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How to stop your husband from drinking at home. How to stop your husband from drinking alcohol: saving the family. Conspiracies against drunkenness

If your husband drinks heavily, try to wean him off alcohol forever with the help of a magical spell. The result is guaranteed.

How much effort must be expended in order to achieve results?
This is how much patience you must have so as not to break down yourself.

After all, it so often happens that a wife begins to drink alcohol, looking at her lost husband.
Close people leave us along the path of misfortune.

First, visit an Orthodox Church and buy 13 candles.
Without God's prayer, go back.

As you leave the walls of the Temple, turn around and say these enchantment lines to yourself:

I dare my husband to avoid alcoholic cravings and obscene life. Amen.

At any time convenient for you, when your spouse is not at home, retire to a locked room.
Light the candles.
Closely watching how the flame glows, imagine a sober husband, building a solid brick wall between him and alcohol.
You begin to repeatedly repeat a strong magical spell that will allow you to permanently wean your husband away from alcohol addiction in a few steps.

Just as a fire glows brightly, just as candles burn to cinders, so my husband will give up alcohol and will not perish from the light first. The hand will not touch the bottle, death will not merge inside. I will stealthily dare him, deliver him from his vile weakness. He will stop drinking forever, joy will come in his soul. So be it! Amen! Amen! Amen!

Put out the candles. Take the cinders to the trash. You remove the handwritten sheet with the plot before the deadline.

You expect a positive result for at least 13 days.
If alcohol doesn’t let your husband go, try doing the dare on full moon days.

A conspiracy so that the husband does not drink, the spouse will stop drinking in 13 days.

You will need only 13 days for your husband to stop drinking forever. Be patient and get down to serious work

If you are a loving wife, then I understand you perfectly.
How hard it is to live with a dear but drinking person.

Please don’t despair and don’t fall for the bottle yourself.
Husbands drink out of promiscuity and because of inherited tendencies.
But let's not talk about the worst, but immediately move on to the announced actions.

What kind of drinks does your spouse usually drink?
Somehow, on the occasion of a holiday or having found the most convincing reason, treat him to a previously charmed drink.
You will talk to the drinker at the most appropriate time, when your husband is not at home.

So, buy his favorite drink.
Before this, go to the Orthodox Church for 12 candles.
Don’t lean against icons, don’t get ready to be baptized. Don't ask questions by prayer.
As you leave the walls of the Temple, turn around and say these enchantment lines to yourself:

Just as a living person is cold in the cold, so will a husband feel bad from drinking. Amen.

When you come home, lock yourself in your room.
Light all the candles. Place the drinker’s usual bottles nearby.
Banish all extraneous thoughts. Concentration on the burning flame will help you with this.
Mentally imagine a sober husband who has given up this addiction and lives peacefully next to you.
The intensity of your desire should be very strong. Then the magic spell will work successfully.
You begin to repeatedly whisper special occult words that allow you to “charge” the “cursed vessel” with the energy of disgust.

Just as a candle burns and melts, so the drinker begins to cry. I won’t tell my husband to go to hell, I’d rather send him a lapel. Let him feel sick with a sip, everything inside is spinning mercilessly. There will be vomiting, hostility and fear of the potion. I send the lapel to a drinking session and a noisy party. He will gradually stop drinking and will not ask for a drink. All the bottles that are there are ordered to be drunk no more. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

You blow out the candles. Take the cinders to the trash.
Presumably, so that your husband does not suspect anything, you give him the charmed bottles.
Wait at least 13 days for a positive result.
If nothing changes, repeat all occult activities again, waiting for the calendar phase of the full moon.

A strong conspiracy from a photograph for a husband against drunkenness.

If you put into practice the proposed conspiracy against your husband’s drunkenness, then within a few weeks he will stop drinking.
To do this, you will have to whisper a strong conspiracy into his photograph, which is not too old. The fresher the photograph, the more occult the result.
When talking your husband out of drunkenness, do not tell him anything, hiding the magical act from others.
Gradually, you and I are moving from ordinary conspiracies to magical rituals, which require increased attention and painstaking practice.

