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How to spell water correctly for various occasions? Water conspiracies

Money can open up incredible opportunities for a person. They are able not only to satisfy his needs, but to give power and prospects. Therefore, wealth conspiracies are very popular.

Spells using water are powerful. After all, water is a good transmitter and storer of information.

Spells using water are powerful

Negativity in the water

Before using water in a ritual, it must first be purified. But this only applies to liquid that is drawn from a tap or purchased in a store. After all, it is unclear where she ran and how much negative energy she absorbed.

If spring or holy water is used for the ritual, then it does not require additional purification.

We charm the water

So how can you give water positive energy? You can use any container for the spell. Allowed to take glass tumbler, a plastic bottle, the liquid can even be used in a teapot.

Selected a container of water is placed under the morning rays of the sun. A piece of paper is attached to the container, on which the following words are written: grace, love, kindness. The vessel is left for several hours to replenish positive energy.

Correct execution

Voditsa perceives information well, so you need to work with it extremely carefully. Any wrong movement can lead to negative consequences. In order for magic to work in the right direction, certain rules must be followed:

  • You need to believe in the upcoming ritual. Faith endows all spoken words with magical power.
  • The ritual is carried out only in a concentrated state.
  • All words spoken during the ritual must be recited by heart. You can't read on paper. It is recommended to memorize even long spells beforehand.
  • It is necessary to read the prayer only in a quiet and peaceful environment. Nothing should distract you.
  • It is recommended to read all words in a whisper, slightly humming. Phrases are spoken clearly and clearly.
  • In order for the liquid to better absorb energy, you should keep your lips as close to the container as possible.

In order for magic to work in the right direction, certain rules must be followed.

Spells for money

Many people want to attract good luck in financial matters. Let's consider the most effective conspiracies using water to attract wealth:

  • Liquid is poured into the container. Several candles are lit around. We bend over the container and begin to read the prayer:

    “Just as water is holy, as pure as a tear and healing, so it is miraculous in wealth. I charge water for money, for deals, for earnings. Just as water flows into the belly, so wealth accumulates drop by drop. Money to money, action to words. Let it be so. Amen, amen, amen!

  • Water is collected in a small basin and the following words should be read above it:

    “Oh, water, you know everything and have power. You have washed distant lands and can wash away my bad luck forever. Give me eternal wealth and a good life. Amen".

    After this, wash with this water. You cannot wipe your face; you should wait until it dries on its own.

  • The next ceremony is carried out only in Maundy Thursday. 12 kopecks are prepared and thrown into the water. They begin to read the plot:

    “Water, you are water, everyone drinks you, everyone loves you. Everyone sanctifies you in Epiphany. I ask you, water, for forgiveness. Mother - pure water, forgive me, Mother, water, help. Just as there is a lot of you in the lake, in the river, in the stream, in the ocean, in every human glass, so I would have a lot of money: on Monday, and on Tuesday, and on Wednesday, and on Thursday, and on Friday, and on Saturday and Sunday."

    While reading, you need to clasp your little fingers. The words are pronounced 33 times. After this, the table is washed with this water, the windows and doors are wiped, and finally the floors are washed. You cannot talk to anyone during the ritual.

  • The following ritual will allow you to attract wealth and good luck. It requires a green candle, water and a copper coin. Water is poured into a shallow bowl and a coin is thrown into it. The candle is lit and as soon as it burns well, you need to drip wax into the bowl. The wax must get on the coin. During this action, you must read the words:

    “As hard turns into soft, so my wealth will increase and be established. From day to day, from week to week, from year to year, from this minute until the end of time.”

    After this, the water is poured onto the ground and the coin is used as a talisman that will attract wealth and good luck. It must be kept in your wallet and not shown to anyone.

  • Take a cup of liquid. A little salt is added to it. Stir well until all the salt dissolves. For the ritual it is used only coarse salt. In the evening, take three sips from this cup, wash your face and sprinkle a little on your collar. During this procedure they say:

    “Salt for silver - I exchange gold, I collect profit for myself. I keep the hot salt, I will keep the wealth forever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

  • Need to wait for spawning new month. On this day, a glass of water is placed behind the curtain. They leave him there until midnight. Then, while washing her face, they say:

    “Just as you, month, were thin, but became full, so I have every good thing, so that I am full.”

Conspiracies with holy water

When using holy water, the ritual is more powerful. But you should pronounce conspiracies very carefully, because if the ritual is carried out incorrectly, you can get negative consequences instead of good luck in attracting money.

