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Solar radiation

This is harmful because:

1. The sun increases the risk of cancer. It's about about skin cancer - melanoma. Ultraviolet radiation is especially dangerous for those who have many moles on their skin and exist hereditary factor risk.

2. The sun weakens the immune system. With a lack of ultraviolet radiation, a decrease in immunity is observed. But even more dangerous is excess sunlight - it suppresses the reactions of the human immune system. This is why you can get a cold even in sunny weather. Against the background of severe overheating and a decrease in the body’s protective reaction, the herpes virus can also wake up.

3. The sun ages the skin. Without harming your health, you can stay in the sun for no more than 15–20 minutes, and for people with very fair skin - no more than 7 minutes. Then the process of photoaging begins: under the influence of the sun, the skin loses moisture, becomes dry, and wrinkles and age spots appear on it. In the USA, scientists conducted a study using twin sisters as an example. One lived in the north of the country, the other in sunny California. The first one looked much younger than the second one.

4. The sun makes ladies courageous. Women struggling with excess hair on their face and body need to tan very carefully. Due to excess sun rays, hairs become thicker and coarser. For those who have spider veins and spider veins on their skin, excess sun is also harmful: under its influence, the blood vessels become even more fragile.

It is strictly forbidden to sunbathe if you have the following diseases: various heart diseases, hypertension, diabetes, thyroid diseases, gynecological inflammatory diseases, epilepsy, acute diseases kidneys and liver, oncological diseases, tuberculosis, you should not sunbathe during pregnancy.

This is useful because:

1. The sun protects against sclerosis. American scientists believe that people who were exposed to more ultraviolet radiation in childhood have a reduced risk of developing multiple sclerosis. The sun has a particularly beneficial effect on the weaker sex in this regard.

2. The sun preserves men's health. According to separate studies, sun exposure halves the likelihood of developing prostate cancer in men. Doctors explain this effect by vitamin D, synthesized in our body under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Scientists believe that this vitamin promotes the growth of normal cells in the prostate and blocks the activity and spread of malignant cells throughout the body. Researchers also found that men who get enough vitamin D are less likely to suffer heart attacks or strokes. To replenish vitamin D reserves, it is not at all necessary to actively sunbathe, just being outside more often is enough.

3. The sun fights fungi. It is useful to sunbathe for two very common lichens - pink and pityriasis versicolor. Despite their scary name, these fungal infections are not life-threatening and only cause superficial skin lesions. They are very common in teenagers who, due to age-related hormonal changes, are prone to excessive sweating. Under the influence of ultraviolet light, fungi die, and healthy skin forms at the sites of rashes. Moderate sunbathing is also beneficial for psoriasis.

4. The sun improves your mood. It has been scientifically proven that sunbathing saves you from depression: sunlight stimulates the production of the “happiness hormone” serotonin.

Safety regulations

Even those who are sure that sunbathing only brings benefits should not forget about certain rules:

- do not sunbathe on an empty stomach or immediately after eating;

— it’s even easier to burn in water than on the shore; it acts as a lens: it amplifies sunlight, and solar radiation passes to a depth of up to a meter. For the same reason, you should not stay in the sun without drying yourself immediately after swimming: drops of water form small lenses on the skin, which increase the possibility of sunburn;

— it’s best to sunbathe in the shade - this reduces ultraviolet radiation exposure by 50%, and the tan turns out no worse (though you will have to spend more time).

Tanning menu

Some products help you tan while protecting your skin from UV damage.

This list includes cheese (20 g per day is enough), eggs (preferably soft-boiled), cottage cheese, liver, fatty fish, brown rice, bananas, dates, beans, walnuts, almonds, peanuts, carrots, tomatoes, peaches, apricots, watermelon melon.

Foods rich in vitamin C are necessary in the summer, but you should not overuse them: an excess of this vitamin slows down the tanning process.

The tanning process is also slowed down by tea, coffee, and chocolate.

By the way

According to several studies, sunscreens protect the skin only from burns, but not from harmful effects ultraviolet light on cell DNA. In other words, if you sunbathe, but do not get sunburned, the risk of melanoma still remains.

