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What does the Church say about Lilith, the first woman? Lilith Who is Lilith the first wife of Adam

In the beginning there was a rebellion
The rebellion was against God
and God was a riot.
And everything that exists began through rebellion.

How are you living with your hundred thousandth - You who have known Lilith!

Lilith is Adam’s first beloved, created from dust and equal to him according to the Creator’s plan. Stubborn and always rebellious, she leaves Adam, who does not want to recognize her equality. There is very little information about her. In myths, she is represented as the fiend of Hell itself, devouring babies and creating other nightmares. But it is much more interesting and aesthetically pleasing to explore the attractive image of Lilith through works of art that are far from a black and white perception of the world. The image of Lilith has inspired and attracted me for many years; I return to it again and again, and each time it reveals to me more and more of its facets. It is precisely this kind of Lilith — inspiring, alluring and infinitely deep — that I would like to dedicate this article to. What I write here will be only my vision and intuitive feeling based on observation of myself and other women. This is not an analysis of the information known about Lilith, immersing itself in ancient primary sources, but simply an attempt to know it from the inside, allowing yourself to discover your own connection with Lilith in the writing process. I would like to immediately clarify that when I use the names of Lilith, Adam and Eve in the text, I do not mean specific mythical characters, but the embodiment of these archetypes in ordinary people: in you and me.

Lilith is an energy embodied to one degree or another in every woman. The energy of Lilith can be contrasted with the energy of Eve. Every woman contains both Eve and Lilith, but one of these archetypes, as a rule, prevails; This is how the law of unity and struggle of opposites is realized in a woman. And although the Christian tradition completely denies that Adam had a wife before Eve, for me the existence of Lilith, as a kind of energy embodied in a woman, is undeniable.

According to myths, Lilith left Adam, and thanks to this she was saved from the “fall.” However, if she had not left him, perhaps Adam himself would have been saved from him, because she would have been smart enough not to pick the forbidden fruit, despite her rebellious spirit. Thus, Lilith remained immortal, but became a demon obsessed with revenge because the weak-willed Adam did not accept her challenge and preferred the more “comfortable” and obedient Eve to her. And yet, Adam always yearns for Lilith. This melancholy is sung in the poems of Nikolai Gumilyov, A.G. Zarifyan, Vadim Shefner, Fyodor Sologub, as well as in the prose of many authors. Marina Tsvetaeva completely associates herself with Lilith and writes on her behalf.

How do you live with the product?
Market? Is quitrent cool?
After the marbles of Carrara
How do you live with dust?

Plaster? (Carved from a block
God is completely broken!)
How are you living with your hundred thousandth?
To you who have known Lilith!

Market novelty
Are you full? I've cooled down to the wizards,
How do you live with the earthly
A woman, without sixths

Well, behind your head: are you happy?
No? In a hole without depths -
How are you, dear? Is it harder -
Is it the same as for me with someone else?

Lilith and thoughts about her, as well as about Eve, are also mentioned in Tsvetaeva’s letters and personal notebooks.

But, probably, the most lines about Lilith can be found in the sixth album of Boris Grebenshchikov, which is named after her. “This album contains a record number of dedications for me to my beloved woman, and accordingly to the Great Goddess. This album is about the sacredness of women, and all the songs are either directly about this, or about what happens when there is no woman.”

Lilith personifies eternal femininity, an irresistible temptation for a man, seductiveness and pride, intelligence, freedom, independence and rebellion. And fearlessness. Lilith lived at the call of her rebellious heart, fearing neither Adam, nor God, nor the torments of Hell.

For me, the image of Lilith is the embodiment of female Eros. And the point here is not at all about her sexuality and power, but, first of all, about the fact that Lilith, in my opinion, is alien to everything earthly. And although she herself awakens fire in people, her essence is like air. Intangible and weightless, she looks down at us and laughs, observing our ant-like flickering and preoccupation with “worldly” problems. Everything that is so dear to Eve — constancy, stability, home comfort, responsibilities, guarantees and confidence in the future — is alien to the rebellious spirit of the winged Lilith, who lives outside of time and space. The incarnation of Lilith in a woman and her obsession with a man are echoes of the memory of past immortality. And often a person discovers in himself a willingness to put his whole life on the line and rush into the arms of Lilith just to feel for a moment the sweet taste of Eternity on his lips.

But your mouth, cut strictly, concealed such a change of torment that I saw God in you and timidly dropped my bow...

If Lilith is so beautiful, why is she considered a demon?

In the public consciousness, a “demon” is the embodiment of evil. At the same time, we should not forget that we - people who have not cognized the Non-dual nature of everything at the level of experience - tend to divide everything into good and bad, into black and white. Demonic, in essence, is everything that threatens earthly life, the life of matter, life that arose as a result of the “Fall.” Lilith is a prime example of this. She doesn’t care about procreation, the good of society and other “worldly” concerns. Sex interests Lilith, first of all, as a way of pleasure, and not as a way to conceive a child (unlike Eve) and then devote herself to her family. Maybe she'll want to live with Adam, maybe she won't. Maybe he wants to have children, maybe he doesn’t. Only God (or the devil?) knows what's on her mind. And she herself, most likely, does not know this. There are no principles or rules for it. And the more the predominance of Lilith over Eve is expressed in a woman, the more these qualities are characteristic of her. It is impossible to predict what the Lilith woman will want tomorrow, but it is possible to know for sure - she will go and do it, no matter what. She is narcissistic, and this shows her kinship with Lucifer. It goes without saying that a man, fueled by the energy of the Lilith woman, will eventually become just as uncontrollable and unpredictable.

Based on the above, it is no wonder why Lilith is considered the embodiment of evil, devouring babies, and the Christian religion does not recognize her at all. Eve is much more convenient from the point of view of the managerial function of religion, which, of course, has long become one of its main functions. Adam and Eve are ideal material for power, a very “comfortable” couple. At the same time, their type of relationship is ideal from the point of view of the continuation of earthly human life, in contrast to the union of Adam with the rebellious Lilith. Perhaps, if Lilith were not in our world, humanity would not know wars and many other troubles. But it would not know art either. And beautiful deeds. And heroism. The world would be dull and monotonous, and gray routine would drag on day after day, sucking out of people the very feeling of being Alive. After all, “artists exist only because the world is imperfect.”

You've heard about Eva, of course, more than once,
About foremother Eve, who guards the hearth,
But with some anxiety... And this story
For you there was funny madness and darkness.
Lilith - the inaccessible constellations has a crown,
In her countries diamond suns bloom:
And Eve has children and a flock of sheep,
There are potatoes in the garden and comfort in the house.

The more a woman is obsessed with Lilith, the more she is doomed to suffer. And this, again, fits into the idea that Lilith is still a demon.

