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Say something nice to a guy. Pleasant words to your beloved man in your own words. Pleasant SMS to your beloved in your own words
School of Yuri Okunev

Hello dear readers! In order to please your loved one with pleasant words, it is not at all necessary to have writing or, even more so, poetic talent. After all, it is possible to express thoughts and feelings in the simplest words, and this will not diminish their significance at all.

Do you still doubt that you will be able to do it beautifully and romantically enough? Especially for you, I decided to talk about how to write a truly sincere SMS in my own words to a loved one.

good morning wishes

A day started with a ray of goodness received by SMS from a lady of the heart may not be the most successful and productive, but it will definitely be more joyful. Every day you can come up with new wishes. They can be tied to those cases and problems that your boyfriend has to solve during the day. Or they can simply contain affectionate words designed to support, give a charge of vivacity and optimism. So, we start with those same two words of welcome, and then the options can be, for example, like this:

  • May your boss have a great epiphany today and finally see how much you are doing for your company.
  • May you meet at least three good people who will make your day kinder.
  • I wish that today the sore is disappointed in you and proudly leaves, taking with it a temperature, body aches, sore throat and fatigue!
  • This day will be one of the happiest and most successful of the week! Why? Yes, I just want it that way, and a woman's desire is the law!
  • I asked the sunbeams to fly into your window, wake you up and convey gentle kisses and good mood from me. Have they already carried out my order?
  • So we became one more day closer to each other. Looking forward to your arrival, dear!

good night wishes

Wishes for good dreams in SMS to your beloved guy will set you up not only for a good dream, but also for a good awakening and a good new day. In the same way as in the previous version, you can write about anything. The main thing is to show that the young man is very dear to you, important and necessary.

  • Let the night take away with it all the negativity of today, and in the morning you will wake up rested, joyful, renewed, ready for new achievements.
  • I'm looking at the moon now. Look out the window and look at her too. Do you feel? We are now bound by her ghostly light...
  • 10 more nights like this and we will finally meet! Looking forward to this magical moment, my tenderness!
  • You know, now I hurry to bed every night, because dreams are now the only place where we can be together. I hope they come true soon!
  • I asked Ole Lukoile to give you fabulous dreams. Before you go to bed, dress warmly. I wished that you were Aladdin, and I was Jasmine. It will be cool to fly on a magic carpet at night, so a warm sweater will not hurt.

Letters about what you miss and are waiting for

Experience shows that a long separation, although it brings a lot of grief, is the test that truly loving couples can handle. Therefore, do not despair and just patiently wait for the cherished moment of the meeting!

They say that not very easy and simple love usually encourages writing poetry. But if you don’t have a craving for this, then feel free to write SMS in prose to your beloved man. It seems to me that it is better to express your feelings in simple words than in iambic pentameter.

  • Today is exactly 2 weeks since you left, but it seems like a whole year has passed. It's amazing how fast time goes by when you're around. And how painfully long it lasts in your absence.
  • It seems to me that it was parting that allowed us to understand how strong feelings are. After all, usually a person begins to truly understand and appreciate those things that are inaccessible to him. So in our separation, it turns out, great wisdom was hidden. Thank her for this...
  • I never thought I'd miss the dirty cups you always leave in the sink. By grumbling in a dream and loud songs in the shower. By the way your stubble pricks my cheeks. It's amazing how much you really mean to me. Not by its individual positive features, but entirely and completely!

Bon appetit wishes

I told you that there can be any number of reasons for a message. Why not include this one as well. After all, eating is an important part of our daily routine. And in order for food to bring more joy, it will not be superfluous to flavor it not only with spices, but also with bright feelings.

  • I hope you enjoy what I have prepared for you. Let the porridge give strength, fruit give life energy, and the cake will please my beloved sweet tooth.
  • Recently I learned that cooked with love does not turn into fat on the belly. So eat with pleasure!
  • Today I added a handful of tenderness and affection to the stew / borscht / pie, seasoned everything with kind words and praises addressed to you, and generously sprinkled love on top. I hope you enjoy...