A comment

Alexander Syromyatnikov, oncologist:

— Melanoma (skin cancer) is a pathology that is directly related to increased insolation. Where there is a lot of sun, this disease occurs more often. And we, oncologists, constantly repeat: you need to be careful with the sun, you can’t sunbathe from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. And those who have a lot of moles on their skin (moles are the main risk areas) should generally spend as little time in the sun as possible. And in case of any suspicious behavior of a mole: if it changes color, increases or decreases in size, or begins to bleed, you should immediately consult a doctor!

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Interesting article24 August 2014, 02:28:28
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What time of day is the sun beneficial?

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The number of tanning fans in Russia is growing every year. However, doctors never tire of repeating that sun rays are the cause of many serious illnesses. What are the benefits and harms of tanning?

In the 80s of the 19th century in America and Europe, a tanned body was considered beautiful and desirable, which many people aspired to. This gave scientists a lot of reasons and materials for research. They found that skin changes, called age-related, mostly depend not on the number of years a person has lived, but on the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, which is responsible for the appearance of tanning.

This is how the theory of photoaging arose - premature aging of the skin under the influence of UV radiation. It is confirmed by data that the skin of residents of southern countries ages faster than those who are not spoiled by the sun. In addition, exposed areas of the body that are not protected by clothing are more likely to undergo various changes.

Mechanism of photoaging

Penetrating the skin, UV rays encounter a natural ultraviolet filter - melanin, which blocks more than 90% of ultraviolet radiation. Thus, tanning is nothing more than the skin’s reaction to the traumatic effects of solar radiation. Now many people know that prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation contributes to the development of melanoma, skin cancer, accelerates aging and the appearance of wrinkles.

Types of UV radiation

Types of Sun Rays
Ultraviolet radiation is divided into three components: rays A, B and C (UVA, UVB, UVC rays, respectively). As sunlight passes through the earth's atmosphere, the most dangerous UVC rays and about 90% of mid-range UVB rays are absorbed by ozone, oxygen and carbon dioxide. Therefore, radiation reaching humans largely contains ultraviolet UVA and not a large number of UVB.

Why are UVB rays dangerous?
UVB rays promote the formation of melanin, lead to photoaging of the skin, and also stimulate the development of most types of skin cancer, but they are blocked by protective substances contained in sunscreens.

Why are UVA rays dangerous?
UVA rays are less active in stimulating the development of many types of skin cancer than UVB, but they contribute to the formation of melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer. In addition, this radiation is not blocked by many solar filters, so the main protection against it is clothing.

Why is ultraviolet radiation dangerous for humans?

  • it reduces the production of collagen - a protein connective tissue organism, due to the lack of which the skin loses its elasticity and wrinkles appear on it;
  • it provokes coarsening and thickening of the stratum corneum of the skin, as a result of which it becomes dry, dull and rough;
  • it provokes vascular changes, impaired skin pigmentation, and the development of neoplasms.

About the benefits of the sun

A place under the sun
Despite the danger of ultraviolet radiation for the body, it can be beneficial in small doses. To do this, it is enough just to expose your face or hands to sunlight a few times a week for 10-15 minutes.

Healing ultraviolet light:

  • under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, vitamin D is synthesized in the body, which regulates calcium metabolism and serves as a building material for bone tissue;
  • sunlight activates the immune system, increases the body's resistance to viruses and infections;
  • the sun has a beneficial effect on nervous system a person, increasing the production of endorphins (the hormone of joy) and thereby improving mood;
  • in small doses, ultraviolet radiation prevents the occurrence of diseases of cardio-vascular system, musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, arthritis) and respiratory system (bronchitis, rhinitis), dermatological diseases (psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema, etc.), cerebrovascular insufficiency.