To ensure that your protection against drunkenness works quickly, read the plot exactly at midnight, tracking the calendar phase of the full moon.

Conspiracy for husband's drunkenness.

In the dark hour of the full moon, secretly from your husband, lock yourself in the bathroom. Take off all your clothes. Light 3 candles purchased in the Orthodox Church. Bring holy water with you. Place a photo of your husband next to it. Spit over your left shoulder. Take the text with the spell in your right hand, and in your left hold a photograph of your spouse.
Focus on what you want to get. Start whispering a strong conspiracy, turning to the image of a drinking husband.

I call on you, sister moon, I beg you, come! Help me save my husband from drunkenness, from the plague of alcoholic violence. Possess him dead and wean him from drinking heavily. Let the noxious smell make him feel bad, and the sip make him sad. Endow holy water with your strength and me with patience. As soon as the husband drinks some water, his drunkenness will immediately stop. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Extinguish the candles and discard the stubs. Wrap the photograph in a spell and hide the bag away. Pour holy water incognito into any drinks for your husband when making tea or coffee. Wait approximately 2 weeks. If your husband continues to drink, try to talk to him again.

In some cases, the plot begins to work only after the third attempt.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

So, before the love between you completely fades away, make one more push - help your husband part with the bottle. Of course, weigh the pros and cons, and at the same time weigh your strengths, especially moral ones, because you will have to go through resistance. Alcohol is like your rival, giving your husband more pleasure than you. And this is a challenge that you can only accept once.

Step one

We are conducting an investigation, the purpose of which is to find out the true cause. If there were alcohol abusers in his family, then first find out whether they were alcoholics or drunkards. If the second option, then it’s still worth fighting to stop your husband from drinking. Therefore, remember when your husband started drinking in such a way that it caused negative feelings in you, and after what events this happened. Try to talk peacefully with him somehow and find out why he drinks, what he lacks in your relationship.

Step two

Go to a psychologist, tell him everything you have learned. Perhaps you can work together to find a good way to solve this problem of alcohol abuse. It’s always useful to start with yourself, delve into yourself, look for what you did wrong and how you can change it.

But the main task of your meeting with a psychologist is to find motivation for your husband so that he agrees to come to him with you. At the same time, you must be prepared for any result. Set yourself up to the fact that even a negative result is also a result. Less tragedy.

Step three

Try to find out on your own or in company with a psychologist whether your husband is a drunkard, or whether this has already turned into a disease. You can find symptoms of all stages of alcoholism in a medical reference book. There is no need to convey what you have learned to your husband. Don't rush, otherwise you will cause a backlash - he will actively resist.

Step four

Go with your husband to a psychologist, but motivate this not by his addiction to alcohol, but by your personal problems. To be specific, ask him for help and support in going to a psychologist together because you are experiencing depression or some difficulties. In a word, there is no need to throw around facts, since your husband would rather willingly help you than go into “coding.”

Step five

Work with a psychologist should be accompanied by medication treatment. But here it would be better to choose not a psychologist, but a psychotherapist who has the right to prescribe medication treatment and at the same time conducts the same psychoanalytic sessions.

Step seven

It's the most important. You will greatly raise your status in the eyes of your husband, and make him want to go to great lengths for you if you fulfill some of his old dreams. The goal is to replace the pleasure you get from alcohol with the pleasure you get from doing a hobby. If your husband thinks that the poet in him has died, give him the accessories of a great writer. If he dreams of a car, find an opportunity to buy a car, ask your relatives for help, who are probably ready to fight for your husband with you.

In a word, there is something that can certainly bring new meaning to his life. It is for him that this should be his dream, not yours. And you, having tried to realize it, will share this dream with him. And here it is - a new pleasure, from which alcohol will only distract.

And, of course, be prepared for it to be difficult. But it is very important that your husband makes the final decision himself, and not you make it for him. There may also be relapses. But if you remember why you fell in love with this man so much that you married him, then there will always be hope.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 6 minutes


Since ancient times, our wise ancestors have used the gifts of nature to treat various diseases. For centuries, from generation to generation, they passed on knowledge about the healing properties of plants and herbs. Drunkenness was no exception.

