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Description of the third chakra. There is a simple test for the state of the chakra. Opening the Manipur Chakra

. मणिपूर)

Mani- pearl, precious stone
Pura- place, city

Manipura chakra is a “city of precious stones” where you can find pearls of clarity, wisdom, self-confidence and well-being. Their radiance spreads down to the lower chakras and also up to the heart center (anahata chakra). The feeling of love and happiness that we feel in the heart actually originates in manipura and from there rises to anahata. The positive energy emanating from the manipura chakra also purifies svadhishthana and muladhara and their qualities.

Passion turns into pure, unselfish love; through the light of wisdom, prejudice and rejection are transformed into respect and understanding; and envy and insatiable greed become benevolence and healthy moderation. With the acquisition of self-confidence and one's own strengths, pride and jealousy turn into modesty and generosity, ignorance into clear knowledge, and laziness into focused, consistent effort.

  • Prana: Samana - distribution of nutrients.
  • Planet: Mars.
  • Sun sign: Scorpion
  • Moon sign: Aries
  • Plane of existence: Svarloka is the divine (heavenly) plane.
  • Principle: Buddhi - judgment (Brahma principle).
  • Trait: Rupa is form.
  • Gemstone: ruby.
  • Metal: iron.
  • Mineral substance: sulfur.
  • Characteristic: Shoka - sadness, grief.
  • State: Kshudha - hunger.
  • Sense organ: Chakshu - eyes (Surya principle), vision, visualization.
  • Taste: hot, spicy.
  • Quality: Utkramana - burning.
  • Part of the body: Pada - feet (Upendra principle, walking, movement).
  • Organ: Nadi - nerves.
  • Bodily fluid: Rakta - blood.
  • Gland: pancreas.
  • Nerve plexus: sunny.
  • Other names: Nabhi-kamala, navel center, fiery center.

Location of Manipura Chakra

The Manipura Chakra is located in the middle of the abdomen, behind the navel, which is why it is also called the navel center. More precisely, its sphere of action extends approximately 7 cm above and below the navel. Its complement in the body is the solar plexus.

Qualities and aspects of Manipura Chakra

  • Human consciousness.
  • Clarity, self-confidence, well-being, self-esteem.
  • The meeting place of prana and apana.
  • Distribution of nutrients in the body.
  • Burning nectar from the bindu chakra.
  • The habitat of words.

After we have passed through the levels of the unconscious and subconscious - the muladhara chakra and the svadhisthana chakra - our consciousness reaches the third level, the level of the manipura chakra. With the opening of manipura, the practitioner completes an important stage of his spiritual path. If consciousness has opened in manipura, then the likelihood that already in this life it will be possible to achieve the goal and gain the Higher Consciousness increases significantly. In Manipura, more than half the path leading to Realization has already been passed.

Decisions made under the influence of only the manipura chakra, the so-called “instinctive feeling,” are often intuitively correct, but under the influence of strong emotions they can be distorted and become “irrational.” And judgments based only on the intellect suffer from a lack of complete and comprehensive vision. Therefore, both chakras are important for a clear awareness of the goal; The “right sense” of manipura must be directed and checked with the help of viveka (discrimination) - the quality of agya.

Awareness and self-confidence are the other two pearls of the Manipura Chakra. Until we find these pearls within ourselves and bring them into the light, we live in constant fear - the fear that they will not love us, that failure awaits us, that we might get sick or die. Many of our fears are generated by energy blockages in the manipura chakra.

Manipura is closely related to the psyche. Psychological problems often cause digestive problems. For example, many people experience abdominal pain or intestinal upset as a reaction to fear or a stressful situation.

The two main functions of the body are to receive energy (prana) and remove waste (apana). The energies of prana and apana meet precisely in the manipura chakra. They reflect two initial actions - giving and receiving, releasing and squeezing, assimilation and output. Both these forces must be free to express themselves; violations or restrictions lead to illness, and in extreme cases even to death.

Manipura Chakra Deities

The deities residing in the manipura chakra are Vishnu and Lakshmi. Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth, abundance and prosperity. This concerns not only material, but, to a greater extent, spiritual well-being and health. Health and cheerfulness are valuable assets that make our lives successful and happy. Lakshmi is the “heavenly counterweight” of Maya. She bestows perfect and lasting happiness. Lakshmi personifies the ascent of spiritual energy, while Maya turns consciousness to the material world.

Vishnu here personifies the movement towards human consciousness, spiritual growth and creativity. Lord Vishnu rests in the middle of the vast ocean on the body of the coiled thousand-headed serpent Sheshanaga, and the serpent holds the Earth on his heads. As soon as the snake moves its heads just a little, an earthquake occurs. From Vishnu's navel grows a lotus, from whose opening petals Lord Brahma, the creator of the world, appears.

In the Hindu trinity, Lord Vishnu is the Preserver. Just as a mother protects and feeds her child, the Manipura Chakra protects and supports our life by distributing the energy that we receive when we eat, drink and breathe.

Manipura chakra symbols

  • Lotus: ten petals - a symbol of 10 pranas.

The graphic symbol of manipura is the ten-petalled lotus flower. Petals are the ten types of prana (currents and energy vibrations) that this chakra controls. Prana can mean two things. Firstly, it is the omnipresent energy that fills the entire Universe - the Cosmic Mother, which nourishes our soul. Pranic energy permeates all objects and living beings and is “colored” by their qualities. The second meaning of prana is “God” or “I”.

  • Animal: ram - strength, activity.
  • Inverted triangle - awakening, revelation.

Another symbol of the Manipura Chakra is an inverted triangle. We have already encountered this symbol in muladhara. The top facing down symbolizes birth, and the sides diverging upward from it represent growth and development. The triangle also symbolically displays the flame of the manipura chakra, which flares up and rises.

Manipura chakra mantras

  • Mantra: RAM.
  • Additional mantras: DAM, DHAM, US, TAM, THAM, DAM, DHAM, US, PAM, PHAM.

The bija mantra of the manipura chakra is RAM. This sound came from the vibration of the crossing of the nadi at this center. When we chant RAM for some time, with special emphasis on the “R” vibration, we begin to feel a pleasant feeling of warmth and a flow of energy.

Manipura chakra is the place where words reside. This can be demonstrated with the following experiment: place your thumb on your navel and say a word loudly. You will notice that you will first feel the vibration of the sound in your navel before it comes out of your mouth. The sound begins in the navel, rises to the larynx and manifests itself as a sound on the lips. Therefore, exercises to strengthen and harmonize the manipura chakra help with stuttering and any other physical disabilities associated with speech.

