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The Adventures of Pinocchio. What's left behind the scenes? Russia How Malvina was brought to tears

Very soon the fortieth anniversary of the popular children's fairy tale film "The Adventures of Pinocchio" will be celebrated. There is no need to retell the plot of a nice kind fairy tale, its shooting could not take place without adventures, good and scary stories. But the main sources of all the surprises, of course, were the young actors - the main characters of the film. How then was their fate?

1. Pinocchio

Pinocchio was played by Dmitry Iosifov. Dima did not dream of an acting career; by the time filming began, he was actively involved in figure skating. It was during training that the assistant director saw him and invited him to audition. Despite the boy's active protests, his mother nevertheless took him to the studio. There, at first they wanted to try Dima on Arlekino, but in the undressed form the boy seemed so thin and articulate that he was immediately accepted for the main role.

2. Malvina

Tanya Protsenko was found on the train. Quite by accident, the assistant director was in a compartment with her mother and a little girl. Six-year-old Tanyusha sang songs and recited poems all the way, staged skits, played the role of an actress. The girl coped with a very difficult episode during the tests and was immediately approved. In the process of filming, her baby teeth began to fall out, which had to be replaced with porcelain prostheses. It was also very difficult for Tanya to cry - neither tons of onions, nor glycerin drops helped. But the unfair reproaches of the director terribly upset the child - and the scene was instantly filmed.

But the girl did not work out with her acting career. The young actress fell off her bike, after a severe injury, the doctors forbade her to act. And I had to reject the offers of both Little Red Riding Hood and Scarecrow ... And a few years after the release of the picture, fame came, fans appeared. But Tanya did not completely leave the cinema - she graduated from VGIK, the department of film studies, at the Literary Institute - the department of poetry. There were proposals from Rolan Bykov to lead a children's project, but it was never launched, then Tatyana took up computer layout, collaborated with magazines and printing companies, now she is a senior editor in the Planet of People publication, publishes collections of poems and raises her daughter.

The performer of the role of Pierrot Roman Stolkarts was born in 1970. For him, the role became accidental and Roman no longer had any further relation to the cinema.

As he dreamed, he became a pediatrician. Now he has two clinics in Israel, holds the rank of major in the IDF, and also raises four children.

4. Artemon

Artemon was played by Thomas Augustinas, whom the assistants found in the Baltics. This role was also the only one for him.

The Thomas family emigrated to Canada in 1985. In the 90s, the guy worked in representative offices of foreign companies in Russia, and now he has his own business in Ottawa.

5. Harlequin

Grigory Svetlorusov was also not seen in any other paintings. Yes, and information about his future fate can not be found. There is a popular version that Arlekino became an intelligence officer after graduating from the Higher School of the KGB in 1989.

According to another version, Grigory studied at the Minsk Higher Anti-Aircraft Engineering School, after which he worked at a research institute and was engaged in business. In 2002, in Belarus, a case was brought against him on charges of fraud, and the guy moved to Ukraine. Here he was helped to obtain refugee status, after which Svetlorusov left for the United States. Works in the advertising business, in particular, promotes films on the Russian market

Luckily, these young actors have lived much happier lives than the characters in other children's films, such as:

I wonder what city Pinocchio lived in?)) and got the best answer

Answer from Oksana[master]
Collodi, Tuscany, Italy. where he was born...

Answer from User deleted[guru]
He did not live in the city, but in Russia as a whole, and then he came to Moscow ...

Answer from ICQ[guru]
In the land of yobakov =)

Answer from Alexander Kornilov[guru]
on the forest

Answer from Gimli[guru]
As far as I remember, there is an indication of this in the text. Unfortunately, the book is not available at the moment. Maybe Palermo, but I'm afraid to make a mistake.