How to deal with alcohol addiction? Folk recipes

All natural ones are popularly recognized as very effective, but it is necessary to remember and understand that their careless use is fraught with unpleasant consequences for the patient’s health, since some plants contain quite strong toxins. An overdose of a poisonous infusion can result in serious poisoning.

In any case, before starting treatment of a patient with alcoholism using traditional methods, it is necessary Necessarily consult a narcologist! An experienced doctor will adjust your treatment and can recommend the most effective modern medications that will definitely help you. Let's give The most common and effective folk remedies and methods for combating drunkenness:

  • It is believed to cure alcohol addiction St. John's wort decoction , after taking it, the patient develops a persistent aversion to alcohol after 10-15 days. The decoction is prepared simply: pour four tablespoons of chopped St. John's wort herb into half a liter of boiling water and keep in a water bath for half an hour. The decoction is taken chilled before breakfast and lunch - twice a day.
  • You can also fight alcoholism with the help of decoction of unpeeled oats . In order to prepare the decoction, you need to fill a large saucepan (at least 3 liters) with oats in the husks, then fill the oats to the top with water and boil over low heat for about half an hour. Drain the broth and add 100 g of calendula flowers to it, then wrap the broth in something very warm and leave for 10-12 hours. Then strain the broth and give the patient a glass 3 times a day before meals.
  • In addition, you can give an alcoholic a drink mint drops . The infusion is prepared as follows: pour a teaspoon of dry crushed peppermint leaves into a glass of vodka. Let the broth brew for a week. Then add 20 drops of tincture to a glass of cold water and let the drunk drink.
  • Has a certain positive effect bitter almonds . Give your spouse 4-5 kernels of bitter almonds before each drink. After a while, almonds will cause an aversion to alcohol.
  • A decoction of lovage can help reduce cravings for alcohol. The patient should be given a glass of vodka to drink, previously infused for two weeks with lovage root and bay leaf. The decoction causes vomiting and subsequent aversion to alcohol.
  • Quite effective and the following way: take 1 part wormwood, 1 part centaury, and 1 part thyme. Next, pour 3 tablespoons of this mixture with a glass of boiling water, cover well and leave for about 2 hours, and then strain. Let the patient take the finished infusion 4 times a day, a tablespoon.
  • Has a beneficial effect thyme herb infusion . Take 15 g of thyme herb, pour one glass of boiling water over it and leave for 15 minutes. You need to take the infusion 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Thyme in combination with alcohol causes a nauseating reaction, which makes it possible to successfully use it to treat patients with chronic alcoholism.
  • It is believed that the following helps a lot tincture . Take pumpkin seeds, peel them in the amount of one glass and grind them in a coffee grinder or blender. The next step is to pour vodka over the crushed seeds and leave for one week. The tincture is given to the patient, who must drink it in several doses. The effect of the tincture is as follows: it causes an aversion to alcohol.
  • Great for binge drinking decoction of curly sorrel roots . To prepare it, you need to take one tablespoon of curly sorrel roots and pour a glass of boiling water over it. Boil the resulting mixture for 5 minutes in a sealed container. Leave the decoction for three hours without lifting the lid, after which you can take it 6 times a day, 1 tablespoon.
  • Alcohol causes aversion tinctures on bay laurel leaves . Treatment with laurel is a proven folk remedy. In a glass of vodka you need to put several laurel leaves and its root. Vodka must be infused on a bay leaf for at least two weeks. A glass of the finished tincture should cause an alcoholic to have a persistent intolerance to alcohol in general.
  • Used to treat alcoholism common anise fruit ripening towards the end of summer. Brew one teaspoon of seeds in 200 g of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes and let the patient drink a quarter glass before meals 3-4 times a day.
  • Reduces cravings for drinking red pepper tincture . Take a tablespoon of red capsicum powder and steep the pepper in 500 ml of 60% alcohol for 2 weeks. You need to add 2-3 drops of this tincture to each liter of booze.
  • An aversion to alcohol can be caused by adding a small amount to vodka, if the patient wants to recover from a hangover. tinctures of puppeteer roots (Lobel's hellebore) - no more than one teaspoon to cause nausea, but not vomiting. You need to be careful, you can't overdo it. You can make an infusion of the roots. Pour 1 teaspoon of dry crushed roots with half a glass of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. Mix the prepared decoction 3 times a day, 2 drops, into the patient’s food or drink without his knowledge. You can give the daily dose at one time. As a result, drinking alcohol will cause vomiting. If vomiting does not occur, the dose can be increased to 5 drops 3 times a day. Store the infusion in the refrigerator.