We are not free spirits, but just people. And no matter what level our consciousness is at, we are in any case limited by the physical body. We live in the world of matter, in the earthly world. And in this earthly world, the woman who embodies Lilith will always feel the contempt and condemnation of society. Because society is a living organism, and like any organism, it is endowed with the instinct of self-preservation and the ability to sense an approaching threat. Lilith, living an earthly life, is a bird locked in a tight cage of alien restrictions and constant violence of her true essence in the name of the good of society. As a rule, it is very difficult for a Lilith woman to find a common language with other women, and this is due, again, to female intuition, which senses the dangers lurking in Lilith. She is doomed to suffer, first of all, because she feels herself in the grip of the earthly world, rejected at the same time by both heaven and this earthly world. For Eve to be happy, she doesn’t need much - to find her Adam and hide “behind her husband.”

History knows a period when society declared real war on Lilith. This is a “witch hunt”, the times of the Holy Inquisition. All those traits that made a woman suspected of witchcraft - natural magnetism, a bewitching look, charisma, the ability to bewitch, bewitch, seduce - these are the traits of Lilith. From this point of view, one can even say that the Inquisition’s suspicions of the demonism of these women were not built out of nowhere. But the method that was chosen to fight Lilith as a demon is just as demonic. It was a war of demons against demons. However, this can be said about any war. For holiness is unknown to war.

But your mouth, cut strictly,
I harbored such a change of torment,
That I saw God in you
And timidly dropped his bow.
A crowd of slaves rushed towards me,
Crowding, worrying and screaming,
And you smiled lazily
The executioner's steel axe.

Lilith will never come, but she won’t let herself be forgotten

Lilith is death for earthly human life. Well, or at least for social life. If we imagine that in the world there is only the energy of Lilith without Eve, then this world will embody complete chaos. But why did the Creator endow the energy of Lilith with such magnetic attraction? It would be much more logical to give it to Eve - the mother from whom the entire human race descended, and whose personal qualities guarantee unceasing earthly life. But why Lilith? Perhaps our attraction to Lilith is based on an intuitive feeling that she opens the way to much higher forms of consciousness? The energy of Lilith is a force, and like any force, it can be used for good and development.

Moreover, there is another pattern that is very interesting to me. The more developed a society, the more the spirit of Lilith is embodied in it: equality of the sexes, freedom of creativity and rebellion, and the like. If you look at statistics on birth rates, it is easy to notice another pattern: the more developed the society, the lower the birth rate index. Most people will say that low fertility is bad, but I don't have a clear answer to this question. Maybe yes, maybe not. After all, it is not given to us to know what is there, beyond the boundaries of earthly existence? Or maybe there is nothing there? Maybe Lilith is leading us to destruction not only in the physical, but also in the spiritual sense, or maybe, on the contrary, back to Paradise, to freedom from earthly shackles? After all, those who say that it still leads to Hell cannot be trusted, since they have personal benefit from this. Hell and Heaven are just earthly concepts that will sooner or later disappear together in the illusion of separation. Is Lilith, as the embodiment of Eros, able to speed up this process?

Lilith is both the voice of the depths and the voice of the heavens. The mind, having tasted the “forbidden fruit” and learned comparative perception, Good and Evil, will forever try to understand its nature in order to attribute it to one of the poles. But this is not possible with Lilith, because she herself did not eat that fruit. She does not know Good and Evil. She is the embodiment of Eros, constantly striving to go beyond, to surpass, without giving her actions unnecessary evaluations and without making judgments. That is why Lilith is so close to creative individuals and is deified by them, while to individuals who seek to push humanity into narrow frameworks and rules, she is disgusting and appears to be the devil himself. No matter how we treat Lilith, she will never back down. This battle is obviously lost, and perhaps this is exactly the Creator’s intention. She, alluring and rebellious, will appear to us from time to time, and with her kiss will leave on her lips the sweet taste of Eternity, which will not allow us to forget her true, deep and immortal nature. And that's great.

You invite the whole world to your date,
Appearing to him in erotic dreams.
You stalk women in their own bedrooms
Winking carefully in the mirrors.

Your air kiss from Eternity directly,
The one where there is no war between evil and good,
Seducing the hearts of the rebellious and zealous,
Awakens the memory of our immortal past.

Far beyond the earth's atmosphere
Your hypnotic gaze invites us.
But where are you calling, O wife of Lucifer?
And will you allow me to go back?

There are so many myths and so many stories about you,
Coming from cowards despised by you.
For them you embody the source of suffering,
It’s easy to find all the reasons outside.

You are dangerous to them as the embodiment of rebellion.
Hated like the true spirit of rebellion.
You don't tolerate peace, you don't tolerate comfort,
You are starting a fire from within!

And you will laugh at us cruelly,
But with only one goal - to save ourselves.
The embodiment of Eros - the driving force,
You instill in the hearts of everyone still alive.

Many people have a question: “Did Adam have a wife before Eve?” To deal with this question, you need to decide for yourself whether you believe that God created man.

If your answer is yes, then the basis of our study will be the Bible. This is the only source that reveals the truth to us.

The Bible is God's word, the word that is written by the Spirit of God and in which the Creator's plan is revealed. Why does He create man, what is his goal, purpose and what future awaits him.

God has all wisdom, He is the best planner. He keeps his word and fulfills it. Everything the Creator does has meaning and significance.

Sometimes we look at things from the perspective of the words of those around us, but not everything we hear is true and true. To find out the truth, you need to look at the primary source - the word of God himself, and perceive the picture of what is happening as a whole.

Adam's first wife: the Creator's plan for the first woman

So, the Lord created man (Adam) in His image and likeness. One person (!), not several.

God sculpted his body from the clay of the earth, breathed life into it, and the man became a living soul. So why did God create Adam? The Bible talks about this - in order to communicate with a person, so that he is like the Lord - for dominion over the earth, control over everything that the Lord has placed him over.

And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them, and God said to them: Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth. (Gen. 1:27-28)

Adam had both masculine and feminine qualities. God did not create a woman separately from the same clay, He created her from the rib of Adam, thereby separating female qualities. Subsequently, she will be given the name Eve (“mother of all living”) by Adam himself. She was the first woman on earth.

And the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and when he fell asleep, he took one of his ribs and covered that place with flesh. And the Lord God created a wife from a rib taken from a man, and brought her to the man. And the man said, Behold, this is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she will be called woman, for she was taken from man. (Gen. 2:21-23)

And Adam called his wife’s name Eve, for she became the mother of all living. (Gen. 3:20)

These events took place in the Garden of Eden and everything would have been fine if Adam had not disobeyed God, for which he was expelled from the garden along with Eve.

Having other wives

Adam's first and only wife was Eve. The Bible does not say anything about the presence of other people in the garden and outside it. Yes, this would deprive God’s plan of all meaning.

God did not create people according to the assembly line principle. For Him, one unique creation is enough, besides, in Adam (potentially) there was all of humanity, for whose freedom from sin the Creator had to pay a very high price in the future.

Just as the seed of an apple contains information about the apple tree and its orchards, so the seed of a person contains information about a person and about all of humanity.

