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Why do some people like sweets and others don't? You will be surprised what your taste preferences say

Means the desire for goodness and happiness. A person who loves sweets strives for optimism and to be happy. However, adults can eat sweets only in the morning - from 6 to 9. This makes mental energy rise upward. If a person wants sweets for lunch, it means he has an unwillingness to fulfill his responsibilities, he wants someone else to take over them. Laziness gives you sweets for lunch. It seems to relieve the tension associated with the reluctance to complete something. A person who loves sweets in the evening is disappointed in life; he strives to artificially maintain optimism in himself. However, the result is a violation of hormonal functions and metabolism, as well as excess weight.

It is found in bread, cereals (except buckwheat), as well as vegetables. An astringent taste means the ability and desire to work without getting tired. Hardworking people love him. If an astringent person likes to eat at lunch, he acts correctly, works hard and knows how to rest. The desire to eat something astringent in the morning is associated with greed; a person wants to do more, earn a lot. This leads to depletion of prana. Eating astringent tastes in the evening leads to loss of the ability to rest. Bread at night does not allow a person to relax, tension accumulates. An astringent taste at the wrong time is a tendency to stubbornness.

The sour taste is associated with the purification of psychic energy. If a person likes something sour for lunch, he knows how to relax and relieve stress. Sour foods in the morning increase mental sensitivity and make a person twitchy. So, people with allergies often like something sour in the morning. All this leads to irritability and inflammatory processes. Sour in the evening means touchiness and anger. Such a person is offended by fate, by health, by anything. He greatly defiles his prana.

Pungent taste means the ability to be active. It increases prana, strengthens temperament, gives the ability to transform thoughts, bring ideas to life and achieve success. If a person likes spicy food for lunch, he tends to deeply comprehend the essence of things. Spicy foods eaten in the morning make the mind overly acrid. A person becomes bilious and acutely notices the shortcomings and mistakes of others. The desire to eat acutely in the evening indicates a strong decrease in the ability to concentrate.

The salty taste tones up the prana, giving the ability to work for a long time without feeling tired. A person who likes salty foods for lunch knows how to work and maintain good tone throughout the day. Anyone who consumes salty foods in the morning makes the tone excessive, which leads to overstrain, which may result in hypertension and neuritis. Salty food in the evening means inability to rest. This taste in evening time It greatly depletes the body and its protective abilities, it leads to sleep disturbances and memory loss. Salty foods are often loved by those who tend to work excessively at the wrong time.

The bitter taste in lunch is an acceptance of difficulties in life, as well as the love of overcoming them. Drinking it in the morning indicates a fear of obstacles and difficulties, and also leads to depression and a feeling of helplessness. The desire to eat bitter things in the evening indicates that a person is experiencing some kind of grief. The situation is especially difficult if bitter and sour are combined in the evening.

From Oleg Torsunov’s lecture “The Five Senses and Their Connection with Diseases”

A person’s food preferences can tell a lot about his personality, says an American scientist. They explained how people are characterized by their love for salty, spicy and sweet things.

The head of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, Dr. Alan Hirsch, has been studying food addictions for about 25 years, and more than 18 thousand people have participated in his research. He believes that the irresistible desire to eat a certain product is determined not only by the needs of the body, but also by character traits.

"Such cravings have a certain physiological basis, but it also helps you understand what kind of person you really are,” the website infox.ru quotes the American scientist as saying.

So, for example, those people who are “drawn to something salty,” according to Dr. Hirsch, tend to “go with the flow.” According to Hirsch, salty food lovers believe that their fate is determined by external forces, and not by their own aspirations.

Spicy food stimulates the intensity of metabolism and warms the body. From a psychological point of view, a passion for spicy foods indicates that a person loves order and does not want to waste time and go into details.

Chocolate, says Hirsch, is a powerful antidepressant; it replenishes the body with pleasure hormones. For those who prefer dark chocolate, life is an endless celebration. Such a person lives easily and is always in the center of events. Those who prefer milk chocolate, on the contrary, are quiet people, immersed in their inner experiences.

People who prefer candy are generally similar to people who like chocolate. In general, people with a sweet tooth follow their instincts more than others, says Hirsch. He describes them as very cheerful people who are not used to regretting their actions. They love to stand out from the crowd and feel unique.

