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Human energy protection. Protection from negativity for all occasions. How to provide powerful energy protection against negativity at work and at home: salt, mirror, prayer

It's like with meteorites. There is a well-known curiosity when the French Academy of Sciences in the 18th century. decided that there are no meteorites and there cannot be, since the sky is not the firmament, but an air mass. There is nowhere for the stones to come from.Take another example: star systems, galaxies, nebulae, located at an unimaginable distance from us. Will you see them even in a clear sky? No! The capabilities of the sharpest eye are limited. But all this exists, just look through a telescope. There is no reflexology either, they said in the 60s of the 20th century. There are no chakras, no energy channels... Human feelings imperfect, knowledge too. And don’t forget how much ideological attitudes and habits influence us. A person is very often unable to see something new precisely because he is convinced that this is impossible. And in the end, the one who wins or wins is the one who lives by his own mind and acts when necessary, contrary to traditions and habits.

To improve your physical condition, strengthen your neuropsychic stability and protect yourself from other people’s thoughts and alien energy that is harmful to you, a set of exercises is proposed. During the first two weeks, they should be performed 30 minutes - 1 hour before bedtime, after waking up and during the day (especially before meeting with an unpleasant person). As your condition improves, you can “put on protection” first in the morning and evening, and then only in the morning.Under normal conditions, to ensure safety, it is enough to use one of the first three methods of protection, but if this turns out to be not enough, you need to resort to any of the listed methods in increasing order.

1. Fortress wall.

To protect yourself from harmful effects energy bad people, you need, as soon as you feel or notice an unkind look on yourself, concentrate and imagine that your face is enveloping the warm, gentle rays of the sun. At the same time, you should quickly mentally build a wall of shining solar energy in front of you, protecting you from the penetration of anything bad from the outside. You can also make it from ordinary bricks or stones, mentally imagining the wall of a fortress, castle, etc. You should “hold” the wall the entire time you are near the “black person” and for a few more minutes after you part with the bad person. After all, it is believed that damage and the evil eye are easily induced from a distance.

By the way, the wall does not have to be “solar” or stone; it can be built from any durable material, and best of all, from mirrors that will reflect negative impacts"black man", sending them back to himself.

2. Closure of the bioframework.

This method, which has received such a scientific name, has been known since ancient times. If you are afraid that the evil eye is being cast on you, cross your legs and do the same with your arms. Bioenergy therapists believe that the meaning of these gestures is that in this way you close the circuit of your biofield and prevent the attacker from influencing you.

3. Rings.

This is also a method that has come down to us from God knows how old. Connect the thumb and index fingers of one hand, respectively, with the thumb and index fingers of the other, forming a ring. The remaining fingers of the hands are placed on top of each other. Or: connect your thumb and index finger with a ring right hand, place the ends of your fingers in the middle of your left palm, and then close the same fingers inside the first ring.This is a “security system” tested by the ancient Indians called “nested rings”.

4. Cocoon.

To perform this yogic technique, you need to develop the ability to sense any objects at a considerable distance. First, you should master “touching with your gaze,” that is, mentally touching objects and capturing the sensation from them. You can touch the object with your hand, and then try to reproduce this feeling mentally. Then, without looking at the object, “touch” it again. You should not close your eyes while doing this.

After mastering this exercise, you can build a “cocoon”. You must first imagine and then try to feel that at the level of the intercostal space in front, behind and on the sides, at arm's length, there are four warm golden peas, forming a cross lying in the horizontal plane, the center of which is on the vertical axis of the body. When the cross rotates, a hoop is formed, which can easily be turned into a cocoon that surrounds your body and does not allow any negative influences to penetrate inside.

The process of building a cocoon takes about 1 minute. The cocoon has very dense walls formed by several biofield shells wound one on top of the other. You can imagine shells of different colors. It is advisable to use shades of gold, blue or orange. It is very important to clearly understand all your actions. Training in “probing” objects is quite tiring, and therefore you should not train more than seven times a day, and the duration of one training session should not exceed 2 minutes.Let us note right away that mastering this method requires preparation. Same as for the next method.