After the Fall, man (and all humanity in him) lost the glory with which he was clothed. Communication with the Creator and dominion over the earth, the future that the Lord had prepared for him, was lost.

Prepared before creation

The Lord knew that man could not resist sin, and therefore prepared a Savior (Jesus Christ) even before the creation of the earth.

Knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, silver or gold, from the vain life handed down to you from your fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, as a spotless and spotless Lamb, predestined before the foundation of the world, but revealed in the last times for you. (1 Pet. 1:18-20)

Christ came to redeem all mankind from the slavery of sin. And anyone who recognizes himself as a sinner and accepts Christ into his heart is again reconciled with God. And every child of God will inherit eternal life with the Creator, who will give him to eat from another tree - the tree of “LIFE”.

Blessed are they who keep His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life and to enter into the city through the gates. (Book of Revelation 22:14)

Having other people, men or women, besides Adam and Eve would have rendered God's plan meaningless. God is not a God of chaos, but of order.

Look at everything He created - it makes sense. Throughout the creation of the Creator, His hand is visible. We ourselves are like Him - we create things that have a purpose.

But no one can revive any product of human hands. Only the Creator does this—that’s why He is God.

(c) "Lilith" March 2010

Forbidden name

Tatyana Gosteva

Our consultant is Georgy Indulen, historian, theologian


Who are you - descendants of Lilith?

“The crown of inaccessible constellations” - t As Nikolai Gumilyov wrote about the mysterious and beautiful Lilith - the first wife of Adam. Her name is forbidden to utter by devout Jews, she is admired by romantic poets and stern feminists, and she excites our imagination. Maybe her genes live in you too. But is it worth awakening such a dangerous memory of our ancestors?..

The history of Lilith is told from ancient apocryphal sources written at the same time as the Bible and not included in the traditional Old and New Testaments, as well as from the Kabbalistic work Zohar, popular beliefs and myths.

Red beast

God created Lilith at the same time as Adam from red clay. When she opened her eyes, they reflected the clear sky and turned blue. And the shade of her hair, according to some legends, remained reddish, like pottery clay. Lilith was an ardent, temperamental woman, equal to Adam in everything, and she quarreled with him over the problem of power: who should be on top during sex. At the dawn of civilization, people drew parallels between the leading party in sexual intercourse and in life: whoever is on top is in charge. Therefore, the proud and touchy Adam took his friend’s offer to switch places as an attempt to humiliate his manhood and categorically refused to lie under her. Lilith got angry, rose into the air - she had the God-given ability to levitate - and was transported from heaven to earth.

Adam complained to God about his obstinate friend and asked him to return the fugitive. God wondered how he could influence Lilith, because he endowed people with free will and now he could not even transfer Lilith with his miraculous power back to heaven. And then he sent three angels for Lilith with an order - to persuade the fugitive to return, if possible with kindness and affection. And if she becomes stubborn and wants to stay on earth, threaten her with the fact that from now on and forever and ever, some of the children born to her will die in infancy.

More woman than mother

God's messengers found Lilith in hot regions, on the seashore, where she indulged in lovemaking with local residents. Mystics and some theologians suggest that in the most ancient times, before the fall of Adam and before the rebellion of Lucifer, special angels inhabited the earth and looked after it. If you believe the same Old Testament, the angels were not at all incorporeal and were very eager for love pleasures (Genesis, chapter 6, p 2). They probably did not suffer from the “male complex” characteristic of Adam, and Lilith, satisfied with her new life, did not give in to persuasion and refused to return to paradise to the unloved man.

Then the divine messengers resorted to threats and said that Lilith would have to pay for her self-will with the lives of her future offspring. Such open blackmail angered Lilith. She chose to lose her children, but not her personal freedom. And she again refused to return to Adam.

Seal of Lilith

Among the ancient Sumerians, during whose time the legend of Lilith originated, such female behavior was socially acceptable, although atypical. For Jews - outrageous and disgusting: how can a woman prefer her personal happiness and freedom to the joys of serene motherhood? But what about the commandment “be fruitful and multiply”? In Jewish folklore, Lilith was considered incredibly dangerous, they forbade calling her by name, so as not to accidentally lure her to the house, and turned her into a symbol of everything dark, fatal and at the same time intoxicatingly seductive in female nature. She was credited with the ability to appear to men at night and “in a terrible way”, from the top position, to take possession of the unfortunate. The men did not experience any suffering from this, rather the opposite, but the next morning they felt somehow awkward. Lilith was also endowed with an insidious property: she could possess a God-fearing Jewish wife and force her to experience an orgasm. After which the woman gave birth to lilims - children with the seal of Lilith. At birth, lilims were marked by a dark stripe of thick hairs on the back, running along the spine to the tailbone. They grew up to be physically strong, indomitable and rebellious, pugnacious and hot-tempered people. If sex was done without otherworldly intervention, then the Jewish woman had neither orgasm nor the risk of giving birth to a hairy and malicious “lilimka”.

Where did Eve come from?

But let's return to our story. So, Adam became homesick for loneliness, and God decided to create another girlfriend for him, passive and obedient. He did not dare to sculpt her from clay and dust - suddenly she would turn out again as stubborn as Lilith. And he made it from the rib of Adam. Eve was born - something like a clone of her husband, with the same interests and outlook on life. She was incredibly close to Adam, but at the same time - due to the similarity of natures - he was bored with her. Maybe that’s why Eve became interested in the apple from the tree of knowledge - suddenly the strange fruit would entertain her husband and make her happy. And it turned out that it was the quiet and submissive Eve who pushed Adam to the fall: she succumbed to the serpent’s persuasion to step over the divine prohibition, tasted the apple herself and treated her husband.

In many theological works, they try to place responsibility for the Fall on Adam - he did not show power, did not control the naive fool Eve. There is some truth in this - Adam always lacked strength of character: he wanted to seem cool, but was just an ordinary gullible bumpkin. But if you follow solely the logic of events, it turns out that with the independent, straightforward and strong Lilith, he did not do anything stupid and lived in paradise for his own pleasure, and when he got the quiet and obedient, cunning and manipulative Eve as his wife, he lost his immortality and flew like a bullet from a blissful paradise into a cruel earthly life. At the same time, quiet, sweet Eva brought upon all women a fatal curse - to give birth to their children in pain. Only Lilith remained free from him.

How did Lilith's future life turn out? Queen of Hell

Years passed. People multiplied on earth - the descendants of Adam and Eve. According to one legend, the eternally young and immortal Lilith became a friend of the most gifted and most beautiful of the angels close to God, Lucifer - such women always choose the best. Lucifer became jealous of God for people whom he could not stand for their insignificant and petty character, and started a riot in heaven. It can be assumed that Lilith pushed her beloved to fight for power and supported him in his ambitious aspirations.

Lucifer was defeated and was cast into hell along with his angelic minions. Lilith remained with him, his beloved, not only because she was particularly devoted, but also for the sake of maintaining her significance: it is better to be first in hell than second in heaven. Or even in heaven.

