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Palm Sunday: the symbol of the holiday is willow and pussy willow branches. Customs and signs of the holiday. Palm Sunday

Easter always falls in spring. If spring is the awakening of earthly life, then Christ gave us eternal life. Every year we experience the Resurrection of Christ, preparing for this main event of Sacred history, following the church’s annual cycle. And this year is no exception, spring again, again Lent.

Events come alive during the holidays Holy Scripture, we become accomplices of a thing distant from us for centuries Gospel story. They are firmly intertwined with the traditions of our spiritual culture, becoming a single whole. Easter, spring. Spring is the beginning of time and the beginning of life. The world created by God, visible and invisible, and man who did not protect God’s gift, thereby losing eternal life.
Nature - amazing book the existence of God's world, which is inhabited by his creations: animals and plants, therefore their image began to be filled with spiritual meaning; they are important among Christian symbols. Suffice it to recall the wheat and fig tree; Christ himself figuratively likened himself to a grapevine. Grape wine became a symbol of the blood of Christ, and bread - His body. The Christmas tree has become a symbol of the Nativity of Christ, an integral attribute of this holiday. The branches of the Russian birch will immediately remind us of the Holy Trinity, mentally transporting us under the canopy of the Mamrian oak and into the Zion upper room.

Pre-Easter last week Great Lent - Passionate. It is preceded by the Week of Vaiy (flower-bearing), which we call palm, and the holiday of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, which in the Russian tradition is called Palm Sunday. The phrase “willow symbol” is consonant with the Creed. Indeed, the willow tree symbolizes our faith, which expresses the recognition of Christ as God and King. This is exactly how, according to the Gospel narrative, He was greeted upon entering Jerusalem:

“Many people spread their clothes along the road, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them along the road; The people who preceded and accompanied exclaimed: Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!” (Matt. 21:8-9)

It's still freezing in the morning, but it's warm all day

The sun pours its rays onto the earth with dazzling light.

And, like the news of the coming spring, under the breath of warmth,

The white flowers of the willows blossomed and bloomed.

Willow, willow - our palm tree - you look very simple!

But through you we meet the coming Christ to us.

That’s why we give back every year, in the spring, again

To the white willow our tenderness, our affection and love.

M. Stremin

IN Soviet time It was already a different era with its own holidays, rituals and symbols. The customs of distant antiquity were mercilessly banished and transformed. So gradually the religious significance of the willow became simply a symbol of the coming of spring, as in these poems for children of the Soviet era:

Willow, willow, willow

The willow blossomed.

This means it's true

That spring has come.

Agnia Barto “April”

The symbolic meaning of the willow has changed. This can be clearly seen in the example greeting cards. From Easter cards it moved to cards dedicated to another holiday - March 8th.

But, having become an attribute of the holiday new era, the willow still remains a symbol of spring, a symbol of the awakening of nature, and therefore the birth of new life. The willow continued to inspire poets, and in the souls of people a special touching warm attitude and a feeling of tenderness remained towards it. Apparently, she implicitly reminded that this world, despite the changed attitudes of people, still remained a miracle of God's creation, for it is not in the power of man to completely change it.
Having regained faith, we also find with it forgotten spiritual traditions, with which their true religious meaning returns to us. So, with a tender fluffy willow in our hands, we find its true symbol - the symbol of our faith that Christ is Truly Risen!

Kirill Milyukhin

Women generic name of trees, many species, Salix; willow, willow, vine, bredina, broom, milkweed, novg. Verbina. In asters. they say willow, willow, instead of a tree in general, in St. Petersburg there is a birch and a fir tree, and in other places there is an oak tree. S. acuminata… … Dictionary Dahl

Folk names of some species from the family of woody plants Willow. For example: Goat willow, Wolf willow, Holly willow. Program for cryptographic information protection. Verba, Sidney American political scientist Verba, Otto Rudolfovich... ... Wikipedia

VERBIN VERBOLOZOV The surname Verbin is formed from the non-church name or nickname Verba. Willow. As a rule, Ukrainian surnames are characterized by a form without a suffix. This surname is derived from the name of the willow plant. (Source: “Dictionary of Russian surnames”.... ...Russian surnames