5. Butterfly cocoon.

It is built on visualization techniques, i.e. possession of a vivid internal imagination to create mental images. Imagine that a silk thread begins to grow from the tip of your right big toe. You lie with your legs closed and your arms pressed to your body. You begin to wrap yourself with this thread, leaving not a single crack anywhere.

When you reach the top of your head, tie a knot. If you train, you will be able to create a cocoon not only in the indicated position, but anywhere and anytime. Mentally, of course, you should imagine that this soft thread forms an impenetrable “shield” for the enemy.

6. Cross.

This protection is most effective for Christians of any persuasion. It will not suit a Muslim or a Jew, since this is, let’s say, religious protection. Surround yourself on all sides with crosses, first placing them close to your body. Slowly, with effort, starting from the head, begin to move the crosses away from you to a distance of 1 meter from you. Compare your condition before and after moving the crosses and try to feel whether this method of protecting you from the evil eye helps you.

7. Discarded backpack.

This is a simple method of biohygiene. All day we are on the run, all day we are in business. Some kind of “biological infection” will definitely stick to you. Or maybe it won’t stick, but will reach out to you and “figure out” your house or apartment. Keep in mind that you come into contact with other people’s biofields all day long. They crumple, deform, pierce, and stain your aura. Even those who are sitting in a “cool foreign car” are not immune from this misfortune, because they get stuck in traffic jams. For information, biofield healthy person, shaped like an egg, at its widest part, in diameter, is 3 meters!

Therefore, if you ran around and got nervous, do not burst into the house like a bullet. Stop at the door, imagine that all the astral rubbish has gathered into an invisible, but tightly held backpack. Then, throwing your hands down, exhale sharply and shake the backpack onto the floor behind your back. Then mentally imagine how it burns with a bright flame. And so - every day. After that, enter the house with a smile.

8. Water off a duck's back.

To get rid of all the bad things that have “stuck” during the day or over some time, you can use another technique. You need to rub your palms one against the other until warmth appears in them and then bring them to your face, as if building a protective sphere around your head. In this case, you should close your eyes and imagine that all the bad things in you are going into your hands, and then shake this bad things off your hands into the fire or onto the ground.It is useful to carry out this procedure before preparing food so as not to introduce evil into it.

In contact with

In this article we will talk about how to deal with energy vampirism. Energy vampires can be found anywhere, but everyone can avoid their negative influence.

We are used to associating vampirism with folklore - legends that are so good to be told in the form of a fairy tale somewhere around a fire! But did you know that vampires exist in reality? However, do not rush to sharpen the aspen stake or chew garlic vigorously - in this case we are talking about energy vampirism.

Energy, lunar vampire: signs by date of birth

An energy vampire can be easily recognized and visually- such people like to demonstrate aggressive behavior, cause pity, are often insincere, assert themselves in any way. However, such aspects of behavior are often simply caused by nuances of character.

If you know date of birth person, then it will be easier to determine his involvement in so-called lunar vampirism. For this:

  • Write your date of birth
  • Add all the numbers separately

IMPORTANT: If the resulting figure turns out to be two-digit, add up its components - the result should be unambiguous. For example, after summing up your date of birth, you get the number 48. This means you need to add 4 and 8 - you get 12. But 12 doesn’t work either, which means 1+2=3.

Now let's look at the result:

  • 1 or 2- in front of you is the real one energetic vampire. He may or may not be consciously aware of his abilities. However, in any case, this personality draws the energy of the people around him, using it for his needs.
  • 5 or 7– but the owners of these numbers belong to the category donors. Unfortunately, they are especially susceptible to attacks from energy vampires.