According to legend, Lilith is still alive, periodically visiting the earth and staying among people. She is subject to instantaneous movements from one point of the earth to another and astral travel to all worlds, except the highest - the one where paradise is located. She has not eaten from the tree of knowledge, and she knows neither evil nor good. She has a great understanding of people and her own benefit, she knows what is good for her and for those she loves, and nothing else worries her.

Children of Lilith

All descendants of Lilith are divided into two branches. First: Lilith's children from ordinary men. They have incredible sexual attractiveness and despise all laws except their own opinion. They seem like strangers in the family, they don’t look like brothers and sisters, they prefer evening and night to daylight. People are drawn to them; for them, noisy company is painful. They have excellent health and can digest any food. Thanks to Lilith's heritage, some of them are able to leave their bodies during sleep and travel around the world. They easily contact the souls of dead people.

Second branch: children born by Lilith from angels who once visited the earth, and then from demons, similar to angels in their fundamental nature. Angels and demons have the supernatural gift of changing the structure of matter and transforming one substance into another. From them, Lilith's children received pyrokinesis - the gift of igniting objects with their gaze, werewolf - the ability to transform into animals and birds, vampirism - the desire to absorb other people's energy or blood for the sake of immortality and eternal health, the ability to pass through walls. And the dark gift of killing a person with a glance - through cardiac arrest or thickening of blood in the vessels.

Why are Lilith's offspring few?

Firstly, because among her children there is a high infant mortality rate due to the fatal curse, and few live to adulthood.

Secondly, some genetic characteristics that the children of Lilith herself and such non-human creatures as angels and demons possessed turned out to be incompatible with normal life. For example, it is difficult to survive for a baby with the gift of pyrokinesis, who inflames everything around him in a fit of resentment and anger. According to legend, predatory werewolves and vampires who fed on blood were brutally exterminated in the Middle Ages.

Gradually, all the unusual, inhuman features of Lilith’s children were blocked by nature. It is assumed that they are stored in “silent” genes, transmitted like a sealed letter to offspring, but do not appear externally in any way, so that Lilith’s children survive on their own and can produce viable offspring.

What What are “silent” genes?

Only 5 percent of human genes carry useful information about the structure and development of our tissues, about our character and abilities. Everything else is incomprehensible fragments and tightly closed and unreadable areas, which are called “silent” genes. What is encoded in them, none of the scientists really knows.

One of the silent genes, according to geneticists, is associated with the acuteness of smell. A similar gene works great in monkeys and helps with mating. And we have it blocked. Why? Because its activation would lead to excessive selectivity when choosing a partner. Women would refuse many useful, intelligent and kind husbands and would chase after males who are stupid or evil, but physically, and therefore by sense of smell, suitable. For humans, unlike animals, it is more profitable to choose a partner based on social status, and not based on the health of future children. Children of parents who are ideally compatible in physiology survive, but also children of the most skillful and cunning, the most hardworking and persistent. Blocking the smell gene expanded the range of possible partners for us. A person has an incentive to think and do. And we have become even more resilient.

The assumption that the most incredible genetic information, including the ability to fly, is stored in “silent genes” is not so far from the truth. After all, somewhere there is encrypted the entire plan of human development - from one cell, through the stage of a fish with gills to a bipedal erectus. Why shouldn’t the ability to levitate also be in the storehouses of genetic data?

Why do we need so much extra genetic information?

We never know what we will need in the future. For example, there will be a global flood. But humanity will not die out - we already have gills in our genetic makeup. Over the course of several generations, the “gill-breathing man” will be formed, people will return to the water and survive.

How to determine if you are a descendant of Lilith

l Your health was fragile as an infant. Your parents told you that you suffered a serious illness or miraculously escaped death as a result of a fatal coincidence.

l You have reddish or black hair (blond hair arose as recently as 11,000 years ago in Scandinavia due to a random gene mutation)

l and gray, blue or light blue eyes.

l You have noticeable hairs growing on the third phalanx of your fingers.

l You give birth easily.

l You treat children calmly and admit that there is enough happiness in the world without them.

l You are very sexy, attracted to many men, and highly value male beauty and physical attractiveness.

l You have colorful and exciting dreams.

l You really like cats.

l You are never bored alone.

l You are indifferent to public morality and comply with its norms only when it benefits you.

l You have your personal principles that are very dear to you, and you are ready to make sacrifices for them.

l You know how to make others do what you want.

If you answered yes to seven or more points, the blood of Lilith is definitely present in you.

Now read the next six points.

l You have strange food preferences - you like Tartar steak, or a mixture of salty and sweet, or sour and bitter, sometimes you are drawn to taste a flower or chew a leaf from a tree.

l In a dream, you often save someone or fight.

l In your dreams you often fly.

l Dogs are afraid of you.

l When you stare at a person's back, he stumbles.

l You are indifferent to the sight of blood.

Do you agree with five statements? Perhaps, in addition to the blood of Lilith, there is something angelic or demonic in you.

Is it possible to awaken Lilith’s “dormant genes” in yourself, which are responsible for mystical abilities?

Theoretically, yes, under severe stress. During times of stress, the body frantically searches for any opportunity to escape. A powerful hormonal storm is trying to reshape the DNA structure. Look, some crazy gene will take over and be unblocked and you will begin to see right through people, to distinguish the peristalsis of someone else’s intestines. Or you will be half-transported to the other world and will contemplate two layers of the event at the same time: what is happening in our reality, and the changes that take place in the astral plane. Tiring, similar to schizophrenia, but gives a new approach to life. Perhaps, in the event of a serious illness, you will acquire the ability to pump energy out of those around you, you will recover, your gift will remain with you, and those close to you will begin to weaken and suffer. When this happens spontaneously, it is not your fault: the instinct of self-preservation removed the blocks and ensured the survival of your personality. Do you peacefully coexist with the complications of the survival process or courageously fight.

If you deliberately “bunge jump” and put yourself on the brink of survival in order to awaken your “silent genes,” then you are responsible for the consequences. You don't know what will awaken in your body. It is unlikely that you will regain the ability to turn into a wolf at midnight. But it is possible to disinhibit the instincts of a predator in oneself - cruelty, ruthlessness, contempt for the weak - without much difficulty. Do you want this?

Daughters of Lilith

Carla Bruni (b. 1968)

Like the true daughter of Lilith, she has a great understanding of people and enjoys success with men, easily climbing the career ladder: first as a model, then as a singer. Carla disregards morality: she has posed nude and is proud of her nude photographs, since she has something to show. At 33, she gave birth to a son from twenty-three-year-old student Rafael Entoven. Actually, she had an affair with his dad, but she preferred to have a child with someone who was younger. Subsequently, Rafael became a professor and host of several popular radio programs. Among her lovers are Mick Jagger, Eric Clapton, Kevin Costner, Donald Trump, and former French Prime Minister Laurent Fabus. She married none other than French President Nicolas Sarkozy. Of course, he is not Lucifer, but there is something demonic in him.