Another folk remedy in the fight against drunkenness

Doctors believe that addiction to alcohol is explained by a lack of potassium in the body . A rich source of potassium is honey. An interesting method of treating drunkenness with honey has even been developed abroad. The patient takes 6 teaspoons of honey, after 20 minutes another 6 spoons and after 20 minutes the same amount. That is, within an hour the patient eats 18 tablespoons of honey. After a 2-hour break, treatment continues - the patient receives another three times, 6 tablespoons of honey every 20 minutes. After this, the patient must be put to bed until the morning. In the morning he is again given 3 doses of honey, 6 teaspoons every 20 minutes. And then you can have breakfast. For dessert - another 4 tablespoons of honey. If a person endures the given treatment procedure, then he will no longer want to drink. This technique is good because treatment of the patient can begin even when he is in a severe stage of intoxication.

There are also softer folk ways to combat drunkenness. For example, it is beneficial to give an alcoholic food in large quantities. berries fresh barberry fruits, drink barberry juice, raspberries, sour apples . Taking all of these products suppresses cravings for alcohol.

Take care of your loved ones and be healthy!

Alcohol is a means of destroying humanity. This is a disappointing conclusion that doctors make when studying the sad statistics of illnesses and deaths due to drunkenness. Alcohol destroys the physical health and souls of people. It becomes the main destroyer of family values.

According to statistics, the number of divorces due to the spouse's drunkenness accounts for 85% of all cases. But maybe you shouldn’t run away from your frivolous and once beloved spouse? There are ways to wean your husband off alcohol without his consent at home that a wife who wants to save her family should try.

Your husband's drunkenness should be dealt with immediately

Before looking for the most suitable way to wean your husband from drinking alcohol, you should get to know male psychology better. Why do they start drinking?

Every woman should know a simple truth - in families where there is real respect for each other and mutual understanding, trust, alcoholics do not exist.

After all, a woman married a sober and strong man, ready to provide and love her soul mate. What changes after marriage?

The birth of a baby? Such a long-awaited firstborn brings with it global changes in the usual household routines. A tired, constantly sleep-deprived wife and the whims of the baby bring a kind of rigidity and monotony to everyday life. It's mentally draining. The once attentive spouse no longer strives to go home, but to friends, where he can sit quietly and relax over a glass of strong wine.

The main reasons for drunkenness

Want to relax after work? Especially while watching TV and having a glass of beer. But trouble comes unnoticed and it starts small - with a pleasant beer drink. Hops gradually subjugate a person, because you always drink a lot of beer liquid, and it contains a certain concentration of ethyl alcohol.

Soon the beer glass is replaced by a vodka glass, and soon the alcohol is simply chugged straight from the bottle. What's next? Scandals, swearing, tears and a desire to quickly forget about the constantly drunk husband, who brings home the same drinking buddies. And the wife’s impatience only makes the situation worse.

Wife's jealousy? Wives are different, some are self-confident women who do not allow themselves to descend into scenes of jealousy and try to find a common language with their spouse through calm heart-to-heart conversations. But there are other individuals prone to uncontrolled jealousy.

Such pressure from the other half simply pushes the spouse far away from his wife. A huge wall of misunderstanding and mutual resentment is born between them. This stresses a man out even more than constant stress at work and emergency situations. Ultimately, the faithful seeks a way out in relaxation with alcohol.

How to overcome drunkenness

The best thing to do in this situation is to visit a narcologist. But such a step will be successful only if the man admits his own dependence. Not every representative of the world of alcohol decides to do this. The wife, and other relatives, will have to make a lot of efforts to get the spouse to agree to undergo a course of medical therapy.