  • 3, 6, 8 – people with any of these numbers are not vampires, but at the same time they are not donors. Such neutrality is ensured by a powerful aura through which nothing can break through.
  • 9 - People with powerful energy, but not vampires. This energy is positive, forming a powerful potential. If a person with the number 9 does not learn to manage his gift, the potential will remain unrealized.
  • 4 – unusual personalities, capable of being in all states. So, with sufficient supply vitality they will be protected from negativity. If a strong lack of strength becomes noticeable, they will be able to draw it from those around them.

IMPORTANT: When great desire such a person will be able to manage his own energy in the same way as is available to people with the number 9.

A person with number 4 can be perfectly protected from energy vampirism, but sometimes he himself is a vampire

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire at work?

  • Ignoring. If a coworker throws tantrums, communicates in a raised voice, or shows aggression in other ways, try to maintain your cool. When talking on the phone, hang up if possible.

  • The escape. Believe me, running away from a problem is not always a sign of cowardice or weakness. In this case, in order to avoid harm, it is best to go to another office if possible. If you have the opportunity to avoid crossing the threshold where the vampire lives at all, great!
  • Laughter prolongs life– perhaps, in the case of energy vampirism this is especially relevant. Discourage your colleague with a smile and laugh. Or just talk about something good.

IMPORTANT: If the energy vampire's monologue is not related to work and he is not your boss, do not hesitate to interrupt him. Ask him what good happened to him in the past Lately. In this way you will help the unconscious vampire to get out of this bad condition, and the conscious one will lose interest in the conversation.

  • Colleagues often eat together. Considering that food is one of the energy channels, try not to sit at the same dinner table with a fellow vampire. If this is not possible, carefully remain silent.

Protection from the energy vampire - boss

  • Create a barrier between you and your boss. They may be suitable as table chair. If there is no furniture nearby, pick up folder, holding it in front of you.
  • Try to use your imagination and imagine that you are inside a glass dome. All the nasty words just bounce off him. The more clearly you present such a defense, the better.
  • Not a bad way to protect yourself from negativity - again humor. Imagine that you are dealing not with a formidable boss, but with a funny gnome or boy. Try to find funny moments in this person's behavior.

IMPORTANT: Try not to laugh out loud, because this is not just a colleague, but a person on whom your career depends. However, by smiling even mentally, you will protect yourself well.

  • Many bosses like to talk to subordinates, towering over them. If possible, try to fix this, being on the same level. Or, if the boss is sitting, talk to him while standing.

Many energy vampire bosses like to communicate with subordinates, towering over them

Protection from an energy vampire in the family, relative

If an energy vampire lives in your home, don't shy away from him. You need to deal with the problem in such a way that your loved one does not get harmed:

  • First of all, make contact with a relative. Maybe suspicious behavior is just a consequence of some problems.
  • Explain to a loved one that he brings discomfort to others. Point it to Right way, offering to draw energy from some hobbies, walks in nature.

IMPORTANT: It is quite possible that by helping a person find harmony, you will achieve greater results than from isolation.

  • If energy vampire is child, wean him off tantrums by using them ignoring- in this case you need to show indifference as much as possible. If the child understands that no one is going to run headlong in response to his stamping of feet and screams, he will calm down on his own after a while.

A child can also be an energy vampire, throwing tantrums

Protection from the energy vampire - mother

Energy vampirism most often manifests itself in mothers when their beloved child creates his own family. The easiest way to get rid of negative influences is live apart.

Of course, living separately is not always possible, so we recommend paying attention to the following ways:

  • Demonstrate the so-called "calm love" Do not ignore, pretending that the mother does not exist, but show care without nervousness.
  • Try not to argue. Smile sweetly, nod, briefly agree. But don’t say anything unnecessary, don’t make nervous movements.

IMPORTANT: Always remember that an energy vampire needs a response.

  • Imagine that you are surrounded by a stream of light. The negative, getting into it, burns out without even reaching the goal.

