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Treatment with propolis tincture, recipes for its preparation, use and contraindications
  • Antibacterial;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Disinfectants;
  • Antitoxic;
  • Antioxidant;
  • Dermoplastic;
  • Immunomodulating.

Important! However, the most valuable property of propolis in the preparation of various means is the ability to maintain the original medicinal qualities unchanged. This allows you to use it even when heating is needed.

The versatility of the product is explained by a wide range of organic substances that make up the composition (belong to 16 classes), including aldehydes, alcohols, phenols. Half of bee glue consists of resinous components, the rest is wax (up to 30%), aromatic and essential oils, pollen and other compounds. It contains a lot of amino acids, among which there are essential ones, and the mineral components are represented by a long list, which contains almost all the micro and macro elements necessary for the body.

The impact of a unique product is so extensive that it can help with almost any disease caused by:

  • physical impact: wounds, burns, injuries. The components of bee glue have strong regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties, which is indispensable for damage of any kind, and antiseptic substances do not allow pathogenic microflora to become activated;
  • chemical causes: poisoning, intoxication. The substances that make up propolis bind and remove toxins from the body, preventing slagging;
  • biological factors: viruses, bacteria, fungi. Antibacterial, antiseptic, immunomodulatory properties of propolis do not allow pathogenic microorganisms to penetrate into tissues and cells;
  • social reasons: bad habits, constant stress, chronic fatigue. The valuable biologically active substances and mineral components contained in propolis supplement the nutrition of tissues and remove toxins, supporting the nervous system;
  • deficiency of essential substances: avitaminosis. Bee glue contains an extensive group of vitamins, namely, they provide the body with a normal metabolism.

Important! The tincture is effective in the treatment of diseases of the skeletal system and nervous pathologies, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, digestive and reproductive organs (genital area), various kinds of dermatitis and eczema. And for the elimination and prevention of infectious viral and bacterial diseases, its value is simply invaluable.

For treatment, you can buy a tincture in a pharmacy. When doing this, be sure to make sure that it is not intended only for external use. If you have a friend beekeeper, you can buy propolis from him and make the tincture yourself at home.

To prepare a 10% tincture, you will need 50 g of propolis and 450 ml of alcohol. Alcohol with a concentration of 70% is best suited - in this case, the solution will turn out to be extremely healing, and all the beneficial substances will go into tincture. You can also take vodka - then the solution will be less concentrated:

  • Freeze cooked propolis in the freezer (for about 2 hours), remove and grate;
  • Pour the resulting crumb with water - also chilled. After stirring and the expiration of 5 minutes, pure propolis will settle to the bottom, and debris (wax and other impurities) will be on the surface;
  • Drain the water with impurities, and dry the resulting purified propolis thoroughly;
  • Place dry crushed propolis in a bottle and fill with alcohol or vodka;
  • Seal tightly and place in a dark place at room temperature;
  • Shake the bottle every morning to mix the mixture;
  • After 14 days, filter the darkened alcohol into a dark glass dish - your medicine is ready.

You can store it not in a dark dish, but without access to light. The sun's rays have a detrimental effect not only on microorganisms, but also on some beneficial substances.

You can prepare the tincture in a quick way. For this:

  • heat the prepared vodka in a water bath to 50 ° C;
  • pour crushed and purified propolis into it;
  • stir the mixture until the bee glue is completely dissolved;
  • filter the solution into a dark glass dish - the tincture is ready.

Important! The concentration of the solution can be different: from 5 to 50%. Usually, 10 or 20% tincture is used for treatment, but this is purely individual. If you feel uncomfortable when taking, then the dose should be reduced or the tincture should be diluted with alcohol.

An alternative solution for people with the inability to use alcohol can be:

  • Water tincture. In 100 ml of boiled water, heated in a water bath to 80 ° C, pour 50 g of purified crushed bee glue. Without boiling, it is heated for an hour, after which it is infused for 6 hours, filtered and poured into a dark glass bottle. Such a remedy is stored for no longer than 3 months. in a refrigerator;
  • Milk tincture. For cooking, pour 2 tbsp into 0.5 liters of milk. l. propolis powder, heated in a water bath until dissolved, after which it is slightly cooled. The wax film is removed from the surface (if the propolis is not purified), and filtered into a dark glass bottle. Due to milk, such a solution is stored for a short time and only in the refrigerator;
  • Oil preparation. To obtain a therapeutic composition, alcohol tincture and sea buckthorn oil are mixed in equal parts, after which they are simmered in a water bath until the alcohol has completely evaporated. Store such a remedy in the refrigerator and use it to treat external injuries.