Answer from asimula[guru]
Country of Fools, city of Baldysinsk

Answer from Margo[guru]
the country is Italy, but I don’t remember the city

Answer from IADA***[guru]
Literary record by M. Pruntsova
All this happened in one city, a strange city - it was he who became the main character in our story. Together with their trams, doorways, puddles ... With all the attics, basements and roofs, pigeons, cats and rats.
It so happened that the puppet theater became the most remarkable place in the city. And its director was Karabas-Barabas - there's nothing to be done about it. Only without all these medieval things - a huge beard and a whip. He looked quite believable: a short, dense, stocky, uncle with a small bald head. He was somewhere in his fifties. He was a great director, everyone respected him, and there was something for that - a strong-willed, confident in himself and in those around him, a materialist with an established life, an exemplary family man. Well, in the theater, of course, there was Pinocchio. A doll of inexpressible beauty made by an Italian master of the 16th century. And it is completely incomprehensible how she, having visited France, Spain, Italy, Germany, England, ended up in this city. Everyone who saw this doll was simply amazed at the skill and elegance of work. Each finger on the hand was made perfectly precisely, carefully, each nail was in its place, the eyes - it was simply impossible to tear oneself away, the mouth - a smile from ear to ear - just like a living one. And no one knew that Pinocchio was actually alive. That is, quite alive, like us. He just didn't show it. After all, the doll does not need to move - so he stood in the window, showing off. Preserved Pinocchio for his more than three hundred years, I must say, perfectly. It is still sometimes used in performances, but mostly, of course, it was replaced with a copy. In general, everything would have continued like this for decades, if one day Pinocchio had not disappeared.

"Already then I realized that the children's audience is the most grateful, that there is worship of the hero, not me personally," the site "Cinema News" quotes the words of the director.

After the army, he entered the VGIK at the acting department, according to the kinox.ru website, and in 1966 he graduated from directing, after a teacher at VGIK said: “Lenya Nechaev has two acting shortcomings: a very good voice and the fact that he sees himself from the outside. You know, Lenya, you don't need to be an actor, go on to directing."

Then Leonid Nechaev worked at the creative association "Screen", where he made a number of newsreels and documentaries, and since 1974 he began to create feature films for children. According to the director, there were no certain canons for him on how to make films for children, and he did "everything in his own way." Then he made it a principle not to watch children's films, because "the brain involuntarily photographs someone else's, clichés are created."

His debut was the picture "Adventures in a city that does not exist." His next film was the musical movie "The Adventures of Pinocchio", so beloved by children.

How Rolan Bykov ended up "on vocals" with his wife

Many of the songs written by Okudzhava were so seriously philosophically confused that the director had to abandon them, so Yuri Entin wrote half of them.

The director asked the composer Alexei Rybnikov to find good performers for the film, he suggested Alla Pugachev. "Chalky, though, her sound is vulgar, but talented," said Rybnikov. But, as Nechaev told Express Gazeta, the singer was then afraid of responsibility and refused.

How Harlequin turned into Pinocchio

Leonid Nechaev is often asked how he works with children, to which the director replies: “I don’t know, I just don’t know, I don’t work. I communicate, talk with them before filming, as with peers, classmates. play what I need. I myself wonder how they know how to do it?"

"My main difficulties arose not with children, but with their parents," the website "The Road to Childhood" quotes him as saying. - For example, when in "The Adventures of Pinocchio" Fox Alice and Cat Basilio hang the main character upside down on a tree, Pinocchio's mother - Dima Iosifova - said that in no case would she let her tender child be tormented like that. I calmed her down, spun something about a doll that can be hung instead of a boy, and I myself whisper: "Dima, take mom somewhere!" He immediately understood everything and began to whimper that he was very hungry. Mom immediately rushed off for the sausage, and Pinocchio was immediately "hung" on a tree.

True, this scene had to be re-shot, but still it was completed before my mother's arrival. In general, the director notes, on the set, the children behaved simply heroically. For example, again the scene with Dmitry Iosifov, where Pinocchio hides in a huge jug, and Karabas-Barabas breaks it, throwing a beer mug.

The difficulty was that the jug was made by special order in a single copy, so the scene had to be filmed from the first take. The question arose of what to throw, so that both the jug would be broken and the actor not be crippled. The director consulted with the performer of the role of Pinocchio and he said: "Throw it for sure!" - and climbed into the bowl.