See willow, willow... Brockhaus Biblical Encyclopedia

Willow, seals, willow Dictionary of Russian synonyms. willow noun, number of synonyms: 14 bredina (14) vayia ... Synonym dictionary

willow- (wrong willow; found in dialect speech) ... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

WILLOW, species of trees or shrubs of the genus willow... Modern encyclopedia

Types of trees or shrubs of the genus willow... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

WILLOW, s, female. Tree or shrub of the family. willows with fluffy buds. | adj. verbovy, aya, oh and willow, aya, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Species from the genus Willow. Most often V. is called. willow, or yellow willow (Salix daphnoides), tree. up to 15 m or a shrub with white silky (young) or light green and even dark chestnut (older) branches with a bluish bloom. Leaves … Biological encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Do like dad: get out of the house!
  • Do like dad: son, burn! , Verba Ya.. Step one: take one or more children. Step two: open this book to the first page. Step Three: Follow our instructions carefully. Step four: color the pictures and...

Willow- a common inhabitant of the Russian land and a sacred tree of Christians. It has long become a symbol of spring and the holiday of Palm Sunday. The tree means the approach of Easter.


Willow - messenger of joy
in an aura of holiness
and, like a holiday, bright,
like a cherished dream.
Soft and tender
all covered in velvet fluff.
Like sinless spring,
open for good.

Palm Sunday is one of the most important holidays for Christians. It is considered a symbol of the recognition of Jesus as the Messiah. Willow branches became an attribute of the holiday, which are consecrated during worship, and then decorated with icons and windows of one’s home.

The holiday is associated with the solemn entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem.

About Palm Sunday

We will overcome the darkness of any adversity!
Listen, you will hear the voice from Above.
How Jesus entered Jerusalem
Let the world come with goodness under your roofs.
It looks like bumblebees on thin branches
Spread out in a swarm this spring day,
And the Good News to all the ends of the earth
Palm Sunday warms our souls.

Which symbolic meanings has the image of a willow in traditional cultures East and West? How and why is the willow connected to the death motif and funerary cults? What does the willow tree symbolize? Christian tradition, including in Russian Orthodoxy?

Willow (weeping willow)

Willow is a plant that is common in many countries and in different climatic zones. Thanks to this, as well as her elegant and expressive appearance, special qualities of wood and medicinal properties The willow tree has been mythologized and poeticized in numerous cultures. Different peoples had their own cultural and mythological interpretations of this tree, often contradictory.

Willow (willow) in mythology and folk traditions

East and West are not quite same values, although the main semantic positions are generally the same.

The Ancient East

First of all, I saw in this tree the feminine fertile principle and a sign of natural strength. At the same time, many eastern ethnic groups associated willow with death and funerals. However, there is nothing unusual in this antinomy of meanings, because life and death in any beliefs go side by side and give rise to each other.

In the Sumerian-Akkadian tradition and Babylon this tree was considered enchanted and associated with lunar deities who patronize women, especially women in labor. In ancient Akkad, the willow was seen as the World Tree and associated with Zeus the creator. And in Babylon, where there were many weeping willows (which later became known as Babylonian), because of their beauty, they were considered festive trees of fun, good luck and happiness and were dedicated to the god of fertility and shepherds Tammuz.

The ancient Chinese considered the willow primarily as a tree of nature's spring blossom and feminine(Yin), including sexuality. young girl in folk poetry it is often compared to a willow tree - a sign of grace, charming meekness and femininity. During spring village holidays, Chinese women wove a willow twig into their hair to add attractiveness to the opposite sex and at the same time protect themselves from evil forces. This tree was also considered a talisman against demons. Staves from it were given to government officials who were transferred on duty to another province by their friends to protect them from the evil energy of new places. And before parting, lovers exchanged magical signs from willow branches. They had to protect their love from insidious evil spirits and preserve the strength of feelings. In addition, the willow was considered the tree of the patron goddess of women, motherhood, love, beauty and mercy, Guan Yin. She is depicted with a willow branch, with which she sprinkles the world around her with living water. This water gives strength to the world, just like willow leaves, which contain a strengthening and invigorating substance - tannin. Chinese peasants drank a decoction of them.