About their hopes, a joint future

Having found her “prince”, a woman usually soon begins to think about how she would like to see relationships through time. She tries on her chosen one first the image of a guy, then a groom, and there she already begins to think about how she will write SMS about love to her husband and father of her children ... If you have been together long enough, and discussing such dreams is not something out of the ordinary , then you can safely share your thoughts with a partner.

  • Rather, I look forward to the moment when we begin to live together. I think about the love with which I will cook for you, wait from work, take care of you. Being constantly around is wonderful, because you are my soulmate!
  • Today I was walking home through the park, I met so many couples in love. I sincerely envy them and dream that soon you and I would walk like this on weekends, holding hands. And then, having breathed fresh air, they would go home, have dinner and watch some movie.
  • I like every feature of your face and character in you. May our children certainly take the best from you. A sweet smile, the brightness of green eyes, inner charm and kindness that make everyone around love you.
  • With your appearance in my life, I really thought about how I want to see my home, my family. Previously, these were only timid youthful dreams, which today are acquiring the features of a real adult life, where I am already a wife and mother myself. Very exciting, but also pleasant at the same time!

Just about my feelings

  • Only next to you I feel truly protected, only next to you can I be weak, indecisive, trusting. Therefore, when you are not around, it is very difficult and sad for me. Let's do our best to be together.
  • There was the smell of your cologne on the pillow, on the table - a cup of coffee you had not finished drinking, and in the bathroom - a tube of toothpaste that you again did not spin. J You know, these little things make me incredibly happy, because they say that I'm not alone! Thank you dear for having me! You are my happiness, my joy and great value!
  • Right now I hugged you tightly, tightly, kissed you gently, gently! I love!
  • I just want to say that you are very dear to me. Thank you for your care, attention, affection! You are the best man in the world for me! Come soon, we are waiting for you with the cat.
  • I'm sorry I lashed out at you yesterday. I was wrong! It's not your fault, I just had some trouble at work that completely ruined my mood. Don't be angry... I love you!
  • I always hated men who tried to call me "one of them". It seemed to me that by doing this they were infringing on my freedom, they wanted to appropriate me as some kind of thing. But now I realized that I just didn't like them. Because today the thought that I am YOUR warms my soul!
  • I'm sorry I haven't written to you for a long time. There were difficulties at work and at home. I know it's not an excuse, but still... Thank you for sending those wonderful flowers! The bouquet is still standing and makes me happy! Let's meet at the weekend if you have time. I miss you so much, I want to see you.
  • And I have prepared a little surprise for you ... Hurry up and come home from work, I'm waiting for you!
  • I baked such a pie for you (you will need to attach a photo), it will be waiting for you until dinner. Do not linger, otherwise you will eat everything! Kiss!
  • Thank you for leaving me breakfast, dear! It was amazingly delicious and incredibly enjoyable! You are the most caring and romantic person in the world!!! Have you opened your portfolio yet? If not, then it's time to do it so that the yummy that I put for you does not spoil! You see how everything is mutual with us.

It will help you better understand how to build a happy relationship with a partner and yourself. Very simple, very feminine, about the most pressing questions, the answers to which often determine the quality of life. I recommend it to my readers!

Well, for my part, I am ready to answer any of your questions on the topic of the article. If you have any, feel free to share them in the comments!

That's all for today. Don't miss out on new posts. The site news subscription function will help you a lot with this. See you again and all the best! Yours, Yuri Okunev.

There is nothing better than to love and be loved. You have a strong and stable relationship. But, so that habit and routine do not interfere in your life, you cannot let everything take its course. To keep the relationship in good shape, you need to demonstrate your feelings - gratitude, care and attention.

One way to do this is to make the man feel super special.

If you're wondering how to show a man that he's the one and only, here are some easy ways to bring a smile to his face and warm his heart.

1. Let him know that he is needed

Men don't just want to be desired. They want to be needed. Let your man know that you need him and that you cannot imagine your life without him. He will definitely appreciate it.

2. Be kind

Contrary to popular belief or rather assumption, men want to be closer to a woman, not only when it's time for sex. They also need to just hug, hold hands and get a kiss on the cheek. If you don't believe, ask your man. He will tell you.

3. Offer your help

When he comes to you to tell you about a problem or if he asks you for advice, be sure to give him time. In this world, we all need support. And it doesn't matter that you don't understand anything about carburetors, exchange rates or new iPhone updates.