As a result, a beer mug was thrown into the jug, after putting a kilogram cobblestone in it. Everything went well: the jug broke, the neck was put on the neck of actor Dmitry Iosifov.

By the way, initially Dmitry Iosifov was trained for the role of Harlequin, the website "Children in Cinema" reports. And then they already tried Pinocchio, fitting a fake nose.

“I remember that they measured my noses for a long time - they couldn’t choose which size is better. After three months, I asked: “Will there be shooting?” Everyone burst out laughing, because, it turns out, the film had already been shot all this time. months, and every day I was made up for about an hour. Oh, how annoying it was!" - says Dmitry Iosifov.

Pinocchio's nose was made of foam rubber, it was a complex design that was supposed to express any grimace. The actor had a whole collection of noses - more than forty. In addition, during the filming, Pinocchio wore out more than fifteen pairs of wooden clogs, Pinocchio told the Road to Childhood website. But most of all he got it because of the make-up, besides, the boy had thick black eyebrows, and they shaved them daily.

How Malvina was brought to tears

"Suffered" on the set, not only the main character of the film. So, Piero had to walk in the summer in a tight woolen suit, because a knitted suit would instantly stretch. And Tatyana Protsenko, when half of the film had already been shot, milk teeth began to fall out, and she had to insert prostheses, she said in an interview with the Facts and Comments newspaper.

According to her, the most difficult thing for her on the set was crying, for example, when she felt sorry for Pinocchio, who was put in a dark closet. They put glycerin in her eyes, and brought onions to her eyes - nothing worked.

"Everyone was very angry. Especially the director. He began to talk to me very strictly. I burst into tears from resentment. Leonid Alekseevich himself took the camera and shouted:" We're filming!

Harder than crying, the girl who voiced herself was laughing.

“I couldn’t voice myself everywhere. Malvina’s laughter is not mine!” she told the Road to Childhood project. “They tortured me for a long time, but it didn’t work out ... I still don’t know where they got the laughter from, maybe from early takes - but similar...<…>And here is a piece of the song - "and yet he is a great rogue, tell me what his name is" - also I do not sing. The rest is me everywhere."

The Secret of the Golden Key

Filming took place at a film studio in Minsk, in the Crimea, in Vilnius, the film cost 365 thousand rubles - a lot of money for a standard Soviet film, so they didn’t save much on props. For example, all the food was real, even the ram, which the film crew then ate.

But at first Malvina's meadow was supposed to be with real flowers, but the one who first agreed to provide his garden for filming suddenly changed his mind.

“And so they urgently built a pavilion, cut out daisies and built everything that was there - everyone took part in this. For example, my brother, watching this film, says:“ I cut out that daisy, ”says Tatyana Protsenko.

According to director Leonid Nechaev, the golden key was the most valuable prop - everyone wanted to steal it. But in the end, he stayed with the director.

"On the last day of shooting after the command" Stop! Filmed!" I put it in my bosom and later just bought it out, - says the director. - I still have a receipt that says: "Received from Nechaev for the props - key: 30 rubles."

The film was a terrific success, Nechaev became a director, with whom it became prestigious to act.

“Evgeny Evstigneev, after watching Pinocchio, even called me and exclaimed: “Lenya! I'm ready to play any mouse for you!" Of course, having heard this even from a less brilliant actor than Evstigneev, it was impossible to resist, and in the next film "About Little Red Riding Hood" he played the Astrologer, "says Leonid Nechaev.

Rolan Bykov, Vladimir Basov, Rina Zelenaya, and even Pinocchio - Dmitry Iosifov as a wolf cub again starred in the director's Little Red Riding Hood. They wanted to offer the main role in the new film to "Malvina" Tanya Protsenko, but she could not, and Yana Poplavskaya became the main "Little Red Riding Hood" of the Union.

Why Nechaev chose this particular fairy tale for the new film, he answers: because he wanted the main character to be a girl now.

The material was prepared by the online editors www.rian.ru based on information from open sources

Cat Basilio could play Brondukov, and fox Alice - Akhedzhakova

"The Adventures of Pinocchio" by Leonid Nechaev became a masterpiece of Soviet cinema. Any frame, any word in it now is a classic of the highest standard. However, the final version of the film is very different from the original idea. What could be the famous TV fairy tale?


