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Ghost cities of Russia: dead cities interesting for stalkers. Abandoned places in Russia - top creepiest places

LIST OF ABANDONED VILLAGES IN RUSSIA – FOR THOSE WHO COULD NOT DECIDE TO LEAVE THE CITY. DECIDE NOW! Many people say that they don’t know where to start, where to go, where to try if they don’t have much money. So here it is the best option– gather a few people to make it more fun (preferably at least one of them should be experienced, handy, and someone you can learn from), and go to an abandoned village. There you can either buy a house for pennies (30-100 rubles), or rent it, or just live for free, because often the owners cannot be found. Going to an abandoned village is the easiest first step when moving from the city to the land. It's almost peasant farm turnkey, because in many places you come across houses already with a shed for livestock and with various outbuildings. And this immediately means savings on the entire infrastructure - 3-10 million, if you build everything from scratch in an open field. And here everything is already here and now. All that remains is to come, buy cattle and start working. From our thread on abandoned villages, we have collected all the information and sorted it by region for your convenience. Here they are - SPECIFIC PLACES WHERE YOU CAN GO TOMORROW AND START ACTING! And you need to start now so that by spring you have time to settle down and prepare for the sowing season. FINALLY TAKE THE FIRST STEP! PLAN YOUR TRIP AND SET YOUR DATE TODAY! May God help you! HERE IS THE LIST OF ABANDONED VILLAGES (and only a few dozen people left the coordinates of the villages; there are hundreds of thousands of such villages in the country!): SAMARA REGION Samara region, Klyavlinsky district, village. Podgorka, in my opinion, there are 4-5 people left at home, around 400 hectares, in houses there in the village council or at the secretary, they were allocated there almost next to me under the OKRM program. Nearby is a pond and fields. Evgeniy Solychev https://vk.com/barankin_140 KOSTROMA REGION 1. Kostroma region, Kologrivsky district. Located 600 km northeast of Moscow. its settlements stretch along the Unzha River. most of them are empty or sparsely populated. the city of Kologriv itself is located in the central part of the region. its population is just over three thousand people. buildings and houses are mostly wooden and most of them are one or two storeys. The city, like the entire region, has not yet been gasified. The roads, as throughout the entire Zakostroma part of the region, are, to put it mildly, very bad, and communication is exclusively by land, that is, by road. The nearest railway station is 120 km away in Manturovo. the area itself has no transit connections. the road to it is a branch from the highway to Perm, Syktyvkar or Arkhangelsk. There is a station, but there are no trains. There is an airport, but no planes fly. there is a pier, but there are no steamships... This is true Kologriv. all this existed, but went into oblivion along with the union of Soviet republics. reason for migration local population- lack of any jobs. There are no enterprises other than logging. well, one and a half collective farms to boot. so the houses are empty. But over the past five years, there have been more and more Moscow and St. Petersburg license plates on the dead roads of the region. strange, right? the village runs to the city, and the city to the village... this is how the reclamation of villages quietly takes place by those who were once cut off from them in one generation or another... What else is Kologrivsky REGION poor and rich in? probably the absence for many, many kilometers of all kinds of industries, factories, mines, military units, zones, dams, hydroelectric power stations, nuclear power plants, etc... the presence of one of the few places on the globe, near the city, where in the spring from different places on the planet, even from Japan , migratory swan geese flock and make a multi-day stopover. "Kologrivsky Forest" is a state natural reserve. The forest itself is very rich in everything that a real living forest should be rich in. even reindeer come here to shed their antlers, not to mention the Bigfoot, who has taken a fancy to these places. The Unzha River is winding, not very deep, with riffles. and is not very wide, about 100 meters. It originates from the Riphean Mountains. and since it flows from the source through the Kologriv region between forests and semi-abandoned villages, the water in the river is exclusively potable. really, but the ecology here is at a high altitude. which was recently confirmed by an expedition of ecologists visiting the village of Chermenino, saying that in the entire western part of Russia, right up to the Urals, the Kostroma region is the cleanest, and the Kostroma region is the most eco-friendly, there is the Kologrivsky district and geese-swans confirm this .. only the roads are not in suit. ..by the way, the ancient, that is, the original Kologriv, is located behind the outermost populated village of Chermenino. in ancient times, by known reasons, as well as many ancient Russian cities such as Ryazan, was moved. 