a shepherdess, played melodies of love on a simple horn. And this is perhaps the only image that is allowed official culture. Meanwhile, for centuries, the image of God - a beautiful young man who kindled love in the hearts of people - was preserved in people's memory. God Lel is beautiful as the image of a loved one in the eyes of a woman in love. What is important is that God Lel is at the same time God’s twin brother Polelya. This God rules in the hearts of already engaged people who have created their own family, protects happy marriage. So the brothers embody those relationships that contribute to happiness: God Lel is the God of love, God Polel is God happy family. Do you want to know more about the Gods Lele and Polele, about their symbols, signs, holidays and rites of glorification? Then welcome here to the big article “ Lel and Polel - two Gods, without whom happiness is unthinkable»

Sign of God Kvasura “Oberezhnik”

Slavic God Kvasura embodies the now forgotten culture of fun without alcohol intoxication, eating without gluttony, holidays without “massacre”. A moderate attitude towards bodily pleasures while maintaining the joy of life is what is embedded in the image of God Kvasura. Be healthy, be cheerful, lead healthy image life without the use of amusing and intoxicating substances - this is what the Slavic God of fun reminds us of. It is this image that is easiest to turn to when you want to straighten your life, get health and freedom from addictions! Do you want to know more about God Kvasura, about his symbols, signs, holidays and rites of glorification? Then welcome here to the big article “ Kvasura - Slavic God of Fun and Temperance»

Sign of God Kitovras "Kolohort"

Slavic God Kitovras- an amazing creature from old myths. A representative of that fabulous people that we know from Greek myths- God Kitovras is described as a centaur, half-man, half-horse. It would seem that all this is far from our lands, but it is in the north that the Kargopol clay toy “Polkan” is still made. This figurine, oddly enough, represents a centaur. About Polkan, or, in other words, about Kitovras, this is what people say: they say, he was such a storyteller that people and animals, listening to him, went with their thoughts, and then with their bodies, into the world about which this bayun sang. That, they say, before Kitovras was a great warrior - a magician and even a commander, and won many battles and did not lose a single one; but suddenly, at the zenith of his glory, he dropped everything and walked through the lands and villages, crossing paths, and began to say fairy tales. And his tales were so heartfelt and reasonable that they gradually began to call Polkan the God of Wisdom. X Would you like to learn more about God Kitovras, about his symbols, signs, holidays and rites of glorification? Then welcome here to the big article “ Kitovras - Slavic God of Wisdom»

Slavic Gods of the World of Reveal

Slavic Gods also live in the world of Reveal! First of all, the elemental Gods: Agidel, Goddess of Water; Semargl, God of fire; Stribog, God of Wind, his children and grandchildren, such as a warm breeze Dogoda; Mother of Cheese Earth, one of the most revered Slavic Goddesses.

There are other Slavic Gods who appear most often in the world of Reveal. Sun God Horse and his sister Divya, Moon Goddess. Tara- Slavic Goddess of the Guiding Star (North Star), it was her bright light in the old days that prevented travelers from going astray. We often see lightning in reality Perun and the rich rains that his wife sends Diva-Dodola.

Sign of the God Horse "Ognivets"

Slavic God Horse- God Rules, whom, fortunately, we see in our world in the firmament. When you look at the Sun, at its luminous image, you see the manifestation of the Slavic God Khors. There are other solar Gods (Kolyada, Yarilo, Kupala, Avsen), and God white light Belbog, and the God of reflected light Dazhdbog, but only God Khors is the same Sun in its manifest physical form. Beautiful tales about God Horse tell that once upon a time the Creator Rod gave the day under his control, and every single morning God Horse rides out on his sparkling chariot to the sky, and every evening he ends up in a black boat, along a black underground the river returns to its mansions - in order to shine again in the morning and give warmth to all living things on earth. Do you want to know more about God Khorsa, about his symbols, signs, holidays and rites of glorification? Then welcome here to the big article “ Horse - Slavic God of the Solar Disk»

Sign of the Goddess Divia “Lunnitsa”

Slavic Goddess Divya- our beautiful friend Luna. It is the manifestation of this Goddess that we see in our world in the form of either a thin sickle or a full circle. Goddess Divya-Luna is the embodiment of mystery, changeability and predictive power. This Goddess is the patroness of Fortune Tellers, Sorcerers, and all Knowers. In the obvious world, its influence extends to women, determining the rhythms of life. The Beautiful Goddess is the twin of God Khorsa, who, by the will of the Creator Family, was given control of the night time. Every night the Moon Goddess rides into the sky on her white chariot and every morning she returns to herself, giving way to her brother in the sky. But, according to legend, she asked the Sky God Dy for permission to sometimes see her brother - so sometimes we see them meeting above our heads.Do you want to know more about the Goddess Divya, about her symbols, signs, holidays and rituals of glorification? Then welcome here to the big article “ Divya - Slavic Moon Goddess»

Sign of God Dyya “Wealth amulet”

Slavic God Dyy in our mythology - an ambiguous personality. Most likely, different attitudes towards wealth gave rise to a variety of explanations for the properties and incarnations of this God. We know from myths that God Dyy is the twin brother of God Viy, one of the darkest and most mysterious Gods of Navi. It is believed that God Dyy was born by the bright God at the dawn of time and is the embodiment of Heaven above our heads. It is believed that God Dyy is at the same time the Patron of Wealth and Prosperity - and we can understand this, since for our ancestors what happened in heaven directly affected the lives of people and the well-being of each family. Do you want to know more about God Dye, about his symbols, signs, holidays and rites of glorification? Then welcome here to the big article “ Dyi - Slavic God of Wealth and Prosperity»

Sign of God Svyatogor “Godnik”

Slavic God Svyatogor known according to myths as the God-hero of enormous stature. Late mentions of him are found even in epics about Ilya Muromets. Probably, in the image of this God we find some memories of a former race of people of enormous stature - the mythologies of many peoples tell of giants. In the Slavic epic, God Svyatogor is known as the one who holds the heavens on his shoulders. IN Greek mythology he is known as Atlas - the same one to whom Hercules came to accomplish his next feat. Do you want to know more about God Svyatogor, about his symbols, signs, holidays and rites of glorification? Then welcome here to the big article “Svyatogor - Slavic Guardian of Heaven »

Sign of God Stribog “Bird amulet”

Slavic God Stribog- the elemental God of Air, the embodiment of the winds blowing over Mother Earth. According to Slavic mythology, Stribog is the son of the mighty Svarog, born to him during the first battle of Prav and Navi. This famous battle occurred when Rhode planned to separate the Gods for different tasks. At that time, Svarog hit the Alatyr stone with his hammer, and from these sparks two twin brothers were born: Stribog, the God of Wind and Semargl, the God of Fire. God Stribog is thus one of the oldest Gods, the Father of the winds. God Stribog is addressed as a clear element that helps man live in harmony with Nature. Do you want to know more about God Stribog, about his symbols, signs, holidays and rites of glorification? Then welcome here to the big article “ Stribog - Slavic God of the element of Air, God of the wind»

Sign of God Semargl "Rarog"

Slavic God Semargl- the elemental God of Fire, the embodiment of the forces of earthly fire and heavenly fire. According to Slavic mythology, Semargl is the son of the mighty Svarog, born to him during the first battle of Prav and Navi, and the twin brother of the God of the wind Stribog. God Semargl is thus one of the oldest Gods, the owner of all fire. God Semargl is addressed as a clear element that helps man live in harmony with Nature.Do you want to know more about God Semargl, about his symbols, signs, holidays and rites of glorification? Then welcome here to the big article “ Semargl - Slavic God of the element of Fire»