How to tan properly

You need to start sunbathing little by little, in the morning and evening hours, spending 10 to 15 minutes in the sun with breaks. Both dark-skinned and pale-skinned people should be sure to use sunscreens that are appropriate for their skin type and have the appropriate SPF. They should be applied to the skin 20-30 minutes before going outside.
Those with particularly sun-sensitive skin should stay in the shade as often as possible and use products with the highest SPF factor (Sun Protection Factor). Your eyes and lips also need protection from the sun, so you should use sunscreen around your eyes, lip balm with SPF, and wear sunglasses when going outside.

Peels are considered effective means to eliminate
symptoms of skin photoaging. They have exfoliating
action, and also restore tone and beauty to the skin.

Elena Kobozeva, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist:“Ultraviolet radiation is the main factor in skin aging. With excessive sun exposure, it provokes the so-called fine-wrinkle type of aging. Skin becomes wrinkled baked apple, covered with a network of small wrinkles. In addition, ultraviolet radiation provokes the formation of age spots. This becomes especially noticeable over the age of 35. Therefore, in summer it is necessary to constantly protect the skin with sunscreens with a high protection factor.”

Expert: Elena Kobozeva, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist
Katerina Kapustina

Photos used in this material belong to shutterstock.com

When talking about the effect of the sun on the human body, it is impossible to accurately determine whether it is harmful or beneficial. Sun rays are like kilocalories from food. Their deficiency leads to exhaustion, and in excess they cause obesity. So it is in this situation. In moderate amounts, solar radiation has a beneficial effect on the body, while excess ultraviolet radiation provokes burns and the development of numerous diseases. Let's take a closer look.

Solar radiation: general effects on the body

Solar radiation is a combination of ultraviolet and infrared waves. Each of these components has its own effect on the body.

Effect of infrared radiation:

  1. The main feature of infrared rays is the thermal effect they create. Warming up the body helps to dilate blood vessels and normalize blood circulation.
  2. Warming has a relaxing effect on the muscles, providing a slight anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.
  3. Under the influence of heat, metabolism increases and the processes of assimilation of biologically active components are normalized.
  4. Infrared radiation from the sun stimulates the functioning of the brain and visual apparatus.
  5. Thanks to solar radiation, synchronization occurs biological rhythms the body, sleep and wakefulness modes are launched.
  6. Treatment with solar heat improves the condition of the skin, eliminating acne.
  7. Warm light lifts the mood and improves a person’s emotional background.
  8. And according to recent studies, it also improves sperm quality in men.

Despite all the debate about the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation on the body, its lack can lead to serious health problems. This is one of the vital factors of existence. And under conditions of ultraviolet deficiency, the following changes begin to occur in the body:

  1. First of all, the immune system weakens. This is caused by a violation of the absorption of vitamins and minerals, a failure of metabolism at the cellular level.
  2. There is a tendency to develop new or worsen chronic diseases, most often accompanied by complications.
  3. There is lethargy, syndrome chronic fatigue, the level of performance decreases.
  4. Lack of ultraviolet radiation for children interferes with the production of vitamin D and provokes a decrease in growth rates.

However, you need to understand that excessive solar activity will not benefit the body!

Contraindications to sunbathing

Despite all the benefits of sunlight for the body, not everyone can afford to enjoy the warm rays. Contraindications include:

  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • tumors, regardless of their location;
  • progressive tuberculosis;
  • angina pectoris, ischemic disease;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • damage to the nervous system;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands;
  • diabetes;
  • mastopathy;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • pregnancy;
  • recovery period after surgery.

In all cases, active radiation will aggravate the course of the disease, provoking the development of new complications.

Elderly people and infants should not get carried away with the sun. Treatment is indicated for these populations sunlight in the shadow. The required dose of safe heat will be enough there.

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61 years old

Negative effects of the sun

The time of exposure to infrared and ultraviolet waves must be strictly limited. Excessive amounts of solar radiation:

  • may cause deterioration general condition body (so-called heatstroke due to overheating);
  • negatively affects the skin, causing permanent changes;
  • impairs vision;
  • provokes hormonal imbalances in the body;
  • may provoke the development of allergic reactions.

So lying on the beach for hours during periods of maximum solar activity causes enormous damage to the body.