  • This ritual can fulfill any desire. It is better to read it on money and wealth only in the case when there really is a lack of money and it is unclear where to get the money. Holy water is poured into a glass, and the words are spoken:

    “Lord, my God, I, the servant of God (name), am before you. You created the sun, the stars, man, and gave him shade for every day. You created the sea, the earth, the house and gave a canopy, a figure, a shadow. My shadow is in the water, and the water is in me! I ask her, I give an order: Fulfill my request, give me a lot of money in my house, save me from lack of money. From now and forever my house is a full cup. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    After this, the charmed water is splashed in the corners of the apartment, and the remainder is drunk. This ritual attracts money very quickly. Wealth will increase daily. But no one should know that such luck was attracted by a conspiracy.

  • Tired of constantly borrowing money, then you should try next plot. You need to read it with a strong desire, and then wealth will not take long to arrive. You will need to take at least three liters of water. It is poured into a basin. After this, the person conducting the ritual must stand in another basin and slowly pour water onto himself. They say these words:

    “How water flows from me, God’s servant (name), and flows under my feet, so that money would flow into my house and float under my feet. Key. Language. Lock. Forever and ever. Amen".

When using holy water, the ritual is more powerful

Without wiping off, he takes a basin of water from under his feet. She cleans the floors. It is highly recommended to wipe all corners thoroughly. After all, it is in them that everything accumulates negative energy who does not allow money into the house. If there is some water left, you can water your indoor plants with it or simply pour it under a tree. Financial well-being won't keep you waiting long. Money will start coming from different sources.

Conspiracy from Vanga

Everyone knows the clairvoyant Vanga. She became famous for her abilities. Vanga knew how to predict the future, told the past, and could heal. Her money plot is very powerful.

For the ritual you will need to prepare holy water and rye bread. A positive attitude must be present.

On a convenient day, you should visit the church and collect holy water. The next morning you need to get up at dawn. Before the ceremony you should not drink or eat. Place some water and half a loaf of bread on the table rye bread. We mentally focus on what we want and say the words three times:

“I wish my home to always be full of food and kind people.

Lord, show me the way to wealth, and I promise,

What will I use the money for? good purposes. Let it be so".

For the ritual you will need to prepare holy water and bread

A glass of water is drunk, and the bread is divided into as many parts as the number of people living with you. One piece is eaten immediately, and other particles are distributed to the household on the same day. They must eat it during the day. You can't tell them what kind of bread it is. No one should know about the ritual performed. If, due to circumstances, a person cannot eat bread, then during the ritual more water is spoken and it should be discreetly given to the person to drink.

The result of the ritual will not take long to arrive. You may be offered a promotion career ladder or an unexpected bonus will be paid. All money must be spent usefully.

Conspiracy to find money

To become lucky and constantly find coins, it is enough to perform one simple magic ritual. It is carried out on the river bank. As already mentioned, the water element is endowed with impressive power that can help a person in any field of activity.

For the ritual you will need a handful of coins. They are clenched into a fist and sat on the river bank. After this, the spell is read:

“You are water, life-giving water, a fast river, great strength! Help me, slave (name), to acquire random wealth, to become successful and happy, so that money always flows into my hands, so that I can find it everywhere - in the forest, and in the mountains, and on the streets. Help me, little river, I will repay you with my strength, I will be your faithful slave, I will sacrifice gold to you. Hear me, little river, respond to my request.”

Having finished pronouncing the words, we swing well and throw coins into the river. It is desirable that there is a strong current. The river should carry them away, then the water element will be able to direct a strong cash flow to the person.

There are many different rituals that allow you to attract good luck, money and wealth. The main thing is to find your own conspiracy that will really help. And then luck will always accompany you, and money will flow like a river.

A natural substance - water - is very good material for magical rituals. She remembers, writes it down on her crystal lattice all the words and actions of the person who performs the ceremony. Special spells for water are made taking into account all the features of a transparent, ordinary liquid.

How to carry out conspiracies

Both magicians and simple peasant beliefs have preserved spells for various objects: water, earth, eggs, etc., which are carried out in different time, with different attributes, more complex or very simple, but always effective.

They are used for different purposes:

  • for good luck;
  • for enrichment;
  • from diseases and illnesses;
  • for solutions love problems(love spell, dryness, lapel, etc.);
  • to solve everyday problems, etc.