In the original script, the text of which has been preserved in the archives, Pinocchio was too bold and flaunted vulgarism. For example, when Papa Carlo and Giuseppe reconcile after a squabble at the very beginning of the film, Pinocchio said: "Still, fighting is better than licking." He constantly bullied Malvina: either he looked appraisingly from head to toe: “Malvina, and you are a doll!”, then he declared that she had a “bull in her head.”

Or here is such a tirade from Pinocchio to Karabas: "Hey you, director of the puppet theater, an old beer keg, a fat bag, come down to us, come down - we will tear off your tattered beard!"

There was also an episode when a wooden hero ran naked into the street, made a mess on the carousel, after which he pretended to be dead, for which Papa Carlo, who allegedly starved him to death, was put in the police station.

Giuseppe, on the other hand, appeared before the viewer as a notorious drunkard. At the beginning of the film, a scene was planned in which he was catching drops from grapes in a bottle.

In general, the script began with a picture of a pioneer theater in which the children were preparing to play a play about Pinocchio, and the main actor suddenly turned into a log, after which the fairy tale itself began.

And in the scene of the cat and the fox chasing Pinocchio, the latter had to throw himself into the pond and happily escape, clinging to the tail of the swan taking off.

Which was done with success.


In the role of Pinocchio could not be Dmitry Iosifov, but Vladimir Stankevich, also a Minsker. He was the main candidate until a week before filming, the director's assistant found Iosifov at the skating rink.

Those tests of mine were remembered even too well, - laughs Vladimir Stankevich, who works today in Moscow as a host of corporate evenings. - Pinocchio's costume was without buttons and was swept on the actor on a living thread, so that it could only be removed by tearing it. According to the law of meanness, as soon as the last stitch was put in, I immediately terribly wanted to go to the toilet. And since I was a shy boy, all four hours, while the tests were going on, I endured with all my might. You can imagine what it was, because they filmed the scene where Karabas hangs Pinocchio on a hook by the collar!

Vladimir failed to enter the history of cinema as a wooden man. But in his track record of 27 films in which he starred mainly as a child. For example, he played the role of Denis Korablev in the film "Secret to the whole world." By the way, he really likes the film about Pinocchio, and he quite often voiced Dmitry Iosifov and now sometimes calls him up.

The actor Viktor Pavlov originally claimed the role of the cat Basilio, and his wife Tatyana Govorova, the fox Alice. However, they later refused. Karabas was given to Roman Filippov, and Duremar to Lev Perfilov. But the ensemble did not work out.

When Nechaev filmed his first material and took it to Moscow to show to the customer - TO "Ekran", the reaction was very sharp, - says the then director of the film studio "Belarusfilm" Izolda Kavelashvili. - They said: "If you bring this Konotop Youth Theater again, we will put the film on the shelf."

Bykov did a lot for the film, continues Isolda Kavelashvili. He gave everything a key, a direction. Nechaev seized on this style and began to develop in the same spirit.

It is curious that Liya Akhedzhakova and Alisa Freindlich were also considered for the role of the fox Alice, and Borislav Brondukov the cat Basilio.

Mikhail Kozakov and Valentin Gaft tried out for Duremar, and Faina Ranevskaya was offered Tortila. But Vladimir Basov and Rina Zelenaya played them.


The music for the film could not have been written by Rybnikov at all. After all, he was then still an unknown composer and raised doubts among the leadership. However, Nechaev insisted. They acted like this: Rybnikov wrote music without concluding an agreement with a film studio, at his own peril and risk. The commission, having listened to the songs, was delighted.

There were many variations with the texts. For example, in the romance of the turtle Tortila, a whole verse fell out. Rina Zelenaya simply refused to sing lines that were too sad, in her opinion, about old age.

I then justified myself and said that I wrote the text for a turtle, and not for a woman. But she said, I remember the exact expression, that I humanized her too much, - . - Fortunately, the song became popular even without these lines. And stay they - who knows ...