Alcohol completely destroys physical health

A qualified psychotherapist will also provide significant assistance. The specialist will not only have a psychological impact on the addict, but will also advise on the use of certain medications.

All recommendations of specialists can and should be followed at home. If the spouse stubbornly does not want to be treated, medications (with the doctor’s permission) can be mixed into drinks (tea, juices, water) without the man’s knowledge.

Some medications can be added drop by drop, discreetly, to strong alcoholic drinks that your husband loves. By reacting with ethyl alcohol, the active ingredients of medications provoke the development of unpleasant symptoms:

  • headache;
  • skin redness;
  • breathing problems;
  • nausea and severe vomiting;
  • tachycardia and increased heart rate.

But before attempting such steps, you should definitely consult a doctor. After all, many of the well-known drugs used to combat drunkenness have a wide range of contraindications.

In modern methods developed for the treatment of alcoholism, the most effective method remains human coding.

This process occurs through subcutaneous implantation of a drug, which, when alcohol enters the body, causes a number of very unpleasant sensations. What can be done if the spouse flatly refuses to go to the doctor and does not admit that he has a problem?

How to code your husband at home

Recognized and time-tested traditional medicine rushes to the aid of a desperate woman. The methods used by distant great-great-grandmothers are still effective to this day. Some of them have received approval even from modern advanced medicine. These methods are simple and easy to use.

And in this case, decoctions of various herbs and medicinal plants are used, which, like an implant, “encode” a person from drinking alcohol. But a woman should know that all plants used in such cases are poisonous. Therefore, they should be prepared and used with special care and caution.

According to statistics, the largest number of divorces occur due to alcohol abuse

Before actually using these recipes, you should first consult with your doctor. The doctor, having studied the spouse’s hospital record, will tell you which plant is best to use in this case. Here are just a few of the most effective recipes:

centaury. Steam the dry and ground herb of the plant (30 grams) with boiling water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes. After infusion for 2-2.5 hours, the drug is ready. The infusion should be filtered and given to the spouse to drink 80 ml three times a day. The course of treatment is a month.

This product should be prepared fresh each time. This drink causes a strong aversion to alcohol and discourages the lover from craving for alcohol.

Lovage. Grind the root of the medicinal plant and mix with a couple of bay leaves. The mixture must be filled with good vodka (200 ml) and left for two weeks. The tincture is given to the spouse in the volume of a glass. This remedy will instantly cause a lasting aversion to any type of alcohol.

Kopyten. Mix the leaves of the coffin (20 g) with the peel of a young nut (green) in the amount of 40 g. Mix the mixture well and pour in any wine per 20 grams. mix a glass of wine. After half an hour of infusion, the product is ready. This liquid should be given to the spouse to drink for 30 days in a total amount of four liters. Just divide this volume into acceptable doses.

Drinking leads to the development of alcoholism

Plaun. This unique plant has been successfully used by traditional healers for decades. The course of treatment is only one week and follows the following scheme:

  1. Prepare a 5% alcohol tincture from a dry plant.
  2. Give it to your husband to drink in the amount of 60-70 ml.
  3. Then immediately bring a cotton swab soaked in alcohol/vodka to the alcoholic’s nose. A pungent and unpleasant smell will provoke a strong vomiting reaction and discourage the spouse from drinking.

But the club moss is not suitable for everyone. A woman should know that her husband definitely does not have diagnosed ulcers, asthma or tuberculosis. In this case, the use of a club moss is unacceptable. Also, this treatment is not recommended for people over 50 years of age.

Herbal collection. Healing tea also helps get rid of drunkenness. It should also be given to an alcohol-dependent spouse to drink. Various herbal preparations have a therapeutic effect on the body, for example:

  • wormwood (3 parts);
  • thyme (5 parts);
  • lingonberries (1 part);
  • St. John's wort (2 parts).

An excellent remedy is a decoction based on calendula flowers and raw oats. First, an infusion is made from oat grains, then a dry plant is added to it at the rate of 100 grams. herbs for 2.5-3 liters of oat infusion. The drink is given to the spouse to drink three times a day, 200 ml.