When starting meditation, always focus on the Manipura Chakra first. If this energy center is relaxed, then muladhara and svadhishthana will automatically relax. Then the energy can rise unhindered, rushing outward and upward to the heart. Thanks to this, you can have a happy and deep meditation experience.

When energy flows harmoniously in the manipura chakra, we experience a feeling of complete well-being; and when we feel good, everything goes smoothly for us. This sense of well-being permeates our entire body, mind and soul and becomes the key to good health and continuous spiritual development.

Other attributes of the manipura chakra

  • Color: yellow-orange - fire, energy.

The color of the manipura chakra is yellow-orange, and its radiation is green (it is a complementary color to red). The color of manipura is the color of pure flame, which gives light and energy and eliminates all pollutants.

On the one hand, “fire” means aggression, passion, internal heat and excitement, and on the other, it is purification and refinement. In the mani-pura chakra we have a unique opportunity to free ourselves once and for all from harmful qualities and habits. When we throw our doubts and weaknesses, such as anger and envy, into the fire of Manipura, it immediately burns them to the ground. Therefore, we should direct the energy of such emotions not into the head or heart, where it creates blockages, causes tension and pain, but into our inner stove.

  • Tattva: Tejas - fire of digestion, cleansing.

The tattwa (primary element) of the manipura chakra is tejas (fire), and therefore this chakra is also called the solar or fiery center. In the body, the primary element of fire manifests itself as body heat. Manipura chakra is responsible for our energy balance and supplies energy to the digestive organs. By fanning and regulating the "digestive fire", it makes an important contribution to maintaining the body in a stable and healthy state.

The Manipura Chakra is also called the “cosmic door” because it provides entry to numerous astral forces. This is the Hara center, the center of power, or the “lion center”, which gives us balance, constancy, strength and activity. It works as an energy transformer, converting and supplying the body with cosmic energy (prana), which comes to us with food.

On a physical level, the function of this chakra can be compared to a furnace. When we put wood in it, the flame burns well; but if the wood runs out, the fire gradually dies. The “logs” for our digestive fire (jatharagni) are the food we eat. Grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables are foods with strong positive vibrations. Just as bad firewood does not make a good fire, lower quality products provide less energy and impact your health; “hot” reactions such as rage, anger and aggression also waste the energy of manipura and ultimately weaken it.

A good stove does not need to be constantly filled with firewood in order for it to heat well and for a long time; A poorly functioning stove produces insufficient heat and cools down as soon as the fuel runs out. When the energy of our food is not absorbed, processed and distributed properly in the manipura chakra, we feel tired, weak and unwell, but with active manipura the body is provided with sufficient energy, even if we have not been able to eat or sleep. This is why the most important energy center for good physical well-being is the Manipura Chakra.

An imbalance or blockage in the manipura paralyzes and destroys our energy and causes various physical and mental problems. If we are unable to think clearly, express our thoughts and feelings, or our mind is clouded, this is often caused by disturbances in the Manipura Chakra. The cause of many health problems such as diabetes, skin diseases, cardiovascular diseases, gout, arthritis, rheumatism, various types of migraines, allergies and others is the lack of energy in manipura and poor functioning of the digestive system. It is extremely important for both physical and mental health to consume healthy, energy-rich foods that have a clean, positive vibration. Before you eat food, you need to find out where it came from and what qualities it is endowed with. Not only are the nutrients important, but also the subtle vibrations of foods that leave their mark on the body, mind and our spiritual energy. These vibrations can significantly change our physical well-being, our thoughts, feelings and vitality. The main question to ask yourself is: “Is the food we eat associated with pain, suffering or death of living beings?”

The fire of the Manipura chakra is a sacred force. This is the fire of life, onto which yogis sacrifice not only their food, but also their conscious breathing (pranayama). When we realize that when we absorb food and oxygen, we give, and do not take, then these life processes take on a deep sacred meaning.

However, the fire of the Manipura chakra also has one big drawback. The purpose and characteristic property (dharma) of fire is to burn everything indiscriminately. He doesn't care at all whether he burns a newspaper or banknotes to the ground. Therefore, the nectar (amrita), which comes from the bindu chakra and is capable of slowing down the aging process and keeping us healthy and youthful, burns in the manipura before we can use this valuable “elixir of life.”


  • Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda. Hidden powers of man: Chakras and kundalini. - M.: LLC Publishing House "Sofia", 2008. - 288 p. -

What is he responsible for?

Comparing the third chakra with the first, we can say that the three is also survival, but not on the physical, but on the social level, survival not in a tribe, but in a society of civilized people. Thanks to this energy center, the ability to live not with threats and physical strength, but with the mind and strong-willed qualities appears. And in conflict situations, the dynamic potential of the first chakra is activated, which manifests itself as courage and the ability to stand up for oneself. If the energies of the first chakra form a primitive mind based on aggressiveness and physical strength, then the connection of the third chakra transforms it into a human (social) mind.

The third chakra gives energy for mental activity, develops healthy egoism and willpower. It determines the activity of the body and brain, supplies energy to other chakras, since it is the repository and center of our personal power. It is responsible for the development of our personality and the transmission of conscious emotions into the world. It seems to bring all the processes that originated at the level of the first and second chakras to the social, conscious level. This is its extremely important role for spiritual development and growth. All lower order emotions at the level of the third chakra begin to be controlled, i.e. are not suppressed, but are lived fully consciously with an understanding of the causes and roots of the emotion, as well as with a full understanding of the consequences of the manifestation or non-display of specific emotions and feelings.

Creativity, which originates in the second energy center, also transforms into a qualitatively different format: it is materialized and socialized (i.e., an idea is embodied in something material, for example, in a painting, and then it is introduced into society: exhibition, sale, making a profit , recognition as an artist, etc.). Creativity at the level of two without the support of the third energy center can be quite disembodied (although it is in the two that the feeling of fertility arises) and not completed; the embodiment of ideas into something material and the receipt of profit, benefits, rewards for the idea occurs at the level of the third energy center. Social acceptance and recognition of the creative product also occurs there.

The third energy center governs our desire to achieve recognition and position in society, to receive satisfaction from what we have achieved, as well as the desire to stand out in the crowd, the desire for power, achieving goals and realizing our goals and hopes. This chakra is also responsible for accepting the norms of behavior existing in society.

The third chakra is willpower. Having the will allows you not to bend under the pressure of external circumstances and systematically move towards your goal. Without willpower, relying only on the creative impulse of the second energy center, you are unlikely to complete any project.

This is the chakra of personality development and realization. She is also responsible for accepting the norms of behavior existing in society.