30-40 km downstream, where it still stands today. Local people, at their core, are kind and sympathetic. although they were brought down by the Green Serpent and the habit of walking in formation. Well, in general, if there is a pleasant craving for village life without civilization, health, money, a bright and sober head, then you come here, to the Kologrivsky Territory. that's all in a nutshell. https://vk.com/id224648021 2. Kostroma region, Chukhlomsky, Soligalichsky district. Already on the way there (200 km from Kostroma) there are many abandoned villages right next to the road. There is no need to say what is further from the road. There is a forest around and many small rivers. There are also many abandoned fields of former collective farms. It is better to ask the head of a particular settlement for accurate information about hectares and their cost. Alexey Plotnikov https://vk.com/ariystokrat STAVROPOL REGION Stavropol Territory, Izobilnensky district, Kozlov village. Residents 4-6 houses. I don’t know how much land, but it’s definitely a lot. https://vk.com/daud_1 PERM REGION 1) Perm region, Pozhva village. 2) according to data for 2010, there are 3,131 people, now even less. 3) Almost all the land is empty, with the exception of a small number of small farms with 1 cow each. 4) many houses are abandoned, some more are for sale. More detailed information is available on Wikipedia "Village Pozhva Perm Territory". Igor Demidov https://vk.com/id13765909 LENINGRAD REGION 1. Leningrad region, Volkhovsky district, Vyndinostrovskoe administrative settlement, Khotovo village 2. 3 people have registration, 10-15 live, in the summer with summer residents about 30. 3. there are empty lands in the village itself and in neighboring ones 4. there are abandoned houses In the village, a temple is being restored at which it is planned to establish an Orthodox church farming. Oleg Merkulov https://vk.com/merkulov_o KIROV REGION 1. Kirov region. Podosinovsky district, empty seaside villages, it’s impossible to list them all. I know specifically where houses are sold - the village of Prichalino, Utmanovsky village council (we ourselves have a house there, we use it as a summer house), the places are beautiful, there is a river, a forest nearby, mushrooms, berries, fish. I also know for sure about the village of Okulovo, Yakhrensky village council, it’s also not a bad place, the river is a little further away, but mushrooms and berries are nearby. Let people come!!! Alexander Vorobiev https://vk.com/id133994347 2. In our Kirov region many abandoned villages. Indescribable landscapes, clean air, no one cares, everything is overgrown. I can show it to anyone interested. Sergey Zlobin https://vk.com/id63022118 TVER REGION 1. Tver region, Borovskoye village, there is no population, there are also forests, fields and a river nearby around the village. Nikita Soloviev https://vk.com/id226975029 2. Tver region. Sonkovsky district. There are many uninhabited villages, even more where there are 2-3 residential buildings left! Sergey Pletnev https://vk.com/id156314601 3. Tver region, Torzhok district, village Lunyakovo. Abandoned. 1 summer resident in summer time. Around 80 hectares of land I own. There is a forest around, a stream flows through the area, and electricity along the border. Wholesale sales at cadastral value. They took the land for themselves, but by the time they had completed everything, they managed to settle in another area of ​​Tverskaya. More details with plans and photos on the website - http://www.agronavt.ru/zemli.htm Tatyana Lokshina https://vk.com/id108644159 UDMURT REPUBLIC Udmurt district Glazovsky district, Vasilyevka village. The houses are still dilapidated, no one lives the status of the village for now, there are 400 hectares of fields in the area, a clean stream, a well with soft water, springs. Mikhail Pak https://vk.com/id168526518 PSKOV REGION 1. Pskov region, Porkhov district, villages of Rystsevo (about 30 houses), Zarechye (1 person lives, 10 houses abandoned), Spassky district, Medveditsa. Last house we bought there about 7 years ago for 30,000, the villages are all next to each other, 360 km. from St. Petersburg to Rystsevo there was a bus service from Pskov and Porkhov. Boars, I’m silent about mushrooms and berries - they always carried away the preparations in buckets, there is a lot of land, there is a small river (through all the villages). I haven't been there myself for 15 years. Irina Kalinkina https://vk.com/id1233040 2. We are from the Pskov region...we lived in Opochka...but it’s crowded...we went to the Plyussky district of the village of Zayanye...Gorgeous places...maximum 70 houses and mostly summer residents...200 km to St. Petersburg . We have already acquired poultry, grown a very good harvest of potatoes and everything else from the gardens... Now we are also planning to raise rabbits for ourselves... we have a goat or a cow in our basting... We bake our own bread... there is a convent in the village.. .they also have their own farm... Sergey Skomoroshkin

