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How to prepare well for the exam history. How to prepare for the exam in history

There are always so many dates, names and events in history that just head goes around. Try to make flashcards to remember a large number of information. Mnemonic tricks are another great way to remember data that allows you to slightly diversify the boring preparation process. In addition to stating facts, it is also necessary to learn how to compare information and draw conclusions. In each lesson, take notes, make notes, diagrams and graphs to fix broad topics. When preparing for the exam, try to study a little every day, and not cram at the last moment, rest and eat right.


How to remember information

    Make cards with key concepts, names and dates. When preparing for a history exam, there are many dates, names, events, and other facts to memorize. Review all notes and textbooks to select keywords. Make a list and make cards. Write the word on one side and the definition or explanation on the other.

    • If you find it difficult to make a list, then ask the teacher to determine the key dates, personalities and events that will be in the questions on the exam.
  1. Speak information aloud when making or reading notes. If you see, speak, hear and touch the subject, the brain will establish stronger connections and better remember the data. Read the textbook aloud and say the text as you make word cards.

    • You can also record your voice while you work. Listen to the recordings and follow the text from the textbook or flashcards.
  2. Memorize facts using mnemonics. Remembering facts is boring, but simple and quick mnemonic methods will help to diversify the work. Among other things, they help to remember important information better.

    How to connect the facts into a single picture

    1. Read the curriculum and look for overlapping topics. A curriculum is a document that contains a list of topics for each lesson and a list of readings. If you look at all the titles, lesson plans, and other information listed, it's easier to understand how different topics intersect in this course.

      • Ask yourself: “How are all the facts and personalities organized in the program? Do the points of the plans contain clues or provide answers to important questions? How are the individual topics of the lessons related?
    2. Analyze the information and make brief summary or plan. Create a study guide or plan showing the details and organization of data from curriculum. Use the syllabus as a blueprint to get a guide that will help you prepare well for your exam.

      • No need to mechanically rewrite the abstract, otherwise the tutorial will be useless. It is important to identify the main themes and key facts that need to be systematized.
      • For example, to organize lectures on World War I, make a list of countries that took part in it (including rulers). List the causes of conflicts below. Finally, list important battles and dates, temporary truces, and final results.
    3. Create a diagram or map of relationships between facts. When preparing for a history exam, it is the diagrams, maps and tables that will become the best way visualize the material. In addition to convenience, visual cues like timelines, family trees, and charts will help you see the big picture.

      • For example, a family tree and time charts will help to study all Russian tsars and the years of their reign.
    4. Ask your teacher for help. The teacher is your main assistant! Always ask if you don't know how to properly answer a question.

      • For example, find out the format of the exam, the main points of each lesson, and key facts.

    How to choose a training strategy

    1. Study the material in a timely manner. Start preparing in advance, because you can’t learn everything in one night. Review your notes and lesson notes every time you complete homework. Before control work you can prepare more intensively, but you will already have a solid foundation. It is enough just to repeat the material covered.

    2. Find out the format of the exam. Try to find out how the exam will take place. Knowledge testing can be oral, written and in the form of tests.

      • When preparing for tests, you need to remember dates, events and definitions well, so you should use flashcards.
      • If the exam is conducted in the format of written answers to questions, then it is important to analyze and compare historical facts, as well as understand various interpretations events.
    3. Try to anticipate questions. Put yourself in the teacher's shoes and try to make up potential questions. Practice giving oral or written answers, and check yourself against the information on the cards.

      • It is convenient to work in groups to work out the questions, since each participant will create a series of questions and will be able to check the rest.
    4. Take practice exams. If you are studying for a school exam, then prepare questions and cooperate with other classmates or ask relatives to test you. In preparation for the entrance exam, you can take mock exams at the university or learn questions from last year's exams from current students.

      • Try to search for tips, answers to questions and other useful information on the Internet. Also on the network you can find tests on specific topics to test your own knowledge.
    5. Before the exam, it is important to sleep well and eat well. No need to study late the night before the exam. Try to go to bed at your usual time, relax and get a good night's sleep. Eat a nutritious breakfast in the morning and lunch if the exam is held in the late afternoon.

      • If you feel like you still need to prepare, then review your plans and repeat all the facts. Try not to worry and stay confident.