A man is not inclined to share his problems and experiences. Read about how to help a man if he needs support, but does not ask for it.

4. Ask him for help

If you constantly demonstrate that you can do everything yourself, the man will begin to think - why am I needed here at all? When you ask for help, it is not only a sign of vulnerability, but also a sign of trust that you give only to him.

5. Be interested in things he likes.

Both of you are individuals. This means that you are likely to have different interests. But if you want to spend more time with your loved one, you will have to make an effort to take an interest in things that interest him. He will see that you are trying to be closer to him and this will certainly work in your favor.

In addition, you can demonstrate to a man that everything revolves not only around you.

6. Compliment him.

Not only women love praise and are greedy for compliments. Men also need to maintain and raise their self-esteem, although they do not talk about it openly.

7. Plan the day yourself

It's a lot of pressure to know that you're always expected to come up with sparkling ideas about how to spend your weekend or vacation. So, let him know that you recognize his efforts and are grateful to him. “I would love to spend this weekend with you. Do not worry about a thing. I'll think of everything myself."

Doesn't it make you feel proud when a man asks for your advice? This works both ways. Consulting with your man is sending him a signal - “he is smart and insightful”, and you appreciate his point of view.

9. Introduce him to your family and friends

When you introduce a man to close people, you broadcast to him that you are proud of him, and you want to “show him” to the people who are most significant to you.

10. When you're together - turn off your phone

Despite the fact that we live in a time when everyone has a smartphone, this does not mean that it should take all your attention. Put your phone on silent when you are with a man. This will show that right now no one is more important and priority than him.

11. When you're together, keep drama to a minimum.

Problems come from time to time for everyone. And of course the man will help. But how will a person feel if every time he is with you, he has to solve some issues? Everyone gets tired of this. He is, of course, a superhero, but a man also needs to rest.

12. Be spontaneous

If your meetings are irregular, but they happen spontaneously - when a free minute appears, take the opportunity and destroy the patterns. Come up with something interesting to spend time together - a spontaneous trip, a mid-week picnic, tickets to his favorite sport.

Love is even more enjoyable when there is an element of surprise and you don't know what to expect.

13. Be grateful

No one appreciates and needs gratitude as much as a man. In addition to satisfying his pride, you will spur the man to even greater feats.

14. Listen

The ability to listen and hear correctly is not given to everyone. But this is a very valuable side of the relationship. To listen means to allow someone to finish a thought and think before answering something. Hearing means not hearing what you want to hear, but hearing what he was really trying to say. If you can master this skill, then your man will definitely feel special.

15. Say you love him

If there's one thing that never gets old, it's talking about your feelings. You can say it verbally, you can send a text, or you can give him a fun card.

Read about addictions in relationships that destroy our best feelings and can trigger the beginning of the end.

It is well known that a woman loves with her ears - each of us madly loves to hear warm, gentle, affectionate words addressed to her. But for some reason, not all women realize that men, in turn, love such words no less and really need such speeches. How to express pleasant words to your beloved man, we will tell in this article.

It is clear that every woman needs a man, but only very often they forget to talk and remind their loved ones about it. Maybe this is due to the fact that the stereotype is firmly held in the minds of the fair sex that men do not need it, because they are not romantics, and generally do not like all these cute words.

In fact, men can show their indifference to such words, but in their hearts they are very pleased and flattered to hear positive feedback, gentle words addressed to them and praise.

Not all women are eloquent, this is not a vice, but you need to know those standard words and expressions that will once again emphasize that you need this man and that you really need him. We will help to formulate those thoughts that lurk in the soul and dress them in the form of pleasant words.

Affectionate words for a beloved man

How many affectionate words can you remember? Probably a lot, remembering how you love to be addressed and called. You see, there is nothing difficult in remembering those very affectionate words and applying them to your man.

Every woman knows her soul mate very well, and understands perfectly well which genre of pleasant words will suit a particular man. Someone likes to be called a hare, and someone likes to be said - "oh, my tiger."