Ghost towns in Russia: list and photos of dead towns for independent visits


Hello readers! Ghost towns in Russia are the topic of today's conversation. Have you ever thought about how big our country is? I think not each of us can really imagine its scale. And almost every city, be it Rostov or, is filled with people who often leave their home for various reasons. Every city in Russia has an abandoned corner, and empty villages are scattered throughout the country; many of us no longer remember their names.

Ghost towns of Russia: list of abandoned places

The list is compiled according to my research and likes, and information from different sources- all the places you can, they are real. If you know other ghost towns, it will be interesting to read about them in the comments, and if you have them, upload their photos and names.

Today we will talk about such abandoned and dead places as:

  • Nuclear lighthouse at Cape Aniva (Sakhalin)
  • Abandoned castle in Zaklyuchye (Lykoshino village, Tver region)
  • Hotel "Northern Crown" (St. Petersburg)
  • Eighth workshop of the Dagdizel plant (Makhachkala)
  • Diamond quarry "Mir" (Yakutia)
  • Khovrinskaya Hospital (Moscow)
  • Kadykchan village (Magadan region)
  • Building of the sanatorium "Energy" (Moscow region)
  • Maternity hospital (Vladimir region)
  • Ghost town Halmer-Yu (Komi Republic)
  • Ghost town Pripyat (Ukraine)

So, let's go. Some places will be illustrated with videos. Let's start with a place like

Nuclear lighthouse at Cape Aniva

it is located in Sakhalin.

The lighthouse was built back in 1939 and, due to its design, became the most difficult structure to construct on the entire coast of Sakhalin. Thanks to nuclear servicing, in the late 90s, the costs of its operation were minimal, but soon there was no money left for this either. Since then the lighthouse has been empty. And in 2006, special installations were removed from it, thanks to which it once shone 17 miles into the distance.
Now it is looted and empty.

You can see the abandoned lighthouse by going to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk to the city of Korsakov, and then taking a boat to the cape. You look, and this photo resembles a horror film, and the lighthouse resembles the film “Shutter Island” from. But, to be honest, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it.

Abandoned castle in Zaklyuchye

Do you think this is a cursed place or just a superstition that shouldn’t be believed? The castle itself is located in a picturesque forest, on the banks of a small river, just between two capitals, the current and the past. This estate was built according to the design of the owner of the house. The estate surprises with its asymmetry and the fact that it is made of different types materials that are not used at all together in modern construction.

What's so mystical about this place?

During the day, the estate looks very friendly, especially since it is being reconstructed. There used to be a sanatorium here, so the house cannot be called completely abandoned, but local residents tell legends that people who went into the forest and saw the castle returned from there completely different. I don’t really believe in this, but I myself didn’t dare to stay there overnight.