Psychologically, this center activates thinking, prudence, pragmatism and the ability to analyze a situation. The chakra is responsible for the ability to develop a personal independent opinion. Unlike the second chakra, here we are not just talking about expressing oneself and the opportunity to take into account the opinions of others, but about analysis and mental activity. The third chakra gives us the opportunity to absorb knowledge and experience (not to receive, but to assimilate - there is a difference).

From a spiritual perspective, the job of this chakra is to help us realize our purpose in the material world - to fulfill our mission in life to the best of our ability, using our talents and abilities.


In terms of health, this chakra is responsible for the gastrointestinal tract and the condition of other organs in the mid-abdomen, liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, and adrenal glands. It also provides energy to the respiratory system (lungs, bronchi, diaphragm) and the five segments of the lower thoracic spine and the sympathetic nervous system. Activates and develops the left hemisphere of the brain.

Problems and diseases that arise due to an imbalance in the chakra: mental and nervous exhaustion, isolation, communication problems, gallstones, diabetes, problems with the digestive system, ulcers, allergies, heart disease.

Such painful manifestations may occur as dysfunctions of digestion, hematopoietic function, metabolic processes, stomach or duodenal ulcers, hepatitis, cholelithiasis, alcoholism, pancreatitis, drug addiction, gambling addiction, obesity. The way we digest life through the properties of the solar plexus chakra has a significant impact on the digestive system.


The most “important” blockages are created by a feeling of shame and disappointment. Shame is a purely social phenomenon. It is associated with a feeling of social unacceptability of what one is ashamed of. The feeling of shame arises only when there are real or alleged witnesses to what one is ashamed of - those in front of whom one is ashamed. In the absence of witnesses, a feeling of shame does not arise, but a feeling of guilt may arise, which already blocks not the third, but the second chakra. You don’t think that I am an ardent opponent of religion, but in some cases, accepting the religious statement that “God sees everything and watches over us” blocks precisely the third chakra, since no matter what we do, there is always a “witness”. Here a lot depends on how you relate to Divine manifestation.

Paradoxical as it may seem, deceitful, two-faced, dishonest, unreliable, unscrupulous people suffer most from the disharmonious work of the third chakra, because no matter how they hide behind and justify their behavior with cunning and the fact that “in our time there is no other way” , inside the feeling of shame simply devours them. Deep down, they are well aware of the social unacceptability of such behavior.

An imbalance in the third chakra manifests itself in a person’s indomitable desire to control both his inner and outer world. His ego is unbalanced and he has a strong need for status and respect. If there is no balance in the chakra, the desire to manipulate others, abuse power, arrogance and a pronounced desire to suppress others, and crave power may appear. A person strives for primacy and becomes ambitious. The kind of people who are capable of trampling others into the dirt for the sake of their career. Any success in life becomes a reason for them to inflate their self-esteem and vanity, to show their importance and superiority over others. Material achievements and success are needed largely in order to prove to myself and other people that “I am worthy.”

The desire to lead and manipulate leads to the expenditure of a large amount of energy, and a person may find that he is exhausted, that he requires external stimulants, for example, coffee, sweets, energy drinks, and so on, and it comes to the point that he cannot do without them .

When you talk to people about the thirst for power and its abuse, about the desire to lead, manipulate and suppress, the image of a “wolf from Wall Street” with a briefcase in his hand appears before their eyes, and this is not entirely true. A housewife in an apron can also be that “wolf”. You can rule through fear, threat, warning, accusation, suspicion, tears, blackmail, etc. Such a person does not necessarily occupy a high position in the company; sometimes it is enough for him to have power in the family.

The second “deadly sin” for the third chakra is disappointment. It is caused by unfulfilled expectations, hopes or dreams, a feeling of dissatisfaction about something that has not justified itself, that has failed. The third chakra does not tolerate empty dreams and expectations. When it is in a state of disharmony, a person experiences constant anxiety and dissatisfaction. A person may feel that they need to constantly do something in order to feel complete and adequate. But no matter what he does, everything will always be different from what he pictured in his head, and instead of becoming a realist, he continues to run in this vicious circle. Dreaming and expectations destroy the third chakra. As I already said, our body and psyche are tripled so that if we don’t use something, it atrophies or is taken away as unnecessary. The situation is the same here: if you choose the world of illusions, dwell in dreams and rosy expectations (from people, events, etc.), thus you refuse the real world and society, real people and relationships. And here, too, there are two options: to become hysterical and continue to try to remake the real world to suit your inadequate fantasy, or to begin to master real life, to understand real people and the laws by which they interact. As you say goodbye to your utopian reality, don’t be afraid to be disappointed in the real world. If you stop comparing your fantasies and reality, there will be no disappointment. The real world and real people are much more interesting than fantasy.

I got a little distracted... let's get back to blocking. Achieving a goal is impossible without a sufficiently strong will (the more global the goal, the stronger strong-willed qualities will be required from you, this is obvious). Will is a strong and long-term desire (without it it is impossible to build an intention). In addition, “will” includes aspiration, confidence, focus, perseverance and discipline. An undeveloped third chakra is characterized by a lack of will. Will is not needed for ostentatious “coolness” or to prove one’s rightness through conflicts and scandals - for this there is the first chakra, it immediately lowers Consciousness to the animal level. Will is needed to peacefully and “smartly” achieve the goal. The key to the development of will is the constancy of your desires and goals. The “sponsor” of unstable moods and desires is the unbalanced second chakra. Let me give you a simplified example: you are sitting at home, you want to somehow change the situation, but under the “power” of some emotions you want to go to a club, and under the influence of other, opposite ones, you want to “go to a monastery”. Since, due to the shattered deuce, there are many desires and each of them does not last long, you do not have enough time to accumulate the necessary amount of strength and energy to perform an action that is new to you. As a result, you do neither one nor the other, but are left sitting at home without strength (since all the energy given to you for changes has been “smeared” by the oscillating pendulum between these emotions).

Speaking about desires and goals, it is impossible not to talk about speech and thoughts. The logic of the third chakra is as follows: only what has meaning and meaning should come from the mouth. Excessive talkativeness and gossip must be abandoned. This is especially true for women: if you want to be left without money and ruin your husband, talk left and right. I will not speak out about men who are like this type of woman in this matter.

The same goes for the mess that goes on in the minds of most people: thoughts wander, they are chaotic, incoherent, they randomly pop into their heads without any possibility of “control,” etc. Let me get ahead a little: thought is the primary source of creation, the primary source of everything that exists, since any creation begins and originates from thought. Man has a unique property: with the power of his thoughts he can both create and destroy. Without tracking the mess in their heads and “on their tongues,” people are then very surprised and cry for a long time, why is there such a mess in their lives and relationships. My dear, beloved, everything is made from the customer’s material. First, listen to what you say and a lot will become clear.