What exactly was the passage that Rina Zelena did not like?

It seemed to me that happiness is near,
Just stretch out your paw.
But autumn leaf fall
Summer days rustled.
Old age is not a joy
People are telling the truth...
How happiness smiled at me
Three hundred years ago!

The last verse also fell out in the song of the fox Alice and the cat Basilio about greedy people, fools and braggarts, the text to which was written by Bulat Okudzhava:

What a blue sky!
These three live in the world.
They, thank God, have no end.
As they say, the beast runs
And right on the catcher!

In general, according to the original idea, the film was supposed to sound not 13, but 19 songs. Even a choral performance of the janitors was planned.

But it is especially curious that for some reason three songs of the main character himself, Pinocchio, fell out of the film.


The film's low budget reflected on the sets.

- In the glade, the Malvinas wanted to make both the house of a girl with blue hair and Artemon's kennel, - recalls cameraman Yuri Elkhov. - But as a result, only a closet with spiders was built. And the daisies on the lawns were cut out of paper by the entire film crew.

The Field of Miracles should also have been designed more intricately: in addition to the fabulous gate with a bell, it was also planned to build a gatehouse. Also, instead of a small booth, it was supposed to put full-fledged decorations for the interior of the police station.

Interestingly, of the five gold pieces cast on special order, only four actually glow in the film frames.

One of the coins disappeared at the beginning of filming - either stolen or lost, - Yuri Elkhov explained. - Therefore, the scenes where Pinocchio counts his money are shot with interruptions.

The protagonist's nose was made of papier-mâché, so it often got wet and broke down. So props had to make a hundred of them. But the suit and hat were sewn in one or two copies, so they had to be washed almost every day.

In the list of props, several variants of the log were ordered, but not used - they had to be shown in the hands of Papa Carlo at different stages of completion of the doll he was carving.

In addition, the list included unused items: five bowls of pudding, two fake pretzels, wind-up toys, a beerdanka, ten bird cages and the birds themselves, and a smoking pipe.

The props at the end had, of course, to be handed over against signature. But who can resist souvenirs! - said assistant director Vladimir Ponochevny. - The golden key went to Leonid Nechaev. And Dima Iosifov received the shoes of the protagonist as a keepsake.

Tales around the film

Yuri Elkhov: "Most of the film was shot in the Crimea. One night we were working on the shore near Sevastopol. It's dark all around, people are sleeping, 3.00 on the clock, and our spotlights are on, the director screams at the top of his voice ... Suddenly a submarine floats into the sea, The hatch opens and they shout to us from there: “Hey, there, on the shore, what are you doing? Do you have permission?" The film crew was naturally shocked."

Yuri Elkhov: “Rina Zelenaya, although she refused to sing one verse from the song of the turtle Tortila, she still loved Entin. And somehow she even composed her poems and read them in front of everyone. I can’t remember the exact text, but there was such a pun: “Yuri Antin is intimate and interesting."

Vladimir Ponochevny: "In the episode about the theater of Karabas, we needed confetti. And Nechaev was always very demanding in such things: if necessary, take it out and put it in. They rushed back and forth - there is no confetti! There is nothing to do: we spent the night with hole punchers and still snapped a whole bag. In the morning, however, we still had the same vidocq, but the scene was filmed successfully.

Yuri Elkhov: "In the scene where the cat and the fox are hanging Pinocchio by the legs on a tree, everything was done without any insurance, in a "live" frame, and Rolan Bykov also shook the "victim" a little. Fortunately, everything worked out. And Dima Iosifov's grandmother specially for this time they sent for food to Yalta.

Yuri Elkhov: “For Rolan Bykov and Elena Sanaeva, the film about Pinocchio was the first after their wedding. And he, in general, is older than her. Uncle director, tell me why the grandfather plays the cat Basilio, and the girl plays the fox Alice?