The enchanted water will be able to cure the patient and will fulfill its plans if there are no negative thoughts, resentments or thirst for profit in the head during the ritual.

Before casting a spell on water, it must be cleared of any negativity that may have accumulated in it before (this does not apply to holy or spring water). This procedure is especially important if water is taken from the tap.

The effectiveness will be enhanced by a prayer to Panteleimon and the “Living Relics” pronounced over a container of water.

After this, you need to leave the vessel with the liquid under the sun for several hours, placing it on a piece of paper with the words love, life, health, kindness written on it.

Simple slander

At home, without special preparation, you can independently, without turning to magicians, carry out difficult ceremonies or rituals and charm water to make various desires come true. To do this, you need to follow some rules and read the words of the spell correctly.

From excess weight

A village ritual helps to get rid of extra pounds. It is carried out on a dark night so that the moon is not visible. Its light will interfere with the fulfillment of what you want. The hex for water is read in a whisper, from 7 to 14 days in a row, depending on how many kilograms you need to lose. With the onset of darkness, looking into a vessel with water, imagining your beautiful figure in the reflection, they say the words:

“Lord, bless, Lord, help the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. On the ocean, on the sea, on the glorious island of Buyan, there was a bed, on that bed there was a feather bed. On a feather bed lies a pig with nine heads and ten mouths. That pig will eat my fat and eat my lard, with all its nine heads and ten mouths. Just as water slips through your fingers, so does my pig. excess weight will gobble it up. I close my words, I throw the key into the pool. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

No matter how many times water spells are read, the same number of times you need to wash your face with water.

Universal text

If something hurts inside, and doctors cannot find the cause, then they use a ritual with a conspiracy to clean water. Required condition: 7 days before the ceremony you cannot drink alcoholic beverages.

A spell over water against all diseases is done during sunset. As it sets below the horizon, the words are spoken:

“On the third day of Easter, Saint Catherine walked, and Saint Marina walked next to her. They carried the Holy Gifts. I, the servant of God (name), will remember those Holy Gifts for three evenings so that they will help me regain my health. I wash myself with clean, crystal water and get rid of the accursed disease. Healthy body, healthy heart. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

They wash themselves with enchanted water and rub it on the sore spot. If there was a fungus or unknown skin diseases, then you need to water these areas with water. After 7 days, the illness will subside and the patient will feel better. It is also suitable for quickly recovering; people know it as interesting name“As water is off a duck’s back, so is thinness off me.”

To fulfill a wish

You always want to get what you want quickly and without much difficulty. For this there is good way: cast a spell on water to make your wishes come true. Some conditions must be met:

  • You can only take spring or well water;
  • pour it into a transparent glass vessel;
  • remain silent before the ritual for 12 hours;
  • do not tell anyone your wish.

Bring a container of water to your face, lean towards it and quietly say:

“Water, water, you are my sister, you let me wash, you let me drink. Give me, servant of God (name), some water, three drops for good luck, five drops for luck and sea for good luck. I close my words with the key, I wash the key in water. Just as the water is pure, my thoughts are pure and my desires are clear. As it is said, it will come true. Amen".

After the spell, take a few sips. The thoughts in your head must be pure.

This is a simple but very effective ritual for fulfilling various everyday desires, a successful outcome of the upcoming business, and in order to return the husband to the children and the family. It has been tested by many people.

Conspiracy and prayer for fear

In order to get rid of fear, before chanting water, you should pour it into a glass and read “Our Father” 3 times, then recite the spell by heart:

"God's hour, good hour, it's coming Holy Mother of God Maria on the golden bridge. Pure angels and bright archangels stood before her. They asked where the Mother of God was going, where she was going. Mary answered them that she was going to the servant of God (name), she was going to talk him out of fear and speak his tongue. And the Mother of God called with her all the holy angels and bright archangels. They will help her, they will reprimand the fear of the servant of God (name), from the crown of his head. From the eyes, from the ears, from the neck, from the tongue and subtongue, from the kidneys, from the lungs, from the spine, from the stomach, from the arms and legs, from the zealous heart, and from the violent head, from all 77 joints. Don’t stand here in fear, don’t make blue veins, don’t burst yellow bones, don’t rage in red blood. Stop, fear, leave the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

If the conspiracy was made for yourself, then wash yourself with magical water. If for a sick person, then wash him and let him drink the remaining water after washing to the last drop. If the baby was scared, wash it completely with the charmed water.