Any disease can be treated with the help of medicines, however, when using propolis tincture, there are almost no side effects. But in combination with the expected effect, you will get immunity strengthening, detoxification, mineral and vitamin nourishment of the body.

Treatment of these conditions can be carried out both internally and externally.

Internal application:

  • When a strong cough torments, and wheezing is heard in the chest, 1 tsp is put in 70 ml of boiled milk. alcohol tincture, stir and drink. It is best to do this before bed. The tool is very effective, but this dose is possible for use only in adults;
  • An adult can quickly cure cough and bronchitis by taking the following remedy: take 1 tbsp. l. tinctures and butter (melted), mixed with honey (1 tsp). Drink warm at night;
  • For a child under 12 years old, the following composition is made: honey (1 tsp), propolis tincture (1/3 tsp) and a little butter are put on 200 ml of boiled milk. The remedy is also better to give at night.

Important! Young children should use alcohol tincture with caution. Start with a few drops, after consulting with your doctor.

Outdoor use:

  • For the treatment of young children, a composition is prepared: tincture (1/3 tsp) is added to melted goat fat (a small piece). The resulting mixture is rubbed on the breast and back of the child, as well as the feet. After that, the lubricated places are insulated with cotton wool, cotton socks are put on the legs. A substitute for goat fat can be interior pork, camphor or sunflower oil. The procedure is also recommended to be carried out at night;
  • When the child is already 2-3 years old, the following compress is made: grease (whatever is available) is smeared on a sheet of thick paper, after which the tincture is sprayed on it. One sheet is applied to the back, the other to the chest, and then wrapped with cotton wool and a warm scarf.

Important! Before use, make sure that the patient is not allergic to propolis: lubricate the inside of the elbow or knee joint with tincture. In the absence of irritation or rash, the product is suitable for use.

If you feel that your condition began to worsen after hypothermia or being in a crowded place during an epidemic, you can use propolis tincture as follows:

  • Three times a day, make milk with tincture (20-30 drops per glass) and drink warm before meals (about an hour);
  • It is also useful to carry out inhalations: pour a few drops of tincture into 200 ml of hot water or milk and breathe, wrapping yourself in a towel;
  • When a runny nose occurs, rinse the nasal cavity with boiled water with the addition of tincture (200 ml - 1 tsp).

Important! To achieve maximum effect, carry out antiviral treatment on the first day after infection. It is during this period that microorganisms are most susceptible to exposure.

The antibacterial and antiseptic properties of propolis are the best manifested in the treatment of any type of sore throat:

  • To eliminate pain in the throat, use a solution of tincture (1 tablespoon) in a glass of warm water for rinsing. Procedures are carried out at least three times a day;
  • With catarrhal sore throat (redness of the throat), a mixture of honey, water and 20% tincture is used for lubrication;
  • When white or purulent deposits appear on the tonsils, they keep the tincture diluted with water in the mouth for several minutes, trying to wash the tonsils. Thus, they achieve their purification from pathogenic mucus. The procedure is carried out every 2 hours.

Important! For the treatment of angina, pure propolis is used. A small piece (the size of a match head) is chewed during the day from 4 to 5 times. The duration of each procedure is at least 20 minutes. Saliva is swallowed.

Treatment of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses with alcohol tincture can be carried out by various methods:

  • For rinsing, tincture (1 tsp) is added to a regular saline solution or a self-prepared liquid (1 tsp of salt per glass of boiled water). Washing should not be performed in patients with anomalies of the nasal cavity (polyps, adenoids, deviated septum) or a tendency to otitis media. For those who know how to do the procedures correctly, washing is recommended to be carried out daily even after recovery, only using clean or slightly salted water;
  • Steam inhalations are effective for all types of sinusitis: 0.5 tsp is added to 1.5-2 liters of boiled water. propolis 30% tincture and inhale the vapor through the nose. If the child is small, you can pour the therapeutic composition into a rubber heating pad. Nebulizers for the treatment of the nasal cavity are not used, since they were originally intended for inhalation of the lower respiratory tract;
  • For treatment, drops of the following composition are also used: carrot juice, honey and propolis tincture (20%) are mixed in a ratio of 2: 2: 1. 3 drops are instilled 4 times a day in each nostril.

Important! Treatment of sinusitis should be under the supervision of a physician. If the patient has an increased t or purulent discharge, then warming procedures are contraindicated - this can provoke the activation of bacterial microflora and negative consequences.

Otitis in some cases, like sinusitis, is of an infectious nature and, therefore, any warming procedures should be carried out only after medical consultation.