Although I asked my friend's mother about this place, just before we wanted to go there on a tour, she told me that more beautiful place She had never seen it in her entire life; she spent her childhood here. Her father's parents worked at the sanatorium until the day it closed.

Mom helped her grandmother because her parents left her with her for the summer. She felt like a queen, walking along the alleys and by the river. According to her, it was a real paradise with fountains, a large palace, roses, and squirrels. Mom said that there were large flowerpots with flowers at the front entrance, and they were the best flowers in the whole area. Every year the sanatorium received about 200 people, and it closed simply because funding was stopped.

If you have not been there yet and have not seen the castle with your own eyes, I strongly advise you to do so, especially since it is not far from Moscow and St. Petersburg, and you can get there on your own.

By the way! Recently appeared interesting service Vivaster, which allows you to find and take excursions from local residents, rather than travel agencies. This, in my opinion, is much more interesting and authentic than contacting industry giants. In a word, pay attention.

Hotel "Northern Crown"

If you have ever been to St. Petersburg, then you probably know how beautiful and pompous this city is. No, really, it’s not for nothing that it’s called the cultural capital of Russia. I think many residents and guests of the city know about one abandoned hotel, which is located at the embankment of the Karpovka River, 37

Residents of St. Petersburg, who believe in mysticism, claim that the hotel was abandoned for a reason. Just think about the fact that the wiring has already been done, all the plumbing has been purchased, and then one day the project was closed. Locals claim that everything happened after the death of a priest, who was invited to a large banquet in honor of the anniversary of the largest city bank, where, in addition to him, the mayor and his wife were present. After all the solemn events, the hotel owner asked the bishop to bless the guests and invite everyone to a meal, but then suddenly he felt ill and died, right in the middle of the hall. Since that time, this place has been called “cursed.”

Today they are trying to demolish the building, but for some reason no one dares to do it. Even shabby walls, peeling paint and crumbling plaster did not prevent the hotel from maintaining its luxury. Despite closed doors, you can get into the hotel through the roof, but be careful, the hotel is carefully guarded by the authorities.
Another place of honor in my ranking is occupied by

Military facility - Eighth workshop of the Dagdizel plant (Makhachkala)

They say that many have seen ghosts there.

I haven’t been to this place yet, but I would really like to go there. Maybe some of my subscribers have already seen these places, if so, please share your impressions. Long ago, this was a station where naval weapons were researched and tested. The workshop is located 3 kilometers from the shore, but for reasons unknown to me it has not been used for a long time.

The construction of the workshop took more than one year, someone says that during construction a man died there, and has been within the walls of the building for many years; his body has never been found. The interesting thing is that the foundation was made on the shore, and only then delivered to the construction site. To all lovers of the Caspian Sea and those who want to tickle their nerves by looking at abandoned workshops - go there.

Diamond quarry "Mir" in Yakutia

This place fascinates with its grandeur and beauty. There’s definitely some mysticism here, because the quarry can be classified as not only the most mystical places, but also the most beautiful places our country. Open pit diamond mining ended 12 years ago. This is the second largest and longest canyon mine in the world. The airspace here is closed due to possible accidents of helicopters, which were drawn here by a large air flow. The “world” looks so mysterious and unknown.

I was not lucky enough to visit these places, but a friend of mine was once there, he went down almost to the very bottom. He said that at the bottom there is a salt-sulfur lake and it is very bad smell like a rotting corpse. Diamond mining in open method has not been carried out for a long time, but locals are building a mine that will allow them to go even deeper by several hundred meters. Construction is very expensive because the environment inside is unfavorable for human life.

Khovrinskaya Hospital in Moscow

These are the places in the capital that evoke horror. It is not surprising that people die very often in her area. According to unofficial ratings, this place was included in the ranking of the most mystical and dangerous places in the whole world. The hospital was built on a cemetery, but was never opened. This place already has its own folklore, and urban informals often gather there. But what is paradoxical is that for many years this building has not been saving lives, but on the contrary, it has been maiming and killing. Every day the police come here and tragic events occur.