Those who equally love both sweets and salty foods have a sluggish metabolism, the scientist says. Such people are usually loners. Outwardly they seem reserved, but in practice they often show themselves as creative people.

This is not the first time such studies have been carried out. So, last year, Turkish psychiatrist Nihat Kay published the results of a long-term study, during which the scientist discovered the interdependence of food addictions and a person’s mental state. A psychiatrist claims that chocolate lovers experience an acute lack of love. Deep down, they feel lonely and unhappy, they lack pity and attention.

Nervous and aggressive people prefer meat, especially beef, the Turkish scientist believes. But people who prefer mainly fruits and vegetables have a calm and balanced character.

Meanwhile, back in the 19th century, biochemist Alexander Danilevsky, after conducting an experiment on pigeons, proved that meat eaters are prone to aggression and increased nervousness, while fruit lovers are calm and balanced. For several weeks, the scientist fed one group of birds with peas, and the other with boiled meat. At the end of the experiment, the carnivorous pigeons turned into real predators, and incredibly hot-tempered ones. Those birds that ate peas were still good-natured.

According to other studies, sausage and boiled meat are preferred by assiduous, diligent and committed people. Love for fatty foods reveals a jealous nature. Passion for barbecue and smoked sausage speaks of romance, wild imagination and a thirst for travel. The love for seafood also speaks of dreaminess.

According to psychotherapist Vladimir Esaulov, an addiction to dairy products reveals a need for care: “After all, this food is associated with mother’s milk, and therefore with the period of life when we were protected and surrounded by love.” The craving for spicy foods, the psychotherapist believes, reveals a desire to add “pepper” to life, and for hard foods - nuts, hard fruits - a desire to win.

Russian psychologist Alexander Makarov claims that tomatoes are preferred by generous and democratic people with a broad soul, cucumbers by sensitive people, cabbage and beans by those who lack courage and determination. Makarov considers lovers of carrots and apples to be the healthiest and most mentally balanced, but the scientist classifies fans of sour, salty and pickled foods as tyrants, although not always obvious ones.

The material was prepared by the editors of rian.ru based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

It is customary to end any holiday or celebration with a sweet dessert, cake and candy. WITH early childhood we are waiting New Year to receive a bag of sweets. Visits from guests or grandparents also always brought a lot of goodies.

The romantic period of a relationship is usually called the “candy-bouquet” period. As adults, we reward ourselves in moments of fatigue, sadness or boredom with “something tasty.” We imperceptibly get used to sweets, and then we reproach ourselves, asking the question “why do I love sweets so much”?

What is it: “sweet addiction” or something else? Let’s explore this topic. Sugar or glucose is the main source of energy for the brain and nervous system. At high level glucose, a person produces endorphins, which leads to good mood. A decrease in glucose levels leads to a loss of vigor and activity, as well as increased irritation and apathy.

I love sweets very much, why?

The human body is a complex thing. Sweets and baked goods are simple carbohydrates that are quickly broken down into glucose in the body. As a result, glucose becomes more than normal, and this leads to excess blood sugar levels.

With the help of insulin, the body quickly lowers sugar levels. A sharp a decrease in glucose leads to an emotional and physical decline, and therefore the body again requires a portion of glucose to increase the level of vital energy.

Most quick way replenishing glucose reserves means eating something sweet: chocolate, candy, cake or bun. Glucose is found not only in sugar and flour products, it is found in potatoes, bread, and especially in various fruits and vegetables. The fact is that fruit glucose is quickly absorbed, but its effect is weaker, which is why those with a sweet tooth prefer to replenish the lack of sweets from confectionery products.

The causes of sweet addiction can be both physiological and psychological.
Physiological reason“Addiction” is when the body lacks chromium, magnesium or calcium, that is, the level of adrenaline and serotonin is reduced.