To get the necessary portion of light, a twenty-minute walk on a sunny day is enough.

The effect of the sun on the skin

Excessive amounts of solar radiation lead to serious skin problems. In the short term, you risk getting a burn or dermatitis. This is the smallest problem you may encounter when tanning on a hot day. If a similar situation is repeated with enviable regularity, the sun's radiation will become an impetus for the formation of malignant formations on the skin, melanomas.

In addition, exposure to ultraviolet radiation dries out the skin, making it thinner and more sensitive. And constant exposure to direct rays accelerates the aging process, causing the appearance of early wrinkles.

In order to protect yourself from the negative effects of solar radiation, it is enough to follow simple safety measures:

  1. IN summer time Be sure to use sunscreen every year? Apply it to all exposed areas of the body, including the face, arms, legs and décolleté. The SPF icon on the packaging is the very same ultraviolet protection. And its degree will depend on the number indicated next to the abbreviation. When going to the store, cosmetics with an SPF level of 15 or SPF 20 are suitable. If you plan to spend time on the beach, use special products with higher levels. A cream with maximum protection SPF 50 is suitable for children's skin.
  2. If you need to stay outside for a long time at maximum intensity of solar radiation, wear clothes made of light fabrics with long sleeves. Be sure to wear a wide-brimmed hat to hide your delicate facial skin.
  3. Control the duration of sunbathing. Recommended time is 15-20 minutes. If you stay outside for a longer period of time, try to hide from direct sunlight in the shade of trees.

And remember that in the summer, solar radiation affects the skin at any time of the day, with the exception of night hours. You may not feel any noticeable heat from infrared waves, but ultraviolet light does. high level activity, both in the morning and in the afternoon.

Negative effects on vision

The influence of sunlight on the visual apparatus is enormous. After all, thanks to light rays we receive information about the world around us. Artificial lighting, to some extent, can become an alternative to natural light, but reading and writing with a lamp increases eye strain.

Talking about negative impact on humans and the vision of sunlight, implying eye damage from prolonged exposure to the sun without sunglasses.

Some of the unpleasant sensations that you may encounter include cutting pain in the eyes, their redness, and photophobia. The most serious damage is a retinal burn.. Dry eyelid skin and the formation of fine wrinkles are also possible.

  1. Wear sunglasses. When purchasing, first of all pay attention to the degree of protection. Fashion models often slightly shade the light, but do not prevent the penetration of ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, it is recommended to put aside bright frames and opt for high-quality lenses.
  2. Make sure that direct rays do not hit your face. Stay in the shade and wear a hat, cap or other headdress with a visor.
  3. Don't look at the sun. If you do not experience discomfort, this does not mean that this idea is safe. Even the winter sun has enough activity to cause vision problems.

Is there a safe time of year?

The use of solar radiation as a healing procedure is a common practice. Both ultraviolet and heat are considered strong irritants. And the abuse of these benefits can cause serious problems.

Tanning is the production of melanin. And to be more precise, then defensive reaction skin to the irritant.

Is sun radiation dangerous at any time of the year? It is difficult to give a definite answer to this question. Everything will depend not so much on the time of year, but on geographical location. Thus, in mid-latitudes, solar radiation activity increases by 25-35% in the summer. Therefore, recommendations regarding staying outside on a clear day apply only to hot weather. In winter, residents of these regions are not threatened by ultraviolet radiation.

But residents of the equator face direct sunlight all year round. Therefore the probability negative impact is present on the body both in summer and winter. The inhabitants of northern latitudes are luckier in this regard. Indeed, with distance from the equator, the angle of incidence of the sun's rays on the earth changes, and with it the radiation activity. The length of the thermal wave increases, and at the same time the amount of heat (energy losses) decreases. Hence it is winter all year round, since the surface of the earth does not have enough heat to warm it up.

Solar radiation is our body's friend. But you shouldn't abuse this friendship. Otherwise, the consequences can be very serious. Just enjoy the warmth without forgetting about safety precautions.

Sun rays: we know about the benefits, but about the harm?

