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Lies collector. High position Eduard Bermaninga

Inga Berman #subculturologist

A trendy girl with an impeccable figure and a chic wardrobe regularly pampers her Instagram followers with great style. In addition, he often changes his hairstyle and every change in it - we really like it!

Lives in Moscow and travels frequently. Childhood passed in Taganrog. Born October 9th. Studied at Russian Academy advocacy and trained with Gennady Goldin, and with the wife of Mikhail Barshchevsky family law, which interested her most.

He does not deny himself any food and loves champagne, especially rose.

"I'm ready to be in a champagne bath for days, I love it so much."

Personal life.

Beloved co-owner of the developer Capital Group, Eduard Berman. The couple has been together for 15 years and they have two sons - Mark and Leo. The eldest son, Mark, goes to school and is fond of football.

With husband Eduard Berman and sons Lev and Mark

He is friends with Olga Karput, their children go to the same school. Best friend Ingi Berman journalist The girls often appear together at parties and are very familiar to the secular crowd. They even had joint nicknames “Rose and White”.

A stronger duet than Boris Berman and Ildar Zhandarev is not so easy to find on Russian television. Once they made the program “Without Protocol” on TVS, then they were engaged in documentary films, and this summer they appeared with the project “Looking at Night” on Channel One, where they again torture the stars about the secret. About where the line is between an uncomfortable and tactless question, and how often the guests of the program lie, we learned from Ildar Zhandarev.

“Berman is not my teacher”

- Barely persuaded you to an interview. Are you that humble?

Each person is interesting to the public, but not everyone has the courage to correspond to this interest. I didn't have it. But I gathered my strength - and now the courage has appeared. Well, then, as you know: “Being famous is ugly, it doesn’t lift you up.”

- It's all slyness.

Why? In fact, I treat my fame and recognition with irony. It's part of the profession, but not necessarily part of the personality.

- But when they find out on the street, it's nice to admit it.

Borya and I are recognized only when we are together. And most of the time we spend separately from each other - at least at different ends of the city, and then recognition drops sharply.

- That is, for the viewer, you and Boris are twins?

I think yes.

- And you never thought to break the Berman-Zhandarev bond?

What for? A brand has been created, some success has come, it must be kept.

- But if suddenly you would like to work alone ...

There are no people who live according to the principle “I wanted to”. Own what you have. And in general a strange question "if". If I was blonde, my name would be Brad Pitt, I would star in the role of Achilles in the movie Troy and I would have an affair with Angelina Jolie. And if I was a redhead, I would work in a circus as a clown. I am a team player and I am on the field as long as the team needs me. Such a samurai code of life. I am a samurai by profession.

- Is Berman a teacher for you?

No. I wouldn't say so. I came to television only a year and a half later than he did. Almost everything was mastered together. Yes, and television then only acquired its own language. Therefore, there, in principle, no one could teach anyone. If only at the level of the first two steps: do not stick two fingers into the socket and speak into the microphone.

naked stars

- What happens to the program? Where does she disappear to?

She doesn't disappear. The program is being done.

- And why did you go on the air four times, and now once a week?

Four times a week - it was necessary for the summer broadcasting grid. Now the new TV season has started. Naturally, the grid has changed. Our program has also changed. Inserted videos appeared, which, in our opinion, enliven the conversation and allow you to vary its dramaturgy. That is, now it has become more time-consuming in preparation for the broadcast.

- In the program you speak less than Boris.

The transmission format assumes a certain “breeding of the roles” of the two presenters.

- Two investigators, how were you introduced at the beginning? Arranging interrogations?

Of course not. All the same, you will never get more from a person than what he wants to tell. But in fact, he wants to tell a lot. You don't have to push anyone against the wall. It's enough just not to interfere. Then the person will reveal himself. He will undress himself, as they say. But, of course, questions should stimulate. Even when uncomfortable, they create comfortable conditions in order to speak out. The guest gets annoyed and, being annoyed, will say more.

“I love it when they lie”

- Many refuse to participate in the program?