With earth for good luck

You need to charm water for good luck in the first half of the day, at any phase of the moon. The following items will be required: soil, a saucepan, clean melt water in a bucket and 3 candles from the church.

Before the ritual, you need to work on yourself: put your thoughts in order, get rid of negativity, anger and envy and concentrate your attention and energy on main idea, on the fact that luck will come and everything will work out. The ritual must be performed standing on the street, with bare feet on the ground or in a bathhouse, bathroom, but also barefoot, with your feet touching the floor. This way the energy of the two elements will interact with each other and enhance the effect.

You need to place a bucket right next to you and cast a spell on water to attract good luck:

“Water, cleanse me, servant of God (name), wash me from head to toe, remove the burden from my soul and mind. Just as you, water, wash away dirt from stones, just as you cleanse blackness, so wash away everything unnecessary from me, take away everything that I don’t need in life. Wash me away from grief, from loss, from pain. Bring it to me new life, water, new luck. Let it be so. Amen".

Then throw the water from the bucket over yourself, trying to get completely wet. This action will wash away the negativity from the body. To recharge yourself with pure energy, you should place candles in the shape of a triangle on the floor, stand in its center and say:

“Holy fiery flame, you have endowed me, the servant of God (name), with your sparkling power, your fast energy, which will never go out, but will burn forever and warm people.”

Say the words several times, focusing on the image of the goal itself. Leaving the candles burning, leave the center. After the fire burns out, throw the cinders into a trash bin.

On last stage of this ritual, take an unnecessary, worn item of your own and put it in a pan with earth. Go outside, dig a hole under the nearest tree, take away some of the soil from it and put it aside. Pour the contents of the pan into it, exhaling air from your chest, cover everything with the reserved soil and quickly leave this place.

After the ritual, luck will settle in the house, it will not keep you waiting and will come in a few days, loneliness will go away with it, a successful meeting will take place, after which a wedding is possible. Positive changes will begin in business. And so it will be in everything after the ceremony.

From debts to the waxing moon

Conspiracies for money and debt relief are done quite often. Magicians know various rituals that are easy to perform at home without their participation. If the client wants, he can do it himself.

The ritual for wealth is universal. It will improve your financial situation, ensure financial stability and get rid of debts, if any.

The magic of the ritual for debts and wealth will help if all conditions are met. Boiling water is poured into a glass, it is charmed in a special way for money at the moment when the waxing phase of the Moon begins. The spell is long, it needs to be written on a piece of paper and read three times.

“There is a golden well in a wide field, a golden well and golden water in it. Under the well, the white spring boils and the earth burns. Just as a white spring boils underground, so the work of God’s servant (name) will boil and be contentious. Just as there is golden water in a well, so the servant of God (name) will have a purse filled with gold. There is a house next to that well, and in that house there is a table, and on the table there is bread and salt. Just as there is bread and salt on the table, so the servant of God (name) will have a full table, and there will always be something to chew in his house. Behind the golden house there is another field, and in the field there is a bull and a cow. Just as a cow runs after a bull, so goodness and wealth will run after God’s servant (name). Behind the field there is a forest, in that forest spruce grows, and on the spruce there are hops. Just as hops curl around a spruce tree, so around the servant of God (name) will all sorts of honor, wealth, and goodness curl on the right. Behind the forest there is a dense meadow, and in the meadow there is grass, and on the grass there is morning dew. Just as dew is born on its own, no one grows or sows it, so the servant of God (name) will have money. There will be money in his pocket, like in a meadow of dew. I close my words with a golden key, I throw the key into the sea. Just as a fish cannot fly in the sky, no one can get my key. Let it be so. Amen".

After the ritual, profitable business offers will follow, and an interesting contract will be signed. This is not black magic, it will affect all areas of life. Sometimes people find treasures afterwards.

Love magic

Without love, life loses its colors, everything around becomes dull and uninteresting. To establish family life To bring back a loved one, get rid of a rival or bewitch a betrothed, use water charmed for love.

Love is bewitched by spring, clear water, without negative external influences, and is collected immediately before the ritual. Pour it into a transparent glass during the waxing moon. The words of the spell are read 9 times:

“I, God’s servant (name), will get up, blessing myself, and leave the house, crossing myself. From the door of the house I will go into the gate, from the gate into an open field, into a wide field. Jesus Christ, the son of the living God, sits in that field. How Jesus yearns for his church. Yes, the servant of God (name), and the servant of God (name), will yearn for the disciples. He can’t sleep, can’t go for walks, can’t eat, can’t eat, just misses me. He only thinks about me, only loves me. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen".