Increasingly it becomes topical issue- What do you need to prepare for the exam in history? After all, this is not such an easy subject as it might seem at first glance. It is very easy to get confused in events and dates. And the exam in this subject requires good preparation. How to prepare for the exam in history, what methods will be the most effective and efficient? Moreover, many do not even know where to start. But with great diligence, you can cope with any difficult task.

Quite often there are situations when there is 1-2 years to prepare for the exam, and in my head historical theme empty. It is very difficult for teenagers to decide where they want to go, and often they decide it at the last moment. It seems that preparing for the exam in history from scratch is unrealistic. But it's not. The issue is the effort put into it.

test part

First, you need to know the dates. But remembering them all is very difficult. There is an option that will help make this task easier.

It is easy to confuse which of the proposed events happened first. Associations are needed to remember dates and events effectively. For example, you teach the 11th century. First remember all the rulers of this century in order: Vladimir, Svyatopolk the Accursed, etc. Then learn the events that occurred during their reign. So it will be easier to remember that the baptism was earlier than the compilation of the Russian Truth, because Vladimir ruled earlier.

By the same principle, contemporaries of rulers should be remembered. For example, Metropolitan Macarius was a contemporary of Ivan the Terrible, and Patriarch Nikon was a contemporary of Alexei Mikhailovich. If you memorize a subject using this technique, you will easily pass not only the test, but it will help you in other tasks as well.

Secondly, you need to study cartography. Omitting this point is an unforgivable mistake. Because of it, you can lose a lot of points on the exam. Cartography is especially needed for those who prioritize self-training.

What is the best way to learn cartography? For example, you repeat the period of activity of some ruler. In parallel, see all the described actions on the cards:

  • how the territory of the state changed;
  • with whom he fought;
  • what kind of trips he took;
  • troop movements during battles.

Pay special attention to the last point when studying important historical battles, for example, the Battle of Borodino.

Thirdly, do not lose sight of cultural studies and terminology. Questions on terms often come across in assignments.

Tasks B

To cope with the tasks from the 2nd part, you need to read a lot, especially if you are starting to prepare from scratch. Moreover, it is desirable to read not school textbooks, but special manuals for applicants or, even better, monographs.

Also in the 2nd part there are tasks where you will need to write arguments in support or refutation of a position regarding a particular situation.

To prepare for this kind of assignments, group sessions and discussion of discussion questions are ideal. For students, this is not a problem. Surely they have extra classes to prepare for the exam. But what about people who are no longer in school? On the Internet you can find a site with courses to prepare for the exam in history. In most cases, you can choose to study in a group or individual sessions. Even a short visit to such courses will give an impetus to your studies. But on the Internet, you need to be careful. Before contacting a company, read reviews about it.

Tasks C

One of the most difficult tasks in the exam is the essay. What does it take to deal with it with dignity? It will be necessary to describe the historical event, its causes and consequences. To write an essay well, you only need knowledge of dates, events, rulers, that is, what was mentioned above.

When writing, do not go to extremes. For example, refrain from phrases like this: "Stalin was a despotic tyrant."

Note! Some insecure students refuse to write an essay. Never do that! Even if you are not very well prepared, you have a chance to get at least 1 point, which can be decisive.

Useful video: preparing for the exam in history from scratch


Not everyone is lucky with history teachers. Usually, people who, for some reason, are not tired of preparing for the Unified State Exam in history under the program of a school teacher, place great emphasis on self-study. Fortunately, in modern world It's not a problem. There are many sites for preparing for the exam, you can download or buy the necessary materials, you can watch educational films at any time.

To get started, be sure to purchase a book for preparation with trial options. Solving them is necessary not only to improve the quality of knowledge, but also in order to fill your hand and not get confused during the exam.

Then it is important to choose textbooks of various levels of complexity. Below are examples of options.

  • School textbooks. If you are preparing from scratch, learn first school curriculum.
  • Reference books: Orlova, Barabanova, Kavtsy.
  • University textbooks: Sakharova, Pavlenko.
  • Schemes and tables: Kirillov, Orlova.
  • Atlases "Bustbust" for the school curriculum.

Of course, these are not the only materials in existence. But they have helped more than one generation pass the exam, and they have the most positive feedback.