Mysticism is enhanced by very sinister external characteristics hospital-deaths. If you look at it from a bird's eye view, the main buildings located resemble the international Biohazard symbol of mortal danger.

As I already said, the hospital was built on a cemetery, because of this the land turned out to be ruinous: all the basements were flooded, and the main buildings were slowly being destroyed. According to legend, the police wanted to catch sectarians and Satanists who performed their rituals in basements. When they found and brought everyone out into the street, they blew up the tunnel, but they did not take into account that there were still people there who were hiding from the people in uniform. Some of the Satanists were blown up, but all their remains were never found.

I can say that today the hospital is surrounded by a metal fence made of welded mesh, and on top it is covered with barbed wire. It’s better not to go there, there is plenty of security there, fighters with dogs are constantly on duty. Would you dare to climb into this mystical place?

Closed village Kadykchan

another place on my list.

Translated, it means “valley of death.” I don’t really know who names the cities, but I can’t understand one thing for sure: how can you live peacefully and hope for a bright future in a city with such a name? Apparently the local authorities are not at all interested in mysticism and do not believe in paranormal phenomena.

This city was built by prisoners, and at the end of the work about 10 thousand people lived in it, and by 2007 there were not even five hundred left here. 4 years ago only one lived here old man who didn't want to go anywhere. Once upon a time, coal was mined here, which provided energy for half of the Magadan region.

But the explosion at the mine changed Kadykchan, and people began to leave. It's surprising that they didn't even take things with them; here you can find books, magazines, toys, clothes and much more. The city was cut off from heat and electricity, today it is an abandoned place, the streets and houses are gradually being destroyed.

Building of the Energy sanatorium in the Moscow region

occupies the next place of ghost towns in my ranking.

Don’t be surprised, but in our country, working and non-working buildings of the same sanatorium can function on the same territory. In the Moscow region, the Energia sanatorium is very popular, which has been welcoming everyone who wants to improve their health for many years.

There is one next to the working buildings that no one wants to reconstruct, and this is not due to lack of funds. Once the building burned down and took the lives of more than a dozen people; they say that even Energia workers do not enter the burnt building after nightfall. Now there are heaps of garbage, but the mysticism of these places attracts guests and tourists. After the fire, a beautiful staircase, made in a palace style, was preserved; many heard voices here at night. (I wonder what people do at night in such places?)

Maternity hospital in the Vladimir region

There is not enough money in the country to build a normal hospital, but in the Vladimir region there is an operating medical institution that just needs to be renovated, but for some reason the locals are not in a particular hurry to go work there and repair something.

Mystic? It is quite possible, because what could be more mysterious and scarier than an abandoned medical institution? Even a hospital that is working causes unpleasant emotions in everyone, simply due to the specifics of its work, especially since every clinic, even a children's clinic, has a morgue, and such places are already scary.

The building, which was built at the beginning of the last century, houses a maternity hospital. Judging by the documentation, it functioned 5 years ago, but is guarded until today. Much of the hospital remained untouched and locals still do not understand why the maternity hospital stopped accepting pregnant women. You know, only horror films should be shot in such places. Maybe someone has information about this maternity hospital, write in the comments.

Ghost town of Halmer-U

In the past, it was an urban-type settlement in the Komi Republic. Translated, this city means “River of the Valley of Death” or “Dead River”. The village appeared when a deposit of valuable coal was discovered here in 1943. A mine was built here, which began operating in 1957; 250 thousand kilograms of coal were mined per day.

But the government of the country, for reasons unknown to me, decided to suspend the operation of the mine. People did not want to leave their homes, and even riot police were used to force them to do so. 11 years ago they began testing bombing technology over the city and the president himself destroyed the village’s former recreation center. Today Halmer-Yu is the “ghost” of our country.

Next on my top

Pripyat city

Yes, it does not belong to Russia, but it was once part of former USSR, and it became a ghost town while still part of the Union. I think everyone who played Stalker will understand why I added this city.