In Tibet, the willow was also revered as a protector from evil spirits. Its branches were hung in front of the entrance to the home and on the walls inside it. In such a house, according to people, happiness, goodness and good luck were more often seen. And willow leaves washed with water, according to the Tibetans, could cleanse the body and karma. Doctors were convinced that with the help of willow wood they could avoid blindness and improve vision, and the foliage could save against dysentery, cure rheumatism and goiter.

The Japanese saw the willow (especially the weeping willow) as the personification of meekness and at the same time patience and perseverance, since even severe bad weather cannot break the flexible branches of this tree. Ancient Japanese mythology emphasized that the spine of the very first man was made of a willow twig, so the tree is the relatives of people, and one can turn to it for help.

Mother Goddess of the Buryats, who created the Earth and placed it on the back of the Whale, was born at the roots of the Golden Willow - the World Tree, which was before all things.

Among the Kyrgyz, Tajiks, Uzbeks and some other ethnic groups Central Asia willow staffs were attributes of funeral rites. The elders of the clan (and sometimes all its adult male representatives) went to the cemetery during the funeral, leaning on these staves and crying. After the grave was almost completely closed, they were thrown into a side burial chamber so that the grief would remain there. Sometimes staffs were stuck into the grave, and it was believed good sign, if they eventually took root and turned into a tree.

The patron goddess of women, motherhood, love, beauty and mercy Guan-yin.

Kanzashi - hair decorations used in traditional Chinese and Japanese hairstyles, imitating flowering plants, including willow.

Japanese garden. Engraving.

European mythological systems

also attach important meanings to the image of willow. They associate this tree with the appearance of man, his protection from the forces of darkness and death.

Scandinavian mythology tells that the great aces created the first people from wood. Once the gods were walking along the sea coast and found two logs - ash and willow. From the ash tree they created Aska, a man, and from the willow, Embla, a woman. So the willow remained among northern Europeans as a female tree associated with procreation.

Willow twigs were dedicated to the ancient Greek Artemis, the goddess of the moon, the life-giving forces of nature and at the same time death. They were considered symbols of childbirth, which was patronized by Artemis. In Sparta, these sacred rods were used for a special sacrifice of youthful blood. At the main temple of the goddess, future young warriors were subjected to a cruel test: flogging with willow rods. No matter how much blood gushed from the torn bodies, the young men should not have made a single plaintive sound. Some of them even died silently on the sacrificial platform, which was a great honor for their family.

The Hellenes also considered the willow to be the tree of the underworld and its gods. Weeping willows appeared in the description of the landscape of the kingdom of shadows: they grew along the banks of the rivers Lethe, Cocytus, Styx and Acheron. One of the staffs of the god Hades, according to legend, was made of willow wood, and Hades' wife Persephone was sometimes depicted with a bunch of willow branches in her hand. In rituals dedicated to the goddess moonlight and witchcraft, the mistress of monsters, Hecate, also featured willow branches. The magical incense of Hecate, which caused prophetic visions and gave the blessing of the goddess, includes the bark of this tree. Obviously, such a connection with world of the dead the weeping willow received because of its sadly drooping branches. Therefore, among the Greeks it became a tree of weeping and sorrow. It, along with cypress, was usually planted near graves. And willow wreaths were placed on heads during funerals as a sign of deep grief. However, the willow was in ancient world and the tree of healing, since she was very loved by the god of healing Asclepius (Aesculapius), who considered the medicine from willow bark useful for many diseases.

Among the Slavs, willow (willow, willow and willow, as they were identified with each other) has been revered since time immemorial. It was used in numerous rituals, primarily associated with the arrival of spring. Willow is the first tree to awaken after the cold. It was considered a sacred plant of the solar Yarila. The Slavs believed that this tree had enormous power, so they always willingly wore amulets woven from its branches on their bodies. Traditional healers were convinced that willow was a conductor of healing magic. For example, healers wrapped a person with a fever with a straw tourniquet, which after reading the necessary spells was tied to the trunk of a young willow tree. This is how the disease passed from man to tree. Belarusians considered old hollow willows a refuge evil spirits. Other The Slavs also claimed that during the full moon all kinds of evil spirits could nest on the branches of willow trees growing along the banks of reservoirs. Mermaids especially love to ride them. But on the holiday of Kolyada, hanging willow branches become purifying signs of this solar god of farmers.