Healing juices. Such a drink will help to permanently discourage your husband from drinking alcohol. To prepare an effective remedy, mix the juice from pomegranate seeds and regular cabbage in equal proportions. You should drink 100 ml on an empty stomach 3-4 times a day.

Alcoholism has terrible consequences

Mushroom Dung. Despite its name, this mushroom is edible and becomes very useful in the fight for the sobriety of the faithful. The recipe for therapy is very simple - this mushroom can be fried/steamed/boiled and simply mixed into food with a regular side dish.

When treating with the Dung fungus, make sure that your husband does not drink alcohol. Otherwise, it is possible to get severe poisoning of the body.

What is the essence of such therapy? With regular consumption of Dung beetle, the body accumulates the active components of the fungus. And if ethyl alcohol enters the body, such proximity will cause immediate vomiting. This will provoke the development of a dislike for alcohol.

"Living" stone. It has come into modern times since the Middle Ages. This product is better known in our country as “unctuous salt”. The recipe for preparing the medicine is very simple - unctuous salt in an amount of 25-30 grams. diluted with pure alcohol in a volume of 100 ml.

After infusion for 3 days, the medicine is ready. It should be taken 7-8 drops daily until an aversion to alcohol develops.

We turn to prayers

To understand how to stop drinking alcohol without the patient’s knowledge, you can try to get an answer from the Saints through prayer. The sacred words should be read both in the Temple and at home, in front of the icon.

To cure your husband of drunkenness, you can turn to the Saints with words of prayer

The most important thing in prayers is to pronounce the words with sincere faith in their strength and power. Only in this case will the Saints help the woman.

To help a spouse cope with an addiction, prayer words are read in front of one of the following icons:

  1. Matrona of Moscow.
  2. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  3. To the Most Holy Theotokos.
  4. John of Kronstatt.
  5. Holy Martyr Boniface.
  6. Reverend Moses Murin.

In order not to make a mistake in choosing a saint, it is better to first talk with the priest, turning to him with your trouble. The priest will help you develop the optimal strategy for dealing with your spouse’s drunkenness and suggest the right words of prayer.

The problem of alcoholism of a loved one is the problem of the wife herself. It is she who will have to make a decision - to fight for family happiness or finally bury it. When starting treatment and fighting for the sober existence of your spouse, you should follow some useful tips. So:

  1. Never demonstrate your disgusting mood in front of your husband - otherwise your husband will seek reassurance in a bottle of life-saving alcohol.
  2. Do not provoke scandals or support them. Thus, the spouse, even if he has stopped drinking, will soon return to his old ways. He simply will have no other choice.
  3. Don't put up with your other half's alcoholism. Remember that the alcohol path is the path that leads to the hospital bed and then to the cemetery. Coping with drunkenness when it just begins is much easier and simpler than trying to cure a spouse from chronic addiction.
  4. Try to burden your husband with more household chores - do this to increase his self-esteem.
  5. Do everything possible so that your drinking companions leave your spouse alone and forget the way to your house forever.

When starting the battle with vodka, know that the struggle will be difficult and long. You may have to use more than one tool and method. Seek help from non-drinking friends, parents, and close relatives. In war, all means are good, and even more so in the fight for family well-being.

In contact with


Alcohol, with the correct culture of use, naturally fits into the cultural paradigm of most peoples. Problems begin when drinking alcohol becomes an end in itself and turns into alcohol addiction. Many women ask questions - how to wean their husbands off alcohol and help him stop drinking, what remedy to find to cope with this problem. Folk experience and medicine offer many methods of treatment for alcoholism, but not all of them work or even make any sense.

Why do men drink alcohol?