Pripyat is a ghost town located on the banks of the river of the same name, a few kilometers from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. According to the population census, which was conducted in the fall a year before the disaster, about 50 thousand people lived here. It was planned that by the end of the year the number of residents would increase by another 20 thousand. All residents were evacuated in April 1986 due to a tragic accident. Today the city is located in a special exclusion zone. More than one film was made about the nuclear power plant accident documentary, it also formed the basis for many performances and computer games.

Today, many residents of our planet dream of getting to Pripyat. Of course, a fraction of a percent of people’s interest was caused by the game “Stalker”, which was played by hundreds of thousands of people. The game completely copies the city, if you have completed it, you probably know where to go in Pripyat.

In conclusion, I want to say that I would be very interested in reading your opinion and finding out your rating of ghost towns in Russia and beyond. I'm also looking forward to your videos and photos. I’m also wondering if it’s worth including points on Google maps in the article so that you can find these places on the Internet yourself? Please write in the comments!

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Abandoned cities of Russia, located outside of modern reality, appeared on the map of the country during political, economic and geological transformations. No one still knows how many there are in total.

How might they be interesting?

Ghost towns in Russia have become the basis for the founding of a new layer of a unique apocalyptic culture. It arose at the turn of the millennium, which was greatly facilitated by the increasing popularity of themes and the end of the world. Currently, the abandoned cities of Russia attract more and more adventurers, photographers, film directors and writers. In such dark places creative people hope to find inspiration that is unusual in nature.

Extreme tourism is also becoming very popular. Standard attractions, about which everything is already known, do not arouse such interest among avid travelers. A modern tourist is more of a researcher than a passive observer. In addition, the opportunity to share what they see using the World Wide Web brings incredible satisfaction to everyone who wants to separate themselves from the “gray mass.”


When listing abandoned villages in Russia, the first thing that comes to mind is this particular settlement. It is the most famous of all similar places in the Magadan region. The population of Kadykchan began to decline rapidly in 1996, when an explosion occurred at a local mine. Almost six thousand people left this locality. A few years later, the only boiler house in the village stopped operating, after which it became simply impossible to live there.

Carpets and dishes were left in houses, cars in garages, toys in kindergartens.


When describing the dead cities of Russia, one cannot fail to mention this settlement. The abandoned place was abandoned in 1996. Coal was mined on the territory of Halmer-Yu. In 1994, just over four thousand people lived there.

With the country's transition to market economy The question of the feasibility of the city's existence was raised. The Russian government decided to stop the operation of the mine, and two years later - in 1995 - to completely liquidate Halmer-Yu. It was not possible to carry out the process in accordance with international standards. The reason is that it required a lot of money. As a result, local residents were evicted with the support of riot police. The security forces simply knocked down doors and forcibly herded people onto trains to Vorkuta. Not all citizens were provided with apartments.

Currently, the territory of Halmer-Yu plays the role of a military training ground.

Old Gubakha

Among the main attractions of this locality is the Mariinskaya Cave, located four hundred meters from the now empty reinforced concrete plant. Currently, Old Gubakha, like many other ghost towns in Russia, is at the mercy of nature. Everything is overgrown with trees, bushes and grass - buildings, roads, and central square. The following buildings are of particular interest to adventurers: the cultural and business center, the NKVD building and the hospital.


This one is located on the territory of the Komi Republic. In 2007, it was inhabited by four hundred people. The now abandoned settlement began to decline after an explosion at a local mine. This sad event happened in 1998.

The gloomy houses that once served as camp barracks stand today in all alone. It’s especially scary in Industrial at night, when the wind blows through the empty buildings. The ashes of the houses leave an indelible impression (some of them were burned under the supervision of firefighters during the liquidation of the village, others were destroyed deliberately).