Most The best way avoid energy vampirism from the mother - do not react to disturbances

Protection from an energy vampire - husband

First of all, use the test described above to check which type you are. If you happen to be a resilient person, then probably Vampirism will not bring harm. Who knows: perhaps your union is just strong due to the exchange of energies.

If you are weak, then you will have to select methods of protection:

  • Devote some time to handicrafts, embroidering circles wherever convenient. You can decorate tablecloths, linens, towels, and napkins with them. The so-called “rings of fire” may well be small.
  • If your spouse needs an impressive amount of energy, invite him to draw it from what will bring pleasure. Play sports together, meet friends, go to beautiful places. Availability would be ideal shared hobby.

IMPORTANT: This approach is much more effective than ignoring your husband.

  • Switch to a whisper. In this case, the opponent will immediately stop straining his vocal cords.

Your husband may well become an energy vampire

Protection from moon vampires

Moon vampires drain energy from victims non-aggressively. They don't make scandals, but instead they constantly whining in the vest, complaining and literally shake out compassion from opponents. You can avoid subsequent despondency and loss of joy in life like this:

IMPORTANT: If possible, do not communicate with the moon vampire. Otherwise, you won’t help him, and you’ll make things worse for yourself.

How to protect against an energy vampire with salt

The teachings of Feng Shui suggest protection with salt as a mineral. Slavs also left it on the dining table in an uncovered salt shaker- it was believed that negative energy emanating from the guests was instantly extinguished.

You can carry out the following ritual:

  • Stock up on a thick cast iron frying pan and, of course, salt. You will need to purchase a pack of coarse salt
  • Hold frying pan on fire until it gets hot
  • Pour it out then at her half a pack
  • Wait for the moment when the salt will be calcined, that is, it will begin to make cracking sounds
  • Holding the frying pan in your right hand, walk around the perimeter of the housing. Quietly read "Our Father"

IMPORTANT: Take your time. Stay in each corner for a while.

For the ritual against energy vampirism, only coarse salt is suitable

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire with a mirror

The principle of protecting yourself from the effects of energy vampirism is simple: as soon as communication with an unpleasant person begins, it is necessary imagine a mirror. And not just a small one, but an entire wall made of a reflective surface!

It should be positioned carefully between yourself and the vampire. As soon as a person begins to send negativity in your direction, this wall successfully reflects it. Imagine such a method very clearly - and the defense is ready!

The mirror you imagine for protection from an energy vampire should be large - something like this

How to protect against an energy vampire with a conspiracy or prayer?

Try using the following CONSPIRACY:

“I will become, servant of God (name), blessing myself, I will go, crossing myself, from the hut doors, from the courtyard gates, to the high eastern side, to the ocean-blue sea. There is an island on the blue sea, on this island there is a stone, on this stone there is a cathedral, in this cathedral there is a throne. Behind this throne is the eagle-father Vladimir, Ilya-Muromets and mother Holy Mother of God. I came to you to ask and beg you to protect me, God’s servant (name) from the pricks, from the pain, from the whining, from the simple-haired girl, from the sorcerer man, from the wild eye, from the windy eye.”

Concerning prayers, then you can say prayer to the Mother of God:

“Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice, Most Gracious Mary, the Lord is with You; Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit born of You, because You gave birth to the Savior of our Souls.”

IMPORTANT: It is extremely important that all these words are not just mechanical pronunciation, but a message coming from the heart.

Stone of protection against energy vampires

Agate- considered the most the best remedy protection from negativity. All attempts by energy vampires to evoke emotions in you will be doomed to failure. Negative messages directed in your direction will be successfully absorbed by the stone.

Jet- a stone that has long been used as a talisman against negative forces. It is even capable of taking away bad thoughts that the owner may have.

A jet bracelet is an excellent remedy for energy vampirism

Eye of the Tiger– with it you don’t have to be afraid of energy vampires. All negativity that will be directed at the owner of the stone will bounce off instantly. There is an opinion that if there is a nearby bad person, the tiger's eye becomes warmer or gains weight.