It happens. One person motivated the refusal as follows: “I can’t tell the truth, but I don’t want to lie. I envy those who know how to balance on the edge.”

- And often the guests lie?

Of course. The funny thing is that when a person lies, he talks a lot about himself. That's why I love it when they lie. It seems to me that in many ways I achieved a result when I forced a person ... gave him the opportunity to lie.

For example, asking a tactless question?

In our program, compromising evidence is not taken out from under the table. We don't send any agents anywhere. They do not rummage through garbage dumps, do not peep through the windows, do not sit at the entrances. We use open sources. My questions may be awkward, but I wouldn't call any of them tactless. I will never ask a question that I myself would not agree to answer. For me, our program is an intellectual game.

exemplary males

- With your catchphrase, you bring some to a state of rage.

“I don’t want to offend anyone, but…”? Consider this a life credo.

- There's a certain bitterness in him.

Bitterness is a feminine trait. I ask about things that interest me. Our guests - successful people and I'm trying to get a recipe for success from them. For example, I asked Oleg Ivanovich Yankovsky - is it possible to learn to be attractive to women? He said, as he snapped: no, you can’t, it’s innate.

And hope...

- ... someone should have collapsed. But not me.

- Why?

There will be another teacher. Someone will teach.

What else have you learned from guests?

Learned something interesting. Here I was always tormented by the question: is it possible to dance like Madonna, and at the same time sing without a phonogram? Professional vocalists finally answered - yes, it is possible. And they gave examples, told how it's all done.

- Do you have a method of relaxing a person before the broadcast? Even public people in front of the cameras are pinched.

Everything is individual. Sometimes we communicate with guests before recording. But some try to come in such a way that they immediately enter the studio without talking. I, they say, do not want to burn out.

Sent his wife to the knockout

- Judging by your questions in the program, are you interested in more romantic aspects of life? Love, for example.

Love is not romance, love is war. I'm not a romantic, but a man of technology. I ask: how does it work?

- Technology of love?

Why not? Remember Stendhal's treatise "On Love"?

- When caring for your wife, did you adhere to some kind of system?

You know, in love, like in boxing. You train, train - and then go to the decisive duel. Of course, you have strategic developments: you feel when you should miss a blow, so that later you can deliver one that will lead to a knockout. So naturally courting my wife was the result life experience accumulated in previous battles.

- And how many of them were there?

Men, in my deep conviction, are divided into two categories: some run to friends to talk about what and with what women they had. And about others, women tell their girlfriends, rolling their eyes and making a meaningful face. I don't want to be in the first category.

Coded Man

- You were seen at a fashion show. Interested in fashion?

I'm interested. It's stupid to go on air in an unfashionable jacket. Unprofessional.

- There are stylists for that.

Stylists do not so much perform the task as they create. It's easier to choose your own clothes. And in order to have landmarks, you need to go somewhere, look. With my clothes, I, like any person, want to say something. Clothing is a system of codes.

- And what do you want to say to others with this, for example, jacket?

Well, like ... that I'm such a serious man. Real. I can't explain it, but today's jacket should be exactly like that. With the shape of the lapel, the collar... damn, looks like I'm talking like a faggot! By the way, it's funny, but the fagot doesn't just dress fashionably, but lays down the code that he is a queer. And other people lay the code that they follow the fashion, that they are modern. It is very important not to mix up the codes.

- You don't like costumes, do you? They would look solid, like some kind of news anchor.

According to my observations, any person working on television is a casual style: jeans and something artistic on top. And the news anchor only appears on the air in a suit. And in the summer, even in the studio, many of them are sitting in shorts.

Vampire on the subway

- Why do you still ride the subway? For 15 years on television, you could earn a car.

The idea of ​​our earnings is greatly exaggerated. In addition, Ostankino life is fraught with a lot of surprises. There was a moment when I had to live for six months on what I managed to accumulate over all the previous years. Where do you get money? In a nightstand. And one day you come to the bedside table, take a bill - and you see the bottom of the box. Believe me, this is an existential situation. But it is foolish, of course, to say that I eat breadcrumbs. If you set a goal, you can buy a car. But it also takes time to get right.