Most of the able-bodied men - residents of this village - worked at a mine called Shumikhinskaya. By decision of the management it was abolished in 1998. All workers were left out of work. The miners banged their helmets on the local administration in Gremyachinsk for three months, but the protests led to nothing.

In the winter of '99, the village's heating system was defrosted. People were forced to leave their homes.

The appalling condition of the village's buildings is due to a heat supply disaster. Water penetrated into the masonry of empty houses, which naturally froze during the cold season. With the onset of spring, the walls began to rapidly collapse. Currently, the buildings look like they were after an earthquake or bombing. The looters are not asleep: they are constantly taking out the surviving materials from Yubileiny.


This settlement was once the center of tin mining in Chukotka. Living conditions there were extremely difficult due to the unfavorable climate. Since 1994, the resettlement of Iultin began. It is noteworthy that people left this place in great haste, as if an emergency evacuation was being carried out. That is why this place, like many other dead cities in Russia, attracts those who like to stare at the lived-in empty apartments. Naturally, looters often visit Iultin.


This settlement is located on the territory of the Okha district of the Sakhalin region. This is one of the most famous oil and gas fields. Local wells produced as much black gold as the entire Okha oil field.

The development plan for the workers' village of Kolendo was approved in 1963, but the life of this settlement was short-lived - just over thirty years. In 1996, due to an earthquake in Neftegorsk, people began to be resettled. Now there is not a soul in Colendo.


Many abandoned cities and villages in Russia are accessible to visit, which cannot be said about Nizhneyansk. This settlement is located beyond the Arctic Circle. Even the most ardent fans of extreme travel do not dare to visit this empty village - it is located too far away. That is why stories about Nizhneyansk are increasingly being told to verify the veracity of which most are unable to do so. The notorious daredevils who visited this place claim that they have never seen anything more terrible. Nizhneyansk is a ready-made backdrop for chilling horror films. Gray blocky two-story buildings stretch into long, gloomy streets. Silhouettes periodically appear in windows with broken glass. Or maybe these are just rags, disturbed by cold winds?

Fin whale

Some abandoned cities in Russia were top-secret sites in the past. So Finval is just an invented name. The real name of the bay, which became the habitat of Navy officers, is Bechevinskaya. On its territory, a four-story dormitory (popularly called a “wonderhouse”), two three-story buildings with officers’ apartments, and a store were erected. In addition, barracks, a headquarters, a galley, a diesel substation, a garage, a boiler room and a warehouse were built.

The garrison was disbanded in 1996. There are no military personnel in Finval now. Only bears and foxes roam the desert streets.


Many abandoned cities in Russia were home to military personnel. Among them is Alykel. After the withdrawal of the air squadron, it simply died out. There is very little information about the city. Collecting data is incredibly difficult due to the closed nature of the place. Currently, multi-storey buildings and an airport remain on its territory.


The city occupies a special sad place in the list of “Abandoned Cities of Russia”. Photos of this settlement on Sakhalin spread throughout the world overnight. And for what reason? The fact is that at one o'clock in the morning on May twenty-eighth 1995, something happened there powerful earthquake(ten-point), as a result of which more than two thousand people died. Just one push turned dozens of houses into a shapeless pile of building materials. Rescuers from the Ministry of Emergency Situations did everything possible to unblock the survivors. Hours of silence were periodically arranged, since the moans of the victims were not so easy to hear. Of course, there were also looters, rummaging through piles of household belongings and clothing in search of something valuable.

The surviving Neftegorsk residents received free housing in other cities and financial assistance. Young people were given the opportunity to study at any university in the country for free.

Now on the site of Neftegorsk there is only a dead field, all that remains of the once prosperous city of oil workers.


Abandoned cities of Russia, the list of which is updated from time to time, can tell a lot of interesting things about the history of the state and its citizens. Unfortunately, looters mercilessly destroy the original spirit of such places. When visiting ghost towns, be respectful of such an unusual historical heritage.