Tiger's Eye is a stone that will tell the owner that an energy vampire is nearby

Amulet - protection from energy vampire

The aspen stake is not just part of folklore about a vampire, drinking blood. An item made from this wood will be a great help when contacting an energy vampire. It is believed that aspen amulet will begin to get dark the moment the vampire tries to make contact.

IMPORTANT: For this reason, it is worth carrying such a useful thing with you at all times.

Rhinestone- another great amulet. Place a small piece of it in some similar small transparent box. Place the box, for example, in your clothing pocket or bag.

Fresh fruits- an affordable and pleasant amulet. After consuming these gifts of nature, a person restores the energy field.

Fresh fruits are the best best amulet from energy vampires

Amulet for protection against energy vampires

Sun symbol– is strong when a person wears it on his body. In this case, it does not matter at all in the traditions of which people the solar disk is depicted. The energy of the amulet will drive away unpleasant people to a decent distance from you.

Clover- another universally recognized symbol that protects against evil and brings good luck. Wood, silver, gold - absolutely any material is suitable for making. It is believed to cope especially well with male energy vampires.

IMPORTANT: Pets, oddly enough, are also excellent amulets. They bestow their owners with so much positive energy that sometimes no negative influences from the outside are scary!

Spend more time with your pet - and it will become protection against energy vampirism

Rune - protection from energy vampire

Runes Perth and Hagalaz They perfectly help to dodge energetic encroachment. Moreover, it is desirable that they be combined in tandem– in such a case, the effect will be enhanced many times:

  • Perth is a symbol of rebirth. This rune gives a person a good supply of energy
  • Hagalaz– another bundle of energy. Unlike Perth, it is spontaneous. However, such a rune teaches its owner sanity and patience.

Rune Perth from energy vampirism

Rune Hagalaz from energy vampirism

Mudras - protection from energy vampires

Intertwined fingers– an excellent mudra that will successfully complement an imaginary cocoon or mirror. The palms should be turned towards the body, and then placed opposite the solar plexus.

"Shield of Shambhala"- clench one palm into a fist and place it on the open palm of your other hand. This kind of mudra protects and helps restore tone. It is advisable to place your palms near the solar plexus.

IMPORTANT: In order for the energy to be restored, hold the mudra for about 5-15 minutes.

The Shield of Shambhala mudra will help restore energy after contact with an energy vampire

No matter how hard you try to avoid such a phenomenon as energy vampirism, in life you will certainly meet at least one person who will be emotionally draining. But if you learn to protect yourself from this trouble, no negativity is scary!

It is impossible to please everyone, this is a simple truth, but how many hidden meaning she conceals within herself. In life there are white and black stripes. Often everything falls out of hand, check after check at work, health fails. You constantly have a headache, everyone needs something from you, troubles pour in like a cornucopia. Sometimes it seems that life is ending, it won’t get any better. People tend to blame everyone for this: their wife, disobedient children, bad medicine.

But that’s not the point at all! They attacked a person, made a hole in his aura and are feeding on his energy! You can not believe in this as much as you like and say that it’s nonsense, but it won’t make you any better, you need to recover, otherwise this strong impact will lead to best case scenario, to the hospital, and at worst...

Negative energy, evil words and thoughts directly affect a person’s mental field. It would seem, well, let them envy, let them be angry. But envy and anger tend to accumulate and, as a result, make a hole in a person’s energy shell. The individual loses strength and begins to get sick. Energy protection is required.

Let's take a closer look at how to install energy protection yourself. First steps:

Start living consciously, taking responsibility for your actions and thoughts. Stop showing aggression to others, even if inadvertently, to offend them. Perceive the body as a temple, clean, bright, friendly. Do meditation, it helps relieve stress.

Believe that everything happens for a reason. There are higher powers, they monitor the balance in the world, the atrocity will return a hundredfold. Not today and not tomorrow, but he will return!