In inflammatory processes of the ear, the following recipes are used:

  • With the viral nature of the disease, 5 drops of 30% aqueous tincture are instilled into each ear for 10 days;
  • Use for treatment a mixture of alcohol tincture and honey in equal parts. The agent is applied to a compress (canvas fabric), after which it is applied to the ear. Duration of the procedure - 3 hours (better - before bedtime);
  • Another treatment regimen involves a mixture of 10% alcohol tincture and sea buckthorn oil in a ratio of 1: 2. The therapeutic composition is used to wet turundas, which should be in the ears for at least 5 hours. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

Important! Usually, when treating a diseased ear, the medicine is also injected into a healthy one for prevention. If a child is ill, the dose is reduced by 2-3 times. And during treatment, the condition of the skin is monitored to prevent irritation.

If a diagnosis of "gastritis" is made, then taking funds with propolis tincture can slow down the progression of the disease and prevent the appearance of an ulcer:

  • For 2 weeks, take alcohol propolis tincture (10%) in the amount of 20 drops, dissolved in 0.5 cup of tea or water. Reception is made before meals (about an hour) in the morning, afternoon and evening;
  • Make a mixture of alcohol 10% tincture (100 ml) and sea buckthorn oil, bring to a boil, filter and take 20 days according to the scheme: 25 drops with milk or water before meals. Reception is carried out three times a day;
  • In a water bath, the mixture is heated for 0.5 hours with constant stirring: light honey (3 tablespoons), Kalanchoe juice (1 tablespoon), 10% propolis tincture (1 teaspoon). Take the remedy up to 2 months. according to the scheme: 1 s. l. three times a day for 1 hour before meals.

Important! When using the tincture internally, always listen to your feelings. The slightest discomfort can be a signal that the product is not suitable for you. The best solution would be to consult a doctor first.

Studies have shown that the regular use of propolis tincture in 67% of patients diagnosed with type 1 and type 2 diabetes led to an improvement in the condition: a decrease in sugar, a decrease in weakness, and the appearance of cheerfulness. The following recipes are recommended for use:

  • Tincture is taken in parallel with royal jelly for 30 days. The drug from propolis - three times a day before meals, 20 drops per 200 ml of water, royal jelly - 10 mg, also 3 r. in a day. This scheme allows you to normalize metabolism and alleviate the condition of patients;
  • Another way of treatment is to take the tincture along with honey. In 1 tsp. honey is added on the 1st day 1 kali of tincture, on the 2nd day - 2, etc., until it is brought to 15 drops. Reception is made in the morning on an empty stomach;
  • This recipe is used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. The scheme of reception, as in the previous method, only milk (1 tablespoon) is taken instead of honey. The duration of treatment is from 2 to 6 months. depending on the patient's condition.

Important! Any long-term treatment regimen must include breaks. Usually they are made for the same period as the medication. Sometimes the break can be 2-3 times shorter. If you are not sure about the correctness of the intake regimen, try to get an appointment with an apitherapist - a specialist in the treatment of bee products.

An increase in blood pressure (BP) can develop in old age, with excess weight, menopause, and vascular diseases. Propolis tincture as part of some recipes helps to remove toxins from the body, normalize metabolism, improve blood circulation and, ultimately, lower blood pressure:

  • For treatment, take a tincture with a concentration of 30%. Within 3 weeks, take 40 drops of the product dissolved in warm water. Reception is carried out according to the scheme: three times a day before meals (about an hour). Such treatment is recommended for severe forms of the disease;
  • The initial stages of the disease can be stopped by taking the following remedy: 20 drops of 30% tincture are dissolved in 50 ml of lingonberry juice and taken shortly before meals in the morning, afternoon and evening. Duration of treatment - at least 2 weeks;
  • To obtain, in addition to lowering pressure, a sedative and diuretic effect, the following remedy is used: an infusion is made from a mixture of hawthorn, wild rose, black chokeberry and dill seeds in a ratio of 4: 4: 3: 2. To obtain an infusion, 3 tbsp. l. raw materials pour 1 liter of boiling water. Infuse for 3 hours in a thermos and take 200 ml before meals with the addition of 20 drops of propolis tincture. Scheme of administration: three times a day until a stable improvement is obtained.

Important! Patients with hypertension, any treatment with medication or folk remedies must be combined with strict pressure control.