The third chakra is the place of accumulation of personal power and everyone has it to a greater or lesser extent, but the “raw material” that we provide it for the materialization of our personal Universe is located precisely in that “compote” of your speeches and thoughts. Don’t waste your energy on empty, unrealizable dreams and desires that are impossible to bring to life. These actions throw part of your Personal Power into the trash. Moreover, we transfer all our states to the surrounding space and make it gloomy and sad - or, conversely, bright, filled with light and joy, once again, everything depends only on the customer’s material, there is nothing to be surprised about.

There are situations when a person experiences fear of his own inner strength (many people, after realizing how quickly all their thoughts and words materialize, simply panic and at first do not want to think or say anything at all). In fact, this is not fear, but a feeling of shame in front of himself and others for the fact that he himself, with his speeches and thoughts, turned his life and the lives of those around him into a complete nightmare. If you “get stuck” in this state and do not draw conclusions, then this leads to constant, chronic self-criticism, which tires, exhausts and makes you act cold and reserved (“I try not to think or say anything like that, and, therefore, I won’t hurt anyone ”, although in fact this is not the case). Remaining in the grip of shame, a person works against the natural energy of this chakra, which is warm and full of enthusiasm, which is created to create reality and even entire worlds. This energy needs to be used.

Try not to “stick” to extremes (although to find the geometric middle, you need to understand and feel where those very edges are). When the chakra lacks energy, a person can observe life from the outside without interfering with it through the expression of personal desires and actions. In contrast, when the chakra is in a state of increased activity, a person may “eat” life instead of “breathing in” it in a healthy and balanced way.

It is possible to balance the third chakra only when a person is looking for partners in life, not rivals. When a person perceives his inner strength as a means of control, a natural gulf separates him from other people. He builds a confrontation between “I and them.” He divides “them” into the categories of “those who can help me achieve my goals” and “those who prevent me from achieving my goals.” He often makes connections based on self-interest, but is not able to enter into real close relationships with people. It seems to him that he is alone in the fight against everyone, and not one of many like him.

As you have already seen for yourself, it is impossible to overestimate the importance of the third chakra, so I will dwell in more detail on the “4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse”, which destroy it in the most insidious ways: deception, pride, anger and ignorance.

Let's start with anger. Anger, which is often confused with the anger of the first chakra (since the “mistress” of both of these emotions, the liver also belongs to this chakra), is the lubricant in this infernal four, thanks to which the mechanism of self-destruction works as efficiently as possible. Anger is, first of all, a state of affect, and anger, if you may, is socialized anger, it is directed towards a specific object. Anger arises as a specific reaction to a situation that prevents the satisfaction of a need, i.e. it is a consequence of the desire for total control, as I already wrote. Often feelings of anger, helplessness, sadness and loneliness, as well as various fears go back to childhood, this is infantilism and nothing more (everything is not the way I want!). A mature person no longer needs such emotions.

Now my “favorite” pride (and arrogance, where would we be without it). It happens that a person is really smart, talented, strong-willed, has extraordinary intelligence and abilities, but as a result he has become overly selfish, narcissistic and wildly ambitious, capable of walking not only over heads, but also over corpses in order to achieve his goal. When you have achieved a lot and reached the level of the third chakra, it is difficult not to stumble through your own pride. The insidiousness of pride also lies in the fact that it has spread its “branches” throughout all energy structures (looking ahead, I will say that its “home” is in the head, i.e. in the sixth energy center). For example, pride is a very common reason for women’s inability to relax and surrender to a man during sex (and this is already the “patrimony” of the first energy center).

Pride is a person’s arrogance, the belief that he can do everything on his own and achieves everything on his own, and not with the help or will of some higher matters. In pride, a person does not give thanks for everything he has and receives. Pride is an exaggerated dependence on one’s own mind, intelligence and abilities, causing condemnation and contempt for the less intelligent and capable, and hatred of one’s rivals and competitors. Pride always hardens a person. The roots of this vice lie in ancient times, many scriptures and myths tell stories about when someone rebelled against God/father/more powerful forces, imagining themselves to be smarter, stronger and more capable. All people are equal before God and the Universe. Like a cell in our body, each of us is like a small cell in the body of the Universe. An overly selfish and embittered person poses a nuisance to the Universe, in much the same way as a cancer cell that wants to subjugate all the surrounding cells of an organ poses a danger to our body. After all, if this cell subjugates an organ, the body will die. The body fights against this enraged cell, destroying it with the forces of the immune system, killing hundreds of cancer cells every day, which allows the whole body to live. Now I am simply observing a cancer epidemic among young and successful businessmen (both men and women), who just yesterday considered themselves “kings of the world,” and literally in a second they learned that they had 2-3 months left to “reign.” Such situations partly also occur because pride blocks the work of higher energy centers that form a harmonious and favorable destiny: since you are already very good, you do not need the support of higher powers.

Deception, or simply lying, also has one of the “branches” in the third chakra, but is the strongest stop tap on the path of development of any of the chakras. I won’t give a long and tedious lecture on the topic “lying is bad, don’t do it,” I’ll say the main thing: lying is the main obstacle to development. Until you know the truth, you do not understand the very need to develop in one direction or another. You shouldn't lie to anyone: neither yourself nor others. There is such a unique phraseological unit - “white lie”, but few people realize that only one meaning of this phrase is meant - this is “permission” to lie when the situation becomes biologically dangerous. No “lies to save marriages,” or relationships, or friendships! When you lie to a person or to yourself, you hinder the main driving force of the Universe - development. Everything that prevents the Universe from developing, it simply destroys. Personally, after a certain period of life, I do not allow any lies, even “to save” biological life - in this case it is enough to simply remain silent. And the last thing: the lie that you have already committed in relation to your loved ones and yourself hangs like a stopcock on each chakra (depending on what reason you lied about). They simply won’t let you in further until you confess. By hiding the truth from another person, you take upon yourself the right to decide what experience he needs and what he doesn’t, and only the Higher Powers have such a right, and sooner or later you will get a good kick for it. Draw your own conclusions, what is more important to you: to remain “good”, keeping your mask face and stay in the mess you are in now, or to develop and reach a different quality of life? And one more point on this topic: we tell time when we want to avoid conflict and many people think that with the help of lies they managed to resolve this conflict, but in fact you just gained a little time. A white lie is a conflict postponed until later.