Aspasia (Johanna-Emilia-Lisette Rosenberg, married Elsa Plieksane (1865--1943)

The real daughter of Lilith, who became famous as a poet and playwright, did not limit herself to erotic adventures. In difficult times for an independent woman, after an unsuccessful first marriage and the ruin of her parents, she earned enough to lead a brilliant bohemian life and love whoever she wanted. She chose the poor, timid aspiring poet Rainis as her husband. She supported me with advice, money, and kind words. In a difficult moment in Berlin, she nobly handed over to him the translation of Goethe’s Faust that she had ordered. Thanks to Aspazija, Janis Plieksans turned into Janis Rainis and became famous.

And these are not Lilith's daughters

Marina Tsvetaeva (1892--1941)

She would like to become Lilith. She calls herself by her name in poetry. But not all women who are not adapted to everyday life and housekeeping are daughters of Lilith. Lilith cannot be a chronic failure in love, like Marina Tsvetaeva was. It is unthinkable for Lilith to vegetate in a marriage with an unloved husband, suspect that he is an employee of the hated NKVD, and put up with this. And Lilith’s daughter would never have committed suicide, because she would not have returned, contrary to her wishes and the voice of her intuition, from Paris to Stalin’s Russia.

Scarlett O'Hara, heroine of Margaret Mitchell's novel Gone with the Wind

She is a typical Eve, frightened by troubles, who was deprived of the opportunity to run a house, dress up, have fun and take care of her family. Unlike Lilith, she tries to solve all her problems through marriage and material support from men. Does not attach much importance to the sexual side of life. She is strongly attached to the land, to her family and the household. He knows how to survive, but does not know how to live for his own pleasure.

Lilith. The first woman on Earth

Most people answer the question “Who was the first woman on Earth?” They will answer: “Eve, created by God from the rib of Adam.” And they will turn out to be wrong - the first woman was Lilith.

27 And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female he created them.
Genesis (1:26-27)

The fact that there were two first women is mentioned in the mythologies of various peoples. One of the oldest literary monuments in human history, the epic “On Gilgamesh,” written in Sumer about 4 thousand years ago, mentions the name Lilith for the first time. There she appears as the first female demon who lived in the hollow of a divine tree. Lilith, in Sumerian-Akkadian mythology, the night demoness of the Babylonian pantheon. The ancients in Mesopotamia believed that Lilith drank the blood of children at night, and also seduced and tortured sleeping men.

Lilith is the name of a woman who, according to myths and even the Bible, was created before Eve.
In the Old Testament of the Pentateuch of Moses, the first book of Genesis describes the creation of the world and the first people. The woman's appearance there is actually mentioned twice. About the sixth day it is written: “And God created man in his own image and likeness, just as he created them man and woman.” And only after the description of the seventh day does the Bible tell the story of the woman whom God created from the rib of Adam. “And God made Adam fall asleep soundly and he took one of his rib and covered its place with his body and the Lord God turned this rib taken from Adam into a woman and brought her to Adam.” It turns out that there were two women: one created on the sixth day and on the seventh.

In Semitic mythology and Judaism, Lilith is the first wife of Adam. Mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls, Ben Sira Alphabet, Book of Zohar. Having asked God for the opportunity to give birth to children without the participation of a man, she received a witchcraft spear. A particle of Lilith’s body, cut off by this spear, became human. Jewish mythology describes that in return for this “gift,” angels killed up to 1,000 of her children every day.

“For before Eve there was Lilith,” says the Hebrew text. The legend of her inspired the English poet Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882) to write the poem "Eden Bower". Lilith was a snake, she was Adam's first wife and gave him "glittering sons and radiant daughters" ("glittering sons and radiant daughters"). God created Eve later; To take revenge on Adam's earthly wife, Lilith persuaded her to eat the forbidden fruit and conceive Cain, Abel's brother and murderer. This is the original form of myth that Rossetti followed.

During the Middle Ages it changed under the influence of the word "layil", which means "night" in Hebrew. Lilith became no longer a snake, but a spirit of the night. Sometimes she is an angel in charge of the birth of people, sometimes she commands demons who attack those sleeping alone or travelers wandering along the roads. In the popular imagination, she appears as a tall, silent woman with black flowing hair.

The most complete version of Lilith appears in one of the most famous Jewish texts - the Ben Sira alphabet, written approximately 700-1000 BC. n. e. a man named Ben Sira. These are two sheets of aphorisms and sayings, 22 of which are written in Aramaic and 22 in Hebrew. The alphabet of Ben Sira describes the first adultery in history: Lilith exchanged Adam for one of the demons.

“After the creation of the first human being, Adam, by the Most Holy One, He said: “It is not good that Adam should be alone” (Genesis 2:18). “He created a woman, also from dust, and named her Lilith.
- They immediately fought. She said: “I will never lie under you!
“He said: “I will not lie under you, but only on top of you.” You should be fit (ready) to be under me, and I should be on top of you.”
- She answered: “We are both equal, because we are both from dust (earth).” Neither of them listened to the other. When Lilith realized what was going to happen, she uttered the Ineffable Name of God and flew away.
- Adam offered his prayers to the Creator, saying: “Lord of the universe! The woman You gave me has flown away from me. Immediately the Most High, Blessed be His Name, sent three angels after her.
- The Almighty told Adam: “If she returns, then everything is fine. If she refuses, she will have to come to terms with the fact that one hundred of her children will die every day.”
- The angels followed her and reached her in the sea, in powerful waters, where the Egyptians were destined to perish. The angels told her God’s word, but she did not want to return.”

Ben Sira Alphabet (23a-b)

The rest of the book tells how the angels continued to insist. Lilith agrees to see the daily death of her children in order to maintain her independence. In her defense, Lilith says that her purpose is to spoil children - boys on the eighth day after birth, and girls on the twentieth. She vows not to touch human babies if they are equipped with amulets with the names of all three angels. To this day, Lilith remembers the oath and does not touch children protected by such a talisman.

Although Christianity inherited the sacred letter of the Jews, representatives of the Orthodox Church completely deny even the assumption that before God created Eve, there could have been any other woman. The Ben Sira alphabet has no meaning for Christians. In their opinion, this document cannot be considered an ancient text at all. The Christian Church believes that the first narratives about the creation of the world do not belong to one author, but consist of statements from two or even three different people. This is precisely what explains this discrepancy.

The Jews officially recognize the existence of Lilith. For example, memories of her are in the main book of Kabbalah - Zohar, written in the 2nd century BC. e. and the book of the Torah - 6th century BC. e. In Jewish mythology, the central figure is the demon Succubus - the strangler of newborns, this is Lilith. This is how she became after she went over to the side of the dark forces. Every Jewish family practiced certain rituals to protect their child from the demonic Lilith, who could come at night and mercilessly kill the child. The demon also posed a danger to teenagers; Lilith seduced them.