Emotional-psychological cause of sweet addiction:

  • stress
  • intense mental work
  • insomnia
  • love failures
  • troubles
  • depression
  • banal boredom
  • deficiency of joyful emotions

Men love sweets - for good reason

There are also quite a lot of “sweet tooth” among the representatives of the stronger sex. Men For other reasons they love sweets:

  • The subconscious contains the memory of the very first living food product: mother's milk, it has a sweet taste, this is the basis of the genetic craving for sweets
  • Taking care of their figure is not a big concern for men; they think less about calories and excess weight, and therefore can allow themselves to eat more sweets
  • However, men are more seriously exposed to stress, choosing dangerous professions associated with risk and expenditure of nerves; in such situations, some kind of sweetness acts as compensation

A study was conducted in Britain: who loves chocolate more - men or women? It turned out that three-fifths of men admitted that they adore chocolate and would never give it up, and only every second woman has a passion for chocolate. Analysts summed it up: while women talk about chocolate, men eat it.

In the army, young men's sweet tooth is activated. This is due to a sharp change in lifestyle: a different diet, a strict regime, large physical exercise. After the army, not everyone still has a craving for sweets.

Why do children love sweets?

The main reasons for cravings for sweets are the same as in adults. Perhaps this is how the lack of carbohydrates in the body is expressed, but more often children “eat up” the lack of attention, especially maternal attention, with sweets.

A dangerous product for children is ice cream, which gives a feeling of light bliss and momentary happiness. Clinical studies have shown that just one scoop of ice cream makes the brain's joy zones light up. Scientists compare this mechanism of action to drug addiction.

Many people who want to lose weight have encountered a problem: a clear understanding of the need to reduce the consumption of sweets does not always help to do this. This often leads to the fact that those suffering from excess weight, and their relatives begin to blame the problem on the person’s weak character and his insufficient desire to lose weight.

A group of researchers from Australia and the USA, led by Professor Liang-Dar Hwang, decided to find out what determines how people perceive the taste of sweets.

It turned out that our attitude towards desserts is influenced not by the gastronomic habits formed during life, but by genes.

You can read more about the results of the scientists’ work familiarize in the journal Twin Research and Human Genetics.

The study involved 243 pairs of homozygous and 452 pairs of heterozygous twins, as well as 511 people without brothers or sisters. Each participant was asked to try four sweet substances - glucose, fructose, aspartame (a sugar substitute known as food additive E951), and a sweetener called DC neohesperidine (NHDC, or Dihydrochalcone Neohesperidine), obtained from citrus plants.

Scientists paid Special attention to identify the dependence of the perception of sweet taste on human genes. It is worth noting that homozygous twins have an almost identical genotype, since they develop from one egg, which is divided into two parts after fertilization. The genes of heterozygous twins developed from two different eggs are approximately 50% similar.

As a result of the work, it was found that genetic factors influence 30% of the differences in people's perception of sweet taste.

It is genes that explain why the same cake or glass of tea with sugar may seem too sweet to one person and not sweet enough to another. In addition, it turned out that the perception of natural sugars glucose and fructose and their artificial substitutes aspartame and DC neohesperidin depends equally on the genetic portrait of a person.

Daniel Reed, one of the authors of the study, comments on the results as follows: “Consumption is too large quantity Sugar is often perceived as weak character. However, the results of our work prove that the perception of sweet taste is already “built-in” into our genetic portrait. Just as people born with poor hearing turn the radio on at full volume, those born with genes that interfere with the normal perception of sweets add an extra spoonful of sugar to their tea or coffee just to taste it.”

The results of the work also explained why, as people age, they begin to show a preference for sweeter foods and drinks: each year of life reduces the perception of sweet taste by 2-5%.

Another group of American scientists from the State University of New York at Buffalo, led by Katherine Medler, found that the perception of sweet taste depends on another factor, namely a person’s weight. More details about the researchers' findings can be found here. familiarize in the journal PLoS ONE.

Scientists conducted experiments on mice, 25 of which were of normal weight, and 25 were obese due to an unbalanced diet. As a result of the work, it turned out that

in overly fat rodents, the number of taste receptors responsible for the perception of sweetness decreases, and those receptors that remain begin to work much worse.

While researchers cannot say why this is happening, however, a definite conclusion can still be drawn from the results of the work. It turns out that being overweight creates a kind of vicious circle that prevents you from losing weight: a worsening perception of sweet taste prevents overweight people from reducing its consumption.

If we add to this the findings of Liang-Dar Hwang’s research group, it becomes clear: changing your diet and reducing the amount of sugar in your food can only truly strong-willed people who are able to cope with both genetics and the consequences of other physiological processes occurring in the body.