Even in ancient times, scientists knew about the benefits of sunlight and sunbathing. IN Ancient Rome and Hellas it was believed that being in the sun strengthens the spirit and improves health. However, then they forgot about this for a long time, and remembered only at the beginning of the twentieth century.

A hundred years ago, sunbathing and long walks again began to be prescribed by doctors for sick and convalescent people. And this is not surprising, since people, especially those living in temperate climates, noted that their mood and well-being improve on sunny days and worsen in cloudy autumn.

In the middle of the last century, sunbathing even became fashionable - that’s when bikinis appeared. However, over the past decades, people have been talking only about the dangers of sun rays - they allegedly cause skin cancer.

How is it really? Is solar radiation good or bad for our health?

The influence of sunlight on all living things is difficult to overestimate. And the fact is that the sun emits a whole spectrum of waves, ranging from colored to invisible. Invisible rays include ultraviolet and infrared rays. We cannot see them, but we feel them in the form of heat. Invisible rays affect the living big influence.

It is infrared rays that improve blood circulation in the body. And consequently. and contribute to the activation of all life processes, improved mood, a surge of vigor and energy. They help get rid of apathy, depression, decline vitality. In addition, the infrared spectrum has a mild analgesic effect.

But not all ultraviolet rays, and the sun produces several types, are beneficial to the body. The most deadly of these are C rays (UVC), but they are blocked by the ozone layer. Rays A and B are very useful for humans. They are responsible for the production of vitamin D. Rays A can theoretically cause burns and skin lesions. B rays stimulate the production of melanin, which causes a tanned skin color, which is designed to protect against overheating of the skin and its damage. They also thicken the skin layer, making it less susceptible to burns. That is, the sun itself protects from itself - this mechanism was developed in humans in the process of evolution for a safe life under the rays of the sun.

What are the benefits of the sun?

The sun strengthens bones and participates in calcium metabolism. Without sunlight, the production of vitamin D (calciferol) is impossible.

The sun prolongs life: Scientists from Medical College named after Einstein (USA) recently discovered another unique property vitamin D. It prolongs life. It turned out that people with low levels of this vitamin have a high chance of dying ahead of schedule- 26% higher according to scientists.

The sun improves mood and improves tone: The rays of the sun stimulate the production of serotonin and endorphin in the body. Endorphins are called the hormone of joy and happiness - they improve mood and increase tone. Studies have shown that residents of northern countries are more likely to suffer from depression than southerners. This is due to a lack of sunlight.

The sun reduces blood pressure: Everyone knows the recommendations for hypertensive patients not to be in the sun in the heat because their blood pressure can rise sharply. But scientists from Edinburgh claim the opposite - in their opinion, the sun, on the contrary, lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of blood clots. And all because, under the influence of sunlight, the human body begins to release nitric oxide and convert it into nitric oxide and nitrate. And these substances reduce blood pressure and prevent blood clots.

The sun will save you from sclerosis: Scientists have proven the beneficial effects of sunlight, and especially ultraviolet radiation, in this area. It was found that if a person was not deprived of sunbathing as a child, then in adulthood his risk of developing multiple-disseminated sunbathing is lower than in children who grew up in conditions of sun deficiency.

The sun is on guard men's health: Frequent sun exposure reduces the risk of developing prostate cancer. And again, this effect is achieved due to the production of vitamin D under the influence of the rays of the luminary. It blocks the spread of cancer cells and helps the growth of healthy cells.

The sun helps you lose weight: if you are in the sun in the morning, it is easier to deal with overweight and it’s easier to maintain normal weight all the time without much effort.

Sun against diabetes: The British found that sunlight lowers blood sugar levels, thereby protecting against the risk of diabetes.

However, sunbathers should know the other side of the sun's rays. Yes, yes, in large doses they can be really harmful. For example, being in the sun for a long time, you can get sunburn. And people with fair skin may suffer the most from this. And they are also at risk of developing skin cancer when exposed to sunlight. And all because people with fair skin produce melanin worse.