Vladimir Ponochevny: "Not so long ago, Dima Iosifov gave me a lift in Moscow. I broke the rules, the traffic police inspector slowed down. Dima winked at me:" You'll see what will happen. Dima: “Well, that’s me!” Then the policeman peers, takes it under his visor and says: “What are you ... Don’t violate, comrade Pinocchio!” - “And this is how it is constantly ...” - he smiled

The fairy-tale film "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio" undoubtedly belongs to the golden fund of Russian cinema. The premiere on television took place on January 1-2, 1976, that is, 42 years ago.

The director of the film, Leonid Nechaev, found a boy for the role of Pinocchio in the Minsk underground passage. “I see a grandmother running with her grandson. A pipe under his arm, skates in his hands, - Nechaev recalls. - I introduce myself, I invite you to act in films, and she answers me: “Darling! What film? You see, we are running from music to figure skating!”

Dima Iosifov himself, who played the wooden boy, says that he didn’t really want to act. A brilliant cast gathered on the set - Vladimir Etush, Rolan Bykov, Rina Zelenaya, Nikolai Grinko, Yuri Katin-Yartsev, Vladimir Basov. Each of them was treated differently by the young actors.

At the studio, Dima was first tried for the role of Harlequin. But as soon as he undressed, everyone saw that the boy's body resembled a puppet, only there were not enough hinges. So he became a wooden boy. For greater persuasiveness, his hair and eyebrows were shaved off, and fake ones were pasted instead.

A separate story was with a long nose. They made it out of foam. At the same time, he had to be very mobile. During the entire shooting, Pinocchio's nose was changed 45 times. 45 noses - and all of them were made by a single master. The first nose did not quite fit, and gradually it was shortened to match the facial expressions of the actor. The make-up artist spent an hour and a half to glue the nose. Just imagine how perseverant an actor must be, besides a child of 9-10 years old. “If any of you were attentive, you might have noticed that at the beginning of the film my nose is 15 mm longer than at the end,” Dmitry shares his secrets.

Dmitry Iosifov recalls that Rolan Bykov, who played the cat Basilio, sometimes frightened him. Working for the result, he spared no one. “He brought his wife Elena Sanaeva, who played Lisa Alice, to tantrums. She was already falling exhausted, and he shouted: “You are a mediocre actress!”

However, Bykov himself did not give mercy either: “Remember when the cat Basilio slides down the stairs on his priest and says: “Give a blind cat food”? Dima continues. - This scene he came up with. I took a seat from the bus of the film crew, and went on it. Ripped it to smithereens! The driver, seeing this, got into a fight. They just separated them."

In Papa Carlo, played by Nikolai Grinko, and Giuseppe, performed by Yuri Katine-Yartsev, Pinocchio did not like the soul, and Etush - Barabas did not like. I was afraid. “I took revenge on Vladimir Abramovich during the scene when Pinocchio sits on a pine tree and throws cones at Karabas.”

After that, Etush complained to the director: “What an evil boy this Dimka is. He's not just throwing this bump, he's aiming at my head. Definitely hits. Outrageous!"

Pinocchio's meeting with Turtle Tortila was filmed near Minsk on a specially dug pond. It was in November, the film crew was desperately cold.

“The air temperature is plus eight, the water is plus four, and I’m sitting in a thin jacket on a sheet of a water lily, which lies on an ordinary inflated chamber. In general, he turned over a couple of times, ”says the former Pinocchio. “Every time the shooting was stopped, I was rubbed with alcohol.”

“The girls who portrayed frogs had it even worse. They regularly had to flounder into the water, and in the end, Tortila - Rina Zelenaya - told the director: “If you shoot a double again and make the children climb into cold water, I get into the car and leave!”

“Zelenaya flew to Belarus only for one day, her only sister died the day before,” Dmitry recalls. She was so sad, told sad stories. According to the recommendations of the doctors, she had to constantly move. She leaned on me, and we walked slowly around the pond.

At first, Nechaev offered the role of Turtle Tortila to Faina Ranevskaya, but she, having learned that the film would be shot in Belarus, said that, due to her already middle age, she agreed to act only if the shooting would take place in the entrance of her house.