There are also training materials available online. These can be online tests, theory, videos, help in preparing for an essay.

Some sites for preparing for the exam in history:

  • egevmeste.ru,
  • hist-ege.ru,
  • examer.ru.

In addition to websites on the Internet, there are various applications for the phone. Thus, online training allows you to train anywhere and at any time.

Almost always, with intensive study, a little relaxation is needed. You can find many historical films on YouTube. The brain will be able to rest a little, but at the same time many facts will remain in memory. It is better to choose documentaries, because they have much more authenticity. And don't think they're boring. If you love history, then you will find them very interesting. As an example - a documentary on YouTube "History of the Russian State".

Important! Historical films for preparation should only be an addition to the theory that you have already learned. Especially lazy people who decide to prepare for the exam only on films will not succeed: too many facts require memorization.

Site egevmeste.ru

A few tips on how to prepare for the exam in history more effectively.

Outline the material according to the following table:

For excellent memorization of dates, write them on pieces of paper and hang them around the house.

When you solve tests, look at the meaning of all terms that you do not know, description of events, dates. In other words, gradually fill in the gaps.

Buy an atlas with contour maps and complete tasks on them. After a good study, the material is remembered better.

Effective preparation for any subject: scientists have proven that the best way to learn a subject is when you teach it. Ask a friend or family member to help you and be a listener. Explain the material to him, especially your weak topics. Over time, you will realize that you understand the subject much better.

How not to miss anything

Almost all students, starting to prepare, devote most of their time to the ancient period. This is due to the fact that at first people take up some business with enthusiasm. But then it gradually subsides. Or, as in the case of preparing for the exam, there is no longer enough time. Then handing over the story will be problematic.

In fact, you need to devote more time to the Middle Ages and the Soviet era, because you will have to learn much more information from them.

Before starting classes, review trial options Unified State Examination and note what topics are found there. Then start to disassemble them in detail. But do not learn everything by mere rote learning. Everything requires associations and understanding of meaning. With associative memorization, it is easier to remember something or build a logical chain.

Before you make a plan for preparing for the exam in history, you need to do a few things:

The last point may seem strange. Everyone has one goal - to pass the exam. But after all, 40 points will be enough for someone, and 99 points are needed for someone.

It is best to make a plan with a clear chronological order. But don't forget the tips above.

What exactly do you need to know in history to pass the exam? There is no answer to this question. Anything can get caught: questions on the chronology of historical events, historical terminology, the history of culture. You will be tested on your ability to analyze historical events to work with the information provided in different types to argue your point of view.

Useful video: how to start preparing for the exam in history


All that is required is to study regularly and persistently, and you already know how to prepare for the exam in history. Maybe these words will seem funny to someone, but do not worry too much on the exam. Panic can bring down even a child prodigy.

Modern graduates must decide in advance where they will go to study after graduation. It is for this reason that students need to know what subjects they will take in order to enter a university. This opportunity allows children to start in advance. And our article will tell you how to do it yourself.

Statistics show that most graduates choose to take the exam in the humanities, such as history, social studies, literature, and so on. Please note that no one has yet said that passing literature or social studies will be much easier than passing a test in physics or chemistry.

Thus, our article will tell future graduates how to prepare for the exam in history from scratch.

Structure by history

Every year the structure of the exam in a particular subject is changed by the organizers. However, the essence remains the same: control of knowledge on the history of Russia. The Ministry of Education decided in 2017 that the history exam would consist of only two parts. This is not a reason for sadness or joy. The examination package of tasks consists of 25 questions. 19 of them should be answered briefly, and the remaining 6 should be answered in detail.

Exam questions are divided into difficulty levels: basic, advanced and advanced. The higher the level, the higher the score for a correct answer. All these subtleties need to be known in order to understand how to prepare for the exam in history. In order to complete all the tasks, the examiner has 4 hours, so the graduate must allocate time in advance in order to successfully write the paper. For example, on simple questions you can take no more than 7 minutes. For complex ones, the student has the right to spend up to 60 minutes.

When should I start preparing for the exam?

A future graduate should understand that it is impossible to prepare well for the exam in history in a week. On testing, the graduate must show knowledge of the history of Russia from the 6th grade, when children begin to study this subject.