With the help of conspiracies you can attract the attention of a man

The return of the spouse is inevitable, in the morning the betrothed will come to the doorstep, and the rival will lose interest in her lover after such a spell.

Ritual of healer Maria Bazhenova

For good health, longevity, carry out an interesting conspiracy by Maria Bazhenova, a famous healer. The magic of the ritual is enhanced if it is performed in a bathhouse. If this is not possible, it should be done in the bathroom.

To take off your clothes while pouring water from the tub, you should say:

“Water is off a duck’s back, I’m skinny, dry, achy, windy, wash away, rinse off God’s servant (name). Like a duck from the sea, so I am sick. Like water is off a duck's back, so is illness off of me. Thinness is like water off a duck's back. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After the ritual, the water is swept towards the exit using a bath broom. The ritual will speed up the recovery of a man or woman if done after taking healing decoctions or herbal tinctures.

B. Volodarsky - healer from Altai Territory- has its own method of charming water, boiled, running or well. He casts spells on the dead and living water. He lived abroad for many years, trained special forces for a mission in Afghanistan, acquired a lot of knowledge from ancient books and has extensive experience in healing. The sorcerer helps with computer and gaming addiction, various diseases. After his rituals, many were able to recover and never remember their problems again. Performs rituals for wealth.

He does not reveal all his secrets and subtleties of work. In his hands, water becomes magical and healing, real life-giving moisture.

The flow of people coming to Boris for help does not dry out. This proves the power of his spells. In his opinion, water hears and listens, responds to words and emotions, exhibits peculiar vibrations that affect a person’s recovery and the fulfillment of his desires.

Here is one of his spells against melt water illness:

“Help, water-water, deliver God’s servant (name) from 12 ailments: from shaking, from thorns, from itching, from shooting, from fireworm, from stabbing, from twitching, from blinking, from blindness, from deafness, from black kidney and illness. You, evil shaker, calm down, otherwise I’ll curse you to hell. You, restless thorn, stop, otherwise I will send you to the ground. You, you squealing, stop, otherwise I will drown you in hot water. You, shooting, stop, otherwise I will tar you in boiling tar. You, firebrand, cool down, otherwise I’ll kill you with the Epiphany frosts. You, hunk, shrink, otherwise I will crush you against a stone. Dull the stabbing, otherwise I’ll cut you into small pieces. You jerk, come back, otherwise I’ll jam the platinum in the mill with you. You, blink, turn around, otherwise I’ll dry you out in the bathhouse oven. You, blindness, cower, otherwise I will drown you in tar. You, deafness, disappear, otherwise I will tar you into a barrel and send you across the sea. You, black sickness, get rid of it, otherwise I’ll make you pound the water. Refuse all ailments, get rid of yourself, move away from God’s servant (s) (name) to this hour, to this day, to his life, according to my sentence. Be strong, my words. Amen".

After reading the plot, you should wash your face with this water so that the disease recedes.


Don't give up medical care, if a health problem arises, you don’t need to sit and wait for money to fall from the sky if you have nothing to feed your family. do not rely only on chance or successful plot. He will help, but you should work on yourself and constantly strive for new things, move forward.

Water spells are considered very common and popular magical rituals. Using a water spell, a wide variety of goals are achieved and a variety of desires come true.

Thanks to water spells, you can radically change your life. And this is not surprising. After all, water is the most common substance on our planet.

However, not everyone knows that this liquid can have a significant impact on a person’s destiny, bring good luck, improve health, heal from illnesses, or have negative impact– water with negative energy can do a lot of harm.

Features of water spells

Not without reason in Russian folk art Water has always been of great importance. Mentions live or dead water accompanied by positive or negative events in a person’s life. And this is actually true. This liquid is a carrier and storer of energy.

With the help of certain magic words and conspiracies, you can correct the information and use it for your own purposes.

Rituals to make wishes come true, rituals for health, conspiracies for wealth and money, prayers to attract good luck - spells with water can be used to solve problems in any area of ​​a person’s life.

It is believed that rituals with water are very simple. On the one hand, this is true. Water is a very malleable material and absorbs everything instantly.