Sign of God Perun "Gromovnik"

Slavic God Perun- the formidable son of Svarog the blacksmith, the mighty defender of Reveal, God the Thunderer and Lada, the Heavenly Mother. God Perun is one of the most famous Slavic Gods; he is revered as the patron saint of warriors and protector of the World of Revealing. They tell stories about various deeds of God Perun, one of the most important is the battle with the creature of Chaos, Skipper Serpent. There are many known signs with the power of this Slavic God; the holiday of Perun is now celebrated as a day of military prowess. We see the appearance of Perun during a thunderstorm - flashing lightning and heavenly thunder. Do you want to know more about God Perun, about his symbols, signs, holidays and rituals of glorification? Then welcome here to the big article “ Perun - Slavic God of Thunder and Justice»

Sign of the Goddess Diva-Dodola “Perunitsa”

Slavic Goddess Diva-Dodola, also known as Perunitsa, is the Slavic Goddess of the Thunderstorm, wife of the warlike Perun. According to the Slavs, it is during a thunderstorm that this Goddess appears in the sky, surrounded by her priestesses, her bright progress across the sky is accompanied by downpours and bad weather, but it always leads to a clear sky and a rainbow bridge. This Goddess manifests as a natural phenomenon and as a world cleansing force leading to calm through the storm. Do you want to know more about the Goddess Diva-Dodol, about her symbols, signs, holidays and rites of glorification? Then welcome here to the big article “ Diva-Dodola - Slavic Goddess of Thunderstorms»

Sign of God Yarilo "Yarovik"

Slavic God Yarilo (Yarila)- Slavic God of the spring Sun, son of God Veles. Much has been preserved about God Yaril mythological ideas, mainly because among the people his veneration was hidden under the cult of St. George. God Yarilo, thus, appears as the spring sun, giving rise to seedlings, as the life-giving force of Nature and, what is important, as a protective force, male rage, as the embodiment of the power of love and life. God Yarilo is known as the patron of men and, interestingly, as the ruler of wolves. Do you want to know more about God Yarilo, about his symbols, signs, holidays and rituals of glorification? Then welcome here to the big article “ Yarilo - Slavic God of the spring Sun»

Sign of God Dazhdbog “Straight Cross”

Slavic God Dazhdboga (Dazhboga) many know from the famous statement in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”: “We are the grandchildren of Dazhdbog!” It is believed that from the marriage of the God Dazhdbog and the Goddess Zhiva, Arius was born, from whom the Slavic families descended. They revered God Dazhdbog as the progenitor of the Slavic family, as a warrior-defender, but most of all - as the deity of light, fertility and, as a result, the blessings of life. It is in the manifestation of solar reflected light that we see God Dazhdbog in Reveal. Some believe that the name of the Slavic God Dazhdbog is associated with rain, but this is not true. The name of this God is a derivative of “God willing.” Do you want to know more about God Dazhdbog, about his symbols, signs, holidays and glorification rituals? Then welcome here to the big article Dazhdbog - Slavic solar God »

Sign of the Goddess Tara "Vaiga"

Slavic Goddess Tara considered the twin sister of Dazhbog, who is sometimes called Tarkh Perunovich. Just like the twins Khors and Divya, who appear in the form of opposite phenomena (Sun and Moon), so Dazhdbog and Tara appear in different time day: Dazhdbog owns the reflected sunlight, and Tara appears in the night as the guiding North Star. The goddess Tara was revered as the patroness of travelers, opening roads and helping to choose a direction. Since the roads of travelers can pass through forests, at the same time the Goddess Tara was considered the patroness of sacred oak forests. Do you want to learn more about the Slavic Goddess Tara, about her symbols, signs, holidays and rites of glorification? Then welcome here to the big article “ Slavic Goddess Tara - Goddess of the guiding star »

Sign of God Dogoda "Vratok"

Sign of the Goddess Agidel “Heavenly Abyss”

Slavic Goddess Agidel, granddaughter of the God Svarog, is known in the north as the Goddess of Water. Our ancestors depended on reservoirs; in the north, fishing was one of the main industries, so different kinds waters were endowed with various divine properties. Slavic mythology knows Vodyany, Mermaids, even the sea king, the Goddess Dana and the Gods of large rivers (for example, God Don). The goddess Agidel is, first of all, the mythological savior of the earth from drought, who discovered the world's waters, a girl who turned into river water. Thus, the Goddess Agidel is not the goddess of a specific body of water, but rather a manifestation of the divine properties of the water element that are merciful to humans. Do you want to know more about the Slavic Goddess Agidel, about her symbols, signs, holidays and rites of glorification? Then welcome here to the big article “ Agidel - Slavic Goddess of water»

Sign of God Avsen "Tausen"

Sign of God Kupalo "Fern Color"

Slavic Gods of the world Navi

Lord Navi - Chernobog, brother of Belobog. This dark God is not at all at war with his brother, he is only doing his job, very important, but unappreciated by many: Chernobog destroys what there is no longer a place in the world of Reveal.

Other Slavic Gods of the world Navi also exist in order to not let the world stop developing. In addition, it is the Naval Gods who protect world of the dead and stand on the border between the ordered world and chaos. We include Navi among the Slavic Gods Morenu, Koshcheya, Viya. Even the Slavic God of the Winter Sun Kolyada spends most of his time in the world of Navi.

Sign of God Viy “All-Seeing Eye”

Sign of God Chernobog “Navnik”

Sign of the Goddess Morena “Winter Oblique Cross”

Slavic Goddess Morena (Madder, Mora)- many people are familiar with the Maslenitsa holiday, where they drive away “Morena-winter” and burn a straw effigy. The Goddess of Winter Morena is also the Goddess of Death, which is understandable. This is the Goddess Navi, considered the wife of the ruler of this world, God Chernobog. You should not imagine the Goddess Morena in the image of a scary old woman - on the contrary, in Slavic myths she is a young black-haired beauty, full of strength and plans. Also, one should not simplify the perception of this Goddess - from Slavic myths it is known that she is the daughter of Svarog, the Supreme God of the world, Rule and the beautiful and kind Lada. Do you want to know more about the Slavic Goddess Morena, about her symbols, signs, holidays and rites of glorification? Then welcome here to the great article “Goddess Morena - Slavic Goddess of Winter and Death »

Sign of God Koshchei "Koshchyun"

Sign of the Trojan God “Healer”

Sign of God Kolyada "Kolyadnik"

Sign of the Goddess Kostroma “Cross”

Slavic Goddess Kostroma known from Slavic mythology as the sister of God Kupalo. Because of her quarrelsome character in childhood, there was a misfortune with her brother Kupala, and the curse that Kostroma brought upon both of them, in adult life led to an even greater tragedy. These difficult events led to spiritual rebirth of both brother Kupala and sister Kostroma. Once in the world of Navi, Kostroma has changed and is now the embodiment of the forces that support love in this world. Goddess Kostroma for the Slavs is the Patroness of lovers. Do you want to know more about the Slavic Goddess Kostroma, about her symbols, signs, holidays and rites of glorification? Then welcome here to the big article “Goddess Kostroma - Slavic patroness of lovers »

Sign of the Goddess Devan “Star amulet”

Slavic Goddess Dewans known as the Goddess of the Hunt. Like many Slavic Gods, she had a difficult history - as is known from myths, this proud and headstrong daughter of Perun wanted to become the most important in the world of Rule and rebelled against Svarog. After Perun pacified his unreasonable daughter, she became the wife of God Svyatobor, but their marriage was unsuccessful. Devana left her husband and began to commit robbery on long roads. The gods decided to stop Devan and sent her to Nav. Rebirth in Navi led to the fact that after this the Goddess Devana became wise, careful, but still loved traveling and hunting. Do you want to learn more about the Slavic Goddess Devan, about her symbols, signs, holidays and rites of glorification? Then welcome here to the great article “Slavic Goddess Devan - Goddess of the Hunt” »

Sign of the God of Perplexity “Spiral”

Slavic Gods that stand apart

A special story Veles, God of the Three Worlds. The name of this Slavic God suggests that paths to all three worlds are open to him, therefore we cannot attribute him to any of them. Veles is especially revered in the Russian North; the amazing story of this God is definitely worth learning. The Goddess also stands apart Makosh, Goddess of Fate and Magic.