He is not. Besides, I like to ride the subway. This is an amazing experience, which, for example, Boris is deprived of. You can read people's stories by their faces. And I consider myself a vampire who feeds on human stories.

- Are you scared?

It's not scary or painful.

- Do you drink blood under anesthesia? And anesthesia - your smile, which many consider false?

But you can see that it's real.

There was a secret meaning in the endless elevator bows of fashionista Inga Berman - she was preparing to show Tatler the penthouse to which this elevator leads.

Text: Olga Zaretskaya. Photo: Tau Demidov and Kirill Ovchinnikov

Inga Berman in the living room on the first floor of the penthouse. The leather armchair and pouffe are made according to sketches by architect Sergei Estrin. Viscose dress, Patrizia Pepe; pony skin boots, Manolo Blahnik; Gatsby ring and Move bangles in white gold with diamonds, all Messika; Magnipheasant bracelet in white gold and diamonds, Stephen Webster; Grande Seconde watch in rose gold, Jaquet Droz.

“He immediately said that I am not a cook here, not a dishwasher and not a laundress. I'm pleased, I'm pleased. And in general, I have a manicure. Inga Berman, about whom all secular Moscow suddenly spoke, could not bother to explain why she household. The unearthly interior speaks for itself. In a four-story penthouse on Shabolovka Street, I even found a twenty-meter pool, from which the infinity system pours water through panoramic windows onto all seven Moscow skyscrapers at once. Even a black podium-aquarium for stingrays and piranhas eating them at night. I didn’t find only the kitchen, because it doesn’t exist - behind the elevator piercing the floors, a certain minimalistic structure presses against the wall, but it’s absolutely impossible to cook there. A black panel covers the refrigerator, whose stomach takes nothing but champagne. The hostess laughs: “I love the rose. I drank, I drink and I will drink it. I don’t have this - so that everything is so correct, stop alcohol, stop fast food, and a halo lit up around my head. I am ready to be in a champagne bath for days, I love it so much.

Bedroom with a bed designed by Sergey Estrin.

The life friend of the co-owner of Capital Group, Eduard Berman, is like a rose herself. She understands that her most delicate shade Helmut Lang T-shirt fits wonderfully into the glassy surroundings. (From "KM 20" by Olya Karput, the beloved woman of Pavel Te, Berman's partner on the construction site. Because "we girls must help each other.") premieres at Tatler. At home, she usually wears the simplest Havaianas flip flops and Organic by John Patrick combinations.

Friends say that the apartment is the spitting image of Dr. Evil's residence. Here are the chairs, the backs of which behind the back of a person seem to be wings. Here are shelves from the 1960s, champignon pouffes, oval portholes in wavy wall panels. Inga and her chic platinum bob with bangs are always ready to play along - you get the spitting image of a robot girl from Austin Powers.

There is not a single calm wall in the penthouse, everything is in niches and sculptural outgrowths, behind which the backlight is hidden. Its colors can be changed to make the house shine with orange, blue, red lights - like a space station hovering at the level of the eighteenth floor, above all neighboring roofs, above the trees. Inga hung in it between the fantastic Shukhov tower and the tram depot of the same great architect.

Retro-futurism in the apartment was arranged by the architect Sergei Estrin (it was he who, with the lively financial participation of Berman, reconstructed the synagogue on Bronnaya). Almost all the furniture is made according to his sketches. He repeats the semicircular, caterpillar-like leather sofa for his beloved customer again and again, in different colors. And here is a long, in the form of a flowing ribbon of a gymnast, a coffee table made of white corian - an exclusive of this particular apartment. As well as the huge wall-to-wall glass in the living room, onto which Estrin transferred the engraving “Moses with the Tablets of the Covenant” by Gustave Dore. Inga repeated to me several times that this was a Jewish theme. But the pointing finger of Moses demanded a final clarification of an important issue.