Excessive sun rays dry out the skin, and this leads to premature wrinkles and disruption of collagen production in skin cells. This is why northerners look younger than southerners at the same age and have fewer wrinkles, especially fine ones.

Infrared rays of the sun cause large amounts of overheating of the body and in combination with ultraviolet radiation a well-known sunstroke . Its manifestations are varied - from lightheadedness, dizziness and fever to loss of consciousness. Prolonged overheating can cause death.

Sunny days always bring joy to people. They fill us with vital energy and saturate our body with vitamin D. The sun makes everything around us more beautiful and rich. But its effect on the human body can be not only beneficial, but also harmful. If you spend a lot of time under the sun's rays, this is fraught with the appearance of various serious diseases. Therefore, in this article I would like to talk about the benefits and harms of the sun, and ways to avoid the harmful effects of UV rays.

Health Benefits of the Sun

  • strengthens the immune system,
  • production of vitamin D,
  • participates in calcium metabolism,
  • improves blood circulation,
  • stimulates the digestive system,
  • strengthens the bone skeleton,
  • protects against complications during pregnancy,
  • treats skin diseases,
  • stimulates the production of hormones,
  • energizes,
  • lifts the mood
  • helps cope with stress and depression,
  • calms the nervous system,
  • improves sleep.

Normalizes blood pressure. It has been proven that exposure to ultraviolet light releases nitric oxide in the body. It accelerates metabolic processes, reduces blood pressure and prevents the formation of blood clots, reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Protects the heart. According to scientists from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine (USA), regular sunbathing can extend life by 26%. The fact is that at this time vitamin D appears in sufficient quantities, which prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Strengthens the body's protective functions. Thanks to ultraviolet radiation and heat, we rarely get sick in the summer. But everything is good in moderation: if you overdo it with tanning and bask on the beach for a long time, your immunity will weaken. This is the reason why northerners at the resort are more likely to suffer from herpes and colds.

The sun's rays help fight bacteria. Therefore, for those who suffer from dermatitis and eczema, their condition improves in the warm season, and for teenagers, the number of acne and pimples decreases. Fungal skin diseases disappear until autumn.

Strengthens the skeletal system. Without exposure to ultraviolet light, calciferol is not formed. Deficiency of this substance leads to a serious disturbance of calcium metabolism, which cannot be restored. pharmaceutical drugs. In adults under such conditions, osteoporosis develops - brittle bones, dangerous for fractures, and in children rickets appears.

Increases tone. Sunlight stimulates the production of happiness hormones - endorphin and serotonin. The first improves mood, performance, concentration, and increases energy. The second also makes you happy and protects against allergies.

Sunlight is available even in cloudy weather and cool days - some of the rays penetrate through the thickness of the clouds. For the health of the heart and blood vessels, it is most beneficial to be outside in this weather. Walk every day, from dawn to 11 a.m., it invigorates and tones, and from 4 p.m. to sunset to relax.

The positive effects of the sun on the human body listed above are, of course, only possible if you are properly exposed to the sun’s rays.

Harm from the sun to humans

We understand that without the sun there would be no life on Earth and that ultraviolet radiation triggers the production of vitamin D in the skin. But at the same time, radiation causes the formation of free radicals and cell mutation, and can lead to photoaging of the skin, loss of elasticity, and in the worst case, the development of a malignant tumor – melanomas. In other words, no matter how much you take care of your skin all year, the sun can ruin everything. And if beauty and Eternal youth Not everyone cares, but no one really wants to risk their life.

Harm from sun rays

We are interested in long wavelengths UVA and mid wavelength UVB. There are also short UVC waves, but they are lost in the atmosphere. So, the first ones are the ones that shine even in snowy March. They overcome all obstacles, including clouds, fog, glass, so 95 out of 100 such rays reach the surface of the Earth. They penetrate deep into the skin and delight us with a tan, but in the wrong doses they lead to photoaging of the skin.

The second, B-rays, are afraid of clouds and windows, but pose a much greater danger in clear weather. They cause sunburn and skin cancer. It is because of them that from 10 am to 5 pm you need to stay away from the sun, because it is during these hours that UVB rays are active.