  • All men need to find an individual approach, as well as to us women. Therefore, before calling your loved one with an affectionate word, make sure that it matches his style and lifestyle, and does not offend him, does not undermine his authority.
  • Favorite words for a beloved man can be very different: beloved, dear, baby, sun, kitten - the main thing is that a man likes it, and does not cut his ear.
  • Tender words to a beloved man can be in the form of a softened name, for example - Denisochka, Temochka, Igoryusha, Tolyasik, etc.

  • Try to be varied - the Russian language is rich in word forms and you should not get hung up on any one affectionate address. Add a variety of words to your vocabulary, and your betrothed will help you pick them up. Just pay attention to his habits, features of appearance, hobbies and even favorite dishes.
  • Do not be afraid of any intimate "nicknames" that will be used face to face within your bedroom. At the same time, it is important to consider whether the specifics of your relationship imply such appeals, because if your man is the last snob who communicates with you on “You” and adheres to a platonic relationship, then it is better to bypass intimate nicknames.

You should not be afraid to experiment in the selection of gentle words. If your betrothed does not like any of them, he will let you know about it, directly or indirectly.

Words to a beloved man in prose

You don't have to be a poetess to say beautifully about your feelings to your loved one. Words just have to be from the heart. The person to whom you will speak them must believe you and understand that this is sincere, and not a prepared staged speech. Words of love to a beloved man in prose can also sound beautiful, it will all depend only on you, on what exactly and how you will say it.

It will not be superfluous to say to a loved one:

  • “You are so courageous and strong - I can’t imagine what I would do without you.”
  • “How great it is to feel weak and tender next to such a courageous man like you!”
  • “Life becomes brighter and more interesting when I understand that you are nearby - courageous, smart, cheerful and such a dear person to me!”.
  • “You and I are like two halves of one whole. You harmoniously complement me and know about all my desires and dreams. When my hand is in your hand, I understand that like this, hand in hand, we can walk all our lives and never regret our choice.
  • “I’m just crazy about your light unshaven and tousled hair, a serious look when you are busy with work and perky sparks in your eyes when you are up to some kind of prank. You just occupy all my thoughts and do not allow me to focus on anything else.

It is unlikely that a man will appreciate the phrase: "I'm drowning in the depths of your eyes, your lips, like a peach on a sunny day, I just want to eat, etc." But, for example, these words: “You are really important to me or - I can’t imagine myself without you; you are my support and my fortress; only with you I feel safe, etc.” will be appreciated, and will make you believe in your sincere emotions.

SMS to your beloved man in your own words

Words about love to a beloved man you can not only speak, but also write them. It is very pleasant to hear tender words of love, and it is even more pleasant to read them. Today, everyone has a mobile phone, and the "send sms" function is attached to any model, so you can send nice words to your loved one at any time.

No need to look for special rhymes, just write what you feel at the moment. Any guy will be pleased, while at work or on a business trip, to receive an SMS with the text “I miss you very much, I want to see you, hug and kiss you tightly.”

Your confession to a beloved man in your own words will make him once again convinced that you need him and love him. When words come from a pure heart, they always bring positive emotions and awaken tender feelings inside.

Any relationship needs development, and even if you have been together for a very long time, words for a loved one should sound constantly. You can create a correspondence in the form of a game and intrigue. For example: “I missed you. Come soon, you'll be in for a surprise." All day long, a person will think about these pleasant words, and intrigue in SMS will make passion flare up with renewed vigor.

In addition, you can write to your loved one:

  • “You are far away and the sun does not shine for me, the birds do not sing, and even bright flowers fade and do not please with their beauty. Come back soon!"
  • “I have long wanted to tell you that you are dear to me. This is so, just in case you have lost faith in my feelings.
  • “Today my heart is jumping out of my chest with the desire to see you. If you feel the same, then hurry up to me - we will calm the heartbeat with a strong and long kiss.
  • “It’s so nice to realize that even though you are far away, but you are thinking about me and waiting for a meeting - this just gives me goosebumps!”
  • “My beloved, dear little man, never doubt my love for you. Even though we parted for a very short time and soon you will return home, remember that my love is able to warm you even at a distance.

Kind words to a beloved man should be said every day, not just on holidays. This will make the relationship stronger and the bond between you closer. Surprise your soul mate, say nice words, and then your relationship will always bring only joy and positive.