Sign of the Goddess Makosh “Rodovik”

Slavic Goddess Makosh known and loved like no other. This is the Goddess of Fate and Magic, who owns the threads of destinies of both men and women, people and Gods. Due to its great action and influence on the well-being of people, the veneration of the Goddess Makosh mixed with the cult of the Goddess Mother of Cheese-Earth, also the giver of blessings. But Makosh is the giver of blessings in great importance, for the entire family line, and Mother Earth of cheese - more “down-to-earth” well-being for a specific period. In mythology there is no mention of the fact that God Rod, who created our Motherland, Worlds, Gods, ever created the Goddess Makosh. This silence may indicate that the Goddess Makosh is a force that came from outside. Do you want to know more about the Slavic Goddess Makosh, about her symbols, signs, holidays and rites of glorification? Then welcome here to the great article “Slavic Goddess Makosh - Goddess of Fate and Magic »

Sign of God Veles “Bull Head”

Slavic God Veles known also to those who are little familiar with Slavic mythology in general. The veneration of God Veles is due to the fact that he simultaneously embodies all powers three worlds- this was precisely the intention of the Creator Family in relation to him. That is why the influence of God Veles is great on human life and death. God Veles is revered as the Patron of nature, the manager of wild and domestic animals, in a word, the obvious well-being of people depends on his power. In addition, it is believed that it is God Veles who helps the Souls of the dead get to white Nav and then transfers the Souls of children across the Berezina River to be born in Yavi. By all accounts, God Veles, who is the God of Wisdom and Magic, stands especially in the pantheon of Slavic Gods. Do you want to know more about the Slavic God Veles, about his symbols, signs, holidays and glorification rituals? Then welcome here to the big article “Veles - Slavic God of Three Worlds »

Sign of the God of the Family "Svaor"

And the last one we remember here will be the First God, Rod-Creator, who created the Motherland in the middle of Chaos, creating order in the world order. According to Slavic mythology, God Rod is not exactly the Supreme Creator of the universe; he is the one who created the three worlds in which our bodies and souls exist. God Rod is the one who created the world order and maintains the rules, he is the force that gives meaning to our existence. It was he who created the Gods and gave them various manifestations, organizing a sequence of development and cessation, light and darkness. Do you want to know more about God Rod, about his symbols, signs, holidays and rites of glorification? Then welcome here to the big article “

ROD-PARENT- an integral part of Ramha (Ra-M-Ha - the One God-Creator, an unknowable essence emitting the Life-Giving Light and the Primary Fire of the Universe (Inglia)
Rod - from which everyone came existing Universes and inhabited Worlds, the One Patron God of all the Clans of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Race, the Patron God of the Universes of the World Rule. A single image of many Gods and Ancestors, One and Multiple at the same time. When we talk about all our Ancestors: Fathers, Grandfathers, Great-Grandfathers and Ancestors, we say - this is my KIND. We turn to him when we need the support of the Gods and Ancestors, for our Gods are our Fathers, and we are their children.

Ancestor-Rod, Heavenly Rod! Strengthen my heart in the Holy Faith, grant me the Wisdom of my Ancestors, Your sons and grandsons. Grant happiness and peace to Your people, now and ever and from century to century! So be it, so be it, so be it!

This message is read before classes or studies. For better assimilation of knowledge.

To the Glory of the One and Indivisible God the Father, the Three-Light Great Generator of ours! May all our deeds be done for the Glory of our Gods and Ancestors, and for the prosperity of our Clans and descendants! Now and ever and from Circle to Circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Glorification of the Family before the commemoration of ancestors and the offering of necessities on the days of Remembrance of the Ancestors and on Parental Days..

Heavenly Family, Progenitor! You, Patron of all Childbirth! Remember all my Ancestors! Koi in Your Light Svarga! Now and ever and from Circle to Circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Glorification of Rod for the gift of life, thanksgiving for a happy life.

Blessed be the Ancestor-Rod, the Heavenly Rod! We thank You for helping Dukhovna, for helping Slavna, and in all our deeds! So be it, so be it, so be it!
Blessed be Triglav the Great! Now and ever and from Circle to Circle! So be it, so be it, so be it! Blessed is England - the Life-giving Light of the Great Ramha, now and ever, and from century to century!

GOD PERUN - Patron God of the warriors of the Great Race, protector of the Lands and Family of the Svyatorus (Russians, Belarusians, Estonians, Lithuanians, Latvians, Latgalians, Semigallians, Polans, Serbs, etc.) from the forces of Darkness, God the Thunderer, ruler of Lightning, son of God Svarog and Lada -Mother of God, grandson of God Vyshenya. He told the people in Asgard of Iria the Sacred Vedas, recorded by the X'Aryan Priestly Runes in the "Santiyah Vedas of Perun" (Book of Wisdom of Perun).

Glorification of God Perun, the protector of all Clans of the Great Race and all descendants of the Heavenly Clans.

Be blessed, Perune - our Leader, now and forever, and from century to century! And lead us to the Trisvetous Glory! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Appeal to Perun for protection and support.

Perun! To those who call upon You, be Glorious and Trislavic! Give health and abundance to all the children of Svarozh, show mercy to the families, rule over all, from the Motherland! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Conspiracy for health

Perun! Heed those who call on You! Glorious and Trislaven be you! Give health, bread and family to my children (names...), show thunder! Rule over everyone! Still from Rodno! Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Appeal to the god Perun before important matters, to resolve disputes, to defeat evil and untruth. For protection from enemies.

Perun! To those who call upon You, be Glorious and Trislavic! Give weapons, bread and Strength to the howling defenders of the Race! Show the sword of your Power against the enemy! Protecting all the Vesi of Svarog, rule over all the Son of Svarog! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Appeal is the glorification of the god Perun for any deed aimed at good.

Perun! To those who call upon You, be Glorious and Trislavic! Give the goodness of Svarga and Peace to the entire Holy Race, and the awakening of the Spirit, to the children, show Perun! Glorifying the race, rule over all, so that the Spiritual darkness may disappear! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Appeal to Perun for good luck in business, prosperity of your family.

Our Father Perune, Bose the Guardian! You are the Ruler of the Light forces of Svarga throughout, grant us good luck, in Glory, without crying! Protect from deception, from darkness and dope! From Black God's vices, from foreign quitrents. Lead us to creation, and lead our families to prosperity. Now and ever and from Circle to Circle. So be it, so be it, so be it!