The number of abandoned cities, towns and villages on the territory of the former USSR cannot be accurately calculated. The political, economic and geological transformations of our state over the past 100 years have created a whole host of objects that are now left behind modern reality.

Abandoned cities in Russia formed a new layer of apocalyptic culture, which arose at the turn of the millennium on the waves of the increasingly popular themes of the End of the World, the Mayan calendar, Vanga’s predictions and big-budget Hollywood blockbusters. Now abandoned cities are actively used to create scenery for man's eternal fear of the Apocalypse. Musicians, photographers, filmmakers, writers, stalkers and other people come here in an effort to find inspiration and drink “dead water” from a stream of something invisible and infinitely mysterious.

Alternative and extreme species tourism is also gaining momentum. Standard attractions, exhausting with an abundance of information about themselves, attract fewer and fewer travelers. The modern tourist is slowly turning into a researcher chasing some metaphysical “non-standard”. The endless opportunities to share your “finds” via the Internet only contribute to the desire to stand out, be unique and separate from the rest of the “crowd”.

Today we would also like to turn to the topic of abandoned cities. Topics for Russia and the countries of the former USSR are truly inexhaustible, and also extremely exciting and intriguing. Let's take a few minutes away from the fear of these silent "ghosts" and slowly walk through their quiet, deserted streets.

1. Khalmer-Yu (Komi Republic)

Abandoned cities of Russia: Halmer-Yu.

Miners' village. Liquidated during perestroika due to the closure of coal mines.

The area is now used as a military training ground, call sign "Pemboi". On August 17, 2005, during a strategic aviation exercise, a Tu-160 bomber, carrying Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, launched three missiles at former home culture of an abandoned village.

2. Staraya Gubakha (Perm region)

Abandoned cities of Russia: Old Gubakha.

An abandoned mining village near a depleted coal mine. High degree destruction of buildings.

3. Industrial (Komi Republic)

Abandoned cities of Russia: Industrial.

Mining village. In 1998, an explosion at a local mine killed 27 miners. The bodies of 19 of them were never found. The mine closed, the village was deserted.

4. Yubileiny (Perm region)

Abandoned cities of Russia: Yubileiny.

5. Iultin (Chukotka Autonomous Okrug)

Abandoned cities of Russia: Iultin.

6. Kolendo (Sakhalin region)

Abandoned cities of Russia: Kolendo.

7. Nizhneyansk (Yakutia)

Abandoned cities of Russia: Nizhneyansk.

8. Fin whale (Kamchatka region)

Abandoned cities of Russia: Finval.

9. Alykel (Taimyr Autonomous Okrug)

Abandoned cities of Russia: Alykel.

10. Neftegorsk (Sakhalin region)

Abandoned cities of Russia: Neftegorsk.

11. Kursha-2 (Ryazan region)

Abandoned cities of Russia: Kursha-2.

12. Mologa ( Yaroslavl region)

Abandoned cities of Russia: Mologa.

13. Charonda ( Vologda Region)

Abandoned cities of Russia: Charonda.

14. Amderma (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug)

Abandoned cities of Russia: Amderma.

15. Korzunovo (Murmansk region)

Abandoned cities of Russia: Korzunovo.

City of pilots and gunners. Yuri Gagarin served here in the 1950s.

16. Kadykchan (Magadan region)

Abandoned cities of Russia: Kadykchan.

A ghost town, whose residents mined coal for the Arkagalinskaya State District Power Plant.

17. Pripyat (Ukraine)

Abandoned cities on the territory of the former USSR: Pripyat.

18. Chernobyl-2 (Ukraine)

Abandoned cities on the territory of the former USSR: Chernobyl-2.

An abandoned city, and previously lived here by the military, servicing the Soviet over-the-horizon radar station "Duga" for an early detection system for intercontinental ballistic missile launches.

19. Ostroglyady (Belarus)

Abandoned cities on the territory of the former USSR: Ostroglyady.

The ghost village was resettled after the Chernobyl disaster.



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