Embla is a woman created by the gods from willow. Norse mythology

Willow, willow, willow - symbol of the World Tree

Willow is a Slavic pagan symbol of water magic and evil spirits.

The image of the willow tree in Judaism and Christianity

has largely retained its meanings, especially in folk culture.

Among representatives of Judaism this tree was considered mournful. The Bible describes the sobs of the Jews who were expelled from their land. They hung harps on the branches of the weeping Babylonian willows and wailed about their fate.

Christian understanding willow tree is no less symbolic. First of all, this plant is associated with the feat of virginity (since it was believed that it was not capable of producing ripened seeds, that is, it was not fertilized). Therefore, in medieval Europe the willow was identified with the monastic choice of chastity. The fact that this tree continues to grow, even if its branches are cut down and broken off, made it possible to compare it with the Gospel of Christ. It spreads among different nations, and its essence still remains unchanged. The fact that the willow can easily grow and reproduce in almost any climate and is not easily destroyed makes it a symbol of eternal rebirth. Therefore, this tree is often planted on Christian cemeteries as a sign of hope eternal life souls.

In Rus', festive services dedicated to the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem are not complete without the blessing of willow branches. They replace palm trees in the absence of the latter, and are symbols of God's glory and power. Palm Sunday is one of the brightest holidays of the Russian Orthodox Church. Willows consecrated on this day, in popular belief, have great strength and bring joy, vigor and health. For example, it is customary for them to lightly whip children so that they do not get sick and grow well. It is believed that such a willow protects against evil spirits, cures many diseases, and makes the harvest and offspring of livestock abundant. She can stop a storm and put out a fire, protect crops from hail if a cross of willow twigs is stuck in a field. At wedding celebrations, the newlyweds hid a consecrated willow in their wedding dresses, which was supposed to protect them from evil eye and witchcraft.

Tree of Life. Great Synagogue. Budapest


The symbolism of the willow has an ancient history of development.

and is associated with many other traditional mythological and religious images that you can read on the Danila-Master company website. There is also an extensive catalog of models of monuments from Karelian gabbro-diabase.

Palm Sunday - great Orthodox holiday, which is celebrated a week before the Holy Resurrection of Christ

Palm Sunday or the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, one of the twelve main holidays Orthodox Church, is considered a symbol of the future reign of God.

A certain date in church calendar there is no holiday - it is tied to the day of Easter. Palm Sunday is celebrated on the last Sunday of Lent - in 2018, the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem is celebrated on April 1.

What does Palm Sunday mean?

Palm Sunday is the day Jesus entered Jerusalem as king, which is described in detail in all four Gospels.

Kings and victors, according to ancient Jewish custom, rode into the Holy City on horses or donkeys, and the people greeted their rulers with greetings and palm branches.

Jesus, in fulfillment of prophecy Old Testament, also rode solemnly into Jerusalem on a young donkey, and the people greeted Him with exclamations of “Hosanna!”, as they usually addressed only to the king, and covered his path with palm branches.

The inhabitants of Jerusalem saw in him the new king-savior and the long-awaited Messiah. The rumor about the miracles performed by Jesus, about the resurrection of Lazarus, which happened the day before, reached Jerusalem.

Unlike the people, the Jewish high priests were not happy with Jesus. And Christ knew that this path would lead him to Calvary and the Cross.

The Church introduced the Feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem in the 4th century. In Rus', the holiday appeared in the 10th century and became known as Palm Sunday. Due to the fact that the palm tree is southern and does not grow everywhere, Christians replaced palm branches with branches of willow, willow, boxwood or other trees that grow in the country of celebration and bloom in early spring.