Russian schoolchildren study the history of the Fatherland for 4 years. Imagine how much information you will need to re-read and remember.

It is best to start preparing well in advance, that is, in the 10th grade. It is necessary to go to the school library, take textbooks on the history of Russia for grades 6, 7, 8 and 9.

As you read study guides, you need to make chronological table events in Russian state. During all this time, it will be no less useful to compile a mini-reference book in which historical figures will be recorded, information about what time they lived, who they were, what they created, and what reforms they carried out.

In order to consolidate the acquired knowledge, it is necessary to perform various tasks, as well as pass tests on topics. It is very important to draw up a schedule of work or a schedule for which you will prepare. Now you understand the history and get good scores.

There are several techniques that will help you remember a large amount of information even faster and better, we will talk about them below.


Many of you have no idea what mnemonics is. Who works with a large amount of information, the mnemonic is simply necessary. So what is it? Mnemonics is a set of special methods and techniques for memorizing the necessary information by compiling associations and connections. This technique is actively used by students. The brighter your association is, the faster and easier the information will be deposited in your memory. You ask about how to prepare for the exam in history with the help of mnemonics? Very simple. The methods of this technology allow memorizing the biography of historical figures.

It is enough to remember your friend, who is at least a little like a historical person in character, appearance, and so on. Or maybe because they have the same name. The funnier and brighter the association, the easier it is to remember the information.

We are moving on to the next technology that will help you remember numbers and dates.

How to remember the date

A lot of students complain that it is very difficult or impossible to remember this or that date. This problem also includes the difficulty of remembering the formula. In order for the numbers you need to be firmly entrenched in your memory, you need to correlate them in your thoughts with a number that you remember well. It can be the birthdays of your friends and relatives or someone's phone number. You can correlate the date with familiar numbers. There is another method how to remember the formula. First you need to stop taking it as a formula. Take a close look at it, perhaps you will see some figure in it. Maybe she will remind you of a certain word.

Attention! Be sure to write down these associations, and before the exam, review your accumulated material.

cheat sheets

Many teachers have a negative attitude to this. And in vain! A cheat sheet will come to the aid of a person who has a better developed motor memory. The thing is that when a student writes down the material on paper, then part of the information firmly settles in his memory. In addition, the cheat sheet is also useful for its structure. It does not contain unnecessary information, because only the most important material remains on the sheet. Also, with the help of a cheat sheet, it is convenient to refresh the knowledge in your head.

Three suggestions

This method of mnemonics is useful for those who pass a humanitarian subject, including history. The essence of the reception is that the student first reads a lecture or a paragraph of the textbook on the topic of the ticket, and then selects 3 main sentences from the material that will convey the material presented. They must be spoken aloud at least 3 times, and then written down. This technique activates several types of memory at once. For other subjects, you can complete the work in the same way.

Universal Questions

KIMs in history consist of questions of this type. What are they? Here are a few examples to give you an idea:

  • arrange the events in chronological order;
  • establish the correspondence between the event and the year;
  • enter the term that in question;
  • fill in the gaps in the text (sentence);
  • write the name of the figure referred to in the text;
  • study the map and complete tasks on it.

Our article has come to an end. you read a lot useful information about how to prepare for the exam in history. We hope you find it useful. Good luck with exams!

How to prepare for the exam in history?

G one will fly by unnoticed, and in the head there is only fragmentary knowledge about individual facts and names, so if you decide to take the exam in history, you need serious preparation during the year. Starting to prepare, it is important from the very beginning to properly allocate time and effort.

Preparation should not consist in simply reading manuals or textbooks. We need not only theoretical training, it is sometimes not enough, but also practical - ability to perform specific examination tasks. And here the main help will be provided by typical USE assignments available in abundance online and in bookstores. The most reliable option is to take materials from the official FIPI website (http://www1.ege.edu.ru/), where demo options tests from previous years. You can also take a trial test online.

There are two preparation options available.

First option.

Thoroughly work out historical material on a specific historical period or one topic.