The Jewish myth of Lilith crystallizes in exile-era sources. In the Talmud, which consolidated the legacy of the period of Jewish statehood, references to Lilith are somehow rudimentary. The legend of Lilith receives later development in the Book of Zohar (radiance), which gave rise to the Jewish mystical teaching of Kabbalah. Note that the codification of the Talmud was completed around 500 AD. The “Alphabet of Ben Sira” was written in the era of the Geons, somewhere in the 7th – 10th centuries, and the “Zohar” appeared in the 13th century. All of these books were written outside the Land of Israel. The destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar and then the elimination of Jewish statehood by the Romans in 70 AD. threw the Jewish people into exile and led to the creation of the Jewish Diaspora. For 2,000 years, Jews lived in communities marginal to their countries' socio-economic structures, history, religion, culture and politics.

The Alphabet of Ben Sira is not, of course, the only or even the most authoritative source of the Lilith myth. Being in form a work of Talmudic literature, it was not included in the canons, but only in the apocrypha - non-canonical books. Some Talmudists even considered it necessary to prohibit their reading. At different times, the “Alphabet” was extremely popular among Jews, although it was always perceived with some caution. Not surprising. The book is full of sarcasm, written in poisonous language, and contains attacks and fragments that can hurt the feelings of Jewish believers. Some researchers consider it a collection of forbidden Jewish tales, others - a polemic with Christians or Karaites. The book is full of dirty details. Biblical and Talmudic heroes are presented in the book in caricatures, often very evil. Thus, the main character Ben Sira was conceived in an incestuous relationship between the prophet Jeremiah and his daughter, when she was washing herself in a bathhouse. True, traditional commentators explain that the sperm accidentally came into contact with her, but this is impossible to understand from the text of the Alphabet itself. Yehoshua (Joshua) is described in the book as a fat clown who is unable to climb on a horse. King David is an evil hypocrite, secretly rejoicing at the death of his son Absalom, but publicly putting on a mask of grief. All this gives grounds for Eliezer Segal to call the book an anti-Semitic satire. However, the myth about Lilith is much older than the “Alphabet of Ben Sira”. Archaeologists have discovered ancient obregs against Lilith with the names of angels made much earlier than the “Alphabet” was written.

Historians date the first amulets against the temptress Lilith to the 8th century AD. The most common of them is an image of a palm with magic words written on it. Such ritual practices acquired particular scope in the Middle Ages. In the Middle Ages, in Jewish families, boys over the age of 13 were not allowed to spend the night alone in order to avoid being seduced by Lilith, to whom rumor attributed extraordinary beauty, along with the presence of hooves, webbed wings and other demonic attributes.

Since we are talking about a myth, all the circumstances of the biblical legend are completely unimportant. It does not matter that it was Eve, and not Lilith, who plunged Adam into sin. It doesn’t matter that Eve, and not Lilith, brought lust into the world by cheating on Adam with the Serpent. The theme of the sexual relationship between Eve and the Serpent is developed in many sources. It is interesting that although all participants in the Fall are punished: Adam, Eve, the Serpent and even the earth, all responsibility is placed on Adam, and even sin is called “Adam’s”.

The meaning of Adam's sin is that God commanded Adam: “But you shall not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for in the day that you eat from it you will die” (Gen. 2:17). What is Adam doing? He acts like many husbands after him. Just in case, he tells his wife a lie and exaggerates the danger: “only the fruits of the tree that is in the middle of paradise, God said, do not eat them and do not touch them.” Although God did not at all forbid touching the fruits. Eve saw that the tree was good for food and desirable, and she took its fruit. And nothing happened! And then she fell into sin - she ate from the forbidden fruits and gave it to her husband, and he ate. (Gen. 3:6). The Talmudic tractate Bereshit Rabbah sums it up: “What made Eve touch the tree? “The words of Adam, who built a fence around the words of God.”

By the way:
American scientists from the Institute of Population Genetics have made a new discovery. Researchers have been trying to figure out how genes are passed down the maternal line from generation to generation of genetic relatives. With the help of computer technology, scientists have reduced the number of ancestral lines of all women living today to two maternal clans, and not to one, as previously thought. Thus, it was possible to prove that Adam had two wives - Lilith and Eve, and from both of them humanity comes. Although scientists from other countries are quite skeptical about the American discovery.

Melior, Day Six









Melior, read 1:27 here it is written: IN THE IMAGE OF THE ALMIGHTY HE CREATED HIM; HE CREATED people as MALE AND FEMALE.
This means that God immediately, simultaneously created a man and a woman from clay.

Melior, And only after the description of the seventh day does the Bible tell the story of the woman whom God created from the rib of Adam. “And God made Adam fall asleep soundly and he took one of his rib and covered its place with his body and the Lord God turned this rib taken from Adam into a woman and brought her to Adam.” It turns out that there were two women: one created on the sixth day and on the seventh

ADDED 08/20/2009 00:20

Alexasha, wrote: Oh Nabi, where were you 20 years ago, I was 14 years old then.
But now I’m experienced and I see women through like an x-ray

ADDED 08/20/2009 01:15

For Muslims.
Main article: Adam

Islam considers Adam not only the first man, but also the first prophet of Allah. In Islam, there is a mandatory belief in prophets for every Muslim, 28 of which are mentioned in the Koran. The first in this galaxy is the name of Adam Alaihisalam, as a person chosen by Allah to guide humanity on the righteous path of faith and endowed with the five qualities of a prophet: truthfulness, fidelity, the ability to convey the Precepts and Prohibitions of Allah Almighty, despite any difficulties, intelligence and purity of morals. Muslims also believe that the first ten (out of one hundred) suhufs, that is, sacred scrolls that preceded the subsequent four holy books (Torah, Psalter, Gospels and Koran), were sent to Adam by Allah.

Unlike the Bible, which gives a systematic account of Adam, the Qur'an mentions Adam in several separate suras (chapters). Individual verses (verses) mentioning his name are scattered throughout the Quran.

In the thirty-second sura “Petition” it is said that Allah created Adam from clay:

“He is the One who knows the hidden and the manifest, the great, the merciful, who made beautiful all things that he created, and created man for the first time from clay” (32:6-7).

The second sura “Cow” most fully reveals the purpose of Adam:

And your Lord said to the angels: “I will appoint a governor on earth.” They asked: “Will You place on earth someone who will sin and shed blood, while we glorify You with praise and sanctify You?” Allah replied: “Verily, I know what you do not know” (verse 30). And Allah taught Adam all the names, then asked the angels about them and told them: “Explain to me [the essence] of these names, if you are sincere” (verse 31). The angels replied: “Praise be to you! We know only what You taught us. Verily, You are the omniscient, the wise” (verse 32). Allah said: “O Adam! Explain to them [the essence of] names.” When Adam explained to the angels the [essence of] names, Allah said: “Did I not tell you that I know the unseen of the heavens and the earth, I know what you do openly and what you conceal?” (verse 33). And then We commanded the angels: “Prostrate yourself before Adam.” Everyone fell on their faces except Iblis (Satan), [who] refused [to fall on his face], became proud and became an unbeliever (verse 34). Then We said: “O Adam! Settle with your wife in the Garden of Eden, eat there to your heart’s content, whatever you want, but do not approach this tree, otherwise you will be among the wicked” (verse 35).