Perun! You who call upon you! Glorious and Trislaven be you! Give health, bread and family to my children, show thunder! Rule over everyone! Still from Rodno! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Conspiracy for warriors

In the name of the Light, in the name of the Family, in the name of its power! Perun sends goodness to those who call upon her. Strength and glory, firmness and fury, give us Perun in battle. Revealed by thunder, be inspired, show your will. In the name of God Gray Svarog, give strength to the warrior. To your son and brother, to your friend and howl, show your will. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

GOD SVAROG - God of the Heavens of the Revealed World, Patron God of Vyria (Slavic-Aryan Garden of Eden), Heavenly Asgard (City of the Gods).
According to Slavic legends, the Son of the Family, the god Svarog, is the Heavenly Father. Sometimes he was simply called God. Svarog cooked (cooked, created) the earth. He found the magic stone Alatyr, cast a magic spell - the stone grew and became a huge white-flammable stone. God made the ocean foam for them. The thickened moisture became the first dry land. In the Indian Vedas this creation is called the Churning of the Ocean.
God also created Blue Svarga - a country in the heavens where our glorious ancestors live. The bright stars are their shining eyes, with which our grandfathers and great-grandfathers look from heaven at our earthly affairs.

Father of the Gods Svarog Heavenly, be eternally glorious, the Light Prince! You established the law of the Universe, Holy Creator, You created Reality! How eternal is Rule in Light Svarga, let there be Peace on Earth!
Send Dazhdbog to all your grandchildren, protection, blessings and life.

Glorification of Svarog before any undertaking!

Glory to Svarozha, Great God, Heavenly Forger, Who bound the Sky, Who proclaimed the Rule, Who bestowed Fire! Yari, Svarozhe! NVA! Glory!

Father - Svarog, the Heavenly Forge, who bound the sky, who exalted Svarga, strong in strength, quick in thought! Accept our honor - glorious Glory! For Chara, for the Axe, for the Plow, and for the Yoke - our ancestors glorified you. That’s how we praise You! For your gifts, bow to the Earth! NVA! Glory!

Svarozhe, Great God! Place the cue of relics in your right hand! Svarozhe is the leader of Kolo, Svarozhe is the guardian of the Veda. You are our ancestor, Your palace is the abode of truth! Father of the Three-Bright Sun, Stretch and rule through the days and nights, Strengthen us in the Truth of God! Wake up Trislaven!
NVA! Glory!

LADA MATUSHKA - Female hypostasis of Rod, Spouse of Svarog. Theotokos Lada - Mother of the gods; She is also the Woman in Birth, the “Mother of Birth,” who helps during childbirth, an intercessor before the gods: she protects from their anger. Later, after the baptism of Rus', She was equated with the Christian Mother of God.

Turn to Lada before any undertaking for success and protection from misfortunes.

Empress, Lada-Mother, Heavenly Mother! Visit us, You, with the Power of Light, bless us for good deeds, for glorious deeds, and for the Glory of our Family, so be it, so be it, so be it!

Plot for happiness

Plot for happiness

Oh Lada Mother, Most Pure Mother! Don't leave us without love and happiness! Send your grace upon us, as we honor and glorify you. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it! Until the end of time, while the sun shines on us.

Empress, Lada-Mother, Heavenly Mother! Blessed are You, Patroness of the Clans of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Race, we thank You for your help in our deeds, and at all times while the Yarilo-Sun shines. So be it, so be it, so be it!

For a pleasant journey, before a long journey, for the protection and patronage of Lada

Empress, Lada-Mother, Heavenly Mother! Bless me, O You, as I cross the long road, let me go straight, and may Your name be hallowed from Generation to Generation! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Appeal to Lada - the Mother of God for help and blessings for good deeds.

Empress, Mother Lada, Heavenly Mother, Mother of God! Visit us, You, with the Power of Light, bless us for good deeds, for glorious deeds, and for the Glory of our Family, so be it, so be it, so be it!

For family well-being, harmony, healthy offspring and harmony in life.

Mother-Rozhanitsa, Sister of the Family, hear, You, our verbs, grant healthy offspring to all our Family, so that our eternal Family Thread will never be interrupted. For Thee, we sing Great Glory, and into our mansions, Thee, we call, now and ever and from Circle to Circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Prayer to Goddess Lada for love

If you suffer from unrequited love and dream of harmony and happiness, then perform such a ritual and turn to the great Slavic goddess of love and marriage Lada.
On the waxing moon, prepare a few things that remind you of your loved one. This could be anything, from a ticket to a theater you went to together, to his business card or photograph. Focus on all those positive qualities things you would like to observe in your partner. If you are already dating someone and feel that you will be happy with him, then feel free to ask for love. Lada will hear you - believe me!

O great Mother Lada, Heavenly Mother of God, you are the guardian and patroness of love, hear my prayer. Know that in the depths of your heart the fire of love for (name) burns. The ways of the heart are mysterious, and I turn to you for advice and support. If my love for (name) seems true in your eyes, let (name) know that his looks delight me, let him know that his speech delights me, let him know that I yearn for the touch of his hands. And I want love and happiness for both of us! If my feeling is unpleasant for (name), let my heart be freed from desire for him. If you find my love unworthy, free my heart from it. Let there be new joy and freedom from all sorrow.
Oh Lada mother, hear my prayer!

In the Tale of Bygone Years, Veles is called the “cattle god,” the patron saint of domestic animals. This is a small fraction of the functions of the god Veles. If Rod is the divine cause of the manifestation of life, and Svarog is the conscious experience and divine spirit that fills this world, then Veles is the material manifestation of life, its tasks. Veles knows everything, penetrates everything and enters everything. Veles leads a person to goals, not allowing him to deviate, since the very essence of the incarnation of Veles lies precisely in the realization of material manifestations. Therefore, it was Veles who was considered by our ancestors as the God of material well-being, the God of money. But among other things, he was also considered the deity of love, because love is also a material manifestation of all spiritual and physical experiences. So, Veles is the God of prosperity and love. According to Vedic teachings, after death, human souls rise along the moonbeam to the Navi gate, where Veles meets them. Pure, righteous souls are reflected from the Moon and follow a ray of sunshine to the Sun - the abode of the Almighty. The remaining souls either remain with Veles on the Moon to purify themselves, or reincarnate on Earth.

Veles God, we honor You every day, throughout all ages!

For abundance, a good harvest, a rich yard.

Generous Veles, Look at us from Heaven! Give life, revive the field, give blessings! Goy Velese!

Glory to Veles God, our refuge and strength! Glory to Thee, Leader of earthly and heavenly flocks,
All kinds of wealth, knowledge and wisdom to the Multiplier and the arts to the Patron!

Prayer to Veles for a deceased person:

Our Lord, the all-knowing God - Veles! I sing your glory in times of joy and sorrow. I remember You because You are the giver of wisdom, wealth and protector of our souls on the way to the Other World. Father above the dark-secret Gods, turn your gaze to the soul of the Grandson of Dazhdbozhy (name). Let his spirit gain strength in Navi, let his Soul be cleansed of filth and rise to Reality. Here we will meet our relative with songs and glories. I honor you, God, Veles. As much as the stars shine in the Night Diva, as much as the Sun shines in the Blue Svarga, so much for the Grandsons of Dazhdbozh to glorify and fulfill Your wills, our Lord. Glory to Veles!