A person is only as strong as he believes in it, he can handle anything!

There are hypersensitive people, they react more sharply than others to bad things, they are easily drawn into conflict, they know this about themselves and try to avoid such situations. Women perceive negativity more acutely than men.

Protection methods

1) Creating an Energy Shield . Master the skill of visualization. Create an image in your thoughts and fill it with energy. You need to feel the presence of a protective shell, then it will become real. Mentally we surround our body and aura with a thin energy screen. We weave it from luminous matter that reflects light. It is like a durable cocoon, invulnerable to attack by enemies. Comprehend this armor, merge with it, this is how a person addresses his inner world, fills this shield with its power.

2) Closing the biofield contours . This technique improves well-being, strengthens psychological resistance, and protects against negativity. The simplest thing is to cross your arms and legs; this technique is effective when communicating with an unpleasant interlocutor. Second: connect the big and forefinger one hand with the same on the other. Form a ring with the rest of your fingers facing each other. Or, clasp the same fingers of one hand and place them in the palm of the other. Mentally place yourself in this space. This practice is recommended to be done in the morning and evening, and immediately before a meeting.

3) Magic mirror . Surround yourself with an imaginary thick brick wall of two bricks. Place mirrors facing outwards around the entire perimeter. Using a similar technique, there is no need to discover that there is a mirror screen, and behave casually and friendly. The calmer you are, the more the attacker's blows will reflect and hit him.

4) Use of the cross . Surround yourself in your imagination with crosses pressed tightly to your body. With the power of thought, begin to move them no more than a meter. Mentally connect them into a single fence, calm down. This method is suitable for Christians.

5) Pyramid . This practice also has therapeutic effect. Create a visualization of a pyramid of bright golden color. Cover yourself and the surrounding area with it. The dome of the structure rises half a meter above your head, the bottom is on the ground. Align the corners of the pyramid exactly with the cardinal points using a compass. This important point. Building such a structure collects positive energy in the center and helps to heal. The pyramid can also be used to treat other people.

6) Prayer , for a believer a powerful barrier from magic. Contact the guardian angels or Archangel Michael. The most important thing is to pray sincerely, asking to guide your enemies on the right path, wishing them health and well-being.

7) Aura rotation , an effective way to protect your biofield from outside influence. Imagine the biofield in the form of a ball made of dense material. In an unpleasant situation, start rotating this semblance of a ball from left to right, faster and faster. Hurting words will fly away from this shell without having time to catch on.

Protection during illness . When you feel unwell, it is much more important to save energy, meditate, pray, and accumulate strength. Mentally place yourself in a circle of fire, burning everything bad that penetrates from the outside. Do not enter into conflicts with relatives and doctors who provoke you to irritation and emotions. Believe in the body's defenses and protection Higher powers that will help cope with the disease. Humor, changing the topic of conversation, and finally smiling will help defuse the situation!

9) Protective power of the earth . This method of protection is successfully used in yoga. The Earth, the main source of inexhaustible energy, learn to feel the connection of your body with the center of the earth. This gives an unshakable feeling of support and security. Direct the negative energy of the envious person into the ground, neutralizing it.

Energy massage

This is not a typo, this type of impact is designed to cleanse the body and recover after an attack by an energy vampire.

Imagine that you are standing under a powerful mountain waterfall; jets of water pass through, washing away and carrying away all the nasty things sent to you by the enemy.

Visualize a wall of fire around you, don’t be afraid, it’s for good. The fire is coming closer and closer, and all the accumulated negativity and illnesses are burned in its flame.

Next image: started heavy thunderstorm, it's raining. Finally, an imaginary lightning strike. Lightning piercing destroys everything alien, superficial, not yours.

Emergency energy protection from ill-wishers!

1) Having felt a negative invasion, you need to take a shower at the first opportunity, saying at the same time that everything bad and dirty is washed away with water.