However, sweet is not the only taste, the perception of which depends on genetics. Previous research has shown that the ability to taste bitterness arose in East African people about 1.1 million years ago and was an important step along the way. evolutionary development person.

This was discovered by a group of researchers led by Michael Campbell from the University of Pennsylvania. The scientists' article was published in the journal Molecular Biology and Evolution.

During the work, the genetic data of people living in Africa were studied. Representatives of African populations were chosen because this continent is where the first man appeared modern type. Scientists studied the evolution of the TAS2R16 gene, which is responsible for the functioning of the salicin-sensitive taste receptor. Salicin is a bitter-tasting substance found in many nuts, fruits and vegetables.

Scientists have found that the mutation of the TAS2R16 gene, thanks to which humans began to sense bitterness better, arose about 1.1 million years ago.

According to the authors of the work, this ability has significantly helped a person to better distinguish poisonous or spoiled foods from safe food: quite often, a bitter taste serves as a kind of signal that the plant is unfit for consumption.

Professor Daniel Reed said that he and his colleagues are going to continue working on the study of sweet taste and find out what genetic mechanisms are responsible for its perception.

“In previous decades, quite a lot of research has been carried out aimed at studying the genetic basis of the perception of bitter taste. We will try to discover similarities in the DNA of those people who have a low sensitivity to sweets,” the scientist promised.

Just recently, scientists made a discovery of sorts. It turns out that how a person eats directly speaks about his character and type of personality, state of mind. It turns out that people who love sweets also large quantities eat chocolate, in fact, deep down they feel lonely, they want to be shown to them more love, attention, they feel a strong lack of care and kindness.

However, if you love dairy products, then this directly indicates that you lack affection. There is a direct association with mother's milk. We subconsciously have one early stage life is associated with security, we were surrounded by love and care.

This can be said about all taste preferences. Certain products reveal the character of a person and his psychological characteristics behavior. In particular, if a person loves nuts, hard fruits and vegetables and other hard foods, this indicates his strong character and desire to be a winner in life. If a person loves thrill– then he will constantly add pepper to his food.

Psychologists explain this dependence by the fact that in childhood or at any happy time for us, we ate certain foods, some were associated with joy, others with despair and loneliness.

Everyone was given certain treats as a reward as a child. At home, when mom cooked, it was associated with safety and calm, and subsequently similar food will continue to evoke similar feelings. Therefore, we can say with confidence that when a person has an urgent need for certain products, this is nothing more than a desire to return the happy moments of life.

There is another very interesting pattern. People who love meat, especially beef, are more aggressive and nervous in life than people who eat more fruits and vegetables. These, in turn, are more calm.

A long time ago, the scientist Danilevsky conducted one very interesting experiment. He conducted an experiment with pigeons, divided them into two groups, for several weeks he fed one group of pigeons with plant foods, peas and other vegetables, while the other pigeons ate meat. And after some time, huge differences in their character and behavior really began to appear. Pigeons that ate meat became more aggressive, and if they continued to be fed meat, they became real predators. And the pigeons that ate peas, on the contrary, became even more balanced than they were before. After this, the theory of the good nature of vegetarians became widespread.

Russian scientist Makarov identified an even more detailed pattern between food and a person’s personal qualities. People with a wide generous soul they really like tomatoes. Cucumbers prefer romantic and sophisticated natures with a sensitive character. If a person lacks determination and self-confidence, then without realizing it he himself begins to eat cabbage and beans. But if a person eats only vegetables, then he is very squeamish and cowardly by nature.

Also, the way you cook vegetables says a lot. For example, if a person loves fresh vegetables, raw carrots or apples, then that means the person is mentally healthy. However, if a person gives greater preference to various pickles and pickled vegetables, then this is clearly a sign of the presence of tyrannism. Such pickles and sour-tasting foods were loved by tyrants such as Stalin and Ivan the Terrible.

There are also particular differences in the consumption of animal products. People who love sausage and boiled meat are very diligent, patient, you can count on such people in difficult moments, they are not afraid of commitment. And people who prefer lard, bacon and pork ribs, in general fatty foods, they often turned out to be jealous, they had a highly developed sense of possessiveness.

People who love barbecue are 100% romantics. Such people love to travel. Dreamy people prefer to eat seafood. And cheese lovers end up being very reliable and gentle people.



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