Conspiracy for a good life

Veles Patron God! Svargi is the guardian of the yard! And we all glorify you dearly, for you are our shovel and support. And do not leave us without care, and protect our fat herds from pestilence, and fill our barns with goodness, so that we may be one with you. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

MAKOSH-TRIGLAVA - This is the great deity of fate. Its symbol in the Vedic pantheon is denoted by the celestial spinners, who are akin to the Scandinavian moira. But she is not only the goddess of fate, but also the goddess of the economy, the goddess of accumulated wealth. Makosh is a symbol of a good beginning and life itself in general. This is the goddess of blessing, she has the secret of Rule, the secret of truth, and you cannot deceive her. Makosh is the wife of Veles. She was sometimes called Makosh-Velesynya, which means that she is akin to Veles energies and is their conductor. Goddess of good fortune. Together with his daughters Dolya and Nedolya, he determines the Fates of people and Gods, weaving the Threads of Fate. Patron Goddess of weaving and needlework. With the advent of Christianity, her image merged with the image of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa.

Slavleniye Makosh

Makosh - Mother, strands of yarn, Share the water, Give birth to life, Lead the threads, Judge the right - So wake up! Goy!

Appeal to Makosh for a happy lot, about well-being.

Empress, Mother Makosh, Heavenly Mother, Mother of God! Weave for us a Light Fate, a Clear Fate, but without dark threads. And may Your mercy not perish, but to all our Clans! We sing Great Glory to You, now and ever and from Circle to Circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Appeal to Makosh for good luck and about the health of yourself and your loved ones.

Empress, Mother Makosh, Heavenly Mother, Mother of God! You, Mother-Rozhanitsa, Svarog’s sister! Grant us good luck, no troubles and no crying! Give health to your children, great and young! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Among Svarog's gifts to people were his sons - Svarozhichi. The first of them is Dazhbog (Dazhdbog) - the god of the Sun, the giver of heat and light. His name is heard in the shortest prayer that has survived to this day: “Grant, God!” Dazhbog and Zhiva revived the world after the Flood. After the transformation of the World, Dazhbog himself changed. Everything that connected Dazhbog with the world below disappeared along with the world itself. His spirit merged with the Spirit of the Most High. And Dazhbog became indistinguishable from the Almighty. “Dazhbog separated Reality from Navi. He became the God of Rule and Reveal." Lada united Dazhbog and Zhiva in marriage, in which Zlata Maya, the Great Mother of the World, was reborn. All Slavic families descended from the progenitor Dazhbog, which is why the Slavs are called Dazhbog’s grandchildren. They also had grandchildren, and then great-grandchildren appeared - either the descendants of Dazhbog and Zhiva and Rosi - a beautiful mermaid, then a great and glorious people, a tribe named - Rus... Jiva is the personification of the fruitful power of Life, rebirth, eternal youth, the goddess of well-being, the flourishing of all living things.

Jiva-Mother, Heavenly Mother, who sent down a pure Soul, help in the righteous cause, in the prosperity of our Race. Illuminate clear Svarga, our Path-Striving, to the Light Tarkh for consolation! So be it, so be it, so be it!

“We praise Dazhbog. May He be our patron and intercessor from Kolyada to Kolyada! And the patron of fruits in the fields. He gives grass to our cattle all the days. And the cows multiply, and the grains multiply in the granaries. And He does not allow the honey to harden. He is the God of Light. Glory to Svarozhich, who renounces Winter and flows towards Summer. And to Him we sing glory in the fields, for He is our Father.”

Bless Dazhdbog, Tarkh Perunovich, for good deeds, for glorious deeds, in defense of the Holy Faith and the land of the Holy Race, and in defense of our Elders, our wives and children. Protect the Shrine of our Holy Land from desecration by pagans. May our Mansions, Sanctuaries and Temples not be desecrated, now and ever, and from century to century, for our Old Faith is great and mighty. So be it, so be it, so be it!

Our ancestors believed that Dazhbog patronized weddings and met the groom at dawn on the wedding day.

Anthem - Orthodox Praise:

Jiva Mother! Shower Guardian! You, Patroness of all our families!
We call upon Thee, We glorify Thee, We magnify Thee as the giver of Bright Souls!
Give comfort to all people, and give reproduction to our ancient families.
And You will come, eternally in our hearts, now and ever and from Circle to Circle.
So be, so be, so be!

Conspiracy against diseases

“I will stand blessed, go to the blue sea, on the blue sea is the white-flammable Alatyr stone, on the Alatyr stone the Goddess Jiva sits, holds a white swan in her white hands, plucks the swan’s white wing. As the white wing jumped back, jump back, jump away from (name) birthmarks, fevers and fevers - Hoarse, Lomeya, Decrepit, Dozing, Windy, Smutnitsa, Zyabukha, Shaking, Fire, Fluffy, Yellowing, Numb, Deaf, Karkusha , Looking, Snoring. From a wild little head, from clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from a white body, from a zealous heart. It came from the wind - go to the wind, came from the water - go to the water, came from the forest - go to the forest. From century to century."

Nothing is true in many worlds and on Midgard Earth. Follow only the Wisdom of the ancient Vedas,

Yes, listen to the words of the Magi and Priestesses of the Light Gods, To whom the Wisdom of the Veda has been given from above to interpret...

Magus ZoomZum

What is prayer? Prayer is a tool. Our Ancestors praised the Gods, but did not ask them for anything. We were engaged in SLAVO-words, therefore we are Slavs. Doxology is the creation of special vibrations, because language is given to us in order to glorify, that is, to WORD the resonance of attunement with the Gods (certain energy) with the help of words.Prayer- this is a vibration series associated with a certain hypostasis: either we turn to a specific God who controls specific elements, or to one of his manifestations - protection, help, support. This is a technique of attunement with certain vibrations. When we are attuned to this vibration, we appropriate this Power for our evolution. When a person believes, when he has an inner conviction that the object to which he is turning will help him, help and support come. At the same time, it doesn’t even matter whether we speak in our own words or without words, just a mental message and a mental touch to God works miracles. It is important from the Soul, with understanding, according to CONSCIOUSNESS, then prayer works very powerfully. And here it is important to accept these vibrations. Often a person is not ready to accept high vibrations if he lives for a very long time in low ones: aggression, anger, irritation and internal negativity. When we pray, we tune in to the vibration of God and use His Power. Therefore, the prayer must be glorified, said, and not spoken (go - image, thief - steal. Steal images).


Holy honor Gods And your ancestors and live according to your conscience in harmony with Nature. What does this mean:

Holy honor - light, Light.

ReadRead - chi is the energy of life, thief - to appropriate - to appropriate the light power of the Gods for oneself, to unite with them and become one with them, not to grovel before them, not to be servile, but simply this recognition that we are one and the same with them.

Praise - sl A we infuse their power and use it for our evolution.

Live according to conscience - CO-shared Message: do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself.

Living in harmony with nature - harmony - it is a relationship with natural vibrations .

We offer you here several of our native prayers to appeal to the Gods. Other prayers can be found in the prayer archive. And remember that what is important is your intention to hear the Gods, to accept their Light.