Let's move on to ignorance. Ignorance is the unwillingness to learn something new and listen to the opinions of others. It is connected and even grows out of pride (I’m already smart, I’ve achieved so much), but there is a need to highlight it in a separate paragraph. Ignorance is a voluntary reluctance to develop. The seed from which ignorance grows is planted in the first chakra (“everything is fine with me, it’s others who are to blame”), a person does not see the need to work on himself, to improve his knowledge (“why should I learn diplomacy if I can always break "). Everything that does not develop on its own or prevents it from developing, the Universe removes.

The “riders” are not the end of the blockages and mistakes made when working with the third chakra. Another blockage is related to the suppression of emotions. Sometimes social status and the accumulation of material values ​​can become the meaning of a person's life to such an extent that he rejects the world of feelings as having no special meaning for him. He may even have a tendency to ignore or suppress emotions that “get in the way” of his constant desire for success in the material world. Of course, he fails to suppress them or get rid of them, and therefore all these suppressed emotions can burst out in various situations. The person is unable to control these breakdowns, which can cause harm to him and, in many cases, to other people.

If there is no balance in the third chakra, a feeling of anger and resentment towards parents and the world arises, which a person tries to carefully hide, pretending that “everything is fine” in order to give the impression of being successful and successful in the eyes of other people. Meanwhile, repressed feelings haunt him, and he may suffer from bouts of depression and rage.

The biggest mistake when working with the third chakra is trying to immediately jump to it, ignoring the needs of the first and second. Using the will, practitioners ignore everything that they don’t like (in themselves and in the world), exclude impulsive actions, suppress emotions and needs (I’m a little tired of talking about what terrible consequences this leads to), try to do what is convenient for other people in order to be “in harmony with the people around you.” Under the motto “how to make everyone feel good” one cannot live happily ever after. An attempt to immediately live on the third chakra without a corresponding base ends in a perverted understanding of its functions and deformation of the chakra.

Since the third chakra is a social chakra, when working with it you may encounter dependence in relation to parents and other people. This is especially true for close relationships and communication with the mother. First, the child and mother are connected by a physical umbilical cord, this is necessary for his physical survival, then, after birth, the umbilical cord becomes energetic (this is necessary for his emotional, psychological survival). At the age of 14, the child is fully formed energetically and is capable of complete energetic independence from the mother (it is by the age of 14 that the “rebellious period” in the child’s life, as a result of which he wins his independence, should normally end). Until the age of 14, a mother energetically nourishes her child through the “umbilical cord,” but if the relationship is such that the mother or the child (or both) do not want to break this connection even after 14 years, then the energy through the umbilical cord begins to leave the child in favor of the mother. This exhausts the child and “pumps” and destroys the mother. I often encounter situations where an outwardly healthy, strong 30-year-old man turns out to be completely sick (pain and illness are located precisely in the area of ​​the third energy center, the place where the energy umbilical cord is still located). There are situations when a child with very strong potential and health begins to fall apart in a not so obvious way, then this can be tracked by the health of his mother, since she takes what does not rightfully belong to her (the flow does not have the right to go from children to parents, always only from older to younger). These relationships are very well written in Nekrasov’s book (it is in the Recommended Literature). If this topic interests you, read it.

There are a few other small aspects that I want to point out. The third chakra is also blocked by the reluctance to be healthy. Oddly enough, everything is very simple here: illness is always beneficial for us. Always. She always gives us something, and does not take away, as many initially believe: she gives us the opportunity not to work, not to have children and to be free, not to wash dishes, not to visit unloved relatives, etc. In fact, our illnesses are our first helpers and we should be grateful to them; they protect us from our desires, the fulfillment of which we are not yet ready.

The second aspect and another reason for an unbalanced third chakra is when it wastes most of its energies on actions that do not benefit the person. Every time you do something or do something that is not in your favor, you waste its potential. How to determine if this is good for you? It’s easy to find out, answer the question: does this develop me? Does it help in my development? What develops us always benefits us.

A short summary: all common problems in running a business, getting an education, finding one’s place in life and social realization and adaptation are problems of the third chakra. How to work with all this is described above.

Level of Consciousness

The developed Consciousness of the third chakra controls the ability to influence the environment with inner strength and intelligence. Through the third chakra we establish a connection with the world and not only perceive it depending on the state of this chakra and our emotions, but also project this world, create our space, our reality. This becomes possible thanks to the ability of the third chakra to establish connections with the subconscious and unconscious. The chakra is also responsible for maintaining our intentions. Thanks to this “cocktail” (the unconscious, inner strength, awareness) we create our reality.

A person with a developed Consciousness of the third chakra has the same developed and realized personality (I emphasize that we are talking about realization in society, and not sitting under a palm tree in Bali alone and hallucinating about the level of development of one’s personality). Personality is a social creation and it can only be realized in society and nothing else. Relationships with other people, the ability to enter into long-term harmonious relationships, relationships with parents, our desires, what we love, and vice versa, what we don’t like - a significant part of all this is determined by this chakra.

A balanced Consciousness has the ability to develop a personal independent opinion. With the decisions we make in life, we can realize our full potential, so it is very important that they are based on your personal and independent opinion, otherwise you risk living a life that is not your own and devoting it to the realization of other people's needs. The process of determining personal abilities begins with the second chakra, but continues and ends in the third. A person with developed Consciousness is not afraid to make decisions, he sees what each of them will lead to, knows what should and should not be done for his development, takes responsibility for the consequences and realizes his potential, lives his life because he knows how to separate his goals from those imposed.

The developed Consciousness of this chakra is a universal approach to life, based on calmness, intelligence and quick adaptation to new circumstances.

Possessing a developed Consciousness of the third chakra, people understand that man is not a wolf to another, or even “wow!”, but a partner in everything. Such people do not see rivals, they see helpers. It is natural for them to treat others with kindness and friendliness. Their motto is to cooperate, not compete.

Naturally, kindness and an expectation of cooperation do not make such a person a naive fool who is set up and abandoned by everyone. If this happens in life, it means the Universe is saying that something at the level of the first and second chakras remains unfinished and a person needs to descend to the previous levels of Consciousness and act based on their perception of the world. A harmoniously developed person, as I already wrote, clearly understands how and with whom one needs to cooperate and interact, and always speaks the opponent’s language; fortunately, switching between levels of Consciousness is not difficult.