On Palm Sunday in Georgia, according to tradition, branches of willow and Colchian boxwood (bza - in Georgian) are blessed and solemn services are held in all churches.

Church traditions

Before Palm Sunday, on Saturday, at Orthodox churches held all-night vigil. Believers go to the service with willow branches in their hands in honor of the Lord's entry into Jerusalem, and stand with lit candles until the end of the service.

The main tradition of Palm Sunday is the blessing of willow branches in the church. After reading the Gospel, the priests perform incense (a fragrant sacrifice to God, accompanied by prayers) of the willows and sprinkle the branches with Holy water.

On Palm Sunday, everyone can attend the service and bless the willow branches - they symbolize the victory of life over death, that is, the Resurrection of the Lord. Illuminated branches are stored whole year as a symbol of unity with the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. After a year, the willow branches are burned, since they cannot be thrown into the trash.

Folk traditions and customs
In Rus', Palm Sunday has long been associated with many folk traditions, customs and rituals. According to one of them, people went to collect willow at dawn on Lazarus Saturday.

Willow branches were cut from young trees that still had no damage or dried branches. By the way, for the holiday it was forbidden to cut branches from the trees that grow next to the cemetery and that have hollows.

Willow branches, which were consecrated that same evening or on Sunday morning, were used to decorate icons or hang them in the corners of rooms.

On Palm Sunday in the old days, so-called palm bazaars were held, where they sold a lot of goods and organized different games and entertainment. According to custom, willow cherubs - willow branches decorated with angels - were sold at fairs.

On this day, as on all great days church holidays, you can’t work, so the women cleaned the house and cooked in advance. Housewives baked nuts from dough for Palm Sunday and gave them to all household members, including animals, for health.

According to tradition, this is a family holiday, which is spent in the circle of loved ones and relatives, in a calm atmosphere, because Lent continues, and on Monday it begins Holy Week, the last one before Easter, which in 2018 begins on April 2.

Palm Sunday is a solemn and bright holiday, and at the same time a sad and tragic day. Indeed, in reality, all those who greeted the Savior on Palm Sunday, within a few days, threw stones at him with cries of rage, demanding his crucifixion.

Therefore, on Palm Sunday it is necessary to think about God, pray, cleanse your soul and prepare for the celebration of the Bright Resurrection of Christ.

Since ancient times, willow has been attributed Magic force, which promoted fertility, protected against diseases and cleansed from evil spirits. People swallowed buds consecrated willow so that no sickness or disease attaches to them.

In ancient times, to attract good luck in new endeavors, people ate several willow buds before starting any important business.

Amulets made from willow buds were worn by women who did not have children. According to tradition, newlyweds were showered with willow buds and a willow twig was placed under the feather bed so that the offspring would be healthy.

Blessed willow was used during the first pasture of livestock. To ensure that the cattle remained safe and returned home on time, a willow twig was put into the water or stuck under the roof of the house.

Since ancient times, many people have believed in omens. Blessed willow branches were placed at the head of the sick, applied to sore spots, touched by them to people, wishing them health, and lashed children so that they would grow up healthy.

Crushed dried willow buds were added to various medicinal decoctions, which were used to treat skin diseases and wounds. Sometimes the buds were added to bread or other baked goods.

They also baked bread in the shape of a willow twig or cooked porridge from the opening buds of a willow tree.

In ancient times, to increase their income on Palm Sunday, they planted a flower or replanted it houseplants. The flower was carefully looked after and protected, because they believed that if it withered, serious financial losses were expected.

Girls, wanting to marry a specific guy, thought about him all day, from morning until evening. Somehow, perhaps telepathically, her thoughts were transmitted to this guy and in the evening he invited her for a walk.

By the beginning of the sowing season, willow branches were always stuck into the ground in the field. In the old days they believed that this ritual contributed to a rich harvest and saved it from misfortunes.

People believed that willow healed and gave physical strength not only to humans, but also to cattle. Therefore, domestic animals, like children, were lashed with a blessed willow branch, willow was hung in barns, and before the first pasture in the field, these branches were fed to animals so that they would not become victims of disease, thieves and predatory animals



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