The path of the Orthodox Faith-Veda

IN I believe in the Most High Kind - the One and Many-manifest God,The source of all that exists and bears,which is the eternal roof of all Gods.I know that the World is a Genus,and all the many-named Gods are united in it.I believe in the trinity of existence of Rule, Reveal and Navi,and that the Rule is true,and retold to the Fathers by our Forefathers.I know that Rule is with us, and we are not afraid of Navi,For Nav has no power against us.I believe in unity with the Native Gods,for we are Dazhbozh’s grandchildren - the hope and support of the Gods of the Relatives.And the Gods keep their right hands on our rallies.I know that life in the Great Family is eternal,and must think about the eternal while walking along the paths of Rule.I believe in the power and wisdom of the Ancestors who are born among us,leading to good through our Guides.I know that strength lies in the unity of the Orthodox clans,and that we will become glorious, glorifying the Native Gods!Glory to the Family and all the Gods who exist in Him!

Prayer of Devotion

R ode to the Almighty! Great our God!You are united and multi-manifest, You are our Light and Justice,You are the spring of Eternal Life, the source of boundless Love, the one that heals the Soul and Body.We praise You, God of Rule, Reveal and Navi.And we work every day on our souls,to be Wise and Strong,strong support of Mother Earthand defenders of their ancient Family,for You give us Encouragement and Joy,You bestow Courage and Fortitude,you give us the Veda and teach us Patience,so that we may walk the path of our life with honor,inspiredly fulfilling Your sacred will.Glory to You, Rod Almighty! And to all the Native Gods existing in You!

Prayer to Rod. Protective

"ABOUT my father, Rod! You are the God of Gods. Take me under your wing. Let no one stop me from living and working in Your name. You are Perfect, and I am perfecting my Love for You, for I Know that Love and justice are powerful protection from all evil. I thank You, my Father, for caring for me and my family. Om (Aum) "Malaya Perunitsa. Big Perunitsa.⚡

Important: this prayer of protection copy from the site by hand onto paper. So it was handed over to me - on paper, by hand.

Unity Prayer

R ode to the Almighty, who gave birth to the life of Reveal and Navi!You are the God of Our Gods and the beginning of the entire Divine Family.You are the Heavenly Father - Svarog, the Grandfather of God,You are the Great Mother Lada - Love and the birth of the World.Like Perun we see You in many battles,which leads us to military victories and the establishment of a righteous life.You are the holy knight of our Faith - Svetovit, God of Rule, Reveal and Navi.Yet you are the Great Triglav of our Faith-Veda.Glory to the Native Gods!

Prayer of Encouragement

R ode to God! You are Holiness, more sacred than all saints!
The highest Father and the Eternal Spirit of Light,with the movement of your thoughts in Dyva you give birth to many worlds,therefore You are in everything and everything is in You, You fill all souls with the Limitless Light,With the Holy Order you bless us for eternal life,Happy are those who know Your highest wisdom!They hold on to the Heavenly Parents, the Native Gods and the Light Ancestors,Establishing the holiness of Rule on Earth, they go to the Most Pure Svarga!Filled with your strength, protected by your holiness,We live for You, faithfully fulfilling our destiny.Because You are the highest joy and boundless happiness!Thy love flows to us, with spiritual and physical gifts, and with all grace,for we remain in the unity of the Ancestral Fire,actions pure souls we sanctify ours,We create a world of Goodness and Love!Glory to the Almighty Family!

Prayer "Dazhbozhya morning"

IN the Red sun is melting, our Dazhbozhe,The world is illuminated with light and filled with joy!My soul wants grace, for I am the grandson of Dazhbozh.I look at the sky and my heart trembles with unspeakable joy,After all, our Dido himself enters my home.Greetings, Sunshine!
Bless my Spirit, Soul and body,to remain in health and grace.Without You there is no breath,there is no movement of any kind on Earth - Mokosh!Bless me, God, on a clear day,so that all my good undertakings come true, and so that Krivda sinks into the Pit! Glory to Dazhbog!

Morning Praise

R od Almighty! Great our God! You are united and multi-manifest, You are our Light and justice, You are the storehouse of Eternal Life, the Spring of boundless Love, That which heals the Soul and Body. We praise You, God of Rule, Reveal and Navi. And every day we work on our Souls to be Wise and Strong, a strong support of Light Rus' and defenders of our ancestral Family, since You give us inspiration and Joy, bestow Courage and Fortitude, give us Knowledge and teach Patience, so that we pass the Path with honor our life, inspiredly fulfilling Your Sacred Will. Glory to You, the Most High Family! Glory to all the Native Gods existing in you!

Prayer before starting any business to Svarog

With Varozhe, Dido of the Heavenly Family,You are the creator of the Explicit world - the sun, stars and Mother Earth.In You is the great power of creation,which manifests itself in the owners of our kind,You are the beginning of all good deeds that are born in hearts,they ripen in the mind and bear their fruits in reality.How can I begin without Your blessing?I say to the Heavenly Father, may he bless my righteous cause,let him inspire with his Light,so that I create goodness and joy for the White Light, the Orthodox family, and my relatives. Glory to Svarog!

Prayer at the end of the case to Veles

T You are the crown of everything and earthly lives, Veles, our God!May my heart be filled with joy from what has been created,For my actions are with a pure heart and bright thoughts.May my deeds manifest themselves as fruits of goodness and glory to my family!Bless, Velese, let it be so!

Prayers of Glory before eating food

Option 1

By the power of the Native Gods and human labor, food arrives,blesses the bodies and souls of Dazhbozh’s Grandchildren, sanctifying them with the desire for holiness.For the good and happiness of the Children of Svarozh, having food, we demand that we give, We create glory for the Great Family!Glory to the Native Gods!

Option 2

Glory to the Native Gods, for our daily food,for our joy and for our children to have a worthy life.We ask the Native Gods to bless food and treat our Ancestors,so that peace and harmony reign between the Heavenly Race and the Earthly Race.Glory to the Native Gods!

Option 3

We praise the Gods of the Family for daily food, hthen they grant us to create inspired works,We ask you to bless this foodFill us with the Primordial Light for goodness and happiness And Treat the bright ancestors!Glory to the Native Gods!

Option 4

O Progenitor, manifesting himself in the form of Sventovit, Svarog, Perun and Dazhdbog, Mokosh, Lada, Glory to Thee!Bless this food so that it will benefit us. Aum (Ohm)⚡ - Perunitsa for food.

Option 5

Glory to the Ancestor-Rod, the Heavenly Rod, we thank Thee for our meal, for the bread and salt that You give us to nourish our bodies, to nourish our Soul, to nourish our Spirit, may our Conscience be strong and may all our deeds be, Yes, for the Glory of all our Ancestors and for the Glory of the Heavenly Family. So be it, so be it, so be it!

Option 6

Glory to the Most High Family and all the Gods for the food they give us. We ask the Native Gods to taste our food and with their Power to illuminate and treat our Ancestors with it. So that there is peace and unity between the Heavenly Race and the Earthly Race. Glory to the Most High Family!

Option 7

Father Svarozhe! Almighty God bless!
Mother of God Lada! Makosh-Otrada!
We thank the Ancestors for this meal!
We fill you with our Love and Light!
We will nourish all our bodies.
We bless you with all the Power of God!

Prayer before bed

Option 1. P ode to the Almighty! Your blood children glorify You.As night sets foot on the Earth, Saint Veles walks on the Earth.And our souls go to Prav through Nav,through deep sleep the ancestors are called.Therefore, we ask Veles the Father, who brought children to our earthly Ancestor, to protect our souls from Navi, and to come to the world of Reveal, like Dazhbog, in the morning healthy and strong.Glory to the Native Gods!