The third chakra completely completes the formation of personal reality. The exit to the level of the formed Consciousness of the third chakra is marked by the exit from the Egregor of Suffering. At this level, a person is a fully conscious creator of his own reality, life and destiny (naturally, in collaboration with the Universe). If Consciousness is poorly developed or “shaken,” a person can easily and naturally turn his life into a nightmare, because if you reach even the slightest level of the third chakra, but without cleaning up the tails of your fears and doubts, you will simply drown in them. This chakra has enormous power to bring everything into reality and since the connection with the unconscious is strong, all your monsters can come to life. Very often there is a type of people who crave money, believing that it will save them from internal demons and their fate becomes one of the most difficult, since they consciously try to activate the troika, and it, gaining strength, first of all materializes their demons, and not lets money into their lives, as they count on.

I have already written that goals and their setting are very important for the third chakra, and a person with developed Consciousness does this with ease. Neither the need to set new goals for oneself, nor the goal itself and its approach stress a person (if these actions stress you, return to the energies of the first chakra, there is a flaw there). When setting goals (real and adequate, of course; this chakra does not tolerate others), a person with developed Consciousness always internally remains calm and relaxed. Accordingly, a person with an undeveloped Consciousness of the third chakra is always nervous, worried, tense and nervous both before setting a goal and during attempts to achieve it. Such Consciousness blocks the chakra with so-called “traffic jams” woven from the energy of the first chakra that is alien to it.

The consciousness of the third chakra is responsible for will. Will is a person’s ability to consciously manage his emotions and actions (once again, to manage does not mean to restrain or push it deeper, to manage is to manage, and there is no need to substitute the meaning of other terms into the definition of this word). For example: anger management (i.e., conscious and controlled expression of it, control of its direction and intensity). The will of the third chakra is the logistics forwarder of emotions and actions (what exactly to deliver, along what route, how much to ship and to whom). Weak and undeveloped Consciousness is characterized by weak will or its complete absence. A weak will is a very bad logistician, he always ships goods into the wrong hands (you snapped at a child because your boss yelled at you) and along the wrong routes (emotion comes out in the wrong way, not rational and environmentally friendly, but destructive), or does not deliver at all, loses the “product” (the emotion is not expressed, settles somewhere in the body).


With the correct functioning of the third chakra, a person has success, influence, will, good luck in business, developed intelligence, social adaptation, and a healthy psyche.

A properly functioning chakra gives a person such quality as tenderness, stimulates initiative and talent, develops prudence and foresight. A person whose third energy center is balanced lives by concrete things and cultivates realism.

Emotions, as I already wrote, are completely conscious. For example, if at the level of the developed second chakra “normally” anger is expressed like this: I understand that I feel anger and can express it without guilt, then at the level of the third chakra the following happens: I understand that I feel anger and can express it without feeling guilty, I fully understand the reasons for its occurrence and therefore I can pacify it without suppression, if this will be more useful for me than expressing it. Emotions at the level of the third chakra look very attractive and therefore many practitioners strive to immediately move to it, but all they get is pure suppression, since it is impossible to jump over the stages of development of the first two chakras. First you need to unmistakably learn to determine what kind of emotion you feel at the moment (and this is oh how not easy), then learn to express it without guilt (until you express all the excess that has accumulated inside you, the reasons and roots will not become available to you the emergence of an emotion) and only after that you will be able to pacify the emotion that has arisen without suppression, you will understand its causes located within you, you will have the choice to express it or not (this is the level of conscious expression of emotions).

One of the signs that you really know how to express emotions at the level of the third energy center is love for people. If at the level of two this love is expressed as love for all living beings, for biological life (you and I are one pack), then at the level of the third energy center love for individuals is manifested (the social aspect of love). Hatred towards people arises only because of the mirror principle (we are angry, irritated in people by what we do not accept in ourselves). At the level of the third energy center, a person fully realizes and accepts himself and all his shadow sides, therefore people stop “mirroring” their inner dirt, which is the first step towards the manifestation of Unconditional Love.

A balanced third energy center exudes optimism. Optimism is not sweet dreams and dreams about the future, but a positive psychological attitude that takes into account logic, realism and prudence.

Perseverance is another positive characteristic of a balanced third chakra. Persistence is not stubbornness, but hard work.

In addition, a balanced third chakra has many other useful properties: clarity of thinking, intelligence, prudence, prudence, the ability to make quick decisions, cheerfulness, courage, energy, composure, determination, objectivity.

When the third chakra is balanced, a person can not only manage his emotions and cope with his feelings, but also with his desires and expectations. Just as in the case of emotions, he is able to see the true reasons for his desires and the reasons for which he builds expectations. He is able to combine his emotions, desires, impressions and expectations into a single whole.

When the third chakra is in balance, a person glows with an inner light that protects him from the influence of external negative factors and negative vibrations. A person experiences self-confidence, he is courageous and full of a thirst for creativity, he has a strong personality and radiates inner strength and self-respect.

A person with a balanced chakra feels in harmony with himself, with his role in life, with his environment. He accepts himself and respects the characters and feelings of others. A person’s actions are harmonious, they comply with the law of the Universe and increase his well-being and satisfaction with life. And this applies not only to him. A person with a well-balanced third chakra is able to experience love for all humanity and a sense of community with them. The desires and feelings of people are important to him, just like the quality of life of those around him, and his actions and decisions are aimed at their benefit. The person feels filled with energy. He is active, insightful, independent and tolerant.

Differences in chakra functioning between men and women

The third chakra is money, personal power, achievements. It is active in men and, accordingly, passive in women. That is, a man gives to a woman. The woman accepts. And here women have a problem again. Women are often ashamed to ask men for money, especially if for some reason she herself does not work. And here a very serious conflict occurs: money is the same energy as everything else. Like any energy, they need movement, circulation, if you like. By not accepting money, and, accordingly, a man’s energy, a woman does not allow this energy to flow out and blocks it. As a result, this “cash energy flow” begins to dry up.

That is, one of the reasons why men earn little is also because the woman does not ask for anything. The woman says that she doesn’t need anything, “I don’t need boots, I haven’t worn out my skates yet.” Men are very ascetic by nature; they won’t earn much “for themselves,” because he simply doesn’t need to, he’s already doing well.

There is another one that is not very harmonious

Manipura is the third chakra. Translated from the ancient language of Sanskrit, it means “treasure residing in the navel.” The chakra is associated with the element of Fire and vision, its ruler is the Sun. It is also called the solar plexus chakra. In this article I will tell you what the manipura chakra is responsible for and what its manifestations are on the human physical body.

Manipura is considered the center of digestion. In Chinese medicine, this center is called the “triple warmer.” The heat in it comes from the digestion process. The Fire formed here serves to ensure human life.

The third chakra is associated with the astral (emotional) plane of a person, with his Ego. Therefore, reactions to anxiety, fear and worry are felt here. Through the solar plexus chakra you can feel another person - whether he is lacking energy or perhaps taking this energy from you.