However, any inaccuracies in performing the ritual can provoke too strong or a radically opposite result.

That is why you should carefully consider the rules for performing this type of conspiracies.

Water spell - rules

The words of the spell must be learned by heart.
This is one of the basic rules, and only if it is followed, the plot will be effective.

using spring or holy water to perform the ritual.
In extreme cases, you can take water from the tap, however, it will need to be infused for seven days in a dark place before the ceremony.

When performing rituals using water, try to follow the recommendations described above, and the result will not take long to appear.

Water spell for money

This spell is very effective and efficient and should be used when moving to a new place. To attract money and wealth, you need to buy two candles in the church. Light one in church for health, and take the second home.

Place a glass of water and a candle on the table and light it every morning and read the spell for water. This must be done for forty days, without missing a single morning.

“In the distance there stands a holy mountain,
On that mountain is the resting place of the Lord!
There is a throne in the resting room.
How that throne stands, does not move and does not waver,
Forever and ever rich and holy.
So it is at the house of God’s servant (name),
So that wealth and money would be present, but not leave him.
Good luck into the house, troubles and poverty out.

The candle should be left lit only while the plot is being read. After reading it, it should be extinguished. After forty days, water must be poured under any female tree - birch, spruce, alder, except pine. Money and wealth will settle in your home for a long time and become constant companions.

Water spell for a dream

A wish fulfillment ritual will help you get what you want most. This plot is considered unique and will help in any situation. To perform the ritual you will need a glass of holy or spring water.

Before you begin the ritual to fulfill your desire, you need to clearly formulate what you want. It is advisable that your wish be expressed in one sentence. Raising a glass of water to your lips, repeat your wish three times, then read the words of the conspiracy:

“Water, water, let me drink, help me wash!
Give God's servant (name) some luck, luck and happiness!
I close my words with faith!
I am making my dreams come true!”

You need to repeat the words of the ritual to fulfill your wish three times, after which you should drink the water in small sips. It is very important that your wish is positive and brings happiness to you and those around you.

Water spell for health

This plot helps to improve health, increase the body’s resistance to various diseases, or cope with an existing illness. To perform the ritual you will need a jar of spring water, a silver spoon and one church candle. At midnight of the full moon, light a candle and place a jar of water on the table in front of you.

Place a silver spoon there with the words:

“Oh, the water, oh, clean, spring water!
Help me improve my health,
Help me get rid of diseases!
So that the strength in me grows stronger, so that illnesses don’t even get close!
Just as I drink clean water, all illnesses will go away!

You need to repeat the words of the health spell three times. The silver spoon can be removed, after which the water can be drunk a few sips every day on an empty stomach. The same ritual can be performed for the health of your child. In this case, you need to mention the baby’s name in the text of the spell and give him a little water to drink.

Spell for water for a child

Water rituals are considered quite effective against colds and inflammatory diseases in children. The mother or grandmother should speak the water for the baby. At dawn, read the spell over a glass of clean water:

“The water is boiling, the water is clean!
Make sure my baby grows.
Just as drops don’t stick to an elbow, so sickness would not stick to a baby.
Save my child from illnesses, make sure he recovers quickly.

The words of the spell are repeated seven times. When the water is charmed, spray the child three times a day until he recovers.

The popularity of rituals using water is due to the possibility of influencing various areas of human life. Rituals for the performance of the cherished desire, rituals for health, prayers for love and happiness, spells for money and wealth - the use of a charmed liquid allows you to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time.

It is important to spell the water correctly and believe in the effectiveness of magic - and your goal will become achievable.

Water has very powerful energy, especially if collected from a natural source - a spring, spring, river or clean lake. Also, life-giving moisture is an excellent conductor of the information contained in it. Therefore, the water spell is often used in magical rituals. Let's talk about how to do this ritual correctly.

For the spell to work on water, it is important to strictly follow the rules:

  1. Try not to use tap water - it is “dead” and does not have strong energy. In winter, melt water is good, and in the warm season you can collect it in a river, lake or other clean natural source. Just make sure that there is no dirt, sand or small stones in the water. As a last resort, let the tap water sit for half an hour to an hour.
  2. Before you begin a magical ritual, learn the text of the plot well. You will have to pronounce it quickly, clearly, without the slightest hesitation, without looking at the piece of paper. Otherwise the plot will not work
  3. The room in which the ceremony will take place must be completely empty. Make sure that no one will disturb you - neither household members nor pets will disturb you
  4. Focus on the goal you want to achieve. Free your mind from negative emotions and doubts. Believe in magical power conspiracy - and it will definitely work
  5. No one should know that you are preparing to perform a magical ritual. This action must be performed secretly - the energy of strangers can unpredictably affect the result of magical intervention

Now you know everything necessary rules and you can proceed directly to conspiracies.