Alcoholism can develop in a husband due to many factors. The key problem is uncontrolled drinking, addiction, when the desire to drink turns into the main purpose of existence. Alcohol addiction begins either with strong emotions or with negative experiences. Any factors themselves can be overcome if the husband has a strong desire to recover from alcoholism. The key reasons why a man simply drinks can be classified into the following groups:

  • unsettled personal and social life;
  • weak-willed character, when a person cannot refuse company and even himself from drinking and intoxication;
  • situation of hereditary predisposition;

How to stop your husband from drinking

How to stop your husband from drinking alcohol? The word form “wean” is not appropriate in this case. Drunkenness is not taught to anyone; it is a conscious or unconscious personal choice, an established habit. In this case, a woman is able to help realize the harmfulness of what is happening in a person’s life, create an atmosphere in which there will be no factors that provoke the desire to drink. Only female wisdom will help save the family if the spouse realizes there is a problem.

In this case, a normal frank conversation helps. You can even bet, if a man is gambling, how long he can live even without vodka or beer (this method also works in the fight against smoking). If a man is aware of his dependence on alcohol, but is unable to overcome it on his own, then it is quite possible that he will agree to coding or drug treatment.

The first method only works with suggestible people. Alcoholics, no matter how contradictory it may seem, with a strong will simply do not give in to hypnotic influence - this is a feature of the psyche of some people (anyone, not necessarily alcoholics). Drug treatment of alcoholism in a husband involves suppressing the desire to drink alcohol, cleansing the body of ethyl alcohol vapor products, and stimulating the production of joy hormones without alcohol.

How to stop your husband from drinking

First of all, you need to understand whether your beloved husband is aware of the problem. If yes, then a positive result is quite possible. In conversations, one should refer to the time when there was no alcoholism and the family was happy. Family albums, videos, just memories will help. The main thing is to start a conversation when the spouse is sober and does not suffer from withdrawal symptoms (hangover). You cannot make scandals or accuse someone of drunkenness; in most cases this will cause aggression or a feeling of shame, which will be compensated for by a new dose of alcohol.

It will be useful to communicate with a person who is a sober authority for her husband. You need to understand your spouse's social circle. If all your acquaintances are alcoholics, then you need to try to find new interesting acquaintances or engage him in hobbies, come up with a common pastime (cinema, theater, museums). If conversations do not bring any effect, then some narcologists and psychotherapists suggest filming a drunken husband and showing the recording to a sober husband, although the effect is completely opposite to what was desired.

Many women turn to religion or to sorcerers, fortune tellers and other occult workers. At best, it brings complacency to the wife, but has no direct effect on the drinker. At worst, the use of some kind of anti-alcoholism medicine given by pseudo-healers can simply kill a person, because it is unknown what is in the potion.

How to cure alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient

Conscious alcoholism, which is not accepted as a problem, is considered one of the most complex forms of the disease. Compulsory treatment in this case has practically no result - the patient starts drinking again because he consciously wants to. Many women think about how to stop their husbands from drinking without his knowledge. The effectiveness of such methods against alcoholism has not been determined, because statistics are not kept, but they exist:

  1. Medication method. Drugs that suppress the desire to drink, reduce the craving for alcohol, and cause a negative reaction to ethyl exist and it is quite possible to add them to food without the knowledge of the patient. However, there is a danger that a person will continue to drink due to the presence of medications in the body. The result of mixing them will be the most unexpected. It is necessary to add any medications only after consultation with an experienced narcologist.
  2. Magic, occultism and derivatives (these methods cannot be mixed with religion, which does not recognize any method of influencing the patient other than prayer, family and medicine). Sometimes women go to extremes when they try to cure their husband of alcoholism “from a photograph,” using spells and mixing potions of unknown origin. The effect of such actions ranges from zero and below, up to causing harm to the patient.
  3. Herbal decoctions and nutritional tips from grandmothers or from the Internet. It is unknown how even harmless chamomile or oak bark will affect an alcoholic. The use of traditional medicine is dangerous because in case of undetected diseases, their effect will send a person to the hospital and cause severe damage to the body. Herbal infusions, as recommended by a doctor, are effective in the first stage of alcoholism, when the spouse realizes his problem. Again, we need to remind you that you need to consult a doctor before using even proven remedies.

How to get rid of drinking forever

It must be repeated again that complete deliverance from alcoholism is possible only if the husband sincerely desires to end this problem. Then any method will be effective, and perhaps the willpower of a person and the support of family will be enough. Without a combination of these factors, all efforts will be reduced to zero. The only way to completely remove alcoholism from family life, if the husband does not want to stop drinking either on weekdays or on holidays, is divorce, but such a solution is guaranteed to destroy the social unit. In addition, female love believes in a happy outcome to the last.