2) Place a glass of water in front of you and take a box of matches. Light a match, circle it around your head, let it burn out and throw it into the glass. Do this nine times. Take three small sips from this glass, pour the rest into the toilet and flush.

3) Cleansing hands with candle fire. Light a church candle at home, bring your hands to the flame as if you were washing them, each finger thoroughly, for five minutes. This procedure kickstarts the recovery mechanism well.

Home protection .

People face evil people in the store, at work, visiting. After this, you want to go home and not think about the danger. But after the neighbor’s visit, I got a headache, Small child can't sleep. How to protect your apartment from such “kind” visitors.

Hang a small round mirror at home opposite the entrance, wipe it with water and salt and say: Cleanse the house, protect from evil, take away misfortune from the house, retain wealth and joy, amen.

take 21 one mustard seed, put it under the entrance mat and say: There is no way for evil to enter this house!

the most ancient amulet, a horseshoe over the door. As a talisman, it is hung with horns pointing upward.

A ritual will help protect against witchcraft: fill half a glass with salt, insert a church candle into the center, light the candle and read the “Our Father”, leave the vessel with the extinguished candle on the windowsill.

after strangers have left, you need to walk through the house with a cup of holy water, sprinkling all the corners; often this ritual reveals evil intent; grains of sand appear in the cup if damage has been left.

they also go around the house with church candle, in bad places the candle smokes.

When you reach the door of the house, do not rush to enter. For the whole day in in public places when faced with different people, dark entities stuck to the man’s clothes. No need to take them home. Imagine that they are all gathered in a backpack behind your back, throw off an imaginary load. Now you can safely enter.

Tips for every day !

While on public transport, wear headphones and listen to recordings of mantras or other calm music. This way, other people's pressure will not affect you.

Think joyfully. Maintain a daily state of “here and now”, do not be distracted.

To prevent possible troubles, before leaving the house, draw three crosses on your palms with an old key and leave the key at home.

Attach a pin to the inside of your clothing, point up, and don’t tell anyone about it.

When curses are rained down on a person, say “I am a mirror” three times.

Carry a clove of garlic wrapped in a scarf in your pocket.

Strong conspiracy.The Power of the Cross is with me and in me.

God's power is around me!

It is possible to protect yourself from the troubles of negative energy. The main thing is to remember him and believe in the best!

In order not to fall under the influence of negative influences (popularly called damage, the evil eye), you need to live with “pure thoughts” (here by “pure thoughts” I mean the absence negative emotions, such as FEAR, JUDGMENT, DISLIKE, RESULT and especially GUILT). Moreover, both in relation to others, and in relation (ESPECIALLY) to oneself. The more these emotions have accumulated in you, the easier it is to “break through” and influence you. And if there are a lot of such emotions accumulated, you should first get rid of them. At least through FORGIVENESS (first of all, forgiving yourself).

The next aspect this is the degree of mastery and control of your inner power (the Divine source, that which comes from the Spirit). The more pronounced it is, the more difficult it is for someone to “attack” you. To do this, you must believe, first of all, in yourself, in your strength. And if faith is enough, You can just tell yourself once and for all that “I cannot be influenced or harmed.” Or something like that))

Further, You can set up “protective energy” barriers yourself. And thereby prevent damage to your energy shell (if the energy shell is damaged, the next stage is defeat physical body, or influence on various aspects life activities: money, business, career, family, children, home, etc.)

Protective energy barrier "Green Pyramid".

Mentally begin to build a green pyramid on yourself (from top to bottom), i.e. you need it to “cover” your entire body, and you seem to be inside it. Next, fix this image and set your program (what time period your pyramid will operate). For beginners, it is better to place the pyramid for no more than 12 hours. During this time, you can remember that protection has been “imposed” on you and consolidate this image mentally.