The color associated with the third chakra is yellow.

The image is a circle containing 10 yellow petals. Each petal has a Sanskrit letter written on it, which symbolizes the negative quality inherent in the chakra:

  1. disgust;
  2. laziness;
  3. wish;
  4. fear;
  5. jealousy;
  6. shame;
  7. sadness;
  8. impermanence;
  9. stupidity;
  10. ignorance.

There is a red triangle in the circle, symbolizing the element of Fire. On each side of the triangle there is a swastika element. In general, the swastika is a very ancient image; it is associated with life and movement.

Location of manipura and its meaning

Let's find out where the manipura chakra is located - in the picture below you will see that it is located slightly above the navel, in the solar plexus area.

It is impossible not to mention another center located near manipura. This is Hara - translated from Japanese as “belly”. Its location is 3 fingers below the navel, not far from the sacral chakra. According to Eastern philosophy and medicine, a person’s vital energy is concentrated in this center...

But let's return to our topic. Precious diamond, solar chakra - this is also the name of the third chakra of manipura. Personifying spiritual power, being the main concentration of prana (vital energy), the yellow chakra has absorbed all the wonderful qualities of the Warrior of Light, the essence of the battle between good and evil.

She is a protector from the forces of darkness, stands guard over the fiery heart and helps to realize our earthly destiny in the material world.

The ten-petalled lotus flower rises from the world of extremes inherent in and, in all its glory. It allows the spiritual sprout to break through the duality of the material world and ascend higher and higher to the endless expanses of existence.

Let's talk about what the manipura chakra is responsible for? The solar plexus chakra is responsible for the following aspects of our spiritual life:

  • managing emotions;
  • power over desires and feelings without expectations and disappointments;
  • revealing the talents available to a person;
  • self-realization in human society, the earthly world;
  • desire for freedom;
  • confidence and insight.

In material life, manipura is responsible for:

  • material and physical well-being;
  • satisfaction of needs;
  • intelligence and self-confidence, own strength;
  • thirst for career and power;
  • leadership;
  • development of intelligence;
  • self-development and self-discipline;
  • willpower.

The Manipura chakra is responsible for money, since without achieving prosperity, solving worldly problems through gaining complete prosperity in life, further evolution and spiritual growth are impossible.

If there is no means of subsistence in life, you have to completely focus on material issues, which hinders self-realization and the development of the soul.

The yellow chakra allows us to solve all pressing problems so that worldly things no longer distract us from subsequent spiritual development.

How does a healthy chakra work?

If a person is harmonious and holistic, then he is able to clearly perceive the yellow color of manipura, gradually transforming it into the Light of Universal wisdom - Divine Love, as well as True Knowledge and Abundance.

Inner peace and unshakable will allow owners of a healthy third chakra to be reasonable and fair, to treat everything that surrounds them with great love.

They feel unity with people and the whole world, and remain merciful and compassionate. The energy of such people is in full swing and is directed for the benefit of everyone living next to them.

Tolerance and loyalty to the actions of other people are also qualities of a fully functioning manipura.

“Peaceful warriors” always stand guard over justice. It is impossible to crush them, break them, subjugate them, or impose someone else’s opinion on them. These people solve problems, avoiding conflicts, in accordance with the dictates of the heart, but not the mind, which constantly provokes us to evaluate (bad - good, good or evil).

A healthy third chakra is the golden mean, the “second heart” of a person. It is absolutely impossible to piss off such an individual - he is always balanced and in complete peace.

A person with strong manipura draws wisdom and Higher knowledge from Above, without resorting to the help of sages and gurus. This helps him freely navigate the society of power-hungers and fools, putting them in their place.

The solar plexus chakra is the center of a person’s personal energy, his self-realization and Ego. Manipura is responsible for our tastes, desires, and aspirations.

Due to it, we enter into relationships with other people, including long-term ones. With its help, we achieve a position in society and universal recognition.

The desire to show yourself, to stand out with your abilities and talents, to achieve what you want, to make your dreams come true - these are manifestations of a healthy manipura chakra.

Imbalance in the solar plexus chakra

A blockage of the third chakra is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • financial difficulties;
  • conflicts at work;
  • emotional negativity and aggressiveness;
  • excessive criticality and control;
  • increasing demands on others;
  • abuse of high position and power;
  • obsessing over work;
  • indecision and timidity;
  • guilt;
  • distrust of life.

Symptoms of unhealthy manipura include:

  • loss of self-confidence and abilities;
  • doubts about situations or people;
  • difficulty in assessing an event or situation.

If the chakra is unbalanced, a person is tormented by a constant feeling of guilt when he has to say “no” to someone. The role of the “victim” in this case is firmly attached to such a person who is unable to somehow stand up for himself, for his dignity.

Constant helplessness and fear of life cover him completely. An imbalance due to low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence, dissatisfaction with everything and everyone is a weak or closed third chakra.

It is not difficult to manipulate people with poorly developed manipura. The opinions of the people around them are law for them, and their own vision of life is completely absent.

The command to listen to your heart is replaced by the desire to please others. Ingratiation and sycophancy, intransigence with events and dissatisfaction with life, aggressive behavior or indecisiveness, isolation and unsociability are characteristic of people with a sick yellow chakra.

If the achievement of material needs exceeds the desire for spiritual growth, turning into a vicious circle, then insatiability and attachment to money completely blocks the development of our soul.

The materialistic way of life begins to dominate us. The unregulated desire for money, called greed, gradually enslaves us, turning into a disease, and closing the path to Universal Knowledge and Truth.

Feelings of All-Forgiving Love and Compassion become alien and wild. Primitive nature and selfishness, greed and cruelty become the basis of life, blinding us to the true meaning of existence.

Sunlight, bright and all-penetrating, beautiful things and yellow fresh flowers, constant consumption of yellow fruits - mainly lemons, and a positive attitude - these are the first healers and healers of our manipura.

Manipura and the physical body

From a physiological point of view, manipura is responsible for:

  • breathing process;
  • digestion;
  • removal of toxins from the body.

The solar plexus chakra controls the functioning of organs such as:

  • stomach and pancreas;
  • liver and gall bladder;
  • intestines;
  • respiratory organs and diaphragm;
  • sympathetic nervous system.

If diseases of the digestive system occur, it means that a person has lost control over his emotions, which spill out and cause an imbalance in our body.

Feelings of envy and dissatisfaction, increased criticism of others and the manifestation of pride, judgment and negative thinking cause the malfunction of our liver and gallbladder, contributing to the formation of stones.

Pancreatic dysfunction occurs due to lack of love and dissatisfaction in life.