SMS to beloved man maybe just a couple of words: “I love you”, “Missed you”, “I want you”, “Kind, waiting for you at home”, etc. If your husband or loved one is far away from you, then sms good night beloved man in your own words will please him and once again remind him that somewhere far away his beloved and most caring little man in the world is waiting for him.

A wish for the night can be like this:

  • “Let the light of my love warm you far away, and let the cold nights become warm thanks to the fact that I am waiting for you and thinking about you endlessly.”
  • "Sweet dreams, my kitty! Fall asleep and imagine that I am next to you, gently hugging and kissing, guarding your dream.
  • “Let this night be the last night of your life when I am not around. Sweet dreams."

Words to a beloved man in verse

You should not think that men do not perceive well the poems that their beloved women dedicate to them. Yes, they really do not like to learn poetry, but to hear pleasant words in poetic form is to their liking, you can be sure of this.

You can write a poem yourself, describe in it a loved one and the qualities for which you love and appreciate him. If poetic talent is not observed, then you can learn a ready-made verse written by someone else.

Believe me gentle sweet words to a beloved man, will always touch him to the quick. He may not start jumping for joy and delight, because such behavior is mostly inherent in women, but his sincere smile and tenderness on his face will make it clear that he is very pleased to hear such words.

Pick the most best words for a man, and then he will always know what you need and that you appreciate him. It is very important that a loved one feel really your soulmate, therefore, in addition to some actions, you must constantly remind him of this with words.

Good morning wishes to your beloved man in your own words

Wishing good morning is a great tradition that should not be broken even if your significant other is somewhere far away. Talk every morning beloved man about love in a text message, just by phone, wishing him good morning.

Believe me, his morning, even if it started far from good, will become like this if you wish it from the bottom of your heart.

  • "Good morning my sunshine! It’s always reluctant to wake up, but when a delicious breakfast and a beloved woman are waiting for you in the kitchen, the morning becomes really kind.”
  • “Open your eyes and run to me as soon as possible, I already miss you madly and I can’t stand a single minute without my own man.”
  • “Wake up, my dear, a new day has begun for our love with you. Let's fill it with kisses, romantic emotions and fun."

Any wish, sms and prose for a beloved man must come from a pure heart. Speak only what you feel. It is these words that are valued, correctly perceived and remembered for a long time.

Recognition of a beloved man in your own words should not sound pretentious or somehow arrogant, everything should be simple, understandable and pleasant. Do not stop surprising your loved ones with warm, gentle, affectionate and kind words, and then you will see and feel reciprocity.

Video: Beautiful words to your beloved man

Ecology of life: Today I want to give you some tips on how to tell a man that he is special. It is generally accepted that men should be strong, self-sufficient and strong in spirit. Why praise them and say what you appreciate?

8 tips to cheer up your man and take your relationship to the next level

Today I want to give you some tips on how to tell a man that he is special.It is generally accepted that men should be strong, self-sufficient and strong in spirit.

Why praise them and say what you appreciate?

After all, this man should be a romantic who carries his beloved in his arms. And her destiny is to take this care.This is the point of view of the masses.

But relationships are a two-way street. Therefore, teamwork is needed to improve them.

In most cases, men know how to do their part of the job - some know how to compliment women almost from the cradle.

But in the second half of the team, quite often there is a complete misunderstanding about how to show a man that he is appreciated.

The following 8 tips will always help you cheer up your man and take your relationship to the next level. Trust me, he will be very grateful for it.

1. Compliment him

This advice may surprise many women, because it is usually them who give compliments, not them.

But we (men) are also pleased to realize that you (women) admire some of our qualities, skills, actions, etc.Therefore, do not be lazy to say once again how courageous he is, what delicious kebabs he can make and how subtle his sense of humor is.

This is the best way to cheer up your man during times when he is sad (yes, in principle, at any other time).

2. Ask him for advice more often

Women often talk about their problems to men, not because they want to solve them, but simply because they need a listener.

However, finding a solution is one of the basic male instincts.

Therefore, if you want, for example, to cheer up a man, ask him for advice. This will make him feel useful, needed and even necessary.