“If you look from my mother’s side, then I’m not Jewish. But my blood is flowing. - "That is, you can marry?" - "I need to marry!"

After the reconstruction, the synagogue on Bolshaya Bronnaya was opened. Moscow Jews, who financed the construction, did not spare money for the temple: the new building turned out to be ultra-modern - glass, high-tech, fashionable decoration. At the celebration in honor of the opening, guests snatched gifts, wooed millionaires, sang, danced and treated themselves to kosher food, and someone, faithful to traditions, even grabbed a piece of cake for his aunt. The secular columnist for Izvestia, BOZHENA RYNSKA, was touched by the Jewish love of life.

To go or not to go to a holiday in the evening - such doubts tormented many. By known reasons going to parties seemed both indecent and impossible. But, despite the mourning, a lot of people gathered in the renovated church, and it did not look blasphemous. "Only by uniting, we can ruthlessly send the villains of the new century to the dustbin of history..." - opening the reception, Rabbi Yitzhak Kogan expressed the general mood, and the guests lit candles.

It was difficult to sit down in the hall of the new synagogue: ignoring the note in the invitation "for one person", the guests traditionally came with their children and relatives. Those who came without an invitation at all were also not offended: they did not manage to break through to the invited guests, but they had a hearty dinner on the ground floor.

There were many children. Terribly spoiled curly-haired offspring scurried between the tables, creating confusion of a real home family holiday. They dragged sweets from the table and ruined the fruit composition - a watermelon standing at the entrance to the hall, studded with strawberries on sticks. But no one pulled them up and did not call for decorum. Several one-year-old citizens tried to escape from the hands of the nannies and join the general fun. The baby was the quietest of all, sleeping peacefully in a stroller amid the general uproar.

In the general noise, the surname "Satanovsky" was repeated in different ways (it was about the head of the Russian Jewish Congress). "What does Satanovsky look like?" - the secular observer asked the bearded gentleman busily making his way between the tables. "Well, why did you decide that I know what Satanovsky looks like?" he replied. "I'd rather tell you what Yakupov looks like, he's in charge here." However, who is in charge here, it was clear and without explanation. It was hard not to notice Amiel Yakupov. The clockwork owner of UNIFIN Holding GmbH, who invested heavily in the synagogue, was the hero of the evening. He maneuvered between the tables, dragged an armful of gifts, immediately controlled whether everyone received them, flew up to the stage and so recklessly persuaded the guests to "come to God", as if this was his personal interest. "It's better to live in God," Mr. Yakupov waved his arms, citing himself as an example. And, looking at the philanthropist shining with prosperity, it became clear that, perhaps, it was really better. Mr. Yakupov flew to the stairs, and only then did they manage to grab him by the floor. The businessman threw up his hands: "The press? No way! I pay money on purpose so as not to communicate with you!" "How much?! How much do you pay?" - perked up secular columnist. "So what did you want to ask?" - Amiel Yakupov exclaimed good-naturedly and immediately, dancing to the beat of the music, began to answer questions in detail.

The Jewish holiday is a traditional occasion to arrange personal life their children and friends. At the beginning of the evening, the girls "with meaning" were told: "Berman will arrive now, he is so handsome and so smart." But a member of the Board of Directors of Capital Group, Eduard Berman, who also financed the construction, came with such a beauty that the matrimonial plans of aunts and uncles collapsed. Their attention shifted, and within five minutes the girls were informed that there were at least two more millionaires at dinner. One is the managing director of Milhouse Capital, David Davidovich, who is called " right hand Abramovich himself, "the other was German Khan, First Vice President of TNK-BP. Both of them were sitting at the same table. Mr. Davidovich, who rarely appears in the world, turned out to be a very charming gray-haired gentleman - he smiled even at photographers and journalists. But Mr. Khan, who came in velvet jeans and a shabby leather jacket, he disappointed the girls. He looked downcast, and if he gave the impression of a millionaire, then from a very deep underground. The question of one of the ladies: "Which Khan is here? This unprepossessing uncle ?!" - was a secular sentence to him.