The girl for the role of Malvina was also found quite by accident. Once the director's assistant was on a train to Minsk. The neighbors in the compartment turned out to be a mother with a very pretty little girl. Tanya was only 6 years old. On the road, like all girls of her age, she recited poems, sang songs, showed skits. At the same time, she announced: "People's artist of folk dance Tanya Protsenko is performing." The assistant gasped. That's how the young creature was invited to audition.

“The hardest part was crying while filming. For example, when I feel sorry for Pinocchio, planted in a dark closet. They put glycerin in my eyes, and brought onions to my eyes - but there was no sense. Everyone was very angry. Especially the director. He began to talk to me very strictly. I burst into tears from resentment. Leonid Alekseevich himself took the camera and shouted: “We are filming!” After that, he treated me to sweets and calmed down.

By the way, just when Tatyana was approved for the role of Malvina, her milk teeth began to fall out. There was no time to wait for new ones to grow. Therefore, I had to go to the clinic, insert porcelain prostheses.

According to Tatyana, she became famous only after a few years. When did the movie become popular? And they showed a finger in the street, and lovers walked under the windows under the windows. Thousands of letters came from all over the Soviet Union, in which they confessed their love and offered friendship.

The young actors did not have understudies - they performed all the tricks, including dangerous ones, themselves.

“Remember the scene in the tavern when they break the jug in which Pinocchio is sitting? Dmitry smiles. - It was huge and heavy - I fit into it entirely. Everyone was afraid to throw a mug at him - you never know, the child is inside! And it was necessary to shoot from the first take, the jug was the only one. When it split, the neck hung around my neck. Everyone on the set gasped!”

A separate story happened during the filming of the scene when the fox and the cat are hanging Pinocchio by the legs from a tree. Dima's mother categorically did not want her son to hang upside down: "We need an understudy!" In the end, she was wrapped around her finger. Nechaev later recalled: “I called Dima and said:“ Something needs to be done! He understood!" - and begins to whine: “I want to eat, I can’t! My stomach hurts!" While mom went to the store, we hung Pinocchio.

Answering the question whether there were romances between “youth” on the set, Iosifov laughs: “What is it, we played Indians in between filming! Tanya Protsenko, who played Malvina, was a real beauty. Romka Stolkarts - Piero - courted her not only according to the script.

Children received a hundred rubles a month for shooting. Pinocchio gave them to his parents. “There was no need to look after the girls, and they bought me ice cream anyway.”

By the way, according to director Leonid Nechaev, the golden key was the most valuable thing - everyone really wanted to steal it. Nechaev himself pulled it off: “On the last day of filming after the command “Stop! Taken!” I put it in my bosom and later just bought it. I still have a receipt in which it says: “Received from Nechaev for the props - key: 30 rubles.”

Bulat Okudzhava did not get the songs for the film for a long time. The deadlines were running out and, in despair, director Leonid Nechaev went to the Writers' Rest House, where the bard was resting. He rented a neighboring room and began to constantly knock Okudzhava on the wall. “He must have hated me to death then!” - Nechaev recalls. A couple of days later, the famous “Don’t hide your money in banks and corners!” was born!

Leonid Nechaev asked Alla Pugacheva to sing one of the songs for "The Adventures of Pinocchio", but she refused, saying: "I'm afraid I won't succeed." As a result, the song was performed by Irina Ponarovskaya.

The further fate of the child actors turned out differently - after the role of Malvina Protsenko fell while riding a bicycle and hit her head. As a result, a concussion was discovered, and the doctors forbade her to act in films. Tanya Protsenko graduated from the Faculty of Film Studies at VGIK, became a poetess, works at the Rolan Bykov Center.

Roma Stolkarts, who played Pierrot, became a pediatrician and lives in Israel.

Artemon (Tomas Augustinas) is a prosperous businessman living in Canada.

Grisha Svetlorusov, who played the role of Harlequin, graduated from the KGB High School.

And Dmitry Iosifov, aka Pinocchio, graduated from the acting department of VGIK and the directing department of the film department of the Belarusian Academy of Arts, starred in 15 films, worked on the projects “The Last Hero” and “Ten Little Indians”, directed two episodes of “Deadly Force”. Dmitry has two wonderful sons, who also watch a movie with dad's participation with great pleasure.



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