At such moments, his ego inflates like a balloon and he feels how much your life depends on him.

3. Wear clothes that he likes.

I am sure you have heard more than once that men love with their eyes.

But just looking good is not enough.

If a man sees you in a dress that you don't like too much, but you know that he likes it, he will understand that you are making every possible effort to look good especially for him.

4. Give him undivided attention.

I know that you can quite simultaneously correspond with friends in the social. networks, paint your nails, talk on the phone and watch your favorite series with your lover.But most other men don't know or don't believe that women are multitasking creatures.

Therefore, it is quite common for a man to complain that you are wasting your attention on a bunch of things, instead of devoting yourself completely to what you two do.In this regard, adult men are worse than small children. They need female attention completely and completely. No combination!

Therefore, one of the best ways to show a man that he is appreciated is to fully focus on him during communication and any other joint activities.

5. Be someone you can trust

Most men do not like to show their emotions, creating a strong and impartial image. But, as you know, keeping emotions in yourself is bad.And if a man closes, then he does not feel so comfortable next to you to trust and tell what worries him.

Be sincere. Say you trust him. Do everything possible to make him decide to open up emotionally to you.

6. Be gentle with him

It's as simple as it is often forgotten.

Small, seemingly insignificant things, such as a hand in hand, your head on his shoulder, or a long hug, can say a lot.But first of all, this is a way to show a man that he is appreciated, that next to him you feel protected.Also, it once again emphasizes your feelings for him.

7. Show that he is your priority.

We all have jobs, hobbies, relatives and friends. And, of course, all this takes time.Make sure you give him enough of this valuable resource.After all, time is the most important gift you can give someone.

8. Say you appreciate him

Sometimes it is better to directly tell a man that he is special and takes an important place in your life than to try to tell him the same thing through any actions or hints that, by the way, not everyone is able to understand.

You can start right now

The described ways to show a man that he is appreciated do not require any prior preparation on your part. Of course, except for the desire to tell a man that he is special.

What were we talking about? Compliments, advice, attention, affection, prioritization - it's all quite simple. Therefore, you can start acting right now.

Try to remember the happiest moments in your relationship with your loved one. Why were you happy? Was it due to the fact that you and him just spent many happy hours together? Or was it because of all the little things he did for you? His words and actions that made you feel loved, important to him. Such as preparing your favorite dish for dinner with your own hands or booking a table for two in your favorite restaurant for the evening and arranging a romantic date. Or organize a day of relaxation and enjoyment for you by ordering spa services, massages and seaweed wraps.Truly just consist of such moments - sincere, unexpected, touching.But what if such manifestations of attention on his part are becoming less and less every day? Perhaps the fact is that you do not respond to him with similar mutual actions. You do not thank and sincerely do not rejoice at his manifestations of care and love towards you.It is important for a man to know that you are happy next to him.

SMS to your belovedman

So where would you start? What to write to your beloved man in SMS?

My suggestion - start with the simplest, with love SMS to a man , each of which can positively affect your relationship.By the way, at the trainings that I conduct, sending"correct" SMS to a man straight from the hall. The result is not long in coming)

Those who visit them know that one of my recommendations is to start messages by addressing them by name, without using identities and diminutives like"bunny, baby, teddy bear, pie" etc. As an example of one of the nice SMS to a man, which he will definitely like if you have been very busy lately:

“Dear Sergey, forgive me for paying so little attention to you lately. Thank you for what you ... (we write what he specifically did). I was very pleased! And I promise to get better." .

And now I bring to your attention 19 templates that, in combination with the above recommendation, will help you send win-win in any situation.SMS to beloved man.

  1. I love your (your, yours)...

Are there people who don't like receiving compliments? When you write erotic or romantic SMS to your beloved man,indicate something specific and not too banal instead of three dots: a sexy voice, pumped up biceps, a languid look, etc.

  1. You are the most ... in this world!

Get creative with the gap you need to fill in by sendinglove sms for your loved one: kind, caring, gentle, cheerful, loving, best.

  1. I wish you good luck - you will be on top! I believe in you.

Similar SMS to a man it is appropriate to send when he is preparing to participate in some important event (thesis defense, a report at a conference, important negotiations on a robot). This seemingly banal short message can show how much you believe in its possibilities.