Treated richly, but not without national flavor: the owners saved a little on a healthy stuffed fish. A separate table for poor relatives - journalists was surrounded by it.

At the end of the evening, the men began to dance. One lady of advanced years, who was walking around, decided to join them, but she was immediately reminded that this was still a synagogue, not a wedding, and the women in the synagogue did not dance, but sat quietly and admired the men. Everyone was shouting, interrupting each other, but no one paid attention to it. The arriving delegations of Hasidim from America, Austria, Israel and Ukraine mixed with the guests, among whom were restaurateurs Mikhail and Roman Zelman, TV presenter Lev Novozhenov, composer Alexander Zhurbin, owner of the Petr Privalov jewelry house Marina Korotaeva, and fraternization began. "Are you Jewish?" they asked a secular observer, and, having received an answer, they shrugged their shoulders: "Well, a quarter of all Jews." "Give her the Torah! Let her think about life! Maybe she'll come up with something!" shouted Amiel Yakupov, who suddenly appeared.

On October 7, I visited the theatrical performance “Hold your breath”, directed by Philip Grigoryan. At first, I didn't even know where I was going. It was only gradually that everything fell into place. It was an absolutely unusual presentation of a new residential project designed in collaboration with YOO inspired by Stark. The house itself was called romantically - "Breath". While waiting for a performance with Yulia Baranovskaya, the host of the Male and Female talk show and the former common-law wife of football player Andrei Arshavin, we chatted about family relationships, divorces and adultery. A slight mockery of our conversation was the performance itself later - in main stage the actor Yevgeny Tsyganov played, once again changing his passion (if you do not go into details).

The "Entrance" sign at the beginning of the installation was changed to "Inhale". The performance itself consisted of five rooms inspired by the interiors of Philippe Starck.Entertained the guests with short performances - there was contemporary ballet, and an opera performance, read poetry and demonstrated acrobatics. At the end of the performance, the famous ex-wife Arshavina remarked: “I wanted to buy an apartment here,” which means that the performance was a success, I thought.

Directed by Philip Grigoryan; Irina Chaikovskaya; Natalya Sindeeva (Rain TV channel)

But I was more pleased with the reaction of the singer Pelageya, who said as she snapped: “Does Tsyganov read Brodsky? I will stay there." At the end of the evening, we were waiting for the performance of the Tesla Boy group, which Yulia and I did not wait for and hurried home to the children.

Actor Yevgeny Tsyganov

The next day, the legendary English brand Jimmy Choo gathered guests for a friendly dinner on the occasion of the opening of a new boutique in GUM. One of the first to come to dinner was Nadya Obolentseva and her friend Tanya Melnikova. Nadia was not ready for such a turn of events and even exclaimed: “Oh, are we the first!”. The friends felt a bit uncomfortable. This happens at Moscow social events when you arrive before the organizers themselves. It’s in my blood in general - to come earlier than others, I’m very afraid of being late for an event and offending the hosts.

In the end, the closest friends gathered for dinner, the feeling of a big family holiday reigned at the table, everyone knew each other so well and for a long time. Elle publisher Natasha Shkuleva and her husband Andrey Malakhov cooed like doves on their honeymoon, general director GUM Timur Guguberidze came with his wife Natasha, hostess Oksana Bondarenko - with her husband Vladimir Tsyganov, Marianna Maksimovskaya also did not leave her husband at home. Even the beauty and talented jeweler Yana Raskovalova dropped in for an evening with her husband Victor, who is very rarely seen not only in the light of red carpet spotlights, but even in small secular dinners. Svetlana Bondarchuk, as always, was with her "support group" - Natalia Dubovitskaya, wife of Russian presidential aide Vladislav Surkov, Segey Kapkov's young wife Sofya and restaurateur, Ginza Project partner Dina Khabirova.