Forced treatment or adding drugs to food secretly from the husband can permanently discourage the craving for alcohol, but there is no guarantee that psychologically the man will remain the same person. Such methods can radically change a person’s character and behavior. It is quite possible that after such treatment a complete stranger will be next to you in the family. Therefore, experts strongly recommend trying as hard as possible to bring an alcoholic to an understanding of his own tragedy and the need to overcome alcoholism.


Magic and witchcraft become a refuge for women who are desperate to fight their loved one’s alcoholism. There is no evidence of the effectiveness of these methods. Someone will convince you that spells for soap, water, from photographs, for religious holidays against alcoholism work and discourage drinking, but if you look at their texts and rituals carefully, then this is a wild mixture of prayers, pagan rituals and the personal initiative of the healer. At the same time, even the fortune tellers themselves warn that there may not be a quick effect or may not occur at all. In fact, they do not provide any guarantees.

Hundreds of thousands of such recipes, so to speak, can be found on the Internet, in books and in advertisements of healers. Whether to believe them or not is up to the woman to decide, but in most cases it’s just wasted money and effort, while the man continues to aggravate his condition, resort to drinking, ruining his health and destroying his own family.

Vanga's conspiracies against drunkenness

Hiding behind a well-known name is a successful marketing ploy. However, we must remember that Vanga was a fortuneteller, and not a fortune teller, healer or magician. Even if we take as the starting point that spells against alcoholism work for husbands, then you need to understand that there are no spells against drunkenness from the Bulgarian prophetess. She was a deeply religious person and with problems she advised turning to God and the saints with prayer, and not to sorcerers, whom she despised.


The question of faith is purely individual. Disputes are ongoing, but the fact is that doctors have recorded many cases where women begged their husbands to cure alcoholism. Some scientists explain this by saying that the energy of a sincere believer can influence a loved one for whom they are praying. In the Orthodox tradition, it is customary to pray for a husband to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon. The text of the prayer itself may vary, but it can be found in any complete prayer book. The martyr Boniface the Merciful is also considered a deliverer from alcohol addiction.


How to cure your husband of alcoholism? First of all, you need to understand that you should start taking any medications only after serious consultations with a narcologist. In this case, it is advisable that the patient undergo an examination to identify hidden diseases against the background of alcohol dependence. Self-use, even according to instructions, can put a person in a hospital bed or even kill. Modern narcology uses the following drugs for alcoholism:

  • Disulfiram – creates an aversion to ethyl;
  • Lidevin;
  • Colma;
  • Abstinil.

Folk remedies

It makes no sense to dwell on folk remedies for alcoholism, because a narcologist will recommend the ones that actually work, and improvising with recipes from the Internet will cause the most unexpected consequences. One must be extremely careful when using decoctions without the knowledge of a patient suffering from alcoholism. Herbal preparations based on herbs and wormwood root are useful in treating the body, but with these recipes you need to carefully select plants so that they do not provoke tachycardia, hypertension and do not provoke problems with the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.

The most common and safe means of developing an aversion to alcohol is considered to be the coprinus mushroom (dung beetle). It is dried in a frying pan immediately after collection and ground in a coffee grinder. Pour boiling water, leave for about 10 minutes, strain and add 2-3 drops 2 times a day. When drinking alcohol, a person begins to feel an immediate severe hangover (tremor, vomiting, weakness). Monastic tea helps fight alcoholism if the husband is ready to undergo treatment himself. The combination of herbs stimulates the body and removes toxins.

What should I put in my husband’s mouth so he doesn’t drink?

This topic has already been raised above. Treating alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient is fraught with the most unexpected consequences. Such manipulations can be performed only on the recommendations of a doctor. For example, disulfiram, which will be suitable for a 20-year-old alcoholic, will send a 55-year-old spouse with a diseased heart and liver to the next world. Any secret treatment only under the supervision of a doctor.



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