Option 2. About Father Rod! Your blood children glorify You. As night sets foot on the Earth, Veles walks across the Earth with light. And our Souls are sent to Prav through Nav, calling our ancestors through deep sleep. We glorify Father Veles, who brought children to our Earthly Ancestor, we ask to protect our Souls from Navi and come to the world of Reveal, like Dazhbog, in the morning healthy and strong and bring new strength to the Orthodox Family. Glory to the Native Gods!

Parents' prayer for children

R od the Almighty, through Father Svarog and Lada Mother,You give birth to the existence of the World, you manifest yourself in the Native Gods and in every creation. Now we are filled with Your Holy Spirit and we call upon all Your righteous powers!Let the Native Gods come and, through their physical manifestations, sanctify the souls of the children of our kind, who in Radeniya Svarozh become united with the Knowing Ones, the Saviors and the Native Gods! Glory to the Native Gods!

Prayer for family and children

R ode to the Almighty! I call your reviving Light!The power of Father Svarog and Mother Ladaand all the Light Gods, come and bless!Dana-Voditsa, living spring, bring us health and cleanse our bodies, illuminate our thoughts, as the morning ray illuminates our native meadows and forests. Life was born in you, renew and enrich the life in our bodies and souls. May there be strength in our family, may our children become ten times stronger, twenty times richer, and hundreds of times wiser than us! So be it! Glory to the Native Gods!

A girl’s (vesta) prayer for marriage. A prayer for her betrothed.

"IN I’ll get up early in the morning, wash myself, bless myself, and turn to the idols of the Slavic Gods and Goddesses. Lada - Mother, hear me!There is no wife in the World without a husband, just as there is no Lada in Svarga without Svarog, for the great end of life was spent this way!Our Most Blessed Mother of God, I see how the eyes of my spirit have received the light, I sense within myself a great need for the peace of my soul! Let the face of my betrothed appear to me, for I have realized my path to Reveal! I am ready to accept him and follow the path of life, I see how happiness comes to my house, the children smile and the Sun shines joyfully! Glory to You, Ladushka!Glory to the Heavenly Family!"Malaya Perunitsa, Big Perunitsa. Bow.

Prayer for parents

P we honor our parents and, glorifying the Gods, turn to Them,to take care of the old age of our parents.For they brought us into the Manifest World,taught to give life harmony, to glorify the Gods of the Natives,To honor the Holy Land and protect it from the alien race, the dashing eye.We call our Family, the Father of the Orthodox Gods: take our parents under Your guardianship.Let them live out their old age in peace, as Mother Share has created, and easily go to the Gods in their own time.And whoever needs it, let them return to Earth and happily overcome the intended path again. Glory to the Native Gods!

Prayer of husband and wife for the family

Rode to the Almighty! You, who hold within yourself everything that exists and bears, everything visible and invisible, let us join the well of Eternal Life, the source of endless love! God grant that our family union be kind and strong, send us beautiful, healthy and happy children for the good and happiness of the entire Orthodox family! Father Svarozh, make our life righteous in your strength and glory, so that we may have a good home and magnify the Gods, in unity of spirit and body, united in the Most High Family! Great Mother Lada, guardian of the Heavenly Family and the Earthly Family, be with us all our lives, may your maternal strength and affection envelop our family and protect it from all evil!Glory to the Most High Family, Svarog and Lada, and all the Gods and Ancestors!

Prayer to the family of the Almighty wife for her husband

Rode to God! You are the Origin of the Universe, Source of the Heavenly Family and the Earthly Family.I praise You and ask you to give my husband good health,like an indestructible rock, a pure and bright mind, like a mountain spring, great strength, courageous character,to stand firmly on your feet in life,took care of our family, loved his children, respected me, He praised the gods. Glory to the Native Gods!

Here another prayer for my husband . This prayer needs to be read every morning when you sincerely want your husband to really be happy.

Clear sun, red Dazhdbozh, hear my call and my prayer. I am your earthly daughter. I turn to you with boundless love, illuminate the righteous path of my husband, so that his thoughts are bright and fair. May his path be blessed by you, clear Dazhdbozhe. Unite your Divine Fire with his Spiritual fire. May strength and wisdom be in him as much as he needs. So that he could do his deeds in the glory of the Divine. So that the Gods bless him. Glory to the Almighty!

Prayer to Lada Mother of her husband for his wife

M Mother Lada, we praise Your all-encompassing love.You create harmony in the Universe, in the Families of Heaven and Earth, you fill our women with kindness and motherhood.
Bless my wife with good health, long life, a gentle disposition, and a kind heart. So that she fills our family with love, raises our children, loves me devotedly, respects my mother and father, takes care of our household.Let only harmony reign in her soul, and let the words from her lips flow only like a song and in her beautiful eyes eternal love rules. Glory to Mother Lada and all the Native Goddesses!

Prayer to Mother Lada for women before rituals

IN Great Mother Lada! We glorify Your Comprehensive Love for our Family. You are the Mother of our Gods, and we are Your grandchildren. Bless each of your children who lives in three worlds, take us under your care, endow us with wisdom and spiritual strength, so that our race grows in Great Glory. Incomprehensibly sensual is Your Love, Great Mother of our Gods. We glorify You with our Love and Honor. Let our songs of praise fly to Iriy, falling Sunbeam in your palms. Glory to the Native Gods!

Prayer to Mother - Alive

WITH Lavna and Trislavna be Alive-Zhivitsa,Goddess of life and bearer of the Ancestral Light!
We see how you descend in the rays of Grandfather Dazhbog, enter the sources of our bodies and fill us with health, strength and goodness.Without you there is no life in a person, but there is only Mother Mara, who announces the end of the life of Man. Now we pray and glorify the Light of the Most High Family, which comes with You and radiates through our palms. In that Light all life exists and outside of it there is nothing, then the Generator Rod itself descends in Your face. Glory flows to You, hundred-voiced, Originator of life, Mother Alive!Glory to Zhiva-Zhivitsa!

Prayer for love between husband and wife

R one mother Lelya, red and beautiful Slavic Goddess, You guarded our hearts and eternal consolation to our souls. Wrap your canopy around the heart of my dear fret (my dear fret) (name), so that we may rejoice in heavenly treasure all the days. On every journey, in every bright deed, strengthen her (his) spirit, fill it with the power of love. Let the clear dawns and the red sun bring peace to my soul and strength of spirit, for our love will shine forever. Honor to You, Mother Lelya, we are filled with Your tenderness, we give happiness to each other. Glory to Lele!

Prayer of a pregnant woman to the Goddess Makosha

M my mother, the Mother of God of heaven, our Makosha! Bless the fetus in my womb, so that my birth will be easy, so that my child will grow within me healthy and strong, and will be born in joy. All the days, mother, stay near me, as a protector and champion of women in labor of the Orthodox family. I will offer prayers and praise to you, for you are an all-loving and all-good guardian of the wives of the earthly race. Glory to Mokosh!

Prayer for the road

M He’s right when he goes on the road, not when he says he wants to be right. But he is right when his words and accomplishments coincide. Therefore, we say, from old to young, that we are the Children of the Gods, the Grandchildren of Dazhbog! He is with us all days and on all roads. During the day he sees with his golden eye, and in the night the silver Horse is His messenger. Therefore, it is appropriate for us to do our deeds according to our conscience, so we will have blessings in our ways and know Joy!