The seventh sura “Fences” tells about the reasons for Iblis’s discontent:

[Allah] asked: “What prevents you from bowing down, since I commanded you?” [Iblis] replied: “I am better than him: You created me from fire, and him from clay” (verse 12). Then Allah warned Adam: “And then We said: “O Adam! Truly, he is an enemy to you and your wife. May he not force you both to leave heaven - because [then] you will become unhappy” (twentieth sura “Ta Ha”, 117 verse). In paradise you will neither have to starve nor walk naked, there you will not suffer from thirst or heat.” But the shaitan began to whisper to him: “O Adam! Shall I show you a tree [with fruits that bestow] eternity and eternal power?” [Adam and his wife] ate [the fruit of that tree], and they saw their nakedness. They began to cover themselves with the leaves of the trees of paradise folded [together]. So Adam disobeyed his Lord and went astray from the right path. Then the Lord chose him [from among others], forgave him and directed him to the straight path. [Allah] said: “Descend from Paradise, both of you, and let some [of your descendants] be the enemies of others. If, by my will, you step on the straight path, then whoever follows it will not be in error or in disaster” (verses 118-123).

The Qur'an places equal blame on both Adam and his wife for their mistake. The name of Adam's wife is not mentioned in the Koran; she appears only as his wife. There is no hint in the Koran that Eve seduced Adam or even that she tasted the fruit before him.

The Koran also says that Allah forgave Adam his sin before sending him to earth: “Adam disobeyed his Lord and went astray from the right path. Then the Lord chose him [from among others], forgave him and directed him to the straight path” (Sura Ta Ha ayat 121-122).

The Koran does not contain the idea of ​​creating man in the image and likeness of God. Rather, it says that Allah created man in the image he invented: “O man, who seduces you in your generous Lord, who created you, aligned and proportioned you, in the form he wished, arranged you!” (Sura “Splitting”, verses 6-7).

The Koran does not say anything about the offspring of Adam and Eve. It does not say how many years Adam lived.

The story of Adam's life in the Muslim tradition

After the Almighty God (Allah) created the sky, which previously had the form of gas, He created the sun and moon, moving at a strictly defined time along a given trajectory. Only after this did Allah begin to create the earth, scattering huge mountains, beautiful rivers, seas and forests across it. Afterwards, he created angels who praised Allah and sincerely worshiped Him. And finally, the Almighty created Adam, who laid the foundation for the human race, called to populate the earth, improve it and enjoy all earthly blessings, leaving behind worthy successors. The Great Allah informed the angels of His decision. Since the angels were close to Allah and chosen for worship, when they heard this, they were surprised: “God forbid, some wrong action committed by us became the reason for this decision. Besides us, Do You want to create another slave who would worship You? After all, we earnestly serve You and glorify You. Although a person will bring benefit, at the same time he will become the cause of discord, debauchery and will shed blood.”

Of course, the angels did not object to this decision; they only hoped that they would be God’s representatives on earth. To allay their fears, Almighty Allah said: “I consider it right to inform you of my decision. You will very soon see and understand the deep meaning of the last creation, which will become my viceroy and caliph on this earth.”

And so the creation of a new creature began. First stage: to create the first man, Almighty Allah selected special clay that had an unusual appearance.

The second stage is the stage of image, when Allah gave His pottery a finished look. And finally, the third stage is revival. After the Almighty breathed life into the new body, “creation” was completed. Then Allah breathed His spirit into man and endowed His creation with various abilities. He revealed to Adam (may peace be with him!) all the secrets of the beautiful Universe, then ordered the angels to explain these secrets. The angels replied: “Praise be to You! We know only what You taught us. Verily, You are the Omniscient, the Wise.” Allah said: “O Adam! Explain to them the essence of names!” Thus, the Almighty showed them that Adam (may peace be with him!) is above all and is worthy to be the caliph on this earth. Convinced of the deep meaning of the last creation, the angels realized that they were created for a different mission.

Didn’t I tell you that I know the secrets of the heavens and the earth, what you do openly and what you hide?

Then Almighty Allah ordered the angels and Satan to bow down to Adam. Everyone, obeying Allah, bowed down, except Satan, who considered himself a creature of a higher order. “After all, man is made of simple clay, and I am made of fire. Why should I obey and bow before him, because I am above him! This arrogance was the reason that Allah expelled Satan from His divine world.

Adam (may peace be with him!) was lonely, he needed a sincere, close friend who would reassure him and save him from loneliness. Almighty Allah created Eve from the same clay as Adam, then bestowed his mercy on them, settling them in paradise.

Always remember My mercy towards you, because I created you as a person of perfection and breathed into you the spirit from myself, and ordered all the angels to bow to you, and endowed you with all knowledge. If you show your humility, you will remain forever in paradise. But don't forget! Satan is your dangerous enemy, beware of him, be careful.

Adam and Eve lived in friendship and harmony in the divine garden. Meanwhile, Satan was plotting how to get Allah to expel Adam from paradise. After all, man was the reason that he lost his position and was expelled from paradise.

Satan decided to take revenge on Adam for this by destroying the palace of happiness. Unfortunately, it is not known exactly how he entered heaven. Some scriptures say that Satan entered there by changing his appearance and, taking the form of a peacock or a snake, seduced them. Satan found a weak point of man, he told Adam: “If you eat this fruit, you will remain in paradise forever and all power will be in your hands.” Having deceived Eve, he forced Adam, with her help, to touch the forbidden fruit. There are many versions and it is not known exactly what kind of fruit it was. Some commentators of Islam believe that it was either a grape tree, or a fig tree (that is, a fig tree), or a camphor tree. Others believe that it was the fruit of an apple tree, or the fruit of unabi.

It became very difficult when they descended to earth and faced all the difficulties of life, and only God knows how many years they prayed for forgiveness, repenting and shedding tears.

Almighty Allah forgave them and bestowed His mercy on them. However, now Adam and Eve (may peace be with them!) lived on earth. They had to work hard to get food, water, and find suitable housing.

According to legend, Adam lived 1000 years on earth. Eva bore him 40 children - a twin each time - a boy and a girl. The first-born were Gabil (Habil) and his sister Galima (Halima). Before the death of Adam, the number of his offspring with children and grandchildren was about 40,000. But all the offspring died out except for the children of Shays. Then they too disappeared. Only the descendants of Noah (Nuh) remained in the persons of Sem, Ham and Hafiz. Sem is considered the father of the Semitic tribes (including Arabs), Ham - the blacks, and Hafiz - the Turks and Romanians.

When the sons grew up, the Great Allah sent them wives from paradise to multiply the descendants of Adam. Habil and Kabil had their own lands and gardens, from morning to evening they worked and worked there.