By the way, according to sacred medicine, many geometric shapes create space for the circulation of certain types of energy and represent healing tools. Directed energy impact harmonizes the internal structure of the charged object. In India, for many centuries, rituals have been carried out to treat people using the vibrational and energetic influence of images of the Universe. One of the most famous forms in this regard is the pyramid. Previously, in order to prevent food from spoiling, it was placed in special pyramids. Remember also about the Egyptian pyramids...

Protective energy barrier “Mirror Screen”. Once you find yourself in a very crowded place, mentally “put on yourself” an oval-shaped mirror protective barrier. It is necessary that you seem to be inside this oval. The mirror image should be directed away from you towards environment. It will reflect and return to the “owner” any Negative influence.

Barrier "golden ball". Mentally protect yourself in the form of a golden ball. You will also be inside it. The ball can be oval in shape. This is a very good “protection” from traffic police officers))) Before you set off on the road, set yourself the mindset that they don’t “see” you and drive calmly, they won’t notice you. It is only important to note, when installing the program, that it is the traffic police officers who do not see you. Although, of course, you must follow the traffic rules)))

Yes, prayers work great for believers and religious people (the same essence).

The more developed your inner strength is, the more self-confidence, the better the “protective barriers” work, and the less likely you are to fall under any negative influence)))

If you feel bad - weakened, squeezed like a lemon, indifferent, not in the mood without any well-founded reasons, then most likely the problem lies in a lack of energy, in its constant leakage. This can also manifest itself in insomnia or nervousness without obvious stimuli. In turn, loss of strength can be either a consequence of someone’s vampirism or intentional negative influence, an energy attack, or simply an unfavorable environment or unspoken accumulated negativity towards you.

Methods of energy protection are useful to know and use both for those who are already faced with the problem of “power drain” and for those who are potentially at risk. The second group includes, first of all, representatives of professions who constantly interact with people and are “in plain sight.” So, how can you give yourself energy protection?

Method No. 1 . This is the simplest method of energy protection, which most people resort to completely unconsciously and quite often. It's about about the so-called closed position» - crossed legs and/or arms. It can be a very bad idea to defend yourself in this way when meeting a new acquaintance or during a stressful interview, but crossing your arms on public transport for a person who is worried about draining his energy will not be a bad idea. Consider also the fact that in an open, relaxed position you both give energy and receive it (if the interlocutor is also “open, then a useful exchange takes place”), take advantage of this in the company of like-minded people and relatives.

Method No. 2 . To give yourself energy protection, practice visualization. NameWoman suggests imagining around you (in front, and behind, and on the sides, and below, and above), mirrored walls without gaps. The mirror wall reflects any attacks directed at you back towards the "attacker", keeping your energy levels intact. Imagine a mirror wall if you foresee in the near future the risk of conflicts at work involving your participation.

Method No. 3 . The following option is well suited for a stressful interview and can be used in any difficult conversation or showdown. So, index and thumb connect the left hand with the index and thumb of the right hand, forming a ring. Place the remaining fingers on the fingers of the opposite hand (you can cross them at the same time, but this is not necessary). This “hand pose” is usually not perceived as closed; it seems quite calm and indicates your concentration and concentration. At the interview, in addition, in this position, you can calmly lower your hands onto your knees, without worrying about “where to put them and how to stop trembling.”

Method No. 4 . If you literally feel constant, systematic energy attacks, then regularly try the following exercise several times a day (2-3). Imagine the signs of the cross around you. They should be as close to your body as possible. Imagine how they slowly begin to move away from you, while at the same time increasing in size - lengthening. Mentally continuing to move them away from you, do this so that at a distance of about a meter the elongated crosses connect.

Method No. 5 . This exercise should be done as a daily preventive exercise. Every morning after taking a shower, imagine yourself in the center of a golden pyramid. It should be a kind of shell, a pleasant glow calms you and instills confidence in you, translucent edges easily reflect any negative influences in your direction. Imagine a pyramid of such a size that it is not too big, but not too cramped. You can build such energy protection (and from time to time remember it again, “see it” during the day) not only around yourself, but also, for example, around the vehicle you are in.



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