Love magic: water spell for a spouse

If you are already married, but feel that your love has become much less, and your spouse does not pay enough attention, you often have conflicts, then you can try these types of love spells.

To strengthen marital relations

Prepare clean water and two wax candles white. Just before midnight, place a bowl of clear glass with water in front of you, light the candles. Wait until the wax becomes soft. Put out the candles and intertwine them together.

When the wax has cooled again, light the candles again. Then bend over the bowl of water and clearly say the cherished words three times:

After reading the plot, wait until the candles go out. Pour the charmed water into a glass container with a lid. A few drops of this water should be added to your and your husband’s food throughout the week. If liquid remains after this period, it must be poured into the ground.

To get rid of a rival

This conspiracy works if your husband still loves the girl he dated before marrying you

To commit magical ritual you will need holy water from the church. Wait for the waning moon, fill a glass bowl with water and leave. In the morning, just waking up, with the first rays of the sun, you need to say a spell, bending over the water:

This water should not be drunk. After the ceremony is completed, it must be poured out the window. Make sure that no one is walking under the windows at this time, otherwise a stranger may get hurt and the plot will not work.

To return love

This version of the plot is used to return once strong feelings to a relationship. You felt that your chosen one began to treat you coldly, and that your attention was getting less and less every day - which means this is your case.

The plot is read for the new month. Wait until dawn. Prepare a bowl of water (preferably the container is made of transparent glass). Place the cup in a secluded place where no one will find it.

After this you need to wait until dark. Closer to midnight, take out a bowl of water, go to the window and say the spell:

A few drops of enchanted water should be placed on the sheet on which you sleep. Pour the remaining liquid into the ground.

Watch the video on how to make a water spell:

Conspiracy for female attractiveness

After you say the text three times, quickly extinguish the candles and immediately leave the room. You can only return to the premises in the morning. Having crossed the threshold of the room in which the sacrament was performed, cross yourself three times and take seven small sips of the enchanted water. Pour the remaining water onto your hair.

Plot for good luck

If your luck has run out, this plot will help. It is read strictly for melt water. You will also need a silver spoon, a small glass container and a wax candle.

Light a candle and set the water to boil. Stir the liquid with a silver spoon and say the following words:

The spell must be recited twelve times. Try to do it before the water boils. After reading, remove the water from the heat and wait until the candle burns out. The used water should be poured, preferably into the ground, and the wax from the burnt candle should be buried.

Gradually, luck will return to your life, and troubles will pass you by.

To remove damage and the evil eye, healers use enchanted water. Fire water has especially strong energy. Purification by fire is probably one of the most ancient magical methods used by man for these purposes, and fire water is water into which “fire has entered” and transferred its power and energy to it. In the old days, this particular water was called living water; it was used to treat diseases.

It is believed that fire water can completely replace cleansing with living fire.

Fire water from the evil eye and damage

Fire water is prepared only on Thursday! The time of the ritual does not matter, but it is advisable to take spring water to remove damage; for treatment, you can take water from three taps or fill a jar three times from one source. Holy water should not be taken, as it has its own energy!

Place a jar of water on a table covered with a plain cloth. Place four church candles in a cross around the jar and light them. Then place bread, salt, coal and earth between the candles and the jar. Take the fifth lit candle in your right hand. Break off the sulfur heads of three matches, cross yourself three times and read the “Our Father” prayer. Light a match from the candle you are holding (three in turn) and bring it to a jar of water, draw three crosses with a burning match and circle the jar of water three times, then throw it into the water with the words:

"Fire, enter clear water."

Do this ritual with every match! Then drip wax from the candle you are holding in your hand into the water, while repeating the words of the prayer:

"Lord have mercy! Lord have mercy! Lord have mercy!"

Remove burnt matches and wax from the water with your fingers, and throw three large crystals of rock salt taken from a new package into the water. When making water for medicinal purposes, you can put a silver item in the water for two hours. You need to leave the room where the ritual was performed for a while.