The scriptures say: “And Allah sent down a revelation to Adam that he would place the right of power on Habil.”

Adam (may peace be with him!) taught Habil how to rule, how to live, and handed over the book that was sent down to him. When Kabil learned about this, he became angry:

Father! Am I not older than Habil, am I not worthy to be a ruler? Adam (may peace be with him!) replied:

My son! Everything is in the hands of Allah, He knows better than us.

Allah commanded the brothers to sacrifice some of their property. Kabila had arable land. To perform the ritual of sacrifice, he brought the remains of wheat, which could not be eaten. Habil, as a shepherd, sacrificed the best ram he had and Allah accepted Habil's sacrifice. Kabil said:

If so, I will kill you!

Indeed, Allah accepts sacrifice only from the pious. Even if you raise your hand to kill me, I will not do it, for I fear Allah, the Lord of the worlds!

Kabil killed his brother and was among the victims. He was the first to shed blood on this earth. Then Allah sent a raven and ordered him to rake the ground to show Kabil how to bury his brother’s mortal body.

Woe is me! - Kabil exclaimed.

Having buried his brother's body, he returned home. Adam (may peace be with him!) saw that Kabil returned alone.

What's happened? - asked Adam. Where is Habil? After all, you were together?

It was here that Adam (may peace be with him!) felt Kabil’s attitude towards Habil and guessed that fratricide had occurred. After several days of searching, he found the place where his son was buried. Adam couldn't believe his death. And then the Great Allah sends him a revelation: “Do not be sad, I will give you a son. Call him Shit."

Shit (may peace be upon him!) grew up and, as the Great Allah commanded, Adam transferred power into his hands. Adam lived for more than a thousand years (may peace be with him!). He was buried in Gari, in what is now the city of Najaf in Iraq. After Adam's death, Eve lived only a year and was buried next to her husband. [source not specified 90 days]

[The story of Adam and Eve in the Quran and Bible

The Bible, unlike the Koran, has a systematic narrative about the fate of the first people, set out in the first book of the Old Testament called “Genesis”. The narrative is in many ways similar to the Qur'anic version of this story. On the sixth day of the creation of all things: “And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them, and God said to them: Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea [and over the animals], and over the birds of the air, [and over every livestock, and over all the earth,] and over every living thing that moves on the earth” (Gen. 1:27-28). God also provided them with food and a place to live - Eden (or Paradise) and planted trees in it, of which one stood out most of all - the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil, the fruits of which were forbidden to eat, so as not to be expelled from this place. Only Adam was originally created. God created various types of animals and birds so that Adam could choose a helper and friend from among them. But he did not find an assistant in any of the creatures. And then “the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and when he fell asleep, he took one of his ribs and covered that place with flesh. And the Lord God created a wife from a rib taken from a man, and brought her to the man. And the man said, Behold, this is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she will be called woman, for she was taken from [her] husband” (Gen. 2:21-23). Adam named his wife Eve (unlike the Koran, her name is mentioned). However, the Serpent appeared and tempted Eve to eat the fruit from the forbidden tree, and for this offense Adam and Eve were expelled from Paradise.

The Qur'an places equal blame on both Adam and Eve for their error. There is no hint in the Koran that Eve seduced Adam or even that she tasted the fruit before him. Thus, the woman does not appear to be a temptress, seductress, or misleading.

The Quranic interpretation of the problem of salvation in general terms looks like this. As a creation of God, especially a chosen creation, the deputy of God on earth, to whom even the angels had to bow, man cannot initially be bad. But precisely as a creation, infinitely far removed from its Creator and in no way comparable to Him, man must inevitably be weak and unstable. Therefore, he needs God's constant guidance. It is for this reason, according to Islam, that God periodically sent His prophets or messengers to people, from Adam to Muhammad, to remind people of what they must do for their salvation.

The New Testament teaching on salvation affirms the fundamental impossibility of a person being saved on his own, no matter how perfect the laws he follows. Human nature is hopelessly damaged, and the sacrifice of God Himself is needed so that man can be reconciled with Him and saved.

The mention in the Koran of the forgiveness of Adam gave rise to thinkers and interpreters of Islam to come to the conclusion that the Koran does not contain the concept of original sin, in the form in which it is implied in Christianity. The Koran interprets Adam's offense as an act of his personal disobedience to God, which has no consequences for all subsequent humanity. And, although Adam’s offense is repeated by all subsequent people, the sin of each person is their personal sin. However, the New Testament interprets sin differently. In the Epistle to the Romans, the Apostle Paul says: “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). That is, a person’s sinfulness is a consequence of both his belonging from birth to the sin of the world and his susceptibility to personal sin.

Although the Koran does not contain the idea of ​​the creation of man in the image and likeness of God, it cannot, however, be said that the idea of ​​God-likeness is rejected by Islam. In this case, Arab scholars refer to some hadiths that say that Adam was created in the likeness of Allah, but there is no consensus among them on this matter.

[Muslim traditions

The name of Adam's wife is not mentioned in the Koran; she appears only as his wife. Her name, Hawa, can only be found in hadiths (traditions about the actions and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad). The Koran does not say anything about the offspring of Adam and Eve, nor does it say how many years Adam lived.

Later Muslim interpreters and collectors of legends supplemented this narrative with data from the Bible and Haggadah and their own poetic creativity. The stories of Adam and Eve are quite extensive and describe their lives in great detail. Therefore, it is difficult to talk about their truth and objectivity, although, apparently, hadiths and other religious books were taken as primary sources. So, for example, the famous Tatar writer and scientist Farit Yakhin in the book “History of the Prophets” (“Pagemberler Tarikh”) devoted 9 whole pages to Adam and Eve, talking about how the first man was conceived, how they sinned, where they were expelled (Adam - to India , Eva - to the Arabian Peninsula), how they met again, settled down, gave birth to children and how they died.

From hadiths you can also learn the story of the creation of Chava and the number of children she bore. Hadiths say that Chava gave birth to children 20 times, and each time, with the exception of the last, twins were born. The last time she gave birth to one child - a son. As you can easily count, Chava gave birth to 39 children throughout her life. The interval between births was two years.

The word Hawa means "source of life." There is also a version in Islam that this word means a reddish-red color of a dark shade. In general, the figure of Chava in the Koran provided the basis for further interpretation of the status of women in the world. One of the hadiths says, for example, the following: “Treat women well, because a woman is created from a rib, and the most curved part of the rib is the top, so if you try to straighten it, it will break; but if you leave it as is, it will remain curved. So treat women well."



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New Year comes to the house - we'll sing a ditty!

New Year comes to the house - we'll sing a ditty!

Rarely are folk festivals complete without ditties, because ditties mean enthusiasm, fun, songs and dances. New Year's holidays are no exception. Somebody...

Funny ditties for Teacher's Day

Funny ditties for Teacher's Day

If you are not paid money, Or the director offended you, Or your grandchildren did not let you sleep peacefully all night, Come to the tenth class Or the eleventh...

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