Harmful effects of sunscreens and products

The threat of solar radiation does not mean that we should cover our bodies with the first available sunscreen with the maximum SPF factor and calmly sunbathe in the sun. On the contrary, many such creams and lotions pose no less danger. Made from non-natural chemical substances, they block the skin's natural protection from the sun and may also cause the development of melanoma. It is even more dangerous to apply them to areas where there is already a sunburn. In addition, many people overly rely on sunscreen and, having covered their whole body with it, boldly relax for hours in the open air.

We must not forget that any, even the best sunscreen, requires reapplication every two hours, and even this does not replace a reasonable regime of staying outside. When it comes to UV protection, as with many things in life, it’s important to be mindful and strike a balance.

Skin protection from the sun

How can you get the benefits of the sun without harming your health?

Sunbathing 15 minutes a day is enough

Sunbathing for 15 minutes every day is enough for the body to produce the necessary dose of vitamin D. Of course, absorbing direct rays is only permissible in weak sun conditions, that is early morning or after 17-18 hours. While taking beneficial sunbathing, no protection is needed. The rest of the time that you want to spend outside, be in the shade or use the simplest physical protection: wear a wide hat, be sure to have sunglasses and light, breathable clothing (for example, linen) that covers your body as much as possible.

Gradually accustom your skin to the sun

Research has found that people who regularly spend time in the sun have more stable protection against ultraviolet radiation, are less likely to burn and are less susceptible to developing skin diseases. The point is that the body needs to be accustomed to sunbathing gradually, starting from a few minutes, go out into the sun regularly, as if for a procedure, without applying any protective agents, but still be protected from strong sun and avoid burns.

Another study found that children who were exposed to “healthy” sun from a young age continued to experience there were fewer exposed to ultraviolet danger because they have developed natural defense mechanisms over the years.

Use natural tanning products

There are many natural products that are naturally endowed with SPF. These include basic and vegetable oils cold pressed: hemp, olive, sesame, coconut, jojoba, avocado, macadamia, walnut, wheat germ oil and others.

Yes, they provide very weak protection (up to SPF-10), but you will be calm that your skin product is natural and safe. In addition, vegetable oils will additionally moisturize and nourish your body. For more intense protection, use carrot seed oil (SPF up to 40) or raspberry seed oil (SPF up to 50), which will protect against both types of dangerous rays.

Additionally, you can use mineral powder for everyday sun protection. Small particles of minerals in it will create a physical barrier and prevent rays from reaching your skin. Of course, such a product will give an SPF of no more than 15–30, but it will perform two tasks at once: both resist ultraviolet radiation and mattify. Make sure that the composition of the powder is natural, without synthetic dyes, parabens and preservatives, without talc and bismuth oxychloride. But mineral powder contains zinc oxide and titanium dioxide - these are the components that protect against UVA and UVB rays.

Use natural after-sun products

The trick is that ultraviolet radiation continues to damage some skin cells for several hours after exposure to the sun, even if it is already dark. This process can be stopped with an antioxidant, so make it a rule after sunbathing to apply a product containing vitamin E to your body. These include almost all known vegetable oils: sunflower, olive, flaxseed, sesame, corn, burdock, almond, sprout oil wheat and so on.

There are products for sun protection

And one more most natural and effective way sun protection, of course proper nutrition. Your diet should be rich in antioxidant foods ( green tea, tomatoes, pomegranate, nuts, seeds, berries, herbs, citrus fruits and more), but if eaten today, they will give effect only in a couple of weeks.

There are also special dietary supplements to supply the body with antioxidants.

Also, summer is a great time to give up smoking and alcohol, because, among other things, they undermine the natural protection of the skin.

The sun's rays, without any doubt, have a great influence on humans. They affect his mood and well-being. As mentioned above, without the sun there would be no life on Earth. But sun damage can also be quite significant. Therefore, it is necessary to always observe moderation in everything and include awareness of your actions.



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