Manifestations of excessive resentment, anger, irritability, and reluctance to part with old stereotypes block the release of toxins from our body, which only cause harm, which leads to intestinal diseases.

Feelings of loneliness, helplessness and anger disrupt energy exchange.

Constant stress and a feeling of fear indicate dysfunction of manipura - the “sun of the nervous system” of the human body.

Achieving harmony with all life and with oneself, inner peace and balance is the key to good health, longevity, rapid development in the spiritual sphere and awareness of oneself as a part of the Divine.

It is absolutely possible to achieve all this if you fully reveal within yourself the beautiful flower of soul and body under such a beautiful name as manipura!

(13 ratings, average: 4,62 out of 5)


The color is yellow, located in the navel area. Being the energy center of the human body, it is responsible for our ability to achieve goals, receive benefits from the world, for the strength of our intentions and for social success.

The 3rd chakra is blocked when a person experiences feelings of disappointment or shame. Unfortunately, from school (if not earlier) we are taught to feel shame. Remember yourself in childhood, when they tirelessly repeat to you, a small child: “And aren’t you ashamed?”, blocking the third and second chakras at the same time with the feeling of shame created. You can unblock this chakra in the same ways as the first two: Once you understand the source of negative feelings and break them down into smaller components, the process of removing the blocks will begin.

Manipura - third chakra. It is responsible for self-confidence, professional success, a person’s ability to take and delegate responsibility, the ability to lead and achieve.

Chakra Manipura.

A positive attribute is confidence, a negative attribute is cowardice.

Yellow color

Element: fire.

Desires: desire for understanding, respect.

Task: to establish smooth relationships with loved ones.

Keyword: intelligence.

In the area of ​​the solar plexus there is Manipura, which corresponds to the element of fire, this is the main accumulator of prana, the “abdominal brain”. This is where the energy storage of the entire body is located.

In terms of health, this chakra is responsible for the gastrointestinal tract and the condition of other organs in the mid-abdomen, liver, spleen, and pancreas. With the correct functioning of Manipura, a person has success, power, will, courage, developed intelligence, and social adaptation. The qualities of the Chakra are determination, honesty, endurance, straightforwardness and generosity. When work is disrupted, greed, jealousy, lack of conscience, deceit, fear, lies, stupidity, cruelty, thirst for power appear. Painful manifestations may occur - dysfunction of digestion, hematopoietic function, metabolic processes, stomach or duodenal ulcers, hepatitis, cholelithiasis, alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addiction.

Manipura chakra is the center of activity.

The third chakra is known as the navel chakra - this is the wheel of the spirit warrior. This is the chakra of hard work, diligence, accuracy. Manipura is the chakra of self-expression, this is the desire to stand out in society, the chakra of evaluation of oneself and others, Manipura is the desire for justice, duty, and reward according to one’s deserts. Strong Manipura is, first of all, good business qualities; a person who is focused on this chakra feels the need to achieve goals and move to the heights of this world. He can use his will to manipulate or inspire others to get his way. The third chakra is located in the navel and solar plexus area, the organs and glands associated with it are the solar plexus, liver, gallbladder, spleen, digestive organs, pancreas and adrenal glands. When the chakra is balanced, a person has a strong will, he is dedicated, purposeful, has a strong personality, inner balance, inspiration, good health and leadership character. When the third chakra is blocked, a person can become angry, greedy, shameful and desperate, everything bothers him, he has no strength, he is deprived of spontaneity, he is ready to bend over backwards to get recognition, he has problems with digestion, liver, gall bladder and pancreas.

How your life energy is taken away


Actions without request or consent towards a person: “Come on, drink.”

Compare a person with someone else who is doing worse, with results and money: “Yes, I’m doing much better.”

Profanity, rudeness, swearing, command form.

Do something instead of something else: “I’ll do it myself.”

Payment of financial bills without agreement: “I will pay.”

Display of wealth: “I have a suitcase full of money.”

Demonstration of connections, social status: “Yes, I had dinner with the president yesterday.”

Obsessiveness when communicating: “You need this, I’ll stay with you for a month.”

Ignoring other people's opinions, interrupting.

Demand for confirmation: “Are you sure you want this? Do you need it?

Anticipatory action is asking someone to do something, and then starting to do it yourself.

The question is with the lack of choice of action - you need to decide 5 or 10.

Punishment of initiative, for example when choosing a solution.

A ban on choosing anything without explanation: clothes, a toy, a car.

Taking the initiative to do what is assigned to another.

Key word for each chakra

Manipura "I WILL"

This is the seat of your physical/mental Self. When this chakra begins to spin harmoniously and there are few dissonant energies left, your self-control returns, knowledge turns into wisdom and clarity of thought, you regain self-control and mastery of your desires. You learn to set boundaries and honor other people's boundaries by drawing energy from the universal source of life substance and your I Am Presence, rather than invading the energies of those around you. Activation of your Solar Power Center begins in this location (solar plexus, heart and thymus).



I can do everything!

I think and act as a free and confident person.

I let go of my fears of other people and situations, I am absolutely calm and confident in the future.

I easily find the most correct way out of any situation.

I know everything I need to know at this point.

I recognize my integrity and value, and value other people.

Everyone respects and appreciates me.

I always have much more money than I can spend.

I pay all my bills with ease.

All my actions are aimed at my benefit. I love and accept myself.

I remove all barriers on my path to limitless possibilities.

I am open to everything new and love to learn.

I rejoice in the successes of others. The prosperity of other people is a mirror reflection of my own well-being.

I only share good news.

I'm determined to succeed!


The harmonious functioning of the chakras is facilitated by the chanting of mantras. Each chakra has its own mantra.

Singing Tibetan bowls No. 3 Chakra Manipura

Third chakra - Manipura- located in the navel area. Activated by the sound RAM.

The work of chakras in the process of human life.

Manipura chakra - is responsible for building social relationships. And also relationships with parents. If it works poorly, then the person will have constant problems in social life and family.

Video lesson: Kundalini yoga, Maya Fiennes - 3rd chakra Manipura

The third chakra - Manipura - is the center of activity, the umbilical wheel of the warrior of the spirit.

This is the chakra of hard work, diligence, accuracy, self-expression, the desire to stand out in society. Strong manipura means good business qualities and advancement to the top of this world. Associated with Manipura are the liver, gall bladder, spleen, digestive organs, pancreas, adrenal glands.

Strong Manipura is a strong will and personality, internal balance and good health.

(Warm-up - Sun salutation).

All these practices can be used independently to increase the vibrations of the second energy center, or you can add sessions to them



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