With atherosclerosis

Slagging of blood vessels leads to metabolic disorders, deterioration of blood circulation and tissue nutrition, increased blood pressure, heart problems and a number of other pathological conditions. Therefore, in the treatment of the disease, not only alcohol, but also water extract from propolis is used:

  • Three times a day, shortly before meals, take warm milk (100 ml) with the addition of 30% alcohol tincture (1 tsp) and a small amount of honey. Duration of treatment - at least 2 weeks;
  • To prepare the product, elecampane is first insisted on alcohol (2 tablespoons of dried raw materials per 100 ml of alcohol with a concentration of 96%) for 20 days. Mixed in equal proportions with an aqueous extract of propolis and take 1 tsp. at least three times a day;
  • Pharmacy tincture of hawthorn fruit is diluted with an aqueous extract of propolis 1: 1. Take 4 r before meals. per day for 1 tsp. ;
  • To prepare garlic balm, insist garlic on alcohol (200 ml of 96% alcohol per 200 g of minced garlic) for 2 weeks. 300 ml of water extract of propolis and 100 g of honey are added to the filtered infusion. After a few days (so that the mixture is infused), they begin to receive: 20 caps. in 50 ml of boiled water before meals in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Important! If atherosclerosis is severe or there are other chronic diseases, any folk remedy should be taken only after medical consultation.

In addition to binding toxins and removing them from the body, propolis is able to have an effective inhibitory effect on a number of bacteria, which in most cases are the cause of food intoxication:

  • Staphylococcus aureus;
  • Enterococcus fecal;
  • Campylobacter jejuni.

In some cases, propolis preparations are able to have a therapeutic effect even where traditional antibiotics have been ineffective. To avoid the consequences of poisoning, take several activated charcoal tablets (up to 10), and then drink plenty of fluids (up to 3 liters per day). Toxin removal is facilitated by taking the following means:

  • A mixture of honey (1 tablespoon) and flower pollen (1 teaspoon) is taken three times a day shortly before meals;
  • Add 20 drops of propolis tincture (10%) to 20 ml of water and drink 2 to 3 times a day. Duration of admission - up to 3 months.

Important! However, not a single folk recipe provides for the refusal of medical care. With a rapid deterioration in the condition, it is urgent to call a doctor or an ambulance.

Treatment of diseased joints involves not only internal use, but also external rubbing and compresses:

  • Make a compress for the night from linen cloth soaked in 20% alcohol tincture. The course of treatment is up to 2 weeks;
  • For a compress, an ointment of the following composition is used: goose fat or badger fat (30 g) is melted in a water bath, 5 g of crushed propolis and a spoonful of water are added. When all the ingredients are well mixed, and the water is partially evaporated, the therapeutic composition is slightly cooled and filtered. Use for rubbing at night, store in the refrigerator;
  • For compresses, an aqueous infusion or a mixture of propolis with vegetable oil is also used (10 g of bee glue per 100 ml of oil). The duration of treatment depends on how you feel.

Important! Taking propolis tincture inside also has a beneficial effect on the joints. For the treatment of joints, a tincture is made from 15 g of propolis in 250 ml of alcohol. Take 15 ml in the morning with warm milk for 2 weeks.

With damage to the skin, propolis tincture perfectly shows its antibacterial and regenerating properties:

  • With neurodermatitis, eczema, trophic ulcers, an alcohol tincture is indicated inside, 35 drops before meals daily in combination with the use of propolis 20% ointment for 2 days. Duration of treatment - from 1.5 to 3 weeks;
  • In case of candidomycosis (fungal disease), it is recommended to lubricate the mucous membrane with a mixture of tincture with glycerin in a ratio of 1: 20. At the same time, it is taken orally: 35 drops of tincture dissolved in water for 2 weeks three times a day before meals;
  • Alcohol tincture is an excellent disinfectant, so in the absence of other ingredients, you can simply wipe the problem areas of the skin with a swab dipped in the solution.

Important! Even on hair follicles, alcohol tincture can have a stimulating effect. The simplest recipe is to mix the tincture (1 tsp) with burdock oil (2 tbsp) and apply the composition to the hair for 15 minutes. For those who want to achieve a wider range of effects, the following composition is recommended: 1 tsp. tinctures and aloe juice, 1 tbsp. l. onion juice, egg yolk and 0.5 tsp. garlic juice. Apply the mixture to the hair and wrap with a plastic bag for 1 hour, then wash your hair thoroughly.

When purchasing a tincture in a pharmacy, do not forget to check the expiration date. And store the home-made product in a place protected from sunlight and at room temperature. If you or your child is prone to allergic reactions (not even to bee products), be sure to do an allergy test.

Always follow the recommended dosages, especially when treating children. It is better to make the initial dose weaker and make sure there is no discomfort. Precautions should also be observed in patients with chronic diseases.

To prevent and strengthen the immune system, take alcohol tincture in increments (from 1 to 15 drops and vice versa), drinking milk and taking breaks. Alcohol tincture of propolis is one of the most effective and safe remedies with skillful handling.



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