A woman's prayer for conception and birth of a child

M My bright mother, Makosh-Mother! I pray to Thee for the life-giving power, for the holy and bright power, the one that makes the wives of the earthly race Mother of God, and brings the souls of our relatives’ Ancestors into our world. Bless me, Nanny, and autumn with great fertility, so that I may bring into the Reality of the Ancestors of my husband’s family, the bright and righteous souls that are in Navi. You are our loving and affable parent, glorious and tri-glorious, remain in the earthly race! Grant me good health, so that my children will be born easily and in joy, so that my burden will be born as offspring, to the glory of the Orthodox people. Let Divine grace, bright thoughts and Thy wisdom dwell in my soul. I must live according to Truth and Honor, with my husband in great love. Glory to Mokosh!

Healing prayer to Mother Alive

M merciful Mother Alive, you are the very Light of the Most High Family, which heals all kinds of diseases. Look at the Grandson of Dazhbozhy, who is getting sick. Let me know the cause of my illness, let me hear the voice of the Gods, who speak through illness and direct me to the path of Rule. See, Goddess, that I comprehend the truth, and from this health and vigor return to me, longevity in the body is established, and illnesses recede! So be it! Glory to the Alive!

Prayer to Veles for sleep protection

N He steps on the ground, Veles walks through the dawns! Our God, he knows the Vedas and knows the way to Navi. I pray to Father Veles to take care of my soul in sleep, to drive away the Basurs and not to let bad thoughts go. May I see good and prophetic dreams, so that my heart may remain in harmony and peace. Let my sleep be sweet, like that of a healthy and vigorous child, for in dreams health is the essence of life. So be it! Glory to Veles!

Prayer for the Soul of the Deceased

R Ode of the Almighty, You hold within yourself everything that exists and does not exist, everything visible and invisible, You are Truth and Goodness, Love and Justice. Great is your mercy, You reward the righteous, You have mercy and save the lost, taking care of our lives through the Gods of the Family! It was you who commanded us to learn the laws of Rule through Revealed life, overcoming trials, and to sanctify the soul through noble labor! To love your relatives, to live in truth, to sow your path with honor, so that Glory will sprout! Our relative (the name of the deceased) passed away from life, therefore accept him (her) in your spiritual kingdom, reward him (her) according to his (her) worthy deeds, according to his (her) deeds ) to the righteous, forgive bad deeds, voluntary and involuntary lies, with your All-Light Spirit, cleanse him (her) and protect!

Prayer for the Ancestors

IN The Heavenly Ones are open and give Glory to the Ancestors! Our dear ancestors, Shchuras and Ancestors. We thank you for your health, for the strength that you send to us from the Dear Gods and help us in earthly affairs. May Svarog protect you and give you Strength! Stay happily in the Spiritual World, under our care! May the connection between generations exist forever - Sacred live connection between us! Glory to the Spirit of our Ancestors! Glory to the Native Gods!

Prayer for the blessing of water

R ode to the Almighty! I call your life-giving Light! The power of Father Svarog and Lada Mother and all the Light Gods, come and bless this water! Dana-Voditsa, living spring, I pour you from the horn, I pray to Father Rod! Bring us health and cleanse our bodies, illuminate our thoughts, as the morning ray illuminates our native meadows and forests. Life was born in you, renew and enrich the life in our bodies and souls. May there be strength in our family, may our children become ten times stronger, twenty times richer, and hundreds of times wiser than us! So be it! Glory to the Native Gods!

Prayer of the Spiritual Path

B my gods, bright and tri-light ancestors! Great Rus' - Dear Fatherland! The primordial sun embraces its native land with its rays. Makosh-Mother weaves the threads of fate, Dana clasped her hands around Mother Earth, which is full of life and offspring. I am walking along the path of Rule to the gates of Iria with the Great-Grandfathers together. Perun leads me to the Eternity of the immortal Family. The soul hears the voice of the Ancestors in the whistle of the Stribozhi winds and there is that great Colo of the appearance of the Slavic clans, the Colo that is eternal and indestructible, immortal, like my Faith, solid, like the Alatyr stone!


ABOUT, Merciful Progenitor, may Your will be done, who wants everyone to grow and come to the light of truth, grow and have mercy on the Soul (name), accept this desire of mine as the voice of love commanded by You. AUM

Prayer for the family

R ode to the Almighty, Father of Heaven and Earth! Come to my family and fill it with your grace, as rivers fill the sea with water, bless it with spiritual and physical prosperity, as the earth blesses its fields with its harvest. Every day the sun rises, illuminates the world with light and confirms the family (surname) in happiness and strength. Glory to the Almighty!

Prayer for the Human Race

R ode Mighty! You are the Creator of Reveal, Navi and Rule, You created the Heavenly Family and the Earthly Family with the Women in Birth. I bring glory to You, as Your blood son (daughter). I praise the Sun-Dazhbog, who rises over the Earth-Makosh every morning, saturates and warms the Holy Land with a golden ray, and gives life to the earthly race - the children of the Orthodox Gods. Let the hundred-voiced glory of the Most Bright Dazhbog fly to Iriy and be filled there with the love of the children of the earth. Let Your grain sprout in souls human power Righteous, with the power of Saint Svarog, happiness, health and long years!

Prayer for the Fatherland

R Ode to the Almighty, our one and many-manifest God, Mother Russia (Ukraine, Poland, Czech Republic, Belarus and others Slavic lands), glorifies You in his deeds, may God abide with us all the days, as the Parent, the Bright Ancestor, who are our Father and Mother. For we are a strong, rich and free race! Our power is the covenant of the Forefathers, which we protect and increase more closely from the apple of our eye. Autumn, rule with the wisdom and bright mind of our Spiritual guides, fill our rulers, relatives of us by blood and spirit, with strength and courage, bless the honest and devoted rulers and the righteous Orthodox army, bless with gifts of spiritual and physical weights and workers, and all Orthodox native believers, exalt and enrich the Many-Wise Men who burn for the good and prosperity of our Power, who lay their lives on the altar of the Fatherland and the Orthodox Veda Faith, let it be so, now and ever, from Kolyada to Kolyada! Glory to the Native Gods!

Prayer to Mother Glory

T You - the blue sky, where the Ancestors came from, look at the earthly race, cover us with your gaze, for here at the present time stand the brave Grandsons of Dazhbozh! We see a wondrous bird flying towards us and foreshadowing the good news that the Slavic race has been born again, for the opportune time has come and what was prophesied has come true! Spread your wings, Mother Glory, envelop our race with your cover, so that the power of all Native Gods fills the people, and they create life with their own hands, Nanny trusting in You! Let us follow your path to Heaven, for there is real life, and here is joy and knowledge of the Explicit World! My heart fills with love and my spirit grows stronger, praising you Nanny! We honor you, Mother of the Slavic clans, our gifts to you today! Glory to Mother Swa!

Prayer to Yarila

B Ozhe Yarilo, our bright Sun, you gallop across the sky on a white horse, bringing spring to the land of the Orthodox family. There is no enlightenment either in the sky or in my soul without your life-giving ray. Appear your face in the Blue Sky, and let your spirit tremble in my soul. You, our God, are the Father of the brave and victorious, you are a mighty knight who makes a man out of a young man. I pray to you, Father, drive the Basurs away from my family, illuminate the house and bless my relatives! May I be in unity, Yaril, with the Ancestors and Gods, inspired by You to walk my path, boldly and victoriously! Glory to Yarila!

Prayers collected and prepared according to the Heritage of the RODnovers, Old Believers

and from communication with the Magi and the Vohvini of the Ancestral Fire



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