Preparation for each question should begin with an introductory (viewing) reading of the corresponding chapter or paragraph of the manual, textbook. In the reference literature, clarify the definitions of terms, write out the obligatory dates for remembering on a separate sheet. Then it is necessary to proceed to a thorough study of the content of the manual: underline individual thoughts and fragments with a pencil, highlight the most important thing with various icons. If any issue is covered in the manual insufficiently or confusingly, then you should turn to other sources of information.

After such a deep acquaintance, it is best to create various tables, charts, maps. In any case, your notes should represent a consistent development of thought, and not a chaotic heap of extracts. It is best to keep them on separate sheets of paper with large margins (remarks, corrections, additions, material for answering additional questions of examiners that are not included in the main text are placed on them). According to this summary, you can quickly restore the content of the answer on the eve of the exam. In addition, writing a summary of the answer sharpens the logic of its construction, separate formulations, accustoms to the clarity of thought, highlights the gaps. Yes, and the material is remembered much better.

Second option.

Armed with textbooks and sample tests, you can begin to prepare. You can make it a rule to work through one entire test every day, be sure to check your own options with the proposed answers.

And finally, before you choose the most suitable option preparation for the exam, I advise you to watch the video consultations of the consultant Ph.D. Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of History of Pre-Revolutionary Russia, PetrSU Ruzhinskaya Irina Nikolaevna. Of the many different presentations, I especially liked these.

In a few years of USE in history will become mandatory for all Russian high school students. History frightens many not so much by its complexity as by the amount of material. dates, names, important events, their causes and consequences, battles, reforms, revolutions - everything needs to be learned. If you have to take this subject in a few months, then the advice of the teachers of our center will undoubtedly come in handy.

What does the exam in history consist of?

The first part includes 19 tasks. You must choose the answer or write the correct one, establish a correspondence, and also correctly determine the sequence.

In the second part, you have to complete six tasks with a detailed answer. Basically it's fragment parsing historical source, the point of view of a historical figure or historian, as well as a historical essay dedicated to a certain period.

The duration of the test is 210 minutes. The minimum score is 32.

More about preparation

  1. Train. Solve tests, especially since the tasks of previous years are in the public domain. If you make a mistake, be sure to work through and learn this topic.
  2. Get ready for school textbooks and FIPI manuals. There is nothing in the assignments that would not be in the school curriculum. University textbooks, of course, are good, but they may not have the answer to the question that you will meet on the exam. Most often, it is recommended to prepare according to the textbooks of A. A. Levandovsky and N. S. Borisov. Do not forget to refer to well-known historical memoirs and monographs, this will help you better understand the material. We also remind you that for the best preparation for the exam in history, you should get a manual recommended by the FIPI and practice doing assignments. Try not to skip any of them, as you may come across a similar exercise at the exam itself.
  3. Do not memorize, but learn the dates. Mindless cramming will not help you. Each date should be filled with meaning, associations, try to present the event in detail. By the way, along with the year, it is desirable to learn the month and day.
  4. List the characteristics of the rulers. Celebrate the years of life and government, features of the economy and politics, the main events that happened while this person was in power. This will help you with the tasks from the second part.
  5. Rest well. In between classes, watch good historical feature films and documentaries. For example, such as "The Romanovs", "Palace Revolutions", "Youth of Peter", "War and Peace", films by Leonid Parfyonov and other film masterpieces dedicated to different periods of Russian history.
  6. Do not go to extremes and do not judge superficially. AT historical essay there is no need to describe Stalin as a bloody tyrant, and Catherine the Great as an absurd person. Analyze those achievements and actions politicians of that time that influenced the formation and development of states, try to be objective. Under the leadership of Stalin, our country defeated fascism, and Catherine II became almost the most successful ruler of her time.
  7. Record everything you learned in your notebook. Better get a few notebooks - for notes, dates and terms. Be sure to write down everything that occurs in the exam tasks there, especially if you meet this “something” for the first time. Firstly, this way you better remember the meaning of the term or the date. Secondly, taking notes will help you quickly refresh your memory on the eve of the exam.

The last but the most important advice: do not be lazy, read and remember key events and dates. Don't leave it to the last minute, there won't be enough time! If you are more or less confident in your abilities, but feel that something is missing, we advise you to enroll in intensive courses. Under the guidance of an experienced teacher, you will be able to quickly and effectively repeat the school history curriculum, work through exam tasks and fill in the gaps (if any). We wish you success!



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