The guests were prudently hungry and were looking forward to the start of the culinary celebration, the chef of one of the best Italian restaurants in Moscow, Nino Graziano, was responsible for it. The food served was so good that the prima Bolshoi Theater Ekaterina Shipulina not only allowed herself a rack of lamb, but also “polished” it with desserts. And some perspicacious ladies who do not eat sweets after six, asked to wrap desserts with them.

Yana Rudkovskaya and Oksana Bondarenko; Valeria Rodnyanskaya

They chatted, as always, who was talking about what, and Yana Rudkovskaya, of course, about her talented wife and his new production. Other guests kept themselves within the bounds of decency and kept up the conversation shoe. Aidan Salakhova was indignant that shoe designers did not care about clients with large feet at all. All graceful models look like skis. To which Masha Fedorova (editor-in-chief of Glamor magazine), as an expert in this matter, strongly advised wearing Jimmy Choo. Dress code Jimmy Choo supported by the majority of those invited to the joy of Vice-President Paolo Sepio, with pleasure looking at Russian beauties. Only actress Ksenia Knyazeva was worried that she could not change her shoes before the event.

Anita Gigovskaya (Conde Nast); Sofia Kapkova

For the whole evening, the hostess of the celebration, Oksana Bondarenko, never once sat down. But according to the verdict of many guests, the evening was recognized as the best for the autumn that had begun.

Participants of the book auction in the CDL restaurant

With my friend Ekaterina Odintsova, whom I did not see for two weeks because of her trip to Paris Fashion Week, we finally met at the CDL Club, where the book auction was held. In the hall, all those present carefully studied the lots in the catalog. After the start of the auction, when the very first lot was instantly sold for 1.5 million rubles, Katya and I realized that we would continue to buy books in a regular bookstore. Soberly assessing my capabilities and seeing what strong competitors will fight for the remaining lots, I decided to continue my social marathon and went to a Versace cocktail.

Vladimir Palikhata (Rosenergomash); Irina Chaikovskaya; Sergey Lisovsky

Businessmen Alexander Volochinsky and Pavel Gusev (MK)

On another day, a team of chefs led by William played a real gastronomic performance at the Baltschug-Grill Restaurant of the Baltschug Kempinski Moscow Hotel. It was there that the annual Golden Triangle dinner was held as part of the Moscow Gastronomic Festival. A special menu for him was developed by a Russian-Italian team from Pinch, Uilliam's, Ugolek and Severyane restaurants.

Chefs Giacomo Lombardi, William Lamberti, Georgy Troyan, Luigi Magni, Frank Furman and festival organizer Igor Gubernsky

Vladimir Sirotinsky, politician Irina Khakamada and producer Andrey Fomin

I've lost count of how many traditional dinners I've been to. Notorious chefs Georgy Troyan, Luigi Man and Giacomo Lombardi, who performed under the guidance of William Lamberti, surprised the guests of the evening with an “inverted” menu, where the list of first courses included “oliva colada cocktail”, “waffle cone” and “tiramisu”, and on dessert was offered "quail". The game consisted in an attempt to destroy the standard human perception of gastronomic clichés. The quail was stuffed with sweet vegetables, the waffle cone was stuffed with smoked tartare, and the tiramisu was a scallop dish with salty chips. The chef of the Baltschug Kempinski hotel, Frank Fuhrman, helped the fashionable Moscow restaurants in his kitchen, who presented the author's joke dessert called "Golden Pumpkin". The guests were welcomed by the authors and creators of the Moscow Gastronomic Festival Andrey Fomin and Igor Gubernsky. A regular guest of the festival, Elena Remchukova, fell ill at the last moment, so she and Konstantin did not come. And this time I was sitting at the same table with Eduard Berman, co-owner of Capital Group, who came with his young wife Inga Sinchinova. As always, we discussed where it is better to live: outside the city or still in Moscow. Three years ago I moved to live in the center of the capital, and I would not exchange it for any Zhukovka, for any gingerbread.

Eduard Berman (Capital Group) and socialite Inga Sinchinova



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