Place a jar of water in the kitchen, where the element of Fire reigns. Wash your face with this water in the morning; you can add it to the bath while bathing. It is very effective in protecting newborns. Based on it, you can prepare decoctions of medicinal herbs: add a spoonful to all the dishes you prepare. If you want to protect your home, fire water can be used during repairs, washing clothes, or added to water for irrigation indoor plants, into the water your pets drink.

Go to a field or forest, collect a bouquet of fresh flowers grown in natural conditions, and not in your garden or front garden. Soak this bouquet in a basin of fire water and sprinkle it throughout the house and your yard.

If you find something suspicious, boil fire water (this is the only magical water that does not lose its properties when boiled) and pour a cross over all the places that make you suspicious.

Based on fire water, you can prepare other magical waters, each of which has special properties.

Cross water: ritual of preparation

Cross water should be prepared only on the first day of the new moon. At noon, draw water from a spring or well into a small bucket, and in the evening, when it should appear new Moon(in the first hours of the new moon it is not visible), stand facing the window and pour water into a jar with a glass.

Close the jar tightly with a lid and turn it upside down three times. Open the jar and lightly pat it with your palms.

Take 2 church candles, make a small cross out of them, light it on three sides and lower it through the neck of the jar into water in a horizontal position, saying:

"Cross of Fire, save me."

Cross yourself three times. Leave the water with a cross on the window for a day.

On the second day, remove the cross from the water and read “Our Father” over the jar. The candle cross should be kept as long as you use water. It is recommended to drink half a glass of this water 3 times a day for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and gall bladder, nervous system. It helps with headaches and baldness. If you bathe your child in water to which you have added cross water, he will sleep well.

This water can be used to treat inflammatory and skin diseases.

Ice water for healing diseases

This water is prepared on the basis of fire. In winter, water can be frozen by placing a container of water outside overnight, and in warm weather - in the refrigerator. Water must be poured into a plastic bottle and closed tightly. In the morning, place the vessel or bottle on a table covered with a white cloth. Light church candles on four sides of the bottle and say 12 times:

“The first day is Monday;

Second day - Tuesday;

Third day - Wednesday;

This is water to the rescue.

You healed flints and stones,

Heal you and me, servant of God (name )».

The water should thaw on its own. You should drink from your left hand, taking a few sips, while closing your eyes. Right hand Place it on the diseased organ and concentrate all your attention on it. Hold your hand for 20 minutes. You may feel warmth or a slight pulsation in your hand. The course of treatment is 7 days. If necessary, treatment can be repeated after a week, but new water should be prepared for each course.

If after some time sediment appears at the bottom of the vessel, bad smell, the water will become cloudy - these are signs of damage that need to be removed. Such water can no longer be used; it should be poured at midnight into an untrodden place and where there is no vegetation.

If a person is sick, then you can alleviate his condition in the following way: sit him on a chair with his back to the sun. Blindfold him with a black bandage and point a mirror at him sunny bunny. Swipe the beam seven times over your entire body, from head to toe. In this case, you can read any prayers. Perform the ritual for 5-10 minutes. Remove the bandage and bring the patient to the window. He must take three deep exhalations, thereby “sending” the diseases into space, from where solar energy came to your aid.

Shake the bandage and wash it with fire or ice water. Wash the patient's hands, face and feet with water. This method is very effective, especially for stressful conditions and diseases caused by them.

Full moon water to remove damage

Determine the last Saturday before the full moon. On Saturday at dawn, fill a three-liter jar of water. Place the container on the window on the sunny side: the sun's rays should fall on the jar of water. On full moon days, after the moon rises, go outside with a jar of water and press it to your heart area. Find a position so that the Moon is reflected in the water. Say a curse:

“The month is bright, the dawns are clear, enter my bottomless waters.”

When you return home, wash your face with this water three times and pour it on your feet three times. Do this procedure with a person who is sick. Then sprinkle the apartment three times clockwise over your left shoulder, don’t forget about the bed and dining table.

The water of the full moon has very powerful energy and has the ability to remove damage from the home and from the residents, which was caused by an ill-wisher through the charmed dirt swept under the threshold.

After treating the apartment, carefully sweep the floors and collect crumbs from the table, if any. Collect all garbage with a dustpan and take it to a place where people do not go. Pour water under the threshold and into a bowl for pets to drink from. After 7 days, the damage should stop, and peace and harmony will return to the house, and the emotional state of everyone living in it will improve.

Video: Spell for water from damage



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