  1. Just sitting here and thinking about you

send it SMS to beloved man, and after a few minutes something like:“I just heard our song on the radio” .

  1. Miss you

Too trite? Then d add a little clarification: I miss your voice, smell, touch, strong hugs.

  1. I'm so glad you are in my life

If in this SMS to beloved manadd a line starting with"because…", you can count on a particularly passionate kiss the next time you meet.

  1. Excuse me like that)…

For example, if you are very late, write to him“Excuse me like this. I'm late and won't be able to come on time." Do not make him wait for hours for your arrival, let him know if you do not have time for the agreed time.

Such messages make it clear that you value his time, and therefore respect him.

  1. I have a little surprise for you...

Not only children love surprises. Adult men also go crazy with all sorts of unexpected things. This kind of spontaneity is the lifeblood of long-term relationships.

  1. Thank you / thank you for helping me / for pampering me ...

Breakfast in bed, a gift, a no-hassle day, a downloaded new episode of my favorite show. Show appreciation for any such actions of your man.

  1. I need you.

Send similar SMS boyfriend you can, if you already have, he knows about your feelings. A man needs to feel needed. This will be a pleasant reminder for him.

  1. You are the best because... !

Everyone needs praise from time to time. And if at the same time a pleasant reason is also indicated, such SMS to a man has a double effect.

Agree, get a message"You are the best because you do a wonderful erotic massage"

  1. Sweet dreams. I fall asleep thinking about you...

If you usually sleep in the same bed, but for some reason are away from each other, send a gentleSMS to beloved manwith this simple text and it creates the effect of your presence next to him.

  1. Have a nice day my hero!

All the tricks of love SMS to a man is to indicate the time period, which he should have a good one. Thus, you are hinting that after a good day, an even better evening can await him!

  1. I'm sorry... Let's reschedule our plans to/ I would like to ask you to reschedule our plans...

People who love each other don't need a thousand words to express their regret for something they can't accomplish. Just apologize if the plans were disrupted through your fault.

  1. Can I help you?

Or even better: "Let me take care of..." . Even the smallest help will once again remind him of how important he is to you. Especially when it comes to small everyday moments that distract a man from his global goal. For example, iron his shirt or make coffee.

  1. Be careful! You are playing with fire!

A similar message can be sent when you are sitting at a festive table with a certain number of guests, and he shows minor signs of attention to other women.

  1. Stop being so wonderful!

Or: cool, sexy, amazing. Despite the seemingly reproach, the subtext turns out to be very pleasant.

  1. Do you want to tell me a secret?

Send this SMS to a man , pause or wait for an affirmative answer and send a phrase like:“I just can’t get my head last night / night with you!” .

  1. Want you!

Many SMS to your beloved can help him wake up and excite a man during the day. But this message will definitely set his fantasy in motion and make his heart pound in anticipation.

What else can help you?

Here are some simple but importantSMS to your beloved man at night or instead of "good morning", which should be enough for quite a long time. Using them, you can show a man that you are constantly thinking about him.

Your support will be especially important for him. And gratitude for the things he has done, even if they are minor things, can significantly pamper his ego.

In addition, reminding yourself in the form of such SMS will have the opposite effect - he will think more about you, and this will positively affect your relationship.

There is a myth that it is not necessary to confess sympathy to a man, he himself must take the first step, in no case do not take the first step. When someone chooses you, then you will choose him. And you don't have to pick anyone first. And I like it because a lot of girls think that way. It is very scary for them to take the first step. But to provide for a man when he lives at her expense, when he is a gigolo, when he lies on the couch, cannot provide for children - this is normal. But the first step - no, what are you. Therefore, if you want a normal man, you should be able to pronounce this phrase or at least write it on social networks: “ Hello, I liked you», « Hello, I like you as a man», « Hello, I'm interested in you as a man". This is the first phrase, write it down for yourself, and, of course, try it. Right now you can use it somewhere in social networks, in SMS, in a messenger, in Viber.

Try to send one of these SMS to a man right now, if you really are. He will be really pleased. If you can, write in the comments about his reaction. It will be interesting to know!

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